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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Oh Anna, there was a time you were able to pick any used car off the lot -- but now all those cars are in another agent's name so that the traumatized porn stars don't take them away from your husband. Halcyon days.

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Oh Anna, there was a time you were able to pick any used car off the lot -- but now all those cars are in another agent's name so that the traumatized porn stars don't take them away from your husband. Halcyon days.


To me, this is just another example of how the Duggars and I view the world almost completely oppositely.

I don't see it as a positive that JB gave Josh that car lot. What did Josh earn? What did he create or build on his own? What does he have to take pride in? 


I know that some families with the means help their children with a down payment on a house, and that's nice. They usually don't, however, choose a house and say "this is where you'll live." 


The fact that there are humpers out there who find this level of control over adult children to be admirable instead of alarming is pretty sad.

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I wonder if they're planning to do a "special" on Josh's planned "wedding vow renewal"... like the movie "fireproof"... oh god!!!   puke puke puke!  

If there is one thing I've learned from Real Housewives shows, a vow renewal one year equals a divorce the next.  Maybe for Anna's sake we should hope for a vow renewal.  

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If there is one thing I've learned from Real Housewives shows, a vow renewal one year equals a divorce the next.  Maybe for Anna's sake we should hope for a vow renewal.  

I was just about to say, its the Kiss of death!! 

Its a reality TV kiss of death in general. Kate plus 8 comes to mind...

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I really hope that they don't do this. Anna would look like a total fool standing up there, renewing her vows with that greasy slime ball. Yuck.

Maybe someone would actually stand up and object when the pastor gets to the "If any man present knows of any impediment..." part. Oh, wait. God laid it on Daddy's heart that this marriage was Meant To Be. Never mind.

Seriously, I guess their vows probably omit that part. Maybe most do these days anyway; it is kind of silly.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I really hope that they don't do this. Anna would look like a total fool standing up there, renewing her vows with that greasy slime ball. Yuck.


Oh, I don't know. Maybe Smuggar will treat us (and Anna) to another beautiful (gag) song. There's tons of songs about cheatin' for him to select from. I'd pay good money to see him singing Naughty by Nature's "O.P.P." while Boob and MeChelle keeled over.

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Anna there is an old saying "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."  If Joshy promised to be faithful the first time and didn't are you really going to buy it again?  Please God, let this girl wake up!  She needs to pack it up, take her kids, leave, and go see her brother.  Take him up on his offer.

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I was just about to say, its the Kiss of death!! 

Its a reality TV kiss of death in general. Kate plus 8 comes to mind...

LOL!  Me too.  The only ones I can think of that hasn't happened to (yet) are The Little Couple.

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No, it is being reported that Josh wants a vow renewal.

Anna Duggar Divorce: She Wants To Split While Josh Wants Wedding Vow Renewal - Hollywood Life



Maybe instead of going for a renewal (if there's a speck of truth in this "report," which I sort of doubt), Josh should come to grips with the fact that he never seriously vowed anything in the first place. Then he should rethink and decide whether he actually wants to take them, since he clearly didn't think that through the first time.


Also -- kind of insulting to ask Anna to retake the vows, too. She took hers seriously, dude. If you want a revow, you stand up by yourself and make yours seriously and let her sit there and decide whether she wants to continue with her original vows or not, now that she's learned you had your fingers crossed the first time.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I think JB and Michelle had a renewal ceremony. She wore a wedding dress with a sheet tucked into the neckline. I'm not so sure it works in fundyland. Maybe Josh and Anna should give it a whirl anyway.

Thats right they had a crossover episode on SYTTD and Michelle proceeded to frump up a lovely dress. Brought all 10 million kids.


I hope they do a vow renewal and Anna when asked if she takes Joshy just says NO, drops the mics and walks out. At least that would be great tv :-)

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I think JB and Michelle had a renewal ceremony. She wore a wedding dress with a sheet tucked into the neckline. I'm not so sure it works in fundyland. Maybe Josh and Anna should give it a whirl anyway.


Oh that's right. I remember seeing her pick out her dress on "Say Yes to the Dress."  I had barely seen or heard of the Duggars before that other than glimpses here and there on morning talk shows or magazine covers. When I saw that dress shopping episode I was like "WTH is wrong with these people?"  Hey if Josh and Anna do go for a vow renewal maybe they can get a two-for-one reality TV deal: "Say Yes to the Dress" AND a special Josh redemption episode.  (sorry if I just made anyone else sick too)

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A 'second wedding' will go about as well as the first. I'm sure they'd try to film and sell the renewal, too. Everything is a media event ripe for exploitation. Run Anna, run!



Also -- kind of insulting to ask Anna to retake the vows, too. She took hers seriously, dude. If you want a revow, you stand up by yourself and make yours seriously and let her sit there

Like in Courageous? OMG....

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The "vow renewal" has TLC's fingerprints all over it. Imagine the RATINGS!


I'm also willing to bet that Joshley Madison isn't the person pushing for it. We all know who wants this, don't we? The question is -- will Anna finally stand up for herself and tell her in-laws to butt out, or will she buckle under because she'll be told that it's the family's only chance to get back on teevee?

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The "vow renewal" has TLC's fingerprints all over it. Imagine the RATINGS!


I'm also willing to bet that Joshley Madison isn't the person pushing for it. We all know who wants this, don't we? The question is -- will Anna finally stand up for herself and tell her in-laws to butt out, or will she buckle under because she'll be told that it's the family's only chance to get back on teevee?

Anna likes nice houses and big vehicles. We shouldn't assume she is being exploited. Maybe she stays because the alternative is HER working to support her kids and living well below the standard she has become accustomed to?

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The "vow renewal" has TLC's fingerprints all over it. Imagine the RATINGS!


I'm also willing to bet that Joshley Madison isn't the person pushing for it. We all know who wants this, don't we? The question is -- will Anna finally stand up for herself and tell her in-laws to butt out, or will she buckle under because she'll be told that it's the family's only chance to get back on teevee?


I think there's no question that Anna will buckle. No question at all - she will do exactly as she's instructed. There's no evidence in her past of any other kind of response on her part. All she knows is towing the company line. 

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LOL!  Me too.  The only ones I can think of that hasn't happened to (yet) are The Little Couple.

I seriously would rather see them go off the air today than to break up. They're just so nice and normal, and the one TV couple that would probably devastate me a show caused them to divorce.


I think there's no question that Anna will buckle. No question at all - she will do exactly as she's instructed. There's no evidence in her past of any other kind of response on her part. All she knows is towing the company line. 

Yup. She'll buckle. She won't divorce Josh unless he leaves her. Her brain is wired to understand that all divorce is bad, any marital disharmony is the wife's fault, any marital discord or disolving of marriage is sinning, offending God, and sending you and your children straight to hell. Plus, she DOES like the fancy purses, international trips, big houses, fans, etc. She'll put up with a lot of keep those blessings coming.

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I think there's no question that Anna will buckle. No question at all - she will do exactly as she's instructed. There's no evidence in her past of any other kind of response on her part. All she knows is towing the company line.

If there's a vow renewal don't forget for a moment that Me-Chelle and Boob, the Dullards and Bin-essa will find away to make it all about them with a group snog and dry hump at the altar.

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With Josh it's not just the hairline problem. He has dark circles under his eyes. His face is droopy, bloated, and his coloring looks gray. He also looks sweaty all of the time. In my opinion he looks sick. Stress will kill a person.

Smuggs is dehydrated. Can't masturbate all day at work and then all night at home in his study "online banking,Anna" without replenishing fluids. Po boy done wacked himself into his fifties! Edited by MarysWetBar
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If there's a vow renewal don't forget for a moment that Me-Chelle and Boob, the Dullards and Bin-essa will find away to make it all about them with a group snog and dry hump at the altar.


So true!


I can't see this happening without J'chelled and her daughters wearing their own wedding dresses. Either it will be a quadruple renewal ceremony, or there will be endless photos and voice-overs about their own weddings.


Each of the younger children will get a chance to do a short talking head about how fabulous their parents are, and how much they hope to have a marriage just like mom and dad.


I'm 100% certain the JB has pitched this, I just hope that TLC declines . . .

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If there is a vow renewal ceremony in the works (and I'd say the odds are about 60% in favor of it) Josh will totally be on board. He knows that if he wants to have a future as anything other than JB's errand boy and the family scapegoat, he has to put on a show of 100% redemption and reform. Then he can hop right back on board the family gravy train and the fans will have to accept that he's good with Jesus once again.


Ignorant he may be, but I'm sure it hasn't escaped his notice that of all the Duggars he's probably got the highest public profile and recognition factor. And in reality television land there really is no such thing as bad publicity. He is smart enough to know that a Josh redemption special would easily get double the ratings of Jill and Jessa's little piety program. I fully expect him and TLC to cash in as soon as they think they can get away with it without looking too crass.


I can't even begin to guess what's really in his heart, but as long as Anna is not going to rock the boat and TLC is willing to give his family a platform, he's far from over and done with.

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If there is a vow renewal ceremony in the works (and I'd say the odds are about 60% in favor of it) Josh will totally be on board. He knows that if he wants to have a future as anything other than JB's errand boy and the family scapegoat, he has to put on a show of 100% redemption and reform. Then he can hop right back on board the family gravy train and the fans will have to accept that he's good with Jesus once again.


Ignorant he may be, but I'm sure it hasn't escaped his notice that of all the Duggars he's probably got the highest public profile and recognition factor. And in reality television land there really is no such thing as bad publicity. He is smart enough to know that a Josh redemption special would easily get double the ratings of Jill and Jessa's little piety program. I fully expect him and TLC to cash in as soon as they think they can get away with it without looking too crass.


I can't even begin to guess what's really in his heart, but as long as Anna is not going to rock the boat and TLC is willing to give his family a platform, he's far from over and done with.

Personally, I think you might be giving Josh a teensy bit too much credit with the savvy factor. I think all of the Duggars have demonstrated, with 100% metaphysical clarity, that being able to accurately discern what's going to make them look good to the public is not their strongest point. I get the distinct feeling that Josh's curiosity and interest in the world beyond his own doughy ass is basically zilch. He's a slave to his baser instincts and has zero capacity for self-relfection, he's an order-taker and always has been. His sexual acting out, at least with Anna, is just the result of another overgrown manchild raised to think he's the shit and doesn't have the self-awareness or intellect to understand dynamics or how to interact with others like a normal person, nor does he care. Josh is about Josh, and since Josh has no idea what that even means, he just defers to Jim Bob for programming. If Josh wants a vow renewal, it's because TLC and Jim Bob told him that Josh wants a vow renewal.

Edited by Aja
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TLC making them renew their vows is a sign of divorce. It happens to almost everyone. Except the little couple.  Boob will do anything for money. I guess Smugs won't be singing that awful song to Anna again. He sure hasn't been loyal to her.

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Call me behind the times, but I'm still totally speechless that the Duggars and their incestuous child-molesting, hooker-screwing firstborn are still on TV at all.

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Reminder once again. Please do not use the word incest when describing Josh molesting five females. We have absolutely no proof incest happened between Josh and his sisters. Posts in the future using or describing Josh's actions with the word incest will be edited, deleted or hidden. The mods have ask more than once not to use the word. Thank you.

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There is something surreal to me about this vow renewal vs. divorce discussion. I think it's the idea that a cable TV channel is in the mix. As are the husband's parents.

Sheesh. What a world Josh (and Anna) live in! Fundamental issues about the status of their marriage ought to be just between the two of them. Even if their families - naturally - have opinions and care about them. But, Josh is an immature order taker as noted above, and JB gives the orders. Throw in the TLC factor, on top of that.

So I'm envisioning this four- sided discussion about Josh and Anna's marriage. TLC, JB, Josh, and Anna. With TLC and JB doing all the talking.

But really, even with TLC money, I just can't see the Duggars or Anna considering divorce. Too much Kool-Aid under the bridge.

"Vow renewal" maybe. With Josh looking like he's raided MEchelle's tranq stash before the ceremony. And YouTube gold forever after.

Josh returns to Tontitown with mysterious stitches on his forehead.
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Josh is 27 years old, not 17. Why the assumption that he is unable to make any decisions for himself? I think he's every bit the overbearing, hypocritical patriarchal shit that Jim Bob is. He doesn't need Jim Bob to tell him to have a vow renewal and act contrite about what he's done. Josh is capable of reading the situation and seeing that it's his best move if he wants to go back to anything resembling the lifestyle he's used to. It doesn't take a genius IQ or Daddy's input to come to this conclusion.


I think people underestimate how much the adult Duggar children want to be the way they are. They've spent their entire lives being told that this is what Jesus wants, that it's the only biblical way to live. And it got them money and fame and attention! It's going to take something big to get a Duggar to break away from that. Wanting to have sex with porn stars is not a big enough deal. If you read the personal testimonies on websites of RU and other ministries, you'll find that porn addiction and cheating with prostitutes is not exactly unheard of. There is already an accepted procedure for dealing with this stuff: the guy gets counseling from his spiritual adviser and, with the help of his long-suffering wife, is brought back to Jesus and all is well. And if he falls off the wagon again, then repeat, and keep repeating. Jesus can always forgive you the next time.


Josh knows this script. He's heard it all before and he already did it once, after the molestations. The only thing that is different is that he's been publicly disappeared so he's not around to embarrass the family in front of People magazine anymore. And I think he's shown a lot more smarts in handling this mess by simply disappearing than Jim Bob did by giving that ridiculous interview and making everything look even worse. I think Josh is in control of Josh, for better or worse.

Edited by Anne Elk
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Should Josh decide to set out on his own, he would have to work his way up from nothing, he's got no legitimate work history and no legitimate education, he's also got the stigma of being a child molester working against him. It would be an uphill battle, and I don't think he's got that sort of drive.

Josh can choose, I don't think he's got the most palatable choices available though. He's going to choose to stay with Anna because it's the easiest thing to do.

I agree he greatly wants to please the hand that feeds him.

Edited by Kokapetl
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Man, I'm so torn between being very very interested to see how this unfolds -- which of our assessments of Josh's and Anna's characters pan out and so on -- and sick with fear that it actually will unfold publicly, and even partly on television, when what I most want is for them to be 100 percent off television and off magazine covers for ever and ever and ever.

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If Anna does the a televised vow renewal it will be proof that she has no self esteem, no backbone, and no self worth. It makes me sick thinking about it


Its one thing to work through infidelity and stay together, a public vow renewal would be a gross disgusting display of Boobs/Smugs control over Anna

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I really doubt TLC want Josh back.


Yeah, that's kind of what I think, too. Much as they want Duggar ratings, there are some things that are just so blatant that they have to know they'd be hit with a real firestorm.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Can Anna still be a Duggar without Josh? I can't imagine her being thrown out and not being taken care of after all that Josh has put her through. Who would bring in more viewers, Josh first born son who turned out to be one of the biggest losers or Anna who has 4 kids and has to settle into a whole new world/life if it was a choice between them for a new TLC show.

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Personally, I think you might be giving Josh a teensy bit too much credit with the savvy factor. I think all of the Duggars have demonstrated, with 100% metaphysical clarity, that being able to accurately discern what's going to make them look good to the public is not their strongest point. I get the distinct feeling that Josh's curiosity and interest in the world beyond his own doughy ass is basically zilch. He's a slave to his baser instincts and has zero capacity for self-relfection, he's an order-taker and always has been. His sexual acting out, at least with Anna, is just the result of another overgrown manchild raised to think he's the shit and doesn't have the self-awareness or intellect to understand dynamics or how to interact with others like a normal person, nor does he care. Josh is about Josh, and since Josh has no idea what that even means, he just defers to Jim Bob for programming. If Josh wants a vow renewal, it's because TLC and Jim Bob told him that Josh wants a vow renewal.

Spot on!



And I don't believe TLC will include Josh in any shows, with maybe the exception of a one time redemption special, but I think even that is unlikely.

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Josh is 27 years old, not 17. Why the assumption that he is unable to make any decisions for himself? I think he's every bit the overbearing, hypocritical patriarchal shit that Jim Bob is. He doesn't need Jim Bob to tell him to have a vow renewal and act contrite about what he's done. Josh is capable of reading the situation and seeing that it's his best move if he wants to go back to anything resembling the lifestyle he's used to. It doesn't take a genius IQ or Daddy's input to come to this conclusion.


I think people underestimate how much the adult Duggar children want to be the way they are. They've spent their entire lives being told that this is what Jesus wants, that it's the only biblical way to live. And it got them money and fame and attention! It's going to take something big to get a Duggar to break away from that. Wanting to have sex with porn stars is not a big enough deal. If you read the personal testimonies on websites of RU and other ministries, you'll find that porn addiction and cheating with prostitutes is not exactly unheard of. There is already an accepted procedure for dealing with this stuff: the guy gets counseling from his spiritual adviser and, with the help of his long-suffering wife, is brought back to Jesus and all is well. And if he falls off the wagon again, then repeat, and keep repeating. Jesus can always forgive you the next time.


Josh knows this script. He's heard it all before and he already did it once, after the molestations. The only thing that is different is that he's been publicly disappeared so he's not around to embarrass the family in front of People magazine anymore. And I think he's shown a lot more smarts in handling this mess by simply disappearing than Jim Bob did by giving that ridiculous interview and making everything look even worse. I think Josh is in control of Josh, for better or worse.


I agree with most of this post. It really is going to take something massively-catastrophic to get the Duggar kids to wake up. The two revelations earlier this year are clearly not enough for that. But I still don't know whether Josh is in control of Josh. I really doubt it. He has been indoctrinated since birth to listen to and obey his father who - I don't imagine - is being very warm and fuzzy about supporting Josh at this time. If looks could kill, I bet Boob would have offed his firstborn son by now. I'd pay some serious $$ to hear playbacks of any Boob-Josh conversations that have taken place since May too. I just don't see Josh turning away from Daddy as the supreme ruler anytime soon, especially if Boob still holds all the financial reins. Which I think he does. I don't really think Josh will do exactly what Josh wants to do until Boob is permanently out of the picture.

Edited by Wellfleet
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Yeah, that's kind of what I think, too. Much as they want Duggar ratings, there are some things that are just so blatant that they have to know they'd be hit with a real firestorm.

They already have been. There are 600+ companies that refused to advertise on the Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa "special", and TLC's response was to double down with footage of Anna in their advertisements for the program. Their programming director made a statement claiming that (paraphrased) America is still "very interested" in Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa's "journey". What part of "OMG, people are horrified and disgusted by what happened with this family, maybe we should seek other programming" do they not understand? TLC has made their choice. They will bring the Duggars back to their lineup as quickly as they can do so, and start showing reruns of the 10 years of shows in their possession. "Counting On" is paving the way because for TLC, there is no such thing as a bridge too far. It's all about that $24 million write-down, the egos and the profits of those involved in the Joshley Madison Redemption Tour.


I'd also like to submit that the other program allegedly cancelled because of molestation was probably NOT cancelled for the reason TLC gave; their profits were tanking. One also has to wonder if the parent involved was more of a headache to TLC and their executives than she was worth.


It's all about money for those at TLC and Discovery. They have no interest in what happens to those who star in their shows and even less interest in what the viewers might think. People are still tuning in. And watch the ratings blockbuster if they can get Anna on-camera crying and asking where she went wrong in her marriage.

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They already have been. There are 600+ companies that refused to advertise on the Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa "special", and TLC's response was to double down with footage of Anna in their advertisements for the program. Their programming director made a statement claiming that (paraphrased) America is still "very interested" in Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa's "journey". What part of "OMG, people are horrified and disgusted by what happened with this family, maybe we should seek other programming" do they not understand? TLC has made their choice. They will bring the Duggars back to their lineup as quickly as they can do so, and start showing reruns of the 10 years of shows in their possession. "Counting On" is paving the way because for TLC, there is no such thing as a bridge too far. It's all about that $24 million write-down, the egos and the profits of those involved in the Joshley Madison Redemption Tour.


I'd also like to submit that the other program allegedly cancelled because of molestation was probably NOT cancelled for the reason TLC gave; their profits were tanking. One also has to wonder if the parent involved was more of a headache to TLC and their executives than she was worth.



It's all about money for those at TLC and Discovery. They have no interest in what happens to those who star in their shows and even less interest in what the viewers might think. People are still tuning in. And watch the ratings blockbuster if they can get Anna on-camera crying and asking where she went wrong in her marriage.


ETA:  I didn't write this entire post.  I quoted and it went wonky.  This is where mine starts.

I know I'm stating the obvious, but it takes two to tango.  I'm sure a significant amount of armtwisting was involved in Anna's appearance.  The famewhoreitis is strong with this bunch.  If they said no more, no amount of TLC $$$ could change their minds.  Anna may have a (small) excuse because she has four kids to feed.  It seems like Duggars are her only income stream.  


I'm not making excuses, but that's how I see it.  But the rest of them have no excuse in my opinion.  As long as they continue to make the choices they are making, TLC will be right along with them, trying to milk the cash cow dry until it's all gone.  With 600 sponsors declining to sponsor the Duggars, it could come sooner rather than later.  When TLC can't make any more money on this group, you better believe that's the last we see of the Duggars and the leghumpers can cry all they want.  

Edited by toodles
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They already have been. There are 600+ companies that refused to advertise on the Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa "special", and TLC's response was to double down with footage of Anna in their advertisements for the program. Their programming director made a statement claiming that (paraphrased) America is still "very interested" in Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa's "journey". What part of "OMG, people are horrified and disgusted by what happened with this family, maybe we should seek other programming" do they not understand? TLC has made their choice. They will bring the Duggars back to their lineup as quickly as they can do so, and start showing reruns of the 10 years of shows in their possession. "Counting On" is paving the way because for TLC, there is no such thing as a bridge too far. It's all about that $24 million write-down, the egos and the profits of those involved in the Joshley Madison Redemption Tour.


I'd also like to submit that the other program allegedly cancelled because of molestation was probably NOT cancelled for the reason TLC gave; their profits were tanking. One also has to wonder if the parent involved was more of a headache to TLC and their executives than she was worth.


It's all about money for those at TLC and Discovery. They have no interest in what happens to those who star in their shows and even less interest in what the viewers might think. People are still tuning in. And watch the ratings blockbuster if they can get Anna on-camera crying and asking where she went wrong in her marriage.


So do you think Josh will be back as well?


ETA: I must say that, while I really really don't want that to happen, I'll be very interested to see how it plays out if it does. (Not sure I'll like what I might learn, seeing that, but .... very curious nevertheless.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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I agree with most of this post. It really is going to take something massively-catastrophic to get the Duggar kids to wake up. The two revelations earlier this year are clearly not enough for that. But I still don't know whether Josh is in control of Josh. I really doubt it. He has been indoctrinated since birth to listen to and obey his father who - I don't imagine - is being very warm and fuzzy about supporting Josh at this time. If looks could kill, I bet Boob would have offed his firstborn son by now. I'd pay some serious $$ to hear playbacks of any Boob-Josh conversations that have taken place since May too. I just don't see Josh turning away from Daddy as the supreme ruler anytime soon, especially if Boob still holds all the financial reins. Which I think he does. I don't really think Josh will do exactly what Josh wants to do until Boob is permanently out of the picture.


Yeah, this is kind of how I see him, too. Plus, he's just a lazy, soft, comfort-loving guy who I think at this point probably even sort of knows that he's not got all that much that the world would reward him for and certainly knows that he doesn't have much drive. I just always see him taking the easiest way available to get whatever shallow pleasures are available. And at this point, I don't see a lot of alternative for that quest than going with Boob, who's the only one in Josh's vicinity with some purse strings that might loosen for him if he met some conditions.

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So do you think Josh will be back as well?

I.don't think Anna had much of a choice because she's still under contract with Discovery/TLC. I sunk low enough to read that tell all book (and I use the word book very loosely) that was written about Kate Gosselin and TLC owns you lock, stock, and barrel when your soul to them. They tell her to jump and she's contractually obligated to say how high.

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They already have been. There are 600+ companies that refused to advertise on the Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa "special", and TLC's response was to double down with footage of Anna in their advertisements for the program. Their programming director made a statement claiming that (paraphrased) America is still "very interested" in Jilly Muffin/Jessa Blessa's "journey". What part of "OMG, people are horrified and disgusted by what happened with this family, maybe we should seek other programming" do they not understand? TLC has made their choice. They will bring the Duggars back to their lineup as quickly as they can do so, and start showing reruns of the 10 years of shows in their possession. "Counting On" is paving the way because for TLC, there is no such thing as a bridge too far. It's all about that $24 million write-down, the egos and the profits of those involved in the Joshley Madison Redemption Tour.


I'd also like to submit that the other program allegedly cancelled because of molestation was probably NOT cancelled for the reason TLC gave; their profits were tanking. One also has to wonder if the parent involved was more of a headache to TLC and their executives than she was worth.


It's all about money for those at TLC and Discovery. They have no interest in what happens to those who star in their shows and even less interest in what the viewers might think. People are still tuning in. And watch the ratings blockbuster if they can get Anna on-camera crying and asking where she went wrong in her marriage.


While I agree that TLC will definitely try to bring the Duggars back, I do NOT think they'll be successful. Not remotely. And I have 4 reasons. Jill, Jessa, Derick and Ben. Not one of them has the personality or intelligence, IMO, to carry a show. Which is exactly what they'll have to do in order to keep it going. Add in the fact that the Duggars have pretty much sung their whole song by now, the ONLY song they know. There probably won't be anything new to see. It's possible that one or two more courtships/weddings might be able to interest the leg-humping public, but beyond that? Would TLC broadcast the continuing saga of Josh, Anna and the Ms? Whatever that turns out to be? I honestly don't know. Six months ago, I would confidently have said No Way. Now I'm not sure - at all. I guess I really wouldn't be too surprised if they did, because they've already made some fantastically-unintelligent decisions regarding this "program."

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