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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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17 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Does Ben think his Jesus T shirts are missionary work?  

Absolutely. Every single Duggar and Duggar-adjacent thinks that, I'm sure. 

That's why it's so godly to visit amusement parks when the rest of the world is working. You're doing your missionary work there by wearing your tee shirts. I'm not even kidding. 

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21 hours ago, MichaelaRae said:

At least they seem to take some interest in teaching him things other than "per-pen-dic-u-lar." Admittedly, the bar is low. ;-)

Next comes bank-rupt-cy!  I swear they act like they invented children and parenting as well as sex!

10 hours ago, Marigold said:

Does Ben think his Jesus T shirts are missionary work?  

Yes, absolutely!  Passive witnessing.  They can put on their message shirts, tweet, and call it a day for the Lord.   

8 hours ago, Marigold said:

I was raised old school IFB.  Back then, way back, God's holy name was not supposed to be on t shirts, bumper stickers or any kind of slogan.

This new generation of IFB is pretty risque. 

Oh, yes!  I remember my fundamentalist grandparents were horrified that I wore cross earrings and necklace.  Sacred symbols were not to be casually worn around your body as jewelry!  They'd roll over in their graves to see T-shirts and tweeting of God's word!  

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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

They're in the candy and chips aisle. I wonder if Ben takes out his Sharpie at home and circles all the offensive ingredients as he supposedly does at the TTH.

What does Ben think is offensive?  I read that he's a germaphobe (which I tend to be) but candy and chips?  Is it the preservatives?

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2 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

What does Ben think is offensive?  I read that he's a germaphobe (which I tend to be) but candy and chips?  Is it the preservatives?

Yes, and they listed off a bunch more. I'm guessing any word he can't read. So most all of the ingredients.

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

'Cuz he's growing fast and Jessa is trying to squeeze as much use out of his clothes  as she can before getting new ones?  Kids his age grow like weeds, that outfit might've fit just fine last time he wore it.  Even if she's got a lot of hand me downs from his cousins, maybe he jumped a size before Jessa had a chance to add bigger stuff to the rotation.  I was one of 6 and there are plenty of photos of me and my sibs wearing stuff that was too short or too tight or had just seen better days.  It happens.

Yup, plus kids grow in weird proportions. My kid can't wear 4T pants anymore because he's way too long, but 5T pants can run too big in the waist, even with adjustments. And he's definitely gone off to school with a too big or slightly too small shirt because THAT was the shirt he agreed to wear, and it wasn't worth fighting over it. 

Could be that Spurge is too small for the next size up shirt, but is slightly outgrowing the current size, so they're going with what's more comfortable for him until he fully grows into the next size. 

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56 minutes ago, questionfear said:


Could be that Spurge is too small for the next size up shirt, but is slightly outgrowing the current size, so they're going with what's more comfortable for him until he fully grows into the next size. 

I had a nephew who only wanted to wear his yellow tee shirt with Batman on the front-every day, all year long when he was about 4.  If it was in the laundry, he would pull the smelly dirty thing out of the basket and put it on.  My sister worked as did her husband and doing wash every day was not happening, so she took to hiding it on a high shelf in the closet between washings.  Eventually, it was too short and it looked like he was wearing a crop top with his little belly hanging out.

My niece would only wear dresses, no matter what the activity, at about the same age.  Her favorite was the 'Dalmatian turnaround', a tee shirt dress with 101 dalmatians on the front and tiers of ruffles at the bottom that stood out when she turned in circles.  If it hadn't eventually fallen apart after repeated washings, she would probably be wearing it to class in college today.

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36 minutes ago, SMama said:

Whatever distracts from Derelict’s derailing? 

You got it. She's been blasting the internet with pictures of the kids to distract us from Derick's rants, and questions about Jill and Samuel.

PS Glad family is safe in PR.

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10 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

My cousin  who is 34 still uses his baby blankie.

Hey, I’m over 50, and my teddy bear (also over 50) is keeping me company right now. She always sleeps in the bed with me and Monsieur G. ??

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10 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

My cousin  who is 34 still uses his baby blankie.

My cousin was probably that age when he still had his blanket.  The thing is, his nine year old sister drowned when he was seven, and we all thought that was why he clung onto that thing.  He also had a rare blood dyscrasia that he wasn't supposed to live through.  

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I really hope that wasn’t before bedtime. Who the hell winds up a kid at that time? At home (and she is ten) the routine is bath, family cuddles, and reading to each other. What do I know? Please don’t raise those kids on Duggar time, do not condition them to be “night owls.” 

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She posted this about an hour ago, so around 11 their time. Who knows when she actually fillmed it, though? Hopefully she didn't post it right after it happened. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, SMama said:

I really hope that wasn’t before bedtime. Who the hell winds up a kid at that time? At home (and she is ten) the routine is bath, family cuddles, and reading to each other. What do I know? Please don’t raise those kids on Duggar time, do not condition them to be “night owls.” 

It's ok to raise them to be night owls, since they'll never have to wake up early for school or to get to a   j.o.b.

Ps full disclosure, I'm a night owl by nature, but I woke up early for jobs for many, many years. :-)

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True, I was not trying to be hypercritical, I just firmly believe in consistency, proper bedtimes, and other silly stuff. At Spurgeon’s age my daughter was an early riser, because she went to bed early. We had our morning walk (she in her comfy bike stroller), then various mommy and me activities, depending on the day of the week.You know, to socialize with other kids. Now she has school, STEM, swimming, and karate. So yeah, she must get enough sleep, proper rest. For the record, I’m barely average at parenting, don’t sit around waiting for my MOTY award. 

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I think it's an adorable video of father/kid play time. The room was strewn with toys and I didn't know we could speed up videos!

I knew some fundie-sorta-types who would never think of playing like that with their kids.  Dour type people.  Ben is still young and remembers how to play!

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The play was indeed cute and is good bonding. Sourgeon is lucky, he’ll never know what is like to wake up early to attend school. No tardy slips for him. He will never have to leave home at 6:00 am to get to a meet, or soccer game. Damn, I’m really reconsidering my life choices right now.

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If that was actually filmed at 11:00 p.m. their time Ben was sure tired this morning "at work." My husband must be up by 4:00 a.m., and so do I by default (insomniac). He is out cold by 8:00, if he is up by 8:30 we celebrate. Another life choice to reconsider. I think I'm going to ask him to stay home with us, it's lonely around here.

Edited by SMama
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The husband of a former coworker wanted to name their child Damien. She left the agency before giving birth, I hope she won that battle. And yes, he was dead serious, felt it was a strong name, and no one would mess with their son. Spurgeon just cracks me up.

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5 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Maybe I missed it, but is there a reason some people call Spurgeon "Damien"? If it's a reference to literally the Antichrist that seems kinda mean for a perfectly sweet, happy kid, but maybe there's another explanation...

Well, I don't call him that. But I think the photo on the left would be why ... 


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1 hour ago, SMama said:

Oh WOW, I never looked it up and it's been decades since I watched the movie. Who is the guy on the right? Still like Spurgie or Spud.

I'm not positive but I think the guy on the right is the Spurgie-lookalike grown up. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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