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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I think the actress (Daisy Head) in Guilt is practically a spitting image of Jessa (and she has the attitude to match):


Edited by cdp73
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Over in the Duggalo topic I commented about Jinger's upcoming role as the pastor's wife, and currently that means at Jeremy's shabby-looking mini-church in a converted bungalow in Laredo, TX. Where the new meek helpmeet will, among other things, be expected to pitch in and cook the big "free lunch for anyone who wants it" that follows Sunday services at that little church. The wives of clergy have been traditionally viewed as unpaid labor, available (joyfully, even) to perform tasks from cleaning to social work, in support of their husbands' churches. I doubt that Jeremy's conservative male-run denomination is any different in this respect. So Jinger will have a new job along with the ring, whether she likes it or not.

Which got me to thinking about Jessa. Bin wants to be a preacher when he grows up. if he does, he won't be instantly at Joel Osteen levels of income and conspicuous consumption lifestyle. No private jets just at the start. And Jessa Blessa, she who loves to sit and preen, and is obviously uncomfortable meeting new people (as shown on the show last season)? Would be expected to work as a typical pastor's wife. I just can't see Jessa carrying out the role of hard-working pastor's wife at some small obscure church in CowFart, TX. She would have long days of cooking, cleaning, hosting or helping at church-sponsored events, teaching Sunday School, and generally interacting constantly with the members of the church. Would really cut into the selfie-shooting and SM posting.

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I'm not sure that Jessa will end up in CowFart, TX.  Bin seems to be attracted to inner city service, so maybe Jessa will end up on the poor side of St. Louis or Chicago, where she can provide the free lunch for those attracted to Bin's rap ministry (although I admit it is very difficult to imagine anybody attracted to any ministry of Bin's.)

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31 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I'm not sure that Jessa will end up in CowFart, TX.  Bin seems to be attracted to inner city service, so maybe Jessa will end up on the poor side of St. Louis or Chicago, where she can provide the free lunch for those attracted to Bin's rap ministry (although I admit it is very difficult to imagine anybody attracted to any ministry of Bin's.)

Oh god I hope so. And I hope they televise it. I live in the chicago burbs and I would watch every second of them trying to minister to the poor lost souls of Fuller Park even the mediocre areas like Pilsen. LOL. Though it would really be ministering the poor lost souls of the rich white suburbs, guarantee.

Edited by yogi2014L
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10 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

JimBob will put the kibosh on JessaBlessa moving to a big city. She'd hate it there anyway. 

I agree, she wouldn't last five minutes. She'd realize she isn't the prettiest, most special snowflake the way she is in backwoods Arkansas, and she'd be crippled by her insecurities. Jessa is only big and bad within the context of her small, narrow minded pond.

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I'll take it further.  I just have a hard time seeing her willing to move anywhere that lessens her 'headship' over Ben.  He is currently sitting in her territory playing by her rules when you think about.  He is a Duggar accessory.  Jessa's accessory.  They move to new unknown grounds and he might start thinking for himself a bit more and I just don't see her allowing that.  Plus there is the whole mud puddle bass versus tiny fish in a big sea.  

Now she can pretty much sit anywhere in the world and play social media piety famewhore and not venture forth outside of whatever bubble she has built in.  But a metro area means she would have to work harder to step outside and have people recognize her and all her spiritual glory. 

I do wonder how these two are going to step up their game with the infusion of Jeremy into the brand.  For someone his age and with absolutely nothing going on, he is hardly as fit and muscular as I suspect he wants to convey with the tighter tee shirts with the higher cut sleeves to show off those arms.  I'm vain and I hit the gym every day and I have a job that I work at (really I do I swear) more than sixty hours a week and I look better than this basement gymrat wannabe.  For the amount of time he could spend pumping iron he has an actually rather average body for his age if you look at college age young men who are active and have the means to workout.  In terms of life experience though less than eight years older, Jeremy has to be at least a half generation older socially and in formative development I think.  Former pro athlete (and we know how Ben has a hard on for sports), has his own ministry compared to Ben's social media holy roller rapping tent show.  As friendly as they seem to be, I wonder how much Jeremy was using Ben to maintain being a regular in Duggar circles and once the wedding ring is slipped on Jinjer's finger, how time he will have for him.


So beyond pregnancy for Jessa to steal the thunder, I'm curious what is left.  I think Jeremy will want that wedding night pregnancy to prove his manly might, but I can also see him not wanting to be in some race to breed like Jessa and Jill seem to be still pondering. 

Even on the next season, the focus is going to be on the wedding and the new groom and his bride.  Even if Jessa is pregnant, its still a been there and done that.  It's more that rumble in the distance and maybe the flicker of possible heat lightning over the horizon, it really isn't the crashing awe of attraction stealing thunder. 

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5 hours ago, riverblue22 said:


6 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

I'll take it further.  I just have a hard time seeing her willing to move anywhere that lessens her 'headship' over Ben.  He is currently sitting in her territory playing by her rules when you think about.  He is a Duggar accessory.  Jessa's accessory.  They move to new unknown grounds and he might start thinking for himself a bit more and I just don't see her allowing that.  Plus there is the whole mud puddle bass versus tiny fish in a big sea.  

Now she can pretty much sit anywhere in the world and play social media piety famewhore and not venture forth outside of whatever bubble she has built in.  But a metro area means she would have to work harder to step outside and have people recognize her and all her spiritual glory. 

I do wonder how these two are going to step up their game with the infusion of Jeremy into the brand.  For someone his age and with absolutely nothing going on, he is hardly as fit and muscular as I suspect he wants to convey with the tighter tee shirts with the higher cut sleeves to show off those arms.  I'm vain and I hit the gym every day and I have a job that I work at (really I do I swear) more than sixty hours a week and I look better than this basement gymrat wannabe.  For the amount of time he could spend pumping iron he has an actually rather average body for his age if you look at college age young men who are active and have the means to workout.  In terms of life experience though less than eight years older, Jeremy has to be at least a half generation older socially and in formative development I think.  Former pro athlete (and we know how Ben has a hard on for sports), has his own ministry compared to Ben's social media holy roller rapping tent show.  As friendly as they seem to be, I wonder how much Jeremy was using Ben to maintain being a regular in Duggar circles and once the wedding ring is slipped on Jinjer's finger, how time he will have for him.


So beyond pregnancy for Jessa to steal the thunder, I'm curious what is left.  I think Jeremy will want that wedding night pregnancy to prove his manly might, but I can also see him not wanting to be in some race to breed like Jessa and Jill seem to be still pondering. 

Even on the next season, the focus is going to be on the wedding and the new groom and his bride.  Even if Jessa is pregnant, its still a been there and done that.  It's more that rumble in the distance and maybe the flicker of possible heat lightning over the horizon, it really isn't the crashing awe of attraction stealing thunder. 

Yeah 2nd pregnancy is never that exciting. Though I do hope Jessa gets pregnant and has her thunder immediately stolen by Anna getting pregnant. People would talk about that. NOT that Anna should get pregnant by Josh ever again. But I do want Jessa to get thunder stolen LOL

The only pregnancy I would be mildly interested in is Jill seeing as she probably has had zika at some point and to see how she handles her labor- well see if she learned anything from the first time around.

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54 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Would be interesting to see if any of them go for a hospital birth this time. There is a way to have a midwife in a hospital, right?  A real licensed one?

There is, but that would likely require health insurance, which I'm 99.9% sure NONE of these yahoos have. If they do have a plan, I'm sure it's the most basic, bottom of the barrel coverage available. Jessa was full term and had no clue how big Spurge was measuring which means she likely got no real prenatal care.

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Jessa was full term and had no clue how big Spurge was measuring which means she likely got no real prenatal care.

Did she admit to having no bloodwork done while pregnant? Really caring about the unborn there, Blessa.

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23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

There is, but that would likely require health insurance, which I'm 99.9% sure NONE of these yahoos have. If they do have a plan, I'm sure it's the most basic, bottom of the barrel coverage available. Jessa was full term and had no clue how big Spurge was measuring which means she likely got no real prenatal care.

They may have Samaritan (sarcastically known as Scamaritan...read their website to find out why). I don't think they cover hospital expenses unless it's an emergency c-section like Jill's. But had Jill gone to the hospital earlier in her supposed 72 hour labor, things might have been different. 

Bottom line, these girls will never go an OBGYN. I do applaud Anna, who at least had a REAL hospital-permitted midwife (we looked her up; her references were flawless) set up for Mere's birth. Of course, we know how that turned out, even if they didn't advertise it. 

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42 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I do applaud Anna, who at least had a REAL hospital-permitted midwife (we looked her up; her references were flawless) set up for Mere's birth.

That was good. But of course she only had that because Maryland doesn't allow the other kind and is a state well known for strict oversight of health care. I'm sure some lurk about in Maryland, but a relatively short-term resident like Anna probably couldn't have turned one up, since I expect they lie low and you have to use your connections to contact them.

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Did she admit to having no bloodwork done while pregnant? Really caring about the unborn there, Blessa.

Shortly before her delivery she said "I think the baby is going to be big" and her tone indicated she was purely assuming, so I don't think she had routine blood work and ultrasounds. There was no midwife present at the birth, which was odd if she was seeing someone for regular check-ups. Hopefully Jessa won't be so stupid the next time around. The Duggar girls clearly aren't built for home birth.

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I'm pretty sure Anna's midwife was based out of VA, but in that part of the world, you've got two states and DC in such close proximity that it almost doesn't matter. UNLESS the laws are different. Since Anna found this practice in VA, it looks like both states must have bans against CPM's (or whatever Jill's designation is)...okay, lay midwives. Them. :D

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Fingers crossed Jessa doesn't double down and try for another home birth.  I don't know if she was covering for pr purposes, but the way Jessa brushed off the blood transfusion was troubling.  Preaching to the choir - she is very, very lucky that emergency medical care was readily available.    

I still feel for Anna in regards to Meredith's birth.  Finally after last-minute home birth, toilet birth, and fearing Marcus would drown in the bath tub, she was going to have the birth experience she wanted.    

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2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

...but Smuggar fucked that up. Royally. She probably ended up using the Query woman. Who else could she have gotten on two month's notice?

I dunno, but I suspect Smuggar still had his health insurance at that point so maybe she took advantage of that.  Arkansas must have some real midwives in addition to questionable ones the Duggars use.

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100% agreed Josh ruined everything. I'm still disappointed for Anna though. It didn't matter to Josh where she gave birth, but she should have had a quality birth experience.  

I think that she could have had a hospital birth if the Duggars valued healthcare.  It wouldn't be with an obgyn that she had had a relationship with or was Gothard-approved, but at least it wouldn't be done by a woman who has fled post-botched home births.   ETA: I know that would never happen and Anna has had successful home births, I just wish she had the birth experience she wanted.

Edited by birkenstock
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On 5/31/2016 at 2:36 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

wrong quote

right quote I'm having issues with the quote boxes:


Oh god I hope so. And I hope they televise it. I live in the chicago burbs and I would watch every second of them trying to minister to the poor lost souls of Fuller Park even the mediocre areas like Pilsen. LOL. Though it would really be ministering the poor lost souls of the rich white suburbs, guarantee.

I don't think Bin can compete with that evil Catholic Father Michael Phliger in inter city Chicago.

Willow Creek Church might be more Bin's  speed. My friend belongs. It's a HUGE mega church in one of the richest burbs. They focus on all kinds of ministry work there. The only problem with it is that it is so huge that he would be lost in a crowd he couldn't be  a famewhore there.

Edited by Fuzzysox
ugh wrong quote
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28 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

right quote I'm having issues with the quote boxes:


Oh god I hope so. And I hope they televise it. I live in the chicago burbs and I would watch every second of them trying to minister to the poor lost souls of Fuller Park even the mediocre areas like Pilsen. LOL. Though it would really be ministering the poor lost souls of the rich white suburbs, guarantee.

I don't think Bin can compete with that evil Catholic Father Michael Phliger in inter city Chicago.

Willow Creek Church might be more Bin's  speed. My friend belongs. It's a HUGE mega church in one of the richest burbs. They focus on all kinds of ministry work there. The only problem with it is that it is so huge that he would be lost in a crowd he couldn't be  a famewhore there.

I've been to Willow Creek before- I don't know if its conservative for Jessa but I can totally see Bin trying to minister there! He wont get anywhere as they have legit educated people leading the church. 

It is totally evangelical and huge, but I dont even know if Willow Creek would want the association with the Duggars either.

Im not Christian but it was kinda fun good music and they had a deaf choir. The place is like an airport, seriously. I grew up around there and have been there a handful of times with my former methodist church and also to watch my aunt get baptized ( they did it in the lake outside the church, was weird.)

Edited by yogi2014L
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Shortly before her delivery she said "I think the baby is going to be big" and her tone indicated she was purely assuming, so I don't think she had routine blood work and ultrasounds. There was no midwife present at the birth, which was odd if she was seeing someone for regular check-ups. Hopefully Jessa won't be so stupid the next time around. The Duggar girls clearly aren't built for home birth.

Yeah, I recalled Sew mentioned that Jessa had stated to a family friend she didn't have bloodwork run, or tests for GD. Effing idiot.

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52 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Yeah, I recalled Sew mentioned that Jessa had stated to a family friend she didn't have bloodwork run, or tests for GD. Effing idiot.

Hey, don't forget, Jessa has a midwife sister who she Skyped with during delivery & even did some measurements on her before heading to CA.  Isn't that all that is needed for a healthy baby? 

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Too bad it's over 100 years too late for Ben to try preaching in Walnut Grove (Little House).  Jessa could be Nellie, Michelle could be Mrs. Olsen, and Jana could be the school teacher.

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Is Spurgeon staring at that woman because he's never seen a lady in pants before? Or is he as grossed out as I am that she has her purse on the filthy floor of some restaurant and he knows she's gonna pick it up and carry it (against her all white outfit, no less) and get crud all over herself? 

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2 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Never mind!  It's another restaurant!! Jessa doesn't can't cook, y'all !

For a family so big on "buy used and save the difference" they sure do eat out a lot, don't they? 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

For a family so big on "buy used and save the difference" they sure do eat out a lot, don't they? 

Remember Josh and Anna's honeymoon when they said they'd virtually never eat out, except on VERY special occasions. But not a TV family.


On another note, Jessa must be fuming from not being noticed in New York.

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6 hours ago, louannems said:

Never mind!  It's another restaurant!! Jessa doesn't cook, y'all !

Except for clumsily chopped potatoes w raw ground beef plopped on top, thrown in the oven. That, she's so skilled at she had to make a video just to instruct the rest of us morons how it's done. 

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7 hours ago, louannems said:



Little sweaty Spurgeon with curls.

And pants wearing female visitor!!!

Never mind!  It's another restaurant!! Jessa doesn't cook, y'all !

He looks like the littlest member of Dexys Midnight Runners.  

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23 hours ago, JoanArc said:
22 hours ago, louannems said:



Little sweaty Spurgeon with curls.

And pants wearing female visitor!!!

Never mind!  It's another restaurant!! Jessa doesn't cook, y'all !

I think he's scoping out a new family.

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On 7/7/2016 at 6:04 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Can you post this on FJ, where I got flamed for posting this? It's times like this that I remember why I took a 3 year break from that place. I told them that you can eat that shit, and it had no effect on these people. 

I had to take a break after getting flamed, too. After all, I was just a "fundie lite" and didn't know what I was talking about.

Let's hope that Jessa Blessa is more attentive to The Spurginator while he's crawling around on their floors.

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On 7/29/2016 at 4:43 PM, BitterApple said:

There is, but that would likely require health insurance, which I'm 99.9% sure NONE of these yahoos have. If they do have a plan, I'm sure it's the most basic, bottom of the barrel coverage available. Jessa was full term and had no clue how big Spurge was measuring which means she likely got no real prenatal care.

I'm sure she got prenatal care via Dr. Jill on Skype. That's totes legit.

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6 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

You are now being creakily applauded by the old folks contingent. You mean everything to me...

The song (their only hit) was from before I was born. 'Tis a great song though. Dexys are great too. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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Jessa apparently posted a video about how to dress a baby. It has to be on her Instagram, because I looked for it in all the other places it could possibly be and didn't find it. Can someone post it with a play-by-play for those of us who can't watch it? 

LMAO  that they think they're the only experts on child dressing, and TIA. 

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