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S18.E12: Nominations 4, Road Kill 4

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Hey Big Brother-- Please do away with the "hashtags" bullshit whenever something happens in the house.  I expecting to see a #commercialcomingup pretty soon.

When someone in the future watches this program, they will be asking themselves, "What's the deal with all notations that start with a #?" 

(Who am I kidding?  No one in the future will be watching this.)

Edited by nottopbravo
  • Love 15

Man, Tiffany blew up, and it was beautiful. She is in it to win it. Or at least to cause some destruction in everyone's games before she leaves.


There is a lot they cut, like Paul, Nicole, and Corey joining the Day/Zak 'comforting' in the Safari room, plus some other moments, but I get they only had a certain amount of time.

I was a little pissed to see Day laughing at Tiffany crying. She is kind of disappointing me now. How can I blame Tiffany for wanting to team up with Frank when everyone else treats her so badly? Natalie did a better job comforting Tiffany than Day did.

I feel like Paulie is kind of obsessed with the Rousso sisters. 

Uncle Austin. Oh god, that's hilarious. It was clear that Tiffany won by the visual of the room when she hit the button. Of course, several other attempts from the rest were omitted, but it was nice to get some sort of confirmation that she won.

I'm glad Corey's up, although I had hoped it would be Nicole or Zak. Hopefully this shakes up the house.

The Beast is Unleashed. 

  • Love 8

Cracking up that Tiffany now appears to have attached herself to a showmance that features an obnoxious dude and a sort of whiny woman -- just like her sister did last year.

Again, the contrast between the sisters is evident: Vanessa always knew she had nobody who thought of her as a #1 ally. Tiffany looks at it as a personal affront, while Vanessa saw it as a game opportunity. That being said, I'm kind of hoping Tiffany gets sent home this week. I find seasons where it's "the house vs. One Person" tiresome.

Whoever said Natalie is this year's Victoria is dead on.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 5

I would love to be sitting next to Vanessa, watching this.

Naturally, she'd be worried about her sister.  But Vanessa was a good player, so I wonder if she's able to recognize that no one's working harder to ruin Tiffany's game than Tiffany.  Vanessa wouldn't have been all gung-ho to put her trust in someone who required regular large doses of comfort and cajoling, either.

And finally, I wonder if Vanessa can see how annoying it was when she had her own bursts of paranoia and emotional breakdowns.


I don't know if Tiffany's an unleashed beast or frantically scrabbling with her last gasp chance.  I feel sorry for her--I was in a limited environment situation once (summer camp) where it seemed like the hive mind just decided to randomly target me.  I felt just as confused and desperate as Tiffany, but I saved those tears until I was alone.  Die before cry, Tiff.

  • Love 4

It wasn't until half-way through the RK comp that I realized "Uncle Austin" was trolling a certain last year HG. Beeee-you-tee-ful.

Man, Nicole is a straight-up bitch. Utterly tuning out Tiff when she walked into the room, then once she hears that Tiff is talking to Frank, is suddenly ohhhh so interested in how she's doing. And Da': if you order someone to meet you, it's your effing burden to start the inquisition. Yeah, I know the What's-Up-off was a version of the male of the species' chest-bumping prelude to a fight, but please. And wtf is with that red collar-like object Paulie (a.k.a. pot meet sibling kettle) constantly has around his neck? If that arrogant douche is trying to make himself look like a cute golden retriever, it ain't working - you're still a P.O.S.

Wow, how a few days in the BB house changes everything! Tiff and Frank are the awesomest couple there now! "Everyone thinks I'm an asshole!" "Well, you kind of are." I can't believe I've gone from wanting despicable Frank out next to wanting more of the mismatched buddy cop show he and Tiff have going on. I think I'm actually.... enjoying his presence in the house. WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!?!

  • Love 15

I want Tiffany to get to steppin' so I don't have to see her ratty ass hair and that wonky pink bandana that is tied all jacked up.

She was needlessly aggressive with Nicole in the bumper car room.  I'll concede that Nicole was annoying and transparent but still.  Don't be rude. 

And that "what's up?" "What's up?" "What's new?" "What's new?" conversation with Da made me want to hit them both.

Tiffany is irritating to me, is what I'm saying.

  • Love 10

I honestly have no idea what I just watched. Nothing makes any sense!

Why go through all the trouble of saving Tiffany and then five minutes later give her the cold shoulder, walk out of the room when she comes in and just shun her in general.? She's right...she might have well just gone home if they are going to do that.

Then we have Tiffany wanting to do damage to Paulie by targeting him where it would hurt the most. Well apparently Tiffany doesn't have the live feeds and is only getting the CBS broadcast version in her head because apparently Paulie's connection  with Zakiyah doesn't exist. Making her the third nominee would have been the true blow against him not Corey.

Next we have the Roadkill itself....all tonight did was further solidify my belief that production is actively manipulating who the winner is based on what would make the best television....like last week where Frank got it...and what would add the most "drama" this week...TIffany getting it.

Speaking of the roadkill....that concept was just so juvenile...who thought of it? A Los Angelos Junior High school?

Episode one had Tiffany saying she would use her womanly charms on the men AND women to win. If she had done that from the word GO it might have worked but now its way, way too late.

I would have thought James would have a least suggested putting Paul up instead of his last best chance at a showmance.

And at the end of the day all the sturm and drang Frank, Tiffany and Brigette are trying to drum up is for not....they don't have the votes to get out Corey.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

It wasn't until half-way through the RK comp that I realized "Uncle Austin" was trolling a certain last year HG. Beeee-you-tee-ful.

Man, Nicole is a straight-up bitch. Utterly tuning out Tiff when she walked into the room, then once she hears that Tiff is talking to Frank, is suddenly ohhhh so interested in how she's doing. And Da': if you order someone to meet you, it's your effing burden to start the inquisition. Yeah, I know the What's-Up-off was a version of the male of the species' chest-bumping prelude to a fight, but please. And wtf is with that red collar-like object Paulie (a.k.a. pot meet sibling kettle) constantly has around his neck? If that arrogant douche is trying to make himself look like a cute golden retriever, it ain't working - you're still a P.O.S.

Wow, how a few days in the BB house changes everything! Tiff and Frank are the awesomest couple there now! "Everyone thinks I'm an asshole!" "Well, you kind of are." I can't believe I've gone from wanting despicable Frank out next to wanting more of the mismatched buddy cop show he and Tiff have going on. I think I'm actually.... enjoying his presence in the house. WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!?!

Yes to the whole post, but the bolded is hilarious!  I hadn't made the connection...I must have blocked all memories of Austin's grossness!  Well, I hope this homage he received in the comp makes up for the fact that just about every HG from last year got a cameo on The Bold and the Beautiful except him! 

  • Love 2

Im just sooo damn over  Big Brother and I use to get so excited ever since season 1 

. Why did they bring back that oh so irritating Nicole?  She brings absolutely NOTHING at all to the show! Mama Da is useless, was useless last time. Big talker in diary room, but does nothing but rolls her eyes at everyone in person. Paulie? why is he constantly clearing his throat? UGH! 

Well that was totally random.

Tiff and Frank working together means I don't have to give a flying flip about either of them since they were both each other's targets without any help from Day. The fact that they readily agree Day was the cause of all things bad? Yeah, it's called latching on to whatever they can.

I did enjoy Tiff explaining to Frank that everyone wanted him out, except for Bridgette, obviously. He really thought he was in the thick of running everything. Oh, honey, no.

I like Day and always will, but she is terrible at this game. I'm not judging her at all for laughing at Tiff, because I would do the same, because all I see of Tiff is tears, and at that point I found them to be strategic, but Day is horrible at keeping her damn mouth shut. 

The reason I always tape this show and watch it later is because I have no interest in any of the RK/Veto comps. Just tell me who won, and I can go from there. 

Natalie is just the sweetest. Horrible at the game, but I adore her.

  • Love 6

I was really liking Da, and really disliking Frank, and BOOM! tonight's show happened. Da' went right back to being all full of herself and being obnoxious. Frank was being full of himself and obnoxious, then he seemed to settle down and be funny again when talking with Tiffany. Don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of Tiffany's, but for the entire house to ostracize her, then act as if they didn't know why she was upset? C'mon. I wouldn't be disappointed to see Tiffany and her stupid bandanas leave. Wouldn't be disappointed to see Da' get backdoored. I see Michelle as useless and wish she could have been on the block. If only it weren't for the stupid "team" immunity. That needs to be voted out the door too. Lastly, Paulie needs to stop being the pot that calls the kettle black, accusing tiffanyof playing her sister's game (which she clearly isn't, because she stinks) when he's playing his brother's.

  • Love 4

It was a mistake not getting rid of Tiffany last week. She is emotionally unstable - maybe even more so than  Vanessa. I realize that being in the house can be stressful, but she and Vanessa both lack the ability to apply perspective. This isn't life or death. This is a GAME. I think her personality is the reason that even after they saved her, the other players wanted to avoid her. Who wants to be around that? 

  • Love 3

I thought this was a fairly interesting show tonight.  I couldn't stand Tiffany before because it was like getting Vanessa all over again.  Same with Paulie, though.  Then we have the Super irritating Nicole and her voice grating on my last nerve and DaVonne and Frank.....  Just felt like a repeat of what I'd already seen :(   But tonight it got good for me.  I didn't like the ostrasizing of Tiffany one bit.  What a bunch of weak and mean people!  Any one of them would have freaked if they'd been in the same situation!  Can you imagine Nicole walking into a room full of people and they suddenly stopped talking and slowly got up and left the room?!  The whining and questions that would have gone on after that!  Vanessa... I mean Tiffany is supper needy and irritating herself, but I think Nicole would have been even more.  For some reason I'm suddenly pulling for Frank, Tiffany and Frank's sidekick and hope one of them win that veto!  I wonder who Paulie would put up in Tiffany's place........? 

  • Love 3

So Tiff and Frank are working together now. I'm curious to see who, if anyone (other than Bridgette) they can pull in. I don't care for either of them, but I like it when alliances flip and people flop and it's not this giant consensus voting out one person after another. 

I really think Tiffany's paranoia is what did her in. She's right to be paranoid NOW, but she put this giant target on her back (groan, did I just say that?) when she started freaking out over someone from the other side putting her up as the RK nom. If she would have just been chill that week, she might be in a different position now. 

That being said, I actually like how she's handling herself now. She's willing to work with Frank, but she's not willing to kiss his ass. She's all, "You're an ass, but I'll use you for now". And he has little choice about it. Hahahaha! Again, I'm not a fan of either of them, but this is entertaining to watch. 

But, OF COURSE, Tiff won the RK. Of. Course. I don't know that it'll matter, but I really can't help but think that entire thing is rigged. 

Also, that RK comp was nasty. 

  • Love 6

I haven't seen the episode yet but based on the summaries here - I'm struggling to figure out what the game play was by the rest of the house. Originally they explained their decision to flip on Frank and keep Tiffany as a way to protect themselves longer in the house by having Tiffany there to go after Frank and keep her as a vote against Frank. Why would you ostracize her if she's such an involved element in your plan moving forward?

I would really like a shake up and have someone flip to the mistfits side. An alliance of 9 people is pretty damn boring. I haven't watched the feeds but based on the episodes, I think Michelle and Paul are the most likely to be swayed to switch sides. Nicole and Corey are a packaged deal and Nicole is flighty. Her decisions are based on other people's game. And does Nicole not get male attention outside of the house? She's going to eventually blow up her game for a guy if they don't get Corey out soon. Why is repeating past mistakes?

  • Love 2

As others have mentioned, isolating Tiffany was pretty cruel. I get if she's your target, but to have a handful of people in one room go dead silent the moment she walks in and then one at a time get up and leave a minute later, that's pretty harsh. Not one person had the sense to simply change topic and let a new convo start up when she walked in? Or the basic human decency to not make her feel like a pariah? I can only imagine how much that must hurt, and not even be able to talk to someone or get your mind of it since you are trapped in a confined space with those people that are ostracizing you. However, I wish she could have kept her emotions more in check since she mostly just pushed those people further away and further confirmed that she's too unpredictable to keep around.(Side note: as a teacher myself, I couldn't help but think of the fact that her high school students are probably watching their teacher have an overly emotional meltdown... kinda awkward lol). 

I'm interested to see how her and Frank will play out this week. I'm oddly rooting for them, even though I desperately wanted Frank out last week. Some of the players in the huge alliance are starting to irk me, so I'd like to see things flip on them. 

Lastly, Paulie's obsession with Vanessa is so bizarre. Especially since Tiffany plays nothing like her. They have a physical resemblance (tears included), but that's about it. He must see how hypocritical it is to target someone so intensely simply because their sibling did well in the game. I wanted to like him at the start of the season, but he's getting on my nerves a bit more each episode.  

Edited by JZone
  • Love 9

So, I think the reason everyone was ostracizing Tiffany is because they all assumed that in keeping her, as a vote against Frank, someone else would win the HoH, and Frank would be put on the block (or at least get backdoored).  But because they all bombed at the HOH competition and Paulie had to win it, Frank was safe for a week.  Because everyone knows Frank is good at challenges and already won 2 RK comps, nobody wanted to 'get on his bad side' and have Frank guess they voted to keep Tiff, in case he won RK again and would have reason to nominate them.  So they are all keeping to the 'story' that somebody else voted to keep Tiff, so they don't want to be seen by Frank (or Bridgette, or Natalie) as 'bonding' with Tiff so that Frank won't think they were one of the flippers and nominate them.  Day explained that, they want him out, but don't want him to know they want him out.  Unfortunately, by ostracizing Tiff, they pushed her right over to Frank, and of course she spilled the beans on everyone.

While I do feel for Tiff, Vanessa didn't have a person at her back last season either, she did make alliances, but she never really trusted them, and was on her own a lot too.  Yes, she became emotional too, but I think that at least part of that was game strategy.  Tiff is just emotional without the strategy.

Gotta admit, the drama of Tiff's flipping over to Frank is fun to watch, but I do hope that eventually Frank will get voted out.  He's just too much of a challenge monster.

Good chuckle over the RK comp. LOL

  • Love 9

Tiffany makes it hard to root for her. She's exhausting. I can't wait for the Mobius-strip reasoning that her sister engaged in that would give me a headache to listen to. 

I loved her calling out Frank last week -especially the "Cabbage Patch kid" remark - but now that she's nominally working with him (and the Cabbage Patch kid) what was the point?

  • Love 1

But, OF COURSE, Tiff won the RK. Of. Course. I don't know that it'll matter, but I really can't help but think that entire thing is rigged. 

Also, that RK comp was nasty. 

The glance of the RK competition we saw in the broadcast looked fair.  We could see the air freshners hanging as they rang in.  Though TPTB could have cheated on amount of time given, made some HG's wires more sensitive so less freshners would stay put, jiggled the wire, etc.  One of the HGs rang-in with a bunch of their air freshners on the floor directly below the line.

Also it looked like more of the scent spray was being expelled for some HGs (a thick mist).  They were only complaining about the smell (not burning their eyes or lungs).  The HGs should've just breathed through their mouths only - it's not like there is fecal matter saturated in the air!

Edited by K-9
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Tiffany makes it hard to root for her. She's exhausting. I can't wait for the Mobius-strip reasoning that her sister engaged in that would give me a headache to listen to. 

I loved her calling out Frank last week -especially the "Cabbage Patch kid" remark - but now that she's nominally working with him (and the Cabbage Patch kid) what was the point?

Tiffany went after Frank basically because their personalities clashed, not because of anything that Frank did to make her distrust him. She just didn't like that he didn't want to listen and entertain her game talk. Tiffany only became a target because Day ratted her out to Frank and she knew that Frank was telling her the truth because only she and Day could corroborate Frank's story and obviously Tiffany didn't run to Frank and tell him about her plans to make a girl alliance and get him out. If Tiffany had decided to play nice with Day and the rest of the group for the sake of getting Frank out, she ran the risk of being the next one on the totem pole to get knocked out once Frank left. Comes down to trust. She has more reason to distrust Day and her crew than she does Frank and Bridgette. She's pretty much trying to choose the lesser of two evils. 

The better question was why the house flipped the vote without thinking ahead at how they would use Tiffany to their benefit. They essentially flipped the house to piss off Frank, put the seed of doubt that he can't trust them (which now makes him a bigger threat to all of them) and they've left Tiffany hanging. They basically saved Tiffany and handed Frank an ally. 

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, K-9 said:

Though TPTB could have cheated on amount of time given, made some HG's wires more sensitive so less freshners would stay put, jiggled the wire, etc.

Hah... I can picture there being minions, one with a monitor and one with his hand on the fasteners awaiting instructions on when to jiggle which rope and how violently. "Tighten up blue and giggle green slightly!"

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3

Now on to the actual episode, these people have horrible game play. They're making alliances but their social game is horrible. Day and Nicole only want to talk to Tiffany when they see/hear that she was talking to Frank, of course she's not going to believe that you're approaching her out of good nature. I enjoyed the way Tiffany being snarky with Nicole while Nicole was faking her interest in being there for Tiffany. 

Day asked to have a conversation with Tiffany and then when Tiffany isn't bearing her soul to her, she dismisses it as though Tiffany is being difficult. Sweetie, Tiffany didn't want to talk to you. You wanted to talk to her to do damage control and Tiffany shut you down quick. Tiffany plays too much with her heart. She froze out Nicole and Day. She should have played nice realizing that she was the target last week, Frank is safe so she could be the target again. She needs to work on flipping votes not middle fingers. Her emotions are going to sink her. Someone needs to explain to her that her emotional outbursts make her unpredictable and hard to trust in an alliance. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Now on to the actual episode, these people have horrible game play. They're making alliances but their social game is horrible. Day and Nicole only want to talk to Tiffany when they see/hear that she was talking to Frank, of course she's not going to believe that you're approaching her out of good nature. I enjoyed the way Tiffany being snarky with Nicole while Nicole was faking her interest in being there for Tiffany. 

Day asked to have a conversation with Tiffany and then when Tiffany isn't bearing her soul to her, she dismisses it as though Tiffany is being difficult. Sweetie, Tiffany didn't want to talk to you. You wanted to talk to her to do damage control and Tiffany shut you down quick. Tiffany plays too much with her heart. She froze out Nicole and Day. She should have played nice realizing that she was the target last week, Frank is safe so she could be the target again. She needs to work on flipping votes not middle fingers. Her emotions are going to sink her. Someone needs to explain to her that her emotional outbursts make her unpredictable and hard to trust in an alliance. 

I completely agree. Tiffany was justified to feel the way she did, but it would have benefited her to play nice for the sake of her game. Especially because there seems to be a lot of fractures within some of these huge alliances, so she could have won a few people back to her. That's the problem I've been noticing the past few seasons... the house guests form alliances way too early in the game, and they are way too huge. I know there's comfort in having people "on your side" from the get-go, but you should take more time to actually get to know everyone first to see who you can trust and work well with. And you just know when you make this big alliances that some people are going to end up causing problems and fracture the group. It's inevitable. 

Other than a few pairs (i.e. James/Natalie, Frank/Bridgette, etc), It doesn't seem like there's any really solid alliances. Look at all the flip flopping in the past week or so alone. If Tiff could have kept her emotions in check and thought strategically, she could have possibly created some allies. It seems like it might be too late now, since she's already seen as "ticking time bomb" even before her outbursts.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, JZone said:

I completely agree. Tiffany was justified to feel the way she did, but it would have benefited her to play nice for the sake of her game. Especially because there seems to be a lot of fractures within some of these huge alliances, so she could have won a few people back to her. That's the problem I've been noticing the past few seasons... the house guests form alliances way too early in the game, and they are way too huge. I know there's comfort in having people "on your side" from the get-go, but you should take more time to actually get to know everyone first to see who you can trust and work well with. And you just know when you make this big alliances that some people are going to end up causing problems and fracture the group. It's inevitable. 

Other than a few pairs (i.e. James/Natalie, Frank/Bridgette, etc), It doesn't seem like there's any really solid alliances. Look at all the flip flopping in the past week or so alone. If Tiff could have kept her emotions in check and thought strategically, she could have possibly created some allies. It seems like it might be too late now, since she's already seen as "ticking time bomb" even before her outbursts.

It's definitely inevitable. When you have a smaller alliance, you don't really need to worry where you fall on the totem pole until it's just you and your alliance left (or your alliance is discovered and they nominate alliance members together). When you have such huge alliances, instead of worrying in week 9, you're worrying in week 2. That's the reason why the game usually begins with people voting with the house - because it gives everyone time to develop alliances and some sort of trust in others in the house while outsiders are used as collateral damage to buy time during the process. 

I thought she eventually caught on to faking it when she started to be nice to Day but I think that may end up being short lived. Natalie could have been an ally this week so it sucks that she's up on the block. If she's smart (or Frank), they'll have Tiffany start working with Natalie to try and get the third nominee out instead. If she can convince Natalie, then she'll get James by proxy. That's 3 votes that can be directed to Day. She would only need 1 more to flip and Paul would be the best target. If he votes with them, he gets Frank, Bridgette, Tiffany, James and Natalie which is the house majority. He'll have 3 comp winners and have the numbers to avoid keeping him off the block in the near future with the intent being of splitting up the couples (Nicole/Corey, Zik/Paulie). Frank and Tiffany should also cut him into a final 3 deal (increases his odds of safety if he's aligned with two past comp winners). I'd really like to see the house flip again. They wasted all of the scheming that was done last week to blindside Frank but now they have another opportunity to do it again and actually build a plan beyond this week's eviction. 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

The better question was why the house flipped the vote without thinking ahead at how they would use Tiffany to their benefit. They essentially flipped the house to piss off Frank, put the seed of doubt that he can't trust them (which now makes him a bigger threat to all of them) and they've left Tiffany hanging. They basically saved Tiffany and handed Frank an ally. 

IMHO close, but not quite.  The HatePack did have a specific goal involving Tiffany; keep her in the House to target Frank if she won HoH, or serve as a high-visibility distraction to Fridge if she didn't.  So far as plans go, it wasn't necessarily a bad Plan A.

Only problem was, nobody thought of a Plan B in the event Frank should get HoH immunity either directly or indirectly.  Which is exactly what happened.  And the HatePack reacted badly.  Paulie summed up the groupthink concisely: "We kept [Tiffany] to do a job, she didn't get it done, she's gone" - said "job" being to win HoH and target Frank.  They didn't just leave Tiff hanging, they crumpled her up like a used tissue and tossed her on the floor.

And then, when Frank picks Tiffany up off the floor and demonstrates he sees some value in her, the rest have the nerve to act surprised - and betrayed???  Seriously?

I ceased being a Tiff fan when she began demonstrating the registered trademark on Cue Waterworks!!!® was a family holding, but I find the whole HatePack attitude disgusting - as if they're offended Tiff didn't have the good taste to stay on the floor where they discarded her, so they have some moral obligation to stomp her back down flat on the floor again, and tell her to behave while they're doing it.  And that pisses me off more than anything Tiff has done.  Tiff is just weak; they, on the other hand, are just being mean and nasty, and not for any game purpose other than to punish somebody for not subserviently catering to their desires.  So fuck you Michelle, fuck you Da, fuck you Paulie, and fuck you Z - oh yeah, and fuck you Nicole and Corey too.

Sorry if I'm coming off too extreme - but if any one of these soulless assholes treated either of my daughters the way they've treated Tiff, my fuck-em-up machine would be in four-wheel drive with the pedal to the floor.

  • Love 13
On 7/17/2016 at 9:01 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Man, Tiffany blew up, and it was beautiful. She is in it to win it. Or at least to cause some destruction in everyone's games before she leaves.

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There is a lot they cut, like Paul, Nicole, and Corey joining the Day/Zak 'comforting' in the Safari room, plus some other moments, but I get they only had a certain amount of time.

I was a little pissed to see Day laughing at Tiffany crying. She is kind of disappointing me now. How can I blame Tiffany for wanting to team up with Frank when everyone else treats her so badly? Natalie did a better job comforting Tiffany than Day did.

I feel like Paulie is kind of obsessed with the Rousso sisters. 

Uncle Austin. Oh god, that's hilarious. It was clear that Tiffany won by the visual of the room when she hit the button. Of course, several other attempts from the rest were omitted, but it was nice to get some sort of confirmation that she won.

I'm glad Corey's up, although I had hoped it would be Nicole or Zak. Hopefully this shakes up the house.

The Beast is Unleashed. 

I am racking my brain to figure out who Zak is....we don't have a Zak this season, correct? Is this somebody's nickname?

1 minute ago, PreBabylonia said:

I am racking my brain to figure out who Zak is....we don't have a Zak this season, correct? Is this somebody's nickname?

Ooops, sorry, I mean Zakiyah. I kind of keep taking too much time in remembering the spelling of her name and how I don't want to mess it up, so I've shortened it to Zak. I also shorten Tiffany's name to Tiff, so apologies for making things confusing! 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

IMHO close, but not quite.  The HatePack did have a specific goal involving Tiffany; keep her in the House to target Frank if she won HoH, or serve as a high-visibility distraction to Fridge if she didn't.  So far as plans go, it wasn't necessarily a bad Plan A.

Only problem was, nobody thought of a Plan B in the event Frank should get HoH immunity either directly or indirectly.  Which is exactly what happened.  And the HatePack reacted badly.  Paulie summed up the groupthink concisely: "We kept [Tiffany] to do a job, she didn't get it done, she's gone" - said "job" being to win HoH and target Frank.  They didn't just leave Tiff hanging, they crumpled her up like a used tissue and tossed her on the floor.

And then, when Frank picks Tiffany up off the floor and demonstrates he sees some value in her, the rest have the nerve to act surprised - and betrayed???  Seriously?

I ceased being a Tiff fan when she began demonstrating the registered trademark on Cue Waterworks!!!® was a family holding, but I find the whole HatePack attitude disgusting - as if they're offended Tiff didn't have the good taste to stay on the floor where they discarded her, so they have some moral obligation to stomp her back down flat on the floor again, and tell her to behave while they're doing it.  And that pisses me off more than anything Tiff has done.  Tiff is just weak; they, on the other hand, are just being mean and nasty, and not for any game purpose other than to punish somebody for not subserviently catering to their desires.  So fuck you Michelle, fuck you Da, fuck you Paulie, and fuck you Z - oh yeah, and fuck you Nicole and Corey too.

Sorry if I'm coming off too extreme - but if any one of these soulless assholes treated either of my daughters the way they've treated Tiff, my fuck-em-up machine would be in four-wheel drive with the pedal to the floor.

The theory behind it made sense but they ruined their social games with Tiffany so quickly that it's astounding to me that any of them have ever actually played or watched this game before. For one - when you're in such a big alliance, NEVER assume that you won't have people that can and/or will flip. And for that reason, you NEVER go that extreme against a houseguest. This leads to my second point - the fact that not one, but the entire collective of that group alienated Tiffany as if she's a leper, that's about as bad of game play as it gets. They don't know about twists are coming. They have no clue how any of this may impact their game but they're so arrogant thinking that they're in full control of the game that they've decided to sacrifice even common decency to another person. Tiffany is not some Aryn who alienated herself with her racist and bullying behaviour. I know it's a game but if you can't sit in a room with someone (even if you aren't talking about anything) because they cry, well shame on you. That's disgusting behaviour.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:



14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Ooops, sorry, I mean Zakiyah. I kind of keep taking too much time in remembering the spelling of her name and how I don't want to mess it up, so I've shortened it to Zak. I also shorten Tiffany's name to Tiff, so apologies for making things confusing! 

Ahhhh that makes sense. I kept thinking that her name began with Zir...and it wasn't until she was paired with Paulie that I realized that's the one. Tiff seem pretty obvious to me but Zakiyah is a more difficult name because of the unusual spelling. She's one of my favourite players this season so it should have been more obvious.

I'm at the point that I like most of the players here, I'm not bored or irritated with any of them at all. And this might be the first year that I don't think that I'm missing anything without getting the feeds. From peeking at the spoiler threads now and then, the TV narrative doesn't seem to be selling anything substantially different, other than hiding the Paulie and Zakiyah (Zak!) showmance. I'm ready for Frank and Bridgette to go (next week hopefully) but I can deal with any of the nominees hitting the road. Or staying put. I think I'd be voting for Paul to go if I was in the house, but that's just me. I wouldn't trust anyone that previously banded with Victor and Jozeh.

3 hours ago, PreBabylonia said:


Ahhhh that makes sense. I kept thinking that her name began with Zir...and it wasn't until she was paired with Paulie that I realized that's the one. Tiff seem pretty obvious to me but Zakiyah is a more difficult name because of the unusual spelling. She's one of my favourite players this season so it should have been more obvious.

I'm at the point that I like most of the players here, I'm not bored or irritated with any of them at all. And this might be the first year that I don't think that I'm missing anything without getting the feeds. From peeking at the spoiler threads now and then, the TV narrative doesn't seem to be selling anything substantially different, other than hiding the Paulie and Zakiyah (Zak!) showmance. I'm ready for Frank and Bridgette to go (next week hopefully) but I can deal with any of the nominees hitting the road. Or staying put. I think I'd be voting for Paul to go if I was in the house, but that's just me. I wouldn't trust anyone that previously banded with Victor and Jozeh.

There's no one I'm strongly against yet either, although many of them are starting to frustrate me with their arrogance. As for Paul, my main reason for wanting him gone is to no longer hear him trying to push his "friendship" catchphrase. It's not happening buddy. You can't force these things. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George tried to give himself a nick name (Coco!). 

  • Love 1

I'm looking forward to the upcoming Battle Back.  However, in the past the returnee gets the easy target because they "already had a chance" (how ironic if this is said by one of the four veterans!).  This season we have team protection from the HoH, for now at least.  Three of the four teams have lost a player; on the other hand Category 4 (Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette) all remain.  So if Team Freakazoid loses Tiffany/Corey or if Team Unicorn loses Natalie, then that team would then be down to two players.  Might be in those teams' best interest to fight to keep the returnee: Glenn, Bronte, 4th evictee, or even Jozea!  Otherwise Category 4 members will have more participants in HoH's to keep their entire team safe.

If the Battle Back twist ends the Team twist, then the returnee is DOA.

The fifth eviction takes place on Thursday.  The 5th evictee would still need to compete in Battle Back (probably on Thursday night, after the live broadcast concludes).  Do they hold-off on the HoH competition until that 5th evictee walks back in the door on Thursday night? Show the HoH competition on Friday's episode (Friday's episode can't be a 60 minute of Battle Back competitions)? Or does the winner of the Battle Back get the HoH (that would be a shocker!)?

Edited by K-9

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