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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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I suspect that none of tonight's players are crossword solvers--esp. the British version.  FJ would've been a pretty easy clue in one of those.

Deborah has it going on in the necklace department.  I loved the one she wore yesterday, but I wouldn't turn down tonight's either.

I looked up "hedgecock" to see if it's actually a word.  The dictionary didn't list it, so I Googled.  The first hit was the name of a former San Diego mayor named Roger Hedgecock who's suing the city because his wife fell on a wonky sidewalk and ruptured her breast implants.  Ah, SoCal.

I didn't get "America first" either--not because I forgot but because I skipped the inauguration.  Maybe they all did, too.

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I was surprised nobody got "America First," to the point where I wondered if they were just refusing to answer it on purpose? I had zero clue for FJ, I do not associate Switzerland with "milk" beyond the chocolate connection.

Swiss cheese?!?


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I would have been fine with any of the three winning. Unusual for me, since I can almost always find something about at least one contestant that bugs me. It's my super power. 

The only TS I got was America First, and I also got FJ. For the Vesuvius DD I proudly said "Etna", even though visiting Pompeii & Herculaneum is high on my bucket list. D'oh!

Like Jim I ran the 80s music movie category. I can never see hidden words, so got Pasteur and Turing in the Hidden Genius category only because of the clues.

 Funny that Deborah is the champion with both the high & low amount of winnings for the week. 

Edited by Toothbrush
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3 hours ago, BryroseA said:

Man, Jim sure was happy to be there. 

I liked Jim. Deborah's perfectly nice, but Jim was kind of fun, imo.

I thought of Israel because it is called "the land of milk and honey" in the Bible (Exodus 33.3, thank you internet). But I knew it probably wasn't Israel. Never got to Switzerland though.

Edited by Clanstarling
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4 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

My sister Eileen - www.eileendietz.com - has been in a ton of horror movies and travels to horror conventions. I'm not sure about the revolving head; trick photography, I guess. I wrote a novel inspired by my sister's stint in Exorcist (FIFTY CENTS FOR YOUR SOUL -- it's also an audio book) but didn't include the revolving head. Eileen gave me movie background, but only if I promised to kill off the director in the first chapter. Captain Howdy was the face splashed across the screen ... in front of the young priest.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but I can't remember a face being splashed across the screen. I'll have to google. Thanks for your response. Very interesting.


33 minutes ago, Toothbrush said:

For the Vesuvius DD I proudly said "Etna"

Yup. Me too. I'll need to find a way to distinguish them in my memory.



I can never see hidden words, so got Pasteur and Turing in the Hidden Genius category only because of the clues.

 Same for me. I immediately said Pasteur, then was surprised that the answer was hidden in the clue. I also got Turing. (Of course I always picture Benedict Cumberbatch.)

I didn't know Oz was another name for Australia.

For FJ, I first thought about Wisconsin -- Yes, I know, not a country, but I was focusing on milk -- then Guernsey, or Jersey, or some English place, then I briefly thought about Mongolia and yak's milk, and then I just plopped down on New Zealand because of the sheep. Sheep's milk? I don't know. Gimme a break. I've had margaritas.

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9 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Lee's cinna-waffle sounds gross, but would make a delicious ice cream flavor. Cinnamon ice cream with a cream cheese icing ribbon and waffle bits. Make it happen Ben & Jerry!!

It's not quite what you've envisioned here, but B&J does have a good cinnamon roll ice cream.

For FJ, I had no clue but I guessed Ireland on account of the prevalence of Irish butter and the tech businesses that set up shop there for tax reasons.  I was just glad they got through all of the 80s movies clues, because I was going to be seriously pissed if they left those uncovered.

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5 hours ago, Lizzing said:

It's not quite what you've envisioned here, but B&J does have a good cinnamon roll ice cream.

I was just glad they got through all of the 80s movies clues, because I was going to be seriously pissed if they left those uncovered.

Now that you mention it, I recall having seen it. 

I was glad they got through the 80s movie category also, especially after not getting through "Her Band" the other day. 

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13 hours ago, j5cochran said:

Swiss cheese?!?


I don't know why, I just don't associate milk and cheese as being the same thing. Maybe because I come from a dairy state where the separate products are individually so important ;)

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14 hours ago, j5cochran said:

Swiss cheese?!?


Oh. My. God. Even after I heard it was Switzerland, I never connected "swiss" cheese with it. Looks like the cheese isn't the only thing that's full of holes in my house.

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I too was a bit surprised no one got FJ. My partner didn't either, and he ran through some of the other categories. I knew it wasn't Israel because it didn't say milk and honey. I thought of Switzerland right away but I have lived there and know even know Swiss who have emigrated to Canada/USA as dairy farmers. Dairy cattle and banking are big businesses there.

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I got final jeopardy.  Money is Switzerland, only association I made. 

I didn't pay attention to the bets close enough, could Jim have won if he bet differently?  Meaning, did he bet too much to win with a correct guess but also too much to win with a wrong guess? 

For those MST3 fans, there are new episodes, for the first time in 20 or so years, up on Netflix. 

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I missed FJ tonight.  Calhoun sounded like Georgia to me, so I said Emory.  I expected it to be wrong -- glad to have my expectations met!  However,  I stand by Emory being a better guess than Vanderbilt.

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I didn't mind Deborah but I was so glad Jamie made it a runaway so I didn't have to risk Kevin winning and violating the buzzer another day.

I did not know the significance of any words in FJ.  

I understand the goal is to win money, but why would you bet anything in a runaway?  Unless the category was Super Bowl winners if I were guaranteed to win I would bet zero so I wouldn't risk losing anything.

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No, Alex, Friday's FJ wasn't incredibly difficult.  A bunch of us here got it.

Sorry to see Deborah go.  Jamie seems okay.  I was surprised how well Kevin, the Buzzer Abuser, did considering his number of Goofy Guesses throughout the game.

I got Siberian and driverless car (Alex said "self driving", but I would hope my answer would have been correct).

I bad absolutely no idea for FJ.

23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I understand the goal is to win money, but why would you bet anything in a runaway?  Unless the category was Super Bowl winners if I were guaranteed to win I would bet zero so I wouldn't risk losing anything.

I don't understand that either.  If I had a runaway, and the category was "Beatles song lyrics" I might bet something, otherwise I'd bet zero.

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Kevin was driving me nuts with consistently skipping over 'what is'. I lost count of the number of times I didn't hear him phrase it as a question. And there was the wild flailing with the buzzer, which has to be really egregious for me to even notice, let alone be annoyed by.

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There was one answer where Alex said Correct, but I didn't think Kevin had said "What is." I didn't replay it, so I'm not sure if he said it. He probably did, swallowing the words.

I like Jamie. 

I've never heard of the Gogol story, The Nose. Sounds like it's something we're expected to know (or 'nose' -- har-de-har-har).

I only got self-driving and asteroid. Instead of Maya Lin I said Mai Ling. I couldn't quite remember her name. 

For FJ I took a while guess at Tulane.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

I did not know the significance of any words in FJ.  

I felt the same way. And Cremson (?) didn't mean anything to me either!

15 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

There was one answer where Alex said Correct, but I didn't think Kevin had said "What is." I didn't replay it, so I'm not sure if he said it. He probably did, swallowing the words.

I thought so, too, so I just rewinded it (so exciting! I just got a DVR a week and a half ago, and the novelty has definitely not worn off. I don't know how I ever lived without it). It was Indianapolis 500. I really can't hear any "what is", but they never went back and corrected it.

That Border category sure was something. Haiti and Dominican Republic was way too easy for a DD. None of them have a clue where Colombia is, apparently. And Kevin guessed Guinea and Guinea Bissau, when Guinea was already indicated elsewhere on the map in the clue! Funny.

I can't remember ever seeing Alex with a prop. Has it happened before?

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28 minutes ago, Fex said:

That Border category sure was something. Haiti and Dominican Republic was way too easy for a DD. None of them have a clue where Colombia is, apparently.

Whenever I see someone miss a clue about geography (especially South American geography), I think of John Oliver on Last Week Tonight.

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9 hours ago, Fex said:

(so exciting! I just got a DVR a week and a half ago, and the novelty has definitely not worn off. I don't know how I ever lived without it).

Congratulations! I love having one. However, sometimes when I'm out and about in the real world, I get a split-second impulse to rewind a moment so I can see it more clearly. BTW, it doesn't seem right to say 'rewind' with a DVR. Is there a better word?

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I have one, but it's not hooked up. After I ditched cable & got an indoor antenna, I realized there's no hook-up port on the DVR that fits the antenna connection. I'd have to buy yet another box to install for the conversion. It's just not that important to me, so I use the DVR to play DVDs that I get from Netflix. (Yes, I'm that one person left in the world who doesn't stream the Netflix movies.)

I kept yelling at AT to stop accepting that dude's answers that weren't in the form of a question.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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When DVR's first started one of the selling points in the ads was the ability to pause and rewind live TV so rewind is still valid!  I happened to be watching on the DVR last night and when I stopped at the interviews my son said "oh you can go past those" and I said I wanted to hear them.

Then when they were over other than Kevin I was like yeah, I could have skipped them.  Deborah was just giving nothing back to Alex and I felt kinda badly for him because he was asking leading questions and she said "yeah...".

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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

(Yes, I'm that one person left in the world who doesn't stream the Netflix movies.)

I stream Netflix, but I still have a DVD account with them, because there are too many things that aren't streaming.

I came up with Clemson and nothing else, but I have no idea why!

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FJ was an insta get for me. As much as I am embarrassed to admit I am usually tuned in to Bravo, I watch Jeopardy to level out the idiot to brains ratio. Any how, one of their reality shows takes place in Charleston and a girl on the show comes from a long line of Calhoun's. So, I knew it had to be a South Carolina University and I went with the most recognizable one to me which happened to be right!

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The "R" part of our DVR died around December and we can't seem to find a cheap "over-the-air" (i.e. antenna) version that doesn't need a subscription (what we found costs $300-$400--our old one cost $100), so we just pick & choose what we watch and hope to catch the other show in reruns. It plays fine, just doesn't record, and of course there's nowhere to fix it.

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5 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Congratulations! I love having one. However, sometimes when I'm out and about in the real world, I get a split-second impulse to rewind a moment so I can see it more clearly. BTW, it doesn't seem right to say 'rewind' with a DVR. Is there a better word?

Thanks!!!!! I work shifts, so I often missed prime time TV up until now. Many of the shows I watch come OnDemand the next day, but not Jeopardy. Now I will never miss it again!

I had no idea Netflix still did the DVD thing. It's not available in Canada, so I guess it's just not on my radar.

About that Tribble.... has Alex ever done a live action (as opposed to video or picture) clue before? I found that very strange, but I kind of hope it has opened a door to more - Alex demos a dance move, What is Alex eating, what style of shoes is Alex wearing....

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8 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Congratulations! I love having one. However, sometimes when I'm out and about in the real world, I get a split-second impulse to rewind a moment so I can see it more clearly. BTW, it doesn't seem right to say 'rewind' with a DVR. Is there a better word?

I know, right? Once you can pause live tv - it's hard to ever go back. I love my DVR, especially since given my schedule, I record almost everything. That was kind of a pain back in the day of VCRs.

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Holy bad accent Batman!  Was Alex seriously trying to sound like Jimmy Carter?

Ok so Grand Junction and Oprah Winfrey were super easy DD's.  

I knew when no one knew Pat Summitt in the Jeopardy! round that they would leave baseball for the end and I'm so glad they got it all.  Sad about Lou Gehrig as TS but it's not surprising if you're not either a Yankees fan or a baseball historian.

Edited by mojoween
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Haha, I initially said "crow's nest" for FJ, but realized it was a ridiculous answer before I even finished saying it and burst out laughing. Then I came up with the right answer. So I don't judge them for not getting it!

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13 minutes ago, mojoween said:


Holy bad accent Batman!  Was Alex seriously trying to sound like Jimmy Carter?


I actually thought that he was trying to do a bad JFK!!! JFK doing a southern accent??

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Jamie's guesses were driving me insane, I'm glad he came back in the end.

I got periscope but only because a. I paused it so my son could read it and b. he initially said radar or sonar and that made me think of periscope.  So basically I cheated.

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28 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I knew when no one knew Pat Summitt in the Jeopardy! round 

I kept saying "Pat, Pat, Pat something..."  I drew a blank on her last name.  I got Grand Junction, it seemed like an easy DD to me.  I didn't get periscope - I guessed radar dish, but then I was in the Air Force, I left that "boat" stuff to others.

I was disappointed they accepted "Canadian Geese", they are Canada Geese - as Alex pointed out after accepting the wrong answer.

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Was glad to see my Chicago Cubs be an answer on the board, even though it was the $200 one. Didn't keep track of all my TS's, but I did get periscope for FJ.  And I agree Alex should just cut it out with the phony accents.

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Congrats to Jamie.  He reminds me of Newman on Seinfeld.

I got grog, Ft. Wayne, pheasant, duck, Cornish, and Grand Junction (missed DD).  I, too, said "Pat, oh I can't remember her last name" for Pat Summit.

For FJ I was wildly moving my hands up and down and saying, "That thing!  That thing that goes up and down in submarines that they look through!  What the hell is the name of that damned thing!?"  I hate when that happens.  Boo hiss.  To be fair, I have been in bed all day with a headache, but still.

Alex's Jimmy Carter accent was so bad it was distracting.  Stop already!

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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When Alex did that southern accent, I thought for a moment that Elvis had been president and I'd somehow slept through his whole term.  Which would've been so sad I can barely contemplate the possibility.  So thanks, Alex.

One of Jamie's guesses made me laugh out loud, and now I can't remember what it was.  I really need to put a pen and pad by my TV.  By the time I stand up and leave the room, I've forgotten anything worth remembering.

Sorry about your head, Carpe.  Hope you're feeling all better now.

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58 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Was glad to see my Chicago Cubs

If they don't shape up soon, they won't be on the board ever again and we will give pause before calling them ours, also!  ;)

Jamie snuck in another W,  and had the swaying all to himself today.

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47 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

To be fair, I have been in bed all day with a headache

Sounds like a fellow migraine sufferer. I was very much helped by Chicago's Diamond Headache Clinic and Zomig. And now , all I have to complain about are J contestants! (I wish!!)

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9 minutes ago, Dishin said:

Stanch and staunch are two different words, spelled differently, with different meanings. Give me a break, gah.

Ugh, right? I was questioning myself, and then I looked them both up, and it's definitely staunch, not stanch.


I'm also furious about accepting Canadian geese. 

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3 hours ago, Fex said:

Haha, I initially said "crow's nest" for FJ, but realized it was a ridiculous answer before I even finished saying it and burst out laughing. Then I came up with the right answer. So I don't judge them for not getting it!

[small voice] I said crow's nest and stuck with it. 


1 hour ago, Mondrianyone said:

When Alex did that southern accent, I thought for a moment that Elvis had been president and I'd somehow slept through his whole term. 

I was thinking Blanche DuBois.

I got grog, pheasant, Grand Junction, Moliere, and Gehrig.

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Boy, Kevin was intense Monday! I wish Alex had asked Jamie what he sang in the karaoke contest. For some reason I am always intrigued by people's song choices. 

Thursday TS I got were Siberian & self-driving cars. I wonder if "oh - she designed the Vietnam Memorial" would have been accepted for the DD..lol

16 hours ago, peeayebee said:

 However, sometimes when I'm out and about in the real world, I get a split-second impulse to rewind a moment so I can see it more clearly. 

So glad I am not the only one!

5 hours ago, mojoween said:

Holy bad accent Batman!  Was Alex seriously trying to sound like Jimmy Carter?

Ok so Grand Junction and Oprah Winfrey were super easy DD's.  

I knew when no one knew Pat Summitt in the Jeopardy! round that they would leave baseball for the end and I'm so glad they got it all.  Sad about Lou Gehrig as TS but it's not surprising if you're not either a Yankees fan or a baseball historian.

Indeed he was trying to sound like Jimmy Carter. SMH.

Grand Junction & Oprah were extremely easy for DDs, and I'm surprised that Jamie missed Grand Junction. Lou Gehrig was a total guess for me, as I am neither a Yankees fan nor a baseball historian.  

4 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Congrats to Jamie.  He reminds me of Newman on Seinfeld.

Thank you!!! It was driving me crazy. Hope you're feeling better. 

I liked all of the contestants on Tuesday's game. Cool that Ani's grandmother won an Oscar. I thought Jamie's wrong guesses were going to hose him, but he pulled it off in almost a runaway.

TS I got Tuesday were San Diego (guess), pheasant, Grand Junction, Gehrig (guess) 

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13 hours ago, mojoween said:

Holy bad accent Batman!  Was Alex seriously trying to sound like Jimmy Carter?

I know, right? That was the worst accent I've heard him do, as my husband put it - "it was like Jon Stewart doing Lindsey Graham."

12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

For FJ I was wildly moving my hands up and down and saying, "That thing!  That thing that goes up and down in submarines that they look through!  What the hell is the name of that damned thing!?"  I hate when that happens.  Boo hiss.  To be fair, I have been in bed all day with a headache, but still.

I'm physical about Jeopardy too, in my case I was holding my hands in position like they do when they look through periscopes in the movies - it worked for me this time!

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I cannot believe she said Mickey Mantle. Everyone knows Mickey was number 7. At least I grew up saying 7 is my lucky number because it is Mickey Mantle's number so I thought it was common knowledge.

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16 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

George Costanza thought Seven was a good name for a baby.  I confess I answered crow's nest for FJ!   Periscope didn't even enter my brain.

Before I landed on periscope I said "you know, that thing that sticks up at the top of the aircraft carrier where people look at things?" but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have had time to write all that down.  And also, I was wrong, ha.

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