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S18.E17: Power of Veto 5

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Good god Paul is a lunatic.  No one can have a conversation without him?  What a stupid baby. Why wouldn't Frank try to get Michelle to use the veto?  Does he realize how the game works?  I think I hate him the most of everyone.


ugh but I also hate Bridgette.  She is like an actual toddler.  Bouncing on her feet and using that baby voice.  She sounds derranged.  Is she mentally ill?

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I'm sad because I'm of the unpopular opinion of not wanting Frank out.  Once he goes I don't like anybody else.  I'm upset at James making a deal and then going back on it like that.  I've always hated it when people make deals and then turn around and put up the people they promised they wouldn't.  I know it's a game and stuff but it's such a sleazy thing to do.

One more thing..Paul..SHUT THE HELL UP.  You're not very smart.

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Hmm.  I think keeping Frank would be better tv , because he is actually interesting.  I thought the same thing about Paul.  People can't talk? Weirdo. 

Edited by Frootloop Dingus
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This whole cast.

Michelle and D'av competing for cattiest.

Paul being obnoxious.  Frank, of all people was the least annoying.  What did "your boy" (gag) expect to accomplish with that and that ridiculous meeting.

Niclueless and Corey.  Blech!

King Paulie lording over his idiot kingdom.

James is just dumb.


Victor or Natalie FTW!  They were invisible tonight.

One of these idiots will be crowned the winner. (sigh)

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I hope Paul goes soon.

The veto competition was all kinds of annoying with the scratchy DJ stuff.

I thought is was hilarious in the beginning when they played Irish jig music during the dancing/celebrating in the food room.

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How is it possible that this cast has turned me into a Frank fan? They are all terrible so I'm rooting for the underdogs at this point, Frank and Bridgette.

Also, why does Natalie insist on calling James Jamsey. So annoying. 

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As much as I don't want that heinous hosebeast Michelle to get her way, I hope Bridgette is the one evicted because she doesn't deserve to be treated like that for no goddammed reason.  And I don't even particularly like Bridgette because she's so annoying.

But holy hell I preferred Michelle when she was silent.

Frank was flabbergasted.  I feel ya, dude.  And I don't like him either!

But the other side of the house has this awful mob mentality that they have become impossible to root for.

Cone on Victor!  Stay out of it and don't make me hate you!

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That conversation with Michelle and Bridgette played like a bad daytime soap opera scene from 1971. Michelle was definitely playing the Robin Strasser role and in an episode six months later she'd send Bridgette baby clothes after the latter suffered a miscarriage.

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When the season began I was rooting for DaVonne for a triumphant comeback. While I'm not quite ready to say that ship has sailed...it's definatly weighing anchor in preparation. Lately a series of her actions has left a bad taste in my mouth...the childish rant in Tiffany's goodbye message, hootin' and hollarin' when Michelle won the veto and the storage room dance. In short she's getting wayyyyyy to cocky and once Frank and Brigette are dealt with I don't think I've ever seen a bigger sitting duck than DaVonne. I think everyone is going to turn on her in a heartbeat.

That's what I think is going to happen...but for now what I want is for Paul to get an ouster before we are stuck with him on the jury. For the last two episodes this tool has been strutting around the house with his nasty beard acting like he's in control of EVERYTHING. It's going to be a long August for this BB fan if we are stuck with him all the way through. I wanted to jump through the screen and deck him when he was playing for the camera during OTEV ( boy that stammering with Otev was annoying wasn't it).

I like Zakiyah but hon....you've got to step up your game. If you float all the way to end you will NOT have any case to plead to the jury as to why you deserve a half million dollars. You have to make moves and take an active role and start winning a few comps!

Showmance alert-we actually got to see Nicoile and Corey doing a little something...something...before obnoxious Paul bust in of course. And I thought  James would get froze out by Natalie for the Brigette thing but apparently not...still its a pretty chase showmance if its real.

Edited by North of Eden
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ve been warching very little this season and that is because of Paul And Paulie. I cant stand the sight of them. And yes, James was sweet and I rooted for him to get the girl, but way over that now, sick of showmances, sick of weak woman latching on to a man to carry them through to the end. Nicoles voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Ugh! get got already! This is quite possibly the worst season. Sorry, but when Frank leaves , so do I.!

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James had the line of the night: "Don't oakie-doke the oakie-doaker -- we're both vets." Frank is fighting hard, but the vets (and bizarrely, Paulie -- with vet-adjacent experience) seem to be responding perfectly.

Michelle is kind of a two-face. Not game-wise, just...one moment, she's Alex Dunphy from Modern Family and the next moment, she's...not.

OTEV, you're a duh--duh--duh--duh--dope. And kind of a jerk. I remember when you were all nice and acted like the contestants were doing you a favor bringing you stuff instead of you bringing them an attitude problem.

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I guess it might get interesting when everyone starts turning on each other, right? If Bridgett should get evicted next week then heads would roll. I guess the guys and Nicole would try to vote out Day first and so on. Something needs to happen because I'm kind of bored with everyone. 

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I'm not saying that AG and friends necessarily WILL save Frank, but damn, Frank and Bridgette got a greeeeeeeeeat edit this episode. Frank especially. Made them come off as lovable underdogs. So while I'm certainly not saying that they will save Frank and Bridgette tomorrow, they sure as heck set it up perfectly for that to happen. "America" (by which I mean people who just watch the show) would go nuts if Frank was saved tomorrow and then either Frank or Bridgette won HoH. So I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that happen. 

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37 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

"I'm nice to you sometimes."

Oh my god that's amazing. 

And, she meant it. Which is hysterical. Yup! That Michele is a keeper, ain't she? LOL!!!

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I'm pretty sure Michelle got more screen time this episode then the entire season combined up to this point. And her first 5 minutes in the spotlight for an episode did not leave her spelling like roses, at least in my opinion. I didn't realize how incredibly catty she is. She's freezing Bridgette out because she aligned with the guy Michelle thought was kinda cute or whatever? That's some petty middle school drama there. I felt bad for Bridgette during that conversation. 

I've far surpassed my threshold for tolerating Paul. He's such a tool. I don't know how he does it, but he is beyond obnoxious almost every time he's on the screen; whether he's acting like he's suddenly king shit every time he's around others, or yelling at us in the DR, or trying way too hard coin a catch phrase (I swear if I hear friendship or pissed or whatever one more time). He can't even watch a comp without yelling and jumping and dancing. And that conversation with Frank was so ridiculous. Like Frank said, should he just roll over and die and not even attempt to save himself? I was hoping that maybe Paul would become so over the top that it would cause some of the other house guests to turn on him. But nah, no such luck.

I'm having a hard time rooting for anyone at this point. I hate the whole pack mentality because they all just play the same boring game, picking off the few outliers. Paulie is way too arrogant, Da'vonne is a poor winner who becomes incredibly obnoxious when things are going her way, Cory and Nicole just slide along doing whatever the pack wants, Zakiya hasn't done anything at all yet. At this point I'm rooting for James or Natalie, and whoever survives tomorrow. 

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I'd like for Paul to go home so he'll stop calling "Meeeeeeeech" after Michelle. I swear it was getting up toward "Twineeeeeee" annoyance levels during Otev tonight. And btw worst. Otev. Evar. I'm amazed Paul missed his chance to say "That's not Friendship Otev!"

So we can add petty and jealous to Michele's list of wonderful attributes. She reminds me of the phrase "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone."

I still have 'will the Veto save Frank AND Bridgette' bouncing around my head. Something's going to go down tomorrow, I can just feel it building up to that.

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4 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I still have 'will the Veto save Frank AND Bridgette' bouncing around my head. Something's going to go down tomorrow, I can just feel it building up to that.

I say it'll happen every year and it never does, so maybe this is our lucky year that the front door will be locked when the evicted HG goes to leave? If that happens, I'm torn as to whether Paul yells "That's not friendship!" or "Piiiised!". 

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3 hours ago, PaperTree said:


King Paulie lording over his idiot kingdom.


Seriously, the way he ordered Dayvonne to "bring Paul up here so he calm that little temper of his" had all sorts of Godfather vibes. And then his proclamation during the house meeting....damn! Cocky! 

3 hours ago, NYGirl said:

I'm sad because I'm of the unpopular opinion of not wanting Frank out.  

I don't think the idea is as unpopular as you think. 

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W T everlasting F was that? Has Paul never watched Big Brother? Apparently not. Saying that one of the nominees can't speak with the veto holder in private is somehow not OK without the entire house around is ridic.

And then storming around in the kitchen and demanding an explanation from someone who knows how to play the game/

Get outta here, Beard Boy!

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Paulie has a real "I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots" arrogance to his game liek everyone is below him and/or under his control and will just eat up anything he says. If he feels that way in this case he's probably right but he shouldn't radiate that feeling via his actions/attitude.

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How the fuck do these people not see that Paulie is as much of a problem as Frank? Paulie is the puppetmaster here as if no one else has any mind of their own. Fuck this dude. Don't even bother politicking man. It's over. You're fucked! Seriously, fuck him and Paul. How is a room full of adults going to let one man speak for all of them?

I'm tired of people acting like playing the actual game is a crime against nature. If he is fighting a losing fight, let him fight. All scared and shit because he might actually succeed and no one can see that.

I can't stand grown ass people that gloat like that. It's not even like some big Frank fan or whatever but at least he didn't throw is dirt or victories in peoples faces.

Above all else, I have no one to vote for here.

Michelle is pathetic. Paulie is an asshole. Paul is an asshole. Frank is two faced as fuck. Nicole is whiny as hell with no game of her own. Ditto to Bridgette. Day wins NOTHING and never stops gloating about that shit others are taking care of. You've done NOTHING. Corey is barely human. Natalie has no game. James word is worth nothing. Zakiya does NOTHING. verdict is out on Victor.

Just bleh.

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4 hours ago, poopchute said:

Good god Paul is a lunatic.  No one can have a conversation without him?  What a stupid baby. Why wouldn't Frank try to get Michelle to use the veto?  Does he realize how the game works?  I think I hate him the most of everyone.

Paul seemed especially put out that Frank didn't give near enough thought as to how any success Frank had in convincing Michelle to use the POV might impact PAUL's game.  I mean, really Frank - how can you be so self-centered?  :>


2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

OTEV, you're a duh--duh--duh--duh--dope. And kind of a jerk. I remember when you were all nice and acted like the contestants were doing you a favor bringing you stuff instead of you bringing them an attitude problem.

OTEV has been on a slow slide down Shit Mountain ever since Gilbert Gottfried's voice-over.

With the exception of "BUTTERRRRR!!!", of course.


1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

And, she meant it. Which is hysterical. Yup! That Michele is a keeper, ain't she? LOL!!!

Watching the Bridgette/Michelle exchange on tonight's broadcast, I turned to my wife and said, "Dang - Michelle went from zero to TurboBitch in nothing flat, didn't she?"

To which my wife replied, "She definitely lives in that ZIP code."

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Racj82, THANK YOU! You took the letters right off my keyboard! Everyone sickens me this season. And WTF Paul? What an ASS! And Paulie looks like a fool with that haircut! OH! Im so done with this season already! Day talkin with her arms flyin around in the diary room is just so old. She does nothing at all outside of the diary room , I dont get why she feels so high and mighty! And the storage room dancing makes me want to vomit! I could go on but......

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15 minutes ago, kathybgd said:

Day talkin with her arms flyin around in the diary room is just so old. She does nothing at all outside of the diary room

So true, I get really sick of her gloating and/or putting everyone down. The real Queen of DR Tough Talk though is totally Bridgette. Remember her famous "When I find out who won that BB they're going to pay!!" And... nothing. She did more tonight about how she was going to get everyone and how pissed she was etc. and she never backs up her "big words" ya know like calling someone a dummy.

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44 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

How the fuck do these people not see that Paulie is as much of a problem as Frank? Paulie is the puppetmaster here as if no one else has any mind of their own. Fuck this dude. Don't even bother politicking man. It's over. You're fucked! Seriously, fuck him and Paul. How is a room full of adults going to let one man speak for all of them?

I'm tired of people acting like playing the actual game is a crime against nature. If he is fighting a losing fight, let him fight. All scared and shit because he might actually succeed and no one can see that.

I can't stand grown ass people that gloat like that. It's not even like some big Frank fan or whatever but at least he didn't throw is dirt or victories in peoples faces.

Above all else, I have no one to vote for here.

Michelle is pathetic. Paulie is an asshole. Paul is an asshole. Frank is two faced as fuck. Nicole is whiny as hell with no game of her own. Ditto to Bridgette. Day wins NOTHING and never stops gloating about that shit others are taking care of. You've done NOTHING. Corey is barely human. Natalie has no game. James word is worth nothing. Zakiya does NOTHING. verdict is out on Victor.

Just bleh.

I agree with you 100% I'm surprised no one even seems to have Paulie on their radar. He is clearly orchestrating everything, and not even in subtle ways. The good puppet masters (i.e. Will, Dan, Derrick) tend to plant seeds to convince others to do what they want in ways that don't come across as obvious or commanding. They keep their cards close. But with Paulie,he speaks on behalf of everyone and is always making the decisions. He's incredibly arrogant about it. He's also shown he can win comps. How has no one thought that he is a threat? But sure, everyone pile up so it's the entire house against Tiffany, who has no one and doesn't win comps. And now everyone go against Frank who only has Bridgette as an ally. Don't worry about Paulie who has a showmance and a 10 person alliance beneath him. These house guests need to grow a back bone.

Edited by JZone
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3 minutes ago, JZone said:

I agree with you 100% I'm surprised no one even seems to have Paulie on their radar. He is clearly orchestrating everything, and not even in subtle ways. The good puppet masters (i.e. Will, Dan, Derrick) tend to plant seeds to convince others to do what they want in ways that don't come across as obvious or commanding. They keep their cards close. But with Paulie,he speaks on behalf of everyone and is always making the decisions. He's incredibly arrogant about it. He's also shown he can win comps. How has no one thought that he is a threat? But sure, everyone pile up so it's the entire house against Tiffany, who has no one and doesn't win comps. And now everyone go against Frank who only has Bridgette as an ally. Don't worry about Paulie who has a showmance and a 10 person alliance beneath him. These house guests need to grow a back bone.

Every time someone grows too powerful or has too big of an ego, people should be trying to eliminate that threat. Instead, everyone keeps letting him spearhead the decisions. How long until you are on his radar with his team of flunkies following his lead? Everyone except maybe Nicole, Corey and Zakiyah should be scared shitless of this dude and what will happen once Bridgette and Frank are gone. Especially Paul who no one would care if he leaves or Day who gives a new reason for someone not to trust her every week. 

Bottom line. If you have someone who can win comps so he can be head of household at ease or take himself off the block if needed and also runs the house HOH or no needs to be backdoored out the house if you have any common sense.

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Ugh, James.  He made me mad by throwing the veto, because "my work is done".  No it's not, idiot.  Where's the James who liked to take chances?  He not only lets the house determine who he nominates, but he gutlessly allows someone else to deal with the veto.  He really deserved to have Frank or Bridgette win the veto.  If not that, I wish Michelle would have used the veto and forced James to make a hard decision.  He's such a disappointment this year.

I'm going to need Paul to OHHHHHHH himself right out the door.  What an annoying little fucker.  Watching him pace and complain and posture.  He was acting like what my mom would call a banty rooster.  He needs to be eliminated immediately because he's making Frank look calm, rational, and likable.  Bad Paul!  And as he stood in the HOH, grinning malevolently as Frank and Bridgette are told the veto won't be used, I realized who he looks like.  https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=rasputin&view=detailv2&&id=BA5972CB9527D3F5D63C07B84A375326C1ED7279&selectedIndex=4&ccid=CCRydg0U&simid=608025219674407252&thid=OIP.M082472760d14271d01436207f5f968d6o1&ajaxhist=0  And who is he to stomp around, insisting the veto will not be used?  If I were Michelle, that would have made me use it out of spite.  For the life of me, I cannot fathom how he's wormed his way into the inner circle.  He acts like he's the mastermind, the mouthpiece, and the enforcer.

I'm surprised that Michelle escaped the meeting with Frank unscathed.  It was very clear she had no desire to break up the meeting, and she wouldn't have let him go on for an hour if she wasn't interested.  And I don't understand her hair.  In one episode, she went from looking like the Little Mermaid, to having shoulder length brownish hair, to very long brown hair.  Does she have a suitcase filled with wigs, or do we have a Victoria situation on our hands?

I don't need to see Nicole and Corey trying to get to first base.  And Nicole looked like death at the veto meeting. 


From what I've read, Nicole is busy engaging in bedsport with Corey every morning.  Corey needs to let her get some rest.  She looked wiped.  I guess it's an effective way to keep her head out of the game.

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Yeah Paul has to go.  Between him interrupting Frank trying to make a deal on Sunday's show to the way he acted tonight...this dude needs to be off my television. 

This does not have anything to do with tonight's episode but I remember reading that Day is a fan of Danielle from season three.  If that is the case you would have thought she would have been nicer to Tiffany in her goodbye message.  I mean at the time she had no way of knowing if Tiffany could be coming back into the house.  I guess she did not learn by what happened to Danielle.

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Generally I'm not a huge fan of the gloating dances in the storage room, but that Irish jig music gave me life. Then Paul walks out, commenting about the amount of potatoes they have. YES. 

I was really annoyed at James for throwing the Veto. He said he didn't want any more blood on his hands, but um....if Frank or Bridgette won, you'd have to put up someone else. Probably someone you like. You'd end up getting MORE blood on your hands. SO yea, that was dumb. 

But thankfully, Big Meech (worst nickname ever) pulled it off. It was close, though. Bridgette is a pretty good competitor, despite the fact that she's playing someone else's game. 

Also, she thinks Frank's receding hairline is cute? Barf. And the whole dynamic with her and Michelle is so weird. Like they're fighting over Frank. FRANK??? Slim pickings in the BB House, I guess. Bridgette is just an idiot, though. She complains that Michelle never talks to her, goes out of her way to avoid her, then accuses Michelle of "attacking" her. What the what what? 

As much as I dislike Frank, Paul's reaction to him talking to Michelle was just ridiculous. If someone is on the block, they have the right to campaign. Period. What else are they supposed to? Just accept their walking papers with a "thank you very much". You threw your own "bro" under the bus to save your ass, Paul, so shut the fuck up. Play YOUR game, and let others play theirs. 

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11 hours ago, NYGirl said:

'm sad because I'm of the unpopular opinion of not wanting Frank out.  Once he goes I don't like anybody else.  I'm upset at James making a deal and then going back on it like that.  I've always hated it when people make deals and then turn around and put up the people they promised they wouldn't.  I know it's a game and stuff but it's such a sleazy thing to do.

One more thing..Paul..SHUT THE HELL UP.  You're not very smart.

I could have written this post myself. I never thought I'd find myself rooting for Frank, but I am. I love James but, like you, am so disappointed in him for pulling a sleazy move like that. And also, I cannot stand Michelle. What's with a nutritionist eating like a whole bag of chips (and she does this ALL the time).

And was anyone else annoyed at how Paul was "dancing" during the POV competition? Just Ugh!

11 hours ago, Fallacy said:

How is it possible that this cast has turned me into a Frank fan? They are all terrible so I'm rooting for the underdogs at this point, Frank and Bridgette.

Also, why does Natalie insist on calling James Jamsey. So annoying. 

I know - me too!

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7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Every time someone grows too powerful or has too big of an ego, people should be trying to eliminate that threat. Instead, everyone keeps letting him spearhead the decisions. How long until you are on his radar with his team of flunkies following his lead? Everyone except maybe Nicole, Corey and Zakiyah should be scared shitless of this dude and what will happen once Bridgette and Frank are gone. Especially Paul who no one would care if he leaves or Day who gives a new reason for someone not to trust her every week. 

Bottom line. If you have someone who can win comps so he can be head of household at ease or take himself off the block if needed and also runs the house HOH or no needs to be backdoored out the house if you have any common sense.

This is why I was disappointed with James' nominations this week. Tiffany's gone, now it's just Frank and Bridgette to go. The rest are part of this giant mob. Has no one wondered who's going to be targeted once their gone? James is not high up in that group. Other than Natalie, he doesn't really have an alliance with anyone, if I recall. If he were smart, he would have rallied up some people that are the least close to Paulie in that group, along with Frank and Bridgette, and iron out a plan to get Paulie out this week. He would only need 4 votes, and Frank/Bridgette/Natalie would be a lock right off the bat. Michelle doesn't really have any alliance and wanted to work with Frank, so she'd be easy to get. And Victor knows he needs to latch on to something so he doesn't get sent right back out, so he'd be another easy person to pull over.

That would have been a huge move for James (which juries love), Paulie wouldn't even be a bitter juror because he'd be going home, James would get to keep his word with Frank and Bridgette which would allow others to trust him, and it would give him a bigger alliance beyond Natalie. 

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James and Day seem close. I could see him getting her on board. And, yes, Michelle has a bit of thing for Frank, but her issues with Bridgette might present a problem. Plus, I think she likes being part of the bigger group, even if deep down she has to know she's at the bottom. But Victor? Nah, he's going to stay bro'd up. He's right up Paul's ass, and there he shall remain. 

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7 hours ago, JZone said:

I agree with you 100% I'm surprised no one even seems to have Paulie on their radar. He is clearly orchestrating everything, and not even in subtle ways. The good puppet masters (i.e. Will, Dan, Derrick) tend to plant seeds to convince others to do what they want in ways that don't come across as obvious or commanding. They keep their cards close. But with Paulie,he speaks on behalf of everyone and is always making the decisions. He's incredibly arrogant about it. He's also shown he can win comps. How has no one thought that he is a threat? But sure, everyone pile up so it's the entire house against Tiffany, who has no one and doesn't win comps. And now everyone go against Frank who only has Bridgette as an ally. Don't worry about Paulie who has a showmance and a 10 person alliance beneath him. These house guests need to grow a back bone.

You basically answered your own question - Paulie really hasn't piss off or betrayed the majority of the house.

There was a lot that went down the days leading up and during the house meeting that wasn't shown.  

Paulie had wanted to keep Frank - and had tried to help Save him over Bridget.  But it was to no avail. That's why Frank said at least Paulie did tell him the truth that the numbers were not on his side.   And the other hgs got what they wanted.

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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But Victor? Nah, he's going to stay bro'd up. He's right up Paul's ass, and there he shall remain. 

And Paul is right up Paulie's ass, so it's quite the dudebro human centipede they've got going on there.

Corey and Nicole annoy the living FUCK out of me.

Enough with Day's DRs - I can't be doing with the hand waving, the sticking the tongue out and the fake laughing.

At this point I'm really just watching for James and Natalie - they really are an adorable couple with a real connection.

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12 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

And Paul is right up Paulie's ass, so it's quite the dudebro human centipede they've got going on there.

HA! This may be the funniest thing I've ever read on the internet. 

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8 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

So true, I get really sick of her gloating and/or putting everyone down. The real Queen of DR Tough Talk though is totally Bridgette. Remember her famous "When I find out who won that BB they're going to pay!!" And... nothing. She did more tonight about how she was going to get everyone and how pissed she was etc. and she never backs up her "big words" ya know like calling someone a dummy.

Yeah, she's all tough in the DR but then hiding upstairs in the lounge watching the fight in the kitchen. That said, she had an awesome vantage point to watch the fight. That was great camera from BB.

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43 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

And Paul is right up Paulie's ass, so it's quite the dudebro human centipede they've got going on there.


LOLZ, this is the best visual ever, and also TRUE.

The shot of Paul, Paulie, Victor and Corey walking one by one past the room where Frank was talking to Michelle was golden...it was like the Parade of the Airheads.  And then everyone barging in on Frank/Michelle - I give Frank props for not completely losing it then, and also later in the kitchen - when the Bearded One was all up in his business, and Frank is like, "um, yeah, that's how the game is played."

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Frank evicted, and when he goes to open the door to Julie...the door is locked, and then we hear Julie's voice say, "Houseguests..."  I know there's a lot of things happening that we're not seeing.  I am hoping that something leads to Frank staying.  I literally cannot stand anyone else.

Michelle reminds me SO MUCH of someone else, and I cannot think of who.  All I can sense is that she reminds me of another BB participant, and it's driving me nuts...from her eyes to her smile to her voice.  In fact, the first time I saw her, I thought she was a "returner."

I don't know which makes me cringe with second-hand embarrassment more...the houseguests fawning over OTEV, or pretending they are laughing along with Zingbot when they really want to rip his arms off.  OTEV was particularly annoying this time around, so I'm glad that segment is over and done with.

Oh, and shut up, Paul.  No, really, SHUT UP.  YOU ARE NOT OUR BOY SHUT UP SHUT UP.

Edited by laurakaye
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57 minutes ago, JZone said:

This is why I was disappointed with James' nominations this week. Tiffany's gone, now it's just Frank and Bridgette to go. The rest are part of this giant mob. Has no one wondered who's going to be targeted once their gone? James is not high up in that group. Other than Natalie, he doesn't really have an alliance with anyone, if I recall. If he were smart, he would have rallied up some people that are the least close to Paulie in that group, along with Frank and Bridgette, and iron out a plan to get Paulie out this week. He would only need 4 votes, and Frank/Bridgette/Natalie would be a lock right off the bat. Michelle doesn't really have any alliance and wanted to work with Frank, so she'd be easy to get. And Victor knows he needs to latch on to something so he doesn't get sent right back out, so he'd be another easy person to pull over.

That would have been a huge move for James (which juries love), Paulie wouldn't even be a bitter juror because he'd be going home, James would get to keep his word with Frank and Bridgette which would allow others to trust him, and it would give him a bigger alliance beyond Natalie. 

James is actually in an alliance with Paulie and he has been able to protect Natalie (who is an outsider in the house) because of that.   He's also in a showmance which makes them a target.  It will take 5 votes to evict, not 4.  Frank and Michelle would want Nicole or Day gone. Victor is going to do what Paul wants. 

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I understand why Frank wanted to speak to Michelle alone. I also understand why the other house guests did not want Frank to talk to Michelle alone. Frank is not guaranteed the opportunity to talk to Michelle solo. We see this on Survivor all the time. The majority alliance identifies what person or people are most likely to flip and baby sit them so that the minority alliance does not have an opportunity to flip them. Hell, Boston Rob had a buddy system worked out. So Frank should not have been surprised that people were interrupting his conversation with Michelle. They were all playing the game and Frank knows that.

Paul is an ass for a number of reasons. He seems to enjoy exploding and going off on people. Frank handled Paul's idiocy just fine. Frank is well aware of Paul's role in his alliance. Paul is the attack dog who acts like an ass and tries to throw people off of their game. Paul is low on the totem pole and trying to do what he can to stay in the good graces of the larger group. Paul is also an idiot and cannot see that there might be a way to flip the house so that Paul is in an alliance where he is not the designated attack dog and an easy out. I don't know what magic Frank could work but I get the feeling that James, Vic and Michelle could easily be turned.  James brings Natalie with him.

James seems to get that he is not in a great place in his alliance. He is tight with Day but also knows that she discussed breaking up the couples. Vic is just returned to the game and does not have a good reason for trusting the majority alliance because they voted him out. Michelle flat out told Bridgette that she is jealous that Bridgette replaced her in Franks good graces. Michelle wants to work with Frank, Frank simply has to spend more time with Michelle and chill the physical stuff with Bridgette so that Michelle feels special.

If Frank came down, He could have four votes, possible five if James brought Natalie.

So Paul telling Vic to chill and let things slide and going after Frank is only hurting his chances of making it far in this game. Vote out Frank and then next week target Vic then Paul. Bridgette is not likely to win much and seems isolated in the house so she is an easy out.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:


James and Day seem close. I could see him getting her on board. And, yes, Michelle has a bit of thing for Frank, but her issues with Bridgette might present a problem. Plus, I think she likes being part of the bigger group, even if deep down she has to know she's at the bottom. But Victor? Nah, he's going to stay bro'd up. He's right up Paul's ass, and there he shall remain. 

Those are good points. I could see Day being persuaded to go against Paulie if she knew the numbers would be there. Especially if James put Zakiya up next to Paulie, since Day wouldn't want to vote her out. Plus, with Zakiya up, it would be one less vote to save Paulie. 

Michelle is tough to figure out since she's barely had screen time before yesterday. I think if Frank was the one talking to her, he could likely get her on board. She admitted to liking him and wanting to work with him, and he seems more persuasive than James. 

I see your point about Victor and thought about that too. Actually, now that I think more about it, if they tried to bring Victor in, there's a very likely chance he would talk with Paul. And that guy is so abrasive and over the top that he would likely draw a ton of attention to things and let Paulie know, giving Paulie a chance to talk them out of it. Ah well, it's all moot anyway. But it would have made for a much better week, and finally divided up that big group to shake things up. 

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