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S11.E09: Woo Hoo Weekend

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48 minutes ago, 100PercentPain said:

Dear Lord, could Vicki be MORE salty about not being invited to the vow renewal? Is she honestly that surprised after the 70s party and the sushi nightmare? I don't even have words for this cow. "Didn't work for Don and I." The flashback to that renewal just showed what a stark contrast Shannon and David's was in terms of sincerity. Brianna can fuck off with her, "I want to know why they didn't invite my mom. That was mean." too. Bitch knows exactly why. She was right alongside the other women last year, affirming that Vicki was a lying sack of crap.


The hat Kelly brought Vicki that Vicki was fawning over looked like something I'd find at Target. Which, I mean, I have nothing against. I love Target. I would live at Target if I could. But these superficial bitches? I sincerely doubt it. 


The fact that Kelly can say, with a straight face, that she's the "bigger person" in comparison to anybody else, or that she's worried about someone else "flipping out" is... Wow. It boggles my mind that a person can have so little self awareness. This woman is seriously disturbed. 


Meghan can feel her not-even-implanted babies yet? Ugh. I know every first timer says some dumb things, but don't be that girl, Meghan. 


I could have gone forever without seeing naked David chowing down. Glad the man can finally enjoy some chips and salsa in peace, though.


"I've never been inappropriate around children, ever." - the woman who made a "tossing salad" joke to/in front of her daughter in what I'm fairly sure was her first scene on this show. Kelly is seriously on another planet, isn't she? Jesus. 


We all know why you can't keep your mouth shut, Tamra. $$$

I agree with everything except the bolded part. Meghan had the embryos implanted before they went to PS, they showed it on last weeks episode but I doubt she could feel them.  

  • Love 2

OK, Ragey Ryan was in Oklahoma.  Brianna is in the OC by choice.  It's not like he was deployed and made a surprise appearance at Vicki's party.  He took a plane for a few hours to see them.   I'm sure they talk everyday.  And again it has been their choice to be separated.  Just too damn silly, trying to pull our  heartstrings, for me.

I immediately thought about Kelly laughing about tossing salad in front of her daughter.  Keep telling us what a great mother you are.  Someone  will believe you (or at least pretend to because they need a friend on the show - Vicki). 

  • Love 20
7 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Is there anyone out there that wants Brianna and her angry husband to be on this show? Come out, Come out wherever you are! LOL

OK, I'll admit it: I was hopeful about Angry Ryan being on this episode; I'd hoped for Kelly showing her ass at Vic's party and Ryan kicking her out like he did to that pot smoking, fairy dust flake.  Alas, he did not perform, so he can go now.

4 hours ago, Jellybean13 said:

As the wife of a 25 year veteran of the US Navy, I have to vent about Vicki and Brianna saying that ragey Ryan is retiring from the Marines.  He is just " getting out " of the Marine Corp.  The dope doesn't have enough years in to retire.  

He's going for a medical retirement, which can be granted for less than 20 years with more than 30% disability.  (I have no idea if his alleged injury actually qualifies him for medical retirement.)

Shannon, sans makeup, on vacation looked happy and very pretty.  Hell, David seemed genuinely non douchy in their home video as well.

Kelly is so painfully stupid, either organically or willfully.  To not get how a person (Heather), even with just coworkers who are on just civil terms and not actually friends, might get perturbed if their workplace proximity associates are attacked with the terms Kelly used for Shannon and Tamra, is just beyond comprehension.  And sending a text with a wonky emoji isn't really a great way to apologize, despite what Ramona might say.

Speaking of Ramona, this ep needed her to liven things up; I'd like to have seen her wrestling Owen and Troy for the pool noodles.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I agree with everything except the bolded part. Meghan had the embryos implanted before they went to PS, they showed it on last weeks episode but I doubt she could feel them.  

Meghan (obligatory "Shut up, Meghan!") telling about how swollen her tummy was and how she could feel the embryos in her reminded me of a Mad Magazine Popeye cartoon. I cannot find it right now, but basically, Olive declares she accidentally swallowed a whole grape and Popeye takes her to their doctor and in the next panel, the doctor is congratulating her for getting pregnant!

6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I might be wrong, but I feel like it was ASU.  She probably majored in drinking.

Arizona Spoiled-kids' University?


If Kelly is soooo concerned about people saying inappropriate things in front of the chilllldren, why'd she make a pole-dancing joke when her daughter asked about taking dancing lessons?

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Muffyn said:

OK, Ragey Ryan was in Oklahoma.  Brianna is in the OC by choice.  It's not like he was deployed and made a surprise appearance at Vicki's party.  He took a plane for a few hours to see them.   I'm sure they talk everyday.  And again it has been their choice to be separated.  Just too damn silly, trying to pull our  heartstrings, for me.

I immediately thought about Kelly laughing about tossing salad in front of her daughter.  Keep telling us what a great mother you are.  Someone  will believe you (or at least pretend to because they need a friend on the show - Vicki). 

I thought Brianna said something about Ryan needing written permission to leave the state?  Maybe Vicki "brought him home" because she gave him enough notice to get the appropriate paperwork for a short leave?

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Meghan (obligatory "Shut up, Meghan!") telling about how swollen her tummy was and how she could feel the embryos in her reminded me of a Mad Magazine Popeye cartoon. I cannot find it right now, but basically, Olive declares she accidentally swallowed a whole grape and Popeye takes her to tha e doctor and in the next panel, the doctor is congratulating her for getting pregnant!

Arizona Spoiled-kids' University?


If Kelly is soooo concerned about people saying inappropriate things in front of the chilllldren, why'd she make a pole-dancing joke when her daughter asked about taking dancing lessons?

Because she's the great mother she keeps telling everyone she is?

  • Love 1

Uncle Mike just likely wanted to stay at Merv's house. I don't mean this in a bad way but I think he leans toward Merv's lifestyle.

I agree.  Always thought that his moving down to San Diego and keeping his address private was a way of ensuring Vicki didn't out him on national TV.

(small voice) I think Vicki looks really good this season and I loved the grey & yellow dress. (/small voice)

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Vick's birthday party was kind of pathetic.  When you only have six housewives and half of them don't show up for your birthday dinner, it kind of looks forced.

Especially when you realize that they're all on the same payroll and may be contractually expected to be there. And as for the 'everyone gets tossed in the pool with their clothes on' BS...sure, fine, whatever. If you're drunk. If you're in high school. If you're desperate for camera time.

Though it does seem that at least a few of the HW's are willing to suck up Vicki's horrible self to keep their own screen time and checks rolling in; they don't have to actually like it but seem willing to take the cash. We all make our choices and you don't always love or even like you coworkers.

  • Love 4

Kelly can shout from the rooftop what a great mother she is, but I was holding my breath the entire time she was around Vicki's grand-spawn. I don't know what's worse- seeing drunk crazy Kelly foaming at the mouth or contrite, ugly cry Kelly. I could watch her imitate Heather all day though! 

Speaking of the grand-spawn: yuck. Briana laughing while her kid pummeled her pussy ass brother was not cute. Cry me a river for poor Briana who has to care for 2 little kids. Give me a break. Ryan having an opinion about Kelly being told to leave HAD to be producer driven! I bet the other people in Ryan's Marine Corp unit just love him for the special snowflake that he is. Can't wait to see him not make it big in the Orange County real estate market. 

Vicki's son Michael pings to me, but irrelevant to that is what an absolute oddball he is. It was his idea for Vicki to be on the show in the first place and he sent in her audition tape, but he seems to not want to be part of Vicki or the show. 

Loved the house porn! The estate is for sale for $100 million and average rental is $5000 per night. Go Merv! 

  • Love 9

I was wondering if this whole Palm Springs weekend is another attempt of Vicki's for a redemption arc.  For some reason, spending a weekend in Palm Springs with her family, including her grandsons, does not strike me as the way Vicki would REALLY want to celebrate her birthday.  Not much in the way of "whooping it up" there....not with the grandkids running around.

The Merv Griffin Estate looked amazing, though, and I would love to spend a weekend there, with my friends.  

Michael really looked like that was the LAST place on earth he wanted to be.  

Also, when Ryan walked in, was that a look of disbelief on Brianna's face, or a look that said "Oh shit, what is HE doing here?" - I got a feeling it was more of the latter.  To me, she didn't seem overly thrilled to see him walking in, until she realized that the camera was on her.

  • Love 24

One of my peeves is the kid by the pool scenario.

You can have 40 adults at the address and one kid will find a way to get out and play next to it.

I always end up watching kids - most of the time they are more civil and spill the beans easier - as in "My daddy puts a mask on mommy and wrestles with her from behind".

Those are the jewels that I love to hear from the little bastards and with the right prompting the kids will repeat every word they hear their parents say?


Heather and Glamis aren't going to mix well. Glamis is a large off road vehicle part. People ride around drinking and doing shit they won't normally do on bikes/atvs.

I wonder what pleather is going to say when she sees a woman on a quad with no top on and screaming, "I fucking love this!" as they ride by the kiddies? It's probably NOT going to be one of the HWs screaming cuss words, it's going to be someone else.

A few facts about Glamis?

Its a large sand box where people from So Cal go to ride off road bikes. There is nothing but sand - no water, no vegetation.  On the BIG holiday weekends you'll be lucky if you don't get run over - people tend to ignore common sense when they get there. You have seen the video of people jumping bikes and landing on each other?

I had to laugh at the rollover in the UTV.

One thing about Glamis is that there is NO way for an ambulance to get to you if you crash and burn.

You have to depend on who is out there - they load you up into someone's truck to drive over to meet the ambulance - so if you aren't REALLY hurt?

Someone who means well will finish snapping your spinal cord for you getting you out of there..,.,.If pleather is so worried about people cussing in front of their kids?  She should stay at home, she is going to do nothing but bitch and complain - god knows how tacky it is to drink "chumps" from a Paper Dixie Cup when you rough it......That's goddamn un-American!

Edited by ElDosEquis
kids, kids, I don't hate them, they can be used to grab me my beer?
  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Kelly can shout from the rooftop what a great mother she is, but I was holding my breath the entire time she was around Vicki's grand-spawn. I don't know what's worse- seeing drunk crazy Kelly foaming at the mouth or contrite, ugly cry Kelly. I could watch her imitate Heather all day though! 

Speaking of the grand-spawn: yuck. Briana laughing while her kid pummeled her pussy ass brother was not cute. Cry me a river for poor Briana who has to care for 2 little kids. Give me a break. Ryan having an opinion about Kelly being told to leave HAD to be producer driven! I bet the other people in Ryan's Marine Corp unit just love him for the special snowflake that he is. Can't wait to see him not make it big in the Orange County real estate market. 

Vicki's son Michael pings to me, but irrelevant to that is what an absolute oddball he is. It was his idea for Vicki to be on the show in the first place and he sent in her audition tape, but he seems to not want to be part of Vicki or the show. 

Loved the house porn! The estate is for sale for $100 million and average rental is $5000 per night. Go Merv! 

I am not understanding how the present owners, who paid 17.9 million, in 2005, remodeled, dropped the price to under 10 million four years ago warrant a $100 million dollar price tag.  Oh I see Josh Flagg of Million Dollar Listing solves the mystery of who paid for the weekend.

  • Love 4

Megan can declare Jimmy a romantic all she wants, but I'm just not seeing it. "Jimmy would love a vow renewal"? With YOU? I'm really scared of pregnant Megan. It's going to be a LONG 9 months. Homegirl, you have no bump. Calm down. 

Terry needs to go his daughter's events! You guys have enough money. Max shouldn't be sending pics of empty chairs to her father. That's just sad. 

It will never stop being funny that Kelly declares herself "college educated" but then comes out with shit like, "You don't act like you're a hierarchy than me!" Priceless. 

Honestly, I would worry too about bringing my kids to events where she is. *I* wouldn't even want to go. Tamra tries to defend her - "She's a mother herself, so she knows how to act around kids". Yea, she'll just unknowingly rope them into perverted sex jokes. Good times!

I thought the Ryan surprise was really nice. I know a lot of people don't like Ryan, and I get why. But my jury is still out, because I've seen first hand how being overseas can effect someone, and he's been over there several times, hasn't he? It's brutal. At any rate, he seems really good with his boys and Briana clearly loves him a lot. 

It was funny seeing her boys go after Uncle Mike. He does NOT seem comfortable with his nephews at all. 

The Beador home videos were fucking hilarious. Those two are so fun and relatable. I hope they had a good time. 

  • Love 23
7 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Also, when Ryan walked in, was that a look of disbelief on Brianna's face, or a look that said "Oh shit, what is HE doing here?" - I got a feeling it was more of the latter.  To me, she didn't seem overly thrilled to see him walking in, until she realized that the camera was on her.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Oh, shit. Now I can't be the suffering 'single' mom with two kids, a house mom bought me, a 50k remodel to put up with and now I am reunited with my hotheaded husband who is a Major League Dick?' look on her face.

Thank God that vicki can get the Marine Corps to get cracking and do what she wants them to do.

  • Love 17

Brianna is so bloody miserable all the time! Even when she is trying to join in and have fun her comments are always negative and her face is unhappy. Moan. Whinge. Frown. (Even when away for a fun holiday with plenty of people to keep her company and be involved with her children).

I think growing up with Vicki she has only gotten attention when things are bad, hence she focuses on the negative in order to get attention.  Fine, but that is not interesting for me to watch on tv. 

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
Spelling is important
  • Love 10

I've driven through Glamis several times on the 8 when driving from TX to the OC to visit family. I never knew it was called that lol. We just called them the sand dunes, which are really cool to see!

I was not a single mom, but GMAF, Brianna! Real single moms should have it so easy, so stop complaining. And I'm sure there are a lot of military families that don't live as nicely as you did in OK. There's no denying those are Ryan's kids. Good grief, those genes are strong. I'm also wondering if the scenes where Ryan came in was re-shot because Owen said "Daddy" and then Brianna said that he looks for him every night. Me thinks he knew he was there already and was looking for him.

Vicki does look great this season, but enough with the How Vicki got her groove back. I was waiting for the boobs to come out and play with the dress she was wearing in the morning. And please learn the proper way to use "so and so and I"!

Did y'all notice when Tamra arrived at the restaurant for her dinner with Kelly and Heather, when she got out of the car, the driver was totally checking her out. Creep!

  • Love 2
53 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I am not understanding how the present owners, who paid 17.9 million, in 2005, remodeled, dropped the price to under 10 million four years ago warrant a $100 million dollar price tag.  Oh I see Josh Flagg of Million Dollar Listing solves the mystery of who paid for the weekend.

It's probably NOT the house that is worth anything. It's the land?

Palm Springs has evolved from a desert town, to an overpriced oasis in the desert.

Retirees bought when it was cheap and now, as they pass on, the lots are being sold to investors and flippers who jack up the prices after they are done..

I never thought of PS as a vacation spot?

It MIGHT be warmer than OC or LA counties during the winter, but  in the summer it's a miserable, hot and dry place - from june to September there are an average of about 80 days of plus 100 degree weather.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Looking at Kelly's nose makes me feel like I'm suffocating.  How does she breathe with that thing?


The problem with the show is that Vicki should of been fired.  She crossed lines and is not redeemable. What makes it worse is that she thinks it will all go poof, still lies and is still trying to make money by some new cancer scam with her business.    

She belongs in a landfill.

Maybe Kelly is her replacement in training, but it ain't working.

I am done with RH's for the most part because of scum like Vicki and Teresa from NJ.

  • Love 11

Watching Kelly go through 3 personalities/moods in 15 seconds is hard to watch. Huge fail as a HW, Bravo.

Good call on Gretchen also renting that house I couldn't remember who it was but I knew it was a HW.

Naked David Beador in a hot tub? That makes up for Ryan's appearance and too much of those kids. As much as I like some David Beador glances I do hope they make it. I want Shannon to get out of her own way sometimes and lighten up just a LITTLE! 

I love Heather even for all of her Heather-ness. And I can't wait to see her house. (hides).

Tamra is working so hard for this competition that I couldn't care LESS about and I don't think she looks that different. The muscles are making her walk like a linebacker, like from the limo. Like those gymnasts, after they come off the mat at the Olympics it's like a march. 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, AnitaKnight said:

I thought Brianna said something about Ryan needing written permission to leave the state?  Maybe Vicki "brought him home" because she gave him enough notice to get the appropriate paperwork for a short leave?

When I heard that I laughed and thought of the people who must let their parole officers know when they are going out of state.

  • Love 5

Kelly's mood swings are most probably from alcohol. She is so volatile. I am trying to give her a chance to redeem herself and see the good within her, but so far all I see is a bully who's ready to pounce at anything. I also wonder if saying "higher archy" instead of hierarchy is an attempt at being witty. Like that other word she said -- I forgot what it was but I googled it at that time and found it in the urban dictionary. 

Edited by Anna525
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Muffyn said:

OK, Ragey Ryan was in Oklahoma.  Brianna is in the OC by choice.  It's not like he was deployed and made a surprise appearance at Vicki's party.  He took a plane for a few hours to see them.   I'm sure they talk everyday.  And again it has been their choice to be separated.  Just too damn silly, trying to pull our  heartstrings, for me.


Exactly! They (Bravo, Vicki, Brianna etc) all want us to think that this "struggling young couple" with two children are now living in separate locations because of financial reasons and the husband is still in the military and blah blah blah.

Listen up Brianna, you selfish bitch, YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE RIGHT  TO SAY YOU ARE" BASICALLY A SINGLE MOM! " But I guess we can't expect anything better from you since you are your mother's daughter. Be proud you are the spawn of Vicki Gunvalson.  Is the "high road" too high for you to climb? You selfish, ugly on the inside, entitled POS!

There are many people on several of the Housewives franchises that annoy me for whatever reasons that are superficial (too loud/obnoxious/playing for the camera etc) but this disgusting piece of work named Brianna is really on the top of my list of people who I can't even look at anymore. Go for a walk Brianna and lose some weight. Ryan can walk with you and release some of his pent up anger. And then you can work on which double oven is going to be the best for your family because we all know, that a family of two adults and two toddlers absolutely cannot live without a DOUBLE OVEN.  F off Brianna. LOSER!

  • Love 14

Gotta say it...the way Vick and Ragey Ryan interact, physically, grosses me out. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Hugs, kisses, hugs, MORE kisses. She was more physical with him than Brianna. It happened when they left Oklahoma too. I find it bizarre. My husband and I have been together more than half my life, my mom loves him. But, she's NEVER smooched him within an inch of his life. 

I hope it's just her attention seeking and not actual flirting.  Ugh. 

  • Love 24
1 hour ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Britanna is so bloody miserable all the time! Even when she is trying to join in and have fun her comments are always negative and her face is unhappy. Moan. Whinge. Frown. (Even when away for a fun holiday with plenty of people to keep her company and be involved with her children).

I think growing up with Vicki she has only gotten attention when things are bad, hence she focuses on the negative in order to get attention.  Fine, but that is not interesting for me to watch on tv. 

My wife and I were discussing Gomer and the warthog's relationship - we were talking specifically at his outburst about the feet on the furniture incident?

She is one of those people who throws farts at people - behind their backs - she doesn't have the stones confront people, so, Gomer is her attack dog and she gets off when he goes after people.

She is the type that starts a fight and waits for him to come to her 'rescue'.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, AnitaKnight said:

There were a couple.  The one I caught was her accusing Heather of being on a higher arky.

Yet another time I laughed so loudly, I scared the pup.  

But, you know....she's SMART, dammit!  She has a college degree and has been a millionaire for years!  Maybe we better stop with all of our notrocious criticisms.  

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, straightshooter said:

Yet another time I laughed so loudly, I scared the pup.  

But, you know....she's SMART, dammit!  She has a college degree and has been a millionaire for years!  Maybe we better stop with all of our notrocious criticisms.  

You only need to know how to count when you are a millionaire?

You can afford to buy words and use them as you like.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, pieinmyeye said:

The word was hierarchy. The way she used it was absolutely natrocious.

How dare anyone lecture her from their pulled-pit!

( i do kinda get what happened there? When you are really pissed off or agitated, you are capable of saying some funny shit as you mangle your thoughts as

you turn them into words?)

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

One of my peeves is the kid by the pool scenario.

You can have 40 adults at the address and one kid will find a way to get out and play next to it.

I always end up watching kids - most of the time they are more civil and spill the beans easier - as in "My daddy puts a mask on mommy and wrestles with her from behind".

Those are the jewels that I love to hear from the little bastards and with the right prompting the kids will repeat every word they hear their parents say?


Heather and Glamis aren't going to mix well. Glamis is a large off road vehicle part. People ride around drinking and doing shit they won't normally do on bikes/atvs.

I wonder what pleather is going to say when she sees a woman on a quad with no top on and screaming, "I fucking love this!" as they ride by the kiddies? It's probably NOT going to be one of the HWs screaming cuss words, it's going to be someone else.

A few facts about Glamis?

Its a large sand box where people from So Cal go to ride off road bikes. There is nothing but sand - no water, no vegetation.  On the BIG holiday weekends you'll be lucky if you don't get run over - people tend to ignore common sense when they get there. You have seen the video of people jumping bikes and landing on each other?

I had to laugh at the rollover in the UTV.

One thing about Glamis is that there is NO way for an ambulance to get to you if you crash and burn.

You have to depend on who is out there - they load you up into someone's truck to drive over to meet the ambulance - so if you aren't REALLY hurt?

Someone who means well will finish snapping your spinal cord for you getting you out of there..,.,.If pleather is so worried about people cussing in front of their kids?  She should stay at home, she is going to do nothing but bitch and complain - god knows how tacky it is to drink "chumps" from a Paper Dixie Cup when you rough it......That's goddamn un-American!

Yeah, watching those kids running around the pool and lakefront unsupervised made me a little nervous.

Thanks for the info on Glamis. I assumed it was another one of Heather's attempts at making a phrase popular, like "champs" or "glamping". Glamis sounds like the last place someone like Heather would want to be.


11 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

Yet another time I laughed so loudly, I scared the pup.  

But, you know....she's SMART, dammit!  She has a college degree and has been a millionaire for years!  Maybe we better stop with all of our notrocious criticisms.  

Perhaps all those Lewinskis we hear about her giving are affecting her speech?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I was wondering if this whole Palm Springs weekend is another attempt of Vicki's for a redemption arc.  For some reason, spending a weekend in Palm Springs with her family, including her grandsons, does not strike me as the way Vicki would REALLY want to celebrate her birthday.  Not much in the way of "whooping it up" there....not with the grandkids running around.

Of course not! It's no Andale's!

35 minutes ago, Scottish Girl said:

Gotta say it...the way Vick and Ragey Ryan interact, physically, grosses me out. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Hugs, kisses, hugs, MORE kisses. She was more physical with him than Brianna. It happened when they left Oklahoma too. I find it bizarre. My husband and I have been together more than half my life, my mom loves him. But, she's NEVER smooched him within an inch of his life. 

I hope it's just her attention seeking and not actual flirting.  Ugh. 

Maybe it was the editing but I swear I caught *Kelly* sizing Michael up. 

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Yeah, watching those kids running around the pool and lakefront unsupervised made me a little nervous.

Thanks for the info on Glamis. I assumed it was another one of Heather's attempts at making a phrase popular, like "champs" or "glamping". Glamis sounds like the last place someone like Heather would want to be.


I can hardly wait to see the episode?

I love to watch these pinheads go out for a activity - I love to see what they will wear.

Some will dress appropriately? Jeans, long sleeves, boots, goggles and a helmet.

I can hardly wait to see that pleather is going to do??

I bet she runs to an off-road shop and buys all new gear or she wears something stupid like heels and jewelry?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

Exactly! They (Bravo, Vicki, Brianna etc) all want us to think that this "struggling young couple" with two children are now living in separate locations because of financial reasons and the husband is still in the military and blah blah blah.

Listen up Brianna, you selfish bitch, YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE RIGHT  TO SAY YOU ARE" BASICALLY A SINGLE MOM! " But I guess we can't expect anything better from you since you are your mother's daughter. Be proud you are the spawn of Vicki Gunvalson.  Is the "high road" too high for you to climb? You selfish, ugly on the inside, entitled POS!

There are many people on several of the Housewives franchises that annoy me for whatever reasons that are superficial (too loud/obnoxious/playing for the camera etc) but this disgusting piece of work named Brianna is really on the top of my list of people who I can't even look at anymore. Go for a walk Brianna and lose some weight. Ryan can walk with you and release some of his pent up anger. And then you can work on which double oven is going to be the best for your family because we all know, that a family of two adults and two toddlers absolutely cannot live without a DOUBLE OVEN.  F off Brianna. LOSER!

I am an Air Force brat and I never heard my mother complain ONCE about the TDY's my dad went through, leaving HER with four children to take care of on an enlisted man's salary and not a hefty appearance check from Bravo.  She's an insult to military wives everywhere (and I suppose military husbands as well, since I'm sure there are many dads out there equally shouldering the burden while mom's deployed!).  

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Cranky One said:

I've driven through Glamis several times on the 8 when driving from TX to the OC to visit family. I never knew it was called that lol. We just called them the sand dunes, which are really cool to see!

I was not a single mom, but GMAF, Brianna! Real single moms should have it so easy, so stop complaining. And I'm sure there are a lot of military families that don't live as nicely as you did in OK. There's no denying those are Ryan's kids. Good grief, those genes are strong. I'm also wondering if the scenes where Ryan came in was re-shot because Owen said "Daddy" and then Brianna said that he looks for him every night. Me thinks he knew he was there already and was looking for him.

Vicki does look great this season, but enough with the How Vicki got her groove back. I was waiting for the boobs to come out and play with the dress she was wearing in the morning. And please learn the proper way to use "so and so and I"!

Did y'all notice when Tamra arrived at the restaurant for her dinner with Kelly and Heather, when she got out of the car, the driver was totally checking her out. Creep!

It comes from generations of inbreeding.

  • Love 5

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