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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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11 hours ago, magpye29 said:

I'll never forget going to a bar mitzvah for my friends' (a rabbi and his wife) son.  It was on a military base, and the other chaplains had been invited.  One of them (a Presbyterian) was talking to me, and we were saying what a nice party it was and how nice the rabbi and his wife were, and then the Presby chaplain shook his head pityingly and said, "Too bad they're all going to hell."  I was dumbfounded.  I never told my friends what this man had said, but I couldn't believe that he would accept their hospitality and then say such a thing, and I was insulted that he said it to me, as if I would subscribe to such a belief.  I did, however, take great pleasure in informing him that my husband was the Jewish lay leader on the base where I lived.  The look on his face was priceless.  

As a military spouse who was very active in the Catholic community but also supportive of the Jewish community, I saw a lot of unkindness and anti-Semitism.  The military has rules about chaplains having to be faith-neutral when serving at public functions, but on the base where I lived, all the Christian chaplains got around it by prefacing their prayers with, "And now I'd like to share a prayer in MY faith tradition" so they could end their prayer with, "In Jesus' name we pray, amen."  When I objected to this, people questioned my Christianity, which really pissed me off.  I would just reply, "Render unto Caesar" and point out that the chaplains were doing an end run around military regulations.

OTOH, when the rabbi had a complaint because he'd chided a Wiccan soldier for his beliefs, the installation chaplain required the rabbi to write a 10 page paper about Wicca.  I was happy to supply the rabbi with enough books about Wicca to get the job done.  (My husband almost had a heart attack because he thought I was going to tell the rabbi that the books were his from before he'd decided to become an observant Jew, but I just told the rabbi they were from my amazon bookstore.)


12 minutes ago, duggarfan said:

That is absolutely awful and that Rabbi should be ashamed of himself. Ugh.

What is absolutely awful? Why should "that Rabbi" be ashamed of himself? 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

The idea he's pulling out is that "God did not make any homosexuals. (or people who feel they want to transit from one sex to the other). We know this, because in Genesis we read that 'male and female he created them' and they were created for a particular purpose, god's purpose -- to be  for each other, to be couples, and to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with people so those people can have dominion over the earth, yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

"Ergo ... Bible bottom line: God created male and female. Period. And he created them for a purpose -- to have teh babeez to fill and take dominion over the earth in god's name. Ergo, Bible bottom line, these people who'"think' that they 'are' something else -- something that doesn't pair with the 'opposite' sex to have teh babeez for god, such as homosexuals or transgenders etc.....These people are going against god's natural law since he did not create anything in the form they claim to be in. ........

I was going to say (and I agree with your entire post by the way). I wonder then what Kendra's Dad or Derrick would say if someone countered that argument with the question 'What about infertile couples, if God's plan is for male and female to procreate as much as possible why are couples made infertile".  But I wouldn't ask them that because I know what they'd say - the same thing MEChelle said about the miscarriage after Josh; it's on THEM not God, they didn't follow God's will, they sinned somehow, they're being punished until they repent.  And if they never conceive they'll be told it's not genetics it's just that they didn't repent enough, there's still some sin in the camp.  Genetics and biology will never play a part in their teachings.  Makes me wonder; if the rumors are true and Jill can't have anymore children - and I stress that it's just tabloid rumors at this point - what will they say in public and what will they tell her in private.  In a weird way I'm hoping it's not true only because that girl seems like she is on the edge already, any blame put on her for "failing" in this wifely duty could seriously push her right over.

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, actually, though, out of all the religions and denominations in America, it's only these religions that have grown over the past 60 years or so-- and grown like gangbusters (and not only because some of them have a lot of kids, but through conversions).

Every other religion has lost members like mad over the exact same interval. 

Religion in general has become a lot less popular in our lifetimes. But this religion has become much more popular than it ever was. 

The only reason I can imagine for that is that the world has changed very very fast over the past 100 years (which is when this religion actually took off in America -- there was less of it in earlier centuries) and this is a religion that promises some simple bedrock that may feel to some people as if it anchors them against that change. Gives them armor against that change, because they're naturally timid, insecure and fearful of losing what they've got.... But who knows? 

Go figure

That's the way I see it as well. The world is very confusing these day. As you said, things change so fast and there are so many dangers which, even if they were always there, were not so widely reported on. People want safety, and these cults promise them that they won't actually have to go through the uncertainty of making their own decisions. Especially for those who believe in the "end times" this is literally a godsend. 

Try going to some of the forums like Rapture Ready and read the posts of sheer terror of the ways of the world on one hand, and delirious joy at the impending rapture and going to live with Jesus on the other. Don't expect to be able to make a comment, though. They vet their members carefully ad will immediately bring the ban hammer down on, and erase every post of anyone who so much as hints of a question regarding the dogma.

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28 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

OTOH, when the rabbi had a complaint because he'd chided a Wiccan soldier for his beliefs, the installation chaplain required the rabbi to write a 10 page paper about Wicca.

Duggarfan may have meant this, where the rabbi chided a Wiccan soldier for his beliefs. OR perhaps misread the quoted post and meant the Presbyterian minister.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, AUgirl said:

I think of it like this: What if Jazz had tweeted the promo from Counting On with the caption "Josie Duggar is feral" and went on a rant about how preemies are mentally deficient. To me that's the same as what Derrick Dumbass did.  

It would have to be something more like 'micro preemies are feral' to be the equivalent. 

54 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree with the comment up thread that anyone who chooses to do a reality show has a touch of famewhore in them, and Jazz and her family are no different. However what gets me about Derick is the utter hypocrisy. He's so against the way Jazz lives her life yet has no issue sharing a network with her and collecting a paycheck from that same network. He can't play both sides of the fence. Ball's in your court, Derelict. Stand up for your beliefs by quitting the show. Good luck raising missioncation donations without the benefit of national television to boost your profile.

This makes sense, but then I think, they stay for the $ first (have we seen much charity from any Dugg? They don't do much that won't bring profit to themselves. Think of the bag of junk they bring for the locals, and they get a free home in DA), but since @Churchhoney has been telling us they really believe their constant preaching is valuable, maybe they want to share a platform with the Gypsy shows and Jazz as a counterbalance.

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41 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

Thoroughly disgusted by Dreck's tweet.  Seriously?  There have been countless studies on transsexualism and why it occurs (news flash, Derek, it's not a new phenomena!).  From the articles I've read, the transsexual brain is shaped differently, just as male and female brains are.  In a male transsexual the brain is shaped more like a female's (though not entirely the same) and vice versa.    The jury is out as to why, but some say it's due to a hormonal surge during a key point of fetal development.  And so you have young children (who are too young to even understand the concept of gender roles) stating that they are the opposite sex.  Because it's literally the way they are wired.  They have no control over it.  They can't just stop thinking they are the opposite sex because you or other small-minded people tell them to.   Their brains are telling them that they are.  And no amount of fundie brainwashing and church and misdirected prayer will ever change that.  It is not a choice...true transsexuals don't wake up one day and declare on a whim that they are now the opposite sex!   And it makes me so FURIOUS that idiots like Dreck are openly slamming Jazz (and others) for the way they were born!   

And Derek,  if you consider your thoughts on God and how we are each born in his image and we are given gifts by Him through which we live our lives, then GOD created transsexuals.  Not Satan.  Satan has no realm over the forming or shaping of God's creation.  Satan only TEMPTS the creation that God has made because he does not have the power to do more than that.   He is a weak fallen angel who got too big for his britches and pissed God off in a failed power grab. People like Jazz are not tempted or "corrupted" by Satan  into believing they are the opposite sex.  You are giving Satan too much power and control by  thinking that he COULD.   

Derek, step down off your high moral horse and actually consider science for a nanosecond.  God gave us the ability to understand the world around us.  And yes, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge and were outcast from Eden.  However, if you read more closely, God was more of an overprotective parent, wanting to shelter His children from the world and the pain that such knowledge could bring.  After the apple incident He could've wiped all of his creation out and started fresh.  But he didn't.  Instead, He gave us the greatest gift of all...free will to develop ourselves and to learn about the world around us.  About HIS miraculous creation.  And the brains He gave us do just that.  Scientists are using the brains and gifts that God gave them to better understand the world around us and to allow us to HELP EACH OTHER!  Your refusal to accept science is actually trashing one of the greatest gifts that God gave to us.  And as an Orthodox Christian, I find that repulsive.  

Thank you Lady Edith for explaining   what I have been thinking.  You have said it a lot better  than I would  have been able to.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I don't know. I think Derrick might be crazy like a fox.

Let's face it. "Counting On" is boring. In fact, if you give me a choice between watching Jill hand out banana bread and watching paint dry, I'm going to take the paint. Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy are simply not interesting people. They are young and undereducated and programmed to want nothing more than husbands and babies. Nothing they do is engaging enough to sustain a tv show. People were willing to watch for couple of seasons to catch the end of the Josh drama and the novelty of the missionary stuff, but once that's over there's nothing left. Jill and Jessa are played out. Jeremy and Jinger have some spark but it's not enough to carry the show. Joy and Austin? Come on. If I wanted to watch a (undoubtedly soon-to-be) pregnant teenager stroll through Walmart looking at baby clothes, I'd just go to Walmart and do it in person. This show has a limited shelf life and it's getting stale. 

Enter Derrick and his controversy. People are talking about the show again. It's getting media attention. People who would otherwise have tuned out are going to be watching either because Derrick champions their beliefs or because they want to see if he's as big of an asshole on TV as he is on Twitter. There's no such thing as bad publicity, right? And frankly, in a country where Donald Trump is president, I have a hard time believing that people offended by Derrick's behavior are going to boycott TLC in such numbers as to require them to end the show or take Derrick off. I'm sure Derrick actually believes what he said about Jazz, but the timing of the comments makes me wonder if he isn't a bit smarter than we give him credit for being. 

Or maybe he's just a moronic dickhead. That could be true also. 

 It's a 'nice' idea to give Derick some credit  for sentience but, have you ever heard the saying, 'Some people are so heavenly minded they're no earthly good'? To me, having grown up around many Dericks, they don't have this guile.  What they have, is the incessant need to make sure that no one in their tribe, thinks that they would 'slip up' by even remotely condoning anything their tribe sees as aberrant.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, TomServo said:

I guess that depends on what you mean by "biblically illiterate."  I'd consider someone who isn't familiar enough with the Bible that they can't recognize a reference to a well-known and oft-quoted Bible verse because of a single-word difference to be on the lower end of the biblical literacy scale.  You don't have to know exactly which translations include the word "cosmic" in order to understand the reference if you are generally familiar with the text and what someone is getting at when they talk about "fighting against spiritual powers rather than human ones [insert additional keywords like 'darkness' and 'heavenly places' here]."  So, yes, most non-ESV readers who are "literate" would probably read what he said and think, "Interesting; I didn't remember the word 'cosmic' being in that verse."  Then they either shrugged and went about their day as usual, or if they were curious enough, they looked it up and then went about their day.  It's unlikely that Star Trek, Carl Sagan, NASA, or a mental hospital came to mind first.

I don't know very many people (including evangelicals) who still use the NIV on a regular basis, and I have Bible Gateway set to default to a different translation.  Some of the Bible Bowl/Bible Quiz organizations are starting to switch to ESV, so it isn't as though it's some obscure text.


5 hours ago, TresGatos said:

When I was growing up and attending Our Lady of Lourdes church and school, we were taught that Bible reading (and interpretation) should be left to rigorously trained professionals because you don't want just anyone willy-nilly reading the Bible and thinking they know best like Jim Jones or Warren Jeffs. I never would have recognized that "well known and oft-quoted Bible verse" as I have never heard it so I guess I'm on the lower end of the Biblical literacy scale but I think with the Bible the Spirit is more important than the Law and only the red parts really matter. I think Derick Dillard is a perfect example of why random people shouldn't be trusted to interpret the Bible and if Derick wants to get serious about reading the Bible and seriously pontificating about the purpose of Christianity and how to follow Christ then he should enroll in an accredited Seminary or else just stick to the Jefferson Bible, but that's just my Heathen stance.

In my experience, evangelicals (Derick's intended audience) will absolutely know what I call the "Frank Perretti verse" (before the Left Behind series came along, he sold millions) just by the generic terms and cadence of it:



I was likewise raised by the ebil evangelicals to believe that Catholics didn't read the Bible because they were told the priest was to be and stay the interpreter of Scripture, and if TresGatos' explanation was "the one", I think to some extent they have a point.  Because it's ironically amateurs like Bin, Derick, and probably JimBob, who come up with loose theological interpretations shading into apostasy, because they're so eager to make some point that's "unique", that the "unique" point is not, in fact, doctrinally sound. 

But I've also been to occasional comments sections and forums where Catholics have hotly contested statements like that, saying "We were absolutely allowed to read the Bible on our own and did", so it's interesting to have the alternate point of view/confirmation that such was not always the case.  

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, actually, though, out of all the religions and denominations in America, it's only these religions that have grown over the past 60 years or so-- and grown like gangbusters (and not only because some of them have a lot of kids, but through conversions).

Every other religion has lost members like mad over the exact same interval. 

Religion in general has become a lot less popular in our lifetimes. But this religion has become much more popular than it ever was. 

The only reason I can imagine for that is that the world has changed very very fast over the past 100 years (which is when this religion actually took off in America -- there was less of it in earlier centuries) and this is a religion that promises some simple bedrock that may feel to some people as if it anchors them against that change. Gives them armor against that change, because they're naturally timid, insecure and fearful of losing what they've got.... But who knows? 

Go figure

I'm guessing any conversions were with similar minded folks and/or vulnerable folks, e.g. folks in crisis, experiencing loss, etc.

What are the numbers for folks who do not identify with any formal religion? Have those numbers grown as well?

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

What are the numbers for folks who do not identify with any formal religion? Have those numbers grown as well?

Indeed they have and the last survey I saw had declining numbers for the fundie/evangelical crowd.  No affiliation was the fastest growing group in that survey.

As far as the Catholic church and Bible reading, every priest I have ever known or heard has encouraged regular if not daily Bible reading and prayer.  They do also say to not try to invent one's own religion by reading without understanding.  That isn't to mean you only listen to the priest, but that you consider informed opinions along with your own.  You read the text notes, consult the catechism, use study guides, go to classes, read books about the book of the Bible or topic that you are reading, etc.  In other words, don't be a Jim Bob, don't take a sentence or phrase out of context, and don't assume just because you can read the words that you have instant and full comprehension.

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 13
29 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm guessing any conversions were with similar minded folks and/or vulnerable folks, e.g. folks in crisis, experiencing loss, etc.

What are the numbers for folks who do not identify with any formal religion? Have those numbers grown as well?

Yeah, I expect you're right about who mainly converts. Of course, at any given time a heck of a lot of us are in crisis of some kind! 

And, yep, the "nones" as they're called are increasing at a fair clip. 

For the past few years, some of the evangelical increase has stalled. And the numbers of some groups, notably the less extreme more denominational ones like the Southern Baptist Convention, have actually begun dropping a bit. Scholars of the field generally seem to think that they've likely hit maximum levels and will now begin to drop slowly, probably (apparently) starting with the more "liberal" groups (which, yes, include the SBC) but with the actual dropoff eventually spreading to the more intense and conservative ones, such as the Independent Free Baptists and some of the megachurches and so on, at least to some degree.  (harder to tell what goes on with those groups because individual congregations can't be studied statistically in the same way, but the pattern has been that the more "liberal" religions lose members first.)

(The Duggs proper (not the adjacents), as far as I can tell, have sort of hovered between SBC and IFB, I think. Others here know a lot more about their history than I do. And I don't really know what the adjacents have mostly been, except that Der was SBC and Bin's Vision Forum experience was kinda Calvinist.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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16 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

One thing's for sure -- Triple D is not going to like the unintended consequences of his comments.

I look for interesting revelations from his past in the tabloids in 3..2..1.

I will be truly shocked if they dig up anything other than this type of deviant behaviour:

Stole toilet paper from the main bathroom

Used a real expletive instead of ^%$*&@ 

Missed church

When on a date with a Catholic

Dipped into his cafeteria money for video games

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 13
On 8/5/2017 at 10:02 AM, Lunera said:

Replying to @derick4Him

Do you confess about the men this blind item says you are having sex with?


Someone posted this link on Dericks`s twitter. It's some pretty crazy stuff.

Yeah, unfortunately the writer of that blog has a penchant for writing "blind" items about things that have already been widely covered by the media. 

I'm sorry, I'm not good with celebrities but a celebrity named Jax ripped into Jill and her engagement ring.  Called it a spec of dust.  

Not sure what her ring has to do with anything but it was interesting that Jill got dragged into and called out.  He mocked her posts or something about how amazing Derick is. 

Edited by Marigold
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9 hours ago, Marigold said:

I'm sorry, I'm not good with celebrities but a celebrity named Jax ripped into Jill and her engagement ring.  Called it a spec of dust.  

Not sure what her ring has to do with anything but it was interesting that Jill got dragged into and called out.  He mocked her posts or something about how amazing Derick is. 

Jax Taylor from Vanderpump Rules. I would put him at the same level of celebrity as Derick. Maybe one level above at most, though I admit that I could be wrong about Jax's popularity.



  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Triple P said:

Jax Taylor from Vanderpump Rules. I would put him at the same level of celebrity as Derick. Maybe one level above at most, though I admit that I could be wrong about Jax's popularity.




Thank you!  Guess he wanted a little attention too!  Or maybe an issue that is close to him for a reason, who knows?  

Saw this, thought of triple D



...one of the great secrets of human nature is that the one thing people want more than love, security, sex, chocolate or big-screen TV's is to feel hard done by. Why? Because being hard done by is the shit. Feeling hard done by is the sweetest of drugs. If you're being persecuted -- it must mean you're doing the right thing, right? You get the mellow buzz of the moral high ground, but without arrogantly claiming it as your own. You get an instant, supportive community in a big dark scary world of such scope it may well literally be beyond rational human processing. When you are hard done by, you get purpose in a life where otherwise, you'd have to find your own. And when you ride that high, then no amount of logic, no pointing out that in actuality you and your beliefs are at a high point of popularity and influence for the last hundred years -- is going to pry that sweet crack-pipe of moral indignation from your hands.

—John Rogers

  • Love 17
On 8/5/2017 at 5:31 PM, Churchhoney said:

One thing I'm sure Der did when he bought in to Duggardom is become isolated from the mainstream culture, just like they are. He may actually have been isolated from it before, but he certainly is isolated from it now. So he's listening to and imagines he's talking to those people I talked to ... Period. .... That's who his influences are, that's whose language he's using, and, I imagine, he thinks they're a much bigger, more influential part of this society as a whole than they are. So the idea that there are well over 250 million Americans who will think he's nuts certainly doesn't even come into his consciousness when he says this stuff that, I swear, is absolutely standard in his milieu. 


First of all, let me say that I learn so much from @Churchhoney's posts.  I think she does a fantastic job of trying to get us to understand that while we think Dreck is certifiable, Dreck himself thinks quite the opposite.  When Heavy D sits back at the end of a long day composing sermons he'll never deliver and puts his dirty feet up on the coffee table in order to grace the masses with a few precious drops of what's in his brain, he thinks it's all cool because of the line I bolded in @Churchhoney's excellent post.  I actually do understand his twisted mindset, thanks to that post.

BUT, here is where I struggle, and feel zero empathy for Derrick...he HAS TO KNOW that his wife's family has been well-taken care of by the TLC paychecks for years and years - the same TLC that airs his family's wacky antics and also employs Jazz and her family.  Whether or not he believes or doesn't, or feels the insurmountable need to spout off on something he doesn't believe in - he is poking his employer's hornet's nest.  I refuse to believe that he never considered that when posting his statement about Jazz.  Do you think that if he'd gone to JB first and said, "hey, Papa D,  I need to get this off my heart, what do you think?" that JB would've said, "Sounds good!  Post away!"  Dreck is getting AWFULLY big for his britches.  Does he see himself as successor to the Duggardom compound and fortune when JB finally inhales enough hairspray to put him out of commission?  So while I can understand Dreck's mindset, I do not understand his motivation for making a private thought public when he had to have known he was biting the hand that feeds him - and his wife, his children, his father-in-law, his sisters-in-law, etc.  He cannot be that clueless, I just don't buy it.  And that's why I find his post unforgivable.  He's setting his own wife and kids up for failure and hardships.  That's on him and his seemingly massive ego.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 16
16 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

So while I can understand Dreck's mindset, I do not understand his motivation for making a private thought public when he had to have known he was biting the hand that feeds him - and his wife, his children, his father-in-law, his sisters-in-law, etc.  He cannot be that clueless, I just don't buy it.  And that's why I find his post unforgivable.  He's setting his own wife and kids up for failure and hardships.  That's on him and his seemingly massive ego.

He doesn't see it that way. He believes God is beside him, guiding his every move. He and his family will be blessed because of his faithfulness. If TLC does cancel the show because of what he posted, then he will claim that he is being persecuted for being a Christian and shining a light on the sinners. Then, according to his beliefs, God will bless his family even more.

Did you read the article about Joanna Gaines, who believes her current success is because she was faithful to God and closed her first store when her kids were babies? This is the same mindset that Derick has, as long as he is being true to God, he'll be rewarded, if not here on earth, then in heaven.

  • Love 20
38 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

That's fascinating! And does shed  lot of light on the transgender phenomenon. Although in this case the boys were genetically boys despite appearing female at birth, it does show that there are actually more ways that sex and gender may be much more complicated than they might appear.

  • Love 7
On 8/4/2017 at 1:15 PM, sometimesy said:

Doesn't work, can't cook because he just gave birth by caesarean, TTH childcare does the kid thing, wife can't carry on an intelligent conversation "whatever you want #besthubbyevah, doesn't have a mortgage to fret about, Jessa and Jana decorated the place, brothers-in-law probably found and maintain his vehicles, what else does he have to do? 

I laughed entirely too loud for an office space.  HA!

  • Love 5
On 8/4/2017 at 4:14 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Without TV, how did he even know about Jazz? The Duggars never attended those TLC Block Parties that assembled many of TLC's stars, including the Jennings, Whitney Thore, and the Arnold-Kleins. I don't know what time TLC tweeted the Jazz show promo Wednesday evening, but Derelict obviously saw it and evidently chose to google Jazz in between not changing diapers, cooking dinner and cleaning up, or putting his kids to bed. 

You know what they say about idle hands...

I would rather his idle hands do something for, ahem, himself rather than spewing insane garbage about just about anything.  He is such a giant ass!  I really think I would greatly dislike him or any of the Duggars should they cross my path.

  • Love 4
On 8/4/2017 at 6:32 PM, louannems said:

I was an x-ray technologist at the VA hospital for decades.  They performed transgender bottom surgery, but I think it was not at all common.  Lots and lots, like years and years of counseling was involved before such a surgery.

A TON of counseling.  I don't know if they still do this but you were also required to live as a woman or man, whichever you are transitioning to, before the surgery.  It is VERY thorough.

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

That's fascinating! And does shed  lot of light on the transgender phenomenon. Although in this case the boys were genetically boys despite appearing female at birth, it does show that there are actually more ways that sex and gender may be much more complicated than they might appear.

I wish I could remember which documentary I'm thinking of ... maybe with Lisa Ling?? Anyway it was an enlightening fascinating documentary covering many aspects of being born in the wrong body. It started with the science of conception; initially we all have both male and female genitalia until the Y or X influences characteristics. The show also discussed brain scan differences as well as the many underdeveloped countries that have a name for a third gender and many of those folks are revered and honored and all are accepted as 'normal'. 

Anyone know what show I'm referring to?

2 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

So what  would you like to be done to me? I am a  Christian ,  maybe  not one who believes like the Duggars  but one who worships the same God.

We don't need a war on anything IMO.  I think there is a huge difference between being tolerant and open minded.  Sometimes they get muddled.  

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I wish someone would start a cult based on peace and acceptance. I real one. I'm guessing there's enough passages in the Bible to support peace and acceptance. 

I elect @Churchhoney to be the Gothard. I can be a therapist (I'm licensed, LOL). Who else is in?

I'm in -- unless I have to be the Gothard!   ;  ) 


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