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Jeremy and Auj Poj

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On 1/14/2021 at 6:50 PM, Dustbunny said:

Now people are buying them their groceries as a gift... because they're so awesome and had a tough week!

(Tough Week= not everyone kissed their asses over their new book and that's so hard to endure) 🙄


What are they doing a "great job" with?

If someone was like, "hey I hear you are busy* what do you have on your grocery list?"  I would NEVER actually tell them.  I would figure that someone was trying to buy me groceries and I would be like, that is really nice but I will get my own groceries.  If I don't have time to go to the store, I will order for delivery, and pay for it myself.  I would NEVER SEND someone a LIST!  I would be embarrassed to actually send a list for people to buy me food, unless I really needed the food.  And we all know she does not need the food or money.  


* What the f is she busy with????


On 1/18/2021 at 8:17 PM, Joan of Argh said:


And he DIDN'T ski when he was one, he slept as his idiot mother skied with him as her airbag.



She is such a pathetic one-upper.  And a complete idiot.

1) she thinks people GAF when he baby first skied

2) she thinks that her sleeping baby skied


On 1/19/2021 at 1:25 AM, Joan of Argh said:

Auj posted a video to calm down all of us "Karens".

She says that she needs to give us perspective!.... She's been skiing since she was 3 for goodness sake, her family are very competitive and excellent skiers!...She would NEVER EVER put her child in danger!

She says that she's REALLY clumsy and there's a way better chance of her falling down the stairs in their house while carrying Bode than him being injured when skiing!!!.. She's more comfortable in skis than she is in her bare feet!!!!... Good grief stupid "Karen" worry warts!


I had to roll my eyes as she ranted about what an amazing and long time skier she is because according to Google the most serious ski injuries and deaths happen to over confident experienced skiers who ski faster and take chances that rookie skiers wouldn't take.


OF COURSE she has to throw in that her family is competitive!  She always has to throw that in, and I am trying to determine why.  Why does she have to remind the world that her family is competitive???




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38 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

OH, and I am wondering - how well is their new book doing in sales?  Has she said anything about it?

I haven't seen anything about the sales of their new book "Creative Love" other than it has 61 reviews on Amazon and it's five out of five stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟  they've been begging people to write reviews if they have their book and of course she's asking it on Instagram and on their podcast because all those people are ass kissing followers and they're writing glowing reviews about how great the book is.

I wish I had the book so I could write a REAL review but I don't want to waste my money buying it.

They are currently pushing their 50 year marriage journal "Memories of Us" that's basically a bunch blank pages for you to journal on and it's only $50 USD 🙄

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On 1/18/2021 at 10:06 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

I'm really just amazed the ski resort is fine with this. 

I hope some people have let that place know what visitors there with a somewhat wide social media reach were doing to flaunt their dangerous and unsafe behavior to others. Then doubling down trying to excuse themselves to get out of admitting to making horribly bad choices.

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7 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

What are they doing a "great job" with?

If someone was like, "hey I hear you are busy* what do you have on your grocery list?"  I would NEVER actually tell them.  I would figure that someone was trying to buy me groceries and I would be like, that is really nice but I will get my own groceries.  If I don't have time to go to the store, I will order for delivery, and pay for it myself.  I would NEVER SEND someone a LIST!  I would be embarrassed to actually send a list for people to buy me food, unless I really needed the food.  And we all know she does not need the food or money.  


* What the f is she busy with????



She is such a pathetic one-upper.  And a complete idiot.

1) she thinks people GAF when he baby first skied

2) she thinks that her sleeping baby skied


OF COURSE she has to throw in that her family is competitive!  She always has to throw that in, and I am trying to determine why.  Why does she have to remind the world that her family is competitive???




Yes, yes, yes! You hit the nail on the head with all your comments.

As you said, if a friend asked for my grocery list I'd kindly thank them for being so sweet to ask but I'd tell them that I was fine and had taken care of it with delivery or something, no way would I actually give them my grocery list and let them buy and deliver to me... Unbelievable!

She isn't busy at all even though she whines about how busy they are every single day, meanwhile she posts hours of them traveling around, skiing, hiking, taking the kids to the farm, going to the park, sitting around drinking whisky almost every night,  neither of them work, they're both home every day, all day!.. They have plenty of time to go get a few groceries! 🙄

When our kids were little I had a full time job and so did hubby and we never once had friends go get our groceries for us... We somehow fit it into the day and got it done like most people do.

And yes she's always bragging about her family being high end athletes, competitive skiers, competitive water skiers, how she was in track and field and was captain of the team blah, blah, blah...  they're always quoting the Bible but they sure didn't learn any humility... She's the biggest bragger, it's embarrassing to listen to her TOOT her own horn!  🙄


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Not for nothing, Audrey skiing with the baby is not that uncommon.  I've seen people doing that plenty and my own friends did it when their kids were babies.  Lots of people skin or hike up and ski down.  It's called earning your turns.  But besides that the hill was practically empty (as most are during these times of Covid) and the slope was flat.  I could probably walk down faster.  As a skier I didn't really see a problem with it.  People don't play football with frozen water bottles on the kid slopes, and there was literally no one around them.  I'm not an Audrey apologist by any stretch but if you actually understand the full picture of what you are looking at and don't get caught up in the drama, this one is...not a hill to die on 😉 People ski with small dogs and cats in backpacks too.

ETA: Article on Bono and Kennedy with details of their respective accidents. This is not that: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-jan-07-mn-5779-story.html

Edited by RedDelicious
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To each their own but where our family skis and has for years they don't allow skiing with babies strapped to your chest nor do they let babies on the lifts.

I've seen people being escorted off the bunny hills for having babies and toddlers without helmets, Bode had no helmet.

Just because people do something doesn't mean it's safe or a good idea.

Over the years I've  seen plenty of collisions on the bunny hills so just because it's a bunny hill and people are skiing slower doesn't mean that accidents don't happen.

In the summer they were letting toddlers stand and hang off the back of a speed boat without life jackets, they also had them behind the boat being towed and the toddlers were lifting their hands off the straps and going hands free while Jer and Auj cheered them on... YAY EMBER!! as she let go of the strap and lifted her hands in the air to show she wasn't holding on to anything while they bounced from wave to wave, totally ridiculous.

Auj revealed what's important to her and her reason for doing it, she wanted bragging rights so she can run around boasting that Bode skied when he was one yrs old, that tells me everything I need to know about her priorities and her decision making process.


  • Love 17
59 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

To each their own but where our family skis and has for years they don't allow skiing with babies strapped to your chest nor do they let babies on the lifts.

I've seen people being escorted off the bunny hills for having babies and toddlers without helmets, Bode had no helmet.

Just because people do something doesn't mean it's safe or a good idea.

Natasha Richardson (Liam Neeson's late wife) made a decision as an adult that impacted no one but her.  She took a skiing lesson on a beginning slope.  She chose not to wear a helmet.  She fell and hit her (fully-formed adult) skull.  No one (like her mother, for example) fell on top of her.  It was an accident and she tried to laugh it off.

She declined medical attention twice.  She died two days later from the blunt force trauma to her head.

To take a chance like Audrey did with an unhelmeted child is unconscionable.  

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I always thought that if you said a person even a one year old skied, that meant they stood on their own feet on their own skis and moved (or were moved).  My granddaughter was technically one when she skied first (about 15 months), but she was standing on her own wearing her own skis.   Audrey is simply going for pretense completely here.

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I don’t like to brag, but I was surfing at one day old.  I mean technically I wasn’t born yet, and my mom was doing the surfing, but I feel like I should get my bragging rights in now, since Instagram wasn’t a thing back then 🙄. Every time I think these dolts can’t get more ridiculous they prove me wrong.

That's impressive and I don't want to brag, but I was walking right after conception.  😂

  • LOL 12
On 1/20/2021 at 6:17 PM, heatherchandler said:

OF COURSE she has to throw in that her family is competitive!  She always has to throw that in, and I am trying to determine why.  Why does she have to remind the world that her family is competitive???

That actually explains a lot about her. If her family is always competitive, that means that the majority of them are always losing. No wonder she feels the need to constantly be talking about how they are so great at so much. It's been driven Into her head since birth that basically you have to be competing at everything in life, and no doubt, second place is just the first loser. That's a miserable way to live. 

Edited by Fostersmom
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On 1/21/2021 at 6:38 PM, Irate Panda said:


Sorry Panda my quote box is acting up.

Our youngest son worked as a ski instructor on Grouse Mt in BC on weekends and holidays while he attended university and he had some crazy stories.

This conversation reminded me of one in particular, our son was at the bottom of the hill signing some people up for instruction when someone said "what's that?" and pointed up the hill, our son turned around and saw this extremely tall, oddly shaped person skiing down towards them, as he got closer my son was horrified to see that it was a dad with a 4 yr old boy sitting on his shoulders!

This little kid was sitting on his dad's shoulders, legs around his neck and holding on to his head with his hands.

Our son called his boss and he came out to deal with the man while our son went back to his paperwork and apparently the man started yelling, cussing and security was called.

He said he'd done the same with his older children and that it was perfectly safe. 🙄

Auj and Jer are both really obsessed with the idea of their kids being super athletes, I used to watch videos of them taking ember to the park when she was barely 2 and they coaxed her to do harder and harder things and I often sat there worrying that she might fall because she'd be stretching to her limit to do what they wanted.... I'd hate to be their kid, some kids just aren't that athletic or coordinated and some people just aren't competitive... Can you imagine what a hell that would be....Jer and Auj badgering a child to be something they're not.



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Testing doesn't really matter because as my medical researcher daughter says, the test (which isn't 100% reliable) only tells you that you were likely negative the moment the test was taken.  You could catch COVID during the time you are waiting for the result or between the test and the visit, you could be incubating and not have enough virus to get a positive result, or you could simply have a false negative.  Testing before visiting isn't a reliable way to guarantee one is not going to pass along COVID.   For me to be able to stay with the grandchildren over Christmas, she was only comfortable with both sides quarantining for 13 days prior to the visit.  That was more to keep me safe than anything.  It worked.  

They really are gambling with their health the way they go around mixing households repeatedly and not masking and socially distancing.  But then I'm a walking PSA for mask wearing.  

I'm surprised that they haven't been more like the Bateses where it seems most of them have had COVID.  Maybe some of the Roloffs and related have, but not announced it.

  • Love 11
14 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Testing doesn't really matter because as my medical researcher daughter says, the test (which isn't 100% reliable) only tells you that you were likely negative the moment the test was taken.  You could catch COVID during the time you are waiting for the result or between the test and the visit, you could be incubating and not have enough virus to get a positive result, or you could simply have a false negative.  Testing before visiting isn't a reliable way to guarantee one is not going to pass along COVID.   For me to be able to stay with the grandchildren over Christmas, she was only comfortable with both sides quarantining for 13 days prior to the visit.  That was more to keep me safe than anything.  It worked.  

They really are gambling with their health the way they go around mixing households repeatedly and not masking and socially distancing.  But then I'm a walking PSA for mask wearing.  

I'm surprised that they haven't been more like the Bateses where it seems most of them have had COVID.  Maybe some of the Roloffs and related have, but not announced it.

Thank you!

That's the same as the Duggar's most of them have had Covid too because they refused to follow the guidelines.

It makes me so angry because I have a daughter on the front line as a health care provider and to think that these selfish assholes like Jer and Auj won't take any precautions and their "happy times" with friends are more important to them than being part of the solution and not adding to the problem.... Auj whines like a little bitch whennever her tits are sore, or she has a headache or any other everyday sniffle.... how would she like to work a 12 hr shift, sweating into a mask, face shield digging into her forehead and gloves sticking to her hands, feet and legs aching from leaning over patients beds trying to make them comfortable and hooking up IV's and everything else hour after hour day after day!

I'm so sick of people making excuses for these selfish idiots!

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Please do NOT let this woman homeschool her kids.  On the other hand, if they use published homeschooling materials, Auj might learn grammar!!!!

Regarding the dancing together in the kitchen, big deal.  She did NOT invent this concept.  Hubby and I did this just a couple of weeks ago, and we've been married over 56 years.  We didn't invent it either, but then we're not trying to take credit for doing so.  (Our trigger:  We play "Golden Oldies" while cleaning, and "16 Candles" came on.)

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To each their own. If masks worked, the transmission rate wouldn't be so high. Every. single. person. I. know. who has had Covid wore a mask and washed their hands compulsively. I also work in healthcare, and my career spans over 20 years. I was right in the gauntlet in Manhattan hospitals over the summer staring Covid directly in the face. I didn't get it. I was lucky. I wear a mask because I am required to do so, but they are only marginally effective. Party on in your respective bubble.

Medical expertise by way of offspring doesn't impress me much. How much anyone knows or thinks they know because of what their kids do for a living is inconsequential to me. I experience it first-hand. My family and I do what is best for us and so far we've gotten it right. Zero cases in in the RD household. Live and let live up there in Oregon. I would venture to guess there is an extreme degree of variance across the locations from which everyone is posting. It is so easy to judge from afar. I don't look at that picture and think they're single-handedly bringing down the state of Oregon. I see happy families. The kids are cute. Seeing happy kids makes me happy, and I don't even like kids. 

That's a pretty picture. At least she was honest that it was staged.

Edited by RedDelicious
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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

I couldn't keep reading.  It became blah, blah, blah, garbage, garbage, very quickly.

I'm thinking about giving them a new, hyphenated last name:  Jeremy and Audrey Millennialist-Roloff.  

There are those who describe millennialists as entitled and narcissistic.  Kind of how I think of J&A.

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It's the funniest thing that the Roloffs and similar people don't seem to get, but denying science doesn't make it wrong nor does it make it go away or change reality.  Sometimes people simply get lucky and maybe many of the Roloffs have done so to this point.  The Bateses have not gotten away with ignoring health directives and many or most of them have had COVID and Kelly's stepfather died and her mother looks to be on oxygen and not in very good shape.  

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53 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

Auj really stomps the life out of a story by yammering on. You'd think she's getting paid by the word.   

She had one of those "ask me anything" posts the other day and omg she loves to talk about herself, someone asked if she was feeling better and she started off saying she wasn't sure what the person was referring to and then she listed and detailed every single... sore boob, migraine headache, sniffle, ache and pain she's had for the entire year since Bode was born.

she went on and on describing everything in great detail and I was thinking...the person asked if you were feeling better, why not just say," Yes, I'm feeling fine now.. thanks"

Auj loves to go on about having the most excruciating boob pain of any nursing mother in the history of the world and how she has the worst migraine headaches anyone has ever had and a dozen other aches and pains etc....... Wash, Rinse, Repeat! 🙄

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OK no guesses?

So here we go.... They tried to buy the farm in the spring of 2020 but they were lied to and misled (their words not mine)  and then other conditions were added into the mix and they realized that they will never own Roloff Farms and they've accepted it and are moving on to other opportunities and waiting for God to show them what's next.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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Its the farm. My guess is one of the conditions is Matt owning it until he dies and/or Jer and Auj have to allow the show to be filmed.

After bitching and moaning for five years to get the farm totally his, I really can't see Matt relinquishing total control so easily. I also assume he wants top price. 

And frankly I don't think Jer and Auj were "misled" so much as I suspect they had unrealistic expectations.

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I can't believe I continued to listen but here you have it... 

Their words not mine...

They compare themselves to the apostle Paul heading for Rome (his dream) and crashing and shipwrecked on Malta, he began working, making fires and serving on Malta instead of sitting around pouting (like Jer and Auj were doing until they heard this sermon at their church of Paul wanting to go to Rome but not letting that stop him from working & serving God)

So they are serving and working and still want to get to Rome (a farm) but they're proving their faithfulness and commitment while they're shipwrecked on Malta (a normal house in a subdivision) 


  • LOL 9
4 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:


I can't believe I continued to listen but here you have it... 

Their words not mine...

They compare themselves to the apostle Paul heading for Rome (his dream) and crashing and shipwrecked on Malta, he began working, making fires and serving on Malta instead of sitting around pouting (like Jer and Auj were doing until they heard this sermon at their church of Paul wanting to go to Rome but not letting that stop him from working & serving God)

So they are serving and working and still want to get to Rome (a farm) but they're proving their faithfulness and commitment while they're shipwrecked on Malta (a normal house in a subdivision) 


Wait, what? @Joan of Argh, I’m worried that you have been exposed to too much Auj for one day. 

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On 1/28/2021 at 9:54 AM, AZChristian said:

Please do NOT let this woman homeschool her kids.  On the other hand, if they use published homeschooling materials, Auj might learn grammar!!!!

Regarding the dancing together in the kitchen, big deal.  She did NOT invent this concept.  Hubby and I did this just a couple of weeks ago, and we've been married over 56 years.  We didn't invent it either, but then we're not trying to take credit for doing so.  (Our trigger:  We play "Golden Oldies" while cleaning, and "16 Candles" came on.)

I bet you were adorable.  And not wearing a little house inspired dress 😘

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7 hours ago, LucyEth said:

Obviously Zach and Tori figure into the farm issue and this is probably the reason for the rift.  

I'm thinking that as well..

Matt is building his dream home on the farm, he has no plan to leave and he needs the farm to expand and become a bigger operation and part of that plan is keeping TLC on-board and filming.

He needs Zach and Tori and their adorable "little people" family to continue. 

Jer and Auj aren't little people, their kids aren't little people so they just aren't relevant in the big picture other than little cameo appearances or background at family weddings and parties.

I think when they found out that they were irrelevant it knocked them off their pedestal and they're jealous of Zach and Tori.

They probably thought Matt would hand them the farm for a small downpayment and carry a mortgage for the golden boy or help them financially and found out that wasn't the case.

I mean how much money could they possibly have?

Do any of you know how much money they would have from their books, Jer and Auj refer to them as New York Times bestsellers but we know that was only in their category so how much would someone make off a book like that? The 2ND book hasn't had the same success yet and they just started pushing their marriage journal so I can't imagine that adding much at all. Other than that they have their podcast and I've read that they don't have enough followers to make money. So all that's left is influencing and whatever they earn from it.

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