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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Yeah, until Ben writes something about more insightful about the hypostatic union than a 6th grader who knows how to use Wikipedia, I'll go elsewhere for my daily dose of theology. If he breaks out the Kierkegaard on the subject, then he would get my attention. Chances of that happening? Less than the chances that dinosaurs didn't exist. Also, I would own him on Kierkegaard.

  • Love 7

If he had to bring the paper up close in order to see it, he would be farsighted, wouldn't he? Ben is nearsighted. I'm no optometrist, but I'm fairly certain that nothing you do CAUSES that condition. I think it's more of a hereditary thing.

ETA: Googled it. Research supports that it is hereditary; however, there is growing evidence that it may also be caused by too much up-close work.

No, near-sighted means you can see well up close.

I don't think the 200 percent thing goes with the Trinity. I think it's the "hypostatic"!!! thing, which as I understand it refers to Christ being fully God and fully man. The paradox there is that he's one single unified being, yet he's also 100 percent human and 100 percent divine -- 200 percent. But still only one being.

So it's pretty much quantum theory? I can see where that might be a strain on the itty bitty Bin brain.

  • Love 1

Bless his heart. He's trying his best to communicate with us, but... i think he needs at least 4 more years at college, and a job. And, not to be associated with the Duggars (other than his lovely jessa blessa).


Yeah, what Churchhoney said.


ETA, this minister seems like he gets it right:




So “hypostatic union” may sound fancy in English, but it’s a pretty simple term. Hypostatic means personal. The hypostatic union is the personal union of Jesus’ two natures.

Jesus has two complete natures—one fully human and one fully divine. What the doctrine of the hypostatic union teaches is that these two natures are united in one person in the God-man. Jesus is not two persons. He is one person. The hypostatic union is the joining of the divine and the human in the one person of Jesus.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 2

The stupid thing is that I seriously doubt that Ben has had a real theology discussion with anyone.  It is really easy to be completely convinced of something when you have never actually had your beliefs challenged.  They all see anyone who thinks differently as a heathen rather than an opportunity to talk about why you hold a particular view.  If Ben actually sat down with even just a liberal Christian, he would have to actually defend his beliefs and I really don't think that he would be able to do it.  The Duggars and Seewalds are so entrenched in their views but its pretty much because God.  And that is where the discussion ends. 

No one has ever really asked them "Why?" so they march on with their blinkered opinions, telling themselves that they are "God's Chosen".  If that is what being "God's Chosen" looks like then no thanks, I'd rather keep my IQ points and head on down to hell. 

  • Love 9

The whole thing sounds to me like Bin has just heard the phrase 'hypostatic union' for the first time and now he's trying to use it in a sentence as many times as he can.  Remember back in grade school when you got a list of spelling words and had to write a sentence using each one for homework?  I think that's what happened here.  Bin, now being Duggarfied, thinks that he can learn ministerin' on his own in his spare time and saw some internet preacher who used the phrase and this compelled him to write a nonsensical essay to let everyone know that he's hip to that preachin' lingo and don't need no formal edumacation in a seminary.  I am sure the admissions committee at any real seminary would be duly impressed at his mad skilz.

  • Love 17

I resent Ben imposing his beliefs on all of humanity.  He actually thinks he can speak for 7 billion people when he writes:


Ben Seewald
Many things about God are beyond our comprehension. As humans we don't like this. We like a little bitty god that can fit inside our itty bitty logical box and be understood by our tiny little human brains.

  • Love 7

The whole thing sounds to me like Bin has just heard the phrase 'hypostatic union' for the first time and now he's trying to use it in a sentence as many times as he can.  Remember back in grade school when you got a list of spelling words and had to write a sentence using each one for homework?  I think that's what happened here.  Bin, now being Duggarfied, thinks that he can learn ministerin' on his own in his spare time and saw some internet preacher who used the phrase and this compelled him to write a nonsensical essay to let everyone know that he's hip to that preachin' lingo and don't need no formal edumacation in a seminary.  I am sure the admissions committee at any real seminary would be duly impressed at his mad skilz.

Ben fancies himself a 'writer' because he can write.

  • Love 2

Ben fancies himself a 'writer' because he can write.

God gifted him a MacBook Pro for a reason.

Ben Seewald

Many things about God are beyond our comprehension. As humans we don't like this. We like a little bitty god that can fit inside our itty bitty logical box and be understood by our tiny little human brains.

My eleven-year-old daughter who struggles with a communication disorder writes better than this. I'm feeling really good this morning. PTL. Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 7

Yes, according the Ben, the writer, as humans WE don't like this.  Just because Ben doesn't like it doesn't mean all of humanity doesn't like it, or even believes what he's saying to begin with.  Ben wants all of humanity to think like he does.  Because he doesn't like something - no one in humanity likes it either. It's so immature it's annoying.

Hey Ben I hear that if you can become a paleontologist you can then speak for ALL paleontologists!  

  • Love 3

The whole thing sounds to me like Bin has just heard the phrase 'hypostatic union' for the first time and now he's trying to use it in a sentence as many times as he can.  Remember back in grade school when you got a list of spelling words and had to write a sentence using each one for homework?  I think that's what happened here.  Bin, now being Duggarfied, thinks that he can learn ministerin' on his own in his spare time and saw some internet preacher who used the phrase and this compelled him to write a nonsensical essay to let everyone know that he's hip to that preachin' lingo and don't need no formal edumacation in a seminary.  I am sure the admissions committee at any real seminary would be duly impressed at his mad skilz.

Yes, exactly. This is exactly the sense I get from Bin.

  • Love 1

So apparently the Seewalds were okay with fossil hunting and a paleontology ambition -- i.e., they apparently didn't think those were planted by God to lead us astray? ... That sounds like tolerating curiosity about evolution, to me. .... huh.

There's actually a creation-based dinosaur museum in California!


Many things about God are beyond our comprehension.

You know, in my more theistic moments I actually agree with this, which is why I can't stand it when fundamentalists/evangelicals insist that their way is the only way because God clearly wants this or the Bible clearly says that. If you disagree, it means that you're challenging the authority of the Bible. No, I'm not, I'm just challenging your interpretation of the Bible. There's a difference! And it's incredibly arrogant to conflate the two.

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 14

Yes, according the Ben, the writer, as humans WE don't like this. Just because Ben doesn't like it doesn't mean all of humanity doesn't like it, or even believes what he's saying to begin with. Ben wants all of humanity to think like he does. Because he doesn't like something - no one in humanity likes it either. It's so immature it's annoying.

Hey Ben I hear that if you can become a paleontologist you can then speak for ALL paleontologists!

For some reason, Ben is reminding me of all the people who sneered at President Obama because he was "too intellectual." They wanted someone they could have a beer with. Ben and his ilk decry book-learning and such so maybe THEY secretly want a God that fits in a little bitty box (WTF, what would that even MEAN in regards to a GOD??). Me, I like authority figures to be wiser, smarter, BETTER than us regular humans. And I want a BIG God - not a smite-y Old Testament one, but a wise, loving, compassionate, incomprehensible being. So shut up, Ben.

He sounds like some three-dollar preacher pontificating in a storefront church, dreaming of becoming Joel Osteen.

  • Love 10

There's actually a creation-based dinosaur museum in California!


You know, in my more theistic moments I actually agree with this, which is why I can't stand it when fundamentalists/evangelicals insist that their way is the only way because God clearly wants this or the Bible clearly says that. If you disagree, it means that you're challenging the authority of the Bible. No, I'm not, I'm just challenging your interpretation of the Bible. There's a difference! And it's incredibly arrogant to conflate the two.

Yes Ben defeating his own authority in telling you what you should believe about God while saying that God is incomprehensible.  Ben then admitting that his itty bitty brain doesn't like that part so obviously no other human likes that part either.

  • Love 4




I was wondering whether the Seewalds might be Old Earth Creationists rather than Young Earthers. (although I know that Ben's a Young Earther since joining the Duggs, but I thought that might be their influence...) I find here, though, that Vision Forum -- which is the main cult I've heard mentioned as a Seewald influence?? -- was a Young Earther establishment as well, apparently.


Here's Wartburg Watch on the subject, at any rate -- http://thewartburgwatch.com/2010/10/18/birds-of-a-feather-flock-together-in-the-young-earth-crowd/


"In 2009 Ken Ham was among the keynote speakers at the “Sufficiency of Scripture” conference held by the National Center for Family Integrated Churches (NCFIC). Others speaking at the conference were: Doug Phillips, Voddie Baucham, Joe Morecraft, Kevin Swanson, Paul Washer, and Scott Brown. Some of the workshop speakers were: Geoffrey Botkin (whose daughters wrote So Much More (see our post), William Einwechter (whose writings are sometimes featured on the Vision Forum website), and Andy Davis, who serves as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Durham, NC and is a council member of the Gospel Coalition.  It’s important to note that Scott Brown heads up NCFIC and is a close friend of Doug Phillips."

Edited by Churchhoney

You know, in my more theistic moments I actually agree with this, which is why I can't stand it when fundamentalists/evangelicals insist that their way is the only way because God clearly wants this or the Bible clearly says that. If you disagree, it means that you're challenging the authority of the Bible. No, I'm not, I'm just challenging your interpretation of the Bible. There's a difference! And it's incredibly arrogant to conflate the two.


That's what makes it so ridiculous. God's ways are unknowable. Let me explain them to you. And it's not as if he's misunderstanding what he was taught.

  • Love 8

That's what makes it so ridiculous. God's ways are unknowable. Let me explain them to you.


No no! It's yet another magnificent paradox of Duggar Christianity!   


God's ways are unknowable. And yet Ben -- king of the unknowing -- can totes explain them to you! We call it Hypostupid!

  • Love 12


Translation - Molester-enabler Michelle can't be on the special, so she'll use famewhore Sierra who loves being filmed. Reading is hard as shit, too.

Sierra is so wise. Next time my one-year-old twin grandsons are squabbling over a toy, I will give them a little lecture about their unkind and selfish hearts.

  • Love 8

Oddly enough, I agree with Jessa on the parenting books. I think sometimes we can get so overloaded with information and too consumed with "experts" who dictate the "right" and "wrong" way to raise a child. Not that I'd look at Michelle as a role model either, but it's okay to trust your instincts, IMO.

As far as Sierra, I'm shocked she's ever actually around her kids. I thought she spent most of her time planning lame parties at the TTH.

  • Love 3

Sierra is so wise. Next time my one-year-old twin grandsons are squabbling over a toy, I will give them a little lecture about their unkind and selfish hearts.


I think you should make them give up their prized possession to the other, as it's proven to be an incredibly effective tactic, as per the Duggars. 

Anyone else get a whiff of passive aggression from Jessa being super duper really impressed with her friend never being too busy for her children?

Moreso than we usually get from Jessa Blessa?  I mean, passive-aggression is her signature musk.

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 9

Anyone else get a whiff of passive aggression from Jessa being super duper really impressed with her friend never being too busy for her children?

Momma's little spite pony has betrayed her. And I'm here for it.

Anyone else get a whiff of passive aggression from Jessa being super duper really impressed with her friend never being too busy for her children?

Momma's little spite pony has betrayed her. And I'm here for it.

  • Love 7

I resent Ben imposing his beliefs on all of humanity.  He actually thinks he can speak for 7 billion people when he writes:


Ben Seewald

Many things about God are beyond our comprehension. As humans we don't like this. We like a little bitty god that can fit inside our itty bitty logical box and be understood by our tiny little human brains.

But I think he pretty accurately describes his own beliefs here. 

  • Love 7

Oh God, do they really think anyone is going to take them seriously - Bible quotes and all.  And, no one likes money grubbing cheap skates. An act of kindness has never occurred to them, unless, like others here have said, there is a camera filming.

Well they did grift 14 dozen doughnuts and gave a couple of doughnuts to some strangers. I'm sure someone just randomly took their picture standing with the people they gave the doughnuts to.  Rolls eyes.

  • Love 5

Lmfao, what happens if the person behind you is some snot in a 70k Escalade buying $60 worth of Frappuccinos and lemon bread for herself and her kids? Where do you draw the line?

We live in a fairly affluent area and this (the snob in the 70K Escalade) is not outside the realm of possibility. I've never gotten a free coffee. I have paid for the person behind me, but I was tacky enough to ask the cashier beforehand if they had a huge order before I did it. Mostly, it's a Band-Aid for the affluent, in my opinion -- "look what I did here! Aren't I a great person?" Every time I did so, it brightened my day as well. That's it.


Besides being tone-deaf to the world around her, I don't believe that Jessa Blessa has any interest in brightening anyone else's day. After all, she's the most important.

  • Love 5

For some reason, Ben is reminding me of all the people who sneered at President Obama because he was "too intellectual." They wanted someone they could have a beer with. Ben and his ilk decry book-learning and such so maybe THEY secretly want a God that fits in a little bitty box (WTF, what would that even MEAN in regards to a GOD??). Me, I like authority figures to be wiser, smarter, BETTER than us regular humans. And I want a BIG God - not a smite-y Old Testament one, but a wise, loving, compassionate, incomprehensible being. So shut up, Ben.

He sounds like some three-dollar preacher pontificating in a storefront church, dreaming of becoming Joel Osteen.


Great post - love this.


The similarities between Ben and Osteen are interesting too. Neither has a bachelor's degree, neither has attended divinity school. And bonus - what did Osteen study when he did attend college for a time? Radio and television communications. Getting a double-yuck vibe here.

  • Love 9

Olsen gives me the creeps so does his bitchfaced wife Victoria. They are both fake and make me cringe at their wealth.


Now back to Jessa, I couldn't get through that article because of the word "purpose." Who the heck says that except for the Gothard sheep? Makes no sense! Bugs me as much as people on my coupon board that say "I got mines." English sure is a dying language isn't it. (disclaimer English is my second language!)

  • Love 6

The thing is, I don't think Ben really believes that God is ineffable. I think Ben really believes that God is just like Ben, only bigger. Not that he's alone in that. Which, namaste, dude, but I would be suicidally depressed if I thought that there was a God running things who wasn't any better than I am.

  • Love 11

I'm on the Sierra is annoying train, but if Jessa wants to turn her back on blanket training and spanking that she grew up with, more power to her.

Some of the more frightening aspects of Gothardism and the "instant obediance" ideas terrify me. If she wants to explain to her kids why their behavior is wrong and what behavior she expects, then awesome.

Plus she isn't the first new parent to know everything about child rearing before her first kid is born lol.

Great post - love this.

The similarities between Ben and Osteen are interesting too. Neither has a bachelor's degree, neither has attended divinity school. And bonus - what did Osteen study when he did attend college for a time? Radio and television communications. Getting a double-yuck vibe here.

Osteen has an inspiring personality and a positive message. Two things Ben needs to develop.

  • Love 5

Plus she isn't the first new parent to know everything about child rearing before her first kid is born lol.


This. I was thinking about this the other day, how completely horrified I would be if the whole world was watching when I was twenty, or thirty, or forty, or five years ago, or a few times last year...

Edited by Julia
  • Love 6

Osteen has an inspiring personality and a positive message. Two things Ben needs to develop.

This. The reason people love Osteen's message is because he's big on "God wants you to be rich and fabulous" and light on accountability and personal responsibility. He's PR savvy enough to tailor his ministry to the level of shallowness and greed in modern society. Bin on the other hand, is all about hell and damnation, which is a pretty big downer for most of the population. Why would I give money to someone who tells me I'm a sinner and overall shitty person? Bin has a lot to learn. Regarding Jessa, I've heard that Victoria Osteen is a major diva bitch behind the scenes, so Blessa should fit into her role perfectly....

  • Love 10

I'm on the Sierra is annoying train, but if Jessa wants to turn her back on blanket training and spanking that she grew up with, more power to her.

Some of the more frightening aspects of Gothardism and the "instant obediance" ideas terrify me. If she wants to explain to her kids why their behavior is wrong and what behavior she expects, then awesome.

Plus she isn't the first new parent to know everything about child rearing before her first kid is born lol.

Osteen has an inspiring personality and a positive message. Two things Ben needs to develop.


True enough. Ben has got to become a brighter bulb than he is now, if that's possible. Otherwise it certainly isn't going to happen for him as he's dreaming it will. But in most cases, I have to admit I'm still the kind of person who wants to see the credentials. I want proof that the individual thought enough of what he/she wanted to do to seriously study on it. Someone who thinks that masses of people SHOULD listen to him - and that's what all these tele-preachers think - should care about Getting It Right. Make a real commitment. Put in the time, effort - and money if need be - to get the degree. That sheepskin adds a layer of earned gravitas, IMO.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7

This. I was thinking about this the other day, how completely horrified I would be if the whole world was watching when I was twenty, or thirty, or forty, or five years ago, or a few times last year...


So true - my taste alone has improved about 1000% since I was 20. I knew nothing at all back then, but thought I Knew It All. Wellfleet, thy name is Insufferable...

  • Love 11

Jessa's latest selfie. Little over 3 weeks till baby Seewald makes its grand appearance, y'all excited?

One person said Jessa was huge and that it's gotta be twins. Jessa isn't huge enough to be carrying twins. IMO. https://instagram.com/p/8lO1XOjfi8/

I'm so curious about what kind of prenatal care Jessa has had these last 8 months. Has she been taking Folic Acid and other supplements, has anyone continue to measure the baby's growth, does anyone no the position of the baby? I find it odd that a trip to a medical professional was never included in any episodes while Jill was pregnant.  Is it because they are using the midwife who was stripped of her credentials?


We've seen snippets of ever other medical thing that has occurred, including eye glasses, wisdom teeth, stitches, fertility consulting, etc. The Bates family is big on showing medical appointments too, yet with the Duggars, an ultra sound is the only prenatal 'care' that they have filmed. Curious.

  • Love 5
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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