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S11.E09: Woo Hoo Weekend

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Shallow note: I thought Tamra looked really good in the blue top with the white shorts.

David and Shannon looked like they had fun in Cabo. I really want those two to work out. Naked David in the hot tub LOL.

Every time Vicki speaks I roll my eyes. Briana is wondering why her mother wasn't invited to the vow renewal, seriously? It was mean, SERIOUSLY?! Shannon was Vicki's biggest advocate throughout the whole cancer scam and Vicki shat all over that and their friendship. I feel like I say this every week but her and Kelly can leave anytime. Kelly was hoping Merv Griffin was alive and richer so she can leave her creepy husband for him.

Also, I am 30 years old and I know who Merv Griffin is. Granted, I did watch a lot of Jeopardy with my grandpa, but these women have no excuse. That just reminded me of Meghan saying last year, that she did not know who Heather Locklear was. Girl, bye.

  • Love 13
On 8/30/2016 at 8:06 AM, Ubiquitous said:

Thanks for the info on Glamis. I assumed it was another one of Heather's attempts at making a phrase popular, like "champs" or "glamping". Glamis sounds like the last place someone like Heather would want to be.



23 hours ago, Giselle said:


I just looked up "Glamis Ca" on Wikipedia. I urge everyone to do it. I am in absolute disbelief that these ho-wives are going to this place. But I'm going to be sure to watch that special episode.

I'm not knocking Glamis, however it just seems like these women would be pissed that Bravo isn't sending them to one of the usual exotic locations. But I think this is a great idea for all the housewives franchises. One trip a year to a place that these women think they are too good for.


(Sorry Giselle, I don't know why your name is showing up as a blank quote! I'm not that great at using the new updated PT forum options...In other words...I am not very computer savvy! )

  • Love 4

Sorry, but I just can't stand Briana or her unappealing husband; at least they married one another...like finds like.  I won't comment on the kids....yes, I do think that making comments about the kids on reality shows is out of bounds.  However, it is their idiotic parents who push them in front of the cameras.  Back in the early OC days, at least the kids were teenagers and could have (maybe) refused to film.  Like that would happen.  I do seem to remember that Tamera's kids were small; but she was not on the first two seasons or so.  Was she?  If Briana becomes a regular Housewife next season, I am definitely out.  She is nails on a chalkboard for me. 

  • Love 5

Vicki. Loves her reincarnation as this magnanimous matriarch with the loving family she must work so hard to support. Thinks Ryan is her surrogate husband. Still trying to make Brianna happen as a full blown housewife. Is so jealous of Shannon and David she can't stand it.

Brianna. Thirsty AF. Still can't forget last year's reunion when Andy told her no less than 3TIMES, thank you Brianna ( iow, we're done, you can get your ass off the couch now) and she just sat there as if she owned the thing. How the hell this cow thinks she's too good for OK and that anyone wants to see her on TV is anyone's guess.

  • Love 14
On 8/29/2016 at 11:02 PM, breezy424 said:

I did enjoy seeing Merv Griffin's estate.  But I didn't enjoy that I'm probably in the minority of actually knowing who Merv Griffin was.

I remember Merv, too. The worst reaction, in my opinion, was Kelly's. "I don't know who Merv Griffin is, but I hope he's single." Why? Are *you* single, wench?

My initial reaction to Kelly was negative. Nothing she's said or done since Minute One has altered that first impression. She claims to be educated, but her word salad tirades sound as if someone cut up a dictionary and flung it in the air, then read the words. She doesn't seem to know the meanings of those multiple-syllable words she tosses out. I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a great mother (after all, she tells us so every flippin' week), but if she gets some alcohol in her system, any filter on her mouth goes bye-bye.

Vickie can't believe Shannon "threw away our friendship." Really, Vickie? Seems to me you shredded it, set fire to it, and danced on the ashes. All the housewives on all the franchises are experts in revisionist history, and Vickie is the Queenliest Queen of Revision.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

At the end of the episode they show a sneak peak of OC

I think Kelly is saying we need an EMT

When the ambulance arrives, will we see Sarah in full make up again because she just happenned to be at a sand dune close-by?

I was looking at photos of the crash and saw that the sheriff's now have a rescue squad to answer emergency calls.

It the past, you were at the mercy of whoever was in the area.


We need justify Bicki's pay this season..........how do we do it?????


Could you invite her on an OR getaway and flip the ATV?


Tamara probably gets the steering wheel in the chest and hits her head on the roll bar, then she gets out and dances off into the sunset.

The bickster?

She needs a paramedic, the jaws of life, CPR, a backboard, chopper flight out and 12 surgeons waiting for her when she gets to the ER?

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was looking at photos of the crash and saw that the sheriff's now have a rescue squad to answer emergency calls.

It the past, you were at the mercy of whoever was in the area.


We need justify Bicki's pay this season..........how do we do it?????


Could you invite her on an OR getaway and flip the ATV?


Tamara probably gets the steering wheel in the chest and hits her head on the roll bar, then she gets out and dances off into the sunset.

The bickster?

She needs a paramedic, the jaws of life, CPR, a backboard, chopper flight out and 12 surgeons waiting for her when she gets to the ER?

Who is it that gets hurt? Tamra or Vicki?

3 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I just looked up "Glamis Ca" on Wikipedia. I urge everyone to do it. I am in absolute disbelief that these ho-wives are going to this place. But I'm going to be sure to watch that special episode.

I'm not knocking Glamis, however it just seems like these women would be pissed that Bravo isn't sending them to one of the usual exotic locations. But I think this is a great idea for all the housewives franchises. One trip a year to a place that these women think they are too good for.


(Sorry Giselle, I don't know why your name is showing up as a blank quote! I'm not that great at using the new updated PT forum options...In other words...I am not very computer savvy! )

Me either. I am a self described technotard with an IT boyfriend. If something goes sideways. I shove the bad device in his direction and grunt like a two year old for him to fix it. He does and I'm back to playing with my toys.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:


I think Briana's decision to move back to OC was all about grabbing that orange. She was offered a place on the show, so they scrambled and put their house up for sale, Ryan requested medical retirement, and Vick was all on board so she could have an advocate as well as have her family close by ( ahem, control mode). They had to have a reason for Brianna to return so they used the excuse of being near her doctors. If she wanted to be cared for by her OC docs she wouldn't have had a biopsy done in Oklahoma shortly before the move. 


Was Briana really offered an orange? Is this something verified, or just speculation? I'm honestly asking, because I have a hard time believing that. Brianna has never been all that interesting. I think the show probably wanted her out there to have someone to film with Vicki, since most of the cast started the season hating her. (And I bet Vick guilt tripped her daughter heavily about it.) But I don't know that they'd actually make her a full time housewife, that seems like a bit of a reach for me. 

I don't think she was opposed to the idea of moving back, but I'm sure her medical condition and Vicki's pleas convinced her to come sooner than planned. It probably didn't hurt that leaving Ryan behind would mean less camera time for him. I think after all the flak he received about sofa-gate they might be a little more careful in that arena at present. 

  • Love 2

I just had the chance to watch this.  A few minor observations:

It was nice to see Briana make an effort the first night at Merv’s house. The sweats, t-shirt, vest and flip flops look great on camera. *eyeroll*  She's not going to get her orange dressed liked that. 

Kelly needs to start wearing a bra.  Those balloons are sitting at her waist.

I could watch an entire episode built around watching Shannon pack for a trip, talk about packing for a trip and stressing about packing for a trip.

I know this has been said many, many times before, but there’s really something wrong with Kelly.  She flies off the handle so easily and cries when she gets called out on it.  And, Kelly, just because you gave birth doesn’t automatically make you a good person.  That whole thing really pisses me off. I don’t have kids and I’m 10x the person Kelly is. 

  • Love 12
44 minutes ago, beaker73 said:

I know this has been said many, many times before, but there’s really something wrong with Kelly.  She flies off the handle so easily and cries when she gets called out on it.  And, Kelly, just because you gave birth doesn’t automatically make you a good person.  That whole thing really pisses me off. I don’t have kids and I’m 10x the person Kelly is. 

Don't sell yourself short, I'm betting you're at least 1000x better.

  • Love 12
49 minutes ago, beaker73 said:

I just had the chance to watch this.  A few minor observations:

It was nice to see Briana make an effort the first night at Merv’s house. The sweats, t-shirt, vest and flip flops look great on camera. *eyeroll*  She's not going to get her orange dressed liked that. 

Kelly needs to start wearing a bra.  Those balloons are sitting at her waist.

I could watch an entire episode built around watching Shannon pack for a trip, talk about packing for a trip and stressing about packing for a trip.

I know this has been said many, many times before, but there’s really something wrong with Kelly.  She flies off the handle so easily and cries when she gets called out on it.  And, Kelly, just because you gave birth doesn’t automatically make you a good person.  That whole thing really pisses me off. I don’t have kids and I’m 10x the person Kelly is. 

KIds aren't the measuring stick?

When the adult, who leads the pack, is a moron?

Chances are the kids are going to follow suit.


Brianna might be the /outsider' in the house - three males is a lot to deal..

I have known parents who were the 'only' ones in the house - being the only woman in the household can be a sticking point?

Two young children can test your patience.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, AnitaKnight said:

My only comfort was when he had a current band on (like The Bay City Rollers -for some odd reason, I remember that specifically).  I didn't mind watching on those days as much.  I am so old.

I am 52 years old and I just squeed in the dentists office over the Bay City Rollers.

People are looking at me.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Was Briana really offered an orange? Is this something verified, or just speculation? I'm honestly asking, because I have a hard time believing that. Brianna has never been all that interesting. I think the show probably wanted her out there to have someone to film with Vicki, since most of the cast started the season hating her. (And I bet Vick guilt tripped her daughter heavily about it.) But I don't know that they'd actually make her a full time housewife, that seems like a bit of a reach for me. 

I don't think she was opposed to the idea of moving back, but I'm sure her medical condition and Vicki's pleas convinced her to come sooner than planned. It probably didn't hurt that leaving Ryan behind would mean less camera time for him. I think after all the flak he received about sofa-gate they might be a little more careful in that arena at present. 

I think that she was offered an orange is speculation.

I don't think production had anything to do with Briana's relocation.  Kelly was brought into film with Vicki.  I think that Vicki and Brianna are angling to make Brianna a HW and if they have approached producers it was gently rebuffed.  The reason I think that is Tamra.  This is the second time I've come away from an episode thinking that Tamra was kind of confused about the dynamics of the gathering.  It read to me like Tamra thought this was a HW event and she was surprised to be in the middle of a family event that the other HWs didn't show up to. 

Tamra's interaction with Brianna seemed more like polite interaction with family of coworker than a friend or another HW.  It felt more awkwardly polite than HW or friend of HW or one of the husbands.  That tells me that production hasn't told them that Brianna has a reason to be filming. 

6 hours ago, Kemper said:

Sorry, but I just can't stand Briana or her unappealing husband; at least they married one another...like finds like.  I won't comment on the kids....yes, I do think that making comments about the kids on reality shows is out of bounds.  However, it is their idiotic parents who push them in front of the cameras.  Back in the early OC days, at least the kids were teenagers and could have (maybe) refused to film.  Like that would happen.  I do seem to remember that Tamera's kids were small; but she was not on the first two seasons or so.  Was she?  If Briana becomes a regular Housewife next season, I am definitely out.  She is nails on a chalkboard for me. 


but Icky is enough to tune me out after this season. She adds nothing, at least nothing non-disgusting, non-gross, non-classless bordering on racist, & etc....no one with her DNA is of interest to me. I really can't look at her on my screen or hear her screeching voice ever again. Thank God for the  "mute" button, invented with her in mind. Ugh....none of these women are interesting anymore. Their lives are not interesting. All they do is shop, (not) eat in fancy places, booze and gossip. Yeah, yeah, careers, etc...blah blah blah. Most of them are bulls*^%. And I cannot listen to Heather whine about Terry not seeing more of his kids (uh, money? Remeber that stuff?) and Meghan will be more insufferable than ever when she births. I do not buy into Tamra for Jesus even a tiny bit. And Shannon, bless her, is too high-maintenance even to watch without exhaustion, while David makes me feel like my clothes are dirty and wrinkled, which I hate. I am not interested in Brianna's spawn at all. I wish more dogs were featured.

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was there for ALL the big earthquakes 1971 - 1994.

When I moved away I thought, 'Good, don't have to worry about THAT, no to focus on tornadoes and shit like that.

I was watching a TV show about weather and asked my dad if he'd rather live in an earthquake or tornado zone.


He didn't miss a beat - "Earthquake zone, At least you'd find all your (shit) in one pile, not blown all over the place."

NO, he would have pushed her in and held her under?

I lived in Northern CA for 7 years. I grew up in GA and now live in AL, where tornadoes are common.  If I had to choose I'd prefer the tornado zone. Because usually you have some warning one is possible and can take precautions by going to your basement or wherever. Earthquakes come without warning.

 I never went through a major earthquake while living there. (I did hear terrifying stories from people who had experienced the '89 quake) But I did experience lots of small ones. For some reason they often happened early in the morning. I did sort of get used to them. They'd wake me up and I'd usually say something to my husband, like "when you go to work check and see where you are on the transfer list." And then just go back to sleep! ;)

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Cara said:

I lived in Northern CA for 7 years. I grew up in GA and now live in AL, where tornadoes are common.  If I had to choose I'd prefer the tornado zone. Because usually you have some warning one is possible and can take precautions by going to your basement or wherever. Earthquakes come without warning.

 I never went through a major earthquake while living there. (I did hear terrifying stories from people who had experienced the '89 quake) But I did experience lots of small ones. For some reason they often happened early in the morning. I did sort of get used to them. They'd wake me up and I'd usually say something to my husband, like "when you go to work check and see where you are on the transfer list." And then just go back to sleep! ;)

I grew up in CA and never minded earthquakes, big ones nor little ones. We were within 9 miles from a big one and the only damage we had was a very small section the common wall with our neighbor falling over, helped by the fact that he had a vegetable garden and watered like crazy thus compromising the foundation of the wall. The only other damage was my cat's pride, the liquid laundry soap got knocked over and I had to wash the soap off my Siamese cat's balls through the aftershocks.

What I like to tell people is" Give me an earthquake over a flood, tornado or hurricane any day.  It is dry disaster and there is only water damage if a waterline breaks, there is a fire, or its raining. No boarding up, no evacuating, no wondering if it's heading your way."

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I'm not knocking Glamis, however it just seems like these women would be pissed that Bravo isn't sending them to one of the usual exotic locations. But I think this is a great idea for all the housewives franchises. One trip a year to a place that these women think they are too good for.

Don't forget, the women are still going to Ireland later this season.  Which pisses me off insanely because I LOVE Ireland and have been wanting to go back for years and these bitches get to go on Bravo's dime.  And it will be totally wasted on them.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Giselle said:

I grew up in CA and never minded earthquakes, big ones nor little ones. We were within 9 miles from a big one and the only damage we had was a very small section the common wall with our neighbor falling over, helped by the fact that he had a vegetable garden and watered like crazy thus compromising the foundation of the wall. The only other damage was my cat's pride, the liquid laundry soap got knocked over and I had to wash the soap off my Siamese cat's balls through the aftershocks.

What I like to tell people is" Give me an earthquake over a flood, tornado or hurricane any day.  It is dry disaster and there is only water damage if a waterline breaks, there is a fire, or its raining. No boarding up, no evacuating, no wondering if it's heading your way."

Grew up in the San Fernando Valley, North Hollywood to be specific, and recall the 1994 Northridge earthquake in great detail still.  That shit was scary.  I don't think I've ever been so terrified.  I live in Florida now and I'll take a hurricane/tropical storm/tornado any day over an earthquake.  We at least have time to prepare and get somewhere safe if necessary.  Not so with earthquakes.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Giselle said:

I grew up in CA and never minded earthquakes, big ones nor little ones. We were within 9 miles from a big one and the only damage we had was a very small section the common wall with our neighbor falling over, helped by the fact that he had a vegetable garden and watered like crazy thus compromising the foundation of the wall. The only other damage was my cat's pride, the liquid laundry soap got knocked over and I had to wash the soap off my Siamese cat's balls through the aftershocks.

What I like to tell people is" Give me an earthquake over a flood, tornado or hurricane any day.  It is dry disaster and there is only water damage if a waterline breaks, there is a fire, or its raining. No boarding up, no evacuating, no wondering if it's heading your way."

Nine miles from the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake? You must have been located on very stable soil (on top of something like granite) that really dampened the shock waves. Recall what happened in nearby downtown Santa Cruz and then the SF Marina district, and the 880 freeway in Oakland (some 75 miles from the epicenter). I was living in Santa Clara, in the south bay (on alluvial soil), and everything not bolted down in my house was knocked over, including big screen TVs, stereo systems, and plenty of kitchenware. I was on the concrete patio when it hit and was knocked over by the initial ground waves. The noise was terrible: shaking trees, shaking houses, and screaming neighbors. That really got my heart pumping. Then the power and phone lines went out.

Everyone in the SF bay area knows that the nearby Hayward fault could let loose with a 7+ magnitude quake any day. When that happens, it will render most of the East bay and parts of San Jose and SF seriously damaged and unlivable for weeks, if not months. I'd take a tornado with a 200 yard wide damage path over a major quake that seriously damages an area up to 400 square miles and rattles nerves over 2000 square miles. Any day.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Nine miles from the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake? You must have been located on very stable soil (on top of something like granite) that really dampened the shock waves. Recall what happened in nearby downtown Santa Cruz and then the SF Marina district, and the 880 freeway in Oakland (some 75 miles from the epicenter). I was living in Santa Clara, in the south bay (on alluvial soil), and everything not bolted down in my house was knocked over, including big screen TVs, stereo systems, and plenty of kitchenware. I was on the concrete patio when it hit and was knocked over by the initial ground waves. The noise was terrible: shaking trees, shaking houses, and screaming neighbors. That really got my heart pumping. Then the power and phone lines went out.

Everyone in the SF bay area knows that the nearby Hayward fault could let loose with a 7+ magnitude quake any day. When that happens, it will render most of the East bay and parts of San Jose and SF seriously damaged and unlivable for weeks, if not months. I'd take a tornado with a 200 yard wide damage path over a major quake that seriously damages an area up to 400 square miles and rattles nerves over 2000 square miles. Any day.

Southern not Northern California.

As far as not knowing when one will hit out of the blue. They do tell people to prepare and most don't. My dad was one who did. He wasn't a prepper, my mom had health issues and was bedridden so he just prepared for an earthquake just enough for a couple of weeks. Food, water, generator, other stuff like one month's worth of meds and cat food, and crates for the cats . He hounded me till I had a car kit and sneakers in the bottom drawer of my work desk (can't hike in heels). The  backpack is still in my trunk. I know that I can hike home over a few days if need be. Also works out great if I stay overnight at a friends or need a jacket or a quick change of clothes.

Edited by Giselle
the mobile site is terrible.
  • Love 4
19 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I don't think production had anything to do with Briana's relocation.  Kelly was brought into film with Vicki. 

I'm not sure I see that. Kelly had ties to Megan; I think that's why they brought her in. But I think Vicki tried to glom onto her, because she realized she had no friends this season. Luckily for her, it worked. Kelly has no standards. 


4 hours ago, slitz said:

Don't forget, the women are still going to Ireland later this season.  Which pisses me off insanely because I LOVE Ireland and have been wanting to go back for years and these bitches get to go on Bravo's dime.  And it will be totally wasted on them.

Ugh. I didn't know that! My husband recently told me he wants to send me and my mom to Ireland next year with our tax return. We are working class people, but he had this epiphany about how hard I work and how little I ask for, and he said he's going to make it happen. I've been socking away, trying to save some of my own too. It will be a budget vacation for sure, but I think I might literally die if my dream of going there comes true. These cows? They're going to ruin it. I don't even know if I want to watch!

  • Love 5
On August 30, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Scottish Girl said:

Gotta say it...the way Vick and Ragey Ryan interact, physically, grosses me out. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Hugs, kisses, hugs, MORE kisses. She was more physical with him than Brianna. It happened when they left Oklahoma too. I find it bizarre. My husband and I have been together more than half my life, my mom loves him. But, she's NEVER smooched him within an inch of his life. 

I hope it's just her attention seeking and not actual flirting.  Ugh. 

imo it's typical narcissistic Mom behavior - no boundaries and everything about her. Ick!

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Yikes - this group has finally become less likeable than the bitches on NYC! I could probably stand Jules and Dorinda from that group, but would only bother with one here - Shannon. Would it really ruin the franchise to hire a few more good-hearted women?! 

While I agree with you nexxie, my opinion is that the producers of this show would think most good-hearted women are pretty boring and would bring no drama to this (sh!t) show......

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Ugh. I didn't know that! My husband recently told me he wants to send me and my mom to Ireland next year with our tax return. We are working class people, but he had this epiphany about how hard I work and how little I ask for, and he said he's going to make it happen. I've been socking away, trying to save some of my own too. It will be a budget vacation for sure, but I think I might literally die if my dream of going there comes true. These cows? They're going to ruin it. I don't even know if I want to watch!

Wow, that's awesome that your husband is making it happen.  I was lucky enough that I had friends who lived in Dublin so I didn't have to worry about finding a hotel otherwise it probably wouldn't have happened for me either.  You will LOVE it.  I fell in love with Ireland and am determined to get back there one day.  And even on a budget, there's so much to see and do that is relatively inexpensive.  I was there for just over a week and had maybe all of $500 for sightseeing, food, drinks and gifts and still managed to come back with some money...although this was nearly 16 years ago.  LOL  Anyways, when you're starting to make plans, feel free to send me a PM for some tips on things to see/go/do while in Dublin (if that's where you end up going).

And because it can not be said enough, this trip is going to be completely wasted on Kelly, Vicki and probably even Tamra.  I could see Meghan, Shannon and Heather enjoying themselves and not making complete asses of themselves like the other three.  But unleashing that unholy trinity on poor Ireland?  *shudders*  Like the European countries don't hate us enough already.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, sandyskyblue said:

While I agree with you nexxie, my opinion is that the producers of this show would think most good-hearted women are pretty boring and would bring no drama to this (sh!t) show......

That must be what they're thinking, but the old formula - hire as many women with personality disorders as possible - is really getting old. Quirky, eccentric, way-outside-the-box - all are fun to watch, but I'm sick of mean, dysfunctional women who need therapists more than a paycheck.

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Yikes - this group has finally become less likeable than the bitches on NYC! I could probably stand Jules and Dorinda from that group, but would only bother with one here - Shannon. Would it really ruin the franchise to hire a few more good-hearted women?! 

After last nights RHoNYC reunion, I could not disagree with this more.  I would rather watch more of Meghan's IVF "journey" than another minute of Bethenny and Luann trying to knock the other one down.  I'm FINALLY done with NYC.  

Now if Vicki and Kelly are both back next year, I could very well be saying the same thing about the OC.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, slitz said:

After last nights RHoNYC reunion, I could not disagree with this more.  I would rather watch more of Meghan's IVF "journey" than another minute of Bethenny and Luann trying to knock the other one down.  I'm FINALLY done with NYC.  

Now if Vicki and Kelly are both back next year, I could very well be saying the same thing about the OC.

I meant that I can stand two on NYC and only one on the OC these days - there are no words for the ugly displayed on the NYC reunion show.

  • Love 2
Just now, nexxie said:

I meant that I can stand two on NYC and only one on the OC these days - there are no words for the ugly displayed on the NYC reunion show.

Gotcha.  I'm still good with Shannon, Heather and Meghan (for the most part).  I can even tolerate this new version of Gramballs.  So I'll probably still stick with the OC, at least for the remainder of this season.

But NYC?  Done.  I just can't anymore with those women.  And that makes me so mad because it used to be my absolute favorite of the RH shows.  Bethenny coming back has completely ruined it for me.  She's nasty, vicious, vile, hypocritical (at least Luann was right about that) and just flat out a mean girl.  

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, slitz said:

Gotcha.  I'm still good with Shannon, Heather and Meghan (for the most part).  I can even tolerate this new version of Gramballs.  So I'll probably still stick with the OC, at least for the remainder of this season.

But NYC?  Done.  I just can't anymore with those women.  And that makes me so mad because it used to be my absolute favorite of the RH shows.  Bethenny coming back has completely ruined it for me.  She's nasty, vicious, vile, hypocritical (at least Luann was right about that) and just flat out a mean girl.  

Heather and Meghan are still watchable for me, but they seem pretty one-dimensional, mostly about themselves and their images. zzzzzzzz

43 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Yikes - this group has finally become less likeable than the bitches on NYC! I could probably stand Jules and Dorinda from that group, but would only bother with one here - Shannon. Would it really ruin the franchise to hire a few more good-hearted women?! 

See my post in "Ghost Wives of the Past" Thread.

If they got rid of Vicki and Kelly and brought back Alexis and Lydia, even for  season, it might be an interesting dynamic. All everyone seems to do now is take sides and fight. The first and second seasons of the housewives were so good because everybody wasn't at each others throat every minute of the episode.

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, slitz said:

And because it can not be said enough, this trip is going to be completely wasted on Kelly, Vicki and probably even Tamra.  I could see Meghan, Shannon and Heather enjoying themselves and not making complete asses of themselves like the other three.  But unleashing that unholy trinity on poor Ireland?  *shudders*  Like the European countries don't hate us enough already.

I agree. Shannon and Heather especially would take it all in and enjoy it. Vicki would scream whoohoo and shriek at everything. We haven't seen vacation Kelly yet, but she'll probably be just as annoying as Vicki. Ugh, just thinking back at all the fabulous vacations these women have taken, I keep remembering Vicki acting a fool on pretty much all of them. I would rather peel off my own skin then go on vacation with her. These vacations are just wasted on her. Bravo should send us instead!!

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27 minutes ago, Giselle said:

See my post in "Ghost Wives of the Past" Thread.

If they got rid of Vicki and Kelly and brought back Alexis and Lydia, even for  season, it might be an interesting dynamic. All everyone seems to do now is take sides and fight. The first and second seasons of the housewives were so good because everybody wasn't at each others throat every minute of the episode.

Lydia was gone too soon - quirky, sometimes pretty uptight, but good-hearted!

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I can't believe Tamara doesn't know when Briana's birthday is.  She has known Briana for many years and I'm sure it's been mentioned that B's birthday is close to Vicki's.  I hated hearing Briana talk about raising her two kids alone.  She's been away from Ryan for a few weeks, staying with her mother, and probably getting lots of help.  I thought it was insulting to actual single moms, and especially to people whose military spouses are deployed overseas.

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The only thing I need to express myself about after watching this episode and the one before that is that I find Shannon to be amazingly pretty when she´s not wearing make-up. I´ve always thought of her as being matronly and kind of old-looking, especially in her talking heads, but for the last two weeks she was make up free in most of her scenes and she just looked gorgeous. I´m in no way against make-up, usually it´s the right thing for any woman over 20, but I guess Shannon is the exception to the rule. She looked like a different person, and I´m so happy for her and David, they are really, really cute and it´s a very different picture from the naggy, crazy couple from last season, that only talked about David´s affair. They´re winning the looks and personality department across all franchises, at least for me.

  • Love 14

Do you think the reason Shannon's taken off is because she's a throwback to the old school type of housewife?  She seems so authentic and unfiltered..yet not in a totally cringeworthy way that Vicki or rhony's ramona is.

I could be down to another housewife whose more down to earth...or even mellow like Jeana was...or even someone harmless and sweet like Lydia again.

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