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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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I'm glad Alan finally stopped answering the clues before being called on by Alex. That drives me NUTS when they do that. One of these days, some idiot's gonna do that, and Alex is gonna be like "....actually, Sandy rang in first," or something. Smart guy, but you can't get so overexcited that you give answers without knowing if it's your turn.

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I must have not been paying attention.  What clue was Big Star?  I knew FJ! immediately.  Another random useless fact.  And how could Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix NOT be in the musicians who died at 27 category????  I was so hoping for my favorite cause of death to be mentioned.

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44 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

 And how could Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix NOT be in the musicians who died at 27 category????  I was so hoping for my favorite cause of death to be mentioned.

Because they could do that category several times over and still not cover every legend in the 27 Club. It's just crazy how many greats we lost at the age of 27.

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Maybe I should be ashamed to admit this but I didn't know what EXACTLY they meant by "Numeric Group." I thought it might be what ended up being the answer (like "the ________ #"), but I thought it might have something to do with mathematical formulae, or something like that. *crawls back under my Rock of Shame*

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I don't think anyone knew what they meant by "Numeric Group"! I think that's why the champ bid low, figuring the other two would bet big. If it was easy, he'd have no shot even if he bet big, so I think he was hoping it was hard, that they would lose big.

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1 minute ago, mojoween said:

I said Mercury 7 and was super proud of myself.

So Alex said "so sorry" at that kid's wrong answer of The Seven Samurai in a totally racist way, or is my hearing finally going?

I was just trying to figure out why the audience was laughing so hard as soon as the answer was revealed.

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42 minutes ago, mojoween said:

So Alex said "so sorry" at that kid's wrong answer of The Seven Samurai in a totally racist way, or is my hearing finally going?

It was really inappropriate.

40 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I was just trying to figure out why the audience was laughing so hard as soon as the answer was revealed.

I was going to say I hope they were laughing at the answer and not at Alex, but either way is bad!

"Annabel Lee" music by Sarah Jarosz. It makes the poem easier to remember for me (though it's not the full text).

Edited by dcalley
I knew the video spelled it wrong; why did I trust some Youtuber instead of myself?!
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Crap!  I was rooting for either Dan or Meike to win.  Meike cracked me up when she landed on the DDs.  I'd probably have a similar reaction or pass out.  Alan is insufferable to me.  Today he didn't wiggle but slapped his buzzer against his hand.  And the aforementioned answering before Alex called on him drove me nuts.

The only TS I got was William Jennings Bryant.

I was totally clueless for FJ.  I had no idea they were going for a space program.  I guessed double helix.

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I figured FJ out but did not realize--or forgot--that they were called the Mercury 7.  I knew Bryan also; he's one of those clue favorites.

I like Alan OK. I was rooting for either him or Dan. Something about Meike put me off. She reminded me of the Politically Incorrect Foul Mouthed Sitcom Granny stock character for some reason.

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I was pretty surprised at the answer of Apollo 11 - that was ten years later! Even Apollo 1 was in 1967, although at least Gus Grissom was actually a Mercury 7 astronaut. I am pretty interested in the space program and although I couldn't have told you what year the Mercury 7 were selected and had no idea that the article existed, I was happy to be able to figure out FJ. I was initially thinking of really random events that happened in 1959 - such as Castro coming to power and the invention of Barbies (both of which were very obviously horribly wrong!).

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That was a weird category name for final jeopardy, I think that is what threw people off. 

As others have mentioned, its what threw me off.  I didn't know what they were looking for as an answer.  I thought they were looking for like prime numbers or imaginary numbers or something scientific, not Mercury seven or such. 

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I didn't think there was anything that odd about the FJ category, though my sister did ask me what that meant. I thought it was clearly going to be about a group whose name as a number in it. I first thought of The Right Stuff, but I didn't think hard enough to come up with the name of the mission group. What I said, even though I was sure it was wrong, was the Dionne Quintuplets.

I can't remember what TS I got. In the "eat word" category (or whatever) when a clue asked for the 3-syllable name for chew, the only thing that came to mind was nom-nom-nom. :D

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

That was a weird category name for final jeopardy, I think that is what threw people off. 

As others have mentioned, its what threw me off.  I didn't know what they were looking for as an answer.  I thought they were looking for like prime numbers or imaginary numbers or something scientific, not Mercury seven or such. 

I thought that since it occurred on April 20 (4/20), 1959 that it was some sort of marijuana-related anniversary.  I kid, I kid. :)

The clues in that "D" word category in the DJ round were ridiculously simple.

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That was a great game. One of the better ones in a while.

I immediately hated Meike for fumbling when picking the next clue but then she told her story about having like 3 dates in 1 day and I actually found it pretty funny and kind of adored her. Way to make the most out of your day on Jeopardy, Meike.


I wasn't thinking space at all for the final clue. I was stuck on musicians but couldn't think of anything that would fit. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, burner said:

That was a great game. One of the better ones in a while.

I immediately hated Meike for fumbling when picking the next clue but then she told her story about having like 3 dates in 1 day and I actually found it pretty funny and kind of adored her. Way to make the most out of your day on Jeopardy, Meike.


I wasn't thinking space at all for the final clue. I was stuck on musicians but couldn't think of anything that would fit. Oh well.


i think Mieke just wanted to write an answer even knowing it was wrong. She was writing at the very end of time. 

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*crawls back under my Rock of Shame*

I'll crawl in there with you.


In the "eat word" category (or whatever) when a clue asked for the 3-syllable name for chew, the only thing that came to mind was nom-nom-nom.

OMG, great answer! LOL! I can picture Alex repeating it in a French accent?

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I knew immediately it was Mercury 7. I had to do a giant project for science class on the space program a few years later. I think I still have it.

I think Meike was sitting in a swivel chair. I loved her "5 dates in 1 day" story.

Here's Joan Baez's "Annabel Lee" - I think it's the French horns that make this so haunting.

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The FJ! category made perfect sense to me but I had no idea as to the answer.  I figured it was something space related but know nothing about that.  I think people laughed at Seven Samurai because it was a goofy answer, not because Alan was Asian.  And Alan knew it was an off-the-wall answer.

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I spend far too much time thinking about this show, but hours later, I think if they had used the FJ category "Numbered groups" instead of "Numeric groups", someone would have gotten the answer. 

I know they get cute with the clue categories though and you can't always take them literal. 

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I am so bummed Meike didn't win. I LOVED her contestant interview more than any I've ever seen and I normally can't stand the interview portion. I was pulling for her so hard.

I don't like Alan. He's so babyfaced to me it is a little jarring and creepy. Sorry, Alan!

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59 minutes ago, bad things are bad said:

When Alan smiles, he looks very girlish to me

I actually thought he was a girl when he was first introduced:)

Did not get FJ.  I knew what sort of a an answer the category wanted but I had already pre-called groups like the Five Ink Spots, The Seven Sisters and so on so couldn't get my mind switched to the actual clue. 

And, for all we know, the Mercury Seven might have called themselves the Seven Samurai:-)

eta: Did I mishear, or did the contestant in the middle answer Siamese for the question about the Egyptian dog?

Edited by Trey
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9 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

Again another poorly written clue with an odd wording of the category. 

I guess you mean FJ?  I didn't find it poorly written at all, but then again, I knew it before Alex even finished reading the clue.

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I thought that since it occurred on April 20 (4/20), 1959 that it was some sort of marijuana-related anniversary. 

So did I then cracked up at myself thinking Jeopardy! would have any idea about 4/20. I had no clue what the real answer was.

I love Alan :-)

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I though the Locker Room Talk category was infuriating in its inanity.

I did not get FJ, I went closer to Washington DC but I was not confident about it.  Philly seems so obvious in retrospect.

The DD Hunter at the end had some odd guesses.

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Drat.  I wanted the woman to win.  I just couldn't with Samm and his two Ms -- no, buddy, you aren't really stuck with that spelling.  You could have changed it at any time during your life.  College is a great time to do that.

I was sad that no one knew The Kinks, and surprised no one got Secret.  But I flubbed FJ, too, so there you have it.

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Well I first said NY and then switched to Philadelphia, on the basis of absolutely nothing (still not American!) Though I didn't know NY was your first capital and where Washington was inaugurated. If I did, I probably wouldn't have switched!

I was pretty distracted throughout the game but nothing really jumped out at me. The middle woman bugged me a bit with repeatedly forgetting to answer as a question, but that's about it.

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My husband, who's from Pennsylvania, said New York, and I, from New York, said Philadelphia.  Not sure exactly what, if anything, that says about us.

I was hoping there'd be something more topical in the Locker Room Talk category, but the closest they came was Debussy Cat.

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I first thought Monticello then realized it was the wrong President so Mt. Vernon was my next obvious choice. Well, still wrong!  I was sure I was right so was baffled by all the New York responses. Pennsylvania made more sense over New York.

Edited by Mountainair
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Go Alan go!

For TS, I got The Kinks, Secret, desktop and the ragtime DD, although the sample wasn't the more dance-y kind of ragtime I'm used to. Maybe that threw Samm off too. Speaking of Samm, what was up with that lame story about the spelling? 

I guessed Potomac for FJ. Forgot all about our prior capitals...

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I guess I need to start rooting for Alan and bestow my "kiss of death" on him.  I was rooting for Chelan, so of course, she lost.

I got The Kinks, Secret, turnbuckle, and Beau Geste.

FJ was an instaget, for some strange and unknown reason.

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I guessed NYC for FJ, because if it's about the Founding Fathers and it wasn't mentioned in a "Hamilton" song, I don't know shit about it!

41 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

 I was sure I was right so was baffled by all the New York responses. Pennsylvania made more sense over New York.

NYC was very nearly the US capital. A lot of Revolution stuff went down there. According to "Hamilton," which is my only reference point.

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Here's Joan Baez's "Annabel Lee"

Thanks for that, Prevailing Wind. Goosebumps!

I've heard Streisand and Baez in person. Talk about being blessed. Both are out-bloody-standing!

I said Philly. Mr. Author guessed the city of I Don't Know.

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