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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Josie is near feral. No sense of decorum. And the poor thing is just one of several very undergrown children in that family.

That boy, who looks barely 10, James? He is allowed to drive, yet he is hardly big enough to reach the pedals. Then of course, there is the perpetual 5 year old Jackson who is like Peter Pan, never growing up.

I hate, hate hate, hate hate the Duggar parents for what they are doing to their offspring. Those kids don't have a chance in life.

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The picture is clearly flipped. Look at the printing on the cup that whatshername is holding - it's a mirror image. The kid is in the passenger seat. He is not driving. Don't worry about whether his feet can reach the pedals. There aren't any where he's sitting.

That said, here's this news flash, from someone who grew up in the same general region as the Duggars although not in Arkansas. In rural areas of the US, especially on farms, it's not at all unusual for kids 10+ years old to drive. Pickup trucks, tractors, and cars. No, it's not legal, and yes it happens a lot. Farm kids in particular have been known to hop behind the wheel and help out with plowing, harvesting, herding, checking on stock, and a zillion other tasks involved with making a living on the land. They don't drive on highways, or in town, BTW. I'm talking about driving across fields, and maybe a bit of a stretch on a country road from one field to another. And by "country road," I mean a probably graveled un-paved two lane road with ditches on each side which sees very little traffic.

Not to say that the Duggars are farmers. Of course they aren't. But they have land, and vehicles (they are in the biz of buying/selling 'em), and their kids are going to be driving as early as legally allowed and probably before that (although probably not on public roads in the latter case).

Edited by Jeeves
Rural America. It can be hard to understand if you haven't lived there.
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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Oh my, just noticed Joy's necklace. Please don't let that be a reference to filling a quiver.

The picture cuts off, so I can't read it. What does it say?

55 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Boob will see to that. No doubt Jackson will have to go to ALERT soon enuf.

Jackson has already been to Junior Alert this year with Justin and James. :( 

eta: Jackson's birthday is actually tomorrow (23rd). I looked it up, just to be sure, before posting this, but I remember the day because my brother's is the 24th. Stupid mnemonic devices; I remember the weirdest stuff, like Jackson's birthday! 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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15 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The picture cuts off, so I can't read it. What does it say?

Jackson has already been to Junior Alert this year with Justin and James. :( 

eta: Jackson's birthday is actually tomorrow (23rd). I looked it up, just to be sure, before posting this, but I remember the day because my brother's is the 24th. Stupid mnemonic devices; I remember the weirdest stuff, like Jackson's birthday! 

Similar to this one.


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Oh dear. Shouldn't she at least until she has a husband to start worrying about filling a quiver? 

That's just plain scary, because with these people, an arrow isn't just an arrow. 

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Maybe all the kids have one, as in they are all arrows in JB's quiver. Have we see one on anyone else? Though, this being the Duggars, maybe they just have one and they share. Not that they appear to be fighting over it or anything.

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Knowing the pic is reversed, can anyone tell which way the arrow points? The explanation to the left would make sense, if the Duggars were privy to such information, which I doubt they are. 

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And Birthday Boy Jackson gets his drippy sundae, along with his jesus love Servant's Heart  Encourager birthday greeting.

Michelle is not only missing her back muscle, she's also missing her neck!  Her chin is now lower than her shoulders!  Fosamax, perhaps ?

Edited by louannems
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9 minutes ago, louannems said:



And Birthday Boy Jackson gets his drippy sundae, along with his jesus love Servant's Heart  Encourager birthday greeting.

Michelle is not only missing her back muscle, she's also missing her neck!  Her chin is now lower than her shoulders!  Fosamax, perhaps ?

OMG...Jackson and Josiah look like male versions of Muffy. 

Have 19 kids and several miscarriages, and no doubt that's not good for bone density. Would not surprise me if osteoporosis actually is a problem for Michelle. 

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58 minutes ago, louannems said:



And Birthday Boy Jackson gets his drippy sundae, along with his jesus love Servant's Heart  Encourager birthday greeting

Jackson looks like he's being held hostage. Michelle looks like she's counting down the seconds until she can get the hell out of there and hole up at Starbucks.

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That is one fantastically bright outfit Josie`s wearing.  I think some of the girls are attractive.  The boys not so much.  For all she's been through, Michelle is holding up quite nicely.

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I just realized they didn't mention where they were from, so my theory of compensation for a mention is debunked, but... according to indepth research (reading) it seems the place they usually get them is called Marketplace grill, which does have a reward system that may or may not include a free sundae or some sort of birthday surprise. Whatever, move to Africa and grow your hair out, you parents will remember you on your birthday with a trip to visit you. 

Edited by sometimesy
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I'm convinced something is not quite right about Josie. I sincerely hope for her sake I'm wrong.

Poor little girl gets febrile seizures, and I read that most kids that have them outgrow them. They let her lick and drool over everything. She's 6 now, so hopefully she's outgrown that behavior. But she's so feral and she acts like a brat when she doesn't get what she wants. Normal behavior for most kids to be bratty, surprised it's tolerated in Duggarland

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6 hours ago, louannems said:



And Birthday Boy Jackson gets his drippy sundae, along with his jesus love Servant's Heart  Encourager birthday greeting.

Michelle is not only missing her back muscle, she's also missing her neck!  Her chin is now lower than her shoulders!  Fosamax, perhaps ?


Happy 12th Birthday Jackson! We can't believe in 2 years from now you will get your learner's driver permit!We remember when we were anticipating your arrival 12 years ago today! 

We nicknamed you our "Jumping Jack" because right before you were born, you started "jumping" all around inside mom's tummy, then you were finally delivered by C-section!

From the time you were little you had a "Smiley" personality and as you learned to talk you would befriend others and make them feel welcome and special!

Your sensitivity to God & others inspires us! You are such a joy to our lives Jackson; we love you so much!

Love from Mom & Dad!

Edited by ingenting
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Someone told Michelle that women above a certain age look better if they stick their chins a bit forward for photos.  It avoids the saggy double chin look.  Michelle has taken it too far and should lift her chin a bit more instead of tilting it down and forward. 

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2 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Michelle and Jim Boob have the oddest smiles.

Years and years of faking it for the camera will do that.

Jackson is a cute kid though.  He's clearly at the age where he's all angles and elbows.

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9 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

What is the shirt that JB is wearing? I think I can make out the word HABIT on his left side pocket, but can't figure out was is written above the other one.

It's a vented fishing/outdoor shirt.  Habit is the brand name.  

(Why I know this ... I cannot tell you other than I saw an ad for them on sale at Bass Pro Shops when I was contemplating buying a new rod.  I fish like once every five years.)

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

Michelle and Jim Boob have the oddest smiles.

Jism Bob looks like he can't stop grinding his teeth even for two seconds to snap a pic. Good. Long may he need to grind them.

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3 hours ago, emma675 said:

Michelle and Jim Boob have the oddest smiles.

I know! They're totally like "here are my teeth. It means I'm smiling."

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8 hours ago, Aja said:

I know! They're totally like "here are my teeth. It means I'm smiling."

Those are the weirdest pictures!  Especially the one with JB, Michelle and Jumping Jack.  None of their faces are "smiling", just showing their teeth!  Too weird!

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The smiling is the forced smile you have for pictures when you really don't like smiling (or don't like getting your picture taken). It's not a natural thing for them to naturally smile in pictures unless you catch a rare, natural, candid smile when they are doing something they actually enjoy.  Being joyful all the time is not natural unless you're the village idiot, even then it's hard to do.

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6 hours ago, monkeypox said:

Is anyone familiar with Jana's t-shirt? I see the "ND" and "ECT". Is it a Christian slogan?

I was surprised to see that she was allowed to wear a shirt with words on it, since that just encourages people males to look at her chest, not her countenance.

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