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S11.E11: The Moral Minority

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I give them all a pass on their actions and reactions except Vicki. 
Heather, in the moment, thought she was being helpful (even though I saw no signs of it, especially her "helpfulness" on the scene) and being a good and compassionate friend by trying to get Meghan and Shannon to go to the ER (even though she couldn't be bothered to do so herself,  yes, she could have gotten a car to do so)
Tamra was injured but she had to know the risks involved in doing such an activity.  I wonder if she was concerned at all about a lawsuit in injuring Vicki (the queen of insurance) and Kelley.  Yes Eddie was with her but either one could have been in cell phone contact with Vicki while waiting for tests to be done.
Kelley is too dumb to do anything, and immediately hit the booze upon returning to the trailer.  Surely she had Vicki's phone number and could have called and or texted like Meghan.
Tamra's mom, just sitting there cuddling the baby.  I'm surprised she wasn't on the phone constantly with Eddie to keep up on Tamra's condition.  
Meghan and Shannon.  Why?  Vicki has been nothing but a lying shit to them.  She has meddled, said vile things, and spewed hate and venom at them when they called her out for the lying liar who lies.  Compassion my ass.  Vicki has a son, and a son-in-law who could have rushed to the hospital to be with Vicki.

Heather, Kelley and Tamra all could have still been in shock afterwards.  But, it sure looks like they got over it by the time the party started. 

Brianna knows her mom very well.  She is a child of her mother's making.  If Vicki was self centered she taught her daughter the same thing.  I am pretty sure Brianna has seen enough of her mother's embellishments to the facts to know that mommy dearest is a real piece of work.   Remember when mommy left for work leaving daughter to fend for herself after coming out of the hospital?  Even Michael won't give mommy his address. 
And finally Vicki.  She has crossed a line that can not be uncrossed.  She has burned so many bridges they can never be fully rebuilt.  Not only did she lie about and support Brooks, she became a hateful shrew to all those who supported her.  She continues to say nasty things behind the other gals backs.  Where was her compassion when Shannon was having trouble with her marriage?  When have we ever seen compassion for anyone when they have needed it.  What goes around comes around.  If Vicki was on those good old heavy duty pain meds for her neck I'm sure that was causing the fatigue and confusion when all the ladies came with gifts to see her after.  When Tamra crawled into her lap Vicki showed no sign of pain or discomfort.  Either the drugs were that good, or she wasn't hurt as bad as she claimed.  Vicki the victim.  Don didn't fill her bottomless love tank, Brooks conned her then left her, nobody will bring her a casserole.  Boo Hoo

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2 minutes ago, dosodog said:

 I also think Megan is taking the brunt because they called her and not Shannon.  Also because Shannon didn't really defend her at lunch.  She just sort of sat there and stayed under the radar while Megan was being run over by a bus.

Sometimes knowing what "WALK" or "DON'T WALK" means can be a life saver?

That is one of the reasons I have such a bug up my rear about people calling other people and passing on bunk or exaggerated news.

I grew up with two family members who would overstate (mountain out of a molehill) the facts of an incident and then wonder why I wasn't running about, freaking out. I'd be told that "I didn't care/I was cold/what was the matter with me"- nope. nothing..... I just needed to get some kind of info, not textured with whatever fluff you have added?

I loved the dog reference - sometimes the dog with the biggest and loudest bark are the biggest wussies?

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A'ight, y'all. I am having SUCH a hard time understanding how anyone could be on Heather and Vickie's side in this all. Huh!?

Some people have said that this episode has lightened their hearts towards Heather and Tamara?

I'm the opposite. I WAS warming up to them, but this episode CRUSHED that.

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I have not read a!l the posts so I apologize  this has already been stated.  It is not uncommon for people to be airlifted from ATV dune buggy parks, especially when there is a possibility of trauma. I know this from personal experience.  I do take pause with the description of the accident as being near fatal.  Noons involved was even critically injured, they were treated and released. No surgery, no ICU, not even broken bones.I do think it was a terrible accident, just not to the magnitude hhat it is being  described. When I think of ahead fatal accident Tracy Morgan comes to. mind, not Vickior the others. 

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If I were Megan or Shannon I would not have gone to the hospital for Vicki. Maybe I'm cold, but I never assume it's my place to go to the point of treatment for someone who is injured, when I am not related to the person or a medical professional. It was Brianna and Michael's place to go be with their mom, not Megan or Shannon's. A lot of ex-husbands would have stepped in, too, if the relationship was amicable. The fact that Donn wouldn't budge either says everything about the nonexistent state of that friendship. I'm pretty sure even Jim Edmonds would go to the ER for one of his ex-wives. 

On top of this, Heather knows how Shannon and Megan feel about Vicki. Heather feels the same way herself! She must have really had a bigger knock on the head than she gave herself credit for. It's as if Heather erased the whole last season when she was talking to Megan. Not even an acknowledgement that "Yeah, I know Vicki is not your favorite person, and I wouldn't blame you if you said you couldn't go...." You know, acknowledge the facts as is. Remember,  up to the point of the Glamis trip Shannon and Megan hardly even wanted to film with Vicki, much less rush to her side when they were actually way way down the list of people who should actually go. Heather's hint that they should go visit got shut down by Megan, and sometimes I think Heather is reacting more to the fact that Megan wouldn't take orders from her, on camera, and Heather gets embarrassed by that. Why should Heather be so shocked that Shannan and Megan actually meant what they said when they said they didn't want a relationship with Vicki?

Plus, guys, remember, that while Glamis was going on, Megan was scheduled to film her own scenes with Shannon and David. And, Jim Edmonds was there, and consented to be on camera!  You know that Megan had to be pumped about her independent filming scenes with Shannon and David and had put thought into it. There would be golf, dinner and did you see that cake that they were eating? Gorgeous. Nope, no way would Megan throw overboard her own scenes for scenes that revolved around Vicki.

Enough with Megan's lack of concern. I was too distracted by Tamra's mom, who seemed completely nonplussed by the fact that her daughter had just been carted off to the ER after having rolled over.  And I have to say, Eddie came off real good this episode. 

I loved how stone cold Megan was at her lunch with Heather, while Heather went off the rails whining about how bad the situation was, and all that Megan didn't know, but should have, I don't know, guessed through osmosis. I think Megan was apologizing to shut Heather up, and I would have too. 

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I had not yet read all the comments here, but ended up having to FF about 15 minutes of the show.  No one has any right in anyway to throw Shannon and Meagan, who have been targets of a lot of really bad dialogue the last couple of seasons, not just from Vicki, but from Heather and from Tamra.  The replays of some of those attacks furthered my resolve that Meagan and Shannon had no business going.  I suspect Andy will try to make something out of this on the reunion at season's end, but if this thread is any indication, there isn't a lot of basis from the fans to take Meagan or Shannon to task.

Meagan tried to make amends.  I thought Vicky accepted the amends, but clearly in the last scenes with the other three shrews, I see I was mistaken.

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I agree about the not going.  However I stand by my opinion that the Beadors and the Edmonds were gross in how they talked about it.

I'm watching it again and when Megan was on the phone doing the whole mapquest challenge on who is closest, Shannon had a huge smile on her face.  Like she was enjoying what happened to her former friend.

Who does that?

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10 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I agree about the not going.  However I stand by my opinion that the Beadors and the Edmonds were gross in how they talked about it.

I'm watching it again and when Megan was on the phone doing the whole mapquest challenge on who is closest, Shannon had a huge smile on her face.  Like she was enjoying what happened to her former friend.

Who does that?

See, I read Shannon's look as "incredulous." I was right there with her. The other women were being ridiculous.

PLUS, I think it is illogical at this point to think Vickie is ever being truthful. She is a drama queen, and when you cry wolf one too many times......

Edited by Lady Grump
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2 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

A'ight, y'all. I am having SUCH a hard time understanding how anyone could be on Heather and Vickie's side in this all. Huh!?

Some people have said that this episode has lightened their hearts towards Heather and Tamara?

I'm the opposite. I WAS warming up to them, but this episode CRUSHED that.


I'm one of the people who said that and I should clarify that it's not been the one episode. I with Tamra it's been the last year or so, however, I feel like it's just a matter of time before she reverts to baseline.  I really could not stand Heather for her first season and during Shannon's first one. But. she has earned some respect by how she is in a crisis. That said, she is totally condescending, which is the main thing I can't stand about her. To put things in perspective, I  dislike ALL of these women to varying degrees and I wouldn't be friends with any of them IRL.  I just have seen glimmers in Tamra and Heather that have moved them from a 10 on the hate scale back to an 8.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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Heather had Briana's number - why did she spend so much time insinuating that Meghan should go visit Vicki and didn't even think to ask Briana if her brother would be able to go down to the hospital to check on their mother? So we're going to leave the accountability in the hands of two people who have been wronged by Vicki and aren't her friends and we're supposed to ignore that Vicki had to uber it home from the hospital while she had a perfectly able son that was actually closer to the hospital than anyone else??? Were you just hoping that they could get some scenes with Vicki in the hospital? Or did you just have a really awesome morality speech prepped and ready to go and it seemed like a good enough opportunity to pull it out? 

It's so horrible for Meghan to say that Tamra was reckless (and I don't agree that Meghan has any standing to make those claims when she wasn't there) but miss prim and proper turns around and says it was reckless that Meghan got pregnant. Heather was upset by the lack of compassion by Meghan but exhibited a dismissive response toward Meghan upon hearing about her struggle with depression.  Heather just wanted a grovelling apology. 

I don't think Meghan is a cold person but she does have an outwardly cold exterior. Not sure if it's her normal behaviour but when it comes to these women, I feel like she has to assess all of the information given to her before she can give them a genuine and emotional reaction in return. I hope that's just her being weary of the women because that's kind of sad to have that kind of demeanour in life where people need to prove their struggles are real before you allow yourself to be vulnerable and emotionally react to people's stories. 

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9 minutes ago, dosodog said:

Like she was enjoying what happened to her former friend.

Vicki is not a friend, nor has she been a real friend to anyone.  When Vicki and Tamra were close, most of their time was spent being cruel and treating people in vulgar and mean ways.

Ms. Gunvalscum got what she deserved.   Sound familiar?   Oh, yeah Vicki said it about Shannon when she was asked why she broke a confidence. Some friend.

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I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

Edited by beesknees
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yourmomiseasy thanks for saying how close micheal was to vicki in hospital. I live on east coast so no idea how close

I hope Vicki had time to thinktjink of the time Brianna was just home from the hospital as Vicki skipped to work. Leaving Brianna home feeling like crap with two little kids. Karma Vicki

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14 minutes ago, beesknees said:

 I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

Yeah, so, I'm gonna go ahead and say, "just you." That's my opinion.

Vicki is a horrible person, right now. I am a believer in forgiveness, but that forgiveness only comes when it's accompanied by true remorse. Vicki, right now, is a piece of shit. If she makes an effort, I'll re-think that assesment. (We all need 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances.) But, no. Right now, she is showing no signs of self-actualization or acknowledgement. She's the kind of woman who thinks she should be forgiven because she exists. I have no patience for that kind of self-absorption.

And to overshare for a second, in a way, I was once exactly like Vicki. But I got on meds, which allowed me to see how other people "saw things." And while I, personally, know, that my mental difference (bipolar) was the genesis of my behavior (along with some awful parenting shit, that was out of my control), I still feel awful about it, and recognized the need to change. (Thanks Prozac!)

Commit to change, Vicki! It'll do you some good.

Edited by Lady Grump
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beesknees you are truly a Good Samaritan. I think if all the Ho-wives were in a foreign country, the stakes would definitely be different. However, Vicki's two children were close by, and a whole production staff that pays Vicki was probably at the hospital with her, and IMO that changes everything. But thanks for sharing your story;  I for one am impressed. 

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I probably would have gone to sit with Vicki, but that doesn't mean I think Meghan and Shannon should have. Also, did they know Vicki didn't have clothes, shoes, or a ride home? Or were they just supposed to know that somehow? 

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Productions hands are all over the wreck aftermath.

Did anyone else notice that Eddie & Tamras car and filming crew were at the hospital upon her release and filmed her ride in the car back to Glamis? Either Eddie went in the ambulance with Tamra and production followed in the car or Eddie drove the car behind the ambulance with production in the car.

Production couldn't go in the helicopter with Vicki so I think they had Heather try to urge Meghan (who had a film crew closest at her house already) to go to the hospital so they could film about what was going on with Vicki and her later release and when Meghan (and more likely Jim said hell no) they tried to pull Shannon in as well but she stuck to not going also. Production is pissed at both of them at this point and they report and relay to Heather, Kelly, Tamra and Vicki how horrible Meghan and Shannon are.

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39 minutes ago, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

There's a big difference between being all alone in a hospital in a foreign country for 2 weeks in critical condition having a major surgery and in the ER for a couple of hours to have a CT scan and MRI while your closest relative is ~100 miles away.

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51 minutes ago, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

No.  Not just you.  You?  ROCK!  Golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Edited by dosodog
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10 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

There's a big difference between being all alone in a hospital in a foreign country for 2 weeks in critical condition having a major surgery and in the ER for a couple of hours to have a CT scan and MRI while your closest relative is ~100 miles away.

Oh yeah, I totally get that (my situation may not really compare) but Shannon & Meghan didn't know in the beginning that Vicki was just in the ER for a couple of hours to have a few tests.  They were told by the other ladies that Vicki had been in a very serious accident and had been air-lifted to a hosp (vs. Tamra's situation where she was transported via ambulance to a local hospital).

Meg & Shannon were also told Brianna was very ill back home and no one knew Michael's contact info.  I dunno.  It's some BS.  They could have had a drop of compassion for a fellow human being (if nothing else, even if they aren't close friends with Vicki) and torn themselves away from the all-important golf game for a bit.

Yeah, Vicki's sitch turned out not to be as critical as initially thought but in the beginning the other ladies didn't know that.  In the beginning it appeared serious and Meg and Shannon didn't have two F***s to rub together.  Shannon was even grinning on the golf course like it was all some big joke while Meghan snarked out the mapquest misinformation.

Edited by beesknees
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Just now, beesknees said:

I dunno.  It's some BS.  They could have had a drop of compassion for a fellow human being (if nothing else, even if they aren't close friends with Vicki) and torn themselves away from the all-important golf game for a bit.

Again, I don't see it. Vicki has rarely given out genuine compassion to anyone, so why should they fall on their knees for her? People who don't give, are not entitled to receive. Vicki hasn't shown any "compassion for fellow human beings" so why should they offer her such?

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58 minutes ago, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

Sometimes we reach back into our hearts and heads, push aside our 'dislikes' and tap into our humanity.

Good on you.

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I seriously doubt Vicki would go visit Shannon if the roles were reversed. It's ok that they didn't want to go to the hospital to be with Vicki. The judgement...sheesh... Awesome if u can put angst aside to go to the hospital, ok too if u don't. Especially since we have found out Megan and Vicki were texting each other. I agree it would be different if they were all far from home or Vicki was staying overnight... And I'm sure Shannon and Megan would have gone at that point... I've been in car accidents. I only wanted my parents there, not some coworker I have angst with. But lord knows Vicki will milk this for all its worth. When her own daughter says she's being overdramatic... That's telling imo. 


The emotional manipulation is ridiculous. If someone told me to go to hell I would have told them to f' off personally... 

Edited by BodhiGurl
Additional thought lol
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11 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Oh yeah, I totally get that (my situation may not really compare) but Shannon & Meghan didn't know in the beginning that Vicki was just in the ER for a couple of hours to have a few tests.  They were told by the other ladies that Vicki had been in a very serious accident and had been air-lifted to a hosp (vs. Tamra's situation where she was transported via ambulance to a local hospital).

Meg & Shannon were also told Brianna was very ill back home and no one knew Michael's contact info.  I dunno.  It's some BS.  They could have had a drop of compassion for a fellow human being (if nothing else, even if they aren't close friends with Vicki) and torn themselves away from the all-important golf game for a bit.

Yeah, Vicki's sitch turned out not to be as critical as initially thought but in the beginning the other ladies didn't know that.  In the beginning it appeared serious and Meg and Shannon didn't have two F***s to rub together.  Shannon was even grinning on the golf course like it was all some big joke while Meghan snarked out the mapquest misinformation.

I call BS on no one having Michael's contact info.  How did he get invited to the Merv Griffin Estate?  Smoke signals?  Vicki was facetiming with the campsite folks and texting Meghan.  She could have reached out to Michael.  If she really doesn't have any contact info for her son and employee, that's on her.  If Brianna and Donn also don't have Michael's phone number, then there are some big family issues.  I'm 15 and 17 years older than my brothers and don't talk to them on the phone regularly, but I still have their numbers and am connected to them on various social media apps.  I even have contact info for one brother's roommate.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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30 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

I probably would have gone to sit with Vicki, but that doesn't mean I think Meghan and Shannon should have. Also, did they know Vicki didn't have clothes, shoes, or a ride home? Or were they just supposed to know that somehow? 

Heather told Meghan and Shannon that during the phone conversation didn't she?  She told M & S that Vicki's clothes were completely cut off her and she only had a paper gown, no clothes, etc. and that she was completely alone.

I do see what a poster up thread commented on (that Vicki had a production crew probably following her to the hospital so there actually would be some people present with Vicki).  

I do give Meghan props for apologizing to Heather as well as Vicki.  She redeemed herself there IMHO.

Edited by beesknees
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1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

Vicki is not a friend, nor has she been a real friend to anyone.  When Vicki and Tamra were close, most of their time was spent being cruel and treating people in vulgar and mean ways.

I don't think this is totally true. Vicki was a real friend to Shannon her first season. When Heather and Tamra were going after Shannon like a pair of evil witches, Vicki was firmly in Shannon's corner and even told Tamra that she owed Shannon an apology. Vicki also stood by Shannon when Meghan disinvited her from the ridiculous cancer fundraiser and Vicki was also there for much of the David cheating fiasco before anyone else knew about it. Things just went south with the Brooks debacle.

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12 hours ago, mwell345 said:


LOL at David "Call Brooks"

Ok, I will admit that was funny. Nice one, David.

ALTHOUGH, I do find it creepy that David always encourages Shannon's fights with women.  It's like he's always trying to redirect her anxiety and anger to other people and away from him. And he goes about it in such a Mean Girl way. I swear he reminds me of Regina George when he pulls that stuff.

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Sometimes I think you do things because it's the right thing to do, not because someone did the same for you, or because someone is worthy by their own behavior.  In my case, it's not about their behavior, its about mine. I try to choose to do the right thing regardless of what others have done to me.

It's not that Meghan didn't go, its about the way she reacted. That is what my issue is with. She didn't know Vicki would be fine that same day. All she knew was that Vicki had her clothes but off and had been airlifted. I don't know if I would have gone,  but I sure the hell hope I wouldn't have reacted like that.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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6 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Heather told Meghan and Shannon that during the phone conversation didn't she?  She told M & S that Vicki's clothes were completely cut off her and she only had a paper gown, no clothes, etc. and that she was completely alone.

I do see what a poster up thread commented on (that Vicki had a production crew probably following her to the hospital so there actually would be some people present with Vicki).  

I do give Meghan props for apologizing to Heather as well as Vicki.  She redeemed herself there IMHO.

No she did not convey anything of the sort.

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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Sometimes I think you do things because it's the right thing to do. Not because someone did the same for you, or because someone is worthy by their own behavior.  In my case, it's not about their behavior, its about mine. I try to choose to do the right thing regardless of what others have done to me.

It's not that Meghan didn't go. It about the way she reacted. That is what my issue is with. She didn't know Vicki would be fine that same day. All she knew was that Vicki had her clothes but off and had been airlifted. I don't know if I would have gone,  but I sure the hell hope I wouldn't have reacted like that.

Fair enough. BUT, was going there really "the right thing to do." I say, "No." Sometimes the right thing is showing people that they've fucked up in life, and driving it home, so THEY can change for the better. It's called "tough love" and that is what Vicki needs right now.

Edited by Lady Grump
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13 minutes ago, Lady Grump said:

Again, I don't see it. Vicki has rarely given out genuine compassion to anyone, so why should they fall on their knees for her? People who don't give, are not entitled to receive. Vicki hasn't shown any "compassion for fellow human beings" so why should they offer her such?

Yeah, I see your point but I'm not so much an "eye for an eye" person when it comes to the more potentially major stuff.  I am more in the "do unto others" camp but I can see how so many people would be "I don't care if he/she was air-lifted to a hospital or not.  I got zero fucks.  Don't like em, don't care."

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3 minutes ago, Lady Grump said:

Fair enough. BUT, was going there really "the right thing to do." I say, "No." Sometimes the right thing is showing people that they've fucked up in life, and driving it home, so THEY can change for the better. It's called "tough love" and that is what Vicki needs right now.


Oh I get that. Like I said there, I don't know that I would have gone myself, but I hope I would have reacted the way  Meghan did. Shannon gets a pass because I don't think the message, conveyed by Meghan, made the matter seem as serious as it was at the time

Edited by JennyMominFL
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8 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Sometimes I think you do things because it's the right thing to do. Not because someone did the same for you, or because someone is worthy by their own behavior.  In my case, it's not about their behavior, its about mine. I try to choose to do the right thing regardless of what others have done to me.

It's not that Meghan didn't go. It about the way she reacted. That is what my issue is with. She didn't know Vicki would be fine that same day. All she knew was that Vicki had her clothes but off and had been airlifted. I don't know if I would have gone,  but I sure the hell hope I wouldn't have reacted like that.

OMG.  This times a million.  Thanks for saying what took me so long to get across ineffectively.  This is the type of behavior I try to drill into my children on the regular.  

Edited by beesknees
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4 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

Ok, I will admit that was funny. Nice one, David.

ALTHOUGH, I do find it creepy that David always encourages Shannon's fights with women.  It's like he's always trying to redirect her anxiety and anger to other people and away from him. And he goes about it in such a Mean Girl way. I swear he reminds me of Regina George when he pulls that stuff.

David will never live down his affair - I can almost see her pulling that card out during a fight and slapping g him down with it?

That is how he survives - he takes her by the shoulders and spins her away - while saying, Honey, what was THAT?

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14 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Yeah, I see your point but I'm not so much an "eye for an eye" person when it comes to the more potentially major stuff.  I am more in the "do unto others" camp but I can see how so many people would be "I don't care if he/she was air-lifted to a hospital or not.  I got zero fucks.  Don't like em, don't care."

See, and me? I, too, am a "do unto others" person, but for someone like Vicki?  She needs to wake up, or SHE is genuinely going to be fucked for the rest of her life. People in her life, IMO, need to drive this point home, at this juncture. If I was still like her,  (and granted, I may not recognize it immediately), the necessary "doing unto others", at this point, would be showing tough love. She can't go through the rest of her life like this. It's unhealthy for her, and the people around her.

Edited by Lady Grump
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I believe what happened is there was a rollover accident, not uncommon in Glamis, Vicki was airlifted, Tamra was treated and released. Someone connected with production probably wanted the Beadors and Edmonds to have something film worthy happen, like Shannon bitching about the grass causing her to have some attack, and having to do some lung treatment, or fingers crossed one of the ladies driving a golf ball into another person (kinds of a Gerald Ford moment). Meanwhile back in Glamis, they had a birthday party to film, and Shannon had her moonshine drinking relatives and Kelly who is known to go off with little provocation, and in spite of the deck being stacked for another miserable party,  nothing happened so they decided to focus on "who should have visited Vicki in the hospital?" Boring scenario. Common sense dictates someone from production, for insurance purposes would have gone to the hospital.  The no shoes (why?) and no clothes, well if she was released at 1 am, where exactly do you find clothing?  Let's face it Meghan took a bullet and resolved it pretty quickly while getting her licks in.  I don't care for Jim, but when a player gets hurt, they don't pull the infield to go visit him in the hospital during a game.  Vicki got to declare she got her friends back.

On to Ireland.  Oh wait Vicki had to take several weeks off work due to her injuries.

Edited by zoeysmom
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6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I get the clothes, but what happened to her shoes?

Luckily Bravo replays shit over and over.  Vicki is wearing something with athletic soles, probably sneakers.  When they are initially assessing her condition and asking how bad her pain is on a scale of 1 to 10 you can see she is wearing them.  Then by the time Heather tells her to calm down and take a deep breath the shoes are gone.  You can see her bare feet again when Kelly is standing over her and calling Brianna.  So the shoes were either left in the desert by Vicki's true friends or taken back to the campsite to give back to her at a later time.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
I'm a bad speller
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46 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Oh yeah, I totally get that (my situation may not really compare) but Shannon & Meghan didn't know in the beginning that Vicki was just in the ER for a couple of hours to have a few tests.  They were told by the other ladies that Vicki had been in a very serious accident and had been air-lifted to a hosp (vs. Tamra's situation where she was transported via ambulance to a local hospital).

Meg & Shannon were also told Brianna was very ill back home and no one knew Michael's contact info.  I dunno.  It's some BS.  They could have had a drop of compassion for a fellow human being (if nothing else, even if they aren't close friends with Vicki) and torn themselves away from the all-important golf game for a bit.

Yeah, Vicki's sitch turned out not to be as critical as initially thought but in the beginning the other ladies didn't know that.  In the beginning it appeared serious and Meg and Shannon didn't have two F***s to rub together.  Shannon was even grinning on the golf course like it was all some big joke while Meghan snarked out the mapquest misinformation.

Except there was no guarantee that either Meghan or Shannon would have been allowed back in to see Vicki. I believe the hospital that Vicki went to has a full on Trauma Unit ER, which normally do not allow anyone other than family back in with the patient. Add in that Meghan had just found out she was pregnant and she should not be exposed to the germs found in hospitals unless she is the patient.

34 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Heather told Meghan and Shannon that during the phone conversation didn't she?  She told M & S that Vicki's clothes were completely cut off her and she only had a paper gown, no clothes, etc. and that she was completely alone.

I do see what a poster up thread commented on (that Vicki had a production crew probably following her to the hospital so there actually would be some people present with Vicki).  

I do give Meghan props for apologizing to Heather as well as Vicki.  She redeemed herself there IMHO.

She told them in a phone call the next day, after both she and Vicki were released, while she was packing up to go home. Neither Meghan or Shannon knew any of that while Vicki was in the ER, none of them did until Vicki got home.

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Just now, TheFinalRose said:

Can someone please tell me why they had to take Vicki to a different hospital that was farther away? What was so bad about Vicki's injury that they couldn't have had her evaluated at the hospital Tamra went to? Or even why she was airlifted?

I'm gonna go ahead an speculate: Because Vicki wanted it.

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1 minute ago, TheFinalRose said:

Can someone please tell me why they had to take Vicki to a different hospital that was farther away? What was so bad about Vicki's injury that they couldn't have had her evaluated at the hospital Tamra went to? Or even why she was airlifted?

Vicki has history of neck injury and said half her body was numb.  They were worried about spinal injury.

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3 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

Can someone please tell me why they had to take Vicki to a different hospital that was farther away? What was so bad about Vicki's injury that they couldn't have had her evaluated at the hospital Tamra went to? Or even why she was airlifted?

I would assume because Vicki was saying how badly her neck hurt and at one point didn't Vicki say she couldn't feel her legs (or feet)?  Maybe that's why her shoes were removed at one point?

Edited by beesknees
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Ugh, the quote box is acting up for me but ita with the poster who said Meghan didn't appreciate how they didnt directly ask her.

I too think that's what she meant when she said patronizing (I think it was Ubiquitous who mentioned that). There are some people (like me) who hate it when people aren't direct, even to the point of being overly defensive/assholish. I can totally see Meghan's hackles raising the more Heather and Kelly beat around the bush/stealthily pressured her. I think she may have responded differently if they had initially just asked her if she minded going to check up on Vicky. 

On another note...one thing that annoys me about Heather (and some of the wives on RHBH) is how impotent her rage is. I don't need fights or anything but damn, say it witcho chest. For example, Heather's all "if Meghan comes to lunch and does xyz..." (slight dramatic pause)..."I will NOT be ok with that." Um, so tf what? If someone on NY, Jersey or ATL said the former, there would be something good coming on the other side. Heather (and Lisa R, Kyle, Lisa V, etc) are so blah when they're mad. 

Another example is when Heather tried to throw Kelly out and ended up leaving herself because Kelly didn't gaf lmao. Like I said, I don't need fights but give me some umph.

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1 hour ago, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?


Awesome story. You earned a star in Heaven with that one, beeknees. Gotta ask -- did the guy ever acknowledge the length you went for him or say thanks?

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