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S08.E20: Say It Ain't So

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10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Add to that when Jules was explaining to Beth about how she felt about Beth's comments about Jules' weight, Beth, once again, made it about herself and her entitlement to 'her' feelings with no regard to how that affects someone else.  Beth is incredibly self absorbed.  But as we all know Beth's mother had an ED and Beth had 'The worst childhood ever' because of it.

That would be Mama Wolf, right?  : )

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm pretty sure Beth called Dorinda the "village shit-stirrer" at the party, followed by Ramona/Dorinda giggling together, and Ramona saying Dorinda's the village idiot and village shit-stirrer.

In the original Dorinda/Ramona conversation, Ramona said, "For him to want you to lie for him - ", with no correction by Dorinda, which implies that the complete scene included Dorinda saying he wanted her to lie.  Dorinda also said that Tom could pay off the Regency staff to say what he wants them to say, which says (to me) that Dorinda thought the whole thing was a lie from the get go.

Implies, implies, implies.

I do believe Dorinda thought the visitors would be speaking lies or very very cleaned up versions of what happened so expecting her to relay their versions would to her mean expecting her to repeat an inaccurate account of what happened. That thought then gets simplified to  just "I'm not going to lie".

What it should have been "I'm not going to repeat what I believe isn't the complete truth of the events in question" Or "I have no way of knowing what they are telling me is true so I'm not going to repeat it. If I can't verify it to be the truth then it would be the same as lieing and I'm not going to do that".

I believe that is the real framework of the whole "Tom asked Dorinda to Lie" spin.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Lu needs to listen to Lemonade.

At first, I was like, I need to see the receipts with the Tom picture. Since it was just the back of his head. But he didn't deny it. He's trash. And having the balls to ask Dorinda to lie for him? Boy, bye.

Of course he fell into the woman's "clutches." Oh, Lu. All this to save face? I get why she was harping on where the cheating happened because it's their place. That further proves how disrespectful he is. He didn't even bother going to another bar where they're unknown. He went to their neighborhood spot and cheated. He's showing you who he is, Lu. Believe him.

 I'm so over Sonja going on about 'dating' Tom. Dating and boning are two different things. Move on.

Remember who started all this horseshit - they are the ones that ate that forbidden fruit and got everyone evicted from the GoE.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I wish we knew what that fight between Luann and Tom was about.  Also, first, Luann said that she and Tom were at the Regency, then I think she kind of backtracked.  

I wonder if maybe they were at the Regency and that woman from Tom's past was there, as well, trying to get her "clutches" into Tom while he was there with Luann?  Could they have possibly had a fight over that?  Tom was only a few days/week into his engagement - not so easy to change his flirtatious ways in that short amount of time.  If the woman is from Tom's past, chances are maybe she didn't know he was engaged, and maybe Tom didn't jump up and down, squealing like a tweenager, and shove Luann's ringed finger in the woman's face.

I'm just speculating here, but perhaps that is what caused the whole thing.  Luann may have gotten jealous, they had a fight - she goes home, he stays (or goes to the Regency, depending on the version of the story) - he has a few more drinks (or a lot of drinks) with that woman, and they have a few flirty smooches at the bar.  He regrets his behavior and hightails it out of there, leaving the bunny with the check.

So now, Luann is feeling as if she is the one who drove him into this situation because she was jealous and fought with him.  I know that's the wrong way to feel, but Luann does seem to forgive a man's bad behavior in a relationship much more than a woman's.

Not excusing him in any way, but just wondering if this is how it could have possibly gone down.

ETA:  From the photo we saw, it didn't appear like they were liplocked for over an hour or however long Bethenny said it was.  I'm sorry, I don't think anyone of a certain age, drunk or not, would be making out non-stop for over an hour while sitting directly at a bar.  Maybe in a booth or table at the bar, but not right at the bar.

That's the first complete theory out there. The information being delivered the way it is on the show is so choppy and odd but this above?? Ties it all up in a simple nutshell and makes hella sense. Annnndddd it also explains why Lu would be able to move on from it since she isn't just taking Tom's word for things but instead she had first hand information about the situation and wasn't just some unsuspecting fiance being cheating on in a conniving way.  That makes it more of a stupid situation that got out of control and dumb dumb Tom having a rebellious moment regarding his flirtatious side but then taking it too far and then having his Homer Simpson DOH! moment afterwards.

This I can believe.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8
12 hours ago, luckykat said:

Side note:  I quite enjoyed B's summation of the parade of losers these ladies have managed to amass.  Her color commentary was spot-on.  Adam is truly the only ray of light in otherwise dismal, if not completely black and morally bankrupt, specimens of humanity.

I'll have to remember to bring Adam along on a spelunking trip I'd plan, he'd be of use down in a cave.

So I haven't finished the episode yet, but Bethany is driving me crazy with her constant judgments of Luanne staying with Tom because she has no self-respect, is in love with love not Tom, has nothing going on in her life, etc. And then in the next TH she says it's completely textbook that you tell a woman or man is cheating and she stays with him. The "truth teller" tells whatever "truths" are convenient for her at the time. Hate Bethany!

  • Love 14

After a season of Dorinda, I question her veracity.  Apparently, she has a very convenient memory or lack thereof.  Dorinda assumed the waiters would be part of a cover up?  Wouldn't put someone on camera make it the opposite of a cover up? Dorinda assumed they were being paid?  None of Dorinda's story makes sense.  Perhaps the waiters could give the version of what went down that night.  http://www.people.com/article/dorinda-medley-luann-de-lesseps-tom-cheating-cover-up-rhony-finale-recap

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

So I haven't finished the episode yet, but Bethany is driving me crazy with her constant judgments of Luanne staying with Tom because she has no self-respect, is in love with love not Tom, has nothing going on in her life, etc. And then in the next TH she says it's completely textbook that you tell a woman or man is cheating and she stays with him. The "truth teller" tells whatever "truths" are convenient for her at the time. Hate Bethany!

Or as my mom used to say,

"Who cares what anyone does, as long as they don't use my ass to do it.'

It's the Lu-Meister's culo and I think she may be old enough to know what she wants to do with it and who she wants to do it to her.

I am sure all of the posters here would jump, headfirst, into the fray and defend a whore, fuck doll and slut from her ownself?

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, film noire said:

After this bullshit season, I long for a fictional/real world Match Up between Bethenny and Paris Geller ("You claim to be bleeding like a stuck pig at a 1950s luau - and broken hearted - but you are dressed as if awaiting dollar tips and drinking your marketed swill like Henry the Eighth on a bender between wives. You are a small-souled, big-mouthed, bitter-handed woman - who brags about being  "contented" - and yet you call your fellow humans whores, sluts, fuck toys -- all of them sadly lacking in self respect -- a quality you yourself richly display with all the depth of  a howler monkey in a CIA acid experiment." Yeah, that would get the wet work done.)

100 extra points for mentioning a howler monkey, a CIA acid experiment and Henry the VIII.

As a fan of luau pig, I am mortified. ; )

Edited by ElDosEquis
Added a 'pork chop'.
  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

After a season of Dorinda, I question her veracity.  Apparently, she has a very convenient memory or lack thereof.  Dorinda assumed the waiters would be part of a cover up?  Wouldn't put someone on camera make it the opposite of a cover up? Dorinda assumed they were being paid?  None of Dorinda's story makes sense.  Perhaps the waiters could give the version of what went down that night.  http://www.people.com/article/dorinda-medley-luann-de-lesseps-tom-cheating-cover-up-rhony-finale-recap

And again this is Dorinda assuming... Dorinda thinking the waiters would be lying doesn't translate into Tom asking her to lie for him. Not in any language. I'm sure he was trying his damnedest at damage control obviously but I don't believe he was asking Dorinda to bold face lie.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 9
16 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Let's hope that is the case. I don't even like her that much any more, but even I think she deserves better than this. When she was talking about him falling into the woman's "clutches", I had to cringe. Of course it will be the other woman's fault that he did this terrible thing. How humiliating this all looks on her. 

I'm giving her huge props for the thing with Adam. She seemed really happy to see him and that was nice to witness. 

Right there with you.  And I actually laughed out loud.  In women's clutches?  Really Lu?  Like you when he was on another date and you walked off with him?  Was it your goal to get him in your clutches?  I was waiting for the excuse that woman was walking through the bar, tripped on a rug and fell lip first onto Toms face.  Welcome to 1950.

She has such antiquated views on relationships and male/female roles.  Her phone call to Tom with B in the room sounded to ME like she was trying to make it sound not so bad (and perhaps there was no one else on the phone).  Oh you were so drunk you don't remember?  And all the other excuse making.  Really pathetic.  I would feel more sorry for her if she didn't sound **so** pathetic.  You teach people how to treat you Lu!  I also thought she had more self respect.  And I predict if they DO get married (still think no way) she will be making excuses for his wandering tongue again.  Who here really thinks it was JUST a make out session?  I don't.  

I think its too bad she had to resort to this storyline to secure her apple.  Cause that relationship is not authentic and she looks VERY pathetic.  I would feel more sorry for her if I thought she 1) would not BE the other woman or the cheater (see pirate and unnamed married dude from the trip last season), 2) had treated past relationships better (see pirate), 3) would not be laughing her ass off at this happening to someone else and if they were rich, running after them.  **if this were Ramona in her shoes Lu would NEVER let her forget it.

I don't wish anyone sadness or ill will.  I think the only sadness Lu actually feels is she was caught and made to look bad.  Plus, if she actually has feelings for Tom, she is feeling what she has done to others.  After all Tom is a man and random brunette is a woman and they can do what they want.

Edited by Natalie68
additional thought
  • Love 19

I'm really surprised that Lu let them film her confronting Tom on the phone. Makes it seem more likely that her having a compelling storyline was a significant factor in this engagement. 

Lu annoys the F out of me. But now I'm beginning to just feel pity for her. I think Celia R is right. Lu is extremely insecure. The way she reacted when that guy recognized her and said, "Chic, c'est la vie" spoke volumes.  

  • Love 11

Um, where to start.  Usually I am Team LuAnne but she is SOOOO needy, soooo desperate, for what? that I am profoundly disappointed in her deciding to go ahead with the wedding.  Bethenny was right in that this is the perfect time to call off the wedding as Lu and Tom have just started dating, have no kids in the mix, etc.

Beth was also spot-on when she called LuAnn out regarding only seeming to be pissed off that Tom was making out in public (vs. being discreet) and not addressing the core problem as to why the hell Tom was cheating on her.  Yikes.  Well, (sigh) LuAnne is going to get exactly what she wished for - a marriage.  But one where she has a husband who she can't trust, one where Lu be wondering what Tom's doing (and with whom) every.time.he.walks.out.the.door, and a marriage with a husband who knows he'll be able to get away with murder in the bedroom department and there will be no consequences because LuAnn has never set definite boundaries from the get-go.

Tom's a sleezy, disgusting, man whore IMO.  On a superficial note I LMAO out loud when Bethenny was sitting in bed, hand FAKE-ASS shaking with that cocktail in her hand.  BWAH!!  She was totally over doing the shaking and shaking waaay too long (just so the viewers at home could not miss it dontcha know!).  It was probably just me, but at one point it seemed like Beth broke the 4th wall for half a second and looked directly into the camera as to say to the camera man "Are you getting this?  Make sure you're getting me fake-shaking uncontrollably".

Also, I am profoundly disappointed in LuAnn and Tom with all that BS in shaking down Dorinda and wanting her to lie for them.  The Hell?  Dorinda may be a shit-stirrer but I give her props for standing her ground and telling them no.  I was also bummed out when Lu told Bethenny to stay the hell out of her marriage.  I think B did the right thing in the end by showing LuAnn the photos of Tom and the woman at the bar.  

I know if the tables were turned I'd want to know if my fiance was cheating.  Now is the time to know - ya know, BEFORE you get married?  Just me?  Tom and Lu's marriage may last but I guarantee you it's going to be another open marriage for Lu and as she's stated she didn't like that arrangement the first time around but felt like she had no choice ...

  • Love 19
12 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I'm really surprised that Lu let them film her confronting Tom on the phone. Makes it seem more likely that her having a compelling storyline was a significant factor in this engagement. 

Lu annoys the F out of me. But now I'm beginning to just feel pity for her. I think Celia R is right. Lu is extremely insecure. The way she reacted when that guy recognized her and said, "Chic, c'est la vie" spoke volumes.  



ETA:  Realitytvgifs.com

Edited by Ellee
  • Love 11
13 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I agree, though in the case of the woman TomCat was playing tonsil hockey with, it is doubtful that she knew he was 'committed'.  Lu said Tom had not seen this woman in awhile, and a mere 10 days previously he wasn't engaged, and several weeks previously was not even dating Lu. I love though that Lu said Tom could not resist this woman's clutches - didn't Lu at one point say that no one can steal someone from someone else?

In any case TomCat is either a huge liar, or has a big drinking problem. He was with this woman for almost 2 hours and doesn't remember any of it? Sure TomCat. Also he and Lu went out to dinner, went home, had a fight, and by 10:45 he is already back at the bar and starting an almost two hour make out session. I call B.S. on the 'too drunk to know what I was doing' excuse. And then to top it off sticks the woman with the bill. Real catch, that Tom.

Very interesting that Lu admitted that she may have more money than TomCat. I have read estimations of anywhere from 3 million to 15 million as Lu's net worth. Even 15 million is not a lot for her lifestyle and 3 million I would consider upper middle class even where I come from which is nowhere near as expensive as NYC. I did laugh when the ladies pointed out that TomCat's last girlfriend was very wealthy and he didn't give her a ring. Doesn't mean he didn't try - she might have had better sense and a better bulls**t meter. Lu has neither.

I think if he is a black out drunk (at 49!!) he has bigger problems than keeping his dick in his khakis.

  • Love 22
12 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:


Okay when I have nightmares tonight of a unattractive mid management looking bald guy thrashing helplessly in a pile of small handbags, most of them shaped like a watermelon, I'll know why.

I wanna know, do they sell these clutches at Bergdorf's or are these the kind of pocketbooks that Ramona resells to Marshalls?

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

And again this is Dorinda assuming... Dorinda thinking the waiters would be lying doesn't translate into Tom asking her to lie for him. Not in any language. I'm sure he was trying his damnedest at damage control obviously but I don't believe he was asking Dorinda to bold face lie.

He was at the very least trying to trick her into lying for him. Which may actually be worse than a simple, direct request to lie because in addition to showing he's a dishonest person, it also proves he's devious, scheming, and manipulative.

I'm really glad Dorinda spilled the beans about all that on camera. And the part about threatening to cut her off from Luann and the wedding, too. If there were any doubts about how big a scuzzball Tom is, what he pulled on Dorinda confirms it.

  • Love 19

Gotta love how many times Dorinda managed to work in Tom was banging Sonja only months before....

Ohhhh....NOW she believes it!

I am amazed and enjoying the number of "likes" many of these comments are getting.  One of them, the last time I looked, had sixty-eight!

I'd bet that both Tom and Luann were very drunk during their supposed argument that caused him to rush into the Clutches Department at the Regency.

  • Love 11
11 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

I wanna know, do they sell these clutches at Bergdorf's or are these the kind of pocketbooks that Ramona resells to Marshalls?

Ha!  As a matter of fact they do sell it at Bergdorf's.  http://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/Judith-Leiber-Couture-Crystal-Watermelon-Slice-Minaudiere/prod95070049/p.prod


I think I've found the clutch that Tom fell into!!!!  THIS IS IT!!

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 13
26 minutes ago, Higgins said:

I didn't get the feeling that Lu was all that upset.

Throwing up is a pretty visceral response. I think Luann's emotions were wrapped up in humiliation.  I understand not wanting to the brunt of a lot self-congratulatory comments about how right the others were about Tom.  The deeper issue I believe Luann was facing at the moment was her judgment and intuition being off as if that would impact her very being.  She has taken so many hits about being "Countessy" and putting the best spin on her life, I just don't she was ready for the humiliation she was and is still suffering.  Bethenny did her best with her beat down in The Berkshires, and then went on to say how she could never face a person that said the things she said to Luann.  I think Luann has a high tolerance for humiliation. 

I had to agree with Carole, Luann looked like she was in shock.  It doesn't help when there is a crew recording the moment, not knowing the extent of what Tom did, forget about the public kissing-did the two of them get a room, is he still on contact with her, what issue of Playboy did she appear in?  At that moment thoughts and comments coming form the thoughts aren't always lucid or logical.  The diversion to the finances and other ex-girlfriends of Tom's only exacerbated an already incredibly difficult situation.  I watched an interview with her yesterday and she is still a bit of kilter.  She elected to forgive him and she has to stand by her choice.   It is no different than Ramona electing to stay with Mario, there are times when we as humans lead with our hearts.  I hope it works for her and that his indiscretion doesn't become the defining point of their relationship marriage, although it is a nice respite from the Ramona/Sonja nonsense. 

The end game made no sense, Bethenny is mad at Luann for not breaking it off with Tom?  Ridiculous. 

  • Love 20
8 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Huh?  In Chinese culture, it most certainly is, which is exactly what she was trying to say.



Best part of the episode

Lol!  I think OP meant that in this instance, it is a most decidedly unlucky number, as their 8th year together marks the end of the marriage.    I actually thought it was significant in Chinese culture too, which made me giggle because, she's Japanese, no?   I liked her homage to asshole's culture, when she was the toro to his matador.   Ole!

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, shoegal said:

Ha!  As a matter of fact they do sell it at Bergdorf's.  http://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/Judith-Leiber-Couture-Crystal-Watermelon-Slice-Minaudiere/prod95070049/p.prod


I think I've found the clutch that Tom fell into!!!!  THIS IS IT!!

Ha!  Who else is thinking Jacques was watching last night with a cocktail slightly enjoying Lu's comeuppance?  First SHE cheats on him and she's caught on camera trying to get someone to lie for her and now SHE is the cheated ON.  

I would have so much more respect for her if she just said you now, traditional relationships just don't work for me.  We have an arrangement that works for both of us.  

Its clear fidelity is just an insurance company to her and not something that has to do with relationships.  OWN it!  Be a trendsetter.  Be YOU.  Or don't talk about your relationships at all like B and R.  Don't gloat in the fabulousness of being in a relationship because gloating on a reality show guarantee's there will be receipts, timestamps, and CSI work when the others catch on to the bs.  Its been 10 years Lu.  Surely you have caught on by now.  B and R learned their lessons talking about the wonderfulness of their partners.  Jason didn't work out and Mario was sleeping with others and sloppy.  

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Right there with you.  And I actually laughed out loud.  In women's clutches?  Really Lu?  Like you when he was on another date and you walked off with him?  Was it your goal to get him in your clutches?  I was waiting for the excuse that woman was walking through the bar, tripped on a rug and fell lip first onto Toms face.  Welcome to 1950.

That's pretty sexist, you didn't want to hear about why tom had his dick out in public at a bar?

THAT is what I want to know.

(I could have stuck 'hairy' in there and we could have had Tom, Dick and Hairy in my post?)

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ElDosEquis said:

That's pretty sexist, you didn't want to hear about why tom had his dick out in public at a bar?

THAT is what I want to know.

(I could have stuck 'hairy' in there and we could have had Tom, Dick and Hairy in my post?)

Yes her opinions ARE very sexist!  And old fashioned.  But I love a good dick out in the bar story.  Perhaps the bartender was named Harry!

  • Love 1

Even if Luanne is so desperate to marry Tom that she doesn't care that he humiliates her with the make out session, you'd think Tom telling Dorinda that she can't be friends with Luanne if she doesn't agree to do what he tells her to do, should be a huge red flag.  I hope he has the amount of money you think he has Lu, because blackout drunk Tom has loser written all over him.

  • Love 14

The best part was Ramona mumbling to herself over in the corner that she was going to give the jewelry away, OMG, LOL.

That woman is a mess, I love it.


The end game made no sense, Bethenny is mad at Luann for not breaking it off with Tom?  Ridiculous. 

Well based on that toast she made at the end, this would make sense. 


Meanwhile, Bethany and her evil ass with crazy Ramona faking tears, Bethany under the covers, oh the tears of it all, LOL. Yeah it's all about you and Ramona, damn these women are narcissistic. 

You know what, was that Bethany in that picture with Tom?

This was entertaining, good laughs.

Edited by represent
  • Love 8

Oh how far the Countess has fallen.  I have to wonder if she was asked at the height of her Countessdom about a cheating partner and your response if her answer would have been to blame the other woman and take him back?  I'm thinking no.  If nothing else, Tom sucking face with some chick at "their" hangout seems the epitome of bad manners.

In any event, cheating when their engagement is a week old is not a good start.  And saying that you can't remember is the biggest bunch of bullshit on the planet.  Every cheater denies, if possible, and then claims they can't remember and then says it doesn't mean anything.  Right.  Does this happen every time Tom drinks?  Or just when he is newly engaged?   I hate to agree with Bethenny but run, Lu.  Run like Satan is hot on your heels.  You don't need this.

I have to say, if I was at Bethenny's Mexican fiesta and there was a pinata full of nice jewels, my happy ass would be beating that thing rather than gossiping.  Priorities.  Ramona looking at her jewelry and then saying "I'll give it away?"  Never change, Moaner.  

Carole and Adam looked good together and happy at the fiesta.  Good for them.  Adam looks great with his shorter hair.  I still wish Carole would at least eat a Happy Meal.

Hated seeing Jules with the grease monkey Michael. She definitely looks much better since filing for divorce.

Sonja looked happy and like she was having fun with her date.

Dorinda, IMO, continues to be a stealth shit stirrer.  

Bethenny looked good at her fiesta.  Much better than the tearless, drinking stick insect she appeared in Miami.   I did laugh over her descriptions of the group's couples, saying how surprisingly Carole and Adam were the ones that made it.  Gold.  

Can't wait for the reunion.  Looks like Lu comes guns blazing and goes after Bethenny for being involved with a married man.  Yes!  

Lu - - if you insist on going thru with this nonsense with Tom . . PRENUP.  

  • Love 15
But - if Bravo insisted the scene be filmed, all Bethenny had to do if she truly cared about LuAnn, was say something to the effect of "Someone sent me these pictures of Tom and some woman making out at the Regency.  You can see they are time stamped.   I'm letting you know about them because I care about you - handle it however you see fit, and this entire conversation goes no further than the two of us".  Cut.

And who would watch that show?? I mean, come on....this is a TV show! I don't want to see some tasteful onscreen conversation...I want to see DRAMA! That's why people watch this show. People who want boring conversations watch PBS. They don't watch The Real Housewives. 

I was glued to my TV...it was so glorious! I LOVED Bethanny...I'm only watching this show again because of her. The whole set-up as soon as the weekend started with the "are you monogamous?" question, doing her homework and having the receipts so that LuAnn could not twist out of laying BARE what she is doing, i.e., staying with a cheating, gold digging liar just to be able to say she has a huzzband and feel superior to all of the Upper East Side single old biddies trawling around trying to peddle themselves to even older men (Sonia, Ramona...looking at you). Bethanny's Madame Bovary-level laying in bed, supposedly devastated at Luann's reaction to the reveal, as her ladies-in-waiting came in to console and defend her. How she directed LuAnn's conversation with Tom to ensure he had to admit that it DID happen on the phone. It was all FANTASTIC!

Bravo RHONY. Great end to a season where not much happened but still managed to maintain my interest (unlike RHONJ). 

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, shoegal said:

Ummm, it wasn't "those women" who were making out with that playboy bunny, honey. 

Also, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 

Not going to brag about it, but I did spend a whole week with an Oakland Raiders cheerleader in the mountains.

Perception is everything?

There were no chickens that far up in the hills. So we did other things.....

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Higgins said:

I didn't get the feeling that Lu was all that upset.

Yeah, I sensed more "embarrassment" from Lu, as opposed to the "complete and utter devastation" that I would feel if I was given a picture of Mr. Duke making out with a rando (or, worse, an EX) in a bar .... only an hour or so after he's left our shared abode.   

But - that is just me and MY OPINION!!! (TM Tamra Judge)

  • Love 8

Major bag of mixed emotions on this one.  I agree with Ramona's assessment of LuAnne.  She wants to be in love and hopes so much that she found it that she believes she has.  Meanwhile, the guy is making out with another woman in a bar - and in a very physical way and for a very prolonged period of time.  Blinders?  Big time.

On the flip side, I agree with Luanne that giving Tom a second chance is not a bad thing.

After having reached a certain age and experienced a few challenges, I understand keeping an otherwise enjoyable companion who had a single indiscretion rather than immediately tossing him away.  Life's too short to let that one moment derail all the rest.  Even that.

If he slips again, that changes the story. Once? At Luanne's age? With a strong desire for a man in her life?  I have no problem with it.  

Having said this, I do hope she proceeds with caution (and a prenup).

  • Love 20
14 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Ramona is still crazy. She is starting to enter the Fancy Feast territory with the face work, but damn the funniest offhand comments keep coming out her mouth.



14 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Best in a supporting role....Ramona's whack Miami AM hair.

Absolutely love these comments.  Kadooz!  

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Oh how far the Countess has fallen.  I have to wonder if she was asked at the height of her Countessdom about a cheating partner and your response if her answer would have been to blame the other woman and take him back?  I'm thinking no.  If nothing else, Tom sucking face with some chick at "their" hangout seems the epitome of bad manners.

In any event, cheating when their engagement is a week old is not a good start.  And saying that you can't remember is the biggest bunch of bullshit on the planet.  Every cheater denies, if possible, and then claims they can't remember and then says it doesn't mean anything.  Right.  Does this happen every time Tom drinks?  Or just when he is newly engaged?   I hate to agree with Bethenny but run, Lu.  Run like Satan is hot on your heels.  You don't need this.

I have to say, if I was at Bethenny's Mexican fiesta and there was a pinata full of nice jewels, my happy ass would be beating that thing rather than gossiping.  Priorities.  Ramona looking at her jewelry and then saying "I'll give it away?"  Never change, Moaner.  

Carole and Adam looked good together and happy at the fiesta.  Good for them.  Adam looks great with his shorter hair.  I still wish Carole would at least eat a Happy Meal.

Hated seeing Jules with the grease monkey Michael. She definitely looks much better since filing for divorce.

Sonja looked happy and like she was having fun with her date.

Dorinda, IMO, continues to be a stealth shit stirrer.  

Bethenny looked good at her fiesta.  Much better than the tearless, drinking stick insect she appeared in Miami.   I did laugh over her descriptions of the group's couples, saying how surprisingly Carole and Adam were the ones that made it.  Gold.  

Can't wait for the reunion.  Looks like Lu comes guns blazing and goes after Bethenny for being involved with a married man.  Yes!  

Lu - - if you insist on going thru with this nonsense with Tom . . PRENUP.  

I love every sentence in this post except for the one about Lu coming guns blazing for Beth being involved with a married man. I have never understood that when someone is separated from their wife/husband but not yet finalized their divorce they are 'married'. On paper yes, but not in any other way. I have two friends who are currently 'married' but have not lived with their husbands as  married couples for almost 2 years and just over one year respectively. The second even stayed in the same home for over a year for financial reasons. The first has not yet even formally separated due to an unwillingness of the hubby to formally agree to an amount of support (though he is paying her but whatever he feels like whenever he feels like it) and her tiredness over the fighting. But he moved in with the woman he was having an affair with over a year ago. My friend is hardly 'married' to the guy. If anything, Lu was more married to the guy she was living with when she dumped him with no notice for the count. 

Edited to add - if the guy was married and having an affair with Beth that is a different thing. But I have never heard that that is the case unless I missed it.....

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

He was at the very least trying to trick her into lying for him. Which may actually be worse than a simple, direct request to lie because in addition to showing he's a dishonest person, it also proves he's devious, scheming, and manipulative.

I'm really glad Dorinda spilled the beans about all that on camera. And the part about threatening to cut her off from Luann and the wedding, too. If there were any doubts about how big a scuzzball Tom is, what he pulled on Dorinda confirms it.


Okay if you say so.

  • Love 1

I really hate that Lu's reaction -- blaming the other woman and the messenger -- was what Beth said would happen.

But I did have to laugh at Beth when Tom called Lu.  "Take it in the bathroom!"  "I don't want to hear this!"  And then the constant updating about the canoodling time:  "11:01 to 12:39!"  "10:25 to 12:14"  and Lu passing it on to Tom.  Hysterical. 

How many times did Beth say "There's $10,000 in jewelry in the pinata!  $10,000!"  And the women scrambling for it.  Throw bread to the masses much, Beth? 

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeah, I sensed more "embarrassment" from Lu, as opposed to the "complete and utter devastation" that I would feel if I was given a picture of Mr. Duke making out with a rando (or, worse, an EX) in a bar .... only an hour or so after he's left our shared abode.   

But - that is just me and MY OPINION!!! (TM Tamra Judge)

I guess great TV would have been Luann having to be restrained from jumping off the balcony.  The issue all season long for me was a certain Ms. Bethenny being angry at someone because they don't share her reactions.  Last night when she and Jules were having their chat it was about Bethenny being entitled to her feelings, next week it is okay for Bethenny to call Dorinda a village idiot because that is her opinion.

I guess Bethenny missed in her sessions with Dr. Amador that part of therapy where you say you don't agree with someone and will support their choice. 

Luann is getting a pre-nup:   http://www.people.com/article/luann-de-lesseps-wedding-details-prenup-tom-dagostino-jr I would expect nothing less from her.  The biggest question is will she be able to continue with the show after the wedding.  Not coming back will have a major effect on her income, and all the bartenders, waiters and the like waiting for a Tom sighting. 

2 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I love every sentence in this post except for the one about Lu coming guns blazing for Beth being involved with a married man. I have never understood that when someone is separated from their wife/husband but not yet finalized their divorce they are 'married'. On paper yes, but not in any other way. I have two friends who are currently 'married' but have not lived with their husbands as  married couples for almost 2 years and just over one year respectively. The second even stayed in the same home for over a year for financial reasons. The first has not yet even formally separated due to an unwillingness of the hubby to formally agree to an amount of support (though he is paying her but whatever he feels like whenever he feels like it) and her tiredness over the fighting. But he moved in with the woman he was having an affair with over a year ago. My friend is hardly 'married' to the guy. If anything, Lu was more married to the guy she was living with when she dumped him with no notice for the count. 

I think this would be more relevant if her boyfriend filed for divorce.  Bethenny is the one who said something about not being one to sleep with married men.  Since Bethenny does not know the guy from the Turks and Caicos, and no one had any official evidence he was married and Luann said she didn't sleep with him, just made out with him, it sounds a tad hypocritical.  I thought it a misstep for Bethenny to mention that little diddy given her current situation.

  • Love 8

Clutching Tongues and Squirting Vaginas, Note to Luanne, Tom likes both get used to it. Pre-plan your excuse for when this happens again.

Tom left mystery girl to pay the bill. At least Luanne and Tom share that habit in common.

Luanne going from room to room and not knocking, wasn’t this her issue with Heather & Carole in T&C? Breaking Girl Code.

I preferred Ramona’s Bump It to Tom’s every relationship has bumps in the road.

Dorinda NOT being a real friend to Lu by re-telling the phone conversation of Lu/Tom and herself to Ramona and Bravo cameras. Is this her kinder gentler way of doing things?

Jules your marshmallow got Rice Crispied.  The Snap, Crackle & Pop is occurring elsewhere.

Luanne will be getting married, she’s coming out with Bridal Bedding with her Countess Collection, therefore she will be back on the show. Tom will be hocking something too.

Bunny suggestions:

Prophylactics – Tomdoms – logo – practice safe cheating  no need to bring unwanted presents back to your wife. Or maybe SquirtGuard?

Book - Memoirs Of The Night I Don’t Remember.

Maybe the Countess bedding can be made non-permeable. With a simple wipe of a towel no wet spot.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:


I have to say, if I was at Bethenny's Mexican fiesta and there was a pinata full of nice jewels, my happy ass would be beating that thing rather than gossiping.  Priorities.  Ramona looking at her jewelry and then saying "I'll give it away?"  Never change, Moaner.  


As I have grown older I have less and less tolerance for people.

Especially people who think that St Pat's day is a time to drink green beer, pronounce themselves as being Irish and end up throwing up in a gutter,

it's the same with a "Cinco de Mayo" party.

Cinco de Mayo commemorate the battle of Puebla, NOT Mexican independence as people think.

At the battle, a group of Mexican soldiers held off the French army from advancing on Mexico City.

I had a fucking bitch for a supervisor that wished me a "happy Cinco de Mayo" because I was an American-Mexican.


It's not even celebrated in Mexico, they wait for their real independence day (September). When I see people running around with "kiss me I'm Irish" t shirts or wearing sombreros like some fucked up, wasted pretend charro at a party I laugh. Walk up to someone and ask them what either day means and they'll laugh and tell you something stupid like, 'Party all night!"

And what the fuck is 'vegetarian ceviche' and why do you have to go to the middle of the room and yell that it needs to be taken off the table?

  • Love 7

I am a little ashamed of myself for not anticipating that Luann would suggest what happened was the fault of this mystery woman and her filthy, evil clutches.  Of course she would think that ... because that's how SHE operates. So she assumes other women are that way, too.  Or they are doormats whose feelings don't matter because in her world men are men, women are women and they do what they want and the hell with how it effects people who don't matter to her.

I always thought Lu's constant need for male attention and companionship was about sex and affirmation of her attractiveness.  But now I think part of it is also that she just doesn't think much of other women at all - they are either vipers like her or meaningless nothings - and that leaves her nothing but men to concern herself with.

26 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Even if Luanne is so desperate to marry Tom that she doesn't care that he humiliates her with the make out session, you'd think Tom telling Dorinda that she can't be friends with Luanne if she doesn't agree to do what he tells her to do, should be a huge red flag.  

Oh it would not surprise me to learn Luann was sitting there right next to Tom while he spoke to Dorinda, feeding him lines the way Bethenny did to her when she was on the phone. I think Lu is as invested in whitewashing this mess every bit as much as Tom is!

3 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


Okay if you say so.

Why would I give a guy who got drunk and got caught making out the way he did the benefit of the doubt? 

When people show you who they are, believe them!

  • Love 20

Luann is a mother.  She should ask herself, "Would I want my daughter to marry someone who cheats on her and humiliates her in front of everyone?" or "Would I want my son to treat his fiancé the way that Tom treats me?"  Hopefully, she would answer no to both questions. 

What is Luann thinking?  I get it -- she's in LOVE, but Tom doesn't love her as much otherwise he wouldn't be making out with other women.  Also, isn't it totally messed up that they get in a fight, go to bed, he then gets up and goes to a bar in the middle of the night, gets black-out drunk, "accidentally" gets seduced and kisses some chick for over an hour?  All of these actions are wrong for a newly engaged couple - 1. they fight 2. he leaves the apartment in the middle of the night (I am assuming that since they were in a fight that he was sleeping in another room, because if they were in the same bed and he snuck out then that is really sleazy) 3. he drinks so much that he can't remember what he did 4. he sucks face with an old acquaintance.  I guess Luann is looking on the bright side and saying to herself, "Well, yeah...Tom did do all of those terrible things...but at least he didn't steal my credit card out of my purse before he left and charged his and the seductress's drinks to me.  He also didn't sleep with her. So there!"

  • Love 10

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