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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I guess we'll be seeing more kissing selfies.

Ha! I called it! I always said that the only reason Jessa stayed so quiet on social media for the last month was because TLC and/or her parents banned her from the internet after the whole Holocaust controversy. I don't know where people ever got the idea that Jessa wanted privacy or that she doesn't like the attention. Now that she's a "free" woman, I suspect she'll go right back to posting to posting her near daily selfies of her and Ben complete with numerous declarations about much she loves her sweetheart Ben Seewald! Hopefully she'll also continue posting about her extremist beliefs as well because I'd love to see all the ****storm that goes down with her family once she does...

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I think Mechelle is the driving force behind just about EVERYTHING.

I agree on this.  I noticed during the engagement show last night that you could constantly hear Michelle talking above everyone else with a variety of dumb comments when the group was walking around, e.g., from the trolley to the chapel. 

That's the most erotic Duggar kiss ever. With one selfie, Jessa has outdone 10 years of Boob and Mechelle PDA. If that's not a FU, I don't know what is.

Wow, she's very much in control there isn't she? Just goes to show that Jim Bob and Mullet can try to control & repress their children's sexuality as much as they want, but it's still there and this picture is evidence of that.

I give Jessa and Bin three or four years tops before she walks out on him.

Bin looks like a dud to kiss. Jessa seems like she likes to control him. I bet she's secretly a female dom and Bin is her slave.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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Ha! I called it! I always said that the only reason Jessa stayed so quiet on social media for the last month was because TLC and/or her parents banned her from the internet after the whole Holocaust controversy. I don't know where people ever got the idea that Jessa wanted privacy or that she doesn't like the attention. Now that she's a "free" woman, I suspect she'll go right back to posting to posting her near daily selfies of her and Ben complete with numerous declarations about much she loves her sweetheart Ben Seewald! Hopefully she'll also continue posting about her extremist beliefs as well because I'd love to see all the ****storm that goes down with her family once she does...

I don't believe that they have never kissed before the wedding and that a reason for the private first kiss may have been because they may have looked too experienced in front of the guests.

I thought the whole dinner thing was a set up, mostly by the way they were seated. It would be impossible to converse that way, but very easy to film. But I did think what worked about it was that Jessa probably figured this was THE moment. It's the cameras, the parents, the right shot. She knew what to look for, and I think the glare at Michelle was over, don't be ridiculous, we all know what this is.

  • Love 2

I don't know how to link an individual picture from instagram, but did you see the wedding picture of her and Ben? It's a lovely picture.


That kissing selfie is something! *eyebrows raised* Go get it, girl! Like someone said upthread, if that's not an FU, I don't know what is! Jessa is quickly distinguishing herself from the rest of her clan. Jilly Muffin never would have posted a picture like that! Maybe we should link her up to the movie forum thread that talks about the hottest movie scenes so she and Ben can Netflix those movies learn some moves!

I don't believe that they have never kissed before the wedding and that a reason for the private first kiss may have been because they may have looked too experienced in front of the guests.


I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed before the wedding. They're supposed to be able to set their own courtship rules, right?  ;)  But I think the private kiss at the wedding was because Jessa didn't want Boob giving Ben PERMISSION to kiss his wife. 

  • Love 4
That kissing selfie is something! *eyebrows raised* Go get it, girl! Like someone said upthread, if that's not an FU, I don't know what is! Jessa is quickly distinguishing herself from the rest of her clan. Jilly Muffin never would have posted a picture like that! Maybe we should link her up to the movie forum thread that talks about the hottest movie scenes so she and Ben can Netflix those movies learn some moves!


I'm no fundie, but where these things are concerned, I wouldn't want to see a pic like this of my child--married or not.  It just seems so intimate.  I wonder how JB and Bitchelle feel about it.  I'm sure if asked publicly, they would act approvingly, but I would bet that JB and wife don't like it very much.  The pic looks like Binessa haven't gotten out of bed since Saturday--which is great for a newlywed couple!

Edited by zenme
  • Love 5

I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed before the wedding. They're supposed to be able to set their own courtship rules, right?  ;)  But I think the private kiss at the wedding was because Jessa didn't want Boob giving Ben PERMISSION to kiss his wife. 

Jessa did say at Derick and JIll's wedding that the first kiss is intimidating and for one reason or another didn't want to do it in public.  Also, Boob, Mechelle and the Seewalds apparently were in on it so it may not have been because of Boob giving permission.  Who knows.  If only we could be flies on the wall to hear and see what the plans were.  I take it back....I don't want to know =)..

Edited by abseedee

Pickles and Hairspray has a few more of Jessa's wedding photos from the People Magazine spread. In one you can see a hint of the bridesmaid's dresses. They're more of a deep coral versus peach. I couldn't see the style, but the color looked very pretty. Jessa also has a new ring. I can't tell if it's the same diamond in a new setting or if it's a completely different stone altogether, but it's very nice.

  • Love 1

I kept telling you all - Fundy girls are not necessarily stupid about sex. ;)

Yes! I've said this a few times. I was an only child who never baby sat or changed a diaper. Those girls have cleaned penis and washed boy laundry and then of course there's Michelle's calendar and home births. Their sex education was better than mine.

  • Love 1

Jessa and Ben's soft core kiss has hit US Weekly online.  How soon before Michelle and Jim Bob's heads explode?


The last thing anyone would call me would be a prude, but I truly feel the pic is inappropriate.  They wanted their wedding kiss to be private, but they're posting this 72 hours later?  C'mon.  

  • Love 7

I think causing J'Chelle's and JimBoob's heads to explode was the intent. Jessa is majorly sticking it to her parents. Low cut immodest shirt? Check. Ben's naked shoulder? Check. This is not a playful peck on the cheek chaste photo. It's a honeymooning couple publicly sharing a private moment, and JimBoob and J'Chelle are powerless to do much about it. It's a Duggar nightmare.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 9

Love, love, love the picture!!! I am definitely not into kissing selfies (I don't like selfies in general either) but WOW... for them I'm throwing a parade. Good for them! do what you want... not what mommy and daddy hope you do. The thought of Michelle and JBoob when they see this just made my day!!

  • Love 6

The thing is, this is, for all intents and purposes, their first public kiss. And wow is it a doozy. I'm actually sitting here laughing and wishing my sisters were here in person to enjoy the joke because oh wow, did she ever poke them in the eye!

And I now think that they actually did not kiss before their wedding day. They wanted something like this - and they weren't confident enough three days ago to pull it off.

  • Love 1

Love the pic of the kiss.  I never cared for Jessa, but I am so glad that she called some of the shots for the wedding.  Good for her!  I think many of us are loving her attitude.  I hope she and Ben move far, far away, and wait a few years before they have kids.  Spend some time together and get to know each other.  You know, the way it should have been BEFORE you got married!


Ben looks like he could use a little more practice kissing, but I am sure he will be a quick learner.


I hope Boob and Mechelle are scandalized by this selfie.  Everybody wanted to see them kiss, so there it is.  Can't really complain about it.

  • Love 6

JB and J'chelle really have no business saying anything. Aside from the fact that they are married and can do what they want, this is the behavior that they have modeled for their children for years.


They behave inappropriately around their children ALL THE TIME, and then giggle like tween girls and titter "you can't do that until you're married." I hope they enjoy have Jessa and Ben shoving their tongues down each other's throats around their younger kids as much as we've enjoyed watching them grope each other all these years.

  • Love 14

I think causing J'Chelle's and JimBoob's heads to explode was the intent. Jessa is majorly sticking it to her parents. Low cut immodest shirt? Check. Ben's naked shoulder? Check. This is not a playful peck on the cheek chaste photo. It's a honeymooning couple publicly sharing a private moment, and JimBoob and J'Chelle are powerless to do much about it. It's a Duggar nightmare.

"It's a Duggar nightmare." That line cracked me right up. The things most of us worry about compared to these nutjobs. . Haha
  • Love 4

The thing is, this is, for all intents and purposes, their first public kiss. And wow is it a doozy. I'm actually sitting here laughing and wishing my sisters were here in person to enjoy the joke because oh wow, did she ever poke them in the eye!

And I now think that they actually did not kiss before their wedding day. They wanted something like this - and they weren't confident enough three days ago to pull it off.

So do you think that Michelle and JB will ignore the situation or do you think they will actually say something to Jessa about the appropriateness of this? Of do you think once married all this is ok, even publicly? Either way I'm sure we won't see any reaction on camera (darn) but I'm curious what you think their reaction would be.

I really, really hope that there will be no pregnancy announcement for a few months. I hope these two figure out some method of birth control that they are comfortable with and spend their days "getting to know each other" ;) And I hope they are unapologetic about not having a baby right away!

  • Love 3

Pickles and Hairspray has a few more of Jessa's wedding photos from the People Magazine spread. In one you can see a hint of the bridesmaid's dresses. They're more of a deep coral versus peach. I couldn't see the style, but the color looked very pretty. Jessa also has a new ring. I can't tell if it's the same diamond in a new setting or if it's a completely different stone altogether, but it's very nice.

Thanks for the heads up. For the most part, stunning photos and stunning bride. Ben always looks stoned to me. WTF was up with their official kiss photo where Jessa is sucking on Ben's chin?  And that was just a staged kiss! They couldn't reshoot it to get a better angle? It's like People magazine felt ripped off on not getting Ben and Jessa's actual first kiss at the altar so they told the photographer to get the most awkward shot possible to "recreate" what that moment could have been.  Yikes! I wouldn't be surprised if that photo was part of the reason why Jessa decided to release her own, much steamier photo of them kissing on IG. 

Edited by Mariva
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The kissing pic reminds me of the pics my friends posted back in my teenage days with their first boyfriends. All it's missing is the hand blocking the viewer from seeing the kiss and a hot pink photoshopped heart around the couple with "So in Luv" written above in neon green script. 


Glad to see they are happy. 

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There really is the attitude of, "Sex is great but you can't have any of it until you're married!" But honestly, I've known hundreds, and met thousands of people from every religious backgrounds and the way the Duggars act about sex AROUND THEIR CHILDREN is incredibly rare. It's also considered to be something that is intimate, sacred and draws the two of you together in a way that is truly special and doesn't and shouldn't be paraded around like a show monkey. This doesn't mean you don't show affection, or that you are a prude - Eros is a real part of married love and modeling that for your children in a healthy way is an important part of religious life. But the Duggars are really out there. I think the cameras have gone to their heads.

There is no way they are happy about it, but I don't think they can say anything about it. Jessa will just say, "Hey, we were married, right? That's all that matters." They have no one to blame but themselves for being legalistic and concentrating on the letter of the law, not the spirit.

Edited by GEML
  • Love 8

I don't think Jim Bob and Michelle can say a word.  They humped each other on the mini-golf course, he dips her out in public for kisses all the time.  Jessa is married, so this behavior is considered par for the course at that point. Because they are MARRIED, so that makes it ok... just like Jill sitting on Dericks lap at the 4th of July celebration.  Even if they don't like it.... according to their own logic, Jessa is no longer under their authority.   It's up to the Seewalds to control her now. 

  • Love 1

I'm no fundie, but where these things are concerned, I wouldn't want to see a pic like this of my child--married or not. It just seems so intimate. I wonder how JB and Bitchelle feel about it. I'm sure if asked publicly, they would act approvingly, but I would bet that JB and wife don't like it very much. The pic looks like Binessa haven't gotten out of bed since Saturday--which is great for a newlywed couple!

I would rather my DD post that picture than have a tv crew filming her toilet birth.

  • Love 11

I think she has to decide if she's going to toe the line or cross the line. Adhere to what she's been taught or rebel against it. She can't do both. I just don't think life works that way.

She can believe that abortion is wrong and be religious without adhering to all of the rules and boundaries her parents have set for her. Plenty of people are anti-abortion but wear pants, drink alcohol, go to school, and limit themselves to less than 19 children.

  • Love 9

Sex is definitely part of the newlywed equation and JimBoob and J'Chelle no doubt heartily endorse it. That's how the quiver is kept full after all. However, the Duggars are notorious for their modest dress. J'Chelle even freaked out when little Josie ran ouside in a sleeveless dress on Jill's wedding day. She refused to change in front of a bridal consultant on "Say Yes to the Dress." This is a woman with strong opinions about what's appropriate.

She and Boob have acted like a couple of horny teens on camera, but they would never under any circumstnces post a picture like the one Jessa posted. Not that anyone could stomach seeing JimBoob's shoulder or a hint of J'Chelle's chest anyway, but in their world that picture is scandalous. They must be reeling.

Edited by Hpmec

Sorry but I can't help but say that that pic looks like a something from a porno

Really? To me it looks more like a Calvin Klein ad from the 90's. Sultry, but not pornographic. Not that Jessa would know much about CK...but I had tons of magazines with that stuff all over the place back then. I wonder, are the Duggar girls allowed magazines like Seventeen, or Vogue?

  • Love 7

Really? To me it looks more like a Calvin Klein ad from the 90's. Sultry, but not pornographic. Not that Jessa would know much about CK...but I had tons of magazines with that stuff all over the place back then. I wonder, are the Duggar girls allowed magazines like Seventeen, or Vogue?

I thought it was reminiscent of Abercrombie and Fitch. Regardless of saving their first kiss blah blah blah cakes, Miss Jessa has been at the very least exposed to a lot more media than her parents knew about. That picture is pretty sensual.

  • Love 3

She can believe that abortion is wrong and be religious without adhering to all of the rules and boundaries her parents have set for her. Plenty of people are anti-abortion but wear pants, drink alcohol, go to school, and limit themselves to less than 19 children.

Exactly, why does she have to be in a box of anyone's making?

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I definitely think she is copying something that she has seen on-line or in a magazine. The hand behind his head looks very posed and artificial.


But, that's how you learn. You imitate things that you have seen -- images that appeal to you. I would imagine that they gave that pose a try and thought, "hey! This feels pretty good!" Good for them. I hope they have a lot of fun exploring the joys of intimacy in a couple of days that most of us spread out over the course of years,

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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