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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The Dept. of Children probably need a Fundie interpreter to interview a Duggar.


Mommie hit me in the countenance.  Wha?  Huh?     She hit you into the counter top?



Because I purposed to defraud the dog.     Frog the dog?      


Child then gives investigator a quick side hug, runs side ways into the side door.

  • Love 11

Again, incredible lack of understanding about human sexuality from them. Plenty of men (and women) at attracted to a person's long, beautiful hair, their eyes, their lips, and of course their feet! Right now the older girls at wearing fairly tight clothes, outlining their bodies nicely. That's more than enough to cause someone to lust after them. Or, as they say, defraud someone.

I like to believe the daughters know that a man's behavior is that man's responsibility, and they are slowly pushing the Duggar modesty envelope to fly under the radar.

Soo, WTF fundi tumblr has a twitter sermon from BenSeewald. Apparently he went after football fans (basically prioritizing football over his God.) I do believe Ben is aiming for a 'ministry' in the most unusual way. He needs to go after cheerleaders, beer, country music, and clean out some of those casual hangers on in the south haha. I don't think Ben has enough pull to have that go over very well.


Also, maybe Jessa should stop trying to manipulate, lie, in her social media.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 2

Oh, I've sat through dozens of anti-football sermons in my life. They've been around at least 40 years.

Anti-football? Did I miss something?

And if we're transitioning to anti-football sermons, I could give quite a long one on the superiority of rugby, but that would belong in off-topic. Although a women's rugby game would probably blow Jessa's mind. 

  • Love 2


Anti-football? Did I miss something?

The priests at our church tended to get pretty pissy when 1/2 of the mass left immediately after communion because a big game was about to start.   It would almost always result in an anti-football sermon the next week. How we devoted too much time to football and not enough to serving those who needed us.

Edited by Skittl1321
  • Love 2

Football is breaking down the American family and the church. It makes father's push their sons to be something they are not, their daughters to be sex symbol cheerleaders, it makes parents into angry competitors, and it all happens on Sunday, when we should be focusing on God. Add some Bible verses and 20-30 minutes of yelling and storming back and forth across the pulpit, and you have several weeks of my childhood.

Oh, plus gambling. But the real heavy duty sermons on that were saved for March Madness.

  • Love 2

Well, you have to admit, if he realized what he was doing, that took some nads. He just called out a lot of potential supporters who may not like his tone nearly so much when he's whacking on them and not the heathen liberals.



I think Ben needs to spend less time waling on people and more time finding a job to support his family. 

  • Love 12

The priests at our church tended to get pretty pissy when 1/2 of the mass left immediately after communion because a big game was about to start. It would almost always result in an anti-football sermon the next week. How we devoted too much time to football and not enough to serving those who needed us.

Skittl, you wouldn't have gotten this part of that set, being catholic. For Baptists, part II went like this: "we need to be EXCITED about Jesus the way we get excited about football!!!" (This was delivered in the baptist yell...). "If you can get emotional enough to scream and yell over a score at a football game, you OUGHT TO BE emotional enough to yell and scream about Jesus. If you can't get emotional about Jesus, there's something WRONG with you! People are dying and going to hell every DAY because we aren't spreading the word!!!"

ETA: As a result, I'm very careful to contain my emotions at sports events.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 7


we didn't get as far as the cheerleaders etc. 

We got more involved in how the athletes are not Godly men, people drink beer and the breakdown of the Sabbath. Plus the whoremonger problem.  No one played football in our church so that wasn't an issue. 

Edited by Marigold

I'm in Texas; any preacher who tried to deliver a sermon on the evils of football would be run out of town with fire and pitchforks. ;-)


You'd think being in Arkansas would make Bin more sensitive about anti-football messages, but I feel like he tends to spout off about anything that will get him noticed, good or bad. It doesn't matter what he's railing against as long as it's getting him press.

  • Love 1

Football is breaking down the American family and the church. It makes father's push their sons to be something they are not, their daughters to be sex symbol cheerleaders, it makes parents into angry competitors, and it all happens on Sunday, when we should be focusing on God. Add some Bible verses and 20-30 minutes of yelling and storming back and forth across the pulpit, and you have several weeks of my childhood.

Oh, plus gambling. But the real heavy duty sermons on that were saved for March Madness.


Also football players get padding and get to rest after being tackled. That's just plain lazy, and lazy is one of the seven deadly sins. Whereas in rugby, they just play around you while you're on the ground, so you get really good at getting up fast and dodging metal spiked shoes. 


Though there's a lot more touching in rugby that would make a preacher's head explode (google how a scrum looks). 

  • Love 4
I like to believe the daughters know that a man's behavior is that man's responsibility, and they are slowly pushing the Duggar modesty envelope to fly under the radar.


I'd like to think that too, but I doubt it. I think they really believe they're being modest because they're not wearing yoga pants, jean, pants, etc. There's a whole "thing" in conservative Christianity where women are encouraged to ditch the yoga pants (and anything else that would defraud/tempt a man) so they won't "make him stumble". I'm a pretty conservative Christian and that kind of thinking enrages me. I feel like the Duggars are lock-step with that mindset. 


As far as the football rant--Ben is young and foolish and likely parroting whatever fundie/conservative Christian topics he comes across. Here's a newsflash: you can be Christian and a football fan. A few churches I've attended even had Superbowl parties. 

  • Love 2

Also football players get padding and get to rest after being tackled. That's just plain lazy, and lazy is one of the seven deadly sins. Whereas in rugby, they just play around you while you're on the ground, so you get really good at getting up fast and dodging metal spiked shoes. 


Though there's a lot more touching in rugby that would make a preacher's head explode (google how a scrum looks). 

Hee, when I lived in the UK I got told all the time that American football was rugby without the 'sissy padding'. :) A LOT more touching than a side-hug, that's for sure.


The modesty thing is a load of crap just like everything else they preach. It's not even consistent, and it makes zero sense whatsoever. It seems like the only really big no-no is letting on that, as a female, you have two legs. When I think of religious modesty applied to appearance, I think of something like Amish women. Not teenaged/young adult girls spackled with five pounds of makeup and hair products posting duck-lipped, arched-back selfies every other day (all fine as long as the skirt covers the knees????) It's just item number 8347548 on the list of 83495723853 things that the Duggars crow and whine and preach about without having the foggiest clue about why they believe the things they do TO THE DEATH. If you're going to scream about modesty and point out how modest you are all the time it would really behoove you in terms of credibility to actually practice modesty. Modesty is not hiding behind a wall of Christianity while you sell your family for a TLC paycheck and some swag. Modesty is not being on every talk show and on the cover of every magazine talking about how modest you are. 

Edited by Aja
  • Love 9

Ben's sermon doesn't make sense because his own wedding recessional was the razorback fight song. I know a few football fans who have included football in their receptions, but never in a church wedding. Ex. USC trojan flags to commemorate where they went to school. He needs to sit down and reevaluate what he's preaching against with what he's actually doing. 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 4

It's particularly funny as he and Jessa had their "bachelor/bachelorette" party as a football game.

Given that we weren't treated to such an idea for Josh and Anna or Jill and Derick, I think it's safe to say that was producer driven.

It was all Michelle's idea. Watching Ben play football revs up the clown car engine.

Ben's sermon doesn't make sense because his own wedding recessional was the razorback fight song. I know a few football fans who have included football in their receptions, but never in a church wedding. Ex. USC trojan flags to commemorate where they went to school. He needs to sit down and reevaluate what he's preaching against with what he's actually doing.

College games are played on Saturdays. They have a problem with Sunday games.

Btw - I never understood his obsession with the team when he didn't even go to the college.

I'd like to think that too, but I doubt it. I think they really believe they're being modest because they're not wearing yoga pants, jean, pants, etc. There's a whole "thing" in conservative Christianity where women are encouraged to ditch the yoga pants (and anything else that would defraud/tempt a man) so they won't "make him stumble". I'm a pretty conservative Christian and that kind of thinking enrages me. I feel like the Duggars are lock-step with that mindset.

As far as the football rant--Ben is young and foolish and likely parroting whatever fundie/conservative Christian topics he comes across. Here's a newsflash: you can be Christian and a football fan. A few churches I've attended even had Superbowl parties.

I don't think Jessa and perhaps Jinger fully bought the BS. Jessa figuratively wears the pants in her marriage, and she's actively pushing the limits of Duggar modesty. And I think it's Jinger who said she didn't really trust Josh anymore in her interview. I hope she knows it's not her fault.
  • Love 1

Btw - I never understood his obsession with the team when he didn't even go to the college.

It's extremely common. There are TONS of people out there who become obsessive fans just due to proximity.


(I mean, isn't that how most people pick professional teams? What affiliation does anyone have with those?) 

  • Love 3

It's particularly funny as he and Jessa had their "bachelor/bachelorette" party as a football game.

Given that we weren't treated to such an idea for Josh and Anna or Jill and Derick, I think it's safe to say that was producer driven.

Don't be so sure. Remember that Ben played football during what would have been his high school years had he attended public school. There are pictures all over the internet of him in uniform. 

  • Love 2

It was all Michelle's idea. Watching Ben play football revs up the clown car engine.

College games are played on Saturdays. They have a problem with Sunday games.

Btw - I never understood his obsession with the team when he didn't even go to the college.

So Thursday night and Monday night pro football is ok, but Sunday is bad...

I can sort of understand that logic, my mom and I would go to church while my dad watched football some Sundays. The thing is, my dad was more devout than either of us and he didn't view it as putting football over his belief in God. His relationship with God is his own and going to one more church service wouldn't change it. Also, people can go to a church before or after a game.


Anywho, I view inserting football into a religious ceremony as more eyebrow raising than missing a Sunday service.  That shows football and the team are pretty high up on Ben's priorities. I honestly don't care how a couple chooses to get married or what songs they choose. I just dislike how Ben chooses to present his ministry.  

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 3

One of Ben's recent posts is the stupidest things I've ever read.  It's about one person turning his back on science and dying, then another person who embraced science and lived.  Then it goes on to say embrace Jesus because, why?  I don't know if he got the irony of science=life and prayer=death.  


Also, Jessa is shilling for Chik-fil-a today.  I obviously boycott that dreadful company, but I have to say that I sometimes really crave some nuggets from there.  Still, knowing that they likely give these horrible people hefty discounts and/or gift cards makes me glad that I continue to boycott.  

  • Love 8

One of Ben's recent posts is the stupidest things I've ever read. It's about one person turning his back on science and dying, then another person who embraced science and lived. Then it goes on to say embrace Jesus because, why? I don't know if he got the irony of science=life and prayer=death.

Also, Jessa is shilling for Chik-fil-a today. I obviously boycott that dreadful company, but I have to say that I sometimes really crave some nuggets from there. Still, knowing that they likely give these horrible people hefty discounts and/or gift cards makes me glad that I continue to boycott.

I held out for a long time with my boycott but broke down and had a chicken biscuit about a year and a half ago. I felt guilty but it tasted so good.

  • Love 2

Poor Jessa.  She's an emotional wreck.


If my husband wants to make me blush, he reminds me of my watching Brave Little Toaster while I was pregnant and bursting into tears for hours afterwards because Blankie was sad. In my defense, Blankie was really, really sad.


That said, I wonder how this is going to affect her pregnancy diet endorsement.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 10

Some of the leghumpers strike me as mildly psychotic. "We love you and your beutyful family SO MUCH! We miss you SO MUCH! We cry and cry every day that you're not on the TV! Our lives are beyond empty without you!" Good lord.

Don't forget their blind insistence that the show is off the air temporarily, and will be back.
  • Love 5

One of Ben's recent posts is the stupidest things I've ever read.  It's about one person turning his back on science and dying, then another person who embraced science and lived.  Then it goes on to say embrace Jesus because, why?  I don't know if he got the irony of science=life and prayer=death.  

I checked it out and it really is a trip -

ben_seewaldThere were once two men that each had a deadly disease and both were visited by a friend who happened to be a doctor. The doctor told the first man, "I've got some bad news..." "STOP right there!" The man interrupted. "I create my own reality, and it is happy and positive!" With that he plugged his ears and hummed a merry tune as he skipped away from his doctor friend. A week later the positive thinker died despite his earnest and heartfelt belief that he was in perfect health.

The second man, when visited by his physician friend, listened carefully.

"I have some very bad news." The physician said.

"Well, it's truth, let me hear it." The diseased replied.

Doctor: "You have a deadly disease and are quickly dying."

Man: "That is bad..."

Doctor: "There is good news though! There is a cure, and if you take it, you will be healed!" The second man faced reality, took the cure, and was healed of his disease.

Let us face reality. There is Hope. There is an Answer to life's problems. There is true Light to conquer the darkness. We don't have to pretend. Face truth and let the truth set free. The Truth is not bondage. Deception is. Let the Truth set free. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6)

That Binjermin isn't too bright, is he? 

  • Love 10

I held out for a long time with my boycott but broke down and had a chicken biscuit about a year and a half ago. I felt guilty but it tasted so good.

There is one SUPER close to my work. i sometimes want to go there because it is the closest one to the Gothard HQ and I wonder if I can spot Fundies. I should one of these days. But I haven't ever eaten there ( mainly bc we never had Chick-fil-la here until a few years ago) but if I did, I would try a milkshake :-p

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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