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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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For some reason I can totally picture two the girls in this family growing up to be in some sort of "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" situation.  Perhaps, Josie and Jana or maybe Jessa and Jill.

Eat ya dinna Jana  (Tater Tot Casserole with a rat)     as Josie twirls down the staircase in her bedazzled modest bathing suit.


Oh, Josie and Jordyn FOR SURE. Josie as Baby Jane with all the attention and adulation (who does that sound like) and Jordyn as the resentful sister left in the shadows to care for her ailing sister.

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Oh dear. I feel sorry for Siah. 17 and 18. They won't have along courtship - even if thy get a year, that's not long enough at that age, and they won't. His parent's want him married pronto. If the gay stuff is true, I feel sorry for him. All of these teenage marriages - someone will get divorced. Statistics beat silly courtship rituals.


How are they going to support themselves?


Superficial, but - she looks older than 17.

Edited by JoanArc
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Oh, sweet Josiah. I hope this is what they both want. They've only been courting for a week...why the rush to announce it? They're so young!

She seems like a sweet enough girl. She had an outdated blog and she's already written a book. She's far more coherent than any Duggar.


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There are two potentially good things from that article. First, he met her while taking Spanish lessons. So at least he's learning something. That's a good sign. The other is that I hope this means the 'big news' isn't that Jessa is pregnant. That would thrill me. The rest of it is terrifying. He's 18. She's 17. WAY too young.

I checked out the link on her blog to her book, and there is a photo of her wearing... gasp!... JEANS! I'm sure Jana will be able to help her convert them into a denim skirt now that she's joined the Duggar circus. There's also a quote from Mechelle praising the book.

So, I guess we're in need of a new couple name. Marjorie + Josiah... Well, I suppose Masiah would just be wrong, right? (though the Smuggars might well consider it for one of their M'babies)

Edited by Katydid
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I checked out the link on her blog to her book, and there is a photo of her wearing... gasp!... JEANS! I'm sure Jana will be able to help her convert them into a denim skirt now that she's joined the Duggar circus. There's also a quote from Mechelle praising the book.

So, I guess we're in need of a new couple name. Marjorie + Josiah... Well, I suppose Masiah would just be wrong, right? (though the Smuggars might well consider it for one of their M'babies)

To be fair to the Smuggars, it would probably be spelled Massyah.

JEANS ON A PROSPECTIVE FUTURE MRS. DUGGAR?!?!? I don't want to get too excited (I can't handle another DerickDullard letdown) but I think Marjorie has some potential.

A) she was Maria in the sound of Music. (Maria was a nun...Catholic!) I'm assuming there were males not related to her were also in the show. And it was a show that wasn't a reproduction of someone in her family getting engaged, so hurray for culture!

B) I scanned her blog briefly and saw references to reading books! And apparently she wrote a book?!

C) pants

D) I'm assuming based on her mother's name being Analucia, and teaching Josiah Spanish, that she's at least half Latina. So hurray for some cultural diversity for the Duggars! (Boo for Boob inevitably saying "hola" a thousand times)

Do we know where she lives? I thought Siah was going to Clown College with Joe? If she's in TN, I'm going to be so ecstatic.

So, I guess we're in need of a new couple name. Marjorie + Josiah... Well, I suppose Masiah would just be wrong, right? (though the Smuggars might well consider it for one of their M'babies)

No, I think Masiah is absolutely perfect. That's my vote.

Oh, sweet Josiah. I hope this is what they both want. They've only been courting for a week...why the rush to announce it? They're so young!


They've only been Courting for a week. They may have been seeing each other for a lot longer than that. I honestly hope it's something like that, that had them so concerned about him and sending him of to ALERT. You know, as opposed to the other thing.


Mods, the legal age of majority in the U.S. is eighteen.

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In the People article about Josiah, who's the brother between Ben and Joy? He seems to have avoided the Duggar derp face that his dad + older brothers have. That and the younger boy in front of Jinger.


The girls in this family have definitely been more lucky int he looks department, although its interesting how the older girls (particularly Jinger, Jessa, and Joy) seem to look similarly, then the younger girls, save for Josie, seem to have a similar look, although different than their older siblings. Jana seems to look more like the younger three, and Jill fits more in with her brothers (in my opinion).

Her book is about how everyone needs to read the bible. Groan. Hooray for self publishing.


She comes off as a normal 17-year old - "I know everything". I guess that's something.

Yeah, but from the tiny, tiny excerpt I read, she sounds pretty well-spoken. And even if the book's not good, it at least shows initiative, discipline, and a desire to use her mind. That already beats every single Duggar kid's education by a country mile already. She's shot ahead as the smartest Duggar in-law, leaving Ben and Anna in the dust, second only to Derick (EDIT - Forgot that Anna has some early education training, so never mind on that one. Ahead of Bin, then).


....Although I shouldn't get my hopes up like I did with Derick Duggar - er, Dillard.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Is that Spanx sewn on the bottom of her dress?


I think it's just unfortunate an unfortunate color - the same tan color as Spanx. There doesn't look to be any gap between the tan and white (like it's a slip). Besides ... why would anyone wear Spanx that come down so far? A slip maybe, but not Spanx for sure.


My gosh, Josiah is courting Jane Seymour! Sorry, at first glance this girl reminds me of Dr Quinn.


She does! But Josiah could have done worse - Jane Seymour was gorgeous when she was younger, and still looks damn good for being 64 years old.

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Yes fair enough on the hair color.  In truth as one becomes older, a lighter color actually looks better, is more flattering to the tone of the face.  I do know a few people her age who stick with really dark, and it's a little bit stunning when you first see them.  It would be more flattering to have it toned down a little, or let some grey show, but to each her own.

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I think for at least the next 10 years or so, we'll be shown at least one Duggar wedding. Assuming Josiah marries next year, there are 4 others in their 20's now, and I guess the show will continue to be popular enough that we'll see pretty much all of the kids get married. Except for maybe two or three who will stay home forever, but I can't imagine that enormous house with only 4 people living in it. I guess in the next ten years, there will also be at least 25 grandchildren born. I wonder if TLC will keep it as a weekly series...the longest running reality show of all time. 

I think for at least the next 10 years or so, we'll be shown at least one Duggar wedding. Assuming Josiah marries next year, there are 4 others in their 20's now, and I guess the show will continue to be popular enough that we'll see pretty much all of the kids get married. Except for maybe two or three who will stay home forever, but I can't imagine that enormous house with only 4 people living in it. I guess in the next ten years, there will also be at least 25 grandchildren born. I wonder if TLC will keep it as a weekly series...the longest running reality show of all time.

I have been thinking what the parents will do with the enormous house when the kids get married off or move out. At what point will the house be too spacious to handle.

Yeah, but from the tiny, tiny excerpt I read, she sounds pretty well-spoken. And even if the book's not good, it at least shows initiative, discipline, and a desire to use her mind. That already beats every single Duggar kid's education by a country mile already. She's shot ahead as the smartest Duggar in-law, leaving Ben and Anna in the dust, second only to Derick (EDIT - Forgot that Anna has some early education training, so never mind on that one. Ahead of Bin, then).


....Although I shouldn't get my hopes up like I did with Derick Duggar - er, Dillard.


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I figure at some point, perhaps after Grandma Duggar dies or goes elsewhere to live, one of the couples takes over her rooms and their children become part of the dormitories. It makes sense - perhaps one of the younger boys and his wife.


I originally thought that's what would happen to Jessa and Ben since Ben has no job, Michelle could have babies to take care of for six months before handing them over to Jana to raise. But I could see JimBob and Michelle convincing one of their kids and their spouse to move in with them and "help" out with their brothers and sisters.

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The problem with that house is the lack of bedrooms. Let's say Jim Bob and Michelle did have one of the couples move in. There is no other bedroom now for them...Grandma has one, Jim Bob and Michelle have the other and then the girl's and boy's dorms. Also, where would their children sleep..in the bedrooms with their unmarried aunts and uncles? That's beyond weird. The Duggars didn't think ahead that their house would not be practical for any other family unless they have one who lives the way they do and has about a dozen kids. Doesn't the girl's dorm have 2 bathrooms? Again, not practical. I can't imagine who would want to live in that house 30 years from now, unless Josh and Anna (or Jill and Derrick) take it over, since both couples will probably end up with a lot of kids.

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Kind of off topic, but this seemed like the best place to put this question. Sorry if this is was already common knowledge and I missed it!

Does anyone know the breakdown of buddy groups? Jilly Muffin's was just featured, so I know that one. And do we know how the groups were chosen? Like if they were just random, or if Jchelle actually considered her children's personality types and matched them accordingly (lol). Do we know how often (if at all) they are switched up? Thanks in advance!

It seems to me that it would be easy to remodel that house since it is the tinker tot house, after all.


Unless TLC remodels it for them, I don't see it happening. They barely got the thing built, and would never have without intervention.


(And I don't think the "kit" they use for it is actually modular in a way that it is easy to customize. It's just made for DIY.)

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Does anyone know the breakdown of buddy groups? Jilly Muffin's was just featured, so I know that one. And do we know how the groups were chosen? Like if they were just random, or if Jchelle actually considered her children's personality types and matched them accordingly (lol). Do we know how often (if at all) they are switched up? Thanks in advance!

Josh: Joseph

John-David: Josiah

Jill: Joy-Anna, James, and Jennifer

Jana: Jason, Jackson, and Josie

Jessa: Jeremiah, Justin, and Jordyn

Jinger: Jedidiah and Johannah

I'm not sure how Michelle could have considered personality types when matching up buddies, since they were assigned at birth.

Edited by graefin
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It seems from recent episodes that Jill is still charge of her buddy group despite having moved to another house.  There's enough room,  just move Joy, James and Jennie into Jill's house.  How long before Mom and Dad notice they are missing?

I originally thought that's what would happen to Jessa and Ben since Ben has no job, Michelle could have babies to take care of for six months before handing them over to Jana to raise. But I could see JimBob and Michelle convincing one of their kids and their spouse to move in with them and "help" out with their brothers and sisters.

I could see this happening but not with Ben and Jessa.  I don't know about maternal instinct but I still think Jessa has no interest in raising other people's children.  Or going back to live at that house unless she is forced to.

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It seems to me that it would be easy to remodel that house since it is the tinker tot house, after all.


At the rate he's going, I think Boob will acquire real estate for each kid as the weddings come along. Not necessarily McMansions like the Dullards have now, of course - and which I doubt they will ever leave BTW. The houses will all be in the general vicinity, and will all need work - but that will keep the boys busy at least. And there will come a time when Boob & Me-chelle will definitely not need or be able to keep up with the TTH, especially if everyone gets married/leaves. They may seek something smaller for themselves and use the big barn as "corporate offices" for Boob Inc. It would be fairly easy and inexpensive to convert that space for offices and storage.

Josh: Joseph

John-David: Josiah

Jill: Joy-Anna, James, and Jennifer

Jana: Jason, Jackson, and Josie

Jessa: Jeremiah, Justin, and Jordyn

Jinger: Jedidiah and Johannah

I'm not sure how Michelle could have considered personality types when matching up buddies, since they were assigned at birth.

Thanks for the info! When I brought up personality types, I was thinking along the lines of moving the buddy teams around to suit their needs, as the kids get older and their personalities become more apparent. But I guess that's also a silly question, because I don't think Mechelle knows much about anyone's personality since Blessa.

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I could see this happening but not with Ben and Jessa.  I don't know about maternal instinct but I still think Jessa has no interest in raising other people's children.  Or going back to live at that house unless she is forced to.


Your right but I could see them forcing Jana to do that.


How long before Mom and Dad notice they are missing?


I honestly wonder how long it would take for JimBob and Michelle to notice one of their kids missing. Say Jennifer decided stay at Jill's house and no one told their parents. How long would it take? Days, weeks, months? Would they ever notice she was gone?

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I really hope that the buddy system during the early years was similar to pairing up in public or looking out for the younger kids while playing that many large families have. Not the full-on sister mom buddy system that we've witnessed from Jackson down.  Or at the very least Michelle waited for Jedidiah and Jeremiah to get older when Jessa and Jinger became their buddies.  Jinger is only five years older than Jedidiah. Disgraceful. Then Michelle added Johannah to the Jinger's team when Jinger was around 12. It's so sad to think that when the older girls were Justin's age they had such heavy childcare. Then on top of that they had jurisdictions.    


I don't think that they would ever realize Jenny was gone unless they do a count off during Bible Study or Jenny's absence meant Jim Bob and Michelle had to do housework.  

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It was a full-on buddy system from the very moment they decided to follow Gothard. Look at their very first special , filmed in late 2003/early 2004. Joy is all of 6, and she's brushing one of her younger brother's hair (or teeth, I forget which) and she's also seen carrying a heavy load of canned tomatoes or soup into the house from the Aldi shopping trip. Jana, Jill and Jessa recite that pretty much the entire house cleaning is their "jurisdiction" and they also cook as well..hence the famous tater tot casserole. The only thing we saw Michelle do is homeschooling and even that was questionable (all the kids were learning about bankruptcy laws) and we also saw all the kids, but primary Josh and John David, risking serious injury in doing heavy construction in building the tinker toy house, who were 16 and 14 at the time. I was more than a little horrified at the Duggar's parenting methods from that very first special. Jana was 14, Jill 13 and Jessa and Jinger, 11 and 10. And they had 14 kids, Michelle was pregnant, and they had the kids jammed 2 and 3 to a bed with only 2 bathrooms for 16 people. I can't believe how much people loved them when that first special aired.

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I wasn't watching that early, but wow that's awful! 2 & 3 to a bed isn't ok, and should have been a signal to them, like, "Hey, ya'll can't support 14 children and pay hospital bills for the next one, so now would be a good time to stop fucking like rabbits." I have seen the bankruptcy laws "lesson" clips online, and in older episodes that I saw when it was still on Netflix. She had kids ranging from 5-15/16 "learning" about them. They are all at different ages and grade levels, and need to be taught lessons that match up to that. What 5 y/o on this planet would understand bankruptcy laws?! I don't get it. They give homeschoolers and Christians a bad name.

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Message added by Scarlett45

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