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S11.E10: Shock And Roll

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On September 1, 2016 at 9:15 PM, Tara Ariano said:

Eddie's birthday is celebrated at a motor-sports mecca, but Kelly's filthy mouth stirs up tension. The ladies explore sand dunes, leading to an unforgettable ride. In the OC, Meghan receives results from a pregnancy test, and Shannon's home is sold.

Kelly. Filthy mouth? Tension? Say it isn't so. I am shocked, dumbfounded! :)

  • Love 9

Oh Fancy Pants.  You are just beyond belief.  Personal chef.  Pre cooking your food.   Pathetic.  Camping food is some if the best food ever.  And most of it gets cooked on a stick.  Except for smores.  We do that in ice cream cones now.  Melted chocolate and marshmallows in an ice cream cone.   Mmmmm.

Jim.  I hear you and I feel for you.  I do.  But you married her.  You knew she was obsessive and detail oriented.  You knew she's a special snowflake who has experiences no one else has ever gone through before and has a hyped up sense of self importance.

It's a fancy bus and you stop in the middle of no where to let the kid out to pee?  There's a bathroom.  You just didn't want boy pee on the floor.  Oh Heather Fancy Pants.  I hope you get annoyed by bugs.

Trailer park?  No words.  But I love Tamra right now.  Fancy white trash!  I could camp with Tamra.  I think she would even be nice about my lowly tent.  Plus I'd get a potted plant out of the deal.

Shannon.  Boring.  Yeah.  Sand in your lungs.  Neither Tamra or I are buying what you're selling.  Liar.  Golfing foresome.  Again.  I hear and feel for you Jim.

Kelly lost her helmet.  That's bad.  And silence.  Something I've never heard on HW show before.  Vicki throwing up is not good.  Tamra was so quiet.  I feel a little scared for them.

Heather.  You redeemed yourself.  You are good at barking out important orders. I still don't want to camp with you.  


I enjoyed everyone but Shannon and Megan.

  • Love 9

First, the positive. Heather better get a pass for life from Tamra, Kelly and Vicki.  Really cool head in a crisis.  She did all the right things for everyone else. I'm impressed with her.

But OMG, Meghan is a horrible person.  I don't give a damn if you hate Vicki.  When you get a call that your co-worker is in the hospital and they have no one there and someone needs to be there to relay information to those that do care if Vicki lives or dies, you take your selfish ass to the hospital.  I realize that this is a reality show and a producer is likely doing that but seriously that makes me no less pissed off about it.

6 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Why did they make Nikki piss on the side of the road instead of using the RV's bathroom?

Way to milk it for all it's worth, Vicki!

Nice to know one person (Heather) can keep cool during a crisis situation.

I thought I heard Kelly say the toilet was clogged after she puked in it.  The driver should've pulled the RV over for her...

  • Love 20

Heather is just beyond. She needs the fancy rv. Personal chef prepared meals. Why go if ya have to be THAT fancy.

I was hoping heathers son wasnt on that atv. I would have been so scared if that was me in that accident. I hope tamra and vicki will be okay

Meghan that was bad. Your 25 minutes away go see vicki. I get you dont like her but she needs someone there

  • Love 4

The production company should do to oc what they do to ny, you don't go to the event, you don't get payed or featured in that episode. Shannon and Meghan were BEYOND boring and cannot carry scenes without the rest of the crew in MY OPINION!!! (TM reunion Tamra)

and btw, Shannon is so full of shit regarding her lamenting her little time to pack. She's wealthy enough to hire an elite moving company that comes in with 20 guys and packs you up in 1 day. They swoop in and pack/wrap up everything perfectly. They even pack up the garbage if it's left there.

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 15
10 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Seriously, what the hell are you on, Heather?  First, letting your son drive around on that thing, which looked so incredibly dangerous -- certainly for a kid that age.  And then calling Meghan & Shannon & expecting them to haul ass to go to the hospital to see Vicki?  Why the fuckety fuck should they do that?  She ain't a friend to them.  Er, huh????  Let her family & anybody who is a friend to her do that.  Does Vicks have any actual friends left?  ANY?  

And don't be all high & mighty, Heather, and try to make ANYONE feel guilty about not wanting to go to the hospital to see Vicks.  This is what happens to nasty-ass people.  Nobody visits 'em in the hospital when they get sick & nobody goes to their funerals.  Pay close attention to this shit, Bethenny, you evil, vile, hate-spewing monster!

Poor Meghan.  Asshole Jimmy still grimaces when touching her or anywhere being near her.  Was it my imagination or did she finally seem to have a glimmer of a realization Jimmy ain't gonna be around much longer?

I don't think Vicki has any non-HW "friends."  She and Jeanna are ok but not like they were before they came on the show.  Bethenny has those friends from high school that would come and Kyle, too if she were really sick in the hospital or to her funeral.  I think Meghan knows she's wife #3 but maybe not the last one and realizes she's gonna be raising this baby on her own one way or another. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, bosawks said:

What are the odds that Vicki overplays the sympathy card and alienates everyone all over again.....

And Meghan visiting coworkers you don't like in the hospital just means you're now an adult.

It's easy to forget & thank you for the reminder & pointing it out -- these 2 aren't merely acquaintances who don't like each other.  They are co-workers who don't like each other.  So the etiquette & expectations are different.  Still, don't bet on everyone following etiquette & expectations when it comes to someone who is disliked -- & for good reason.  Oh sure, if it's expedient to follow etiquette & expectations, maybe some will.  For the group here, those who are dependent on Bravo for their incomes, they'll do what they have to do to play nice for Bravo, whatever that is.  But that does NOT include Meghan or Shannon.  They both will do as they please.  Good for them.  Why do they need to go out of their way for Vicks?  Send a muffin basket -- if even that.

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

I have coworkers that I would not to the hospital to visit because they are such bitches and I'M A NURSE!!  Vicki's non HW friends can go be with her.  Good for Meghan and Shannon for not bowing to Princess Heather. For those of you who think they are now evil:  A few weeks earlier Vicki left her just-discharged-from-the-hospital daughter alone with her two small children while Vicki went to work!!!! 

I once crashed my bike and went to the hospital I worked at for treatment.
I got stuck with a girl I really, really liked as a nurse.

She tell me to drop my pants and I tell her, NO.

She asked again and I refused.

I only had on shoes, pants and a thermal shirt.

It was the day I was free balling.....Boy, did THAT wreck my day.


Pleather didn't want to pay the drop fee for the toilet.

After watching this episode, I am hungry for a green bean casserole.

  • Love 1

Vicki's blog:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-gunvalson-i-had-immediate

Briana wasn't feeling well so she didn't go and see her mother in the hospital but was willing to.  Where were the producers and crew? I find it hard to believe that the best Vicki could muster was a car service home.  Vicki acts as if she is the president and the world needs 15 minute updates.  You call the nurse's station and they advise you of where she is-if they are allowed.  Why would Vicki think Meghan by her presence would be privy to her medical updates?

  • Love 6

What I found interesting is that Tamra was basically making fun of Meghan not wanting to go after recently having gone through IVF.  Then Tamra flips the ATV, yeah that is safe for a pregnant woman.

They should have called Brianna to go to the hospital.

I am sure the call to go to the hospital is a producer story line.  I personally only will visit close friends and family in the hospital.  Even if a  coworker were dying I wouldn't visit as I just don't think an injury/illness changes a relationship to be close enough to want to see a coworker in that state.  

  • Love 21
32 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

It's easy to forget & thank you for the reminder & pointing it out -- these 2 aren't merely acquaintances who don't like each other.  They are co-workers who don't like each other.  So the etiquette & expectations are different.  Still, don't bet on everyone following etiquette & expectations when it comes to someone who is disliked -- & for good reason.  Oh sure, if it's expedient to follow etiquette & expectations, maybe some will.  For the group here, those who are dependent on Bravo for their incomes, they'll do what they have to do to play nice for Bravo, whatever that is.  But that does NOT include Meghan or Shannon.  They both will do as they please.  Good for them.  Why do they need to go out of their way for Vicks?  Send a muffin basket -- if even that.

This wasn't an etiquette and expectations about visiting a hated coworker in the hospital situation.  This was an emergency situation where she was called because she was a half or third of the distance to the hospital compared to anyone else.  She can hate her coworker but if you are closest you go.  If someone cares enough about the situation to try to prod you to go (which Meghan clearly understood that Heather and Kelly were) you go.   I can't even wrap my head around the idea that she wouldn't.

And lets not bullshit here.  Meghan is not on the list of people who do not tow the Bravo line.  She can invite Vicki to the sushi party.  She can go to Vicki's birthday.  She can't go to the hospital because she has to golf or whatever with Shannon.

But putting all that aside.  Not going to the hospital is probably the stupidest move I've ever seen a housewife make from a show PR perspective.  Here comes the villain edit.  The reunion will not be fun for Meghan.   Shannon has a little more cover for consistency in the Vicki is not my friend and their will be no bygones department.  But this narrative is going to turn on her too.

Edited by ParadoxLost
21 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Vicki's blog:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-11/blogs/vicki-gunvalson/vicki-gunvalson-i-had-immediate

Briana wasn't feeling well so she didn't go and see her mother in the hospital but was willing to.  Where were the producers and crew? I find it hard to believe that the best Vicki could muster was a car service home.  Vicki acts as if she is the president and the world needs 15 minute updates.  You call the nurse's station and they advise you of where she is-if they are allowed.  Why would Vicki think Meghan by her presence would be privy to her medical updates?

Of course Vicki has to throw in a plug for her insurance business.  Give it a rest lady.

She was allegedly worried she was paralyzed or had permanent neck injuries, but she was answering the paramedics by nodding her head around like a bobble head even after they told her to keep her head still.  

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, fountain said:

What I found interesting is that Tamra was basically making fun of Meghan not wanting to go after recently having gone through IVF.  Then Tamra flips the ATV, yeah that is safe for a pregnant woman.

They should have called Brianna to go to the hospital.

I am sure the call to go to the hospital is a producer story line.  I personally only will visit close friends and family in the hospital.  Even if a  coworker were dying I wouldn't visit as I just don't think an injury/illness changes a relationship to be close enough to want to see a coworker in that state.  

Well, do you HAVE to go ATVing? How's about sitting with the old lady or taking a book, getting out to do something different, maybe?

I think that people who don't have a real reason, like being allergic to sand, should have gone for the trip, anyway.

Again, I cannot stress the stupidity of sitting a kid on an ATV, giving him the basics and letting him ride in an area like that. fucking stooooooopid shit.


IF they hadn't rolled the ATV, it would have been another stupid accident. I HATED RIDING WITH NOVICES, not that they didn't know how to ride, it's that they weren't experienced enough.

Groups will put one guy at the top of the hill to watch the other side or to tell a rider, driver when to slow down.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

This wasn't an etiquette and expectations about visiting a hated coworker in the hospital situation.  This was an emergency situation where she was called because she was a half or third of the distance to the hospital compared to anyone else.  She can hate her coworker but if you are closest you go.  If someone cares enough about the situation to try to prod you to go (which Meghan clearly understood that Heather and Kelly were) you go.   I can't even wrap my head around the idea that she wouldn't.

And lets not bullshit here.  Meghan is not on the list of people who do not tow the Bravo line.  She can invite Vicki to the sushi party.  She can go to Vicki's birthday.  She can't go to the hospital because she has to golf or whatever with Shannon.

But putting all that aside.  Not going to the hospital is probably the stupidest move I've ever seen a housewife make from a show PR perspective.  Here comes the villain edit.  The reunion will not be fun for Meghan.   Shannon has a little more cover for consistency in the Vicki is not my friend and their will be no bygones department.  But this narrative is going to turn on her too.

You are right, Mudhen had the chance to get a stellar edit and make vicki feel like a punk - She'd probably sour it with the "I didn't have to come here you know?" line and cause another brouhaha. but this is going to get interesting.

I dated a woman who had a daughter I deplored, One night her battery died and I drove out there  to help her.

I was cursing and carrying on all the way there.

It didn't kill me, but I got the satisfaction of looking at her and thinking, FUCK YOU- YOU owe me one,

  • Love 6
58 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

The production company should do to oc what they do to ny, you don't go to the event, you don't get payed or featured in that episode. Shannon and Meghan were BEYOND boring and cannot carry scenes without the rest of the crew in MY OPINION!!! (TM reunion Tamra

Disagree...i like that the women havent gone to all the events in the last few episodes.  It actually is more realistic.

I will agree that meghan scenes are boring...but will agree to disagree about Shannon scenes.

And I wouldnt go see Vicki in the hospital either if I were in meghan's shoes.  Id express sympathy..but I wouldnt go see her in the hospital..especially if we arent close friends.

  • Love 22

In the how much of this is scripted column.

Do we think they were really lucky enough that a film crew was waiting at Meghan's to film Shannon and Meghan?  Or did they dispatch a crew on a tip from accident site that they were going to call Meghan?  Or did they reenact?

I know that the BTS shows have admitted before that some cast members on various shows will tip production when something is going down.

In other thoughts.

I laughed when the 1 hr to Glamis changed to 3 hrs to Glamis.

And Kelly went get alcohol too soon after the accident for my comfort. 

Edited by ParadoxLost

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