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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Is that part up there that I bolded supposed to be a joke?  As if any parent has an right to say to their children, "I don't want grandchildren, don't get married."

I feel like there's a middle ground between "I order you not to get married" and "Tell you what, son. Hold down a job until you can afford to gas up your own car and drive yourself eight hours round trip to go to church and sniff after a wife."

Edited by Julia
  • Love 15

JimBo has put on weight, and his hair is noticeably gray.

Is that part up there that I bolded supposed to be a joke? As if any parent has an right to say to their children, "I don't want grandchildren, don't get married."

No, it's not a joke. I clarified what I meant by that. Sure, Bin is legally an adult and therefore can get married whenever he wants but Guinn shouldn't act shocked when he marries a Duggar. They're all about breeding for Jesus. Did she think that Bin and Jessa were going to use birth control? Really, what did she expect to happen? Jessa was sperminated about 5 minutes into the marriage. If she doesn't want her kids to be breeding machines for the Lord, maybe Guinn and her family should get out of the Kreepy Khristian Kult and get educations, careers and birth control.

  • Love 5

Can somebody explain to me why their is a Bratz Doll on Jessa's registry? Like literally---one of the most anti-Duggar toys around right now, is on her registry?

I don't think that is really her registry.  I think someone did that as a joke.

Can you believe that Jill actually left the country and is not going to be there when Jessa gives birth?  Seriously, how could she do that?  And, yes, they are headed to Guatemala, though they never admit to that destination.  It has been verified: http://www.inquisitr.com/2507015/duggar-family-takes-jill-to-board-plane-to-guatemala-with-derick-and-baby


This family doesn't realize that people snap pictures of them and they can't control what people know about them.

  • Love 2

True. But they will still rebel in some way. Passive aggressively, or being self-harmful, or flat out being ugly to other people (which contradicts always "keeping sweet") or folding in on oneself and disappearing completely. Eventually it will come out. It has to come out with the Duggar kids. Maybe it's even coming out with Michelle by the emptiness in her eyes and her lack of attachment to the kids. I dunno. Rebellion is part of growing and learning--the Bible is full of examples about how rebellion came with consequences AND important lessons learned. Not to mention one of the tenets of the Christian faith is that God is in control--but he doesn't control us. We all have free will and the freedom to make choices. Christianity is not a small square you stand in the middle of and don't dare cross a side. Or maybe I should have used a blanket as an example. Anyway--point is that we've seen Josh already fall off the rails. IMO he won't be the only one, unfortunately. 


Michelle and JB went wack-a-doo after Josh was long past infancy; remember he's the eldest and pre-miscarriage. The baby brainwashing was probably not in full effect until likely the Jessa/Jinger timeframe. Jana and John David both showed the same life in their eyes Josh had at the beginning; Jana lost that light during puberty and we all know how Michelle handled her fights with Jessa. /gag Jessa reminds me of the smart girl who acts dumb but is naturally very bossy/leader. However, once you hit around Jinger and younger it all falls downhill. 

  • Love 1

Why are Bratz dolls anti-Duggar?


Their style of clothes isn't Duggar approved, a boy could be turned on if she was naked---NIKE!, they wear too much make-up...etc, etc. I've never see a Duggar with so much as a Barbie doll let alone a Bratz doll. 

Edited by Loves2Dance

All the brats doll talk reminds me of a funny story. When my daughter first started kindergarten she had a birthday and we invited everyone in the class . It was the beginning of the year so the kids didn't know each other very well. One of the moms was with her daughter in the toy section picking out a gift for the party and was trying to figure out exactly which girl was having the party. The daughter was having a hard time describing her and finally picked up a brats doll and said "she looks just like this"......the worst part is the mom knew immediately which kid it was! Thankful my daughter head to body ratio has improved since then!

  • Love 14

I don't think that is really her registry. I think someone did that as a joke.

Can you believe that Jill actually left the country and is not going to be there when Jessa gives birth? Seriously, how could she do that? And, yes, they are headed to Guatemala, though they never admit to that destination. It has been verified: http://www.inquisitr.com/2507015/duggar-family-takes-jill-to-board-plane-to-guatemala-with-derick-and-baby

This family doesn't realize that people snap pictures of them and they can't control what people know about them.

I'm almost willing to bet jessa has had the baby already. In the previews for their specials you could see jill doing midwifery stuff with jessa, jill probably left after they delivered the baby. I wonder if they are keeping it secret until Nov 1st. Oh My GOSH they might announce on their oh so very special precious anniversary! !

  • Love 1

Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.



I laughed when I saw this. Look at the background. It looks like a boomtown movie set for an old Western. I'm from NJ, does outback Arkansas really look like a Wyatt Earp movie? I actually like old Western's like "Maverick" with a younger James Garner, etc. So I enjoyed this photo, but it made me think of how JB & Michelle would have functioned in an Old Western boomtown like Dodge City or Tombstone. There were brothels and saloons everywhere. 

Thanks for that link. It made my day. 

  • Love 4

I don't think that is really her registry. I think someone did that as a joke.

Can you believe that Jill actually left the country and is not going to be there when Jessa gives birth? Seriously, how could she do that? And, yes, they are headed to Guatemala, though they never admit to that destination. It has been verified: http://www.inquisitr.com/2507015/duggar-family-takes-jill-to-board-plane-to-guatemala-with-derick-and-baby

This family doesn't realize that people snap pictures of them and they can't control what people know about them.

I beg to differ. No flight out of Fayetteville would go directly to CA. The destination could only be verity the second flight. Someone on Pickles claims they saw them in Atlanta, but provides no further information. I think it's merely assumed they're headed back to wherever the language schools are, but that article jumps to conclusions without proof beyond the hint about learning Spanish. Didn't they already "graduate" from a language school? Can't they go to El Salvador and learn on their own with Rosetta Stone?

Just throwing out alternative possibilities here...

  • Love 1

Is JimBob going to make the big birth announcement once Jessa delivers like he did for Meredith where he counted on his fingers how many grandkids HE has?  Since it is really all about him and he has to stop counting kids he now has to count his grandkids on his fingers for us.   It won't be about the more important fact of putting his daughter first and saying it's HER first baby, it will be all about JB and how it's HIS 6th grandkid. Just another reason to detest pimp-daddy JB.

  • Love 8

To me it seemed like they were playing the same card they played with Meghan Kelly - they are victims of the MEDIA, not their brother. The way Jessa said "We were devastated. You have to wonder, 'how does this happen?,'" there's no way she's talking about her brother's actions. She's totally talking about InTouch getting the police reports and releasing them. So I'm sure still does believe the Josh part was "nothing," but the aftermath of the world finding out about it, losing their TV show (and probably their brother's OTHER misdeeds), that's what's devastating to Jessa.

Well you have to admit [for anyone] having the media find out you were sexually abused as a child, out you publicly, and then being expected to rehash that point of your life all over again for everyone to see has to be pretty horrifying. I certainly wouldn't want to do it. Especially considering when you listen to the girls discuss it, it's something that they (Jessa & Jill) did (more or less) put in the past. No one wants to relive that type of trauma for the public to see. I can't say I blame Jessa for feeling that way, and trying to minimize everything to the press. Truth be told I would probably do the same, regardless of my feelings about what happened....because it's a private trauma to deal with, and all this attention is just strangers trying to capitalize on their pain.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 8

I beg to differ. No flight out of Fayetteville would go directly to CA. The destination could only be verity the second flight. Someone on Pickles claims they saw them in Atlanta, but provides no further information. I think it's merely assumed they're headed back to wherever the language schools are, but that article jumps to conclusions without proof beyond the hint about learning Spanish. Didn't they already "graduate" from a language school? Can't they go to El Salvador and learn on their own with Rosetta Stone?

Just throwing out alternative possibilities here...

When they were last in Central America, they were studying Spanish for two weeks in Guatemala.  The Duggar Family Blog shows Joy-Anna, Carlin Bates and baby Israel at the Arch of Santa Catalina.  Jill's Instagram shows Derick, Jill and baby at the same place.  And a tourist photographed all four of them in Antigua.  So, that's definitely where they were studying Spanish for two weeks.  If you do a Google search for 'Spanish schools Antigua', you'll see that the whole city is riddled with immersion Spanish schools.

They would have been so much better off if they did not sit for that interview with Meghan Kelly. We all are aware of who the other two family members who were victimized are but they have dealt with it privately ( or not at all, who knows) and the media has left them alone. In an effort to stay relevant Jessa and Jill have put the spot light on themselves and have remained very active on social media. They don't seem to realize that they are just fueling the fire. They can't seem to get out of their own way.

ETA the whole story is reminiscent of the story of the African monkey traps. The trappers will fool the monkeys and put a treat in a hollow coconut attached to a rope. When the monkey grabs the treat he can't remove his fist from the coconut because the opening is too small. All the monkey had to do is release the treat and then the hand will slide right out. Instead they grab the treat tighter and this is how they are captured.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 10

When they were last in Central America, they were studying Spanish for two weeks in Guatemala.  The Duggar Family Blog shows Joy-Anna, Carlin Bates and baby Israel at the Arch of Santa Catalina.  Jill's Instagram shows Derick, Jill and baby at the same place.  And a tourist photographed all four of them in Antigua.  So, that's definitely where they were studying Spanish for two weeks.  If you do a Google search for 'Spanish schools Antigua', you'll see that the whole city is riddled with immersion Spanish schools.

I'm well aware that's where they WERE. However, the article stated as fact that was where they were going to return. I posit that they could be "learning Spanish" elsewhere. They may well be heading back to Antigua (someone on Pickles claimed that they got an apartment there, but they probably also read one of these articles as fact), but the possibility exists that they may go to El Salvador or even Honduras, although that option seems to be an SOS side trip for one of the Voluntourism trips. 


I'm just saying that  part of the article is based on speculation, not fact. 

Edited by Sew Sumi

They would have been so much better off if they did not sit for that interview with Meghan Kelly. We all are aware of who the other two family members who were victimized are but they have dealt with it privately ( or not at all, who knows) and the media has left them alone. In an effort to stay relevant Jessa and Jill have put the spot light on themselves and have remained very active on social media. They don't seem to realize that they are just fueling the fire. They can't seem to get out of their own way.

ETA the whole story is reminiscent of the story of the African monkey traps. The trappers will fool the monkeys and put a treat in a hollow coconut attached to a rope. When the monkey grabs the treat he can't remove his fist from the coconut because the opening is too small. All the monkey had to do is release the treat and then the hand will slide right out. Instead they grab the treat tighter and this is how they are captured.


I'm guessing that at least SOME of the monkeys - the smarter ones? - actually let go of the treats.

I laughed when I saw this. Look at the background. It looks like a boomtown movie set for an old Western. I'm from NJ, does outback Arkansas really look like a Wyatt Earp movie? I actually like old Western's like "Maverick" with a younger James Garner, etc. So I enjoyed this photo, but it made me think of how JB & Michelle would have functioned in an Old Western boomtown like Dodge City or Tombstone. There were brothels and saloons everywhere. 

Thanks for that link. It made my day. 

I know right, where the fuck are they?  That's their marriage retreat?  An old movie's set from the 1800's?   How romantic is that!  There looks to be a bank, a parlor, a diner and some kid throwing a football in the background.  Why on earth would they go there for romance?  Way to spice things up JB.  I can just imagine the conversation - Oh Michelle what a beautiful town, a bank and parlor next to the diner, boy I wish we could live in a town like this.  You're so right JB, as always, I would fit right in here in my old prairie dresses, those were the days.

  • Love 7

I'm well aware that's where they WERE. However, the article stated as fact that was where they were going to return. I posit that they could be "learning Spanish" elsewhere. They may well be heading back to Antigua (someone on Pickles claimed that they got an apartment there, but they probably also read one of these articles as fact), but the possibility exists that they may go to El Salvador or even Honduras, although that option seems to be an SOS side trip for one of the Voluntourism trips. 


I'm just saying that  part of the article is based on speculation, not fact. 

So I guess they are free lance missionaries, paying their own way (with other people's money) and coming and going as they please. 

  • Love 3

I'm guessing that at least SOME of the monkeys - the smarter ones? - actually let go of the treats.

This is OT but reminds me of a Simpsons episode where Homer gets both arms stuck in a vending machine. A fire crew & EMTs are working hard to release him, and the mention of amputating both of his arms came up. Then one of the rescuers says, "Sir, are you just holding on to the cans????" Hee, hee.
  • Love 7



Benessa had a baby shower. The article also says that Jill will deliver the baby. How is she going to do that, if they're  wherever they are, and not coming back until next summer? More lies from the Duggars. Jessa obviously did not see how negligent Jill was with her own delivery. That's scary.

  • Love 11

"'It was really fun,' a source close to the family tells PEOPLE. The event, attended by the large Duggar clan, was co-ed, allowing for Jessa's husband Ben and father Jim Bob Duggar to get in on all of the fun. 'There were guys there, anyone could go,' says the source. 'It was good. There was a lot of everybody.'"




Also, of course the guys were there.  It was being filmed.  Gotta get their appearance fee.  

  • Love 8



Benessa had a baby shower. The article also says that Jill will deliver the baby. How is she going to do that, if they're  wherever they are, and not coming back until next summer? More lies from the Duggars. Jessa obviously did not see how negligent Jill was with her own delivery. That's scary.

Maybe she already had the baby?  I'm curious to see that unfold, and if Jessa with Jill's complete incompetence will wind up with an emergency C after 500 hours of labor.


Hope Jill learned something from her own experience. Do you think she would even feel guilty if she effed up Jessa's delivery? Or just roll her eyes and say "Gods willl"? That being said, I hope mom and baby are safe. 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 2

Does People not bother to fact check? Either Jessa already had the baby or the Dullards faked their departure. I know that Jilly Muffin thinks she's God's special creature, but even she can't be in two places at once.

I also thought it funny how the 'source' talked about Jessa looking great because she didn't gain weight in her face. That's the one area where I thought she could have benefitted from some pregnancy puffiness. IMO, Jessa has looked haggard ever since she spent a year starving herself for her wedding and she hasn't bounced back since.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 2


Benessa had a baby shower. The article also says that Jill will deliver the baby. How is she going to do that, if they're wherever they are, and not coming back until next summer?

Well obviously, the baby will wait, since the world works on Dugger time and revolves around Jill.

  • Love 2

This was much easier when JB had complete control and the girls didn't have instagram. Very subtle, but I do think the kids are getting away on him. I think Jessa's new dress code and social media access are the tip of the iceberg.  The money was the glue that held them together, then chained them to JB, now money is what ultimately may tear them apart as each kid becomes as greedy as their dad.

  • Love 13

I'm well aware that's where they WERE. However, the article stated as fact that was where they were going to return. I posit that they could be "learning Spanish" elsewhere. They may well be heading back to Antigua (someone on Pickles claimed that they got an apartment there, but they probably also read one of these articles as fact), but the possibility exists that they may go to El Salvador or even Honduras, although that option seems to be an SOS side trip for one of the Voluntourism trips. 


I'm just saying that  part of the article is based on speculation, not fact. 

Turns out the article is right!  They definitely went to Guatemala and Derick just posted the photo of Antigua on Instagram. (He made his account private, but you can see it here: https://www.facebook.com/Duggar-Family-News-Life-is-not-all-pickles-and-hairspray-269181913180625/ )

Turns out the article is right! They definitely went to Guatemala and Derick just posted the photo of Antigua on Instagram. (He made his account private, but you can see it here: https://www.facebook.com/Duggar-Family-News-Life-is-not-all-pickles-and-hairspray-269181913180625/ )

Beautiful picture. Did anyone reverse Google it to make sure he didn't just pull it from Wikipedia?

Edit: Sorry Jessa, forgot this was your topic. Always overshadowed by Jill :)

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 5

Name suggestion for the Duggarwald baby: Grifter. It's hip. It's trendy. It's true.

I voted in the poll thing. I suggested Mirac-Elle for a girl, and Benton for a boy. If Jackson was named after Jacksonville (where the whole worlds population can fit according to Michelle), they can show their NWA pride for Bentonville with Benton.
  • Love 1

Jessa sent along a video message to the good people at the Southern Women's Show. It sounds like the "unforeseen circumstance" was just her changing her mind about traveling two weeks before her due date.


Seriously?! Could she not do the due date math when she agreed to the gig? How is that considered an unforeseen circumstance?




ETA: Video credit to someone on Free Jinger. Not mine. 


Where was that filmed?


According to internet chatter, the video was filmed during Jessa's baby shower at Holland Barn in Highfill, AR. It looks like it fits the bill from pictures. 




Also, way to be a jerk by filming a "I'm sorry I'm too delicate to travel right now" video while you're literally standing outside your baby shower venue. You're not too delicate to party with 100 guests and TLC cameras in attendance... 

Edited by Guest

She was on camera, I guess she was MC.


It does look like Jana is holding a microphone. In that case, it was very smart of TLC to put Jana and the other "fan favorite" kids front and center during the Benessa VSE instead of JB and M. It might be the first smart thing that TLC has done in a long time... 

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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