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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I figure the parent selfie is their way of publicly showing support for Jessa. Jessa has had a rough week with the media and when she posted that selfie, everyone's first thought was "She's rebelling! Hallelujah!" This is a show of support for their daughter publicly and probably a private "We are still driving this bus."

  • Love 4

I wish I could have heard that convo!

It was kind of fun to be in on what was essentially a teenage rebellion moment. And Jessa knew she would get away with it because it's a place her parents haven't shown any maturity beyond 15 year olds themselves.

But I know there were words exchanged. Their livelihood is on the line, and this picture and the fake blog (which is unfortunate) is probably making JB's famous temper fray.

Jessa and Ben will have a choice - they can fall in line or they can always go their own way. But most teenagers who poke their parents aren't quite mature enough to actually leave the nest - it's the ones who don't need to poke who can and do.

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Maybe, Jellybeans, or just plain 'ol jealousy and wanting some attention for themselves bc the press has been all about Jessa and Ben.

Nah, Boob/Mechelle copied Benessa's pic to the most minute of details, down to the filters. Totally damage control. Add to that the trauma to either Jana or Jinger, who most likely took that picture. Jessa is a pro at selfies; Mechelle, not so much.


edited because it duplicated my response and I now can't get rid of the quote box below. WTF??? :/

  • Love 3

Everyone's sucking face these days.




A week after the wedding Jessa and Ben appeared to be visiting  Josh and wife Anna in Washington DC.  Josh shared a photo on Saturday.



and .... ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even....



That's the TTH. Smuggar "preached" at the Church of the Holy Plane Hangar this morning.


eta: the Boob/Mechelle pic was choreographed right down to the hand behind the neck and filters. Can you say Damage Control? I wonder if Jessa doesn't even know about the blog, but did find out about the response to the pic and made that the basis of her passive-aggressive IG dig? She was deleting "negative" comments pretty much as quickly as they were posted, so she was obviously not honeymooning.


I suspect that they got a weekend at a hotel, and Bin was back to school/"work" Monday or Tuesday. Jessa posted that pic on Wednesday (IIRC), so they were definitely home by then since she had time to delete/ban people (apparently myself included).

Edited by Sew Sumi

I can just hear Jessa telling anyone who will hear "I was only kissing my husband, I don't know WHAT the big deal is" about her instagram picture. She's really starting to remind me of Farrah from Teen Mom- "I was only gone for the entire night, my infant daughter doesn't need me 24/7."

Edited by PinkSprinkles
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Too bad if they're back. I was hoping the 3-week honeymoon scenario really was in play and that they'd have a chance not only to get to know each other in private, but also do any scheming necessary to plan out their lives.  Makes me wonder if her pregnancy announcement is forthcoming in short order.

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As much as I don't like to defend the Duggars, I don't even get that allegation. Seriously -- they think that Ben and Jessa just went for a quickie in the closet in the probably 10 min they had to themselves? I imagine they walked of church, maybe had a few min to themselves, then maybe took another few min to get themselves fixed up to either walk out to do hours of pictures (if they didn't do them first) or to go straight to the parking lot for their ice cream. The only time they would have had would have been right after they walked out and before they had to re-join the families to move onto whatever was next in the agenda.

Say they even had 15 min -- that isn't enough time to get out of that kind of dress unless you tear it, which you can't before the reception. I realize it doesn't take more than 1-2 min to do the deed esp for a first timer, but how realistic is it that Ben whipped it out and was able to get it under the miles of fabric of her dress, and without having a visual find the right area and um -- penetrate someone who isn't used to that?? This isn't a couple whose gone at it for 5 yrs that can get it done quick. I'm sure there was awkward fumbling the first time, which was probably hard enough in a hotel room, lying down, while "looking" at what goes where and being able to tell Ben what hurts. I call BS on whoever thinks they got it done so efficiently right there in the church. Plus Jessa (and I think fundie girls generally) gossip and whisper about sex, so they have some ideas about the horrifying parts of it. I'm kind of sure that Jessa has heard that the first time can hurt for a woman and she can bleed. I don't see her being so dumb as attempting something painful minutes before she needs to be smiling for pictures. Nor do I see her being so dumb as to attempt something that could cause her to bleed all over her white dress for all the guests to see.

Maybe the part about "Jinger opened the closet door, had a horrified look on her face, and closed it" is true. But let's be honest, Jinger is the master of exaggerated faces, rolling eyes etc. I could imagine her opening the door and seeing them still lip locked or maybe even French kissing with maybe a hand touching a breast or a butt and her getting that "OMG" look on her face and shutting the door -- esp if she had been expecting to see nothing or seeing a chaste little kiss. Then you have some fundie hanger-oner who sees Jinger's face and manufactures the whole story that she could ONLY be making that face bc she has just seeing Ben "penetrate" Jessa.

This reminds me of the Simpsons where Mrs Krabapple was kissing Principal Skinner in the janitor's closet. The school kids all got a glimpse for a second, then told their parents. Ralphie's was the best- "they were making babies & I saw one of the babies & it looked right at me". Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Jessa responds to the allegation that she consummated her marriage during the reception: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."  It's a passage from the New Testament that she posted on Instagram.  Man, the chick who made the allegation is getting a lot of traction.  I'm no Duggar lover, but it's a shame that someone could taint Jessa's wedding that way.  


You're absolutely right - it's a shame Jessa and Ben's wedding was tainted.  But before I blame some satirical blogger, I blame the Duggars themselves.  I graduated high school a virgin.  I can tell you with 100% certainty, that my mother did not once say to family/friends/acquaintances/strangers - "You know, Redhead is a virgin.  Society is too permissive, but our Redhead is a good girl."  And believe me, my parents' circle of friends/family was loaded with high-school drop outs, unwed mothers, and slackers, while I was a college freshmen virgin - my mom could have used me to brag on and show others how superior she was as a mother, and I as a daughter.  But she didn't - because she's modest - a word the Duggars misuse constantly.


The easiest way to keep people out of your sex life - don't talk about it.  If you don't want folks speculating on your daughter's lost virginity - stop talking about it.  These "modest" girls throw words like "sex" and "virgin" around utterly blasé, while I used to blush just thinking about them.  That is not modest.  And the fact that people on Instagram are saying things like - "Good for you Jessa.  You show them there's nothing wrong with a married couple kissing!! <3<3<3" - makes me sick.  It's a dog whistle to certain segments of the population, just like The War on Christmas.


You know what else there's nothing wrong with and is absolutely natural and everybody does - masturbation.  But I don't want to see you do it, or hear it, or read about it, or see pictures of it.  The kissing pictures are meant as pure titillation, but most of us have seen or had sex, so we can snicker at how silly they're being.  But if you're a stay-at-home daughter, waiting for prince charming and kissing your stuffed animal - this is fundy porn, and those watching are made voyeurs.


I have had close friends who are Mormon and Muslim.  They are just as modest and chaste as the Duggars claim to be.  And after marriage, they did not feel the need to share kissing selfie pics, kiss in front of their chaste family members, or speak of sex/chastity/virginity before, during, or after marriage.  It's weird and that's why this all bothers me.  I can't help but think that Jessa and Michelle (can't tell yet with Jill) are really just going to town with this intimacy to rub it in their less fortunate sisters'/daughters' faces.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 12
Why would JB & Michelle text a selfie of themselves lip-locked to Jessa on her honeymoon? Are they trying to compete with their daughter and new son-in-law? That is the height of narcissistic and inappropriate.


That copycat kissing photo just PROVES that MEchelle hit the roof about the "racy" Jessa/Bin black and white pic.  Why else would she go to the trouble of upstaging her newly married daughter? And SENDING it to her on her honeymoon? What a selfish, selfish woman.  

  • Love 4

I think we need to have a forum policy that requires we put a big, all-caps disclaimer when links to pictures may lead our fellow snarkers to experience the following: losing our lunches, spewing beverages all over our keyboards, trauma, psychological damage and night terrors. There's only so much brain bleach to go around:)


I propose "ADIDAS!"  Or maybe "ASICS!"

  • Love 1

You're absolutely right - it's a shame Jessa and Ben's wedding was tainted. But before I blame some satirical blogger, I blame the Duggars themselves. I graduated high school a virgin. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that my mother did not once say to family/friends/acquaintances/strangers - "You know, Redhead is a virgin. Society is too permissive, but our Redhead is a good girl." And believe me, my parents' circle of friends/family was loaded with high-school drop outs, unwed mothers, and slackers, while I was a college freshmen virgin - my mom could have used me to brag on and show others how superior she was as a mother, and I as a daughter. But she didn't - because she's modest - a word the Duggars misuse constantly.

The easiest way to keep people out of your sex life - don't talk about it. If you don't want folks speculating on your daughter's lost virginity - stop talking about it. These "modest" girls throw words like "sex" and "virgin" around utterly blasé, while I used to blush just thinking about them. That is not modest. And the fact that people on Instagram are saying things like - "Good for you Jessa. You show them there's nothing wrong with a married couple kissing!! <3<3<3" - makes me sick. It's a dog whistle to Evangelicals, just like The War on Christmas.

You know what else there's nothing wrong with and is absolutely natural and everybody does - masturbation. But I don't want to see you do it, or hear it, or read about it, or see pictures of it. The kissing pictures are meant as pure titillation, but most of us have seen or had sex, so we can snicker at how silly they're being. But if you're a stay-at-home daughter, waiting for prince charming and kissing your stuffed animal - this is fundy porn, and those watching are made voyeurs.

I have had close friend who are Mormon and Muslim. They are just as modest and chaste as the Duggars claim to be. And after marriage, they did not feel the need to share kissing selfie pics, kiss in front of their chaste family members, or speak of sex/chastity/virginity before, during, or after marriage. It's weird and that's why this all bothers me. I can't help but think that Jessa and Michelle (can't tell yet with Jill) are really just going to town with this intimacy to rub it in their less fortunate sisters'/daughters' faces.

I agree. The Duggars always talk about being pure and that sex and kissing is only for marriage and making babies. I don't feel bad about this rumor. When your image is sex then that's the reaction you're going to get. When I lost my virginity nobody knew. I didn't brag about and I didn't talk about to anyone except my husband because I was marrying him. From the comments everyone knows when Jill and Jessa had sex. Everyone knows the Duggar kids are virgins and can't interact with people. I would think that would be embarrassing for the whole world to know when you lost your virginity and you're going to get pregnant on the honeymoon. But I can't feel bad when they're making money off of sex

  • Love 5

Ok, just what the heck die I see? Ewww!! Now my brains are really scrambled about these folks. Just can't figure them out, and that's probably just what they want, too..anything for publicity at this point is my opinion. This family is and has been a business for quite some time now. It's sad that their complimenting public doesn't get that. I could hear Jim Bob say, "hey, let's post our own kissing photo like Jessa and Ben!". Don't tell me these two aren't all over the internet every day reading all about themselves and the "kids". Jim Bob and Michelle make it their 'business' to do so because that's their income and they want to keep it going and protect it for all it's worth. I think that is a passive/aggressive silent statement that they made in response to Jessa and Ben's provocative photo, remember, we are talking about the professional virgin daughters, the Duggar older girls here. Michelle and Jim Bob posted this, IMO, to silently state their approval that a married couple can do whatever they like...etc., but I do believe privately, it's another story. They will NEVER publicly speak out against any of their blood family, EVER.. they will protect the cocoon of domestic happiness first and always. I don't think, however her parents are happy with that photo. Their modesty dressing standards still apply, apparently after marriage too, so why would Jessa publicly post a photo of herself and Ben "clothed in NIKE!"? We will never know this family for real and for who and what they are because that's the way they want it. They don't want to know us, and never will, because they aren't interested in knowing anyone, really, who isn't like them and has the same lifestyle and beliefs...do not want to taint their kids with interaction, friendships with those who think differently.

They stand behind each other and will never 'out' each other. Jim Bob and Michelle wear pretty good masks publicly, IMO.

Oh, I did wonder why Michelle and Jim Bob are fully clothed in their photo. Looks awkward to me.

  • Love 6

I think Jim Bob and Michelle are trying to prove that they are still relevant and sexual.

As a 44 year old woman, wife and mother, I do understand that.

BUT, it's in poor taste. Wrong time. Wrong place.

It comes off as silly and childish. Not to mention jealous. And attention seeking.

It was kinda Nike, ya know? Jim Bob looking all horny and all... (Is it getting hot in here?)My husband didn't like me looking at Jim Bob all lustfully...

And their picture wasn't very good either. They should've had Jinger help out or something. Jim Bob looks tense and it wasn't flattering of Michelle's skin.

Michelle is 48

Jessa should have worn her hair in that beautiful updo/bun for her wedding. It would have looked better for her wedding, and I don't want to open the "Jill's wedding hair" can of worms, she should have done the same thing.. maybe it wouldn't have looked so damaged, dirty and messy on her wedding day.

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I'm starting to think that there is nothing that the Duggars won't do for the sake of their tv show. If it includes all of the married couples kissing, dry humping, leading a show on how because they are all so pure until marriage that they have sexier sex than anybody else ...they'll go for it. Hopefully some of these pics will cause them to lose a few viewers, they really are full of themselves. 

  • Love 3

That copycat kissing photo just PROVES that MEchelle hit the roof about the "racy" Jessa/Bin black and white pic.  Why else would she go to the trouble of upstaging her newly married daughter? And SENDING it to her on her honeymoon? What a selfish, selfish woman.  

I don't think she was trying to upstage her daughter.  I think the pic was a show of solidarity WITH her daughter.  There was so much (rightful) hoopla over Jessa's pic and I think staging the exact same pic was a way of defending their daughter.  That's Duggar logic, not mine.  

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I think Michelle just wants the attention.  She can't have any more babies and all the attention being put on her daughters is getting in the way.  I also think Boob is a very creepy and controlling man.  If my father was that involved in my dating and sex life, I would be mortified.  I cannot imagine that an outsider would want to be involved in this family. I hope one of the girls escapes and gets away from this whole Dugger religion. 


Also - just want to add that I think Josie has some developmental issues.  God forgive me for saying this -- but she looks different from the other children.


Anna has really come into her own.  I hope her and Josh continue to make strides in raising their family THEIR way.  I'm glad they moved to DC

Edited by MissT
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WTF is wrong with these people!?


Ok -- maybe Jessa and Ben shouldn't have posted that photo, but at the end of the day they are horny 22 and 18 yr olds "enjoying" each other for the first time, and in this day and age there are lots of people their age who think nothing is private and if it isn't on social media, it didn't happen. Fine. But for her almost 50 yr old parents to be copying her pose and her kiss just reeks for a desperation to stay relevant. Get over it -- you had your youth, now it's her time and she will do things you do not like -- get over it. I don't care if it's damage control or somehow TLC related or whatever, if a PR person even suggested doing something like this -- most normal parents would be embarrassed and say no, even if they later had a quiet talk with their married daughter about how it's better to be discrete and better to be a lady in the streets even if you are a freak in the bed. Why wouldn't Jessa just roll her eyes and ignore that pic, why did she post it??


As for what the blogger has said re them consummating at the wedding that's apparently now gotten picked up in other media, ok it was uncalled for and there's no way to post "we consummated in room 510 of the Marriott, get a load of what our sheets looked like after,' how do the kissing pics -- hers or mom/dad or Josh/Anna do anything to change what's being said? I don't even see what the damage control is there. If anything they say "we're married, we can do what we want." Ok -- well someone who wants to believe it will say, you were married at the church, maybe you did what you wanted there too.


Where was the kissing pic with Josh and Anna taken -- doesn't it look like the Duggar home? Does that mean the honeymoon is over -- I thought they'd have 3 wks of seclusion?

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Another article stated that Jim Bob and Michelle texted that awful photo of themselves back to Jessa, who texted hers to them first. Either way, I don't care if you are the spiritual/moral conscience of the world, or the most famous atheist out there, (apologies to both groups, I'm making a point) it's just plain WRONG for children and parents to send one another photos such as these to anyone let alone each other. What modest person does that? They are a myriad of contradiction yet again.

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It’s beyond annoying that these people think they are the only virgins on the planet.  Look around -- you live in the Bible belt where there are lots of religious people who wait until they are married.  As do many LDS, Muslims, Orthodox Jews etc.  The difference is no one discusses their sex life, so you don’t know.  In normal families, a girl would be mortified if her dad knew or thought about whether her anatomy down there had been changed a bit -- whether there was a ring on the finger or not.


Honestly just this week a long time friend came to me looking very nervous and shy and asked for a dr (GYN) recommendation; I happily gave it to her and asked if everything was ok (health wise) and she very shyly shared that she needs to see someone but bc she hasn’t been “active,” she’s definitely had a hard time with GYNs who maybe don’t believe her or are dismissive.  This is a woman in her 30s who is a great friend, well educated, professional and religious but not overtly -- who you wouldn’t think was a virgin; guess what she is and it really has nothing to do with anyone else.  The fact that the Duggars really think they are SO special for waiting is beyond ridiculous.

  • Love 8

Josh's main qualification is that he has credibility in these subcultures and can go into them and do fundraising and get them to vote Republican. Contrary to popular belief, many don't vote at all, or vote for a third party. Sending in a regular, highly educated DC type won't work.

(Says another DC political activist on the other side of the political aisle.)

If you remember that Jessa is behaving like a teenager, her sending that photo makes total sense. And I still an 100% certain that the parents sending theirs out is damage control.

I wonder if the honeymoon was cut short because of the picture? If JB was footing the bill, that might explain how they suddenly ended up in the TTH kitchen right after it went out.

  • Love 3

But the damage control is what thought? "This is how married people behave -- looks here's proof?" It just makes them look stupid and childish.


You may be right the honeymoon was cut short due to that pic as well as the general controversy re consummation. Why would you say you have a 3 week honeymoon if you knew you'd be back in 1 week? They are minor celebrities and the chances of being seen are too great to do that. If the honeymoon was cut short, that sucks. To go from a nice hotel (lodge; motel 6 whatever) where you had the privacy to lie in bed all day to being back in the TTH shed and having to eat meals with 18 other people looking at you thinking "they're having sex" really has to suck. That pic on Wed gave the impression that they hadn't left the bed since Sat. I guess that's over since JB will create "work" for Ben and Jessa will at least have to be up, even if she's doing nothing.

Josh's main qualification is that he has credibility in these subcultures and can go into them and do fundraising and get them to vote Republican. Contrary to popular belief, many don't vote at all, or vote for a third party. Sending in a regular, highly educated DC type won't work.

(Says another DC political activist on the other side of the political aisle.)

If you remember that Jessa is behaving like a teenager, her sending that photo makes total sense. And I still an 100% certain that the parents sending theirs out is damage control.

I wonder if the honeymoon was cut short because of the picture? If JB was footing the bill, that might explain how they suddenly ended up in the TTH kitchen right after it went out.


I really hope their honeymoon wasn't cut short because of the picture. If that did happen what it would amount to is being punished/grounded by Mom and Dad. These are now married people. The idea that Chelle/JB feel like they have the right to say 'you are misbehaving - you have to come home now' is just horrifying. 


Edited to add... Re: consummating in the church... ok there have been many great posts about how it's incredibly unlikely that it would even have been possible (not enough time, huge dress, virgins doing a standing quickie seems unlikely etc. But let's say it's true. Aside from the stupidity of not locking the door (if you believe Jinger walked in)... who really cares? Of course it's stupid and kind of icky - but it's their business. 

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 1

I really hope their honeymoon wasn't cut short because of the picture. If that did happen what it would amount to is being punished/grounded by Mom and Dad. These are now married people. The idea that Chelle/JB feel like they have the right to say 'you are misbehaving - you have to come home now' is just horrifying. 

I hope not either. IMO, neither the picture nor the wedding sex story are really that big of a deal. There have been rumors and crazy stories about the Duggars floating around on the internet for years. Jessa's selfie is hardly the first one on Instagram of a married couple kissing. I don't know why the media is doing all this pearl-clutching. I get the argument that they're being hypocrites about modesty, but the obsession with modesty seems to be a Michelle thing, not a Jessa thing.


If they were forced to come home early, this should be a HUGE wake-up call to Bin. He might finally realize that living off Daddy Duggar means he's basically selling his soul, integrity and freedom to be a part of the dog and pony show. And for what? A windowless room in a warehouse and a job scrubbing filthy toilets? If I were Bin I'd be doubling up on my online classes right about now.

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I also don't understand why the Duggars think staying a virgin until marriage is such an accomplishment when the kids get married young and are dating/engaged for rather short periods of time.  How old are Jessa and Ben?  19 and 22?  Plenty of non-fundamentalists don't have a sexual experience until the age of 19 or their early 20s (like most of my friends).  It's really not that amazing.  I also think it's more of an accomplishment if you are allowed to date, go to college, etc. and make the conscious decision to remain chaste.  But it's not so much if you simply never are given the opportunity to have sex...


Modesty is also not constantly publicizing kissing photos, regardless of if you are married or not.

  • Love 14

I hope not either. IMO, neither the picture nor the wedding sex story are really that big of a deal. There have been rumors and crazy stories about the Duggars floating around on the internet for years. Jessa's selfie is hardly the first one on Instagram of a married couple kissing. I don't know why the media is doing all this pearl-clutching. I get the argument that they're being hypocrites about modesty, but the obsession with modesty seems to be a Michelle thing, not a Jessa thing.


If they were forced to come home early, this should be a HUGE wake-up call to Bin. He might finally realize that living off Daddy Duggar means he's basically selling his soul, integrity and freedom to be a part of the dog and pony show. And for what? A windowless room in a warehouse and a job scrubbing filthy toilets? If I were Bin I'd be doubling up on my online classes right about now.

The difference here though is that Jessa sort of took part in starting some controversy by posting that pic, when she could just have enjoyed time with Ben for 3 weeks and kept it off social media altogether or just posted "clean" pics like Jill/Derick did with some scenery. When Josh's whole "sin in the camp" thing happened years ago, it didn't start with Josh posting something on social media; nor was the family so famous then so People and US Weekly weren't picking up every action like they are now. The Duggars depend on those paychecks and it's possible that JB freaked out and called them home, which is quite easy to do if you're paying for said hotel/lodge etc. -- you can just cut off the payment so they won't have a room the next night.


Sorry but this is what happens when a man "takes" from his wife's parents after marriage, he is beholden to them. If JB doesn't like something, it ain't happening no matter what headship Ben may or may not want. I hope this is a wake up call to Ben and Jessa that even if they stay in the shed for now, they must use that time to create their own life. I don't mean create a family -- probably better if they don't right away though it's possible that's done already -- but use this time to finish online classes or whatever and get your own job that affords you your own home. While they are young and uneducated, I really think they can do it; it's not like I think Ben has to go to med school -- hell he could pick up a job like Chad Paine working in some metal shop and that would be enough to afford your own 2 bedroom house, your own small vacations etc. without having to rely on JB and constantly wondering whether he is happy with you or not.

  • Love 7

Everyone's sucking face these days.




A week after the wedding Jessa and Ben appeared to be visiting  Josh and wife Anna in Washington DC.  Josh shared a photo on Saturday.



and .... ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't even....



ewww!!!!!! wasn't enough warning. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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