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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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3 hours ago, Temperance said:

Much more than Derrick, Josh should have known what was coming when he got married. If he doesn't want kids, he should do something about it.  

I agree. Anna's been brainwashed and may actually believe that having another baby is the best thing for their marriage. Josh knows differently, knows what having too many children is like, and doesn't want this life, but is going to go along with it because he's too lazy and scared to stand up to his father and leave. 

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, Beaner said:

How can Anna be so, so stupid? Do JB & M have no shame? This is all their doing and Anna is eager to comply. Nothing good will come of this.  How sad and disgusting.

Well, all three have just been fixated forever on babies babies babies babies and more babies. So I suppose we shouldn't be amazed and horrified. They're all long-term obsessed, and this is what obsessed people do.

Strange as it is, in the case of the baby thing, Josh is the one who had the most sense. He seemed to like his family of three kids just fine but clearly didn't want more. And given his lack of education and other exigencies, three was definitely enough, and should have been enough for Anna, too. Heck, she might even have been able to do a halfway decent job homeschooling three. But since Josh gave in to his other stupidities, he never had a chance to get any leverage for that point of view. Although given the nature of JB, M and A, it's not clear the argument would ever have had any legs with them anyway. They all think God is leading them this way, I suppose.

JB and M are the ones who ought to have enough experience to know that more kids for this couple aren't a good idea. But since they clearly have no sense at all, about anything, I'm sure they've pushed hard for Anna to continue her baby obsession and done what they could to further intimidate big-fat-coward Josh from taking any steps on his own to stop the train. ...... And I know the sainted grandparents have a bit of money, but almost nobody has enough money for what they're looking at now. This, alone, is now a family of seven, with very little ability to make money on its own. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 17

I'll break my personal vow not to give any of these people any more head space to join in in saying that I'm as disgusted as everyone else but not at all surprised.  These are people, after all, who believe that they have God's special favor and wouldn't continue to receive "blessings" like clockwork if it were not so.  Clearly, Josh is forgiven and we should join Anna in moving on even if we haven't had a lifetime of poorly educated conditioning first by her own family and then by the one she married into to see this as the only way it could turn out.

As much as anyone, I blame TLC for continuing to allow them a toehold in thinking that normal people find any of this okay and continue this dog and pony show.    We should probably start placing our bets now on how they use this to ease Josh back onto the screen and public consciousness.  If I were a gambling woman, I'd say we'll be seeing him quietly in the background of scenes without comment as they do their prerequisite getting ready for yet another blessing schtick they do in the run up before the birth.

  • Love 10

Josh's dislike by the average person is the one thing I think TLC, JB & M and even Josh and Anna have a realistic grasp of. I'm not sure any of them will risk the paycheck - or Jessa's wrath - to start having him on the show. TLC went to great lengths to not even have Josh shown in any still shots never mind filming during Jinger's wedding. Josh even played the hide Josh game by holding his child in front of him. Josh's birthday greeting and baby announcement from JB & M were down played. It appears to me that JB & M are trying to walk a fine line between being forgiving and supportive parents and keeping their other children's livelihood going.

I'm guessing that many leghumpers may profess that they have forgiven Josh of his sins but it doesn't mean they want to see him on TV either. And the rest of the viewers don't want to see him. Josh is toxic.

  • Love 10
8 hours ago, Temperance said:

Baby fever is natural when it is ingrained in the culture that a woman's worth is in how many blessings, etc. Her parents probably ingrained in her the importance of a big family and probably talk about how they wished they had more/glad they don't have less. By fundie standards,  all her kids are about two years apart which is a lot. Michelle had a baby almost every year. 

As for Josh, the man has several faces or personalities. It's probably hard for Anna to see the man who is kind to their kids and whom she perceives as treating her well as the same man who does bad things behind her back. If she had seen him say cheating before her own eyes, it might be different. I think she was clueless and doesn't see what we see.  In fact she doesn't see any of it, she hears about it secondhand. 

In some ways, the biggest red flags are thing that do happen when they're together. He walks way ahead of her and doesn't help carry things. He was shown many, many times off on his own during what eventually became the toliet birth. It's worth noting, but Joshgate came out, Television Without Pity named Josh one of their worst reality stars of the year for a variety of things like his behavior during the birth, also making her travel with his family while pregnant, etc. Anyone else remember this?

Much more than Derrick, Josh should have known what was coming when he got married. If he doesn't want kids, he should do something about it.  

I'm sure his parents think the baby will solve and if not the baby then the "practicing".

So much this. During the first season of the series when they showed Josh &a Anna courting and then their marriage, they seemed into each other, but there were HUGE red flags like you said. What groom lets his brand new bride carry the luggage on their honeymoon?!!!!!! I believe Jeremy Vulvo is a fame whore but NO WAY would he do that to Jinger (nor Ben to Jessa). What man FALLS ASLEEP during the birth of their first child?!! Hot damn. 

Perhaps Anna feels the love of her children is all she's got so she's consumed to have more. Who knows. 

  • Love 24
7 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Totally not surprised. 

I think Anna is a true believer in her faith.  She really believes that God has forgiven Josh and she has also.  He is a new creature in Christ. So she trudges on in her marriage like things are back to normal. 

I think Josh is a snake, a liar and scummy human being. Josh will cheat again. 

I agree with you, but I also think that deep down Anna knows Josh is going to screw up again, and that having more and more kids isn't going to solve any of their problems. So instead of actually doing something to make sure she can support her family, or kicking Josh to the curb, she's going to just keep going down the road she's been trained to follow, and spit out kid after kid after kid. She'll be miserable, but that slight tinge of hope will keep her going. 

Josh is indeed a snake, liar, scummy human, and also a coward. He wants to reap the benefits of being Fundie Poster Child and get these big paying jobs, adoration, etc., but I don't think he actually believes any of it for a minute. He's also miserable, just too much of a coward to say STOP - and stop having more kids, ending this emotionally cruel marriage, etc.

Anna is stuck. Her brother tried to help her, but she has glued herself to this lifestyle, and she'll forever be miserable.

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Josh and Anna are both trapped with each other.  This life is not what Josh wants.  Anna wanted a life with a loving husband and father for her large family and instead got stuck with a fucking pervert. Neither one of them can seem to untangle this huge knot they are ensnared in because they are both so dysfunctional and damaged from Gothard. 


  • Love 10

I think Josh would have turned out this way even without Gothard. There is something about him screaming creep, pervert, and do not let him date or marry your daughter from the get go. I definitely believe he would have acted out on impulse or whatever you want to call it when it comes to females even if he came from a semi-normal family with less children, and parents with half a brain and actually raised their children in a decent manner. He reminds me of the creepy stalker and murderer from a really bad Lifetime movie. In fact, all or most of the older Duggar males give me the creeps.

3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Josh's dislike by the average person is the one thing I think TLC, JB & M and even Josh and Anna have a realistic grasp of. I'm not sure any of them will risk the paycheck - or Jessa's wrath - to start having him on the show. TLC went to great lengths to not even have Josh shown in any still shots never mind filming during Jinger's wedding. Josh even played the hide Josh game by holding his child in front of him. Josh's birthday greeting and baby announcement from JB & M were down played. It appears to me that JB & M are trying to walk a fine line between being forgiving and supportive parents and keeping their other children's livelihood going.

I'm guessing that many leghumpers may profess that they have forgiven Josh of his sins but it doesn't mean they want to see him on TV either. And the rest of the viewers don't want to see him. Josh is toxic.

Here's hoping. 

But too bad his crappy parents, the real founders of the whole disaster, aren't equally toxic, isn't it?

Josh is a selfish, cowardly jerk, but if people can't see beyond that to the fact that his parents are unnatural monsters who not only destroyed or nearly destroyed their other 18 children but had a large hand in boosting Josh's jerkiness to epic levels, we can't feel as if people are really getting the message that the Duggar story tells. Shame, that. Their vaunted "theology" and "morals" have had the effect of not only leaving all their kids unprepared for life but of taking a kid who had a bit of a bad seed in him by nature, most likely, and nurturing the damn thing into a sequoia. ..... Great ministry there, Perpetual Parent-Conference Speakers. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 13
16 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

It did take several months, though. Smugs was sprung from Jesus Jail last February or March. I wonder just how joyfully available she's had to be with him in this past year? 

Believe it or not, studies have shown that a woman's fertility begins to decline in her late twenties.  Most women aren't freaks of nature like Michelle and Kelly Bates.  Hopefully, Anna's babies will begin to have much larger gaps.  She never popped them out yearly like her MIL.  Maybe she breastfeeds longer.  I can't see Anna weaning her babies abruptly at six months to increase fertility.

  • Love 4
57 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Believe it or not, studies have shown that a woman's fertility begins to decline in her late twenties.  Most women aren't freaks of nature like Michelle and Kelly Bates.  Hopefully, Anna's babies will begin to have much larger gaps.  She never popped them out yearly like her MIL.  Maybe she breastfeeds longer.  I can't see Anna weaning her babies abruptly at six months to increase fertility.

Shhhhh, don't tell any of these crazy people that! Jessa and Anna will pop them out double time, and Jana will be forced into a super quick marriage with a creeper!

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, zoomama said:

16 - 18 weeks they can tell gender usually.

There is now a blood test for free fetal DNA which can be done about 10-12 weeks on the mom and will give the gender, but she probably is 16 weeks or more and had an ultrasound since I doubt she is getting traditional prenatal care and it requires an order from a legitimate practitioner and can't be done at the mall.

If TLC uses this tragic event (not the baby, but the circumstances) to try to shove Joshie back on TV,  will be appalled; but I can see a redemption storyline, complete with Anna expressing forgiveness and adoration of her headship being very appealing to the network.  And its already been proven that Anna will passively allow them to film whatever they want in the name of keeping the Duggar brand going.  They've got no other options at this point anyway. 

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, Mollie said:

It's been 24 hours since the announcement of the new Josh/Anna pregnancy, and not a word of congratulations from any of Josh's siblings!  


0 0 1.gif

It's really sad for Anna and the other children who are probably excited about a new sibling, but Anna is aware that she will be treated second class by the family because of Josh.  I suspect these nutcases have Anna way down to level Jana in respect.

Or, maybe they've decided to incorporate old fashion technique of celebrating milestones face to face instead of in videos? <That I could get behind.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

Here's hoping. 

But too bad his crappy parents, the real founders of the whole disaster, aren't equally toxic, isn't it?

Josh is a selfish, cowardly jerk, but if people can't see beyond that to the fact that his parents are unnatural monsters who not only destroyed or nearly destroyed their other 18 children but had a large hand in boosting Josh's jerkiness to epic levels, we can't feel as if people are really getting the message that the Duggar story tells. Shame, that. Their vaunted "theology" and "morals" have had the effect of not only leaving all their kids unprepared for life but of taking a kid who had a bit of a bad seed in him by nature, most likely, and nurturing the damn thing into a sequoia. ..... Great ministry there, Perpetual Parent-Conference Speakers. 

I definitely agree JB and Michelle play a big part in Josh's downfall since the apple does not fall from the Duggar tree. I think the major reason why JB did not want Josh to take the D.C. job was the fact he was probably worried Josh's past was going to come out because Josh would be featured more in the spotlight. Of course, JB might have been a little jealous and his mighty ego was bruised over the fact his number one son was getting a chance at having more political clout. The ironic thing is JB, Michelle and Josh's egos and their we are so much better than the heathen masses attitudes lead to their massive downfall. In otherwords, karma came calling, and it was not pretty.

1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

Shhhhh, don't tell any of these crazy people that! Jessa and Anna will pop them out double time, and Jana will be forced into a super quick marriage with a creeper!

Yep. Especially since JB and M probably have their sights fixed on a triple-digit grandbaby total before they're eligible for Social Security. 

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

And. . .  The Josh Duggar Redemption "Jesus Saved Me!!" gravy train has left the station: http://people.com/tv/josh-anna-duggar-timeline-marriage-scandal-rebuilding-life-together/

Oy. Soon chugging into the station at a misguided town near you. Please, America, be too smart and disgusted to let them turn this into their moneymaker. (yeah, I know. I plead in vain.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8

Thankfully, the next season of CO has tons of material: Henry's birth, Joy's courtship/engagement, life in Laredo, possibly a trip to DA, and Joe's courtship. They can keep Anna out of sight CV like they did this past season, aside from Jinger's wedding party pictures, about the time she probably  got knocked up. 

They'll lose half their audience (the hate-watchers) if they bring Smuggar back. Anna can quietly have M5 off-camera and announce it a few days later, as they did with Mere. Although Mere's birth was different, because it happened the day TLC officially canceled 19 Kids (before that, it had just been on hiatus). 

I still can't believe that TLC brought the Duggars back in ANY form after Joshley Madison broke in August, but they were filming as early as mid-season ER, even before Jessa's baby shower. 

  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, it's a total rehash of past events and assorted quotes from Duggars social media. But it also opens the floodgates to the casual viewer, or even people who don't like them but don't seek out sites like this or FJ. 

I'd like to hear what THOSE people have to say.

Honestly, the only thing I've heard non-viewers say about the Duggars is what a perv Josh is. It hasn't been forgotten. It will blow up in their faces if they think Josh can come back. Joy and Joe must be pissed. Let them have their little days in the sun instead of dealing with Josh. 

The dependents are piling up - Jim Bob's got, what - 34 people that are partly (read: totally) financially dependent on him? That's got to be some kind of pressure even with all the drappy house flips and parenting seminar paychecks.

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

God's really holding this family up as a shining example of what all people should be. Good grief. 


They're one more reminder that I made the right decision to leave the church and never look back.

If this is the accurate portrayal of "faith" and "Christianity", maybe they're doing the viewing audience a favor.

  • Love 12

I don't think Anna cares what people think as long as she gets more babies. She's just as baby crazed as Michelle, just hasn't had the mental breakdown yet. She's long scared me, she reminds me of the women who drown all their kids. I'm pretty sure she knew about the molestations before it came out, and she certainly isn't the first woman to stay after her husband cheated. Or even the first when it's been publicly covered. I don't think she's going to ever leave him and will just keep popping out kids for as long as she can. I remember a talking head, either when they were engaged or just married, of them talking about kids. I'm remember Josh saying he'd be ok with 2 or 3, and Anna wanting 8. Anna's driving the baby train these days, I don't think even Josh is stupid enough or brazen enough to demand sex against her wishes, but I can see Anna demanding another baby. And another. And another.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Temperance said:

Much more than Derrick, Josh should have known what was coming when he got married. If he doesn't want kids, he should do something about it.  



If he's so friggin' lazy he can't be bothered to help with the four children he has now, let alone carry things while his wife is struggling with four kids AND whatever it is she's attempting to carry (luggage comes to mind), he's too lazy to get his bloated ass to the urologist for a snip or even one-click on Amazon for some condoms.

One can only imagine how one so lazy manages to impregnate someone else. It's hard work to take off one's clothes and copulate for 15 seconds. He probably needs a long nap and a spa day after that!

9 hours ago, Jeanius said:

Every women (and man) makes compromises in relationships. Or, deals with the Debil himself (!!!!)


How many women stay with a man who molested five underage girls, four of which were his sisters?

How many women stay with a man who fucked an unknown number of other women without using a condom, exposing not only her but her (future) children to STD's?

It's been my observation that the vast majority of women (no matter how bad their circumstances are) would NEVER stay in a situation that their kids were in danger. They'll put up with it if it's just them, but not their kids.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Oy. Soon chugging into the station at a misguided town near you. Please, America, be too smart and disgusted to let them turn this into their moneymaker. (yeah, I know. I plead in vain.)


$50 to the local food bank says that

1. There's a book

2. They're making church tours within the next month around the area; they'll hit the road with a vengeance after Major Mistake is born

3. Nancy comes a'callin' with hat in hand and there will not only be a spinoff, it will have a redemption arc so pitiful she'll get her "10 years worth of shows" in reruns on heavy rotation before Christmas

4. Nancy gets a bonus

5. Joshley Madison gets caught again

2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I still can't believe that TLC brought the Duggars back in ANY form after Joshley Madison broke in August, but they were filming as early as mid-season ER, even before Jessa's baby shower. 


Joshley Madison is back in PEOPLE magazine. All bets are off. IMHO of course.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yeah, it's a total rehash of past events and assorted quotes from Duggars social media. But it also opens the floodgates to the casual viewer, or even people who don't like them but don't seek out sites like this or FJ. 

I'd like to hear what THOSE people have to say.


There's coverage in Jezebel today. The comment section is a thing of beauty. 


2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yes, I read the People article this morning and commented on what the hoi polloi will make of it. We already know what leghumpers and WE think of it. 

I'm channeling RuPaul right now.



  • Love 7

Speaking of Bianca, the Tacos 4 Life wife wore a "Not Today Satan" tee recently. I informed her why the saying is so popular of late, tagging Bianca for the hell of it. Countdown to my banning on her page (not that I cared anyway...I got there thru Sierra). 

Now if Smuggar could just get caught at a drag show...

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:


i remember when Anna announced she was pregnant with Meredith and Josh looked like he'd bit into a shit sandwich while the other M&Ms played with the pee stick.


He probably wasn't irritated with the pregnancy announcement......he most likely already knew and it was one of their insipid re-enactments. He probably was irritated because TLC told him he could keep his lazy ass in bed for the scene, and it took too many takes.

Mullet probably let out her usual pig-stuck-in-a-fence squeal when M #5 was announced. Yes, she is that stupid. She's probably gunning for her next claim to fame.......the Guinness World Record number of grandkids.

And Anna  likes the high of "baby fever", since she has no other high in her life. I wonder if she knows that she can get medical marijuana in Arkansas? Might solve a lot of her problems. Jana better get baking some brownies......

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I think Josh would have turned out this way even without Gothard. There is something about him screaming creep, pervert, and do not let him date or marry your daughter from the get go. I definitely believe he would have acted out on impulse or whatever you want to call it when it comes to females even if he came from a semi-normal family with less children, and parents with half a brain and actually raised their children in a decent manner. He reminds me of the creepy stalker and murderer from a really bad Lifetime movie. In fact, all or most of the older Duggar males give me the creeps.


While this may be true, the difference is he probably wouldn't have gotten married and be on baby #5 at this point. He would booty hop for his fill, maybe hang in the underground BDSM crowd and perhaps turn into something more sincister. The collateral damage Anna and Co. is a byproduct of Gothard and Gothard alone. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Missy Vixen said:


How many women stay with a man who molested five underage girls, four of which were his sisters?

How many women stay with a man who fucked an unknown number of other women without using a condom, exposing not only her but her (future) children to STD's?

It's been my observation that the vast majority of women (no matter how bad their circumstances are) would NEVER stay in a situation that their kids were in danger. They'll put up with it if it's just them, but not their kids.

A lot more than you think. Did you know that there is a large group of women who stay with their significant other/spouse even AFTER it has been proven that they've molested the woman's own children because the SO/spouse fulfills them in a way a child never could? Anna is brainwashed, no doubt; but she's by no means as rare as you think. 

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Yep. Especially since JB and M probably have their sights fixed on a triple-digit grandbaby total before they're eligible for Social Security. 

Got to keep God's Army errr...investments...errr...blessings rolling along. My great grandmother died in February 1966. At the time she had 33? grandchildren and 89 great grandchildren. I know their were more great grandchildren after she died, and the grand total was probably between 100 and 110.

1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

JB most likely married Smuggar off so young to avoid exactly this kind of behavior. Especially since it was already known that he was looking at porn on campaign computers in the Holt debacle of 2004 when Smuggar was 16. That's where "sin in the camp" came from. 

Many years ago, when I first heard the rumors, I didn't think they were as awful as Josh molesting his own sisters- one as young as five. I honestly thought he had been caught making-out/grouping another teenage girl who's father found them and caused a scene. Even thinking THAT i knew they married Josh right at 20 to prevent him from causing trouble. I thought they feared some non-fundy girl showing up and asking for a DNA test with a baby in tow. If that's what I thought not knowing the truth, they probably figured a wife would "tame Josh". Hell no. 

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