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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I can't believe I'm saying it, but Binjermin has really grown on me to the point where I think he might be a little dashing. He's definitely attractive, there's no denying that. But mostly, I see a lot of genuine love for Jessa which has really endeared him to me. He also kind of pisses Boob off sometimes (like Pa Seewald and his young marriage rant, kissing in private, being Jchelle's object of lust) which makes me happy, and I'm sure Jessa gets a kick out of it too. Yeah, they have some pretty extreme views and are frighteningly close minded but I think the two of them are as rebellious as possible for a pair of kids that are still dependent on Boob's money.

  • Love 9

In defense of Ben, I have asmathic allergies and I take meds and two inhalers every day. The meds do not work all the time if the pollen/ragweed counts are thru the roof. His eyes always look swollen and he always sounds so stuffed up.  Maybe he takes meds and they are not working. He needs to try various meds to see which ones work for him. They have both grown on me too. I don't care for their crazy ass FB posts but  I think they are about free from Boob and JChelle as can be for two people with no jobs. lol

Edited by NEGirl
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In defense of Ben, I have asmathic allergies and I take meds and two inhalers every day. The meds do not work all the time if the pollen/ragweed counts are thru the roof. His eyes always look swollen and he always sounds so stuffed up.  Maybe he takes meds and they are not working. He needs to try various meds to see which ones work for him. They have both grown on me too. I don't care for their crazy ass FB posts but  I think they are about free from Boob and JChelle as can be for two people with no jobs. lol

Yeah, that's true about the meds. And I hope they got all that mold out of the house. Frankly I'm surprised he can keep on a nice face even with sinus headaches, a stuffed nose and watery eyes. AND living in that weird shed with no air conditioning pre-marriage. I would be supremely grouchy.


Ben and Jessa grow on me until their next ignorant Instagram post, then I remember how close-minded and intolerant they can really be. Most of that's not their fault, but I do think we have a responsibility to broaden our horizons and formulate different opinions from our parents once we become adults. Which Ben and Jessa have, to some extent, so maybe there's still a chance they can become tolerant of different lifestyles and beliefs, which is my main issue with them.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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In defense of Ben, I have asmathic allergies and I take meds and two inhalers every day. The meds do not work all the time if the pollen/ragweed counts are thru the roof. His eyes always look swollen and he always sounds so stuffed up.  Maybe he takes meds and they are not working. He needs to try various meds to see which ones work for him. They have both grown on me too. I don't care for their crazy ass FB posts but  I think they are about free from Boob and JChelle as can be for two people with no jobs. lol

NEgirl - above, "he always sounds so stuffed up..."  Shit, I can hardly listen to him because it makes my eyes water -- and I don't have allergies.  I agree w/others who've posted that he really seems to be a nice enough guy & actually, I think he's pretty hunky! 

  • Love 3

Wondering how well JB cleaned the mold from the house. Mold grows behind walls, and if he took the cheap way out it could still be there. I would like to think he took care of it the proper way but, he's so cheap..... that also could be a reason why Ben's allergies are not any better.


If it was his property, I'm sure Boob would take the very cheapest way out with the mold. However, seeing that it belongs to Grandma Mary, did he have the final say? If she had been willing to pay for better-quality work, and I think she would be considering it looks like this property is going to be the official starter home for many of her grandchildren once they get hitched, I bet it was done properly. I'm also thinking there may be state-mandated inspections involved after mold removal, similar to asbestos. Most if not all states require independent verification that asbestos removal [a very time-consuming and involved procedure] was done correctly and is 100% gone before a dwelling can be occupied again.

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I think Grandma wants to see the J'slaves get the hell out of dodge, and is happy to do what she can to help them get started with lives of their own, whether it be through helping with the litter or giving them a temporary home.

Sure hope you're right about that, tlk!  All we can do is watch this weekly train wreck & hope...

  • Love 1

Yeah, that's true about the meds. And I hope they got all that mold out of the house. Frankly I'm surprised he can keep on a nice face even with sinus headaches, a stuffed nose and watery eyes. AND living in that weird shed with no air conditioning pre-marriage. I would be supremely grouchy.

Ben and Jessa grow on me until their next ignorant Instagram post, then I remember how close-minded and intolerant they can really be. Most of that's not their fault, but I do think we have a responsibility to broaden our horizons and formulate different opinions from our parents once we become adults. Which Ben and Jessa have, to some extent, so maybe there's still a chance they can become tolerant of different lifestyles and beliefs, which is my main issue with them.

I don't hold out much hope for them having independent thoughts, considering both of their families.

Heck, my 2 sisters are still trying to please my mother, & they are in their 40's & 50's! It took getting married & moving out of state for me to start saying no, & I went to public school & later had a job. Imagine how hard it is for the J'slaves.

I give Jessa credit for the small bits of independence she has shown (still disappointed that they didn't make up & follow their OWN courtship rules). My mom would be shaking her head & "tsk-tsk'ing" if I didn't follow all the rules in a traditional wedding ceremony.

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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If it was his property, I'm sure Boob would take the very cheapest way out with the mold.


I'm sure Grandma Mary was pretty unhappy that her moldy former house was displayed in all its non-glory on national TV. Not to generalize, but most older people like things spic-and-span, and I wonder if she wasn't a little upset that the house had been allowed to decline pretty dramatically. 

Jessa is probably under a lot of pressure to get pregnant.


Pears make me vomit. And if Jessa is not pregnant as we speak, I will eat a pear. Maybe two or three pears.

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You know, I'm not going to criticize any of the Duggar kids for things that are not their doing...like the guys' hairlines, acne, any of the younger kids builds. That is their chromosomal role of the dice from their parents...It's also their parents' say if they go to the dermatologist or not..remember THEY are in control. I also think that thedashingbenjerminseewald is a good looking guy, no doubt. It he suffers from hay fever and/or allergies, I'm sure he'd rather not have that problem. I would hope that he would see a doctor, whenever he has adequate medical insurance or a real job to help his suffering. I know allergies are no joke and I feel badly for him if he doesn't feel well most of the time...BUT...I don't like his religious rants, that bothers me about him.

Another site on the internet sights Jessa as shocking her siblings with her 5th montherversary post....I read it and I can't find anything remotely shocking..anyone know about this?

  • Love 4

A certified secialist has to be called in to remove the mold. Hope it was done properly.


One day, I noticed that the hardwood in my kitchen was starting to slightly buckle.  Suspecting I had a leak somewhere, I called my homeowner's and they sent someone out - it was mold.  The next thing I knew, they had ripped out all of my hardwood, removed part of the drywall, removed the granite countertop and sink, and some insulation from the garage.  They then sealed off my kitchen for days.  Once they came, it was completely out of my hands.  Everything was followed by protocol.  I don't know if rules change state to state, but I live in Georgia.


The good part - my deductible was only one thousand dollars.  They replaced the hardwood in my kitchen, as well as the living room and dining room, so it matched.  I also got a new granite countertop (nicer than the previous), and sink with faucet.  I hadn't even thought to call my homeowner's until my cousin suggested it.

  • Love 5

I can't believe I'm saying it, but Binjermin has really grown on me to the point where I think he might be a little dashing. He's definitely attractive, there's no denying that. But mostly, I see a lot of genuine love for Jessa which has really endeared him to me. He also kind of pisses Boob off sometimes (like Pa Seewald and his young marriage rant, kissing in private, being Jchelle's object of lust) which makes me happy, and I'm sure Jessa gets a kick out of it too.

I'm standing by my position. :-)

He's a nice enough looking kid -- considering he's the same age as my youngest daughter, I'm not going to say he's 'attractive' but that's fine -- and he really does seem like a mensch. But "dashing" implies some level of suaveness or sophistication and that, that just cracks me up.

  • Love 8

Why won't her family mind their own business.


Because this family believes that there is no private business amongst them.  Really, Boob and MEchelle have raised their kids to always stick with the family, tattle on each other, and to come to their parents to confess any sexual thoughts they may have before a 'suitable' spouse is found for them.  JB is giving out kissing lessons, for pity's sake (only to the soon to be married kids, of course).


Those kids are so confused that they've probably never connected the dots to realize that while Michelle doesn't actually have sex in front of them, a chart of her menstruation cycle was kept in public and at least her older kids knew full well when Mommy and Daddy were going to be going at it like rabbits to try to create the next Blessing.  Also, Michelle never gave birth on screen, but Josh's wife has had a full camera crew there for each one.  That douche even orchestrated telling his wife she was pregnant with the first baby with a camera crew there on hand.  (And that's the only thing I remember about that.  If someone could enlighten me on how Josh found out Anna was pregnant before she did, please let me know.)


In short, this bunch is so entwined in each others most private business, they don't have any boundaries at all when it comes to reproduction.  But they can only give side hugs to people they're not married to...

  • Love 13

I'm standing by my position. :-)

He's a nice enough looking kid -- considering he's the same age as my youngest daughter, I'm not going to say he's 'attractive' but that's fine -- and he really does seem like a mensch. But "dashing" implies some level of suaveness or sophistication and that, that just cracks me up.


Compared to the other guys Jessa has met, I'd say Ben is probably one of the dashing ones. Hell, most of the families we've seen the Duggars interact with make the Duggar males seem dashing in comparison. Ben freely wears shorts and wasn't completely sexually repressed, right there could make him dashing in Jessa's eyes.

  • Love 3

I think Amy wins the prize though for favorite grandkid overall--despite the fact that odds were in Jimbo's favor 19:1 that one of his children would take that prize!

I'm sure that has to bother him, too. Boob doesn't like to lose to anyone at anything. I would say Joy is high up on the list, maybe even tied with Amy. Poor Joy has always seemed kind of lost to me, looking for a parent's love and a sibling BFF. I think Grandma has noticed that Joy hasn't always fit in with the girls or the boys her age, and felt bad for her so they kind of became their own little buddy duo.

  • Love 5

If someone could enlighten me on how Josh found out Anna was pregnant before she did, please let me know.


Anna had taken several pregnancy tests and they kept coming up negative so when she took another one she asked Josh to look and tell her the results. It still amazes me since this was only four months after being married.

I think Amy wins the prize though for favorite grandkid overall--despite the fact that odds were in Jimbo's favor 19:1 that one of his children would take that prize!

I know many people don't like Amy but I sure do.  On her FB or Instagam site (can't remember which one), she writes frankly about her parents not being married when she was born.  I like her enthusiasm and attempts to do stuff on her own.  Maybe Mary favored her a bit because her mom and dad weren't married when she was born, and she felt her daughter needed her support.  I'm not at all sure Mary is OK with the 'breed like rabbits' philosophy of her son, but once the kids are here, she loves them.  I was sick when I learned my son had fathered a child out of wedlock, but I love my little grandson to pieces, and not just because his parents eventually did marry.

  • Love 5

I know many people don't like Amy but I sure do. On her FB or Instagam site (can't remember which one), she writes frankly about her parents not being married when she was born. I like her enthusiasm and attempts to do stuff on her own. Maybe Mary favored her a bit because her mom and dad weren't married when she was born, and she felt her daughter needed her support. I'm not at all sure Mary is OK with the 'breed like rabbits' philosophy of her son, but once the kids are here, she loves them. I was sick when I learned my son had fathered a child out of wedlock, but I love my little grandson to pieces, and not just because his parents eventually did marry.

I think another contributing factor is that Amy and Deanna seem to spend time with Mary because they love her, whereas Boob basically has there as live-in help. I do think that Mary loves all of her grandkids, but I think she does seem to gravitate towards the ones who need her the most. Amy, whose parents weren't married until she was an adult probably needed her a lot, because I'm assuming Deanna worked. Joy was the original lost girl, who always seems happy to have any kind of affection and kindness thrown her way and I think Mary always picked up on that. Also, these two have a lot of spunk and personality, which I think she gets a kick out of.

As for Jessa, a previous poster brought up that she might have fit into that misfit role as well. It's true that she's different from the family. She's not very good at keeping sweet, she likes to speak her mind, she's not exuding maternal love. The only Gothard-approved quality she has is that she's pretty. I like Jessa a lot, and I think Mary likes her spunk. I haven't noticed as many interactions between the two of them as I have noticed her having with Joy, but I do think that Mary has a genuine fondness for Jessa.

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Here's is one theory I have about Jessa (not saying it's right but still ). Jessa was born when J'chelle already had four kids and was probably not as easy as Jill which was not good for Mullet. She might have brought mommy more stress and did not get any better as more kids came. Then, later on, to get any attention at all she had to be spunky and assertive or else be walked all over by the others. Michelle was more wrapped up in her pregnancies and her own problems to care about Blessa at all IMO. Thus, we have the present day Jessa who inside probably feels that hey, her mom never cared enough for her so why should she reciprocate, loves he never got.

  • Love 6

Just took a look (can't sleep) at Jessa's Instagram, and girlfriend is so pregnant. She's conspicuously absent from any group photos; the only recent one of her shows only her knee, her hair, and the spare tire she was talking about changing. Wonder why they're waiting to announce; I was surprised that Josiah's announcement preceded hers.

And yes, it's just the Examiner, but here:


Edited by Literata
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I'm hoping that Jess and Bin are just playing with us and enjoying watching the "Is she or isn't she?" posts all over the internet.


And, because I'm apparently behind the times, what's the 'Josiah announcement'?


ETA:  I went to the newly created Josiah and Marjorie thread to find that 18 year old Josiah (who likes to be called Si) is courting 17 year old Marjorie (who is Hispanic, better educated than the Duggar clan, and seems to be a lovely girl who is about to get a boatload of probably unwanted attention).  Best of luck to both of them, no matter how it all turns out.

Edited by Zahdii
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I really, really, really don't want Jessa to be pregnant but on the other hand I hope that if she's not pregnant she isn't reading the internet posts about it. I know it would be really hard on me to see posts saying 'oh yea - look at that paunch in her belly. she must be pregnant' if I wasn't. 

  • Love 6

I'm not sure Jessa is ready for kids. She seems like she'd be disgusted with all of it, pregnancy (I now understand why people say it sucks so much), labor, diapers, crying, feeding, and then if they get sick, it's just a lot of work. I also kinda feel like Ben would be closer to the kids than she would. Not that that's a bad thing obviously, just a thought.

Edited by Apple Clark
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In her latest video she didn't look pregnant to me.


What video? I haven't seen any video of her, I don't think, so I obviously missed something!


She's been married for five months, and is not doing anything to prevent pregnancy. If she's not pregnant now, odds are very good that she'll be pregnant at some point within the first year. But I'm still betting that she's well on her way to an August or September due date. 

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Saw this on FJ.  I don't know when this was taken and by whom but I'm surprised it's out there since there was a pic from Nashville where her stomach was hidden behind Bin and his latest IG post has him holding a hat that hides her tummy.  The changing tire video only shows her knees and boots.



  • Love 2

Saw this on FJ. I don't know when this was taken and by whom but I'm surprised it's out there since there was a pic from Nashville where her stomach was hidden behind Bin and his latest IG post has him holding a hat that hides her tummy. The changing tire video only shows her knees and boots.


Well, that most certainly looks like a baby bump to me. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a double announcement tonight. So when do we get to start the Blessa's Blessing pool?

Edited by truelovekiss
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Betting? Or the actual pool Jill will help her deliver in?

I was referring to the one where we all guess and win the honor of being right, but a birthing pool might not be a bad idea either. I hear Jill has one, I'm sure it's in mint condition. There's no way she'll need it back before Jessa delivers, if she is currently pregnant.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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