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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Given high rates of unemployment, getting even a fast food job isn't as easy to come by as it used to be. Again, that in and of itself is NO reason to continue the show. But saying "just go out and get a job at McDonalds" sounds a lot like something Jim Bob Duggar would say on the campaign trail, and many of us know that life is a lot more complicated than that.

  • Love 17

As the money runs out and Josh realizes that as a man with a homeschool GED who has been outed as a molester he cannot get a job that can support 6 people, I wonder if he will pull the "I am a victim too" card.  


 I can see him trying to shift the blame to Jim Bob and Michelle, blaming them for not getting him proper counselling, because they were too busy sweeping everything under the rug.  

Edited by 3 is enough
  • Love 11

Maybe the FIFA scandal will knock it off the top ten list of scandals.


I don't think so though, I don't think there is any coming back.  Along with deep sympathy for the victims, there is too much political avarice and now shock about just how awful the connected organizations are (Gothard, ITA, Vision Forum Quiverfull).  The movement of the nation is against them when it comes to LGBTQ issues and at some point, (should have happened, don't understand why it hasn't yet) there is going to be a huge backlash movement against the limiting legislation around female reproductive rights.

"Reproductive rights" is a much more complex issue than allowing people who love each other to marry, and that's all I'll say about that here. 


I hope that this scandal will help to reveal the truth behind those patriarchy and quiverfull movements, and that people inside and outside the movements can see they are not true Christianity.


I have a hard time imagining the show returning, even though they have an extremely loyal fan base, because molestation and incest are not things any sponsor would want to be associated with.  But I'm guessing TLC is hoping the tide will turn. 

  • Love 1
I just happened to remember today being surprised when a couple of the girls (can't remember which ones) gleefully mocked Josh's weight gain. They seemed to take such pleasure in making fun of him. Makes sense now, like so many things.

You know, it's funny.  I'm hard pressed to remember any real interaction between Josh and Jessa, Jinger, and Joy.  Jinger certainly did have those eyerolls down in previous years.  I don't even think John David and Joseph seemed too particularly close to Josh, and more so to each other.  I always thought that was unusual seeing as how they are closest in age of the boys.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 1

Wasn't there some cousin who had gotten out that used to be nicknamed (by us) "FAMY"?  I know she is on the outside--has anyone picked up on comments by her?

I would think the conservative or Christian view would be that being a mother IS your only job.  I don't see any of these young mothers even remotely working outside the home.  Don't you think all their fans will send them gift cards, cash, etc?

Yeah, I'd bet their fans really will send them stuff.... for a while. But I'd also bet that'll turn out the way it does for American Idol winners. They sell (or at least they did when people were still buying music) a lot of copies...of the first album. As long as it comes out quickly after the win.


And then ... cash register stops ringing.


I agree that working outside the home won't be on the radar of the older Duggar girls, at least not for a while. But they were always going to have to support themselves or marry somebody who'd support them at some point anyway. The day just came a little quicker than most expected.


Everybody else in the world finds a way to cope with that, so I'm sure they will too. But I hope they don't count on gift cards for more than a year or so, at the most!

  • Love 2

As the money runs out and Josh realizes that as a man with a homeschool GED who has been outed as a molester he cannot get a job that can support 6 people, I wonder if he will pull the "I am a victim too" card.  


 I can see him trying to shift the blame to Jim Bob and Michelle, blaming them for not getting him proper counselling, because they were too busy sweeping everything under the rug.  

 I don't doubt he will paint himself as a victim, to collect love offerings from his loyal fans, and if blaming the evil liberals isn't working well enough, I wouldn't put it past him to blame his parents.   

  • Love 7

As the money runs out and Josh realizes that as a man with a homeschool GED who has been outed as a molester he cannot get a job that can support 6 people, I wonder if he will pull the "I am a victim too" card.  


 I can see him trying to shift the blame to Jim Bob and Michelle, blaming them for not getting him proper counselling, because they were too busy sweeping everything under the rug.  

Well, that sounds like something he'd do!

Yes, that's what confused me, too! And I deeply apologize if I'm confused. But we, in the nine zillion posts,plus links, plus, police reports, plus this "Alice," I mean it goes on and on. And, while I understand the time line distinctly, and I understand all about Harpo, Oprah, posible TLC cover up. The mysterious letter in the book...... BUT, I also. Am almost certain that I read one girl told, the parents kinda blew that off, and I can truly understand that, in this day and age of over the top criminalization. I mean, okay. ...but then, about a year later, the other girls told. Now, it's NOT one little incident, it's a behavior, And no parent should ever ignore that, and that was when Josh, was sent away. To be honest, After that, then comes the trip to Oprah, and then letter is then sent to Oprah. So my understanding is that those girls told. I'm not trying to defend this by any means, I'm just seeing those girls has being way more empowered than anyone is giving them credit for. I kind of think, well thank God, TLC was in the house all those years, it certainly had to have some influence in behaving better, it gave the girls a remarkable education in marketing, promotion. Yes, sexual abuse is horrific. I'm not diminishing that, I'm not saying it's not a big deal. My life was destroyed by my childhood. But I was incredibly isolated, they weren't isolated, I was one child, all alone. They had each other, they for a better opportunity and life, by growing up with the opportunities that TLC gave them. I laugh when they say Nike, because it's almost as though they DO think their brother's are pathetic horn dogs. I would hold accountable is ANNA, because now that there is at very least, a behavior, she cannot, should not EVER raise those girls around him. But those girls, I see them as way more empowered than we think. And different people do have differential coping skills, ways of processing trauma, through spiritual beliefs, and if they are just now beginning the best part of their lives, their love, passions, journey to learn, explore. ....after all these years. Who are we to define their experience, which we really, don't know.


No, that was my bad, Sunflowers.  In the chaos of everything that's coming out I forgot that I did read about one girl telling her dad.  So, yeah, you are right there. Although I still am not convinced that is evidence of serious empowerment.  But I agree that it's certainly better than feeling like you couldn't say anything.

I find myself reacting the exact same way, BK10. He makes my skin crawl.


ETA: I also can't see Josh having any problem throwing his parents under the bus if he feels that it comes to that.


I think Josh taking the FRC job was somewhat of a shot to his parents, especially Boob, who clearly did not think it was a good idea.

MSN has picked up the DHS suit news also - a "source" (so take it as you will) feels that it was likely to appeal a decsion made in the CPS investigation but with all records sealed it's going to be impossible to know for sure what the outcome and appeal (if any) or reason for the suit were or how it fits into the timeline.  The only thing known for sure is this dogged him into 2007 because that's when the trial took place but since the show offically started in 2008 the crew couldn't have known about it and even though he was an adult by then it sounds like it wouldn't have shown up on any court documents at the time.  



  • Love 1

While we're never going to know for sure what the basis was for Josh' petition to DCFS, it is most likely to appeal some sort of restriction such as an order that he not be allowed to reside in the house or that he never be alone with any of the minor children without direct parental supervision.  That sort of order from DCFS in these cases is pretty common and, since the Duggars were no doubt already trying to hitch their wagons to reality TV; it makes sense that they'd want to appeal sanctions like that.  There's no way to portray your family as godly and better than the rest if your teen aged son isn't allowed in the house.  It would've been too easy to get caught either violating the rules if filming started and it would be pretty tough to get the production company to ignore an elephant that big in the room.


As others have noted; Josh most likely didn't actually sue DCFS nor was there an actual trial.  He probably petitioned for dismissal of some of the court sanctions and there was a hearing about this.  Since there doesn't seem to be anyone alleging any abusive behavior from him since 2003, it was probably granted without much fuss.

  • Love 9

I'm still making my way through all of the readings, but want to thank everyone for their insights and comments.  This has been group therapy for all of us.  We have each other to bounce things around with and come to terms with events from our own lives as well as what the victims are experiencing.   I only hope the girls are able to have some sort of release.  I fear Anna (regardless of what she knew or didn't know) has no one in which to confide....not Josh, not her parents, not her church, not her in-laws, and I'm guessing not her extended family.......  She must feel so alone.

  • Love 4

In my dream, the Little Couple adopts the younger children, and the older children go free.

I read the posts on here, but almost never comment, and, then, I may or may not watch the episodes. I think I have missed whole seasons, but I did see most of this one, although usually after reading the comments.  And at the grocery early this morning, I  expected to see Duggar stuff all over the tabloids, but maybe it just hasn't got there yet.  Anyway, I recall earlier this year there was a big brouhaha over Josh and Anna buying a house in Arkansas, while still owing taxes to the state.  I was just thinking their marriage must be super stressed. And I always thought JimBoob resented Josh for moving to DC because (1) it was a politically connected job, and JimBob was a failure in politics, and (2) it lessened his control over his son and DIL,  And while I wasn't thrilled over the job Josh had, I was thrilled that they were able to get away from the family.  I had hopes.  Alas....

I cannot imagine this show continuing as it is currently configured.  I think I would still like to see an occasional update on Jill and Jessa and whoever else gets married, but no Josh.  And no talking head from JimChelle; I always mute them, anyway.

  • Love 6

I actually think Anna and Jana are close. Anna had all of the Duggar girls in her wedding, but she seemed closest to Jana all along. Plus, Jana was in Priscilla's wedding, and Anna seemed genuinely protective of Jana during the sewing incident during Jill's wedding. Jana spends a decent bit of time with Josh and Anna, and given this story, I think it's safe to say she doesn't go to see her brother.

I imagine the two girls have shared a lot over the years. It also explains, perhaps, why Jill seems sort of left out. If Anna and Jana are close, and Jessa and Jinger are, there wasn't anyone for Jill among the older girls. I think Joy was close to Jill, but she was significantly younger.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 11

I actually think Anna and Jana are close. Anna had all of the Duggar girls in her wedding, but she seemed closest to Jana all along. Plus, Jana was in Priscilla's wedding, and Anna seemed genuinely protective of Jana during the sewing incident during Jill's wedding. Jana spends a decent bit of time with Josh and Anna, and given this story, I think it's safe to say she doesn't go to see her brother.

I imagine the two girls have shared a lot over the years. It also explains, perhaps, why Jill seems sort of left out. If Anna and Jana are close, and Jessa and Jinger are, there wasn't anyone for Jill among the older girls. I think Joy was close to Jill, but she was significantly younger.


GEML, could you elaborate on the sewing incident? I have read recaps (haven't watched the show since pre-Josie days), but I've never heard of this.

I actually think Anna and Jana are close. Anna had all of the Duggar girls in her wedding, but she seemed closest to Jana all along. Plus, Jana was in Priscilla's wedding, and Anna seemed genuinely protective of Jana during the sewing incident during Jill's wedding. Jana spends a decent bit of time with Josh and Anna, and given this story, I think it's safe to say she doesn't go to see her brother.

I imagine the two girls have shared a lot over the years. It also explains, perhaps, why Jill seems sort of left out. If Anna and Jana are close, and Jessa and Jinger are, there wasn't anyone for Jill among the older girls. I think Joy was close to Jill, but she was significantly younger.

But then again, we only know what TLC and the editing staff show us.  


Hours upon hours of filming and we get what they give us - what they want us to believe. 


Through the magic of editing, we can believe anything.  I for one, would love to see the uncut footage in that household.  

  • Love 8

There is a sex scandal emerging from Horace Mann king woman. I highly recommend the bio Making Time, by Jane Lancaster.)


They've already done an SVU on this one, I'm sorry if anyone close is affected.  I know I was horrified when a big scandal came out of a private school I almost had my child audition for located in my state.


Given high rates of unemployment, getting even a fast food job isn't as easy to come by as it used to be. Again, that in and of itself is NO reason to continue the show. But saying "just go out and get a job at McDonalds" sounds a lot like something Jim Bob Duggar would say on the campaign trail, and many of us know that life is a lot more complicated than that.


It is, but aren't these jobs still pretty easy to get?  Or there is always Walmart, I guess it's dependent on one's geography and all that, the UE rate does vary a lot by state.


I only hope the girls are able to have some sort of release.  I fear Anna (regardless of what she knew or didn't know) has no one in which to confide....not Josh, not her parents, not her church, not her in-laws, and I'm guessing not her extended family.......  She must feel so alone.


I was going to say what about Priscilla but happy to see the below:


I actually think Anna and Jana are close. Anna had all of the Duggar girls in her wedding, but she seemed closest to Jana all along. Plus, Jana was in Priscilla's wedding, and Anna seemed genuinely protective of Jana during the sewing incident during Jill's wedding. Jana spends a decent bit of time with Josh and Anna, and given this story, I think it's safe to say she doesn't go to see her brother.

I imagine the two girls have shared a lot over the years. It also explains, perhaps, why Jill seems sort of left out. If Anna and Jana are close, and Jessa and Jinger are, there wasn't anyone for Jill among the older girls. I think Joy was close to Jill, but she was significantly younger.


I hope despite a lot of things, that the gals have each other through this, all of them.

  • Love 1

I'm sure that deep down the girls Smuggar has abused are probably feeling some measure of thrill from Josh finally being seen for the sick perv that he really is.  All these years he's been lauded and put on his little pedestal, and now he's FINALLY being made to pay for the sick things he's done.


My greatest fear (okay, one of my big fears) in all of this is that behind closed doors the daughters are being blamed and shamed all over again. Like, "look what your defrauding of innocent Joshie has done to us!" I am not convinced that Smuggar would be willing to throw his parents under the blame bus, but it would not surprise me in the least if he is leaning on Gothard teachings and casting patriarchal venom at his sisters (plus whoever the non-family victim was, not to mention the liberal media). The victims' lives have been turned upside down by this becoming so public, I really do worry what else they are being put through behind closed doors. Because I have little hope that they are receiving proper help.


And if that is the case, I hope Anna is not piling on. IMO her upbringing is a two-sided coin - on the one side she was raised in this belief system and probably had little choice in accepting and marrying Josh, on the other side it's that exact upbringing that would have taught her to blame the victims. If this public outing of Joshie hardens her against the victims then that is just another support channel outside their parents that they would be cut off from.


My biggest HOPE in all of this is that the blame train has derailed and the victims are getting compassionate understanding and help, if when and how they choose.


Sorry for the wall of text. I have been quietly reading along for the past four (?) days and "liking" so many, many, many of your comments here. The discussion has been civil, thoughtful, considered and respectful. Kadooz to you, folks, for being able to process and voice what so many others have been thinking... but had to sit on our hands until we calmed down.

  • Love 12

Look, I spent a childhood in Fundyville, and come from five generations of it. I've heard every reason in the world why people stay and go.

The Horace Mann story has been another story under the radar for months.

The Duggars just aren't that big, long term. They are to us, but did the show ever hit 2M? Magazine sales have never been lower, so the fact that they are on the cover means they appeal to a more non-digital, and mostly older demographic. This thread had ten billion posts because people like me post fifty times a day! ;)

I believe both weddings hit 3MM. The show has consistently run over 2MM since the Nepal episodes. Even those lame Q&A and Digging In episodes reached around the 2MM mark. So yeah, this is TLC's highest-rated show, although I'm sure last night's episode of The Little Couple came close to Duggar numbers (they used to eclipse the Duggars with regularity before Nepal).

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

 I don't doubt he will paint himself as a victim, to collect love offerings from his loyal fans, and if blaming the evil liberals isn't working well enough, I wouldn't put it past him to blame his parents.   

Or he will throw himself at their collective feet (and Christian mercy) and someone will give him a job.  They'll be fine. If for no other reason than no one wants to see the kids suffer.

I actually thought the numbers were much lower. I thought they were clocking in about 2M for the weddings and 1.5 for your average show. I could be wrong. Those are still great numbers for TLC, and more importantly, they are consistently good, which means people tune in every week. But I'm just remembering off the top of my head.

And I really don't think the Duggars are sitting there going, "Girls! SHAME!! Look what you've done!" And I don't think they did that at the time. Yes, there is victim blaming, but it's a more personal, subjective thing than I think a lot of people are thinking. Josh would have been brought up before his church to publicly confess his sins. He would have been brought before many people to be called accountable. It wouldn't have been this "you made Josh sin, poor Josh!" Eve may have been blamed for tempting Adam, but God punished Adam too. It's not fun to be a Fundamentalist. Not for women, certainly, but men don't have a great life either. Being told over and over what a miserable sinner you are isn't exactly a lark. And someone is always telling you that.

  • Love 7

Pouting about how mean everybody's being to him.

Ha! Thanks for that. It's the first laugh I've had over this giant mess.

As of right now ... there are only 2 episodes of 19kac listed on my xfinity on demand. And both are about Amy Duggar. Yesterday all of the current season was available with the exception of the final Q&A episode.

I'll be happy if I never see this show again. In any way, shape or form. Any mutation of it benefits JimBoob and MEchelle and that is unacceptable. Just removing josh doesn't cut it.

Oh and also ... whoever mentioned getting ill when seeing smuggar's face on articles or links ... I'm with you 100%.

  • Love 5

She had a mental breakdown of laundry. Having all of America realize you're a bad parent, and a liar, and that you're not important anymore? She's probably on IV anti-anxiety meds at this point.

It's that third one that's really getting to her, I expect.  Especially, since the first two are vile slanders manufactured by heathens.


She may not even be cheered up by the knowledge that this escalation of the War on the Duggars is clearly a sign of the imminent Apocalypse.

  • Love 3

Ha! Thanks for that. It's the first laugh I've had over this giant mess.

As of right now ... there are only 2 episodes of 19kac listed on my xfinity on demand. And both are about Amy Duggar. Yesterday all of the current season was available with the exception of the final Q&A episode.

I'll be happy if I never see this show again. In any way, shape or form. Any mutation of it benefits JimBoob and MEchelle and that is unacceptable. Just removing josh doesn't cut it.

Oh and also ... whoever mentioned getting ill when seeing smuggar's face on articles or links ... I'm with you 100%.

I just checked my OnDemand, and 19KaC is not even listed under TLC anymore or anywhere else.  Is that a decision reached by Comcast or by the network?

TLC needs to cut all ties with JimBob, M'chelle, Josh, Anna.

They are totally out, no mention of their names.


NO JB and M'celle to darken my screen or producer designation, not one cent kicked back to him.

Ben's parents are also out.


 TLC should do the right thing and expunge themselves of all things Duggar.

But if TLC cannot and wants an off shoot show then they negotiate a new deal with Jill/Dill and Jess/Ben.

Dillards and Seewalds NO Duggar name on the show title.

  • Love 3

But if you re-read the book with the Duggars in mind, it becomes apparent (to me, anyway) that JB thinks of himself as Frank Gilbreth. I think a lot of his obnoxious corny behavior is his own ignorant take on Gilbreth's more outrageous behavior as portrayed in the book.

Yes, I have thought that as well. For me it was a book for a preteen to enjoy. There have been several things JB has said that sounded like he thought of himself that way. His stocking the grocery store was one. 

  • Love 1

I just checked my OnDemand, and 19KaC is not even listed under TLC anymore or anywhere else.  Is that a decision reached by Comcast or by the network?


They way it was reported here - meaning disappearing from our OnDemand or whatever brand menus, it seemed like it was Cable decisions and not a Discovery one because it was definitely not all at once, like you'd expect if it were a network decision.

  • Love 2

To be honest, I've read everything out there on the Gilbreths, and I really don't think Jim Bob models himself on Frank Gilbreth much. I think he's cornball because it's who he is. I'd actually be impressed if he had read all the way through the book. It has swearing in it after all. (My mother didn't read the swearing, and my sisters and I were so surprised when we read it ourselves that people swore!)

  • Love 4

Should be an example to us all of what happens when you put all your eggs in one douchebag.

I know i told brian he was on fire with the snark, but you're pretty top notch too.

But back to being on topic, I imagine MEchelle forgot how to use her baby voice these past few days. I bet the littles are confused.

  • Love 8

Every time I hear about this culture blaming the female for every instance of male failure, I've wondered one thing. What would Boob and Me-chelle do if Josh had molested his brothers - instead of his sisters? Without any lowly female temptresses in the equation, who gets the blame then? What kind of lame, pat answer would they regurgitate in that situation? I can't even imagine it...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 15

They replaced them with the Roloffss. I wish the little couple replaced them

Sorry to disagree, darknight, but I loved the Roloffs & never missed one of their eps.  They really DID show real-life shit -- you could tell Matt & Amy were headed to divorce, and that IS true-to-life, as opposed to the Duggars.  Okay, the Duggars had miscarriage/premature birth, but you just KNEW those people couldn't possibly live like that (or I'd at least hoped).  Turns out, in retrospect, they apparently DO.  Since this scandal & having watched them a few eps. every season I feel absolutely hornswaggled!    Ha!  I'm from Michigan (and so is Amy Roloff), but I've watched a lot of episodes of Matlock!

  • Love 2

Every time I hear about this culture blaming the female for every instance of male failure, I've wondered one thing. Who would Boob and Me-chelle do if Josh had molested his brothers - instead of his sisters? Without any lowly female temptresses in the equation, who gets the blame then? What kind of lame, pat answer would they regurgitate in that situation? I can't even imagine it...


Feminists, naturally. If women knew their place men wouldn't get confused.

  • Love 11
The State Trooper that failed the Victims looks like a deranged character from Game of Thrones.



WOW. So Jim Bob lied to the state trooper. It just keeps getting crazier. The state trooper has no reason to lie, he said himself that his reputation is mud and he's in prison and did not receive any compensation for his interview.

  • Love 5

Wow, Josh's trial was 4 days after Jennifer's birth, which TLC filmed. They had to know about it...


I doubt there was a trial.  As someone else stated it was most likely a petition to change or end certain stipulations or requirements by CPS.  It may have been filed because he did the requirements CPS put in place and he was no longer a minor.  At least that is what happens my state but I do know CPS rules and laws vary in differing states.  The one good thing if this was a petition  that would mean there had been CPS involvement.  


*Edited way too late to correct typos.  

Edited by auntieminem
  • Love 1

WOW. So Jim Bob lied to the state trooper. It just keeps getting crazier. The state trooper has no reason to lie, he said himself that his reputation is mud and he's in prison and did not receive any compensation for his interview.

The trooper's story for not reporting still doesn't wash for me. He didn't make a big deal because Jim Bob claimed it only happened once? One instance of sexual abuse is enough to tear you apart for a lifetime.

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