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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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Are they in pony tails? I assumed she has the hair pulled into a clip of some kind at the nape of her neck.

I could be wrong, but it looks like she's trying to rock a side pony.  Aint working.  


I think I see streaks in Jessa's hair.  Anybody else see them?  Highlights, hugging and kissing, oh my!

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And Guinn's dress doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother others. It's not that I love it but she did seem to try to fit into the color scheme of the wedding with the lavender/grey/pastel color where Michelle just sticks out with the blue. I like Michelle's dress... I just don't think it went well with the wedding and usually MOB's try to at least be in the color palate. 

It was probably some friend they go to do it for free so they may not be professional enough to properly stage the pictures.

I don't get the color of Michelle's dress either. At least she didn't show up in a suit of armor this time, the next logical step from the last outfit. 


The "pregnant" group picture is just odd. It's almost somebody's backhanded slap to Jessa, but I suspect it wasn't intended that way. Jill, with her arched back, bright dress, and magnificent crown (ha, ha), steals all of Jessa's thunder in this shot. 

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Jill, with her arched back, bright dress, and magnificent crown (ha, ha), steals all of Jessa's thunder in this shot.


The thing is, if I didn't know she was pregnant, I would just think she was fat with bad posture. She doesn't actually LOOK pregnant to me. She's at that stage of pregancy where pregnant people try to hide in photos because they don't look their normal selves but aren't really showing a baby bump either. 

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Is is just me or does Jessa's dress look whiter on the fan site than it did in initial pictures? I didn't like either bridesmaid dress much. 

I can't blame Jill for her shoes. They look comfy and I'm glad she didn't go barefoot and pregnant. Since she's pregnant, I don't care that she didn't don heels. 

Michelle looks much better than she did at Jill's wedding. However I think Guin was trying to go with the wedding color scheme. I think Guinn is attractive, but there she looks harried and sleep-deprived. Second thoughts?


For someone in his mid-20s, Josh just doesn't look well at all. I mean he's what now - 26? He's not photographing "healthy" in print OR on film right now, IMO. Most 20-somethings I know - even the overweight ones - look MUCH better. Maybe this photo can be chalked up to a frantic schedule, not much rest etc. But he really looks unwell. Greasy, puffy-faced, exhausted, very poor color. Time for another checkup.

Edited by NausetGirl
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Re: the photo above, I'd like to buy Jill:


1. A better bra. The girls need a little help, and will need even more support as the pregnancy continues. 

2. SHOES. For the love of God, REAL SHOES.

3. A haircut. With a deep-conditioning treatment thrown in for good measure.

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The dangling piece of fabric is just so ugly.  I guess it could work as a bib, if napkins aren't available.


It's not a flattering style for some of the bridesmaid's body types. Namely the pregnant one, and the flat chested non-Duggar. 


And Mrs. Seewald just looks tired. Being married to a douche canoe must zap the life blood right out of you. 

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I like the trend of choosing a color and letting each bridesmaid pick a style that suits her body shape and height. It's impossible to find a dress that looks good on 10 different women, particuarly a clingy dress with a lot of ruching. It looked especially bad on Jill's expanding chest and mid-section. If bridesmaids dresses are all identical, then shoes should all be a reasonably similar style as well. Maybe by the time one of the littles ties the knot, a Duggar bride will get it entirely right. By then they'll have so many nieces and nephews, they'll have wedding parties in the triple digits.

Edited by Hpmec
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I've never been pregnant.. but to me it would seem that if Jill tried to turn into Derrick any more then her stomach would get in the way and they couldn't get as close.  With her positioned the way she is, Derrick can stand right next to her side without her stomach getting in the way. 


Also her arm/hand position in the couples photo with the parents, to me it just seems like one of those awkward "i don't know what to do with my arms!" type of pose.  When posing for a picture you really do feel awkward with just your hands at your side. 

Edited by gunderda
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Yes, Jill, for the 9,834,928,662 time we know you're pregnant. You can stop with the exaggerated swayback posture now. We'd hate to see you get a herniated disk.


Yes!! I'll never believe Jill is NOT deliberately pushing her belly out for the cameras.  Who naturally holds a bouquet on the side like that?  She wants that belly seen.

Edited by NausetGirl
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The thing is, if I didn't know she was pregnant, I would just think she was fat with bad posture. She doesn't actually LOOK pregnant to me. She's at that stage of pregancy where pregnant people try to hide in photos because they don't look their normal selves but aren't really showing a baby bump either. 

I've noticed that some of the Duggar girls, especially Jill, have that pelvic tilt thing going on, where they let their butts and stomachs stick out instead of standing up straight. I think that's where a lot of her "baby bump" comes from, especially in the earlier pregnancy pictures.

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Here's another photo of just the young married couples. Jill is NOT going to turn her stomach away for the cameras and where is Derrick's tie?


So much fail in this photo.

Bin continues to look like a tool.

Michelle must have read all of the comments on her aluminum monstrosity of a dress and decided to wear something understated

She looks OK here, for her. Not great, but better than the tin foil dress.

I may get a lot of flack for this, but pregnancy does not agree with Jill AT ALL.

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OMG just the sheer brilliance of the flowers behind Jill's head looking like a crown!!!!!!!!! She will forever be Queen JIll-married a Godly man and is pregnant----see, see, see the belly. 


And after I really looked at Guinn's hair I couldn't keep from thinking what in Hee Haw hell is that hairstyle? These people really need a stylist.

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Jill seems to have the Kim Kardashian not Kourtney luck with pregnancy. I'm a mean person because I'm sort of enjoying that she's experiencing some discomfort with her pregnancy because it will make her a better midwife if she ever finishes her studies. I always had the sense that she was a bit unsympathetic with the moms and wondered how many wanted to slap her when she said just breathe. I do like her but a bit of reality might help to make her examine her beliefs and soften some of that rigid Duggar belief system in which she is so entrenched.

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Agree - if Boob has feet issues, that would excuse the shoes. But I'm sorry to say I don't think that's the situation here. It just completely seems like his speed to wear these shoes. In some of their mega-church appearances, when he's also in a suit and tie, I think I've seen him in polished dress shoes.

Maybe he misplaced his dress shoes at the church and had to borrow a pair from his buddy, Gil Bates?

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Having had the type of morning/noon/and night sickness that sometimes left me on the floor afraid to move for fear of how violent it can be, I think there are other and easier ways to learn empathy in childbirth, although I agree that going through it does give you some amazing insight!

I feel so badly for Jill. If that's the best picture they had (and I'm assuming it is, if they released it to the media, or else Jessa is really REALLY devious!) how badly must she feel?

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The "Duggars in Love" photo is a monumental fail.


Jill is taller and has a bigger face than Jessa's. A large face is a plus on camera. It also appears that she and Derrick are farther forward in the picture. That with Jill's  bright dress and the crown of flowers, which could have been easily removed from the final photo but wasn't, makes Jill the center of Jessa's picture. No reputable professional photographer would let this happen. The Duggars really ought to shell out some money for pros to take their publicity shots. 

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Looks like the happy, horny couple is honeymooning somewhere a bit chilly.

I hate knowing they did nothing sexual prior to marriage. Maybe it's my problem, but I look at them and giggle like a teen. "They're doing IT." The Duggars sexualize themselves more than anyone I know.

You beat me to the punch DamWrite I was just going to post the link. I was reading some of the comments most are nice but one girl is saying that's she's friends with Jessa.Get this Jessa is supposedly pregnant. Yeah right.

Did y'all know that Jessa is a nurse??? According to the "friend". Also Jana and Jill go to college.Yeah right.Some people will do anything to be in the spotlight.

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I'll take a stab and guess they're somewhere in the Smokey Mountains; possibly Gatlinburg, or maybe near Asheville, NC. Jessa's not dressed like she's in Florida, and the Smokies seem very Jessa-like. A lot of people honeymoon there.

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 I was reading some of the comments most are nice but one girl is saying that's she's friends with Jessa.Get this Jessa is supposedly pregnant. Yeah right.


Of course she is.......she's been married 6 days.

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That's a tight top on Jessa in the Instagram fan photo. Now that she's no longer under Boob's authority, I would not be surprised to see her in very unDuggarlike clothing. She'll now be dressing to please a horny 19-year-old, and her parents can't do a thing about it.

Edited by Hpmec
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I'll take a stab and guess they're somewhere in the Smokey Mountains; possibly Gatlinburg, or maybe near Asheville, NC. Jessa's not dressed like she's in Florida, and the Smokies seem very Jessa-like. A lot of people honeymoon there.

I'd say that's a pretty good guess!

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So much fail in this photo.

Bin continues to look like a tool.

Michelle must have read all of the comments on her aluminum monstrosity of a dress and decided to wear something understated

She looks OK here, for her. Not great, but better than the tin foil dress.

I may get a lot of flack for this, but pregnancy does not agree with Jill AT ALL.

Michelle looks better here than I think we've ever seen her - clothing wise.

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Looks like the happy, horny couple is honeymooning somewhere a bit chilly.

I hate knowing they did nothing sexual prior to marriage. Maybe it's my problem, but I look at them and giggle like a teen. "They're doing IT." The Duggars sexualize themselves more than anyone I know.

Jessa is all chin isn't she? Love the clueless commenters on Instagram. Especially the one so enraged that she called someone retarded for making a negative comment. I guess God doesn't love the mentally challenged.

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Looks like the happy, horny couple is honeymooning somewhere a bit chilly.  


I hate knowing they did nothing sexual prior to marriage.  Maybe it's my problem, but I look at them and giggle like a teen.  "They're doing IT."  The Duggars sexualize themselves more than anyone I know.


I do the same. I actually sit and predict how traumatized they are.  They are hymen-free.  I look for tale-tale signs they've done it.  Which I never find, but still.  


I also laugh at the comments. "OMG y'all are so perfect!"  " God bless you, can you follow me?"  Like Jessa and Ben are going to sit down on their honeymoon, and start looking through some 14 year old girls Insta...


Then again, they are at Cracker Barrel on their honeymoon.  Not knocking.  I'm from the south and love me some CB. For shopping and eating.

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Looks like the happy, horny couple is honeymooning somewhere a bit chilly.

I hate knowing they did nothing sexual prior to marriage. Maybe it's my problem, but I look at them and giggle like a teen. "They're doing IT." The Duggars sexualize themselves more than anyone I know.

Me too. When I lost virginity nobody knew I did except my husband. It's creepy the the whole world knows not only you're a virgin but you never kissed and you're having unprotected sex trying to get pregnant.

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Geez....I suppose a lot of people could have thought "Wow, they're doing it!" when my husband and I were on our honeymoon, as we had made no secret of our waiting until we were married. But you know what? After 25 years, I can say with total honesty that I'm not sorry that I did. And we certainly would have been the first to burst out laughing if anyone had said we were "so perfect."

Ben and Jessa's marriage won't last because they waited or didn't wait, but for every person on that Instagram who looks at Ben kissing her on the cheek and fawns over her, I'm equally baffled by the comments of people who see only sex.

But that's me.

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I suspect that they are honeymooning somewhere cold - which this week and next is anywhere in the U.S. east of the Mississippi and south of Canada.  


And methinks Jessa has discovered the joy - and comfort - of a push-up bra in that Cracker Barrel pic - she also seems to be standing up straight which makes this a Duggar picture that does not cause my back to spasm in sympathy.


What gets me is those posed pictures.  Mechelle is hiding behind Jessa's dress, and Derick&Jill look like the same picture has been photoshopped into both of the couples pictures posted here, with the bouquet removed or added in one of them...  These people can't look genuine to me.

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Totally agree.


Sex is private between two consenting adults. The ENTIRE world knows way way too much about their sex life. I really feel the root of this is Jim Bob. I never thought of him as pervy. After all his groping Michelle and hyper focus on his daughter's sexuality....It really comes off as very icky and uncomfortable.


I grew up Fundamentalist Lite and there was NO fuss ever on what I did or didn't do with my husband prior to marriage. If you are old enough to date/court and get married, you are old enough.


Jim Bob comes off as very creepy.  Ding Ding.  Perv radar going off. Previously I just thought he was a clown and religious zealot. 


And truthfully, I don't like all Jessa's kissing pictures.  How is this modest?    How isn't pretty Jessa in a sexual act (a kiss) a turn on for young men?  Do you think just because you are married, that a teen boy won't be defruaded? Or a teen girl. I'm sure there are some teen girls thinking Ben is a hottie. 

I think Jessa is getting some sexual thrill from it....like look how naughty I am. She is very aware of how pretty she is and the pics are all perfect, like she is puprosely setting it up to be all sex kitten. She knows darn well that it's NIKE. 


Jessa has been so repressed her entire life that she is all mixed up. First touching is sinful and then she is essentially taking sensual pics of herself and posting them publically.

A therapist could give an in depth analysis of this mess. 

Edited by Marigold
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That's the most erotic Duggar kiss ever. With one selfie, Jessa has outdone 10 years of Boob and Mechelle PDA. If that's not a FU, I don't know what is.

Erotic?  Their lips are sealed up tighter than Kelsey's nuts.  You see erotic, I see chaste.

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The "Duggars in Love" photo is a monumental fail.


Jill is taller and has a bigger face than Jessa's. A large face is a plus on camera. It also appears that she and Derrick are farther forward in the picture. That with Jill's  bright dress and the crown of flowers, which could have been easily removed from the final photo but wasn't, makes Jill the center of Jessa's picture. No reputable professional photographer would let this happen. The Duggars really ought to shell out some money for pros to take their publicity shots. 


Agree - these shots were done by a semi-professional at most. I think [untrained] Jinger would have done better. Looks like Boob took the cheapo route again.

Edited by NausetGirl
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Yes, for as pretty as a wedding as I imagine Jessa had, and as lovely as we know she is in her dress, those are some dreadful pictures. That's too bad - my flower girls' mother told me not to skimp on the photos because at the end of the day, that's what you have to remember it by. She was right.

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The unfortunate photo is credited to David Welker and Melissa Brawner/TLC. I can't find anything on them except that they've done several of the Duggar wedding photos. I may have to assume that Welker and Brawner are not first-time photographers. Too bad. However, I wonder how much control the Duggars had over the choice of shots that were published. 


The photo of Jill with the crown of flowers on her head is a hoot, and does anyone else think she's holding out her bouquet like a scepter?

Good call, Msblossom. Indeed she is.

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Everyone's criticizing Jill's pose in the "crown" picture, but it's actually Derick who's out of synch.  He should be facing Jill (or copping a feel like Josh).  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Michelle was shouting out instructions - make sure everyone sees your bump!  Kind of how in pics they all pull there long hair forward over one shoulder, and hold babies forward, balancing on their forearm.  It's awkward, but it's their thing.


If I look hard enough, I'm convinced that these three pics were taken separately, and amateurishly shopped together.

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