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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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Sorry, Amy. Josh has raised the bar for scandals. At this point a 9-pound preemie sounds positively mundane. LOL! 

So true.  Amy pretty much has a get out of jail free card for anything she does - thanks to Josh.  We could see pics of her on her honeymoon snorting coke or robbing a bank and it would all be cool.  

  • Love 3

Looks like Ben and Jessa want to show support to their old alma matter.  Oh, wait.  Neither of them went there!  Or any University.


I just don't get it.

I imagine flirting on the outskirts of college life is heady, heady business for these two. Ben no doubt thinks of himself as a college man, and compared to Jessa's lifelong home schooling, getting 2 years of community college probably sounds truly impressive and exotic.

  • Love 4

Looks like Ben and Jessa want to show support to their old alma matter.  Oh, wait.  Neither of them went there!  Or any University.


I just don't get it.


Plus, I recall Ben writing some rambling sermon about sports idolatry... How quickly he forgets. 


Does anyone know if King Dill Pickle went to college? U of A perhaps?

Edited by Guest

Today is the Arkansas Razorback football season opener. Ben and Jessa are there.


Five bucks says that's why Amy's wedding was scheduled for Sunday and not Saturday! 


No, wait - Ben is missing a religious ceremony so he can go to a football game?


So not appropriate. Wonder if there's something on Instagram he can turn to for guidance?

  • Love 3

In fairness to Benessa, many people support big college programs even though they've never attended the University. Kind of like how all the Bates kids are Tennessee Vols fans even though they've never gone beyond Clown College.

However I understand what you all are getting at. Bin and Jessa are acting like they're former alumni who met at the Student Union and fell in love while they were lab partners in Chem class or something, and we all know that couldn't be further from the truth, lol. They're like those weirdos who hang around all day on college campuses even though they're not enrolled in school.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

I've been to a whole bunch of Jewish weddings held on Sunday afternoons, mostly Reformed Jews. And my parents talked for 45 years about their best friends' wedding on a Sunday afternoon at the bride's home. Off-topic but - I saw the photos and it was indeed a beautiful, very small home wedding. Absolutely stunning black-and-white photos. The kind of exquisite B&W photography that, if you saw the color versions of the same photos, you'd actually be disappointed.

It's very common for Jewish weddings since rabbis won't do Saturday unless it's evening. I got married on a Sunday afternoon and I have had several relatives who have as well. I doubt that's why Famy picked Sunday though.

  • Love 1

You mean the kind where the only reason anyone knows her from Adam's off ox is because Jim Bob put her on his TV show, where she was more than happy to be, but as soon as they lost the show she and her bingedrinking fiance took time off from wedding planning and relentlessly pimping their personal brand to trash the Duggars in any random Pennysaver that would give them an envelope full of coupons and repost pictures of the bachelorette party?

Because I tend not to enjoy that kind of wedding myself. The receptions are generally not restful.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

I think the Duggars will attend the ceremony but skip the reception, which is probably the best choice for both parties. Booze, fun and dancing isn't their thing and it would be crazy awkward to have a bunch of zombie-eyed kids clutching their pearls over the Chicken Dance and bottles of Bud Light.

I am curious to see if Grandma Mary stays though.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 4

Free Jinger just posted about Amy not having flower girls. I was under the impression the Lost Girls were supposed to fill that role.



Yes. I could've sworn that Amy said Johannah, Jenny, and Mack (and maybe Jordyn and Josie as well?) were going to be flower girls. If Free Jinger is correct, I wonder if the Duggers pulled the girls from the wedding in response to King Dill Pickle speaking to InTouch regarding Josh? 


Truthfully, if I were Anna, I would've had Mack pulled from the wedding. It was totally inappropriate for him to open his big mouth and I wouldn't want my daughter in his wedding. 

Edited by Guest

How sad that none of the children, even the adult ones, will be able to enjoy the reception. Some of my most cherish childhood memories were from weddings. Dancing all night (something Duggars aren't even allowed to do) and just as you're about to be the kid asleep on the floor or on three banquet chairs pushed together, it's midnight and the Venetian Table is pushed out. Sugar high to sustain this kiddo for another 2 hours.

  • Love 8

Free Jinger just posted about Amy not having flower girls. I was under the impression the Lost Girls were supposed to fill that role.


I'm thinking Famy is getting a magazine spread and being paid. With that being said Boob probably wanted a "cut" and she said no. Boob said ok no flower girls for you. I can see that more than him not wanting his kids in the wedding.


Another thought maybe Boob doesn't want his kids to realize what a horribly repressed life they live when they see how much fun Famy's wedding is!?

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 4

Yes, there is something strange going on here with the flower girls. I, too, remember reading somewhere that some of the little Duggar cousins were going to flower girls. What are the Duggars kosher? Why should Amy have to have a separate non alcoholic bar for them? Why can't they learn how to go up to ONE station and order what they want? They can order any non alcoholic drink they have to offer. The world shouldn't have to cater to the Duggars and their beliefs...they need to learn how to co-exist in the world too and have some respect for other good Christian or any religious beliefs. That shows us just how elitist they truly are...

  • Love 12

Congratulations to Amy.  You never let JB rule you, you don't follow Gothard, your future kids won't be blanket trained or forced to raise each other, you dress the way you want to, you listen to the music you want to, you dance, you kiss and date normally and you do what you want to do without JB's approval.  Congratulations Amy for being who you want to be resisting JB's control. 

  • Love 10

I truly hope Amy has an amazing day that does NOT revolve around the Duggars and their drama.  I've always had a soft spot for her & never begrudged her some of the reflected "glory" and benefits of bearing the Duggar name.  I think she paid her dues, and I can't say I wouldn't have taken the same opportunities she did when they came around.  


No matter how much some people 100% KNOW they would have never compromised their lofty principles for a little of the limelight she's gotten, they weren't there.  And never say never.


Rock on, Famy! 

  • Love 9

I keep coming back to what (iirc Alice) said in that Mary runs the show. So, I think it was Mary who made sure Amy was featured on the show, even though Jim Bob and Michelle were very much against it.     Amy after all is just as much a granddaughter to her as the other grandkids.  

 Amy also was the only child to breathe some life into the show.  She had what seemed like a real personality, she could laugh, smile and joke around.

               I think at this point Amy wants as little to do with her relatives as possible and Mary is fine with it.  

Mary probably wants to change her name at this point too.  There was something creepy about her husband and now the world knows she raised a really creepy son.

  • Love 6

I think the publication of her photos will itself be the "payment" from People for the info she's leaked to them.

I keep coming back to what (iirc Alice) said in that Mary runs the show. So, I think it was Mary who made sure Amy was featured on the show, even though Jim Bob and Michelle were very much against it. Amy after all is just as much a granddaughter to her as the other grandkids.

Amy also was the only child to breathe some life into the show. She had what seemed like a real personality, she could laugh, smile and joke around.

I think at this point Amy wants as little to do with her relatives as possible and Mary is fine with it.

Mary probably wants to change her name at this point too. There was something creepy about her husband and now the world knows she raised a really creepy son.

Mary was born Mary Lester. M Lester.

I think the Duggars will attend the ceremony but skip the reception, which is probably the best choice for both parties. Booze, fun and dancing isn't their thing and it would be crazy awkward to have a bunch of zombie-eyed kids clutching their pearls over the Chicken Dance and bottles of Bud Light.

I am curious to see if Grandma Mary stays though.

But, but, they'll miss the water bar! Flavored waters!

And nothing says fancy wedding reception like a water bar.

Good grief. Water.

  • Love 3

Don't forget Anna. Red, purulent bumps are normal after having sex! Oh, and in like ten years your t-cell count will drop and you'll get opportunistic infections. It's a gift from God!


You know that Michelle is a closet twerker and will have to double up on her meds because she can't show off her skills at the reception.


OK, for reals, guys, I don't know which of you just creeped me out more...

  • Love 2

Red, purulent bumps are much creepier :)      But, can I offer you some Josie Duggar homemade salve?


OK, maybe. I just think I'm scarred for life by the idea of being a virgin who's never been alone in a room with my fiancé, who I'm supposed to give it up to on demand for the rest of my life, and having my dad demonstrate doggy style for him with my mom in a public place with a camera pointed at them.

  • Love 9

OK, maybe. I just think I'm scarred for life by the idea of being a virgin who's never been alone in a room with my fiancé, who I'm supposed to give it up to on demand for the rest of my life, and having my dad demonstrate doggy style for him with my mom in a public place with a camera pointed at them.

For as much as I love to mock these loons, I agree, Julia. This reality you describe, which so fully illustrates their creepy obsession with sex, is actually terrifying and horrible. It really is incredible that TLC chose to showcase these idiots as if they are something to emulate. TLC: Teaching Ladies to Capitulate.

  • Love 9

OK, maybe. I just think I'm scarred for life by the idea of being a virgin who's never been alone in a room with my fiancé, who I'm supposed to give it up to on demand for the rest of my life, and having my dad demonstrate doggy style for him with my mom in a public place with a camera pointed at them.

America is scarred by that.    

  • Love 7

For as much as I love to mock these loons, I agree, Julia. This reality you describe, which so fully illustrates their creepy obsession with sex, is actually terrifying and horrible. It really is incredible that TLC chose to showcase these idiots as if they are something to emulate. TLC: Teaching Ladies to Capitulate.

America is scarred by that.

Also parts of Canada.

I just - my Catholic dad and my athiest mom would have drunk bleach before they would have done that. I'm pretty sure Kim Kardashian didn't sit her mom down to watch her tape, and I very much doubt that Snooki ever sat down with a bowl of popcorn in the family rec room to share her hot tub antics with her parents. It doesn't exactly take advanced-level modesty to grasp that two people dryhumping is way more overtly sexual than a teenaged girl showing her knees or a four year old with bare arms.

I just think they were starting to wane, and they decided to do edgy stuff to get noticed (in which I include cousin Amy), and they've actually deluded themselves into thinking that their 1950s southern gothic hothouse of genteel perversion is the only righteous game in town. I'd be willing to bet Jim Bob purposed to do that because he thought it would make him more mainstream, like the rest of us are so fallen that we do stuff like hold hands or simulate public sex every waking minute of the day we don't spend defying God.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 12

OK, maybe. I just think I'm scarred for life by the idea of being a virgin who's never been alone in a room with my fiancé, who I'm supposed to give it up to on demand for the rest of my life, and having my dad demonstrate doggy style for him with my mom in a public place with a camera pointed at them.

JB was doing the fundie turnpike. He needs to stay at the reception and pick up some moves.


Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 2

"She’ll also have her friends serve as bridesmaids, while some of her younger cousins – Mackynzie, Jordan, Josie, Jennifer and Joahanna – have been asked to be flower girls."


I thought I read on here that she wasn't having flower girls?





Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 1

I just - my Catholic dad and my athiest mom would have drunk bleach before they would have done that. I'm pretty sure Kim Kardashian didn't sit her mom down to watch her tape, and I very much doubt that Snooki ever sat down with a bowl of popcorn in the family rec room to share her hot tub antics with her parents. It doesn't exactly take advanced-level modesty to grasp that two people dryhumping is way more overtly sexual than a teenage girl showing her knees or a four year old with bare arms.

I just think they were starting to wane, and they decided to do edgy stuff to get noticed (in which I include cousin Amy), and they've actually deluded themselves into thinking that their 1950s southern gothic hothouse of genteel perversion is the only righteous game in town. I'd be willing to bet Jim Bob purposed to do that because he thought it would make him more mainstream, like the rest of us are so fallen that we do stuff like hold hands or simulate public sex every waking minute of the day we don't spend defying God.

I bet pimp momager Kris watched it, she probably couldn't help herself. I bet they've all watched it. It's the foundation of their empire, gross tonguey kisses and what looked like anal.
  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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