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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Once again the Duggars leave me scratching my head confused about all their rules....in the "mothers day episode" the Seewalds were going over for dinner. Jessa stated that she wanted to impress her "future mother in law" with her cooking skills...this episode was filmed before they were engaged. If the courtship stage is for the couple TO SEE IF they might be suited for marriage and that it was no big thing if a courtship doesn't work out, why did Jessa already refer to Mrs. Seewald as her future mother in law? What's up with that?

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Once again the Duggars leave me scratching my head confused about all their rules....in the "mothers day episode" the Seewalds were going over for dinner. Jessa stated that she wanted to impress her "future mother in law" with her cooking skills...this episode was filmed before they were engaged. If the courtship stage is for the couple TO SEE IF they might be suited for marriage and that it was no big thing if a courtship doesn't work out, why did Jessa already refer to Mrs. Seewald as her future mother in law? What's up with that?

I'm certain that she and Ben were engaged long before the actual announcement took place.

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I'm not sure they meet at the Duggar property.  I think it's a different warehouse space and I believe if one isn't a regular attendee it requires emailing to discuss church attendance.

See, if this is true, this is the absolute opposite of Christianity. They want to be a witness and "encouragement" to others, but they are selective about who can even set foot in their "church?"

I have attended evangelical churches my entire life, and I have never seen one that would not welcome unannounced visitors.

Not cool, Duggars. Not cool.

  • Love 12

See, if this is true, this is the absolute opposite of Christianity. They want to be a witness and "encouragement" to others, but they are selective about who can even set foot in their "church?"

I have attended evangelical churches my entire life, and I have never seen one that would not welcome unannounced visitors.

Not cool, Duggars. Not cool.

If I could double or triple like this I would. I've been to churches of various denominations & never needed an invite to any one. Generally visitors are welcomed almost overly enthusiastically. What a bizarre way to (not) spread the Word.
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See, if this is true, this is the absolute opposite of Christianity. They want to be a witness and "encouragement" to others, but they are selective about who can even set foot in their "church?"

I have attended evangelical churches my entire life, and I have never seen one that would not welcome unannounced visitors.

Not cool, Duggars. Not cool.

I would guess it has more to do with security than being judgy about who can set foot in their church. My guess is that they don't want random people showing up if were a known location. 

Actually, not all churches practice what is known as "The Great Commission" which those who are of a fundamentalist or evangelical background will know is taken from a Bible verse to "Go ye therefore out into all the world and make followers..."

That is actually a relatively new (in religious term) construct. Plenty of churches historically have been "invitation only" based on the idea that it isn't the responsibility of the Christian to convert you per se, but to create a church that the Holy Spirit will draw you to. This is a part of what John Calvin was talking about when he talks about "irresistible grace" and many fundamentalist Baptists do believe in this. (I can't speak for the Duggars .). But other groups such as the Amish, Mennonite, some Catholic branches, Primitive Baptists, Covenanters/Reformed Presbyterians- all of these are groups that believe you will come to them, not that they should go to you .

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Regarding that stupid bungee jumping episode last night, I'm glad that Ben admitted feeling stupid that he had to prove something to Jim Bob in doing that. He said "what am I doing here?". Good for him. Also, I don't want to comment on the boy's physical features that he had no control over, like the size of the kid's head. He was challenged by Jim Bob, and he went for it and lead the rock climbing, jumped first, and correctly, I might ad. I'm not a great fan of his, because of his religious rants, but I don't think at 19 he's ready for any marriage right now. It still doesn't add up to me about this couple. Didn't he have some school work to do? I sincerely hope that he hasn't abandoned his college education as an associates degree may help him in the future...he isn't a "hands on worker" kind of guy, he seems to be a desk guy like Derick. Nothing wrong with that. Jim Bob is such an ass and I don't know why he is hell bent on turning John David into one too. That guy has such a social phobia issue it's no joking matter. I know someone like him and this guy is an agnostic, so it's not the religious/sheltered upbringing doing it to John, it's his daddy.

I haven't been following Ben and Jessa's wedding all that closely (not a fan of these two, even as snarking material) but OMG, I just recently discovered their wedding registries and I'm kind of surprised that more people aren't talking about it. Especially with all the attention that Jill and Derick's baby registry got. It seems weird to me that there would be all this fuss over a couple bottles of pop on Jill and Derick's registry when you have Ben and Jessa over here who looks to have registered for enough weaponry to raise their own small army. I think I've counted at least a dozen guns/gun cases, multiple knives including a couple of machetes, several hatchets, and even a freakin' slingshot! It's like a scene out of a horror movie! Maybe it's because I'm not from the South where it seems like the "right to bear arms" culture is more prevalent there but is it really normal to ask for that much weapons? And I'm not even talking about the general excessiveness and money-grab of their wedding registry as a whole (like the thousands of dollars worth of kitchenware that will likely never touch Princess Jessa's perfectly manicured hands).


  • Love 5

I haven't been following Ben and Jessa's wedding all that closely (not a fan of these two, even as snarking material) but OMG, I just recently discovered their wedding registries and I'm kind of surprised that more people aren't talking about it. Especially with all the attention that Jill and Derick's baby registry got. It seems weird to me that there would be all this fuss over a couple bottles of pop on Jill and Derick's registry when you have Ben and Jessa over here who looks to have registered for enough weaponry to raise their own small army. I think I've counted at least a dozen guns/gun cases, multiple knives including a couple of machetes, several hatchets, and even a freakin' slingshot! It's like a scene out of a horror movie! Maybe it's because I'm not from the South where it seems like the "right to bear arms" culture is more prevalent there but is it really normal to ask for that much weapons? And I'm not even talking about the general excessiveness and money-grab of their wedding registry as a whole (like the thousands of dollars worth of kitchenware that will likely never touch Princess Jessa's perfectly manicured hands)

Lol, made me think of an African Safari but I don't think Jessa and Bin would go to one for their honeymoon.

It seems weird to me that there would be all this fuss over a couple bottles of pop on Jill and Derick's registry when you have Ben and Jessa over here who looks to have registered for enough weaponry to raise their own small army. I think I've counted at least a dozen guns/gun cases, multiple knives including a couple of machetes, several hatchets, and even a freakin' slingshot! 


What the heck would you need a slingshot on your wedding registry?! Are they planning on going to target practice for their honeymoon? LOL

Every time I've asked a "gun person" why he needs multiple weapons in his home and car, I've gotten the same answer: protection. Apparently some people think we're only seconds away from complete anarchy. 

Edited by Portia
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My husband has a nice gun collection. Yes, he said one of the reasons is for protection, but he also likes to go hunting, target shooting, and collects them. He was given a few of his dad and brother's firearms after they died. And no we did not ask for firearms when we got married.

Maybe Bin and Jessa are hoping for their own spin-off show. Doomsday Preppers: Duggar/Seewald Edition. Yeah, I could see Bin as the prepper type. Wonder if JB has him working on an underground bunker they can all retreat to when SSM is legalized nationwide and we elect our first female president. If Obama doesn't come for their gunz first, of course.

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A dozen guns? A hatchet?



Add a few blocks of C4 and its sounds like what Fiona Glenane would ask for on her wedding registry. 


My husband has a nice gun collection. Yes, he said one of the reasons is for protection, but he also likes to go hunting, target shooting, and collects them. He was given a few of his dad and brother's firearms after they died. And no we did not ask for firearms when we got married.



My dad has a similar collection. Its very nice from his first one as a boy to one he had in the army, along with his dad, his father-in-law's from WWII and a couple other passed down. He also has one in his collection from my brother who for a moment thought he was into guns but in my family it got flipped around instead of my brother into guns, that's me. My dad and I share an interest in guns and have bonded over them, the types of guns and weapons used in various wars. I honestly always felt safe growing up around guns, especially as kid if some crazy person broke into our house, it was very nice knowing my dad could handle that and protect us.

My mother has a very nice gun with an ivory handle that used to belong to her grandmother back when she was raising her two girls alone and worried criminals might think they were an easy target. They would be very, very wrong.

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Every time I've asked a "gun person" why he needs multiple weapons in his home and car, I've gotten the same answer: protection. Apparently some people think we're only seconds away from complete anarchy.

All those weapons and will be great to have in the house when they start having their gaggle of kids.

If they receive even half of the items on their various registries, where are they going to store it? In Bin's metal prison?

Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite?  I haven't bothered to look but the guns, machetes, hatchets and slingshot are probably on their Walmart registry.





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Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite?  I haven't bothered to look but the guns, machetes, hatchets and slingshot are probably on their Walmart registry.



My understanding of etiquette is that no, you don't put registry information on an invitation. It's pretty common to include the information (on a separate piece of paper) in the envelope, although I think Miss Manners would have issue with that. I think registry information is meant to be given out when it's asked for...so if someone calls up the hostess of the shower with their RSVP and asks, the host would let the guest know if there is a registry and what store.

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Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite? 



Putting registry information on or inside of a wedding invitation is the HEIGHT of bad manners. Considering the fact that Jessa was raised by two people who wouldn't know etiquette if it bit them in the face, I shouldn't be surprised.


Sending a wedding invitation postcard is unbelievably tacky as well. Perhaps they should have sent one via e-mail. I wonder if the back reads "BYOB".



  • Love 5

It's not Miss Manners acceptable to put a card with registry info in an invitation, but it's common enough that many people clearly aren't bothered by it. With the internet and the ability to have your own little "wedding website", I'm noticing invites frequently just say "Go to brideandgroom.com for maps and more information" or whatever and then the registries are on that website. But putting it smack on the invitation like that, tacky.


I'm one of those people who prefers info to be included in the invitation so I don't have to call up the hostess to find out, or go to a wedding website that will then take me to their registry but I'm aware that opinions vary quite a bit on this.

  • Love 3

My understanding of etiquette is that no, you don't put registry information on an invitation. It's pretty common to include the information (on a separate piece of paper) in the envelope, although I think Miss Manners would have issue with that. I think registry information is meant to be given out when it's asked for...so if someone calls up the hostess of the shower with their RSVP and asks, the host would let the guest know if there is a registry and what store.

This is what I've always done when attending showers and most that I've asked didn't have one.


Putting registry information on or inside of a wedding invitation is the HEIGHT of bad manners. Considering the fact that Jessa was raised by two people who wouldn't know etiquette if it bit them in the face, I shouldn't be surprised.


Sending a wedding invitation postcard is unbelievably tacky as well. Perhaps they should have sent one via e-mail. I wonder if the back reads "BYOB".



That's the thing, they don't know etiquette.  If they have a wedding planner that she should have pointed it out.  But, then again maybe the wedding planner doesn't know the proper etiquette either.


eta:  I don't know if he gave a thought to it, but Dan's address is now in plain view for EVERYONE to see.

Edited by abseedee

Right about now Jessa should have had a bridal shower. No pictures have surfaced yet but Jill had a couple one put together by Derick's church friends and then they had a pound party to stock her pantry with food.


With Jessa we have no clue where she will be living, etc. The only thing we know is that they put way too much on their registries. Will the Seewalds have 1,000 people to invite on their side because those registries seem stuffed with everything under the sun.

I know we discussed on the other thread how Jill is going stir crazy with boredom, but I think in Jessa's case it will be the complete opposite. I can see Jessa as the type who would love lounging around all day while Bin's at work and she'll be thrilled to give up whatever chores she has left. I doubt her buddy team will be invited for many visits and I'm sure she'll have Jana cleaning her house and doing the cooking once she gets knocked up.

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Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite?  I haven't bothered to look but the guns, machetes, hatchets and slingshot are probably on their Walmart registry.




Is this the wedding invitation or a shower invite?  I don't mind it all that much on a shower invite because I pretty much know the purpose of a shower is for the bride to get gifts... although I much prefer a separate note than having it plastered across the front like a billboard! If it's the wedding invite, sorry, but TACKY!

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Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite?  I haven't bothered to look but the guns, machetes, hatchets and slingshot are probably on their Walmart registry.



 I'm sorry, but this is tacky as fuck. It is considered to be absolutely inappropriate to put registry information on the invitation. Most everyone I know who is getting married this year (14 at last count...eeek! I'll be glad when I attend my last wedding in Dec.) is putting their registry information on their website.

  • Love 3

Derick's brother Dan posted on his IG an invitation from Jessa and Ben and on it they noted their registries at BBB, Target, Amazon and Walmart.  I never had a registry so is it common to put your registries on the invite?  I haven't bothered to look but the guns, machetes, hatchets and slingshot are probably on their Walmart registry.



Oh my goodness!  Jessa is sleeveless and her knees are showing!  I hope she hasn't defrauded Ben.  We might have to call this wedding off- oh wait… they are only courting right?

 I'm sorry, but this is tacky as fuck. It is considered to be absolutely inappropriate to put registry information on the invitation. 

I also think it's tacky to send out computer printed labels.  Am I just old school?  Can't they take the time to do handwritten envelopes?  I realize they probably haven't been schooled so much in handwriting - but I just think for something as special as your wedding, you should buy a good pen and hand address this stuff. 

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Is this the wedding invitation or a shower invite?  I don't mind it all that much on a shower invite because I pretty much know the purpose of a shower is for the bride to get gifts... although I much prefer a separate note than having it plastered across the front like a billboard! If it's the wedding invite, sorry, but TACKY!

Nope it's not a shower invite.  Dan says it's a wedding invitation.  Seems more like an invitation to go look at their registries.

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Oh my goodness!  Jessa is sleeveless and her knees are showing!  I hope she hasn't defrauded Ben.  We might have to call this wedding off- oh wait… they are only courting right?

I also think it's tacky to send out computer printed labels.  Am I just old school?  Can't they take the time to do handwritten envelopes?  I realize they probably haven't been schooled so much in handwriting - but I just think for something as special as your wedding, you should buy a good pen and hand address this stuff. 

We printed my daughter's envelopes because everyone in our family has terrible handwriting and paying somebody to handwrite them was going to be $275.

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The Honorable Dan Dilliard. What the heck does that mean?

I believe it's the title conferred to him due to his position of employment with the Boy Scouts. He also said that he didn't care that his address was all over the internet, but had some nasty words for the snarkers. I've poked around his social media a bit, and he appears to be a supreme asshole. I get that Benessa are inviting everyone they can think of for the potential of getting some of the big ticket gifts (I'm dying to know who will buy them the single-person kayak), so I suppose inviting your brother-in-law's brother (and likely mother/stepdad) aren't that far-fetched. After all, Dan has one of those JOB things! He can buy them Jessa's pink hair dryer or really splurge and get them the Vitamix. Or a gun. :/

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Back to the wedding planning. Wondering how many of Bin's brothers and sisters will be in the wedding party? If Bin's sisters get asked I see Jessa's wedding party being a lot bigger then Jill's. Does Bin have enough friends to include or will they pick some fundie boys as fillers?

Nope it's not a shower invite.  Dan says it's a wedding invitation.  Seems more like an invitation to go look at their registries.


That is seriously just gross... in my opinion and all. It looks like an ad and then "oh by the way we're getting married."  Then again I'm kind of over the whole "come freeze your butt off in a barn" wedding thing so maybe I'm just outdated.

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They really should have printed a disclaimer on their invitations: * You know, there's going to be an awful lot of people, and there isn't going to be a whole lot of food, and there won't be a wedding cake either, and you might have to travel a bit, so, we would totally understand if you can't make it, and we hope we have made it easy for you to send us a gift anyway.  God bless!

Edited by HeyNow
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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