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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I'd forgotten that stupid stunt where they pretend they forgot the ring ... and Josh singing about how he would be loyal to Anna, what a laugh.


And Jim Bob the lech taking over the microphone to announce the first kiss was going to be shared there in front of everyone, ick. That's just so damn creepy.  It's so important to him.  I'm surprised he doesn't run through the streets waving the bloody wedding night sheets for all to see the morning after his kids' weddings.  Weirdo. 

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For her, that was probably as big as she could dream. Can Josh sue her for defamation? Or will he let it go, since such a case would require airing other laundry that might well be dirty in nature?

As far as I can tell, Josh agreed not to proceed with the case and attach documents (as part of a request for a summary judgement) that both parties agreed would conclusively prove that Ms Dillon fabricated her claim, in exchange for Ms Dillon agreeing to withdraw her claim with prejudice.

Josh could theoretically sue her for defamation, but his reputation was totally shot beforehand, and Ms Dillon has no money. Should Ms Dillon keep selling her story to the tabloids, Josh could take legal action. The agreement mostly prevents her from pursuing further legal claims based on what she alleged happened in March/April 2015, but Josh could still pursue her for things she says in the future.

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Josh could theoretically sue her for defamation, but his reputation was totally shot beforehand, and Ms Dillon has no money. 


I would love to see Josh drag Dillon into court and sue for defamation.  


Watching that smug, pasty, pornography-loving, sister-molesting adulterer sue a gang-bang porno actress for ruining his reputation by claiming he roughed her up during a paid trick would be comedy gold.  

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Damn you all!

Now I'm going to have to watch the blasted thing.

Cue Will Farell as George Bush saying "these posters here are just a bunch of evil enablers who post wicked Duggar videos that I get sucked into watching."

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What a bunch of hypocrites at the Smugger wedding. Josh's fake ass standing up there and taking his vows in that high pitched  voice. The family has always portrayed themselves as the ultimate Christians and yet Josh didn't have the decency to tell Anna he had no interest in being married and pumping out babies when he began to feel that way.

Googly Eyes and Boob sitting there all smiles thinking that their problems with Josh would be over once he had the availability of married sex. 

Pa and Ma Keller sitting in the front row, all smiles and supposedly fully aware that their daughter was marrying a child groper.

That leaves Anna. She has said more than once she was fully aware of Josh's prior behavior and that the details of the police report were known beforehand. Yet she stands up there, faces the audience for show and can't wait to marry the fundy royalty Josh.

Idiots, all of them.

Edited by whydoiwatch
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Josh has always reminded me of someone taking their vows with fingers crossed behind their backs or like one guy I knew who said he was getting married but it didn't mean anything.  He was simply going through the ceremony because his girlfriend had nagged him into it. 

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I am confused. Is Danica saying now that they never had sex, or that he didn't get rough? Because at some point didn't Jish respond with sow thing like, Riugh doesn't matter when you are involved in illegal sex?" Which is asinine but it suggested that they DID have sex, but that it was prostitution or something.

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We don't know the extent to which she lied. We never will unless Smuggar is dumb enough to open up another can of worms and sue for defamation. Assuming that there was ANY truth to what she said. If she concocted the entire thing, she is easily one of the dumbest humans, alive or dead.

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I am confused. Is Danica saying now that they never had sex, or that he didn't get rough? Because at some point didn't Jish respond with sow thing like, Riugh doesn't matter when you are involved in illegal sex?" Which is asinine but it suggested that they DID have sex, but that it was prostitution or something.

I'm guessing it never happened. She had a chance of winning when it was he said - she said. 

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Cue TLC putting out a carefully crafted press release entitled, "Josh Duggar Cleared of Wrongdoing," with very fuzzy details as to exactly WHICH wrongdoing and paraphrased "quotes" from a "judge" saying he did nothing wrong, followed by a sanctimonious festival of bullshit from JimBob, and a statement from Smugger about God, forgiveness, and moving on to serve the Lord.

This carpet bomb approach will be followed by the announcement that the Duggars are back on TLC, y'all!!!

I just threw up a little.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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TLC is counting on the fact that most people who would watch this crap are low information, either by choice (you can't believe the librul media!), by religious conviction (Jesus would forgive him!), or just by sheer lack of attention span (ooh, look! Shiny object!)

I hope I'm wrong, but I never underestimate the greed of a large corporation.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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We don't know the extent to which she lied. We never will unless Smuggar is dumb enough to open up another can of worms and sue for defamation. Assuming that there was ANY truth to what she said. If she concocted the entire thing, she is easily one of the dumbest humans, alive or dead.

I'm going to go ahead and postulate that everyone involved, from Danica to the Duggars to LAWYR to TLC executives, has a collective IQ of roughly 80.

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And in Josh's case Ma and Pa & TLC needed a viewer bump, thus THE MOST ACKWARD MARRIAGE PROPOSAL EVER soon followed by the IN YOUR FACE VOWS about PATRIARCHY and LETTING GOD DECIDE THE SIZE OF ONE'S FAM. (As if a God has nothing better to do than dole out babies.)

The funniest part about those wedding vows is when Anna agreed that Josh would be her priest!

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Yes, that was rich THEN and nothing short of hilarious now. I hate that these ignorant people paint women as needing male leadership and guidance. The 'Male boss and his female 'helpmeet' (WTH is a 'helpmEET'??) is infuriating in its ignorance. I have no respect for any man who expects this, nor for any woman who tolerates it.

Any self-respecting woman would ever put up with always making her mate look strong and powerful, and shriveling in the corner with a smile on her face.

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I firmly believe shenanigans are afoot.  If Josh had never had contact with Danica, he'd have lead with I have never met this woman (in person).  They would never have made a fuss about alibi documents.  They would have calmly said produce your proof to Danica's lawyer because they knew there wasn't any.  Something happened.  What is in question.  It doesn't take this long to settle something where the parties have never even met.  We had a case filed where I live that was similar but an out of wedlock child rather than a rough encounter.  In less than three weeks it was all over because they had never met.  The defendant in that case began with I have never even seen this woman much less been in a hotel room with her. 

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Watching the wedding again has been eye opening now that we are aware of Joshley's indescretions. I noticed how even then he had the Smug walk down pat when they walked down the aisle. And those smiles on Ma & Pa Keller. They really thought he was royalty in their Fundy circle. At least MEchelle's dress was much nicer than the tin foil one. IIRC, she was "expecting" then, was it with Jordyn?

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The Kellers put on a really nice wedding, especially considering they're not a family of means.

JD irked the crap out of me when he pretended to forget the ring. I feel like a girl's wedding day is not the time to be playing stupid pranks. There's already enough stress as it is.

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I firmly believe shenanigans are afoot. If Josh had never had contact with Danica, he'd have lead with I have never met this woman (in person). They would never have made a fuss about alibi documents. They would have calmly said produce your proof to Danica's lawyer because they knew there wasn't any. Something happened. What is in question. It doesn't take this long to settle something where the parties have never even met. We had a case filed where I live that was similar but an out of wedlock child rather than a rough encounter. In less than three weeks it was all over because they had never met. The defendant in that case began with I have never even seen this woman much less been in a hotel room with her.

Absolutely. I still believe that Josh and Danica met and had sex twice. I do not believe that Josh has any evidence, as he claimed, that proved he was somewhere else at the times she claimed they were together. If he had, he would have produced it at the very start when she first came forward with her claim before she had a chance to file suit against him

Danica has withdrawn her suit and agreed not to re-file it ever again. She did not state that she lied about having sex with Josh. My guess is that (on her attorney's advice) she withdrew because there's nothing to be gained by going further. They were probably hoping that Jim Bob would offer to settle out of court, underestimating how cheap and crafty he is. If the case went to court, she probably wouldn't have won. She had no proof in her corner: no photos of cuts and bruises, no medical or police records. It's all he-said-she-said and what are the odds a jury is going to take the unsupported word of a paid sex worker (wrong, I know, but realistic)?

At that point, her attorney probably told her to throw in the towel. She'd already milked the situation for all the publicity it was worth and even if she won, there wouldn't be any real payoff. Josh is more than likely flat broke. I'm sure that any savings/ assets Josh and Anna had were quietly transferred to the family trust back when the scandals first broke and can't be touched. Jim Bob controls the trust and good luck ever getting any of that money back again, Joshie.

So, if there was nothing to be gained, there was no reason for Danica to proceed. The fact that her withdrawal was "with prejudice" (meaning it can't be re-filed at a later date) indicates that there was some negotiation involved. Either Jim Bob stuck a crowbar in his wallet and threw her a couple of grand or more likely his LAWYR found some way to throw a scare into her. But she was not required to state that her claim of having sex with Josh was untrue.

My gut feeling is that they did hook up twice, but that her claim that Josh was rough and abusive was something she invented later when she realized that there was money and publicity to be had. I think that Josh has a lot of repressed anger (thanks, Dad!) and a lot of repressed hostility towards women (thanks, Mom!), but I just can't see him getting physical violent towards even a woman as "beneath" him as Danica. He's just too much of a coward. If he caused her any physical pain, it was probably just because he was clumsy and inept in the sack.

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The Kellers put on a really nice wedding, especially considering they're not a family of means.

JD irked the crap out of me when he pretended to forget the ring. I feel like a girl's wedding day is not the time to be playing stupid pranks. There's already enough stress as it is.

It was a way to put more attention on the Duggars than Anna....re the ring shenanigans...FFS it was HER day...

Anna really did look lovely on her wedding day...then the poor lass had to schlep their luggage into the hotel room...two minutes later Josh completed his "duty"...it became apparent that this is what she had to look forward to for the rest of her days.

Probably explains her addiction to being pregnant...the hormones must help her feel good. Their kids are absolutely adorable and she's a loving and engaged mother... All the while, Mr Smug & Pasty sits there like His Lordship completely disengaged .... you can tell that he's not been present in the marriage for quite some time.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Ms Dillon appears to have lacked any evidence that supported her claim. Josh appears to have evidence that both of the parties agreed would conclusively prove Ms Dillon fabricated her claim. It seems pretty cut and dried to me.

Edited by Kokapetl
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If it were that cut and dried it wouldn't have dragged on this long from my experience.

Josh seems to have responded to court proceedings in a timely manner. Ms Dillon AKA Ashley Stamm-Northup filed her claim on 17th November. It was resolved within three months and it didn't go to trial.
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JD irked the crap out of me when he pretended to forget the ring. I feel like a girl's wedding day is not the time to be playing stupid pranks. There's already enough stress as it is.


Didn't the Duggar boys also pull some kind of nonsense with the car they drove away in after the wedding?  Rigged the horn to go off or something?  And filled it with garbage or some such stupidity.  Does anyone remember this, or am I confusing their wedding with some dumb sitcom? 

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No, you're right! Jessa said "Trash that car!". JD and brothers went and bought cans of sardines to smell up Josh and Anna's get away car. In the end, the boys were fairly limited to how much damage could be done, since it was a borrowed car from the used car lot.

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No, you're right! Jessa said "Trash that car!". JD and brothers went and bought cans of sardines to smell up Josh and Anna's get away car. In the end, the boys were fairly limited to how much damage could be done, since it was a borrowed car from the used car lot.

Well given their grim and strict upbringing, actually being allowed to do something like trash out a car must have been one of the most exciting things theyd ever been allowed to do.

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Well given their grim and strict upbringing, actually being allowed to do something like trash out a car must have been one of the most exciting things theyd ever been allowed to do.


Makes sense. They are definitely starved for excitements.


On the other hand, they do seem to be allowed to do mean things: kick your sister's bunk till she goes crazy -- you get her most prized possession as your reward; aim your sled at a cat while the whole family howls with laughter -- put that right up on instagram; rub sardines all over the honeymoon car -- cherished family tradition.

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The list of their immaturity and meanness is the norm; bunk kicking, just married car hijinks, dry humping, birthday clowns, reckless sledding, hey, hey, hey. The Duggars from young to old seem to enjoy laughing at someone else's expense. 

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We all know Keep Sweet in Fundie English means sweet wth a dash of passive aggressive thrown in.

I can only imagine the car must have REEKED but these folks are used to skipping baths and riding a stink bus so it might not have smelled that bad to them.

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They took out Satan! There's always room for Satan in your heart!





Josh with his apology versions.  What's he going to try and say next - I have been cleared of any wrongdoing? Right. Yeah right Josh.

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TLC is counting on the fact that most people who would watch this crap are low information, either by choice (you can't believe the librul media!), by religious conviction (Jesus would forgive him!), or just by sheer lack of attention span (ooh, look! Shiny object!)

I hope I'm wrong, but I never underestimate the greed of a large corporation.


You're not wrong. 

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This will not be a popular opinion but i have zero respect for Anna.Yes, she seemed to be an attentive mother in DC, and her children were always clean but she is putting that fucking Chester before her own children. She is lazy and stupid and neglectful. Rather sleep five to a bed than get up and go get a job. Rather risk her children and "walk through fire" than pull her head out of her ass and go to her family and get out of that mess.

She says she knew about him molesting his sisters...the youngest one FIVE...and married him anyway.

Bullshit. She wasn't told anything but that she was marrying him.

She's as bad as Smuggs in my book now.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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What job could Anna get with no education and no training that would give her a wage that would allow her enough money even for a small apartment and a car payment. There would have to be a big child support payment and what are the chances of that.

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What job could Anna get with no education and no training that would give her a wage that would allow her enough money even for a small apartment and a car payment. There would have to be a big child support payment and what are the chances of that.

This isn't the 1920s!

She could get in line for welfare and collect child support like millions of other single mothers do. She could get loans and go back to school. She could find another man if she's so inclined. Anything.

Guess what? She could take a goddamned bus!! No reason for a car. Honestly. She has choices. 

Sorry looky. .not directed at you at all. I just loathe women with victim mentalities that can't exist without a man.

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A woman in my neighborhood ended up going on welfare with her five children when her husband passed away.  She went back to school and is now an attorney.

Anna could do that but she doesn't know it, or doesn't believe it.

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A woman in my neighborhood ended up going on welfare with her five children when her husband passed away. She went back to school and is now an attorney.

Anna could do that but she doesn't know it, or doesn't believe it.

Or..is too lazy.

I had a sister in law very unhappily married. I was a single mom at the time with two teen sons that ate like starving sailors! I offered to take her in and told her. .take a month. .get your wits about you. .i will do a resume for you. .then you can find work. You can stay until you have enough for a place. What did she do? Stayed married and miserable and whined to anyone who would listen daily about how she was stuck.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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Who's going to look after Anna's children when she's at her hypothetical job? Josh would have that right as their parent.

Josh is too lazy to properly parent the kids on his own...Smug and Pasty would sit there like the fat slug he is hoping one of the J Slaves would look after them. He can't lose his headship cred by actually doing what he should do. It would cut into his porn watching time.

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I wonder if Josh will continue to preach to the heathen masses about morality and how trans people molest children?


Oh, I expect he would. But since I don't think anybody'll pay him to do that any more, we won't have to see it done in public, at least. How could he live if he couldn't look down on somebody?

Edited by Churchhoney
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Cocoon of Fundie Delusion....OMG FIF! I FREAKING LOVE IT!

You called it what it is. I don't think she's so much unwilling to step out of the cocoon but rather that she's been threatened with the dire consequences of leaving. It's got to be scary when you've been indoctrinated by a cult your whole life and filled with fear....It's how they keep their stronghold on their flock of sheeple

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Anna's own brother has offered to help her. She knows she has a choice.

Exactly!  And she has made her choice.  I am done feeling sorry for her.  There are thousands of women out there that only dream of having an out like her brother has provided.  She has had time to reflect and think, this is the decision she has made. 

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Exactly! And she has made her choice. I am done feeling sorry for her. There are thousands of women out there that only dream of having an out like her brother has provided. She has had time to reflect and think, this is the decision she has made.

Weirdly enough (since my foot would still be embedded in Josh's ass), I think I understand her giving him another chance. She took vows that are very serious to her, and she intends to fulfill them if possible. She had hinted that she considered other actions so I think she may have her limits. But I do get her giving Josh the opportunity to demonstrate remorse. I myself would kick him to the curb but I grew up much differently.

Maybe Josh HAS changed. It is not impossible. I am very interested to see what happens next.

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"Maybe Josh HAS changed. It is not impossible. I am very interested to see what happens next."


Yeah, and I'm Smurfette.


And for what it's worth, I really don't think Danica lied.  I think she couldn't prove it happened, and I think she didn't have any funds to pay the attorney-- it said so in the court documentation.  Rape cases get thrown out all the time because of "he said, she said" with no witnesses.  That doesn't mean the victim "lied".

"Maybe Josh HAS changed. It is not impossible. I am very interested to see what happens next."


Yeah, and I'm Smurfette.


And for what it's worth, I really don't think Danica lied.  I think she couldn't prove it happened, and I think she didn't have any funds to pay the attorney-- it said so in the court documentation.  Rape cases get thrown out all the time because of "he said, she said" with no witnesses.  That doesn't mean the victim "lied".

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I really hope Anna doesn't keep popping out babies, waiting for that one miracle band-aid baby that will turn Josh into a loving, caring and faithful husband and father.  That ship has sailed.


And those pictures of Josh?  He's either checked out, or clinically depressed and is pasting on what he thinks is a passable smile, or both.  I fear for Anna, that she's going to spend many years of her life trying to repair something beyond fixing.  We know she has choices, but I wonder if she's been so thoroughly programmed that she thinks leaving him equals failure on her part.  Meanwhile, she has to continue to keep herself "joyfully available" to this guy?  If I think about that too long, my brain hurts.

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Hi folks. As the situation has progressed, the mods wanted to clarify the pinned post above. Please don't imply that he has or will molest his children. It opens a can of worms we can't handle. It's one thing to say, "I can't believe Anna married knowing he molested his sisters." That's ok. Be careful with stuff like this: "Anna should never leave him alone with his kids since he can'y help himself and he's so sly."


It's really judgement call territory for us, so feel free to PM us with any questions.

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