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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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 I want him to come with me for one week, on my rounds as a social worker in the inner city.

Thank God for what you have and grow up, Benji.

He could spend a year going on rounds with you. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter. Bin is convinced of his own superiority in all situations. In other words, he has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon and hubris to match. I have to wonder what his parents think about this crap -- are they proud to have raised such a humorless, arrogant, smug, clueless asshole, or do they wonder where they went wrong?


Bin would tell you that if the people you work with would only accept Christ, their lives would "straighten out" or whatever BS he thinks would explain the tragic situations social workers face on a daily basis in this country. They are wrong and their lack of faith is their downfall, not the 1001 things that can and do go wrong in any life, no matter how well we all prepare. He has no time or patience for anyone who does not espouse his worldview, or what he thinks is a worldview.


He's always right. EVERYONE ELSE (including his own family!) is always wrong.

  • Love 9

These nitwits defy logic. If you're so enamored with the teachings of Charles Spurgeon that you feel compelled to name your baby after him....I dunno...here's an idea....give your kid his first name. This kid was already going to grow up with all kids of issues. Now he's got another one.

But even worse, they don't seem to have full knowledge of Spurgeon's preachins and teachins. I think it was Lemur who posted some of his quotes upthread, and they are most at odds with Gothardism.

  • Love 4


The expectations for this name are stratsopheric. They can't go with Gabe (already leaked).


This is the real reason Amy said what she did about not wanting to tell the name before B&J had a chance to. There is no other reason to explain her saying that. She was silently admonishing Jessica.


  • Love 3

He could spend a year going on rounds with you. Unfortunately, it wouldn't matter. Bin is convinced of his own superiority in all situations. In other words, he has an ego the size of the Grand Canyon and hubris to match. I have to wonder what his parents think about this crap -- are they proud to have raised such a humorless, arrogant, smug, clueless asshole, or do they wonder where they went wrong?

Bin would tell you that if the people you work with would only accept Christ, their lives would "straighten out" or whatever BS he thinks would explain the tragic situations social workers face on a daily basis in this country. They are wrong and their lack of faith is their downfall, not the 1001 things that can and do go wrong in any life, no matter how well we all prepare. He has no time or patience for anyone who does not espouse his worldview, or what he thinks is a worldview.

He's always right. EVERYONE ELSE (including his own family!) is always wrong.

I know you're right. It makes me forlorn.

Thing is, most of my clients are God-fearing, God-loving people, who are active members of several Christian denominations. Their faith is real and abiding, and it sustains them in their darkest hours. I admire and respect these people.

But they are not Gothardites or Quiverful. I guess that's all that matters to Ben and the Duggies?

Pride goes before the fall.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 4

oh please. An accomplished man of science? If they didn't see him riding a dinosaur in the dinosaur rodeo, he didn't exist.

I just can't with this name. I hope this sweet baby grows up to be a really surly teenager that sneers at them every time they call him spurgeon. He will have to spell that name to everyone his entire life. When this kid is old enough to read the evil internets and sees the having the name his whole life comment his rocket science dad made, I hope his first comment is no shit Sherlock.

We can only hope and pray that young Spurgeon will legally change his name to Quincy or Elliot the very day he turns 18. It's a simple matter and less than $100 bucks.

  • Love 1

Jessa claims that they don't spend any time on the internet reading what people are saying about them. Maybe she should start and go and change that baby's name STAT! She can't be that un-aware of how horrible the name is can she? Or because Bin is the boss (stop laughing) he named Bam Bam Fish Fry an unfortunate name?!?!?! haha I just realized that one of my cousins is named Fortunata (Lucky) so I shouldn't complain about my horrible name.


I hope the kid grows up and wants to call himself John.  Like Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.  That would be cool.



Or maybe he'll be like Duncan Jones or Rowan Farrow, and choose a name for himself that is not as attention-getting, but reflects who he is as a person.  Go Quincy!  

  • Love 2

I just read this news online and scurried over here to get reactions!

Did the new parents say what they will actually call the child every day? Spur? Geon? TaterTot? PoorThing?

People making "statements" with their innocent children's names is one of my (many) pet peeves. A child is NOT a vanity project, you idiots.

$50 says they are calling that cute kid Bubba by sundown if they haven't started already
  • Love 4

Jessa claims that they don't spend any time on the internet reading what people are saying about them. Maybe she should start and go and change that baby's name STAT! She can't be that un-aware of how horrible the name is can she? Or because Bin is the boss (stop laughing) he named Bam Bam Fish Fry an unfortunate name?!?!?! haha I just realized that one of my cousins is named Fortunata (Lucky) so I shouldn't complain about my horrible name.

Then who banned me from her Instagram? Jesus?

Lying liar who lies...

ETA: That's the new pool house. They're doing lots of filming there.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 6

Jessa has the "gaze at your headship lovingly when he speaks" stare down pat, doesn't she?

Yeah, who would have thought that Jessa would be the one to take after all the other Gothard Stefford wives.

Then who banned me from her Instagram? Jesus?

Lying liar who lies...

Yep, she sure is a liar. We all know that she is on the internet reading and looking at Kim K for her next selfie inspiration. (who knows but it's funny to think about it)

  • Love 1

Oh Gawd, she has the worship gaze going on.  Cute baby.

But it's phony. Jessa is boss lady, calling the shots. Depending how "sly" she is, Ben may not have a clue. But Jessa is the captain of the SS SpurgeonSturgeonSalmonShrimpBoat. Aye, aye baby.

I agress that Baby Seewald is cute and adorbs. May he be loved unconditionally.

  • Love 6

But it's phony. Jessa is boss lady, calling the shots. Depending how "sly" she is, Ben may not have a clue. But Jessa is the captain of the SS SpurgeonSturgeonSalmonShrimpBoat. Aye, aye baby.

I agress that Baby Seewald is cute and adorbs. May he be loved unconditionally.

They could do an India themed names: Baboo Seewald or Ghandi Seewald. Edited by BrianJ62
  • Love 2

I notice that Bin keeps looking to Jessa for approval. I wonder if he gets a beatdown if he goes off-script. I also noticed the defiant glare in his eye when he announced the hideous name. I wonder how many family members tried to talk them out of it.

I hope they stick with Quincy.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 11

I saw some other young 20-something posting on FB about feeling upset that people don't like the name Spurgeon...because she and her husband have also chosen that name for their child!! Sounds like a couple the Seewalds should purpose to meet some day.


They very well may have at Big Sandy.

Here's the video TLC filmed for their baby-naming moment:



Pardon my language, but look at that poor fucker.  Look at him.  You think he's had that moment when he's realized that he's in way over his head?  The last time I saw an "Oh My God, What Have I Done?" face like that was when a 22 year old kid I know won an election he hadn't planned on winning.

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 13

There are now, of course, several links on Facebook to various articles about little baby Seewald.  One woman commented that we should all leave Ben and Jessa alone, because they are the parents and can do whatever they want, and in fact, she did the same herself when she named her baby girl Ocean.  Is this the trend now, just to choose any noun and turn that into a name?  If so, I'm partial to Skillet Seewald.  Heck, you could open the dictionary and point randomly to any word and probably come up with a better name than Spurgeon.  Not only will the kid never, ever be able to find anything with his name on it, he will likely be teased, too.

  • Love 8
Well if they really wanted to make a Christian impact, why not just name the lil' guy Jesus, Moses, Abraham or the The Messiah? They all sound better and have the same interpretation: WE ARE DELUSIONAL SQUIRRELBAIT!


oh hell, why don't they just cut to the chase and name their firstborn GOD and be done with it.

Neither is "Apple".

Don't tell Josh - he thinks HE's The Man.

Yeah forget about 'Joe Smithson', Josh's next alias is going to be SPURGEON.

  • Love 3

The good news is, the people around them are stepping up and apparently NOT calling the baby Spurgeon. They are sticking to Eliot or Quincy or something else. There is someone in their circle who knows better, but was unable to stop them.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 8

People making "statements" with their innocent children's names is one of my (many) pet peeves. A child is NOT a vanity project, you idiots.


This cannot be said enough.  Not liking the name "Spurgeon" isn't simply a matter of taste (although, for the life of me, I can't understand how that sounds remotely pleasing! it's even worse with the alliterative "Spurgeon Seewald").  It's all the heavy baggage that goes with the name, not to mention that it's just so unfamiliar and unexpected, and therefore requires extra explanations of meaning, spelling, etc. That beautiful baby is going to have to deal with his ridiculous name every day of his life (or at least until he turns 18 and changes it!). 


My sincere prayer for the little guy: Please, Lord, give little Spurgeon Elliott Seewald a chance in life.

  • Love 10

I can't help compare the look on Ben's face with that of Chad (Erin's hubby).  Chad looks adoringly at the baby and Ben looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  I wouldn't want to be married to a man who depends on my own father for his income.  Call me old-fashioned but I like a man who thinks it's his responsibility to at least contribute to the support of his family.  If his wife wants to/has to work, then fine!  But don't be a damned leech.

  • Love 12

Here's what I wish for BabyBoy Sewald, bottom line:

Spurgeon Elliot (may I call you "sweetheart"?) I wieh you love, security, a happy childhood and adults who will guard and protect you, honor you and LOVE you unconditionally.

If God made you tall or short, blue-eyed or brown, blond or brown-haired, gay or straight........may you find acceptance, understanding and pure love from your mom and dad and extended family.

You have been made in the image of God. You are loved, worthy, accepted and respected.

That is so beautiful. 

  • Love 8

BTW why are people calling him Fish Fry & stuff?

Is there a fish called Spurgeon? Or are people getting confused with STurgeon?

I'm calling him Fish Fry because I find it hilarious that the baby's real name almost sounds like a fish. I'm not confused just messing with his dumb parents. And I'm keeping Bam Bam because it's cute.


Bam Bam Fish Fry Seewald may one day you become a Catholic to spite your parents.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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