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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I read on the Duggar website, Anna is due around July 10. Since Michael, Marcus & Smuggar4 will all have birthdays around the same time, I wonder if they will all be celebrated together at one party, ala Duggar style. At least that's better than having your birthday nearly forgotten about & celebrated when your parents can fit you in their schedule.

Kind of like using the wheelchair accessible stall in the restroom or fitting room. If there are other places available, it's just common courtesy to use those...although the parking spaces are a bit more tempting because of the convenience involved.


I do find it just a little annoying sometimes when a store designates a disproportional number of parking places as Handicapped. Often it seems that the entire parking lot is full, with a dozen empty Handicapped spots. I understand that those spots are important to a lot of people and it would be totally unfair (as well as illegal) to park in them without a permit, and one never knows whether there will be a sudden influx of people with a legitimate need for them, but it's so rare to see more than a small percentage of them being used at any one time in so many places. There should be some system for "flexible" parking spots which could be used for a short, in'n'out trip when a parking lot is full except for these spots. Except that you know that if it's on some sort of honor basis, people will just cruise into them and take them up for hours anyway.

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I've been told by someone works for the council that here in Australia, the pregnant/parent with child spots are just a suggestion, and anyone can park there without being penalized.

Very true. My Fresh and Easy grocery has Parents with Small Children AND Hybrid Vehicle parking. I always laugh because the hybrid stops are always taken with non hybrid vehicles and once a Hummer was taking two of those spots. I've always thought it was a funny protest against exclusive parking and I own and drive a Prius.  Now if Anna still had her Hummer...

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Oh my, there are some photos posted on Joshie's website of he, Anna and his parents at a BLACK TIE dinner.  Don't ANY of those people know how to dress properly? Josh's tux looks like he borrowed it from his little brother, Jackson as he has this little bow tie and it's quite wrinkled. Doesn't Anna know how to iron? I'm sorry, I understand that Anna is expecting, but when the dress code calls for black tie, women need to wear full length evening dresses to the affair. Michelle, I don't know what to say, looks like she's shopping at WalMart..and Jim Bob looks only slightly better. What a train wreck. Someone, please call Stacey London STAT!

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Lukeysboat, not in their world. I'm sure Josh would be quite capable of ironing his own clothes, but he will never know if he has that talent as that's "womens' work" in fundyland. Also, Anna's hair looks like crap. If it's bad hair day for her for any reason, a nice bun or updo would have looked appropriate. But once again, the Duggars choose to look frumpy and inappropriately dressed for the occasion. This is just my opinion of the photos published.

Florida mom -I agree with you (as usual :) They should definitely know how to dress appropriately when they go to functions, dinners, etc. Especially with Josh's job. Besides the piece of bling on Anna's dress, there's really nothing fancy there. Even one of the commentators said Josh should "have a decent well fitting tux." He could even rent one. I guess since the Duggar men have never been shown in tuxes (they wore suits at the weddings) they probably don't know any better but they should. I'm surprised Boob wasn't wearing his silver suit from Jerick's & Benessa's weddings since that seems to be his "formal" wear but I guess he had to match MEchelle this time. He was probably wearing his black athletic shoes. MEchelle, MEchelle, I guess the same thing goes for her outfit, including the blue jacket. It has become her "formal" outfit. She could have at least worn the silver Xmas tree dress, since it was more formal & a long dress. These people have all the $$ in the world to buy appropriate clothing. Oh, I forgot "they are backyard people" &it shows.

I wonder sometimes if Michelle doesn't dress down on purpose to show how humble and innocent of the world they are.  Anna's dress would have been tolerable had it been longer.  Sadly it looks like she didn't even bother getting a maternity dress so the front was shorter than the rest of the dress.  At least she was much closer to what was needed than Michelle was.  

Edited by Absolom

I took another look at the group photo of that formal dinner and I don't believe that Anna bothered to wear panty hose to a formal black tie dinner. I agree that a woman doesn't have to go full length dress-wise for that event, but she does need a fancy dinner dress, which she did NOT opt to wear. Sorry, the 4 of them didn't look appropriately dressed for that occasion. I don't think the fabric that was Anna's dress was good at all, which added to it's inappropriate appearance. I feel sorry for her, as she IS a DC area wife and does really need to dress properly for events...one can remain modest in their necklines, etc. and still look great.

Sorry to harp on these photos, but I don't think Josh wore tuxedo dress shoes or dress shoes at all...they look a little "rough" for a tux. I have attended many a formal dinner banquet in my time and I am quite aware what proper dinner attire is. Men wear those patent leather dress shoes with a tuxedo, don't they? They also wear a tie that doesn't look like it's for a ring bearer at a wedding either. Come on Josh, put out some cash and purchase a decent, proper fitting tuxedo which fits correctly and Anna, please invest in a few nice dinner dresses which can take you through many different evening events, maternity wear or not. Also, please get proper evening shoes and a proper bag and do your hair accordingly, you aren't going to the beach. Once again, I don't want to be mean here, but someone needs to take them aside and help them out clothing-wise. Where are Stacey and Clinton?

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All of the Duggars are candidates for one of those What Not to Wear type makeover shows. They need to be ambushed and shown that modest and frumpy need not be synonymous. If you are going to post almost daily photos of your activities and if those activities include dress up events, then you need appropriate formal wear. Of course the ridiculous long skirt, sloppy mismatched top, boots look on the girls is also cringeworthy. They are in the public eye. They have the money. There is really no excuse for looking like they got dressed in the dark.

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Hpmec, I agree with you. Here I go again.....I promise this is the last observation about their attire I will post....I think the overall wrong thing with Anna's dress is that it is a spring/summer fabric and looks very cold to wear up north in January, compound that by it not being floor length or ankle length...she's probably freezing and without panty hose to a formal affair. OK, now I'll shut up and enjoy reading all of your observations and comments...thanks for your patience with me and that fashion disaster photo...(if you notice the other two ladies on the right look appropriate).

As much as the Duggar girls love pinterest, I'm surprised Anna didn't turn to it for a little guidance on how to dress for a black tie affair. Her dress is okay - not wholly inappropriate, but not totally fitting. I am guessing those are the same heels she wore to Jessa's wedding.


There's no way around it - Josh and his parents have no idea how to dress for formal affairs which, IMO, is ridiculous given JB's political background.

Edited by trimthatfat

Floridamom -I've enjoyed reading all your posts & your fashion advice is spot on - I totally agree. I've had a kind of down day but you have lifted my spirits. Please don't take offense, but you remind of the poster on the Housewives of NJ site that was looking at Teresa's alleged mug shot with a magnifying glass & got caught by her husband. You have spotted details most of us have missed. I wish we could have seen the elder Duggar's footwear. I wonder what all the other (I'm sure properly dressed) attendees thought of them. I dressed better for my company's anniversary dinner.

I don't mean to pile on Josh -- at least he tried -- but I didn't think it was possible for a man to look bad in a tux. As a general rule, all men -- short/tall, fat/thin, old/young, etc. -- look good in a tux, but Josh looks like an unmade bed. I assume that he bought the tux as a thrift store. That would be fine if he had gone to a tailor and gotten it altered to fit him. Then, perhaps, a stop a the dry cleaner to have the tie and shirt pressed, and he would have looked reasonably well put together. 


I wonder if concepts like "tailor" and "dry cleaner" are so far out of his experience that it just didn't cross his mind.


I thought that JB and Anna looked fine. J'chelle really needs help with her fashion choices. It's unfortunate that she is so hard-headed, and so unwilling to let anyone else give her advice. She is an attractive woman, and there is no reason for her to look so awful all of the time.

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Once again, thanks, Barb23 for being kind to my posts. I enjoy reading all opinions here and appreciate that no one gets nasty with my opinion, and that's all it is, is my opinion. I don't know who the NJ Housewife is that you're referring to, I have never seen the show, but thanks, again...I have gone to hundreds of banquets due to my husband's "social" position", so I have learned a thing or two about appropriate dress for the occasion, whether it be a picnic event, or an "after 6" affair.


I also agree with the poster about Clinton and the Duggars not being polite to his fashion expertise regardless of who he goes home to...having said that, anyone remember when the Duggars decended  upon Kleinfeld and Randy was no where to be found? That spoke volumes to me back then...but Stacey is someone they need to seek out and it's "all in the family" as she is a cross over with TLC like Cake Boss and Say Yes.... Now, THAT would be a show requiring a two hour special...taking all of the Duggar girls one at a time, head to toe, then throw in some of the older guys and spiff them up too.

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They can't iron, and they don't seem to understand dry cleaning. I really think most of their "good" clothes are really cheap and then discarded because cleaning them properly would cost more than repurchasing "new" ones.

Josh and Anna are moving in the right direction, but it's going to take more time it seems.

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If someone told me that this picture was taken in 1985, I would believe it. Not a person in this photo, Duggar or otherwise, looks good. The non-Duggar male doesn't look bad, just, meh. Maybe if he was standing better he'd look fine, but it really is hard to look bad in a tux. Enter Jim Bob and Josh...


But Anna looks like an A-lister standing next to Michelle. Michelle couldn't just find a modest sleeved dress? She had to wear what could easily be a Wal-Mart flannel shirt over a gown? Jim Bob and Michelle look like they're posing for a prom picture. The way he's awkwardly touching her is not the way a couple who has regular sex should be touching.

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You have spotted details most of us have missed. I wish we could have seen the elder Duggar's footwear.

I was wondering about JB's shoes...I sure hope he isn't wearing that unfortunate number from Jill or Jessa's wedding, the ones that looked like work shoes. 


Not judging their character on looks or fashion or anything, but Michelle is frustrating to see! I gotta agree that she is a good-looking person who could really stand to benefit from other fashion choices. Does she know that she could wear a formal dress and put on a nice shrug over it that is meant for evening dresses? She would be equally covered up and look appropriate for the event! She really has so many other options. She could take a lesson from Anna.

Can you believe that Michelle was photographed by a fan shopping in a Target-like store and she had that same jacket on? She wears that to a black tie banquet...yeah, barefoot and backyard people, she really means that they are hicks and don't have good taste. (My apologies to all tasteful small town people out there, as YOU ARE NOT hicks).

If you also notice  the lady in the slate blue gown is wearing evening shoes. (Take note, Anna, you need a pair or two).

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I have been to plenty of black tie events in DC, and there is a ton of extremely modest clothes at VERY affordable prices in all sizes. Black tie is fairly common here, and let's face it, we aren't a town that is known for style, and because there is always going to be and older age contingentcy to many parties, modest is always appropriate. Wide shoes, high necks, petites - we have affordable stores to provide it all. What this picture says is that the Duggars can't be bothered. It's for reasons like this that Jim Bob couldn't make it in politics.

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IMO, there's no excuse for a man over 18 not to have at least one tailored suit in his closet so I'm really disappointed in Josh and JB. Josh, at the very least, needs to find a stylist to help him choose looks for events. I have a sibling who lives in DC and I've seen some great shops there for tailored men's clothing.

It is absolutely part of Josh's (and by extension) Anna's job to be able to attend a black tie event in a well put together way. He needs to go to a Men's Warehouse during a buy one get one free even and buy a tux and get a good navy suit for black tie optional events/formal work occasions. He will need two tuxedo shirts, two styles of vests and/or cummerbunds and a pair of shoes. He can purchase all of this for a out $800.

Anna needs to hit some stores like Ann Taylor Outlet, Talbots Clearance, Nordstrom Rack and Macy's with coupons. I've bought excellent and modest dresses here for as little as $20. Shoes too. She has a brand new outlet mall right where she lives - the Washington Day sales are just a few weeks away.

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In DC, there are also some very good outlet malls where he can buy suits inexpensively and Anna could get some very cute modest dresses. While I could give Anna a pass on her dress, no stockings at a formal event is no no.  As one of my co-workers said, "you can always tell a true Washingtonian woman from a newcomer: It can be 100 degrees with humidity and the true Washingtonian will be in her dark power suit, heels and stockings and not even have a bead of sweat on her upper lip!"  Although nowadays the younger set like the pants suit, it's still stockings and no sweat!

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IMO, there's no excuse for a man over 18 not to have at least one tailored suit in his closet so I'm really disappointed in Josh and JB. Josh, at the very least, needs to find a stylist to help him choose looks for events. I have a sibling who lives in DC and I've seen some great shops there for tailored men's clothing.

Except his shoes, Josh wasn't the one who was a problem in that picture.  Michelle looked dreadful, I can't even begin to comment on what is wrong there, and Anna pretty bad.  (I know some people are saying it's okay- but I'm having a really hard time with a short dress for black tie.  Especially one that looks like "Sunday best" and not uber-dressy).

Of course the men I know aren't DC power players; but I don't think I know anyone under 30 with a tailored suit.  They all do have nice suits though, but just off the rack purchases.

Except his shoes, Josh wasn't the one who was a problem in that picture.  Michelle looked dreadful, I can't even begin to comment on what is wrong there, and Anna pretty bad.  (I know some people are saying it's okay- but I'm having a really hard time with a short dress for black tie.  Especially one that looks like "Sunday best" and not uber-dressy).

Of course the men I know aren't DC power players; but I don't think I know anyone under 30 with a tailored suit.  They all do have nice suits though, but just off the rack purchases.

IMO, Josh does look bad in that picture. Most men I know have at least one tailored suit - one can easily go to Men's Wearhouse or a similar store and get it tailored. It's not expensive either, and it will take a so-so suit into the realm of very professional.. It might be a regional and cultural thing that the men I know don't wear suits off the rack if they can help it. Josh is in DC and it looks like he wants to eventually go into politics - he will absolutely need to dress the part. Off the rack suits won't do and shouldn't do when you want to advance to a certain level professionally.


Michelle isn't going to change how she dresses so I am not going to address her. There's still hope for Josh and Anna.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I think when we say "off the rack" that means you buy something at a decently high end store (Brooks Brothers is a favorite) and then you go to a tailor and have it fitted. Men often purchase two pair of pants to go with the suit because you need that suit to last, and jackets wear longer than trousers.

But yes, once you reach a certain point, it's tailored suits, gorgeous shirts, French cuffs, maybe suspenders occasionally and the buttery soft dress shoes. We aren't about fashion, but you better beautifully underdress.

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I think when we say "off the rack" that means you buy something at a decently high end store (Brooks Brothers is a favorite) and then you go to a tailor and have it fitted. Men often purchase two pair of pants to go with the suit because you need that suit to last, and jackets wear longer than trousers.

You can purchase suits from certain stores and have them tailored there in-house. Men's Wearhouse does tailoring which is why I mentioned them. I think Brooks also offers in-house tailoring, but I would have to confirm with my husband. It's a convenient way to get a nicely fitted suit. Some people would rather save time and have items tailored in-house if they can help it, in my experience.

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