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S18.E40: Live Eviction 14

Tara Ariano

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9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:


Paulie is a douche of epic proportion and Z is right behind him and didn't care how he was talking to her former best friend until she brought Z into it then she got upset. I'm mainly upset nobody told him to stop, just took sides in escalating the argument. Nobody won that one, everyone looked bad, even Nat who didn't say a word and stayed out of it.


Why should Z defend a "friend" who shunned her in a house she can't get out off because that "friend" doesn't like her decision. And this wasn't even the first time Day did this shit to Z. Why should Z defend a friend who takes every opportunity to shade her on national tv for a decision she made privately. That’s not a friend, that someone using her situation to farther her 15 minutes of fame. And Z didn't just sit there, she tried to pull Paulie back. She didn't side with Paulie, she sided with herself because Day had no right to bring her business and her name into an argument that had nothing to do with that. Paulie was wrong to bring in Day's child but Paulie was right to call out the girls shunning Z in the house cause she made a decision they didn't like or agree with.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, SevenStars said:

Why should Z defend a "friend" who shunned her in a house she can't get out off because that "friend" doesn't like her decision. And this wasn't even the first time Day did this shit to Z. Why should Z defend a friend who takes every opportunity to shade her on national tv for a decision she made privately. That’s not a friend, that someone using her situation to farther her 15 minutes of fame. And Z didn't just sit there, she tried to pull Paulie back. She didn't side with Paulie, she sided with herself because Day had no right to bring her business and her name into an argument that had nothing to do with that. Paulie was wrong to bring in Day's child but Paulie was right to call out the girls shunning Z in the house cause she made a decision they didn't like or agree with.

Exactly!  I don't LOVE every single one of my friends' significant others, but I certainly wouldn't shun anyone because I didn't like their choice.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Granimal said:


Oh wow, the jury fight. Perhaps this is just too much personal experience talking, but the thought of Paulie and Zakiyah's relationship isolating her from the rest of the bunch is classic controlling asshole move number one. I don't get good vibes off of that "relationship" to put it very mildly. It really made me question Paulie's previous relationships. If he acts this way with a woman he isn't that into, how did he treat his previous partners? Would not be surprised if there were any...issues in the past. He certainly has the emotional manipulation down pat. Now its just him and Z against the world (jury house)- gross.


Actually this is very inaccurate, Paulie was mad because the other girls were shunning Z in the house. He didn't care that they hated/dislike him, but he hated and was angry about the fact that the minute Z started hanging with him, the girls started shunning her for that. He didn't like the way the girls were treating Z cause of their hatred for him and he called them out on that. Paulie's whole problem was the way the girls, including Day who claimed to be Z's "friend" badly treat Z cause Z made a decision they didn't like. But I'm sure Z wasn't surprised by Day shunning her cause Day did it to her before for same exact reason.

I love Day and was rooting for a friendship between her and Z but it's  clear Day is a fake  friend when it comes to Z. She's only friend with Z when Z is doing what she likes. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, LuvizBlind said:

Right there with you on that one.  But...  While Day didn't handle herself as well as she should have or could have, I take the unpopular opinion as a mother of three daughters that I wouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed if they saw me lose it like that on a guy that treats and speaks to women the way that he does.  I applaud her also for admitting just as publicly that she didn't handle it well or right.  And if it were me, I'd then sit down with my girls and say the same thing.    Props to Day.  I'm fairly certain she'll ensure her daughter grows up with esteem and confidence who would never give a man like him the time of day, let alone put up with even a fraction of what Zak did.   I sincerely hope she comes to her senses after the show, she deserves much better than that.  

ETA:  I don't approve of acting that way; I simply know that sometimes, we are all human, and in the heat or emotion of a moment it can happen.  Paulie is a piece of crap, and I wouldn't want him anywhere near a friend or one of my daughters.   

I agree with you for the most part but knowing Day's personal business,  she's actually setting a worst example for her daughter in real life than what Z is doing with P. 

  • Love 2
21 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Exactly!  I don't LOVE every single one of my friends' significant others, but I certainly wouldn't shun anyone because I didn't like their choice.

Even Z's sister talked about this the other day. She was like, she doesn't like Paulie. She doesn't want her sister with Paulie. But at the end of the day, Zakiyah has a right to make her own decision and she will still be Zakiyah's best friend even if Zakiyah decides to be with Paulie and be there for her. That's the sister Zakiyah called her best friend, so I'm glad to know she will have real love, support and friends outisde of that house.

Base on Day's "friendship" with Z, Day is a friend I would never want to have. That’s the type of friend, that is only friend with you because they feel like they have some sort of control or power over your decisions and will treat you worst than your enemies if you dare to prove that they don't. I hate, hate that type of friendship or relationship. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Granimal said:

Perhaps this is just too much personal experience talking, but the thought of Paulie and Zakiyah's relationship isolating her from the rest of the bunch is classic controlling asshole move number one. I don't get good vibes off of that "relationship" to put it very mildly. It really made me question Paulie's previous relationships.

I'm sorry, it's not just this, but I'm just so tired of every bad relationship being because the man is, "controlling."  Zak and Paulie aren't living in a cabin in the mountains, she is inside a house, surrounded by  friends, not to mention cameras and producers. We haven't had the faintest evidence that he's ever been physically abusive.  If he was, he wouldn't have tolerated Day pushing her body in his face while she was yelling at him, he would have pushed her back.  What we have seen, throughout the season, is Zak's tendency to turn herself into a stoned-looking sex kitten in Paulie's presence.  We've seen her actually sway and almost stumble as she walks toward him while looking up through her long lashes. It's incredibly sad to me to see a beautiful girl like Zakiyeh so eager to drape herself all over a stupid, jerk like Paulie, but it's clearly her own choice and not something Paulie is forcing on her against her will.  I just have to face that and so does Davonne.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm sorry, it's not just this, but I'm just so tired of every bad relationship being because the man is, "controlling."  Zak and Paulie aren't living in a cabin in the mountains, she is inside a house, surrounded by  friends, not to mention cameras and producers. We haven't had the faintest evidence that he's ever been physically abusive.  If he was, he wouldn't have tolerated Day pushing her body in his face while she was yelling at him, he would have pushed her back.  What we have seen, throughout the season, is Zak's tendency to turn herself into a stoned-looking sex kitten in Paulie's presence.  We've seen her actually sway and almost stumble as she walks toward him while looking up through her long lashes. It's incredibly sad to me to see a beautiful girl like Zakiyeh so eager to drape herself all over a stupid, jerk like Paulie, but it's clearly her own choice and not something Paulie is forcing on her against her will.  I just have to face that and so does Davonne.

I agree with the post except the part about Z in regard to Paulie. The show edited it this way but it wasn't this way.


That’s why I'm not surprised that Z went back to Paulie. That’s why I'm not surprised that both Frank and Victor in exit interviews mentioned that it seems like Z is the one in control of her relationship with Paulie. This is also why Paul seems to have had a problem with their relationship. Paul felt like Z was controlling Paulie and Paulie was chasing after Z, he even told Paulie to stopped chasing Z. I disagree with Frank/Paul/Victor cause I don't think Z asking/requesting or Paulie just doing shit for her is a sign of her controlling the relationship or Paulie. 

This is also why Day had no problem with Zakiyah's relationship with Paulie until she realizes that Z wasn't using Paulie. She shunned Z when she realized that and didn't really speak with Z for two weeks for that. It wasn't until she needed Z's vote for Tiffany that she started to real talk to Z again. 

I'm VERY glad Paul won the Veto. I wanted him to have the control. And I'm just glad we're seeing a F3 with no showmances. It's a little more interesting. On a personal level, I would have rather seen Nicole go, but I do think sending Corey was better strategically. Paul has a very good chance now. 

Jury house - I don't even know what to say. Zak is pathetic. If she really thinks Paulie likes her, she's fooling herself. He is clearly just reigniting things because he has no one else in jury. Everyone hates him! 

  • Love 6

I am sure James will be in F2. I don't really care who wins because I can't stand any of the 3. James was the worst player though so I think he'll get 2nd no matter what. Unless jury hold grudges but it doesn't appear that they do (Da keeps giving props to Nicole). I think Paulie being in F2 would have been the only bitter jury vote we'd see.

11 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Every time Paulie says, "be a certain way,"  I want to strangle him.   It means nothing,  Paulie.  If you can't think of an adjective just shut up.

I think I love you. You just perfectly summed up why I can't stand him. He is a moron and he tries to hide it with swagger. Get this boy a thesaurus! 


9 hours ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

James, can he win anything?

Will never know, because he can barely muster the effort to try. 

My memory is horrible, but I don't recall him sucking so bad at comps last time. 

9 hours ago, Nashville said:

Swear to god I despise "literal" abuse.  When Nicole threw out that gem I just looked at my old lady and said, "What - if she doesn't win veto she's going to have a coronary and drop dead on the spot?"

From your lips to God's ears. 

7 hours ago, LuvizBlind said:

ETA:  I don't approve of acting that way; I simply know that sometimes, we are all human, and in the heat or emotion of a moment it can happen.  Paulie is a piece of crap, and I wouldn't want him anywhere near a friend or one of my daughters.  

I agree with you on this. I wasn't a huge fan of the way Day handled herself. But, at the same time, Paulie ignites such a rage in me just watching him, I can't imagine trying to be in the same room with him. I've lost my temper before, and I always admit that it was wrong and tell my kids I'm sorry for yelling, etc. I appreciate that Day was able to own it. We're all human, and some people just bring out the worst in us. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, SevenStars said:

Actually this is very inaccurate, Paulie was mad because the other girls were shunning Z in the house. He didn't care that they hated/dislike him, but he hated and was angry about the fact that the minute Z started hanging with him, the girls started shunning her for that. He didn't like the way the girls were treating Z cause of their hatred for him and he called them out on that. Paulie's whole problem was the way the girls, including Day who claimed to be Z's "friend" badly treat Z cause Z made a decision they didn't like. But I'm sure Z wasn't surprised by Day shunning her cause Day did it to her before for same exact reason.

Personally, I do NOT believe that is Paulie's issue. At all. I think he is conveniently using that as an excuse, because it makes him look like some noble man. But his track record with women in the house proves otherwise. HE iced Zak out a million times and basically let her go home, when he knows she would have saved him. So for him to act like Zakiyah's feelings are all of a sudden so important to him is complete bullshit, IMO. 

As for the other girls, maybe it's not the nicest to turn on your friends just because you don't like their boyfriend, but you could also look at it like Zak turned on THEM. Paulie has done/said some horrible shit to the other women in that house, so where is Zakiyah's loyalty to THEM? I mean, you do you, girl - but don't be surprised if I can't stand being around you when you're glued to the side of that wanker. 

1 hour ago, mojoween said:

I have opposite feeling in that I hated Natalie's blue dress because that mesh overlay in the front was awful and unflattering and I HAAAAAAATE the gladiator sandals.  Why would you go to all that trouble to sit on a counter?  I'm to believe she just straps those puppies on for fun?

When she twirled around upon entering, I thought she looked like a figure skater. 

  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

I'm for James all the way, but there's no way Paul doesn't win this whole thing.  It somehow feels like it's been a foregone conclusion for two months now.

And I think that it's now in the bag for Nicole, especially Game god Derrick bestowed his blessing. They know how badly they look, not having a woman winner since the beginning of Obama's second term, and they've found one that's acceptable. Also, it's a vet season, and they've proved they don't care if women win those.

But I think Paul's a shoo-in for All Stars/returning as a vet. Victor, too, I think. And maybe Natalie.

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Personally, I do NOT believe that is Paulie's issue. At all. I think he is conveniently using that as an excuse, because it makes him look like some noble man. But his track record with women in the house proves otherwise. HE iced Zak out a million times and basically let her go home, when he knows she would have saved him. So for him to act like Zakiyah's feelings are all of a sudden so important to him is complete bullshit, IMO. 

As for the other girls, maybe it's not the nicest to turn on your friends just because you don't like their boyfriend, but you could also look at it like Zak turned on THEM. Paulie has done/said some horrible shit to the other women in that house, so where is Zakiyah's loyalty to THEM? I mean, you do you, girl - but don't be surprised if I can't stand being around you when you're glued to the side of that wanker. 

When she twirled around upon entering, I thought she looked like a figure skater. 

Z iced Paulie in the house too cause she didn't trust him or believe he wasn't playing her. Paulie did the same shit causes he kept believing she was playing him since all the guys and Nicole were telling him that shit. So while I hate, hate the crap Paulie did in the house, especially in regard to Z, it's not the same for me in the JH. Where no one is  playing a game or have reasons to play each other. There is no reason for anyone to ice or shunned anyone in the JH. 

Why should Z have any loyalty to these women when they co-signed and joined Paulie in trashing Z behind her back. Honestly, none of these women have ANY reason to be loyal to each other. Z have no reason to be loyal to them and they have no reason to be loyal to Z, not base on how they acted in the house. So for them to shunned her cause she made a decision to be with an asshole she has real feelings for is pathetic, stupid and childish and shows their feminism/girl power talk is nothing more than crap. They are all girl power when the girl is doing what they want, otherwise fuck that girl. I don't care if that's how they roll but they can miss me with that shit.


Anyway, Z could just be getting her needs met and Paulie was her only option and she took it. But whatever her reason for being with Paulie, it's her decision. It might be stupid ( I personal think it's stupid), but it's her stupid decision to make and those girls shunning her for it is also stupid.

Edited by SevenStars
  • Love 4

Paulie says he s a DJ. In his case that means Dumb Jerk. BB can sure find not the bottom of the barrel but what lives underneath it. You never,never,ever bring up someone's kids even during the most heated arguments.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Paul and Victor turn up on TAR....if it lasts another few seasons.

I don't care if Nicole or James wins as long as Paul gets tossed out and doesn't make final two.

27 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

I might, MIGHT, have been moved by Paul's tearful underdog edit if I didn't know what an obnoxious, verbally abusive bully he is.

totally agree.  He's the most calculating person there.  He knows exactly what he's doing.

As for "the fight".  It was hard to hear what was said by either side.  I will say, however, I really hate it when people comment on others physical attributes--things that can't be changed.  Day constantly throws Paulie's lack of height in his face.  I realize Paulie is guilty of it as well.  It's just very cruel, imo.  I think Z is crazy to be with him, but it's her decision and as someone pointed out, she may be using him to pass the time.  I wouldn't shun a friend for poor choices, I would just not talk about it at all.  I think being civil to Paulie when necessary but generally not giving in to these squabbles would be more effective.  Speaking quietly and effectively would be a much better example for Day's daughter.

Paulie that hairstyle was ridiculous the first time you did it and it's ridiculous now. That's a physical thing you do have control over.

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, watch2much said:

Day constantly throws Paulie's lack of height in his face.

Day's an example of everything you're not supposed to do in an argument.

Attacking appearances,  shouting, repeating your points over and over, interrupting, never clearly articulating your position, and physically aggressive mannerisms.

The worst part is Day (and Brigette the fledgling feminist) seem to think this all  adds up to, "strong woman."

Paulie and Day need a group facilitator to take control of their fights.  It would be hilarious to watch them both become speechless as they tried to actually verbalize their position like adults.

  • Love 17
  2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm sorry, it's not just this, but I'm just so tired of every bad relationship being because the man is, "controlling."  Zak and Paulie aren't living in a cabin in the mountains, she is inside a house, surrounded by  friends, not to mention cameras and producers. We haven't had the faintest evidence that he's ever been physically abusive.  If he was, he wouldn't have tolerated Day pushing her body in his face while she was yelling at him, he would have pushed her back.  What we have seen, throughout the season, is Zak's tendency to turn herself into a stoned-looking sex kitten in Paulie's presence.  We've seen her actually sway and almost stumble as she walks toward him while looking up through her long lashes. It's incredibly sad to me to see a beautiful girl like Zakiyeh so eager to drape herself all over a stupid, jerk like Paulie, but it's clearly her own choice and not something Paulie is forcing on her against her will.  I just have to face that and so does Davonne.

I agree with the post except the part about Z in regard to Paulie. The show edited it this way but it wasn't this way.

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That’s why I'm not surprised that Z went back to Paulie. That’s why I'm not surprised that both Frank and Victor in exit interviews mentioned that it seems like Z is the one in control of her relationship with Paulie. This is also why Paul seems to have had a problem with their relationship. Paul felt like Z was controlling Paulie and Paulie was chasing after Z, he even told Paulie to stopped chasing Z. I disagree with Frank/Paul/Victor cause I don't think Z asking/requesting or Paulie just doing shit for her is a sign of her controlling the relationship or Paulie. 

This is also why Day had no problem with Zakiyah's relationship with Paulie until she realizes that Z wasn't using Paulie. She shunned Z when she realized that and didn't really speak with Z for two weeks for that. It wasn't until she needed Z's vote for Tiffany that she started to real talk to Z again. 

"What we have seen, throughout the season, is Zak's tendency to turn herself into a stoned-looking sex kitten in Paulie's presence. We've seen her actually sway and almost stumble as she walks toward him while looking up through her long lashes. It's incredibly sad to me to see a beautiful girl like Zakiyeh so eager to drape herself all over a stupid, jerk like Paulie, but it's clearly her own choice and not something Paulie is forcing on her against her will. I just have to face that and so does Davonne.

I agree with the post except the part about Z in regard to Paulie. The show edited it this way but it wasn't this way."


I'm missing something I think. Which way did they edit the show? Are you saying that Z didn't follow Paulie all over the house, drape herself all over him, etc? I watched the live-feeds and saw her doing just that, repeatedly, even after he scolded her or passive-aggressively responded to her. I think Paulie and Z are both at fault as far as their unhealthy 'relationship' is concerned. It's unhealthy for both of them.
But, I especially feel for Z and hope she can take the lessons this summer hopefully taught her and find some self-esteem and strength. She's beautiful, seems to have a good heart, and goals and I hope she discovers she doesn't need any man to validate her worth.

  • Love 4

Also, if Paulie has gotten up from his seat to go in Day's face like Day did to Paulie, people would have been calling him all tyes of name for doing that. So I fucking hate when Day did that.

I really, really hate kind of defending Paulie against Day, cause I like Day and have no use for Paulie. But Day went over the top for me last night from start to finish. 

  • Love 11

First, let me say that I have never been a Paulie fan; he’s a pig through and through.

That said, Day started the fight…and as a loudmouth female from Philadelphia, when someone comes up to us and verbally starts shit, we will finish it by any means necessary and that includes going below the belt.  It ain’t right, but it is what it is.

I am quite sure that Paulie is bothered by short jokes; was he supposed to just sit there and take the finger pointing/all in his face shit just because she’s a woman?  FOH.  Not everyone is going to be a Casper Milquetoast when a person is up in their face; Day learned that the hard way last night.  If you try to sell wolf tickets then you’d better be prepared for someone to sell them right back at you.  That fight was totally not necessary, all Day needed and needs to do from here on out is pretend he doesn’t exist. 

As for Zakiyah, I knew she’d become the Stepford kitten again; notice she went to Paulie and not the other way around in regards to them talking again… pathetic.

Michelle and her snarky comments toward Nicole can miss me…when you were HOH, instead of growing a pair you allowed someone to tell you what to do instead of thinking on your own; this is precisely why you are sitting in jury and Nicole is about to win $500,000, dumbass.  And this is coming from a non-Nicole fan, I couldn’t stand her ass last year but the heiffa has played one hell of a game, gotta give her props.


Here is my prediction so write it down:  The f2 will be James/Nicole and I do think they had that locked up before going into the house.

For me, this puts a stink on the whole game; from James and the comments about ‘the deal’ to him not seeing Nicole as a threat.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry, it's not just this, but I'm just so tired of every bad relationship being because the man is, "controlling."  Zak and Paulie aren't living in a cabin in the mountains, she is inside a house, surrounded by  friends, not to mention cameras and producers. We haven't had the faintest evidence that he's ever been physically abusive.  If he was, he wouldn't have tolerated Day pushing her body in his face while she was yelling at him, he would have pushed her back.  What we have seen, throughout the season, is Zak's tendency to turn herself into a stoned-looking sex kitten in Paulie's presence.  We've seen her actually sway and almost stumble as she walks toward him while looking up through her long lashes. It's incredibly sad to me to see a beautiful girl like Zakiyeh so eager to drape herself all over a stupid, jerk like Paulie, but it's clearly her own choice and not something Paulie is forcing on her against her will.  I just have to face that and so does Davonne.

I was wondering how long it would take for the blame to be shifted onto Z for her own mistreatment and to paint her with the Jezebel stereotype. Am surprised the show got this far before it happened. I think CBS tried it but they couldn't make it stick and keep the show relatively safe for a general audience.

There are other kinds of abuse besides physical, in particular verbal and emotional. From what I've seen of Paulie and his mouth on the broadcast show, he's probably good at one of those if not both. Furthermore, people who are used to being abused often fall into submissive behavior patterns which to some may read as seductive. That behavior is a crutch, not a weapon.

And, finally, even in 2016 there can be unconscious and problematic dynamics in sexual relationships between White men and Black women due to the legacy of slavery and societal disapprovals still placed certain types of  interracial relationships. Note that the show has seemed fine with Nat and James but it was quite a while before they acknowledged anything was going on between Z and Paulie. IMO there's been a subtle distinction at play.

Mileage may vary but it's still my view that regardless of how CBS may be trying to make it look, Z is in the weaker position and has been Paulie's victim. Whether she's willingly put herself in that position and what led her to do so is still up for debate. I guess we'll never know until the show is over and they're no longer living under the network's rule. I hope then Z'll have some time and space to consider whether her situation with Paulie has been/will be truly healthy for her.

Meanwhile, can't believe I'm rooting for Paul to win...by default because I don't want either James or Nicole.

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I was wondering how long it would take for the blame to be shifted onto Z for her own mistreatment and to paint her with the Jezebel stereotype.

Whoa.  I accused Z of going into a passive sex-kitten mode when she's around Paulie.  That's the opposite of a Jezebel.  Jezebel was a powerful queen who manipulated men and persecuted prophets.   I didn't blame Z for her own mistreatment either.  I haven't actually seen any "mistreatment," in the Jury House.  In fact I didn't "blame," Zakiyeh for anything, but I did hold her responsible for her own decision to stay with Paulie.  Zakiyeh is not a child, helpless under the control of an abusive father,  she is a grown woman capable of walking away if she doesn't like the way her  boyfriend treats her. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, watch2much said:

besides,  Paulie will drop her once "his boy" Corey gets there.

Corey won't actually be in the jury house for more than a few hours because they're all getting sequestered into a hotel for a week until finale. He'll have time to do the "spontaneous" here's how I got evicted bit, then its round table, then sequester.

I wasn't referring to the biblical Jezebel but rather to the Jezebel stereotype specifically applied to Black women. There are plenty of google-able references; this is one of them. In the same vein, Day has been painted with the Sapphire (aka "angry Black woman") and Mammy stereotypes and apparently she recognizes it, has been troubled by it, and has regretted some of her behavior which may have caused it.

That "stoned-looking sex kitten" thing about Z is what some abuse survivors have referred to as the trance of submission. It can be regarded as a defensive reaction to familiar abusive treatment. Some abusers have a laser-like ability to zoom in on a potential target by recognizing such reactions. Whatever, it's probably pointless for people on the internet to be trying to psychoanalyze either Z or Paulie via the TV screen. However, I stand by my belief that Paulie has abused Z and that he's had the upper hand in the situation. CBS just fanned the flames and basked in the ratings and money they've made from the the live viewers.

  • Love 8

When did James say Nicole wasn't a threat?

Typically I would say James and Nicole's best chances are against each other, but I'm not sure how much the jury likes Paul.  Surely Paulie and Victor will vote for Paul, but I think Corey and most of the girls would vote for Nicole.  James is the question mark.  Against Paul, it could be another season like Jordan's win, where the jury dislikes option two enough to go with the dim-witted nicer choice.

Paul's tears rubbed me the wrong way.  Sure he's been an underdog for much of the season, but this isn't Donny.  Donny sat around mostly ignored, lonely, no ally, and with absolutely nothing in common with the rest of the house.  Paul alienated people with his aggressive gameplay and relentlessly big mouth.  And every time he had an ounce of power, he bullied the weak.  He was cruel because it entertained him and I never saw evidence that he regretted his asshole behavior.  If he doesn't make final two, I think he will be the bitterest of bitter jury member.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:


Paul's tears rubbed me the wrong way.  Sure he's been an underdog for much of the season, but this isn't Donny.  Donny sat around mostly ignored, lonely, no ally, and with absolutely nothing in common with the rest of the house.  Paul alienated people with his aggressive gameplay and relentlessly big mouth.  And every time he had an ounce of power, he bullied the weak.  He was cruel because it entertained him and I never saw evidence that he regretted his asshole behavior.  If he doesn't make final two, I think he will be the bitterest of bitter jury member.

I 100% agree with this. Game wise I should be rooting for Paul cause he played better than everyone left in the house. But I can't because of the shit I have seen him do/said on the feed. On some level I think he is way worst than Paulie personality wise. But Paulie is older and should know better while Paul is still young and immature. Still, I can't root for him knowing the shit he has said and done. 

So, I hate to say it but I'm rooting for Nicole.

  • Love 4
Just now, SevenStars said:

I 100% agree with this. Game wise I should be rooting for Paul cause he played better than everyone left in the house. But I can't because of the shit I have seen him do/said on the feed. On some level I think he is way worst than Paulie personality wise. But Paulie is older and should know better while Paul is still young and immature. Still, I can't root for him knowing the shit he has said and done. 

So, I hate to say it but I'm rooting for Nicole.

I am rooting for Nicole, too.  

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:
13 hours ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

James, can he win anything?

Will never know, because he can barely muster the effort to try. 

My memory is horrible, but I don't recall him sucking so bad at comps last time. 

The one comp he tried at he gave away at the end.

As for not supporting a Paul win for me that comes down to one word. Pablo. It really summed up his personality in the house always trying too hard to be a 'character' and to be 'funny'. Know when the joke is over Paul. Also you actually CAN do things when the camera isn't on you (see waiting to open the champagne). So yeah in the end though my opinon of him has come around from early on I still just can't support his 'act'.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3

Random question/musing,

are they allowed pens and paper in the house to keep journals? I would think from a production standpoint that wouldn't be allowed because then they could all have a record of who did what on which day to memorize as an obvious advantage for comps. It would be much harder to keep all of the goings-on straight if you had only your memory to rely on; then again, Paul, Nicole, and Cory had minimal trouble coming up with the days and most of the house guests from other seasons seem to fare okay in this comp too...

all this is to say, I stopped rooting for James after this episode. COME ON, dude. There's zero hustle in him anymore, and the "aww, shucks, I've got a memory like a fish!" schtick is so lame this late in the season. This contest should come down to Paul and Nicole. 

  • Love 2

Well, that was fun, in a twisted, unpleasant way.

Just to play online psychologist for a second:  I'm convinced Paulie is a deeply repressed self-hating gay man who projects that feeling outward towards women because they can never truly satisfy him, emotionally or physically. He gets more teary and more physical with his bromances than we've ever seen him get with Z. His treatment of women in general is sneering and condescending. Even when he's trying to be pleasant, there's a sour, ready-to-erupt quality in him that must be exhausting in person.

And did I mention, he's just generally vile?

As for the rest: yes, Paul has said some AWFUL things to people when his back's been against the wall; he's also played hard, both socially and in comps, and escaped elimination about a thousand times. All in all, I won't be heartbroken if he wins. I won't even be heartbroken if Nicole whines her way to a win. But much as I like James .... no.  Just no.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Zizzlezazzle said:

Random question/musing,

are they allowed pens and paper in the house to keep journals? I would think from a production standpoint that wouldn't be allowed because then they could all have a record of who did what on which day to memorize as an obvious advantage for comps. It would be much harder to keep all of the goings-on straight if you had only your memory to rely on; then again, Paul, Nicole, and Cory had minimal trouble coming up with the days and most of the house guests from other seasons seem to fare okay in this comp too...

all this is to say, I stopped rooting for James after this episode. COME ON, dude. There's zero hustle in him anymore, and the "aww, shucks, I've got a memory like a fish!" schtick is so lame this late in the season. This contest should come down to Paul and Nicole. 

They have no writing utensils.  That's why Rachel once tried to leave a message with pretzels and Vanessa had to make a chart with skittles.  I also vaguely remember lipgloss girl, from season one, trying to communicate with another girl by pointing to words in the bible.  I don't know why they don't use eyeliner, lip liner, etc. to take notes.  

8 hours ago, SevenStars said:

Actually this is very inaccurate, Paulie was mad because the other girls were shunning Z in the house. He didn't care that they hated/dislike him, but he hated and was angry about the fact that the minute Z started hanging with him, the girls started shunning her for that.

The only person whose word we have for that being the only reason Paulie was aggressive with Da'vonne is Paulie, and I don't believe anything he says. But I wouldn't be surprised if most of the girls didn't want to speak to Zakiyah after she made the choice to be a doormat. If my friend was in a relationship with a man like Paulie, I'd drop her like a rock. If Zakiyah has no self-respect and wants to degrade herself by letting a loser use her, it's her prerogative, but I don't blame any of the other girls for having no respect for her and not wanting to have anything to do with it.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, windtrix said:

There is something very wrong with a woman who is attracted to someone like that.

See, I'm really not comfortable with language like this. Rather than focus on Paulie and his horrible personality, it puts the blame on the woman. Instead of telling the man to clean up his behavior, we contemplate the (deficient) mental status of any woman who would go for him.

Now I'm just speculating here but Zak gives off a very strong PTSD vibe. She needs a good therapist. I know of what I speak. A good therapist saved my life.

Just my opinion.

Edited by zibnchy
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  • Love 6
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

My memory is horrible, but I don't recall him sucking so bad at comps last time. 

It's not your memory at fault.  Frankly, I think the simple truth is James is a helluva lot more out of shape physically this time around.


1 hour ago, SevenStars said:

Also, if Paulie has gotten up from his seat to go in Day's face like Day did to Paulie, people would have been calling him all tyes of name for doing that. So I fucking hate when Day did that.

I really, really hate kind of defending Paulie against Day, cause I like Day and have no use for Paulie. But Day went over the top for me last night from start to finish. 

Despite my extreme distaste for Paulie I feel I should echo this because (a) it highlights a double standard of male vs. female behavior, and (b) Da both recognized and exploited the double standard:

  • If another male had rushed up shouting in Paulie's face in such an aggressive manner, nobody would have had any problem with Paulie reacting in kind; in fact, depending upon how aggressive and close the rush was, most other guys might even consider a defensive shot justified - against another man.
  • If Da had rushed up upon another female in such a manner, nobody would think it inappropriate to any degree for the other female to respond in kind - up on her feet and screaming in Da's face.
  • If Paulie had rushed up on Da in exactly the same way Da rushed up on him, the crew wouldn't have just stepped in between Da and Paulie - they probably would have physically pulled Paulie back, if not outright tackling him.  And nobody here could say with any degree of credulity that we wouldn't have several pages worth of forum posts here trumpeting how Paulie had finally exposed his always-suspected penchant for physical abuse, and calling for him to be dragged from the JH in handcuffs.
  • But because it's a female (specifically Da, a favorite of many) doing the same to a male (specifically Paulie, a villain to many/most), the same behavior is... okay...?

To a degree, the double standard does exist for a reason: in general, males (a) are societally more inclined than females to go to a physical response in conflicts, and (b) are biologically more equipped to do damage in same.  Big caveat, though: this double standard assumes the male is always the aggressor and the one initiating physical response - and in this specific case, the opposite was true.

Frankly, I was a little surprised by Paulie's response- not only did he not stand to meet Da's aggressive advance, but he threw his hands up and back to show he was avoiding any intimation that he was engaging in any degree of physical contact/response, aggressive or otherwise.  

Paulie's reaction was probably an indication this wasn't his first experience with being aggressively physically rushed by an irate female - anybody here have a problem with that interpretation? :) - but it does raise the question of the double standard.  Is it reasonable of society to expect a male to by default adopt a posture of accentuated defenselessness in the face of aggression, simply because the aggressor is female?

Oh, and P.S.: I have little doubt Da was actively attempting to provoke some degree of physical retaliation response from Paulie - either to get Paulie kicked from the game, or at least to demonstrate he had some suspected propensity for violence.  Paulie didn't bite, though.  And right now I'm mightily pissed at Da for creating a situation where it appears I'm put in the position of defending a POS like Paulie.  


26 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Typically I would say James and Nicole's best chances are against each other, but I'm not sure how much the jury likes Paul.  Surely Paulie and Victor will vote for Paul, but I think Corey and most of the girls would vote for Nicole.  James is the question mark.  Against Paul, it could be another season like Jordan's win, where the jury dislikes option two enough to go with the dim-witted nicer choice.

Truthfully, I don't think Paul stands a chance in hell with the Jury.  Judging from the JH reaction when Michelle related Paul's use of the c-word, Paul immediately burned four Jury votes on the spot - Michelle, Da, Bridgette, and Z - and quite possibly Paulie as well, should Paulie be worried that supporting Paul after such a publicly volatile comment might result in blowback outside the House.  Even if Paulie didn't flip, Paul would still have to win out with absolutely every other member of the Jury, and that will not happen:

  • If Paul is sitting beside Nicole at F2 he loses Corey's vote at least, and probably James as well.
  • If Paul is sitting beside James at F2 he loses Natalie's vote at least, and quite probably Nicole and/or Corey as well.
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

See, I'm really not comfortable with language like this. Rather than focus on Paulie and his horrible personality, it puts the blame on the woman. Instead of telling the man to clean up his behavior, we contemplate the (deficient) mental status of any woman who would go for him.

I disagree. I think it's more a case that--at some point--you stop feeling sorry for a woman who would put up with a man like that and keeps going back to it.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, mojoween said:

Nicole said something like her life was "literally" hinging on the veto and I don't think that's the kind of show CBS would air.

Yeah, I was waiting for a "Hunger Games" event to come up next. 

13 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

And what's with drinking out of the bottle.  Nobody wants your fug-ugly backwash in their champagne. 

Boy, did I hate that champagne segment.  But I liked the way the producers made sure we could see Paul putting himself "on hold"  until he was SURE the cameras were ready for him.    Dude, it's BIG BROTHER!  they're watching!    And the attitude about pouring it for others, then drinking out of the bottle ?   That was basically saying "it's my champagne, I'll share a little bit with you." 

10 hours ago, candall said:

Did anyone spot those gladiator straps on Natalie???

Yeah, and all I could think about was what a sunburn/suntan would look like with those things.

My question is -  when did Corey go from being sort of bewildered and lost, to actually KNOWING shit?   And when did James become pretty much brain-dead?

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