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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Jessa doesn't view Jill as competition...so she hangs with Jill.  I do think Jessa is closest to Jinger out of all the siblings...while I think Jana and JD (being twins) were naturally close.  Jill was kind of the odd one out in terms of closeness..except maybe Joy.

I do like Jill being diplomatic with her responses because what good is served by spilling all the family dirt.


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45 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Jessa doesn't view Jill as competition...so she hangs with Jill.  I do think Jessa is closest to Jinger out of all the siblings...while I think Jana and JD (being twins) were naturally close.  Jill was kind of the odd one out in terms of closeness..except maybe Joy.

I do like Jill being diplomatic with her responses because what good is served by spilling all the family dirt.


Derick has been spilling the dirt for three years now.

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But Jill and Derick are not the same person, and Jill is being diplomatic, Derick's previous statements have nothing to do with how she comports herself now.  If you conflate the two, then you are giving credence to the idea that Jill isn't her own person, and just an appendage of Derick.  So, is Jill her own person, or should she be judged by her husband's behavior for the rest of her life?

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Derelict talks in lawyerspeak these days. Anything he's had to say in the last couple of years has been carefully worded and ambiguous. The only thing he's promised is a book. But he's been unclear as to its content, other than to say that it would be his (their?) story. He leaves a TON open to interpretation. 

Jill is not responsible for what he says, but she appears to endorse it. She's never spoken to the contrary. 

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7 minutes ago, ouinason said:

But Jill and Derick are not the same person, and Jill is being diplomatic, Derick's previous statements have nothing to do with how she comports herself now.  If you conflate the two, then you are giving credence to the idea that Jill isn't her own person, and just an appendage of Derick.  So, is Jill her own person, or should she be judged by her husband's behavior for the rest of her life?

Thank you!  It gives no autonomy or the ability to be a complete person when she's relegated to her husband's opinions.  And that sets women back 100 years.  It's one thing when men do this crap but it drives me crazy to see other women doing it to women.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, ouinason said:

But Jill and Derick are not the same person, and Jill is being diplomatic, Derick's previous statements have nothing to do with how she comports herself now.  If you conflate the two, then you are giving credence to the idea that Jill isn't her own person, and just an appendage of Derick.  So, is Jill her own person, or should she be judged by her husband's behavior for the rest of her life?

If this was aimed at my post, I didn't mean to imply Jill and Derick were one person. I was referring to nothing good coming of spilling dirt, which Derick has been doing for three years now. I've been posting all along about how wrong it is for Derick to be talking shit about his FIL, Jill's father. It seems to me that Jill painting this softer picture, is somewhat of a defense of Derick's spilling.

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4 hours ago, Jeeves said:

That was my general understanding. IMO it was about SOS's bottom line, and I don't mean the number of souls converted to Jesus, but the net income from missioncation group enrollments. Not good when Jill narrated being terrified and Jessa chimed in for their TV audience about oh yes it's really dangerous there. Was she the one who mentioned hearing gunshots? Not good stuff for nice Baptist mothers to hear, when they are thinking about sending their high school kids off on a "mission trip." 

Whatever constituted Derick's motivation for mission work, I have wondered if he saw SOS as a (lesser) option to go preach the gospel abroad - very much something he settled for after he realized he had no hope of landing a career job with the church's International Missions Board. It's possible that he didn't give a rat's *ss about SOS's bottom line and/or wasn't super enthused to be herding missioncation groups around on their Danger America itineraries. He and Jill were certainly cagey at the time about working for SOS; IIRC their website identified them as being with "Dillard Family Ministries." 

Yes, that was Jessa. I remember it clearly because it's something I will always mock and judge Jill about. The whole family was doing one of those end of season interviews, and the interviewer asked Jill for an example of how dangerous Danger America was. That's when she tells the shower rack story. Jessa, the only in the room with enough sense to know that Jill was a ridiculous dumb ass who just seemingly admitted that the danger was all in her head, immediately attempted damage control with the storythat that when she was there she heard gunshots at night and it was really intense, thereby justifying Jill's paranoia.

2 hours ago, Madtown said:

For some reason, it surprises me that Jessa hangs with Jill. Jessa seems to be drinking the kool-aid and not getting on JB's bad side. I wouldn't think she would approve of Jill going to therapy or Izzy going to school. I've mentioned it before, I always thought Jessa would run from the cult and Jill would be Michelle 2.0.

Jill was never really close to any of the siblings she wasn't sistermom to because she was so controlling and judgy growing up, but it did seem that she and Jessa got closer once Jessa had Spurgeon. I think it was easier for everyone to like Jill once they weren't living with her anymore, and we all know Jessa refuses to get close to anyone outside of the family, so since Jill was the only young mother she had a relationship with, they likely bonded.

I think Jessa hasn't run because she found a husband young, one who isn't controlling and makes it easy for her to stay, since she's not entirely living the true fundie wife life.

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2 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I think Jessa hangs out with Jill to suit Jessa. She could well be acting as a spy for Boob.

I agree and to add to that, Jill is now "Cool Girl." I think Jessa sees all the positive feedback Jill is getting on social media and wants to be part of it, even if she doesn't approve or have the guts to make similar changes in her own life.

At this point, the friendship options for her are pretty slim. Jinger is in L.A., Jana has Laura, Abbie has nothing in common and the younger marrieds (Joy, Kendra, Lauren) have their own social circles. The only one glued to the TTH is Anna, and I imagine Jessa isn't too keen on hanging out with her molester's wife. Jill's the last one standing.

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Chiming in on what happened with Danger America, at one point, Derick claimed that the "contracts" between TLC and SOS were in conflict. To which I shout BULLSHIT at the top of my lungs because they filmed for multiple seasons while affiliated with SOS. There is no way in hell that either organization allowed that to happen for years if the contracts were not simpatico. 

I remember this so well because when he pivoted and started claiming he never had a contract with TLC, all I could think was "Well, if you had no contract with them, how could your non-existent contract conflict with SOS?" 

So, yeah, I think Derick was fired by both organizations and is spinning a web of lies to avoid admitting it. 

Edited by Zella
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12 minutes ago, Zella said:

Chiming in on what happened with Danger America, at one point, Derick claimed that the "contracts" between TLC and SOS were in conflict. To which I shout BULLSHIT at the top of my lungs because they filmed for multiple seasons while affiliated with SOS. There is no way in hell that either organization allowed that to happen for years if the contracts were not simpatico. 

I remember this so well because when he pivoted and started claiming he never had a contract with TLC, all I could think was "Well, if you had no contract with them, how could your non-existent contract conflict with SOS?" 

So, yeah, I think Derick was fired by both organizations and is spinning a web of lies to avoid admitting it. 

Yup. Jill and Derick had already planned the mission prior to Jill and Jessa: Counting On being created. So TLC knew full well what the Dillard's plans were, named the show after Jill and filmed them.

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5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Yup. Jill and Derick had already planned the mission prior to Jill and Jessa: Counting On being created. So TLC knew full well what the Dillard's plans were, named the show after Jill and filmed them.

TLC had already FILMED Jill and Derelict telling the family that they were leaving. That was from the season that ended up on the cutting room floor after Joshgate I.

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3 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I think Jessa hangs out with Jill to suit Jessa. She could well be acting as a spy for Boob. Hopefully, Jill has some Spidey sense and doesn't divulge much of a personal nature. 

When's the last time we saw Jill and Jana together? They were supposedly thick as thieves growing up. Jana was Jill's MOH. Now? Nothing.

I never really got a close vibe from Jana/Jill even though it was sort of framed that way, since they were the two oldest girls and Jessa/Jinger were obviously, genuinely close. Jana was the boss and the one Michelle hated; Jill was the snitch and Jim Bob’s favorite. They weren’t  exactly incompatible as far as their roles in the family went, but I could see there being some tension/competition too.

Jana strikes me as always having been closest to JD, which didn’t work for advertising purposes. And Jill’s deepest relationships were with her children, Joy, James, and Jenny. 

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Panopticon said:

I never really got a close vibe from Jana/Jill even though it was sort of framed that way, since they were the two oldest girls and Jessa/Jinger were obviously, genuinely close. Jana was the boss and the one Michelle hated; Jill was the snitch and Jim Bob’s favorite. They weren’t  exactly incompatible as far as their roles in the family went, but I could see there being some tension/competition too.

Jana strikes me as always having been closest to JD, which didn’t work for advertising purposes. And Jill’s deepest relationships were with her children, Joy, James, and Jenny. 

I can't see any of them being close to each other.  They were taught to rat each other out, be better than your siblings, and to fight over food and resources.  It's more Lord of the Flies than Lord of the bible.   I can't think of anything worse than being alone in the midst of 18 siblings. Add in that you have a brother molesting you and parents defending him, it's all screwed up.


Edited by hathorlive
added my Josh hate
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I am probably misremembering, but was not there a Twitter exchange between Derick and someone wishing Jill and Derick were back on the show and Derick replied with something like maybe or we'll see? Like I said, I am probably not remembering it right. I think if they had an offer they would be back onscreen in a heartbeat. Of course, Derick contradicts himself all the time, which is why I take so much of what he says with a grain of salt. That said, I do not believe anything Jim Bob says either. I do not believe either of their versions of anything that went down.

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1 hour ago, Misslindsey said:

I am probably misremembering, but was not there a Twitter exchange between Derick and someone wishing Jill and Derick were back on the show and Derick replied with something like maybe or we'll see? Like I said, I am probably not remembering it right. I think if they had an offer they would be back onscreen in a heartbeat. Of course, Derick contradicts himself all the time, which is why I take so much of what he says with a grain of salt. That said, I do not believe anything Jim Bob says either. I do not believe either of their versions of anything that went down.

You're not remembering that wrong. I remember it too. There was discussion on here about it, with a lot of us thinking no network would ever want to deal with Derick again because he's a proven pain in the ass. 

I'm in the same boat you're in. I'm glad that Jill seems to be growing beyond the bubble she was raised in just because I think it's something all the Duggar kids would benefit from, but I don't believe a word Derick says. I also don't believe anything Jim Bob says, so it's hard for me to make heads or tails out of that feud. 

Edited by Zella
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I never really got a close vibe from Jana/Jill even though it was sort of framed that way, since they were the two oldest girls and Jessa/Jinger were obviously, genuinely close. Jana was the boss and the one Michelle hated; Jill was the snitch and Jim Bob’s favorite. They weren’t  exactly incompatible as far as their roles in the family went, but I could see there being some tension/competition too.

The only older siblings who ever seemed to have any kind of bond on the show were Jessa and Jinger. None of the other older kids ever seemed close to each other. Even now, there just doesn't seem to be much of a bond there. When they're filming, they come across more like relatives from an extended family spending time together than siblings who grew up together. 






  • Love 9
7 hours ago, Zella said:

You're not remembering that wrong. I remember it too. There was discussion on here about it, with a lot of us thinking no network would ever want to deal with Derick again because he's a proven pain in the ass. 

I'm in the same boat you're in. I'm glad that Jill seems to be growing beyond the bubble she was raised in just because I think it's something all the Duggar kids would benefit from, but I don't believe a word Derick says. I also don't believe anything Jim Bob says, so it's hard for me to make heads or tails out of that feud. 

JB hasn't spoke in public about the feud. We're all hearing it through the lens of the Dillards.

Jill is a more reliable narrator than her husband but we're only getting Jill's side of everything as she is comfortable with sharing. And that's 100% fair.

I don't think we'll ever hear from JB what happened and what he thinks. 

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18 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

JB hasn't spoke in public about the feud. We're all hearing it through the lens of the Dillards.

Jill is a more reliable narrator than her husband but we're only getting Jill's side of everything as she is comfortable with sharing. And that's 100% fair.

I don't think we'll ever hear from JB what happened and what he thinks. 


11 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

If there was truth to be learned, I’d like to hear from Michelle. Of course, that won’t happen either.

Both of them are smart enough to know that telling their side of the story is a losing proposition.  Neither one will admit that going on a TV show with Josh was a bad idea, and they also backed themselves in a corner with the beliefs they shared.  According to JB and Michelle a child is supposed to leave and cleave once married, and their daughters transfer from JB's umbrella of protection to their husband's upon marriage.  They decided to spin a story where Derick is JB-approved to be Jill's headship and they must be okay with what Jill does once married.  

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I believe the entire feud was about money - on both sides - and like most arguments, other shit has been thrown in.

My hope is the new independence Jill is showing outweighs any hurt the feud has caused her.

Me too! I am in the minority, but I actually believe Derick when he says that they quit the show. I think he tried to negotiate a separate pay out for a special episode featuring the birth of Sam and production/TLC told him to kick rocks, the contract is negotiated with Jim Bob. Since they couldn't get a separate contract or special payout, Derick decided that the Dillards would quit the show.

I am pretty sure that a contract for Counting On ended with Joy's wedding (May 2017) and a new contract was negotiated for the following seasons. In May 2018 Derick mentioned in a tweet or Instagram comment that it was the 1-year anniversary of being free from filming. 

Jill and Derick didn't show up for filming the reunion show after Joy's wedding. I think the family said Jill wasn't feeling well, she would have been about 8 months pregnant with Sam, but I remember that SewSumi and others here figured out that the Dillards went on a baby moon when that episode was filmed.

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I don't think Jana or JD particularly care about Jill and what she's doing enough to censure her.

JD is married to the most "liberal" (LOL) of the wives in that she was the one regularly wearing pants, who had friends outside their cult and who goes to a normal church. Nothing Jill and Derick are doing now is probably that far from what JD/Abbie do. For some reason people have just chosen to act as if Jill and Derick are somehow not the same sort of Christians that the rest of them are anymore. I just don't think that's true.

As far as Jana and Jill, why would she be close to her? When Jana was visibly struggling with things (IMO) and was being sent...err volunteering to go to Journey of the Heart over and over, and mentioning how courtships didn't work out, Jill was the one being a gleeful snitch. Jill was the tattle tale. Jill was the one making sure everyone toed the line. So even if she's changed now, it may be very hard to put aside those feelings of resentment.

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58 minutes ago, Triple P said:

Me too! I am in the minority, but I actually believe Derick when he says that they quit the show. I think he tried to negotiate a separate pay out for a special episode featuring the birth of Sam and production/TLC told him to kick rocks, the contract is negotiated with Jim Bob. Since they couldn't get a separate contract or special payout, Derick decided that the Dillards would quit the show.

I am pretty sure that a contract for Counting On ended with Joy's wedding (May 2017) and a new contract was negotiated for the following seasons. In May 2018 Derick mentioned in a tweet or Instagram comment that it was the 1-year anniversary of being free from filming. 

Jill and Derick didn't show up for filming the reunion show after Joy's wedding. I think the family said Jill wasn't feeling well, she would have been about 8 months pregnant with Sam, but I remember that SewSumi and others here figured out that the Dillards went on a baby moon when that episode was filmed.

I do too, but I believe it has more to do with TLC censoring the family than money. Don't get me wrong, I think money was definitely an issue, but if Derick had been allowed to say whatever he wanted about his beliefs on camera, if the family as a whole were allowed to openly use the show as a religious and political platform, I think Derick would have been ok with the lack of an independent paycheck, because the show would have been a true ministry.

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For some reason people have just chosen to act as if Jill and Derick are somehow not the same sort of Christians that the rest of them are anymore. I just don't think that's true.

People are focusing on Jill and Derek because they are fame-whoring on YouTube for money, and JD and Abbie are keeping a low profile as secondary characters on Counting On who rarely speak or do anything of consequence. Jill and Derek can back away from the public eye any time they want, but I'm guessing those confessional YouTube videos are paying better than Derek's food delivery job. Whoever posted above that it's more about money and greed than anything else is correct.





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2 hours ago, Triple P said:

production/TLC told him to kick rocks, the contract is negotiated with Jim Bob.

I know nothing about reality show contracts, but how can someone dictate that when there are grown adults in the cast?  That's like slavery.  I guess the kidults were expected to sign their rights to payment away??

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41 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

I know nothing about reality show contracts, but how can someone dictate that when there are grown adults in the cast?  That's like slavery.  I guess the kidults were expected to sign their rights to payment away??

Daddy said sign this piece of paper and the kidults all did.  Then the future spouses were told to sign a piece of paper by JB and that JB would take care of them, and they all did.  Maybe except for Jeremy who was experienced to know to read the paper before signing and that he could negotiate.  

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Daddy said sign this piece of paper and the kidults all did.  Then the future spouses were told to sign a piece of paper by JB and that JB would take care of them, and they all did.  Maybe except for Jeremy who was experienced to know to read the paper before signing and that he could negotiate.  

Why would JB have allowed Jeremy to negotiate and not Derick?

23 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Why would JB have allowed Jeremy to negotiate and not Derick?

I would assume because Jeremy knew to ask and Derick did not.  This is all speculation because we do not definitively know that Jeremy and Jinger have their own contract, but I know we have long suspected it.  I do think part of Derick's lashing out was because he realized he and Jill got less than what they deserved money-wise.  JB likes to keep all the cash and properties to himself and dole them out as he sees fit to better keep the kids in line.  Derick probably believed JB when JB said that it was better for everyone for JB to be the one to deal with TLC and JB would then pay the kids for Counting On.  I do think there is some truth to the stories Derick has spun where he and Jill were not receiving a paycheck for Counting On.  All the money went to JB and was dispensed as JB saw fit.  Derick was too naïve to know that he and Jill could have their own contract and receive money in a more straightforward manner.  I suspect by the time Derick realized this, it was too late.  Then Derick goes to TLC to try to negotiate his own contract and that was when he was told what was up and that the network would not pay them.  This is all speculation on my part, but it does fit the timeline and Derick's Twitter rants.  The fact that JB settled money on Derick and Jill before anything going to court makes me also suspect that JB knew what he was doing is wrong.  That screams hush money to me.

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9 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I think Jeremy, having gone to college on a scholarship and then signed contracts as a professional athlete; had the experience to realize that he needed to read and understand the contract before signing. 

I totally agree.  If anything he's smart enough to ensure he had his own contract.  

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2 minutes ago, Zella said:

I don't think any of them ever had a separate contract, including Jeremy, who somehow seems even dumber than Derick when it comes to business stuff, despite allegedly having a degree in the subject. 

I agree. However, I do think Jinger got back pay that financed the Laredo house. They managed to put down about $90k. Jeremy probably didn't earn that much during his ill-fated soccer career.

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1 minute ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I agree. However, I do think Jinger got back pay that financed the Laredo house. They managed to put down about $90k. Jeremy probably didn't earn that much during his ill-fated soccer career.

That's entirely possible! It wouldn't surprise me to learn that his parents may have chipped in on it too since I agree that his soccer career didn't seem that lucrative. He also doesn't seem to have been the type that socked any pro athlete money into worthwhile investments he could tap into. 

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10 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Derick let the cat out of the bag when he said his issues with TLC began when they wouldn't pay for the birth of one of his kids. "A birth they make money off of". Until that moment, they never had issues with schedules or censorship. 

I believe Derick when he said Jill wanted to quit filming after the InTouch expose. On the other hand, I get the strong impression Derick didn't want to stop filming.

Jill is in a weird weird position. She grew up with cameras and being in the public eye. I don't know if she could walk away completely. 

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2 hours ago, Zella said:

I don't think any of them ever had a separate contract, including Jeremy, who somehow seems even dumber than Derick when it comes to business stuff, despite allegedly having a degree in the subject. 

Jeremy isn’t a genius, but he came in at a point in his life when he had become much more worldly and experienced than Derrick or, bless his heart, Ben. My money would be on his having insisted on a separate contract, or at the very least on a contract between himself and Jim Bob. 

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28 minutes ago, Genevrier said:

Jeremy isn’t a genius, but he came in at a point in his life when he had become much more worldly and experienced than Derrick or, bless his heart, Ben. My money would be on his having insisted on a separate contract, or at the very least on a contract between himself and Jim Bob. 

I question how much maturity his background gives him, though. In my experience, people who go through college as an athlete are often coddled, and I doubt his experience as a pro athlete was much different. I doubt he had any active role in negotiating any contracts, and I really see no indication that he has a separate contract. Derick is an asshole and is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is, but he has a degree in accounting and actually worked for Walmart HQ for awhile, so I think he would be way more knowledgeable on that by default than Jeremy. 

Until quite recently, Jeremy had an LLC registered at Jim Bob's house like the other minions. That suggests to me that he and Jinger were in the same position as the other adjacents. I don't think he would be quite so desperate to claw his way to influencer fame if he felt more secure in his position, which is yet another reason I don't think he has a special arrangement. I mean, he's a total famewhore and a lazy one to boot so I think the influencer life would always appeal to him, but I think if he had a contract, he would not be doing the business equivalent of throwing pasta against the wall and seeing what sticks. His residence is something scammed through the seminary he is attending. Nothing about their lifestyle seems to come from additional money via TLC. 

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Maybe its both. Maybe Jill, Jessa and Jinger all have contracts and JB too. It could be that Derick found out, when he went looking for more money, that JB's contract is much more lucrative than the adult married kids' contracts. I can see the couples signing whatever contracts were put in front of them without questioning the pay because the family has worked with TLC for so long. They would just assume TLC would do right by them. And none of them prior to marriage had any idea how much money it takes to live on. (with maybe the exception of Jeremy, depending on if the church was paying for his apartment)

There was a picture shortly after Jessa was married, of her and Ben at the TLC studios. Due to the timing of the photo I just assumed at the time they were signing contracts. 

I noticed on a few episodes of 19 Kids, Josh's name appearing in the credits, IIRC, as a guest appearance, that made me think at the time he was getting extra money, but still fell in with the family contract. He was married only a year after the show was picked-up as a series. 

But regardless of who signed what, Jessa and Jinger appear to have plenty of money. Jessa may live in a small home with one car, but they travelled a lot pre-pandemic, they sent Ben's parents on a trip, Ben has attended school and Jessa seems to be on a first name basis with Amazon. They have no other obvious income than TLC. And pre-pandemic, it was obvious by their posts, Jinger and Jeremy spent money like it was no problem.

As far as the $90,000 down payment, that could have been a combination of things. Semi-pro athletes aren't paid much, but when they're playing overseas the team pays their living expenses, so they don't have a lot of expenses. They also had a 1000 guests at their wedding, if only 200 hundred guests gave, say, a $100 cash gift that would be $20,000 (not all their guests were of the JRod flavor).

Based on Derick's first few comments on the whole thing, I still believe he got greedy and thought because Jill's name was on the show he had power. He quickly found out its not the way it works in TV land.

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I question how much maturity his background gives him, though. In my experience, people who go through college as an athlete are often coddled, and I doubt his experience as a pro athlete was much different. I doubt he had any active role in negotiating any contracts, and I really see no indication that he has a separate contract. Derick is an asshole and is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is, but he has a degree in accounting and actually worked for Walmart HQ for awhile, so I think he would be way more knowledgeable on that by default than Jeremy. 

Jeremy is more savvy than Derek, which is different than just being smarter. Jeremy is currently playing the Duggar game and profiting from it, while Derek left the game and is trying to profit from bashing the game master Jim Bob. We will see who makes out better in the end. If Derek can finish law school and pass the BAR exam, he and Jill may end up much better financially than Jinger and Jeremy in the end. Pastors don't make much money unless they can become VERY popular, and I'm not seeing where Jeremy has the charisma to make it that far.





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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Maybe its both. Maybe Jill, Jessa and Jinger all have contracts and JB too. It could be that Derick found out, when he went looking for more money, that JB's contract is much more lucrative than the adult married kids' contracts. I can see the couples signing whatever contracts were put in front of them without questioning the pay because the family has worked with TLC for so long. They would just assume TLC would do right by them. And none of them prior to marriage had any idea how much money it takes to live on. (with maybe the exception of Jeremy, depending on if the church was paying for his apartment)

There was a picture shortly after Jessa was married, of her and Ben at the TLC studios. Due to the timing of the photo I just assumed at the time they were signing contracts. 

I noticed on a few episodes of 19 Kids, Josh's name appearing in the credits, IIRC, as a guest appearance, that made me think at the time he was getting extra money, but still fell in with the family contract. He was married only a year after the show was picked-up as a series. 

But regardless of who signed what, Jessa and Jinger appear to have plenty of money. Jessa may live in a small home with one car, but they travelled a lot pre-pandemic, they sent Ben's parents on a trip, Ben has attended school and Jessa seems to be on a first name basis with Amazon. They have no other obvious income than TLC. And pre-pandemic, it was obvious by their posts, Jinger and Jeremy spent money like it was no problem.

As far as the $90,000 down payment, that could have been a combination of things. Semi-pro athletes aren't paid much, but when they're playing overseas the team pays their living expenses, so they don't have a lot of expenses. They also had a 1000 guests at their wedding, if only 200 hundred guests gave, say, a $100 cash gift that would be $20,000 (not all their guests were of the JRod flavor).

Based on Derick's first few comments on the whole thing, I still believe he got greedy and thought because Jill's name was on the show he had power. He quickly found out its not the way it works in TV land.

I think you alluded to something here that may be the issue and that is JOSH...I think Josh is/was being groomed as the next patriarch. I think he was on the contract/had his own contract or had some some special provisions...and after the molestations J and D found out about it....but I think it definitely had something to do with Josh and favoritism/money....

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