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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I look at all of Ben's hopeless, judgmental, fire and brimstone, sad, Oh-Woe-Is-Moe, teenage-posturing posting as the Fundie version of a Facebook post where someone says "Oh, my God ! I just can't TAKE people anymore !", someone asks "What's that matter ?", and the response is always - ALWAYS - "I don't wanna talk about it..."

Someone needs to give Ben some Haagen Daz and a Midol.

Fundie emo.

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No amount of ice cream, Midol, wine or antidepressants are going to help Ben until he gets the stick up his ass removed.

And a J O B

Eta: sit down and shut up, BIn.

Edited by toodles
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Top-notch, crack staff that doesn't know the difference between "course" and "coarse", which is actually good news for Jessa. If the reality thing doesn't work out, she can always go work at People.

Of coarse she can. :-)

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The long-awaited interview with the Christian rapper.



South Korea needs to stop blasting KPOP at the North Koreans and start blasting that shrieky violin soundtrack at the start of Bin's interview.  It could also be used to keep pigeons off NYC skyscraper ledges.


I love Bin's hip hop hand movements in the beginning intro.  Straight Outta Tontitown.

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Ben's, like, career, is , like, going no where fast.

Yeah, those stood out to me, too. Love me some irony when he thinks he's being so fucking intellectual. LMAO

I'd also post in the You Tube comments about getting #Blessabanned. How is that treating me as an equal? Shouldn't those clowns be trying to save my heathen ass? Oh that's right, she didn't go to college and learn critical thinking. Duh!

Edited by Sew Sumi
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And a lapdance.


Y'all are trying to corrupt poor Bin. Yeah, I agree he needs everything on the list that keeps growing. He'll grow up hating everyone for making him give away his teenage years just to have sex. I can see future affairs and bad behavior happening in the future because of it.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I look at all of Ben's hopeless, judgmental, fire and brimstone, sad, Oh-Woe-Is-Moe, teenage-posturing posting as the Fundie version of a Facebook post where someone says "Oh, my God ! I just can't TAKE people anymore !", someone asks "What's that matter ?", and the response is always - ALWAYS - "I don't wanna talk about it..."

I keep thinking about Pollyanna's 800 happy texts and think, "He can't find one of them?"  He should watch Pollyanna. All the fire and brimstone sermons the Preacher taught just resulted in indigestion and a hatred towards Sunday. In otherwords, Bennie, no new converts, you're preaching to the choir, ahem, leghumpers.

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Y'all are trying to corrupt poor Bin. Yeah, I agree he needs everything on the list that keeps growing. He'll grow up hating everyone for making him give away his teenage years just to have sex. I can see future affairs and bad behavior happening in the future because of it.

Or he'll keep convincing himself it's all OK, then foist all the same crap on his 15 sons (did that make anyone else shudder?). Ben, the Old-Testement-God style horrible patriarch.

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The long-awaited interview with the Christian rapper. Note whose hat is all gangsta. Hint: not the rapper's.

I'm waiting for Ben to get an earring like Flame's. Would that have to be father-in-law approved?

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I tried to sit through the flame video but just couldn't finish it. I just couldn't get past the whole irony of:

Go To College

Get A Job

Treat Everyone Equal.

Oh Ben!

Edited by louannems
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I tried to sit through the flame video but just couldn't finish it. I just couldn't get past the whole irony of:

Go To College

Get A Job

Treat Everyone Equal.

Oh Ben!

Yeah. The whole "practice what you preach" thing seems to be beyond his comprehension.

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Cheese 'n' Rice! If this dude is THIS down on life at age 18, how the H is he going to survive the REAL hardships Life tosses all of us over time?

And a Zoloft.

And a case of fucking tissues FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

Every time I hear this mouthbreather talking, I want to throw him in a headlock and scream at him to blow his nose.

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And a case of fucking tissues FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

Every time I hear this mouthbreather talking, I want to throw him in a headlock and scream at him to blow his nose.

Seriously. That boy was in need of a good ENT, like yesterday. I had chronic stuffy noses and sore throats as a kid, had my tonsils and adenoids removed, and it was a life changer. Of course, my father had a real job so he could provide his family with health insurance, but that's neither here nor there. I'm sure Boob gives his employees fantastic benefits;) Edited by BitterApple
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Someone needs to give Ben some Haagen Daz and a Midol. 

Wow, married life must be a blast for Mr. and Mrs. Seewald. How does Bin get through a day with the weight of his misery over Other People's Sinful Lifestyles? I'll bet everyone in his life thinks he is oh, so godly. (Or oh, so insufferable. I'm going for Door Number Two, myself.)

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Ben is a complete embarrassment in that video.  Flame, at least, was charismatic and made sense - he knew what his message was and how to say it.  Ben - not so much.  He has no ability to articulate his thoughts clearly - word salad all the way.  He sounds so ridiculous. 

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I went to Jessa's FB page and re-read her post introducing the video. Apparently, this is the first in a SERIES. Heaven help us all. 


Possibly more like "heaven help Bin," since he's the one who'll be filling the world with a passel of (unstoppable, unremovable, proliferating internet) videos in which he a) looks like an idiot and b) by the end of the series demonstrates that he's incapable of improvement.


That's okay, though, I guess, since I can't imagine anything that'll wake him up to the reality of his situation other than a nasty series of short, sharp shocks. And since he's a dad already and planning to be more of a dad in future, he really truly needs to wake up from his unfulfillable dream of being some kind of Calvinist but nevertheless terminally hip and cool media star.

Edited by Churchhoney
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That's what Mrs. RobinsonDuggar says after she has bible study with Bin. lol *walks herself to prayer closet*

I realize this means I am going straight to hell and I have no hope of redemption, but imagine if poor Bin is tempted beyond resistance by J-Chelle's feminine wiles. She's irresistible, you know. Just ask her!


Imagine the scandal. They'd make the table-flippin', hair-pullin' Real Housewives franchise look like amateurs.

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Ben is a complete embarrassment in that video. Flame, at least, was charismatic and made sense - he knew what his message was and how to say it. Ben - not so much. He has no ability to articulate his thoughts clearly - word salad all the way. He sounds so ridiculous.

I agree. Flame spoken clearly and coherently while Bin sounded like he was choking on marbles. I don't know what it is, but certain people just can't project on camera and Bin is one of them. He needs to take Flame's advice and GET A JOB. He doesn't have a future in televangelism.

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That's what Mrs. RobinsonDuggar says after she has bible study with Bin. lol *walks herself to prayer closet*

Haha! I can so see that. Don't know if it's seriously a thing *all* middle-aged women go through, but as a female of several years past Michelle's vintage, I've been known to mutter similar sentiments under my breath when faced with an equally tempting (well, to my eye anyway; Bin would be either out of luck or safe depending on one's point of view) example of masculine allure. I do make sure no-one in the vicinity is likely to have any lip-reading experience, at least...

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Tears actually came to my eyes watching that video! So utterly ridiculous i'm not sure whether to laugh hysterically or cry for humanity. The music while they were walking in the beginning. Go to college, get a job, treat everyone equal – that has to be a farce, right? Is he serious?? I am dying to ask him why he does none of that.

"Flame" at least was articulate and has a message. Ben kept asking meaningless questions and was dying to bless us all with his very learned answers. The tree analogy and "is the gospel practical" were so basic but I'm sure he thought he was projecting himself as a real theologian

He looks stupid and thick as he dully glances at the camera. There is no life in his eyes. The stupid hat and jacket make him look like the saddest wannabe.

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Tears actually came to my eyes watching that video! So utterly ridiculous i'm not sure whether to laugh hysterically or cry for humanity. The music while they were walking in the beginning. Go to college, get a job, treat everyone equal – that has to be a farce, right? Is he serious?? I am dying to ask him why he does none of that.

"Flame" at least was articulate and has a message. Ben kept asking meaningless questions and was dying to bless us all with his very learned answers. The tree analogy and "is the gospel practical" were so basic but I'm sure he thought he was projecting himself as a real theologian

He looks stupid and thick as he dully glances at the camera. There is no life in his eyes. The stupid hat and jacket make him look like the saddest wannabe.


Bin wants so very badly to be relevant but hasn't a clue how he's doing. Sad wannabe sums it up.

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Bin is just another over dramatic 'minister' who thinks he's invented the same old terminology that's floated around hipster evangelical circles for the past 20 years. Filth rags. Jars of clay. Brokenness. Break yourself so God can rebuild the pieces. There's a hole in our hearts only God can fit in.

Now let's all of on our ragged jeans and flip flops, maybe maxi skirts, play the guitar, carry our mocha lattes into the renovated high school gym that's now a church plant in somewhere that already has a church on every block and reinvent the wheel. Lots of pledging and closed eye crying, cause we're down with JC, bro. We're the real deal who has bought the same mass market bible study book from Walmart, but things we've invented church, God and the bible.


Can I get an AMEN!?


I think people should know what they believe and not need to keep "re-casting" and "modernizing" things.  I'd be ashamed to be so shallow that all this knee-jerk emotionalism, fake "these thoughts are oh so NEW!", was necessary to keep me walking with God on the straight and narrow.  It's like they're addicted to the jolt of "spiritual renewal", but can't maintain a thought or connection with a deity beyond its 15-second impetus of feeling.  

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Bin is just another over dramatic 'minister' who thinks he's invented the same old terminology that's floated around hipster evangelical circles for the past 20 years. Filth rags. Jars of clay. Brokenness. Break yourself so God can rebuild the pieces. There's a hole in our hearts only God can fit in.

Now let's all of on our ragged jeans and flip flops, maybe maxi skirts, play the guitar, carry our mocha lattes into the renovated high school gym that's now a church plant in somewhere that already has a church on every block and reinvent the wheel. Lots of pledging and closed eye crying, cause we're down with JC, bro. We're the real deal who has bought the same mass market bible study book from Walmart, but things we've invented church, God and the bible.

Ben will read this and say, "Wow, you really get me."

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Ben will read this and say, "Wow, you really get me."

Then Jess's would inform him that I was actually a heathen and smite me upside the head with whatever translation of the bible is en vogue with these groups today. They waiver between some slimline, very modern translation with a lot of slang and 'real' talk in a moleskin cover with wide margins for doodling - I mean scuba journaling with multiple colors of pens - or a big thick parallel KJV with/Greek or Hebrew (depending on NT or OT), and if they're lucky, NIV so they can actually read and understand that one, then tell everyone they're reading the Greek.

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Why is Ben not wearing a wedding ring in the video? 


Edited to add - that's all I've got.  I made it through 3 minutes and 18 seconds before shutting it off.  Can't do it - he's an idiot with a blank stare. 

Edited by tabloidlover
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I realize this means I am going straight to hell and I have no hope of redemption, but imagine if poor Bin is tempted beyond resistance by J-Chelle's feminine wiles. She's irresistible, you know. Just ask her!


Imagine the scandal. They'd make the table-flippin', hair-pullin' Real Housewives franchise look like amateurs.

Just think they will be on teevee in no time with this "storyline."

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Hehe I think if anyone turned the tables and went after Bin, it would be Jinger. After years of being ride or die sidekick to Jessa, then getting dropped like a hot rock, plus Jinger looks kind of unhinged and hangry right now, she's the one I would predict to flip out. At the moment.

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OMG!!! MOOOOOORE sinner and repentance stuff!!!

It is thoroughly unbelievable how two young adults (and I use that term loosely) are so obsessed with sin and death and eternal damnation. For chrissakes, they are still newlyweds and have an adorable (yet unfortunately named) baby whom they should be marveling at and doting over. Instead of sharing the joys and wonder of life with the "blessing" their Instagram reader is treated to fire and brimstone messages suitable for a tent revival run by a shouting grizzled preacher wearing a sweat stained poplin suit. Jessa and Ben, instead of toiling overtime to save all our heathen souls, calm down, take a deep breath and enjoy your baby and your youth. Happiness is not one of the seven deadly sins. Edited by BOOgen3
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It is thoroughly unbelievable how two young adults (and I use that term loosely) are so obsessed with sin and death and eternal damnation.



Plus, they seem so damn shallow and trivial in every other way when they actually say or do anything, I have a very hard time believing that they actually are deeply concerned with this stuff at all. I doubt they ever give it an actual thought -- of course, that's assuming they have any actual thoughts, which I guess I also doubt -- but despite that they keep posting all this stuff. I don't get what's going on at all.

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