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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I honestly don't understand why you would want your daughter to have the same name as the woman you had an affair with. It seems like that's just asking to get caught.


It seems like something Freud would have a field day with. Although considering the patriarchal ticks Freud needed to be dipped for, I think he would have been kinda supportive of Jim Bob and Josh.

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I honestly don't understand why you would want your daughter to have the same name as the woman you had an affair with. It seems like that's just asking to get caught.

And how would the father feel calling his daughter the name of his girlfriend?  That's gotta be weird.  I guess we can only hope for the best where the name Meredith came from.

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I know there were at least a couple times she posted pictures on Instagram of roses he'd gotten her "just because."

I swear I once saw a "romantic" Instagram from Josh that was a picture of food scraps on a plate shaped like a heart. I had a look back through his Instagram, couldn't find it before my iPad crashed at about the 3 year point, but I did find this:


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I swear I once saw a "romantic" Instagram from Josh that was a picture of food scraps on a plate shaped like a heart. I had a look back through his Instagram, couldn't find it before my iPad crashed at about the 3 year point, but I did find this:



Well, he would think so.


Not clear he's ever met any, however.

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I guess they don't have a proofreader or spell check on their website / live stream. The one line says "Welcome We are glad YOUR here." Instead of YOU ARE or YOU'RE. Maybe Josh can help them with the graphic designing of their website since he claims to be an expert & has had that computer business since he was a teenager.

Did he do anything else in the video editing room besides watching porn? A computer biz?

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I'm sure all the boys hate him and some of the girls including Jessa and Jana.

Toss Michelle in that pile too, though She loves the attention he lavishes on her, as any narcissist would.


Sheesh, does anyone REALLY like Jim Bob? Maybe this a a good topic for the proper thread.

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Next week's livestream will be interesting because RU (reminds me of RU-486, BTW) will have noticed the spike in their viewership.  Will they play up to their new audience (us and the media)?  Will they tease us?

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I am hoping yet dreading Josh staying longer than 6 days at RU so he can do a testimonial with his family in attendance.  Then maybe Mechelle can grab the microphone and make Josh's "addiction" all about her.  JB can then make a corny joke or two.  And they can stand around beaming, expect the hordes to surround them and tell them how great they are.  

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I am hoping yet dreading Josh staying longer than 6 days at RU so he can do a testimonial with his family in attendance.  Then maybe Mechelle can grab the microphone and make Josh's "addiction" all about her.  JB can then make a corny joke or two.  And they can stand around beaming, expect the hordes to surround them and tell them how great they are.  

And some woman stands up and says she found out Josh knocked her up.

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I am hoping yet dreading Josh staying longer than 6 days at RU so he can do a testimonial with his family in attendance.  Then maybe Mechelle can grab the microphone and make Josh's "addiction" all about her.  JB can then make a corny joke or two.  And they can stand around beaming, expect the hordes to surround them and tell them how great they are.  

He'll stay - it's being live streamed.  They'll be saying, "We're baaack!"

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I am hoping yet dreading Josh staying longer than 6 days at RU so he can do a testimonial with his family in attendance.  Then maybe Mechelle can grab the microphone and make Josh's "addiction" all about her.  JB can then make a corny joke or two.  And they can stand around beaming, expect the hordes to surround them and tell them how great they are.  

And some woman stands up and says she found out Josh knocked her up.

He'll stay - it's being live streamed.  They'll be saying, "We're baaack!"


and then Jim Bob and Michelle show everyone how to kiss, and the sex addicts undergo spontaneous remission.

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Did he do anything else in the video editing room besides watching porn? A computer biz?

"You can hire me to do advanced programming like erasing your browser history..."

This ruhome thing makes me think "R U home? If you lived here, you would be".

"RUHomosexual? You can pray it away fabulously at our sister clinic."

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I was reading on Pickles about Michelle and Jana being the only ones to have the internet password,  but don't you think that would

be pretty easy for Josh to figure out... I bet it's Jim Bob's birthday or Jesus 4Ever.... I'm sure it's something easy for Michelle to remember...

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I was reading on Pickles about Michelle and Jana being the only ones to have the internet password, but don't you think that would

be pretty easy for Josh to figure out... I bet it's Jim Bob's birthday or Jesus 4Ever.... I'm sure it's something easy for Michelle to remember...

Does it ever occur to these fuckheads that women like to watch porn too? What if a Duggar female likes to watch porn on the side. Jim Bob's helmet head would explode.

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I was reading on Pickles about Michelle and Jana being the only ones to have the internet password,  but don't you think that would

be pretty easy for Josh to figure out... I bet it's Jim Bob's birthday or Jesus 4Ever.... I'm sure it's something easy for Michelle to remember...

Or being sly and booing from an external hard drive or live cd, which would leave no trace. But then this is Josh. No burner cell phone, credit card, or email address.

 I guess never watching TV or movies kinda bit him in the ass there. A 10 year old could've been more devious.

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Great. I just had a flashback to 1978 and "Meatballs." Good thing the rival girl camp is just on the other side of the church, no complicated water crossings to go on a panty raid. Oh, but those are locked up somewhere and "inacessable." Wanna bet the counselors have late-night fashion shows? Anyway, love the camp theme. See y'all for Friday's meetin' with box wine & s'mores.

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Great. I just had a flashback to 1978 and "Meatballs." Good thing the rival girl camp is just on the other side of the church, no complicated water crossings to go on a panty raid. Oh, but those are locked up somewhere and "inacessable." Wanna bet the counselors have late-night fashion shows? Anyway, love the camp theme. See y'all for Friday's meetin' with box wine & s'mores.

OMG- thank you for bringing back that awesome memory of my childhood.  LOL  This is exactly the type of thing Josh missed out on as a child - a real summer camp!  

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So we can watch this wonderful rehab show live next Friday night and actually chat about it on their site live?  OH BOY!  They may get more action than they ever imagined.  


We all get a bottle of wine - (Of course not wine but grape juice ;)) - and watch together.  First one to spot Waldo (Joshie) everyone takes a sip.  Someone gets banned - take a sip.  


Any other ideas for the game?  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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I am hoping yet dreading Josh staying longer than 6 days at RU so he can do a testimonial with his family in attendance.  Then maybe Mechelle can grab the microphone and make Josh's "addiction" all about her.  JB can then make a corny joke or two.  And they can stand around beaming, expect the hordes to surround them and tell them how great they are.  

Maybe JB will come out as a porn and sex addict and claim he needs help too!!

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Does it ever occur to these fuckheads that women like to watch porn too? What if a Duggar female likes to watch porn on the side. Jim Bob's helmet head would explode.

I'm pretty sure JB believes women only enjoy sex when married and then only because they are pleasing their husband and god.  Of course that belief makes their need to watch their daughters every move rather suspect. 

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Please tell me there's no semi-famous Mackynzie sex worker in the greater NWA area. They said that Josh picked the name...

As someone who's name actually came from their parents favorite porn star; I really, really hope Mackynzie is just the only M name Josh could think of that he hadn't slept with yet. 

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Oh. My. God. You SO win the internet. That's an all week win. I'm hearing a camp song in the background:


CAMP SCAMAFUNDIE. Our picnics have no ants.

CAMP SCAMAFUNDIE. You'll keep it in your pants.

We'll sit you in the church pews

And bore the Devil out,



Bwahahahaaa you have me in tears.

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So we can watch this wonderful rehab show live next Friday night and actually chat about it on their site live? OH BOY! They may get more action than they ever imagined.

We all get a bottle of wine - (Of course not wine but grape juice ;)) - and watch together. First one to spot Waldo (Joshie) everyone takes a sip. Someone gets banned - take a sip.

Any other ideas for the game?

1) Spot someone sleeping in the audience. 2) Every time you hear 'amen'. Edited by farmgal4
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1) Spot someone sleeping in the audience. 2) Every time you hear 'amen'.

No one was sleeping in that audience.  In fact, I think Band-aid in the backrow was getting a handjob from his lady.

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3 hours starting at 7 pm, and they've probably been awake since 4:30 am.

In the video "We are glad your here". And I skipped to 0:6:22 and there's the weirdest audio feedback loop going on.

That feedback was a tech glitch that we also got live. Just FF it a bit to get over that part. That said, that video is the Curington guy who was the "face" of RU (letting the corrupt Duggar friend operate in the shadows) until his untimely death in 2010 at age 45. 


Shoot me now. I already know far too much about this racket, and we've only known about its existence since Wednesday or Thursday. Yikes. 

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No one was sleeping in that audience.  In fact, I think Band-aid in the backrow was getting a handjob from his lady.


I couldn't get to sleep Friday night.  Every time I thought about CofCinci calling them Band aid man and the Whore of Babylon, I started giggling.

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I'm surprised that the wimmin are given an extra half hour of sleep. I figured they'd be up early fixing breakfast for the menfolk.

It continues to baffle me they sent Josh to a place full of women. For fucks sake.  

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I couldn't get to sleep Friday night.  Every time I thought about CofCinci calling them Band aid man and the Whore of Babylon, I started giggling.

Me too! Comedy gold but bad for getting sleep because I couldn't stop giggling either. lol

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I'm pretty sure JB believes women only enjoy sex when married and then only because they are pleasing their husband and god.  Of course that belief makes their need to watch their daughters every move rather suspect. 


JB probably doesn't even realize women can have an orgasm  

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1) Spot someone sleeping in the audience. 2) Every time you hear 'amen'.

If we drink every time they say amen, we'll all be passed out in the first 30 minutes.  The one speaker uses amen like a crutch.  Where others would say um he says amen and keeps going.  He never waits fir a response from the crowd.  I may try that in my everyday life, thereby leaving no room for anyone to interrupt me.  Of course, it might really throw people off in my atheist group.  


No one was sleeping in that audience.  In fact, I think Band-aid in the backrow was getting a handjob from his lady.

Let's hope Josh doesn't read this.  He'll sit in the back row hoping someone gives him a hand (and I don't mean applause). 

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Re women at the bible camp: the Duggars do not actually give a shit if Josh screws women other than Anna.  What upsets them is that his behavior was found out and it ruined their livelihood.  I think they are assuming that the atmosphere is just too "Godly" for Josh to mess up again, or since they are buddy-buddy with the people who run that farce, they feel secure that any indiscretion on Prince Josh's part will be covered up.   

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That feedback was a tech glitch that we also got live. Just FF it a bit to get over that part. That said, that video is the Curington guy who was the "face" of RU (letting the corrupt Duggar friend operate in the shadows) until his untimely death in 2010 at age 45.

Shoot me now. I already know far too much about this racket, and we've only known about its existence since Wednesday or Thursday. Yikes.

The wildly gesticulating red haired sweating guy who kept the camera man on his toes? I can see how he had a heart attack, he literally screamed his whole segment and he figuratively screamed hypertension.
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Oh. My. God. You SO win the internet. That's an all week win. I'm hearing a camp song in the background:


CAMP SCAMAFUNDIE. Our picnics have no ants.

CAMP SCAMAFUNDIE. You'll keep it in your pants.

We'll sit you in the church pews

And bore the Devil out,



Oh, what a special blessing! Time to start working on the t shirts. Special water repellent t shirts that can't be used in sinful activities such as wet t shirt contests.

The wildly gesticulating red haired sweating guy who kept the camera man on his toes? I can see how he had a heart attack, he literally screamed his whole segment and he figuratively screamed hypertension.

I wonder how heart-healthy the food at Camp Scamafundie really is. That bit about "prayer and fasting" is probably just the excuse to spend less on people.

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