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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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14 minutes ago, queenanne said:

As long as that pavement and the outdoors aren't cold and wet, I like it.  I expect it's hot because the Northeast is reverting to 70 this week; but I was imagining his cold feeties.

Is it really? My forecast for SE Connecticut has highs in the low 50's all week (except tomorrow, which will be mid 60's)...And down into the 40's for the week after. Not that I'm complaining, because I love cool weather! But just double checking because forecasts can be all over the place. I'm planning on cleaning out my garage this coming week so I can get a car in it again before winter, but I'm not getting started on heavy work unless I know the weather will be chilly! LOL

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Is it really? My forecast for SE Connecticut has highs in the low 50's all week (except tomorrow, which will be mid 60's)...And down into the 40's for the week after. Not that I'm complaining, because I love cool weather! But just double checking because forecasts can be all over the place. I'm planning on cleaning out my garage this coming week so I can get a car in it again before winter, but I'm not getting started on heavy work unless I know the weather will be chilly! LOL

No, you're right, the 70s on Tuesday disappeared, lol.  Not that I'm sad about it as I think the extreme temperature changes make me sick...

Yeah, they finally got a post up. 

Jeremy and Jinger, it hardly seems like it’s been a year since your beautiful wedding, but it also seems like you have been together a lifetime. You are a perfect match! We are thankful that God is using you both in your ministry to bless others. May He continue to bless you. We love you both so dearly!!

4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

God is using you both in your ministry to bless others...Where do they come out with this stuff. Who have they blessed besides themselves especially Jeremy.

Duggars have their own definition of the word "ministry".

It resembles NOTHING that anyone else has ever heard of. 

  • Love 14
21 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

God is using you both in your ministry to bless others...Where do they come out with this stuff. Who have they blessed besides themselves especially Jeremy.

They've blessed us -- and pretty much every one else in existence -- simply by existing and not wearing an invisibility cloak. 

That seems to be Meeechelle's opinion, at any rate. 

Not feeling blessed by them? if not, it's our own dang fault! 

  • Love 12

Okay, I found the lil' Instagram video of Spurgeon finding his new yellow ball pretty adorbs.  And the photo of Bin and Spurge playing outside with the ball was super cute, too.

It seems that Ben and Jessa have a pretty good handle on parenthood, but it makes me sad because I'm pretty sure Izzy isn't having the same experiences with his wack-job parents.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 11
23 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

You took the words right out of my mouth!  

That's a hopeful sign, I think.  Little S. Elliot is a rebel in the making :)


23 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

You took the words right out of my mouth!  

That's a hopeful sign, I think.  Little S. Elliot is a rebel in the making :)

I'd  love to see him as a leftie, since they do seem to generally be the coolest people, but I don't see where you are getting it. Did I miss another video/batch of photos somewhere? In this last bunch, the only thing I see him doing that involves his hands is patting Henry, and I think he's doing that with his right hand. (I say I "think" because I'm notorious for getting my right and left confused even, sometimes, after I have given the matter serious consideration. I might be brain-glitching here as well.)

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, SMama said:

On the video with the chocolate mess Jessa gives Spurgeon a spoon and he holds it with his left hand. Heck yeah lefties are the coolest people. My daughter is one rad leftie. :)

That was a cute video, watching Spurgie take the spoon and give it a tiny taste, followed by another.  Toddlers are so cute.  And SMART (take note, Heavy D).

And lefties rock.  I love that on my mom's side of the family, we lefties outnumber the righties.  Seating us around the dinner table takes some serious logistics.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, SMama said:

On the video with the chocolate mess Jessa gives Spurgeon a spoon and he holds it with his left hand. Heck yeah lefties are the coolest people. My daughter is one rad leftie. :)

Ah, thanks. I didn't realize that one was a video as well. I always wished I was left-handed, and even tried to teach myself to write left-handed for a while (I got reasonably good at it), but eventually had to face the fact that I was a rightie. My dad was left-handed, but he was not typical...he really tended to be very conservative, straight-and-narrow type who had little use for anything he considered frivolous. My son-in-law is a leftie as well, but much more typical. He's kind of my spirit animal LOL. I wonder whether my grandbaby will be a leftie as well (four more months!) :-)

  • Love 8

Congratulations on the upcoming grandchild. I was born a leftie, but back in the dark ages in Catholic school they’d beat it out of you. Literally, wooden ruler to the hand when I used my left hand. It’s left me with some deficits as an adult, but not much I can do about it. People find it funny that I wear my watch on my right wrist though. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, SMama said:

Congratulations on the upcoming grandchild. I was born a leftie, but back in the dark ages in Catholic school they’d beat it out of you. Literally, wooden ruler to the hand when I used my left hand. It’s left me with some deficits as an adult, but not much I can do about it. People find it funny that I wear my watch on my right wrist though. 

Thanks :) Yeah, they beat it out of my dad as well. He did eventually end up writing with his right hand, and was fairly ambidextrous overall, but tended to default to his left for a lot of more fiddly work. 

  • Love 2

Mr. Sumi and I are both lefties, although we both have some ambidextrous tendencies. Hubby can start eating a meal with one hand and end with the other. He also bats and golfs righty. I cut food on my plate and use scissors right-handed, chop and other knife work lefty. 

You go eat with that left hand, Spurgie!

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Thanks :) Yeah, they beat it out of my dad as well. He did eventually end up writing with his right hand, and was fairly ambidextrous overall, but tended to default to his left for a lot of more fiddly work. 

Same for my mom who was in a Lutheran orphanage. WTF

  • Love 1
30 minutes ago, SMama said:

Congratulations on the upcoming grandchild. I was born a leftie, but back in the dark ages in Catholic school they’d beat it out of you. Literally, wooden ruler to the hand when I used my left hand. It’s left me with some deficits as an adult, but not much I can do about it. People find it funny that I wear my watch on my right wrist though. 

I'm lefty as well. The kindergarten nun wanted to change me, but the principal was young and progressive and told her to leave me alone. I don't know whether I would have been hit, the nuns did seem to wield the ruler and rap kids on the knuckles. back in the day. My being left handed was never an issue in school after that. Sorry you had to go through that.

  • Love 4
On 11/4/2017 at 10:05 PM, ariel said:

Is the woman in the middle Sierra?  If so she looks old & haggard. 

She definitely looks older than she is....BUT...no lie, I'd probably look a lot worse if I had five (soon to be six) kids by my early 20s, was a SAHM to them, home-schooled them, and had to hustle my "ministry" of event planning & chocolate strawberries to help cover the family bills....so....she looks better than I would in her shoes. 

At least Sierra *gets* to wear pants. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 12
28 minutes ago, Nysha said:

My stepmother's teacher tied her left hand behind her back to force her to learn to write with her right hand. Some really awful crap went on at public and private schools 50-75 years ago.

Actually, my son-in-law says that even when he was starting school, and  this would have only been 23 or 24 years ago (his family lived down in Georgia for a couple of years around that time) his public school teacher tried to force him to use his right hand as well. Thankfully the rulers to the knuckles and such were gone by then, but he says he would get yelled at all the time when they caught him writing left-handed.

On 11/6/2017 at 11:42 AM, bigskygirl said:

God is using you both in your ministry to bless others...Where do they come out with this stuff. Who have they blessed besides themselves especially Jeremy.

I guess their "ministry" consists mostly of posting posed pics of themselves on SM? How that helps others, I have no clue.

2 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

I have always thought lefties were more creative (I'm a righty.)  

Whatever else Ben may be lacking, he really does seem to genuinely have fun with his kids.  I can't see him ever calling his sons "manipulative" like his sister-in-law's stupid spouse Dilldo.  

He won't say it publicly, but has the same Calvinist beliefs.

  • Love 7

The show is their ministry.

"When we were asked to do the show 11 years ago, we said we'd do it as long as they didn't' edit out our faith," Jim Bob said. "They've given us the ability to use the show to include a lot of Bible principles that we live by, and really, that's the foundation for our lives. We want to encourage people that Bible principles work,  and as each family turns their hearts towards God, they can set their family on a firm foundation."

Michelle added, "We really believe it is a family ministry to encourage others to love their family, love their children, and enjoy this time you have with them, because before you know it, you'll blink, and they'll be grown."

Edited by ginger90
was going to include link to article but I lost it!!
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:


He won't say it publicly, but has the same Calvinist beliefs.

Yep. For example, one of the websites that Jessa posted about Bin being a fan of the other day is also one of the ones from which Der gets a large amount of his anti-LGBQT and all-children-are-evil-by-nature stuff. And BIn has also deliberately hung around with Voddie Baucham (creator of this gem --https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2015/01/12/transcript-of-voddie-bauchams-child-training-sermon-at-hardin-baptist-church/  ) and his companions. .... 

Maybe Bin's childlike nature just keeps him from seeing what these newfangled Calvinists are saying or maybe he's too dim to actually understand it or maybe he's following his wife's orders and keeping it all to himself. But he's drinking from the exact same well that Der drinks from. So I'd be surprised if he isn't influenced by it at all. .... If he wanted to, he could find conservative Christians to admire who say other things. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Yep. For example, one of the websites that Jessa posted about Bin being a fan of the other day is also one of the ones from which Der gets a large amount of his anti-LGBQT and all-children-are-evil-by-nature stuff. And BIn has also deliberately hung around with Voddie Baucham (creator of this gem --https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2015/01/12/transcript-of-voddie-bauchams-child-training-sermon-at-hardin-baptist-church/  ) and his companions. .... 

Maybe Bin's childlike nature just keeps him from seeing what these newfangled Calvinists are saying or maybe he's too dim to actually understand it or maybe he's following his wife's orders and keeping it all to himself. But he's drinking from the exact same well that Der drinks from. So I'd be surprised if he isn't influenced by it at all. .... If he wanted to, he could find conservative Christians to admire who say other things. 

This guy is advocating child abuse pure and simple  He sometimes has all day training sessions? What does that mean? Does he have to beat the child all day until he complies? Oh, and then they hug and laugh when it's  over. I'll bet that poor child doesn't forget. The viper in the diaper? That's what he calls his child? If it weren't so scary it would be funny. I hope Bin and Jessa are not going following this guy's teachings, but I'm afraid this is the way the Dillard boys are being "trained up".

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, bythelake said:

This guy is advocating child abuse pure and simple  He sometimes has all day training sessions? What does that mean? Does he have to beat the child all day until he complies? Oh, and then they hug and laugh when it's  over. I'll bet that poor child doesn't forget. The viper in the diaper? That's what he calls his child? If it weren't so scary it would be funny. I hope Bin and Jessa are not going following this guy's teachings, but I'm afraid this is the way the Dillard boys are being "trained up".

Well, we can hope it doesn't go that far. Der has never had anything to do with Baucham. Bin's the only one who has. And since he may be less susceptible to this stuff (I'm hoping), he may just be too oblivious to catch on fully to what the guy's preached all this time.

Edited by Churchhoney

It bugs me that every birthday, they all eat that exact same “chocolate mess” over and over... and over again. Doesn’t anyone ever want to expand horizons in the birthday dessert department? Of all desserts, I personally think there is a better choice offered than that kind-of-gross-when-I-think-about-it ice cream sundae.

  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

It bugs me that every birthday, they all eat that exact same “chocolate mess” over and over... and over again. 

I think on your birthday at the place they go, you get the messy dessert for free.  I'm surprised the Duggars with all the birthdays they have, haven't put that place out of  business. I doubt they tip well. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Yep. For example, one of the websites that Jessa posted about Bin being a fan of the other day is also one of the ones from which Der gets a large amount of his anti-LGBQT and all-children-are-evil-by-nature stuff. And BIn has also deliberately hung around with Voddie Baucham (creator of this gem --https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2015/01/12/transcript-of-voddie-bauchams-child-training-sermon-at-hardin-baptist-church/  ) and his companions. .... 

Maybe Bin's childlike nature just keeps him from seeing what these newfangled Calvinists are saying or maybe he's too dim to actually understand it or maybe he's following his wife's orders and keeping it all to himself. But he's drinking from the exact same well that Der drinks from. So I'd be surprised if he isn't influenced by it at all. .... If he wanted to, he could find conservative Christians to admire who say other things. 

I read the sermon and I have to say that his ideas are 180 degrees opposite of mine. That having been said, though, I think he's no closer to the Duggars than he is to me.

This is a man who thinks. He has a reasoned world view based on scholarship and thought. This isn't a guy who has kind of half-read a few wisdom booklets. This is a man who cares about his children and is invested in their lives. This isn't a man who makes an appointment to spend 30 minutes each month with each child.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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