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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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In the midst of her ups and downs, one person is making sure she stays as comfortable as possible: Ben, 19, her husband of five months.

I cannot get past the fact that this kid is a teenager. His biggest responsibilities should be studying for his next exam and wondering whether his fake ID is good enough not to be confiscated.

  • Love 18

The one thing I can say that I liked about Jessa announcing her pregnancy is that she did it with Ben as a side note to their show, not in front of the entire family in the living room. She also waited until she was 12 weeks along, vs. Jill who must have announced the second she was a day late with her cycle. Also, she didn't make a big deal about morning sickness. Michelle used to go on and on about how sick she was during all of her pregnancies, to the point that I think the entire world was ready to tell her to shut her pie hole about it. 

I'm hoping Jessa and Ben will opt for a private birth, or if not, a very easy delivery and no complications. I'm willing to bet that Ben won't have to be chomping down a sandwich when she goes to the hospital..she didn't mention using a lay midwife, did she? Is she counting on Jill to help do the delivery?

It might even happen one day, with so many women continually having babies, that there will be two in labor at the same time. Maybe they can arrange a special TLC birthing episode where they midwife each others births. Sort of like a tag-team birthing situation.

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Jessa looks really different. In her 2008 flashbacks, she looks a lot like Jinger. Funny how she changed.


I love that she waited to announce until 12 weeks.


Watched the honeymoon episode, I'll give props to Ben for trying escargot. And he tried with the French thing! I know many who would not have done either.


Love Jessa with her hair up. She looks much more her age.

  • Love 6

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald Seeks Pregnancy Advice from Sister Jill
When it comes to getting pregnancy advice, Jessa Duggar Seewald doesn't have to look far.
The 19 Kids and Counting star's sister Jill, 23, a student midwife, "has all the knowledge and training," Jessa tells PEOPLE.


I'm not even sure why this bothers me - that People made a HUGE title bar out of this.  I think my heart had this little place for Jessa... like there was some hope.  I don't know why; she really hasn't done anything to give us hope, but she seemed to have some spunk and I was so hoping there was a little something in that brain.  Now it seems like even though she's a little guarded and a little more private, they still rely on publicists (?) or fire stompers to tell them what to say about EVERYTHING.  The big Duggar smiles, the pic together, blah blah blah.   Everything they ever do is planned and scripted.  Even the subliminal message, with Jill standing a little to the front of Jessa.  It's a corporate picture - they needed red power ties, and Jill needs to cross her arms over her chest.  If I had a crystal ball, I'd be looking to see if Jill is being postured for the spinoff.  Or maybe Mama Duggar needs more time away from the cameras - maybe she could wash that crunchy junk out of her hair sometime if she had a minute.  (Pretty sure the base gunk started layering on in 1980, it could use a wash and a squeeze).  But BIG happy smiles from the girls.  It's a happy day.  Why does this make me sad? 


Wouldn't it be amazing for one of them (GO JANA, GO!) to just do something totally unexpected?   (Little head shake, little finger snap)  "Watch this, I'ma do this MY WAY!!!"  I feel so deflated.  Like someone in the camp intentionally lined her up behind Jill again, where she "belongs".  I don't WANT Jill to be involved with Jessa's pregnancy.  I want JESSA to be in charge of Jessa's pregnancy.  I want her not to be in Jill's shadow.  I want her to be her own person.


The "fixer" in me wants to shake somebody and say, "LISTEN!!!"   But.  I guess that's really what we're all doing here, right?  Don't look now, but nobody's listening.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 7

As hung up on pregnancy as they are and if they go online and see some baby boards and how many people there are obsessing over testing, I can easily see the Duggars doing the same.

Back in 2002 i was on a board on tcoyf.com which was basically nfp and Michelle was on there. People thought she was nuts even back then. We all tracked our cycles and took basal body temps to time ovulation (i have pcos and trouble conceiving).

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The Duggars are too ignorant to realize no, Jill is not an expert in obstetrics or midwifery. Any advice she's giving Jessa as far as diet, morning sickness etc. is stuff any of us could have Googled off the Internet.

Spaghetti, I also noticed the resemblance between Jessa and Jinger in earlier episodes. Jessa was a lot chubbier back then, I didn't realize how much weight she's dropped these last fews years. It's made her face look more angular as opposed to Jinger's which is fuller and wider.

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The Duggars are too ignorant to realize no, Jill is not an expert in obstetrics or midwifery. Any advice she's giving Jessa as far as diet, morning sickness etc. is stuff any of us could have Googled off the Internet.

From what we've gleaned about the protein, castor oil, running around after water breaks, etc, it doesn't sound like it's going to be mainstream or AMA approved advice either.  

  • Love 5


I love that she waited to announce until 12 weeks.

Call me a cynic, but I don't think she was ALLOWED to announce before 12 weeks.


Now that the Duggars are working so closely with People, I imagine the editors are mapping out their coverage to achieve maximum bang for the buck -- Duggars appear to be a hot seller for the magazine, and maximum exposure means spreading out Duggar "exclusives" as long as they can.


Both weddings, Jill's pregnancy, a Jill and Derick "check-in," a tour of Jessa and Binjermin's home, Jill's delivery, Josiah's courting announcement, Jessa's pregnancy ... at least eight covers or feature stories over several weeks. I don't think anything about timing is left to anyone but Boob and the PR machine. 

Edited by Literata
  • Love 9

ANOTHER people article of the day:





You are eating for two but the other is, like, a speck.

Benessa is so dependent on their looks. I wonde if/when the looks go what will be left. Those can be taken away at any time.


Mechelle looks awesome in the video clip. Too bad that look won't last. She's still milking anorexia for all it's worth. And yes, J'Chelle, we know you're 'the biggest cheerleader' and always will be.


EDIT: Also, if Michelle doesn't want the girls to have body image issues, then don't send them to weight watchers when they're already thin.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 5

My daughter is the same age as Michael, so as someone who was recently one baby boards, I also don't think the Duggars are that unusual. I had my son 19 years ago when things were different and testing pretty expensive. So unless you've done it recently and are pretty young, you may not realize how much this part of the culture has changed.

  • Love 3

Sweet. She'll "pray [the girls] through" an eating disorder. Niiice, Mechelle. 


So Jessa  says she's not going to stress out about working out and eating, but both are at the forefront of her agenda. She even admits that she doesn't want to gain much weight. I think she's hoping to look like Alyssa and Erin Bates and not like her sister. 


Is it wrong to hope that Jessa has a linebacker like Jill did? I want to see her deal with God's challenge of having a less than perfect body, since so much of her identity is bundled up in her appearance. 

  • Love 5


Is it wrong to hope that Jessa has a linebacker like Jill did? I want to see her deal with God's challenge of having a less than perfect body, since so much of her identity is bundled up in her appearance.

No, it's not wrong. I'd like to see how gaining, say 40 pounds (non-pregnancy related) would affect Jessa's personality. Doesn't need to be permanent to teach her some humility.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 3

Unfortunately for me the name Speck reminds me of the grotesque monster, Richard Speck, who murdered 6 nurses in training, back in the 1960sm and then started taking hormone drugs illegally in prison to become a she-male.

I can't do that to an unborn innocent, even if it is a Seewald-Duggar.

  • Love 4

Unfortunately for me the name Speck reminds me of the grotesque monster, Richard Speck, who murdered 6 nurses in training, back in the 1960sm and then started taking hormone drugs illegally in prison to become a she-male.

I can't do that to an unborn innocent, even if it is a Seewald-Duggar.


Eight nurses - and one escaped by hiding under a bed. But I agree. For me every time I saw "Speck" I'd be thinking of that incident. I was almost 10 at the time. The TV news stories and Life magazine feature - in color - gave me nightmares for days.

  • Love 3

Unfortunately for me the name Speck reminds me of the grotesque monster, Richard Speck, who murdered 6 nurses in training, back in the 1960sm and then started taking hormone drugs illegally in prison to become a she-male.

I can't do that to an unborn innocent, even if it is a Seewald-Duggar.

It could be a serial killer theme?   

Now it better be twins to beat Jill's cover 


I'm almost annoyed on Jessa's behalf that Jill keeps beating her to the cover (did Jessa get this week's People cover? I've been busy so I haven't checked). When your life is a constant competition to do only one thing, I can see how it breeds major resentment. Personally I'd probably be sick to death of Jill getting the publicity if I were Jessa.


The competition wouldn't be as strong if they were allowed to pursue different interests and didn't have to constantly one-up each other in only one field, baby making.


Anna who?


She is more modern I think something like haddon and adalyn


Agreed. A trendy spelling, perhaps. Madisyn or Jayden or something. Although with how preachy and pontificating Jessa and Ben have become maybe it'll be Jim or Tammy Faye.


  • Love 1

I see them going the Doug Phillips route and naming for virtues. Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, etc.

Patience, Constance, Prudence, Joy, Grace, Chastity (ha ha)... Wow, that could cover a whole brood, provided they're all girls. And they could add some Duggar-specific virtues, too -- Sweetness, Docility, Fecundity... And the boys can be Headship, Virility, Dominance, Rectitude, Rigidity (okay, my mind is starting to go to some questionable places)... But yeah, I think we have a theme that'll work.

  • Love 4

ANOTHER people article of the day:




Benessa is so dependent on their looks. I wonde if/when the looks go what will be left. Those can be taken away at any time.


Mechelle looks awesome in the video clip. Too bad that look won't last. She's still milking anorexia for all it's worth. And yes, J'Chelle, we know you're 'the biggest cheerleader' and always will be.


EDIT: Also, if Michelle doesn't want the girls to have body image iss

ues, then don't send them to weight watchers when they're already thin.

When Bin found out Jessa was pregnant, one of the "first things" on his mind was what this would mean for their workouts???

  • Love 3

Betcha it won't start with the letter J. She'll pick a more hipster-Bible name - Noah, Caleb, Silas, maybe Jonah or Jesse if she does choose a J. Girl will be something like Eden, some variation of Mary (Mira, Miriam, Myra, etc), Olivia, Grace, Christina, something that's been around for a minute but 'new' to her. Jessa will say she isn't traditional and will guard the name like a bulldog with a bone, but in the end it will be something Bible-ish and mainstream.  

  • Love 2

Pretty sure it won't be Caleb; the last thing anyone wants to do is get MEchelle riled up again. I think, for real, they'd probably go with something like Gabriel/le, but I'm having much more fun making shit up.

Maybe she'll have boy twins: Jim and Bob. Or Jim Bob and Bob Jim.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 6

Pretty sure it won't be Caleb; the last thing anyone wants to do is get MEchelle riled up again. I think, for real, they'd probably go with something like Gabriel/le, but I'm having much more fun making shit up.

Maybe she'll have boy twins: Jim and Bob. Or Jim Bob and Bob Jim.

Oh I totally wasn't thinking about that. You're right. Gabe/Gabriella are perfect though.

Pretty sure it won't be Caleb; the last thing anyone wants to do is get MEchelle riled up again. I think, for real, they'd probably go with something like Gabriel/le, but I'm having much more fun making shit up.

Maybe she'll have boy twins: Jim and Bob. Or Jim Bob and Bob Jim.


I do like Jim-Bob and Bob-Jim. Carries on a family name, and carries on their own stunning lack of creativity with it comes to language and words as well. 

  • Love 4

Romulus & Remus?

That assumes they have a clue who they were. Thanks for the laugh! :D

They might take a page out of the fundie playbook of Tim and Francia White and steal their oldest daughter's name: Heistheway. 


They're crazy enough to do it! 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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