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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Well, Bin, why not get your personal training certification so you can go out and get an actual job to support your family?

Certification? As a Duggar by marriage (and because KJB has Bin's headship in his pocket), he doesn't need a certificate. All he has to do is watch someone else do it once and then he will magically be a personal trainer too.

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When my daughter  obtained her national certification  as a personal trainer, it required quite a lot of work,  even though she already had a (REAL) degree in exercise science. She takes her profession very seriously and is well aware of how much damage an amateur "trainer" can do. She's currently 8 months pregnant and could probably squash Bin like a bug. What I wouldn't  give to see that!

Edited by Portia
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On 8/9/2016 at 10:08 AM, laurakaye said:

The monthly hairspray budget for these two must've spiraled into the thousands back in the day.  I am a girl of the 80's and even I didn't know bangs could go that high.

Oh, yeah. That is about a can of spray apiece there, isn't it? I'd interpreted both JB's and M's hairdos as the hair trying desperately to get as far away from the lamebrains underneath as possible.

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12 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

 I'd interpreted both JB's and M's hairdos as the hair trying desperately to get as far away from the lamebrains underneath as possible.

I've always assumed they ascribe to the creed, "The higher the  hair, the closer to God." But I like your interpretation much better, Churchie.

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3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:



I see Jinger and Jeremy are at it again. There is only a thin layer of fabric between their bare legs, for Christ sakes!!!! Their knees are almost touching.  Someone needs to turn the hose on these two sex fiends! 

Jim Bob needs to put a stop to these wicked displays of vulgarity.  I am being defrauded left and right by these two.

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They're just sad examples of lost potential. With proper guidance, Ben might have been a decent athlete beyond weightlifting his Christian football team in his high school years. I guess Joe is the most athletic of the Duggar boys; who knows what he could have done with different parents?

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The proposal was in NYC, so yes, TLC was there.  We know TLC was in Philly or Jersey with Jinger as she learned to make red sauce with Grandma Vuolo. They can't sell a courtship without either a breakup (Bateses) or proposal (all the rest of them). The only exception was Josiah/Marjorie, because that was during the Cancellation Era. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Michelle is holding a grandchild. They must've put him in her lap after she fell asleep.

HEE! That photo of Spurgie shows everything that is scrumptious about those chubby round babies.

Sometimes I wonder why I am so sarcastic about the Duggars.  Yeah they did nothing to serve the wealth they have now and the ability for none of them to work.  But did the Kardashians do anything and other reality folks of that ilk? I don't know. I'm not veering into defense territory, don't panic, kids.

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The pic of Jessa, Ben, Jer and Jinger make them look almost normal.  Maybe hanging around Jer, Ben will realize the caps are dumb and stop wearing them.  He also looks hot as hell in those jeans compared to the rest of them. 

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Jessa looks more frumpy every time a new picture is released. I always thought Jill looked dirty and unkempt, Jessa isn't far behind. Neither of them have regained their pre pregnancy bodies - who knows, though, they both may be pregnant now. Jinger must be thinking her life will follow this same path and soon she will be just like Jill and Jessa.

Not body shaming either girl, if they weren't so arrogant and condescending, I wouldn't even mention this.

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2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:


Sometimes I wonder why I am so sarcastic about the Duggars.  Yeah they did nothing to serve the wealth they have now and the ability for none of them to work.  But did the Kardashians do anything and other reality folks of that ilk? I don't know. I'm not veering into defense territory, don't panic, kids.

It's because of the hypocrisy. The Kardashians at least own the fact that they're vapid, self-serving famewhores. The Duggars try to veil their greed under the guise of "encouraging others" when in reality they're no different. Jessa is Kim K without the Brazilian Butt Lift and sex tape. 

1 hour ago, whydoiwatch said:

Jessa looks more frumpy every time a new picture is released. I always thought Jill looked dirty and unkempt, Jessa isn't far behind. Neither of them have regained their pre pregnancy bodies - who knows, though, they both may be pregnant now. Jinger must be thinking her life will follow this same path and soon she will be just like Jill and Jessa.

Not body shaming either girl, if they weren't so arrogant and condescending, I wouldn't even mention this.

She'd look much more polished if she hacked eight inches off that scraggly hair. It does nothing but drag her face down. I also think she's self-conscious about her post baby body and that's why she's wearing looser, frumpier clothes. I think she expected to bounce back faster than she has. 

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Jessa looks tired to me in the photo.  I don't think she's gotten back to the stick thin just before wedding and may never will.  That is not really a bad thing as she was possibly too thin to really feel good then.

I wonder if getting back to pre-pregnancy shape is something the Duggarlings consider or since Michelle is their example they think that's just how things are after beginning to have babies.

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40 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's because of the hypocrisy. The Kardashians at least own the fact that they're vapid, self-serving famewhores. The Duggars try to veil their greed under the guise of "encouraging others" when in reality they're no different. Jessa is Kim K without the Brazilian Butt Lift and sex tape. 

Bingo. They also use Jesus/The Devil to justify their greed, misogyny, child abuse/neglect*, ignorance, hate, and straight-up criminal behavior.

*Forcing your daughters to live under the same roof as their molester, not even attempting proper therapy for your victimized daughters, forcing your older children to raise your younger children and denying your children the education they need in order to be productive and happy members of society all constitute child abuse to me. There will be a lot of opinions about that--that's just mine. :)

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46 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Jessa looks tired to me in the photo.  I don't think she's gotten back to the stick thin just before wedding and may never will.  That is not really a bad thing as she was possibly too thin to really feel good then.

I wonder if getting back to pre-pregnancy shape is something the Duggarlings consider or since Michelle is their example they think that's just how things are after beginning to have babies.

Yes, at least for Jessa. She's mentioned it several times in their stupid videos. She flat out says she's trying to lose baby weight in the weightlifting video with Ben in which she's improperly dressed for working out.

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Jessa never really looked that much like Jinger until now and it's not that Jinger is changing her look but Jessa is styling her hair like Jinger now probably because Jessa is Jealoussa of Jinger getting the attention and maybe the better (?) guy.  

.....Ben still wearing his LICE hat.

Edited by Defrauder
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I didn't even notice the LICK or LICE hat!!! It's like part of Ben now! 

He is such a hot mess. Sometimes it's best to not try to look cool.  Look at Derick.  He knows he is not cool and doesn't even bother to attempt a tiny bit of a try. He barely showers or grooms.  Derick has given up and maybe that works for him. (he does look better in the recent pics).  Derick works the grunge! 

Ben...just stop it. it's not working for ya. 

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9 hours ago, Marigold said:

I didn't even notice the LICK or LICE hat!!! It's like part of Ben now! 

He is such a hot mess. Sometimes it's best to not try to look cool.  Look at Derick.  He knows he is not cool and doesn't even bother to attempt a tiny bit of a try. He barely showers or grooms.  Derick has given up and maybe that works for him. (he does look better in the recent pics).  Derick works the grunge! 

Ben...just stop it. it's not working for ya. 

LOL.  It is like it's part of him now.  His permanent accessory.  

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Okay, no comment on the fact that they took that selfie at the Nintendo store in Rock Center?  Nothing?  Don't they have some sort of semi-Biblical prohibition against videogames?

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I didn't know it was a Nintendo store.  Why?  because I was IFB so long that video games make no sense to me...it's just not in my head to buy them or play them, much to my kids dismay. 

Puzzle that around in your head.  The ex IFB poster knows nothing about the video store that the DUGGARS are shopping in.  Hmmm....even I'm a bit shocked. 

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4 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

And why are they carrying around a shirt on a hanger?

My suspicion was that they were either on their way to or from doing an interview.  Both guys have changes of clothes with them, but apparently only Jeremy has heard of hanging them up.  

Also, I want to take every piece of clothing I've ever seen Ben own, toss it in a dumpster, and burn it all.  Every.  Damned.  Piece.  Including the stoopid hats.  Seriously, son, it's not 2005.  Enough of the distressed baggy jeans with the kitty whiskers on the thighs.  Take a look at what people are wearing in NYC and get a hint.

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On August 10, 2016 at 7:49 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

I see Jinger and Jeremy are at it again. There is only a thin layer of fabric between their bare legs, for Christ sakes!!!! Their knees are almost touching.  Someone needs to turn the hose on these two sex fiends! 

Jim Bob needs to put a stop to these wicked displays of vulgarity.  I am being defrauded left and right by these two.

(ETA thought the pic would " travel w/ post and now can't make it happen)


Gotta' give Jer at least a couple of brownie points for actually looking somewhere other than right into the camera. 

And a few bonus points for actually looking at Splurge in the mirror (?) and exhibiting what appears to be a real smile. Splurge seems to be a happy baby. Now, if I can just stop seeing JB's face on that poor little baby...

Edited by NewDigs
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59 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I think they're in a uniqlo store. UTGP17 is a uniqlo t shirt design competition, plus it would explain the hanger and the price tag on the shirt Ben is carrying. 

That would make even more sense.  Also, I hope Ben allowed them to dress him properly, like a big boy.


ETA:  The doofus hat actually reads L.L.T.K.  Wanna guess what it stands for?








(Long Live The King, hence the little crown over the K.)

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21 minutes ago, Lemur said:

That would make even more sense.  Also, I hope Ben allowed them to dress him properly, like a big boy.

ETA:  The doofus hat actually reads L.L.T.K.  Wanna guess what it stands for?

(Long Live The King, hence the little crown over the K.)

Hmm... Pop or Rock and Roll?

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I think Jeremy is going to have a fashion influence on Ben. A large influence in general. Derek was far too nerdy, but the tall muscular professional(ish) athlete will make the manchild Ben weak at the knees. 

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4 hours ago, Lemur said:

That would make even more sense.  Also, I hope Ben allowed them to dress him properly, like a big boy.


ETA:  The doofus hat actually reads L.L.T.K.  Wanna guess what it stands for?








(Long Live The King, hence the little crown over the K.)

If Ben's proclaiming 'Long Live The King' does he know the origins of the phrase are about political and earthly kings and has nothing to do with Jesus?

I'm just going to keep seeing LICE.  He could always say it means - Live In Christ Everybody,

Edited by Defrauder
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8 hours ago, Marigold said:

I didn't know it was a Nintendo store.  Why?  because I was IFB so long that video games make no sense to me...it's just not in my head to buy them or play them, much to my kids dismay. 

Puzzle that around in your head.  The ex IFB poster knows nothing about the video store that the DUGGARS are shopping in.  Hmmm....even I'm a bit shocked. 

Could be age. I had no clue where that pic was taken, either. I may have helped give birth to Nintendo back in the day, but I haven't been on its radar for probably close to 30 years. 

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