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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Well, that most certainly looks like a baby bump to me. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a double announcement tonight. So when do we get to start the Blessa's Blessing pool?

A baby bump or a very unflattering blouse.


Maybe Jessa figures she'll get one out of the way so people will get off her back and then she can use the child as her excuse to not get pregnant right away. "Oh, it's so much work, having a baby/infant/toddler" and boom...five years go by.

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I know many people don't like Amy but I sure do.  On her FB or Instagam site (can't remember which one), she writes frankly about her parents not being married when she was born.  I like her enthusiasm and attempts to do stuff on her own.  Maybe Mary favored her a bit because her mom and dad weren't married when she was born, and she felt her daughter needed her support.  I'm not at all sure Mary is OK with the 'breed like rabbits' philosophy of her son, but once the kids are here, she loves them.  I was sick when I learned my son had fathered a child out of wedlock, but I love my little grandson to pieces, and not just because his parents eventually did marry.


I think you're right about Mary. I do remember specifically that Boob's father said - on camera - that he was not supportive of Boob & Me-chelle's "let's have as many kids as we can" program. He didn't think it was a good idea, but you could tell he loved his grandkids and they loved him.

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Boob's dad was concerned for the stress and strain on MEchelle and the other health effects on her. At least that's what he stated on camera.

That sounds like a diplomatic version of "my daughter in law is crazy, and each time my son knocks her up, I'm afraid there's going to be another laundry room melt down."

  • Love 12

Well, she's gained weight. She's likely pregnant, but it very well could be her version of the Freshman 15.

(Oh, that was in the striped shirt- the red shirt, she looks pregnant.)

And it's very much in her stomach. Her face looks a little fuller, but she was very very thin at her wedding. Her neck and arms are still slender. It's very concentrated to her lower tummy. Besides, any time I have gained weight, I would start wearing looser blouses. Her clothes seem either the same, or a little tighter.

Well, that most certainly looks like a baby bump to me. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a double announcement tonight. So when do we get to start the Blessa's Blessing pool?

Me too. I think the BinessaBlessaBaby will also be announced tonight. 


Swell we can all hear about how MEChelle just loves being a Grandma to her sweet, precious grandchildren. 

Edited by Fuzzysox

Saw this on FJ.  I don't know when this was taken and by whom but I'm surprised it's out there since there was a pic from Nashville where her stomach was hidden behind Bin and his latest IG post has him holding a hat that hides her tummy.  The changing tire video only shows her knees and boots.




Oh, wow. I'm no expert at spotting newbie-preggos, but that sure doesn't look like a food baby to me. It appears the deed is done.

I would laugh so hard if Josiah's courting announcement was a decoy to get attention off a potential Jessa baby. "Oh, that's the announcement? Cool, another Duggar courtship" and then boom! "just kidding, Jessa's expecting a baby!". Especially if Josiah doesn't want the attention. Kinda like celebs wait to announce big things before a holiday/other big event in hopes that it'll get swept by relatively unnoticed.


Of course, if Josiah wanted the attention (or TLC wanted better ratings) they would announce a Jessa pregnancy first, then Josiah's courtship because frankly, another Duggar daughter pregnant isn't shocking or new or novel now. There hasn't been a Duggar son courting since Josh 6(?) years ago, so at least that's less boring right now. I really, really, really don't want to see more episodes of baby showers and ultrasounds and midwife visits, especially because it's likely the baby will be born before it ever even gets "announced" on the show.

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That's assuming you have money/inclination to buy new clothes.

(Uh, perhaps some of my clothes need replacing right now. I'm not pregnant.)

Granted, I'm a yo-yo dieter and I have clothes in a range of sizes :)

I just meant that I've seen Jessa and the other girls wear looser blouses in the past that would have easily covered up the area she was gaining weight. Jessa is very into her looks, so I think if she felt like she was gaining weight, she would try to hide it. But she seems to be dressing to emphasize it, which makes me think she's showing off a small bump.

I would laugh so hard if Josiah's courting announcement was a decoy to get attention off a potential Jessa baby. "Oh, that's the announcement? Cool, another Duggar courtship" and then boom! "just kidding, Jessa's expecting a baby!". Especially if Josiah doesn't want the attention. Kinda like celebs wait to announce big things before a holiday/other big event in hopes that it'll get swept by relatively unnoticed.

Of course, if Josiah wanted the attention (or TLC wanted better ratings) they would announce a Jessa pregnancy first, then Josiah's courtship because frankly, another Duggar daughter pregnant isn't shocking or new or novel now. There hasn't been a Duggar son courting since Josh 6(?) years ago, so at least that's less boring right now. I really, really, really don't want to see more episodes of baby showers and ultrasounds and midwife visits, especially because it's likely the baby will be born before it ever even gets "announced" on the show.

One thing that is relatively new is Mechelle lusting after her son in law! Even though the baby stuff is getting pretty old, it's still hilarious to watch that cougar trying to cozy up to the dashing Binjermin Seewald.

  • Love 7

I'm sure Jessa is already knocked up...she just may be stubborn enough to not tell anyone, not even her own family.


The speculation that J'so-and-so will be the one who doesn't get pregnant right away is just wishful thinking. They'll all get married and start popping out babies in record time....the same with the Bates. The girls aren't trained to do anything else.


However, they better hurry up  ...that Willis family (per the previews) are just so ding-dang adorable. ALL camera-friendly and the girls wear jeans.

  • Love 3

I sincerely hope she is not pregnant. Even if it goes against logic, I hope any weight gain perceived is happy marriage weight (some women such as myself are unlucky and show weight gain in the stomach first), period bloat captured at an awkward time, or birth control bloat.

For some reason, I think Jessa has the spirit to go on birth control against her parents' wishes. I am probably wrong, but it would be nice if I am not.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
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I'm guessing a mid to late October due date. Based on pictures we've seen I think they conceived in mid to end of January. I announced in April last year and I started showing in my stomach pretty much right away (most likely bloating) in Feb of last year but unlike Jessa I didn't wear tight shirts because I didn't want people to speculate until I was past 12 weeks. It's weird that she isn't hiding it but maybe we can hope that she's on birth control pills and that made her bloat/gain weight!

Edited to add that based on my own experience and how she looks is why I'm speculating a similar due date if she is in fact pregnant..

Edited by Panders

Yes, another announcement next week. Guess PEOPLE is already getting the next issue ready.


I wonder if they'd really give it to the Duggars for two issues in a row. I'm guessing not, which will make this the second time Jill has beaten Jessa to a cover by the skin of her teeth. It must really boil Jessa's bunny that she is relegated to a sidebar when she's the "sexiest Duggar alive."

  • Love 4

Depends now on the Royal baby, doesn't it?

Good point. Kate's due in the next two weeks - I read today that media is already setting up shop outside the hospital. If Jessa is pregnant, some PR person really should have advised her to announce earlier in case the royal baby comes, especially if she's really been pregnant since that newlywed photoshoot. Someone screwed the pooch on that one!


Unless the publicity doesn't matter to Jessa.

If she was pregnant during that photoshoot (done Feb 6th or thereabouts), they probably just found out for Jessa to look so small now. She'd be what, 13-ish weeks now with that scenario? 


I know everyone carries differently, but man, Jilly Muffin was sporting more than what could pass for a food baby or PMS bloat by then. I agree she's knocked up (have been sure of it for the past month), but not quite so far along. That said, Anna didn't announce M4 until she was 12 weeks gone, and she hid Marcus behind what had been her existing pre-pregnancy weight for months before announcing. Of course, Jessa won't be able to hide much longer because she's so slender. That could well be her 12-weekaversary look. 


If so, honeymoon's over for those two. I just don't see her as decent mother material. Hateful views aside, I think Binjermin will be the better parent, by far. 

Jessa might surprise you guys and be a wonderful mother. One of my older sisters hated babysitting and seemed to hate kids and being around them until she had her own. She has two boys and is a great mother to them in every way. She's still not the warmest person to kids, but she sure loves and cares for her own and they adore her in every way. Some people just don't do well with other people's kids. I'd be bitter if my mother kept popping kids out and expected me to raise them for her and that may be the case for Jessa.

  • Love 13

I wonder if Blessa is shitting bricks after seeing what Jill went through for her Blessing. 

Lets be real -- every woman gets nervous re labor and pain. BUT I don't see Jessa being like Jill. If it's an easy birth and she can quickly pop him/her out at home, fine. If not --I see her having no problem going to a hospital, getting an epidural and getting a c section rather than suffering for days just so she can act like a martyr. I imagine they have insurance coverage since the fed gov't requires it now and knowing they'd be getting pregnant soon anyway, hopefully they opted for at least decent coverage; so she likely does have a hospital, epidural, c section option should she want/need it -- which didn't always used to be the case with fundie women who didn't have the financial means.

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Jessa might surprise you guys and be a wonderful mother. One of my older sisters hated babysitting and seemed to hate kids and being around them until she had her own. She has two boys and is a great mother to them in every way. She's still not the warmest person to kids, but she sure loves and cares for her own and they adore her in every way. Some people just don't do well with other people's kids. I'd be bitter if my mother kept popping kids out and expected me to raise them for her and that may be the case for Jessa.

Agree with this. You don't have to Like Children per se to be a good parent. Your own kids are different.

Jessa would still be covered under her father's insurance through Obamacare.

Yes she should, assuming he has insurance that covers his dependents. Married or unmarried, student or not, you can be covered on your parents' (or either parent's) policy up to age 26. But that doesn't mean she actually is covered; I'm pretty sure that for her to be covered, he has to have her listed on the policy by name, which he may or may not have done. Also, I don't think the coverage extends to her children. Edited by JenCarroll
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The thing is that when your children are covered on your insurance plan, the premiums only go up once, when you add "dependents".  It doesn't matter if you have 1 child or 20, you pay the same premium.  My daughter turned 26 last December and she was kicked off our plan IMMEDIATELY, but the premiums did not go down.  So Boob being the cheapskate he is, I can see him allowing Jessa to stay on the plan until she ages out.  After all, it isn't costing him any extra $$$.

Edited by 3 is enough
  • Love 2

Checked this -- the law does not require plans to cover grandchildren of the policy holder, even if the parent of said grandchild is covered. So she could be on Boob's policy, but baby Seewald wouldn't be. Hopefully she and Bin caught a clue and got a policy of their own. As GEML said, it shouldn't cost much on the exchange.

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I do not think Jessa is covered under Boob due to her being married. She is no longer his dependant, and would be considered the dependant of her husband.  The son of a girl I work with was married last year. He was not covered under her insurance even though he was under 26 due to his marraige.  I also agree that Jessa could be a great mother. Just because she objected to taking care of all those kids does not men she would be a poor mother. It is not her job or responsibility to raise those kids. It is always different when it is your kids.

Edited by NEGirl
  • Love 3

I do not think Jessa is covered under Boob due to her being married. She is no longer his dependant,


Healthcare.gov refutes this; being married is NOT a barrier for an under-26 having coverage on their parent's plan.  Now, plans can charge more for dependents, but many do not.

From Healthcare.gov:

If a plan covers children, they can be added to or kept on a parent's health insurance policy until they turn 26 years old.

Children can join or remain on a parent's plan even if they are:


    Not living with their parents

    Attending school

    Not financially dependent on their parents

    Eligible to enroll in their employer’s plan

These rules apply to both job-based plans and individual plans bought inside or outside the Marketplace.



and would be considered the dependant of her husband. 

The law certainly doesn't say that. The husband could just as easily be a dependent of his wife.




The son of a girl I work with was married last year. He was not covered under her insurance even though he was under 26 due to his marraige.

They either misunderstood the law and removed him, or they actually "leave and cleave". He certainly could have been according to the Affordable Healthcare Act. There are tax implications of being on parental health insurance (they can't file jointly) though.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Just saw a recent pic (sorry, I don't want to open up an account to host). Jessa is definitely pregnant. I'd guess early second trimester; she has a VERY obvious bump, and boobs that she's never had before. 


Sorry for anyone who held out hope that she'd go on birth control, or otherwise wait. 

  • Love 1

My god the American insurance system sounds confusing! In Aus we all pay 1.5% of our income as a Medicare levy (unless you earn over $70,000 as a single or $140,00 as a couple and don't have private health insurance, then you pay 2.5%.  If you can pay for PHI, you should).  That covers everyone for hospital visits, doctors, cancer treatments, surgery, etc.  


Would Ben have PHI?  Does he get covered by TLC?  Does Jim-Boob have to give him health benefits since he "works" for him?  Can Jessa have PHI and not Ben?  Excuse the ignorance! 

  • Love 4

Just saw a recent pic (sorry, I don't want to open up an account to host). Jessa is definitely pregnant. I'd guess early second trimester; she has a VERY obvious bump, and boobs that she's never had before. 


Sorry for anyone who held out hope that she'd go on birth control, or otherwise wait. 




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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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