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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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36 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

No, he won't even be two until November.  It's still not a good idea to let a little one walk around holding a bottle with his teeth.

One of  my friend's daughter was extremely tall for her age. I had to keep reminding myself how young she really was. Sometimes I'd be expecting her to be acting ''more like her age", when in reality she was.  That's why I asked his age, because he looks like a 3 year old to me, and I thought the bottle was inappropriate. But I can cut the poor kid some slack if he's only 2 :) IMO they need to stop it soon though, for his teeth's sake.

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, SMama said:

How was it determined the stains were from Dapper Spurgeon? Honestly curious.

If it were my child, I wouldn't put him in a previously stained chair & take pictures of him.  I'd find a clean chair to do so.  Jess is all about appearances for young Damien.  I don't think she would make that mistake. 

Edited by ariel
31 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

One of  my friend's daughter was extremely tall for her age. I had to keep reminding myself how young she really was. Sometimes I'd be expecting her to be acting ''more like her age", when in reality she was.  That's why I asked his age, because he looks like a 3 year old to me, and I thought the bottle was inappropriate. But I can cut the poor kid some slack if he's only 2 :) IMO they need to stop it soon though, for his teeth's sake.

We had the hardest time trying to wean my younger son off his pacifier...and it was definitely starting to affect his teeth, but as soon as we managed to get him to give it up, his teeth were back in line quite soon afterwards. I don't think you really get issues with the teeth unless they are still on bottles/pacifiers past their toddler years.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

We had the hardest time trying to wean my younger son off his pacifier...and it was definitely starting to affect his teeth, but as soon as we managed to get him to give it up, his teeth were back in line quite soon afterwards. I don't think you really get issues with the teeth unless they are still on bottles/pacifiers past their toddler years.

That's not the only issue with a bottle after a certain age. I was a (clueless) 17 year old first time mother, and let my daughter go to bed with a bottle of milk. She had multiple cavities when she was only about 2 years old. The pediatric dentist said it was common in bottle fed babies because of the sugar in milk sitting on their teeth all night long. 

I felt like the WORST mother, especially because she was so young they had to put her under to fix those cavities :(

  So, fast forward to my next daughter, 2 years later (when I was a clueless 19 year old.)

I exclusively breast fed her,not wanting to go through that again, and she still had some problems with her teeth.  I would nurse her until she fell asleep , and as I later found out, breast milk has the same cavity inducing properties when left to fester all night long.

 Kids, 3,  4, and 5 (all 2 years apart) had no cavities at all, because I never nursed them to sleep, and if I did let them have a bottle in bed, it was only plain water. (The end)

sorry so long ;-)

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 9

Spurgeon is such a horrible name for a kid, it's almost better to nickname him Damien. And I hope he lives up to his doppelgänger, becomes the anti-Duggar and spreads the seeds of rebellion in a very sly way amongst all his Duggar family cousins so that the Duggar empire shall ultimately fail!

Edited by Baby Button Eyes
  • Love 11
3 hours ago, flyingdi said:

You go Jessa!  Show that backbone!   No keeping sweet for this girl.  I'm sorry to state once again, I like Jessa.  They did not succeed in breaking that one's spirit!

Seems directed at the wrong people. The internet is always full of randos who never have anything nice to say. That's a given. Who the hell cares what any of us thinks, frankly, because it's not our life. I'm not impressed at her keyboard bravery to a bunch of people she doesn't know and can easily block. If she directed this forcefulness to her stupid ass parents or backwards lifestyle, that's when I'd give her kudos. They gave her absolutely no life skills to succeed at anything besides having a lot of kids. Hell, even the Bateses give their daughters a trade before they leave the nest (see: Josie's cosmetology schooling).

If JB and Michelle succeeded at anything, it was at giving their kids an arrogant, us-versus-them martyr mentality that completely absolves them of blame and turns it on randos in the world who DIDN'T cut their kids off at the knees with their substandard education and patriarchal lifestyle.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 23

I kinda  like Jessa's bitchiness and her former cut and dry self because it shows she not completely broken. Spurgeon's photo was posted on Jeremy's IG and Jessa must have been lurking and reading through his comments blocking everyone who dare say anything bad about her kid. Then she posted the photo on her account with her snarky comment, why not just ignore it? I got blocked by her because I followed a snark blog even though I never commented on her page. She's the one digging around for anyone posting nasty stuff about her and her family.

  • Love 9

I have no dog in this fight since I've never had kids, but Jessa DOES admit to putting him down with a bottle of milk/kefir for naps and bedtime. Even I know from people who made the same mistake that could be costly at the dentist down the line in terms of toothe decay. And from what I understand, nursing is no better before bedtime or naps, since breast milk still contains the sugars that are at fault in tooth decay. We don't know how often she does this, but it seems often enough for her to comment on it in addition to the initial bottle comment. 

(No, I didn't read the comments on her feed, so maybe it was the tooth decay stuff that really pissed her off?)

eta: @Lunera I think we followed the same snark site, because all of a sudden she blocked me as well, and I'd never commented on her page. I learned about her the hard way when I DID comment on her page during Kissgate when she should have been fucking her husband's brains out 3 days after the wedding. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Lunera said:

Super bitchy and condescending. She should really learn how to take constructive criticism.


I don't blame her if she sounds a little bitchy. I have a pretty low tolerance for the sanctimommies, who you know took her up on her invitation, having already inspired the post. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

eta: @Lunera I think we followed the same snark site, because all of a sudden she blocked me as well, and I'd never commented on her page. I learned about her the hard way when I DID comment on her page during Kissgate when she should have been fucking her husband's brains out 3 days after the wedding. 

Didn't Joe and Kendra get married today? So is the marathon after party at the TTH only for the Duggar girl weddings? If not and being bitchy on social media is how she's choosing to spend that time, then big FAIL.

I know she can't have wine or dance with her family. Good food isn't really an option either.  Maybe she could trying talking to that sister she keeps posting in her pictures. 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

Interesting that she wishes spurg was still breastfeeding - I know she loves Henry but it sounds like she wishes she could have spaced her kids out further. Bf'g spurg until 2 may have worked as birth control 

She apparently has sour breastmilk when she gets knocked up, like her mother. She's on schedule for Henry to reject her milk and take to the bottle. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, magpye29 said:

Say what you want about Jessa, she adores her kids, and they adore her right back.  Lots of people do the baby "puppet" thing, myself included, so I'm not going to dog on her for that.

She's good at creating the image she wants on SM. Who knows in real life?

8 hours ago, ariel said:

Jess, if you can't take the heat, stop posting pictures on social media.  No one is putting a gun to your bitchy little head to do so.


  • Love 8
10 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Seems directed at the wrong people. The internet is always full of randos who never have anything nice to say. That's a given. Who the hell cares what any of us thinks, frankly, because it's not our life. I'm not impressed at her keyboard bravery to a bunch of people she doesn't know and can easily block. If she directed this forcefulness to her stupid ass parents or backwards lifestyle, that's when I'd give her kudos. They gave her absolutely no life skills to succeed at anything besides having a lot of kids. Hell, even the Bateses give their daughters a trade before they leave the nest (see: Josie's cosmetology schooling).

If JB and Michelle succeeded at anything, it was at giving their kids an arrogant, us-versus-them martyr mentality that completely absolves them of blame and turns it on randos in the world who DIDN'T cut their kids off at the knees with their substandard education and patriarchal lifestyle.

Bears repeating. 

  • Love 9

There's a simple solution, Jessa. Don't post a public picture of Spurgie with a bottle in his mouth.  Then no one will comment.   

I know people will comment on every detail but we all know the hot topics to avoid. Why ask for trouble? Post a different picture of Spurgie. 

For such a public family, the have very poor common sense when it comes to social media. Jill with Izzy licking a fan, Izzy crying, hitting a cat with a sled, Izzy with a tortilla on his head (which is funny), Josie near a gun, babies crawling up the stairs etc. 

 If you know that you're gonna get ugly comments, then at least really look at your picture and determine if it's cute or just a lightening rod for controversy. 

The Bates seem to have mastered that skill much better. 

  • Love 21
12 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

Seems directed at the wrong people. The internet is always full of randos who never have anything nice to say. That's a given. Who the hell cares what any of us thinks, frankly, because it's not our life. I'm not impressed at her keyboard bravery to a bunch of people she doesn't know and can easily block. If she directed this forcefulness to her stupid ass parents or backwards lifestyle, that's when I'd give her kudos. They gave her absolutely no life skills to succeed at anything besides having a lot of kids. Hell, even the Bateses give their daughters a trade before they leave the nest (see: Josie's cosmetology schooling).

If JB and Michelle succeeded at anything, it was at giving their kids an arrogant, us-versus-them martyr mentality that completely absolves them of blame and turns it on randos in the world who DIDN'T cut their kids off at the knees with their substandard education and patriarchal lifestyle.

I think what we all forget is that they won't direct any of their scorn at their parents.  They don't think their parents did anything wrong.

  • Love 6

As a non-parent I've always found the online backseat mommying tedious and annoying, so I'm totally fine with Jessa's response. Yes, yes, stay off the internet if you can't take it, but "taking it" doesn't mean not responding. That's like saying respecting freedom of speech means not criticizing what people say. Sure, Spurgeon still drinks milk out of a bottle...I know few toddlers that age who are completely bottle free, at least IRL. 

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

The wedding was Friday evening. Jessa went on the warpath earlier today (still Saturday here). 

Gotcha. Thanks for the correction. 

My general point stands. Taking the time to ban followers based on who they follow is excessive and ridiculous. When you are so public, you will be criticized and mocked. I bet being mocked bothers Jessa more. 

Edited by peachybean
  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Marigold said:

There's a simple solution, Jessa. Don't post a public picture of Spurgie with a bottle in his mouth.  Then no one will comment.   

I know people will comment on every detail but we all know the hot topics to avoid. Why ask for trouble? Post a different picture of Spurgie. 

For such a public family, the have very poor common sense when it comes to social media. Jill with Izzy licking a fan, Izzy crying, hitting a cat with a sled, Izzy with a tortilla on his head (which is funny), Josie near a gun, babies crawling up the stairs etc. 

 If you know that you're gonna get ugly comments, then at least really look at your picture and determine if it's cute or just a lightening rod for controversy. 

The Bates seem to have mastered that skill much better. 

Not that long ago, Alyssa posted a picture of her with her kids in the car and followed it up with something like, "Before anyone starts criticizing, the car was parked so that's why they aren't in carseats" in a really bitchy tone. I don't follow her so I don't know what happened to provoke that comment, but no one's immune to the mommy wars.

The fact that a toddler with a bottle is viewed as a lightening rod for controversy is why I'm Team Jessa on this one. 

  • Love 14
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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