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S08.E15: All Bets Are Off

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2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

{raiseshand} I think she yelled.  But I also don't care.  It's semantic.  I think she got louder, more animated and more frustrated at having her fluster pointed out and hurried along.    It didn't start out that way but as she was talking on top of the others trying to be heard, she escalated a little.  I might have to look at that again.

 I absolutely think that she yelled, but I don't care either. These women are always yelling. True, it is harsher when they do it at a restaurant, like Jules did here or Dorinda did last year, vs. doing it when they are somewhere and it is just the gals. 

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, OhGromit said:

Just took a look at Bethenny's twitter feed (i.e. the tweets she's receiving, not just her tweets), and I can't believe how many positive tweets she gets, and how few negative ones.  Ugh.  Very frustrating.  I'm looking to the social media sphere to smack down Bethenny (and Carole), and I'm not sure it's happening.  

I believe that Bethenny has someone delete any negative tweet she receives. She controls her SM with an iron fist!

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, OhGromit said:

Just took a look at Bethenny's twitter feed (i.e. the tweets she's receiving, not just her tweets), and I can't believe how many positive tweets she gets, and how few negative ones.  Ugh.  Very frustrating.  I'm looking to the social media sphere to smack down Bethenny (and Carole), and I'm not sure it's happening.  

I read twitter but I don't actual use it.  Is it possible to block negative things from showing up on your account?

Carole's twitter is a mess right now and you can see the negativity she is getting because she keeps responding to them.  

I have to say for two women with very high opinions of themselves I don't think their behaviour is very good for business.  You really decrease your market when you piss off so many people.  I don't know how Carole thinks she is going to get those grow bars moving when she acts like this.  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, esco1822 said:

^THIS a thousand times!!! Of course she did.  Probably the same one that writes Teresa Giudice's blogs. I get being someone who needs time to compose their thoughts as opposed to an on your feet thinker but this is a whole other kettle of fish. It doesn't even "sound" like Jules in her manner or speaking. I'm not buying it.

Unrelated, I keep waiting for someone to point out to Lu that her knowing about Alex in 2 weeks should not be a ringing endorsement about knowing she'll spend her life with Tom.  Um, you and Alex got divorced.  

After two kids, what was probably for a long time a passionate and good marriage, and lastly this was a marriage which lasted longer than any relationship between any other current Ho excepting Ramona, who was desperado to the point of calling la policia when Mario finally came clean.   I don't understand how LuAnn is always criticized for this, but MMV, naturellement.  /off to find some 'Italian friends'!

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 12

I have to play devil's advocate here.  Luann's marriage length has nothing to do with quality.  Nothing.  It might have been passionate and loving  and he might have been cheating on her the week after they eloped.  Or her him.  We don't know and really cannot infer.  Grand passions and successful marriages do not a couple of children make.  Just watch any MTV show five years ago.


True story.  An uncle by marriage, was in a car accident with his wife of almost 65 years (why they were allowed to drive I do no know).  She was killed instantly.  He survived for a couple of days.  When he revived enough to speak at the hospital he asked about my aunt.  When told she was dead he laughed until he started choking and only recovered his breathe long enough to smile as he said "good, I hated that woman'.  Last words he spoke.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Here is a clip from WWHL last night-Jules was in the audience.  She talks about the Reunion and her dinner scene from last night's episode.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/why-doesnt-jeff-lewis-like-heather-dubrow-twitter-feud

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I was sorry to hear that a large part of the Reunion was about past seasons.  Bethenny escapes responsibility.


One of my Major League Peeves are people who try to fuck with the staff of any place that we go to. I don't mean asking for an extra fork or water, I am talking about the people who make their order a ten minute display of assholery and have no problem with abusing the staff  - "that is what they are paid for, to make sure the customer (Me) is always right".

The funniest part? When you get called out and have no other response, Call names, it shows your true class.

That is the "The Bethenny Effect" - Whore, Slut and Fuck Doll are an appropriate 'out' when you don't have any other vocabulary.

Meth and Pleather sure know their 'nouns'. Now?

They just have to work on their manners.

  • Love 4

The way I see it, Lu and Dorinda both seemed to have a grand passion in their lives for a long time, with a man who was passionate about them, even though it ended in divorce and death.  None of the others can say that, I think.

Ramona used to say she and Mario were passionate about each other, but it is impossible for me to imagine Mario (or anyone) being passionately in love with her.  I think Sonja would say she's had many grand passions on P Diddy's yacht and all over Manhattan, but those would have been fleeting.  Bethy and Carole never had it and never will.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7
11 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

LOLOLOLOL, "Hay bitches, for a dollar......how would you dispatch bethenny?"

A) drop a house on her

B) toss a bucket of water on her

C) laugh at her every time you make eye contact?

That is the same method Pleather Doo Brow uses to keep from eating pizza..

Of the three choices you've given I pick "A" That would surely get rid of that screeching shrew forever!

  • Love 1

Bethenny is so exhausting and will never be able to accept true happiness/peace in her life because she can't be anything but the victim.  Even when she's the obvious aggressor, she can't blame herself for bad behavior.  She blames others because "they should know" how she is and shouldn't be provoked.  If she apologizes for something, she feels as if the person should feel thankful that she can admit her wrongs.  It's all about how Bethenny. This sense of entitlement makes her a selfish, self-centered and greedy person (greedy for attention and money).  Also, I can't deal with people like her because when you're in a conversation with them, they're not listening to what you have to say but rather, looking for something to attack you about or thinking of ways of how to spin the focus back on themselves.  Never liked her. Bleh.

Luann is riding the high of falling in love but as my father always said, love is like a stone- the faster it heats up, the faster it cools down.  I think she really wants to make this work (as do I, because I want her to be happy) but she's not dumb.  Deep inside, she knows there is a chance it won't work out and this is why she won't let anyone burst her bubble.  She also probably keeps dominating conversations because she's trying to convince herself that this is the real thing and the more she says it, she thinks it will become more true. Her radar is pinging re: Tom but she doesn't want to acknowledge it.  She's seems terrified of the idea that if this doesn't work out, she will never have another chance at love.  It's really tough dating in NYC and the city is full of awful men.  Poor thing.  She would be a smash in Palm Beach and should move there if things don't work out with Tom.

I love Dorinda because I love her style and most of all, I love her hair.  Would love to know who styles her hair so I can see what they can do with mine. I also think she's a nice woman.

Poor Jules.  She deserves better from the women and her husband. She seems like a genuinely nice person.

  • Love 10
21 hours ago, shoegal said:

See, if this were Season 1 or 2 of the housewives, I would understand this reaction. What are we in now, Season 7? What the fuck did Jules think she was walking in to? If she is really taken aback by the screaming and fighting, then she really is stupid.

To me it's clear what's really hurting Jules is the derisive OHMYGAHWHATAFREAK tenor of the conversations between B and C about Jules' admitted ED where she's even confessed relapse and being under unusual marital strain, which is a different animal than standard-issue Housewives social aggression.  It's reprehensibly mean, as are the constant lobs about Jules' intelligence.

It's a different class of nasty IMO than are the Bravo-insult-classic criticisms of behaviors (you're broke!  you got no mans!  You are a ho not a hostess!) when a sensitive and less-aggressive person is being mocked and put down for a real-deal chronic illness, especially as she asks for it to stop.

...and that's why Carole is wilding out on Twitter cuz she was a snatch and she knows it.  And she should stop both wilding out and Jocelyn Wildensteining out with the fucking injectibles.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 20
2 hours ago, izabella said:

Maybe Bethy meant she was the only married HW that's dating a married man. 

She can't have it both ways...divorcing/single and dating (a non-divorcing married man) while at the same time crowing about being married.

She did the same thing to Lu at Dorinda's.  After she started fighting with Lu across the table and Lu wanted to drop it, Bethy got her ass up, deliberately walked around the table and sat right next to (Carole?) and started talking to her about Lu, with Lu still sitting on that side of the table.  As though Lu wouldn't hear.  Unlike Jules, Lu called her out and asked why she had moved over there to talk about her, and that kicked off Bethy's plastic fuckdoll and whore part of her screeching.  By ignoring Bethy, Jules did not give her that opening to call her a skinny Ho, I guess.

Didn't you get the memo?  Anyone who dares speak to Bethy about her own shortcomings is automatically considered yelling.  Lu arriving at a barbecue and trying to talk to her, and John arriving for a barbecue and trying to apologize to her...those things were considered aggressive verging on scary violence since they caused Bethy to run laps around her yard to get away from them. 

For Jules, that probably was yelling, though.  For Bethy, that would be considered barely above a loud whisper.

If I recall correctly, Bethenny has a habit of doing this, and she's done it several times.  I believe she did the same thing at Dorinda's last season, with Heather.  She also was talking about Jules and Michael to Dorinda at their brunch back on Episode 1 or 2, when she met Jules for the "first" time.  She and Carole also did the same thing at Jules' Hamptons house, and I think she did the same thing in Turks and Caicos last season when talking about Sonja.

I just think that Bethenny is now taking a page from Kelly Bensimon's book and thinks that she "is up here" and everyone else is "down there"....she really gives "zero fucks" about what she says or does, who hears or sees what she says or does, and how those things affect others around her, because she honestly believes she is so much better than they are.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 20
53 minutes ago, izabella said:

The way I see it, Lu and Dorinda both seemed to have a grand passion in their lives for a long time, with a man who was passionate about them, even though it ended in divorce and death.  None of the others can say that, I think.

Ramona used to say she and Mario were passionate about each other, but it is impossible for me to imagine Mario (or anyone) being passionately in love with her.  I think Sonja would say she's had many grand passions on P Diddy's yacht and all over Manhattan, but those would have been fleeting.  Bethy and Carole never had it and never will.

I'm not a huge fan of Carole's, but I think she had a grand passion for Anthony.  

  • Love 5

Of the things so bad, so crass-

Are the people in Bethy's ass.

Packed in tightly, lips all puckered

The rest of us think, "Oh just ---- her".

She's shrill and rude and gets preturbed

When she yells, "I need a verb!"

A verb is known as an 'action word'

Find the one in this sentence, you fucking turd.

I cheered when finally, one in the cast.

Took you on and frazzled your ass.

Come out and say it, talk to Jules' face

or are you afraid to be put in your place?

Time will tell, you nasty witch,

from what I know, payback's a (really screwed up because it usually hits you when you think you are cruising along, minding your own business.)

  • Love 16
17 hours ago, film noire said:


(Okay, that sounded much more powerful in my head; like a dazzling fusion of "I have but one life to lose for my country!" mixed with a little CJ doing "The Jackal" mixed with a whole lotta Oprah saying  "THERE'S A BRAND NEW CAR UNDER YOUR SEAT!!!" -- plus, Peggy Olsen saying anything -- and maybe, let's face it -- I ADMIT EVERYTHING -- Pat Benatar singing "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"). Still, the point stands: Beth was the fucking ficus tree on that damn bus.  Beth was twigs and leaves and potting soil -- peppered with those weird puffy white time release pearls, reminiscent of her cheeks now -- Beth talked shit about the real Skinny Girl and was completely ignored (like Mrs Astor ignoring Mrs Vanderbilt -- JULES PULLED SOME EDITH WHARTON SHIT TONIGHT,  WHO SAW THAT COMING? NOBODY) and then Beth roamed that bus -- like Lear on the heath, hoping  to create chaos and fire, hoping someone -- ANYONE -- would notice she'd pissed on them once, and were in need of being blessed and Bethennyed ("Who's your Baddy?") and had to settle for a  "moment" with Sonja. Sonja, who has had moments with toaster ovens and interns and Tom for ten years -- Sonja became Bethenny's cut rate Tara -- "I will never go hungry for attention again, not me or any of my folk" -- and how sad was that.  How fucking sad. Run, Sonja, run.

And Carole, you disgust me. (Just like Sonja once disgusted Bethenny, before Beth needed to use Sonja like a barn rag to clean herself up). After Jules revealed she had purged a few days before, you actually said (in front of her, but as if she weren't there, as if she weren't human or capable of hearing or deserving of respect) you actually said "It's hard to watch her eat."

Well, I know the feeling: every time you raise a fork to that bitter pit you call a mouth, I cringe.

From Carole's blog, speaking about Bethenny as her framily:

"If we were biological sisters, I’d be the older one and while I think I’d be a sweet loving big sister, I bet she’d probably have annoyed me, too. I might have quietly resented her sudden appearance in my young life, upstaging my gig and stealing the attention from our parents. I might have snuck into her room late at night, glowered down at her in her crib with ill thoughts..."

"And in the morning, I might have delivered a tray to my younger sister, Bethenny  -- longing to suprise her as she struggled against her infirmity, as she sat in her wheelchair -- I might have delivered a tray with a domed silver top.  And after laying down that tray, I might have cackled and then lifted the silver dome to reveal a beloved pet bird, killed by my hand and served to my sister. So hard to watch her eat! Whatever happened to Baby Complain?"

You're getting at LEAST a Man Booker shortlist nod for this.  If A Thousand Acres got much love, I know this can go your way.  Brava!!!!

  • Love 4

I am curious, especially since Bethenny's mom denies an eating disorder, just how serious her mother's disorder could be if she is still banging around at 66 years of age.  Could it be Betheny's mom practiced some bad dieting habits?  Most likely, the same ones Bethenny promulgates.

What left me confused is how is Jules ED, have any effect on Bethenny?  Sticking her hand in the ice (call room service for new ice), was there something she did at Bethenny's BBQ? The restaurant calzone, big clues to me, they are in a restaurant, if Bethenny wants more food-order some.  I would think the last topic one would bring up with someone with an eating disorder is food, or watching them eat, or fiddle with eating, or talk about the abundance of food they have provided for you or asking their weight, when they have explained they do not know by choice as part of their recovery.   

How come going to gambling establishments isn't setting off bells for Bethenny?  Didn't Bethenny and her mom have to go into hiding to escape the bad guys that were searching for her drug addicted step father (the one she wants to introduce to her daughter) to repay gambling debts? 

Bethenny speaks of the discomfort the mere sight of Jules causes he and others.  I am going to quote from Luann's blog:

"I can tell you she doesn't  care about the discomfort she causes by discussing her vagina at every meal.  We see here Bethenny's significant lack of empathy towards others."

Bethenny is doing the lather, rinse, repeat.  Scream at someone, dress them down and then say how you are done with them, attempt to alienate from the others.  We have seen it this year with John, Sonja, Luann and now Jules.  Is there any wonder Bethenny is not having the trip to Mexico?  It is not because of her fibroids because she managed to go down there on her own during the pertinent time.  It is the idea Bethenny wanted a promise of "responsible drinking", production is still laughing over that one.  

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15 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

If I recall correctly, Bethenny has a habit of doing this, and she's done it several times.  I believe she did the same thing at Dorinda's last season, with Heather.  She also was talking about Jules and Michael to Dorinda at their brunch back on Episode 1 or 2, when she met Jules for the "first" time.  She and Carole also did the same thing at Jules' Hamptons house, and I think she did the same thing in Turks and Caicos last season when talking about Sonja.

I just think that Bethenny is now taking a page from Kelly Bensimon's book and thinks that she "is up here" and everyone else is "down there"....she really gives "zero fucks" about what she says or does, who hears or sees what she says or does, and how those things affect others around her, because she honestly believes she is so much better than they are.

Now, If you know anything about pop culture you will recognize the term, "step/stepping up". It means to get into someone's face in order to fight.

Beth is that dumb bitch that starts a fight and when she gets hit, begins to cry and scream and will sue the feck outta ya for hitting her. Know it.

The women of the franchise are too cultured to lower themselves to the point of taking a poke at beffy's oversized melon - but I'd pay big bucks to see it happen?

People can only be poked so far, When they explode?

Take your lumps, you earned them. 

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I'm not a huge fan of Carole's, but I think she had a grand passion for Anthony.  

It's been a long while since I've read her book, but if I'm not mistaken she said it was NOT a very passionate relationship. Anyone remember that?

I just can't see Carole getting too excited about anything or anybody.  Although there was that one dream she had about Bethenny....

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Carole's husband has been dead for 17 years.  Wouldn't it be normal for Lee Raziwell's couch to be looking a little rough?  How long does it take for them to look worn?

I know.  I don't get it.  At first I thought the couch concern was a joke, but I guess it's genuinely something people are willing to add to their criticisms of Carole.  It's a fucking couch.  I admire Carole for managing to go so many years without outing her former MIL as the piece of shit she's purported to be.  

4 hours ago, steelcitysister said:


Tom is wealthy, yes? How about Money will buy this ass?

Marrying money can't buy you class?  

  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, ryebread said:

It's been a long while since I've read her book, but if I'm not mistaken she said it was NOT a very passionate relationship. Anyone remember that?

I just can't see Carole getting too excited about anything or anybody.  Although there was that one dream she had about Bethenny....

You remember correctly. The text stipulated that it was not a torrid romance. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

It's been a long while since I've read her book, but if I'm not mistaken she said it was NOT a very passionate relationship. Anyone remember that?

I just can't see Carole getting too excited about anything or anybody.  Although there was that one dream she had about Bethenny....

I probably should have amended my post to say as passionate as Carole can be about anything.  She seems to be in a permanent Prozac fog (or, maybe she just smokes a lot of weed?)  I don't know - I have a friend that is bi-polar, and many years ago, she was a medication that seemed to remove all levels of emotion from her - that is what Carole reminds me of.

  • Love 11

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago (real time) that Bethenny was claiming credit for casting Jules? But now she can't stand to be in the same room with her? The first on air meeting (they had already met) B was already discussing her eating disorder and her similarities to her mother with in earshot of Jules so if this is such a deep issue for her, why would she suggest they cast her? She is so full of shit and her ability to make literally everything about her is pathological.

Edited by biakbiak
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11 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

They are a strange & passionate & fanatical bunch, the Bethenny super fans.

I'll take a stab at that. They are the quiet, cringing sorts you run into at offices all over America, who are routinely walked on by everybody. They rarely speak up, and are passed over for promotions and pay raises. But man, they will cheer on old Bethy. The badly used will be the first to cheer on an authoritarian control freak...who insults and crushes any opposition...even if said authoritarian has to start a fight in order to win one.  They have Bethy acting out their revenge fantasies. That the other housewives are actual people means little to them. The skinny chick's monologues about her terrible childhood and her relative poverty, now overcome, are compelling to them. That most of it is a fabrication doesn't matter...Beth's real branding is herself as a victim who has risen from the ashes. And they love watching poor, victimized Beth dominate the other rich bitches. She's turned a princess into a lapdog, and it explains why she keeps going after Luann...she needs to bring down the Countess.

Lu of course ain't playing, and if she marries Tom, she can blow this pop stand. Beth is probably tied to the show as it provides endless free advertising for Beam...I am sure that Beam was behind her return.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

It's a different class of nasty IMO than are the Bravo-insult-classic criticisms of behaviors (you're broke!  you got no mans!  You are a ho not a hostess!) when a sensitive and less-aggressive person is being mocked and put down for a real-deal chronic illness, especially as she asks for it to stop.

This is spot on. Jules is harmless. She wouldn't hurt a fly. She is damaged. A real friend would want to protect her. Not try to set her on fire like she was a scorpion at the beginning of "The Wild Bunch."

Bethenny and Carole are irredeemable worthless sacks of shit. But karma is going to get them good. Carole will never write another book and Bethenny will never have a real loving relationship. They are toxic beyond our imaginings. 

I can not describe how much I loathe them after this episode. Of course it is not healthy to be so invested in a reality TV show. So I am off to watch reruns of the Munsters. At least there are some monsters we can enjoy.

  • Love 23

Just saw the rerun of the episode. The absolute delusion and denial that B and Carole display in regards to their behavior towards Jules is shocking and takes your breath away. I am not prone to yelling at the TV, but those two in this episode had me shouting "You vile bitch" repeatedly. They do know they are being filmed and we saw them, right?! 

Oh, and, Jules did not scream at B, but B sure shit screamed at her. Couldn't be more obvious the disparity in voice level. 

  • Love 17

Hey - I just want to say that I've been very critical of Beth still living in her traumatized childhood.  However, there are things that can (and unfortunately do) affect someone for the rest of their lives.  I don't think I have to do a list because you all know what I'm talking about.... And my heart breaks for all who have been there.

IIRC, Carole made a big deal about having Lee's couch during her first season on the show.  Heck.  I got that.  However, I don't know if it's quite as important to her now as it was then.  

Note to Carole:  There's a difference between talking behind someone's back and just being mean behind someone's back.  I do give Carole credit for saying to Beth in the Berkshires that they 'should' say goodby to Dorinda, their 'host'.  Beth was fine with just leaving.  Tells you all about the special snowflake.

Dorinda is playing a game.  Yep.  She's stirring the pot.  I've never been a fan.  And I don't really get why she's been so popular with people watching the show.

I also think that Kelley was just 'f' ed up and it didn't have to do with Beth.  She's just another special snowflake.

Finally, Beth is just an angry person.  She claims all these things about her mother (and I don't doubt her mother was pretty 'f' ed up) and desperate but the truth is Beth is the one who is truly 'f'ed up.  The truth is that Ro ( and I hate to admit it) was right on the bridge and  her mother was right about her daughter.  And heck, Jason was right as well.  Maybe Beth just doesn't get it because she was bleeding from every part of her body as well as all over her car and house (BTW, doesn't blood turn dark when exposed to the air.  And then to a rust color.  That pillow was pink).  She was lost at sea. She was homeless.  She went through the worst divorce ever.  Her product is about 'skinny' girls but she can't handle a 'skinny' girl.  She's just so freakin the victim and her goal is to be Martha.  She's no Martha.  She'll never be happy and has no empathy for anyone.

  • Love 17

All of these women can be miserable wretches in their own ways and each has had the spotlight put upon her at various times.  Most can play the up and down game and hold their own.  Jules, however, does not fit in with this bunch in any way other than the fact she lives in Manhattan, is female,has given birth, and lives an expensive lifestyle.

 I do not understand why someone decided to make her a member of this cast.  She's too young.  She does not appear to have had a career of any note prior to becoming a wife and mother with means.  Supposedly Dorinda played a part in bringing her on the show.  I have to wonder if that was to take attention off herself and John.  I simply can't believe it was because Dorinda legitimately felt she would fit in.  Add to that the eating disorder and marital issues which appear to have been  present prior to joining the show.  I have to ask what motivated Jules to sign on and put herself in the line of fire, by both dealing with the other cast mates along public scrutiny as well.  It seems she was already balancing a full plate.    

I may be standing alone or in in a very small group about this but Jules taking on Bethenny and/or Carole does nothing to make me forget how big a twit she has been up until now.     She sticks out from this bunch of women like a sore thumb.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

The person up thread was right Carole is arguing and in flame wars on Twitter.

Two comments Carole said that were especially dubious. That viewers who vote in the bravo polls are all 8th graders. And that  Jules deserves what she gets since Carole's  hates dishonest people. RME 

Aww. I said that tonight on Twitter and she blocked me. Most others who criticized her she was calling morons and boring. I don't know if it's a compliment then, that I'm not also worthy of calling a moron and boring publicly. Or an insult. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, shoegal said:

Is Jules a fucking idiot?  Has the woman EVER seen a season of this show in ANY city?  SMH.

If that makes you a "fucking idiot", sign me up as the village dunce around here because I've seen every season, and I'm still surprised and appalled that the show is now reduced to Carole saying "It's hard to watch her eat" about a woman with an ED. 

What polluted worthless fuck-ups those two creatures (B & C) are. They'd mock a rape victim, if given half the chance (and Bethenny would call her a slut). Sickening.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 23
28 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Hey - I just want to say that I've been very critical of Beth still living in her traumatized childhood.  However, there are things that can (and unfortunately do) affect someone for the rest of their lives.  I don't think I have to do a list because you all know what I'm talking about.... And my heart breaks for all who have been there.

IIRC, Carole made a big deal about having Lee's couch during her first season on the show.  Heck.  I got that.  However, I don't know if it's quite as important to her now as it was then.  

Note to Carole:  There's a difference between talking behind someone's back and just being mean behind someone's back.  I do give Carole credit for saying to Beth in the Berkshires that they 'should' say goodby to Dorinda, their 'host'.  Beth was fine with just leaving.  Tells you all about the special snowflake.

Dorinda is playing a game.  Yep.  She's stirring the pot.  I've never been a fan.  And I don't really get why she's been so popular with people watching the show.

I also think that Kelley was just 'f' ed up and it didn't have to do with Beth.  She's just another special snowflake.

Finally, Beth is just an angry person.  She claims all these things about her mother (and I don't doubt her mother was pretty 'f' ed up) and desperate but the truth is Beth is the one who is truly 'f'ed up.  The truth is that Ro ( and I hate to admit it) was right on the bridge and  her mother was right about her daughter.  And heck, Jason was right as well.  Maybe Beth just doesn't get it because she was bleeding from every part of her body as well as all over her car and house (BTW, doesn't blood turn dark when exposed to the air.  And then to a rust color.  That pillow was pink).  She was lost at sea. She was homeless.  She went through the worst divorce ever.  Her product is about 'skinny' girls but she can't handle a 'skinny' girl.  She's just so freakin the victim and her goal is to be Martha.  She's no Martha.  She'll never be happy and has no empathy for anyone.

After watching Bethenny and her apparent lack of compassion for Jules eating disorder and recovery process I just wonder if every child her daughter attends school with is perfect?  Having a student whose mother is so blatantly traumatized by people with disabilities has go to be hard for the faculty to deal with and ultimately may find Bryn looking for a new school.    It is not as if the faculty and other parents have a Bravo lock on the televisions.  There is just no way I would want my child around angry, volatile Bethenny.  What if another's child, made her go there?  Release her ire on the child or parent and then go back several weeks later and talk about how they are really a good person or child and she was just under stress.  Hopefully, Jason is able to run interference.

2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

The person up thread was right Carole is arguing and in flame wars on Twitter.

Two comments Carole said that were especially dubious. That viewers who vote in the bravo polls are all 8th graders. And that  Jules deserves what she gets since Carole's  hates dishonest people. RME 

Jules has been pretty up front about having a mental health disorder.  I don't see where the dishonesty comes in.  Oh that's right Bethenny declared all people with eating disorders dishonest.   We the viewers have no idea how far Jules has come.  She apparently recovered enough to bear and birth two children.  Just because people don't see themselves exactly as Carole or Bethenny see them doesn't make them dishonest.  Kind of makes one wonder what Adam sees in her.  She seems so bitter, angry and vengeful. 

I will be interested to see what the editing wizards at Bravo do with the Reunion footage.  Carole obviously feels she is in a superior position.  Disappointing Carole orders Jules off TV to deal with her ED.  Again with these lack of comfort level with dealing with someone who doesn't meet her expectations. 

  • Love 9

Just checked Carole's Twitter.  Man, she's being incredibly nasty, smug & arrogant.  She basically says viewers are idiots & she's paid to be on the show, implying that's the only reason she deigns to watch it.  She confirms the reunion has already taken place.  And she insists repeatedly that her "friendship" with Bethenny is "100% real".  She says theirs is the only real friendship shown & all others are merely "alliances".  

There are strangely knowing & way too confident comments from people defending Carole, claiming to know information on her they couldn't possibly know if they're merely watching the show.  It's very odd.  Almost seems like the looney tunes Bethenny super fans have crawled out of the woodworks to defend Carole.  She's clearly annoyed by all the negative comments, but she's very, very defensive & claims to be answering the negative comments because she's bored.  Yeah, right.  She also says she's gotten 100% favorable support.  Uh, deluded much, Carole?

OK then, Carole, thanks for confirming you are every bit as vile & repulsive as Bethenny is.

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, ichbin said:

All of these women can be miserable wretches in their own ways and each has had the spotlight put upon her at various times.  Most can play the up and down game and hold their own.  Jules, however, does not fit in with this bunch in any way other than the fact she lives in Manhattan, is female,has given birth, and lives an expensive lifestyle.

 I do not understand why someone decided to make her a member of this cast.  She's too young.  She does not appear to have had a career of any note prior to becoming a wife and mother with means.  Supposedly Dorinda played a part in bringing her on the show.  I have to wonder if that was to take attention off herself and John.  I simply can't believe it was because Dorinda legitimately felt she would fit in.  Add to that the eating disorder and marital issues which appear to have been  present prior to joining the show.  I have to ask what motivated Jules to sign on and put herself in the line of fire, by both dealing with the other cast mates along public scrutiny as well.  It seems she was already balancing a full plate.    

I may be standing alone or in in a very small group about this but Jules taking on Bethenny and/or Carole does nothing to make me forget how big a twit she has been up until now.     She sticks out from this bunch of women like a sore thumb.

Well, according to Bethenny, she is the one responsible for bringing Jules on the show, not Dorinda. That she knew Jules, they met at a mutual friends parties several times, long before Dorinda brought her name to Bravo and that Bravo asked her about Jules and if she thought Jules would be a good fit for the show, she then gave Bravo her blessing ok on adding Jules. She also said that she knew their marriage was in big trouble before Bravo asked for her opinion, which makes me think she also knew Jules suffered from an ED as well. So, Bethenny is too blame for Jules getting on the show.

I doubt that Dorinda knew that Bethenny would come after her/John's relationship like she did as Bethenny didn't say squat about John last season, only Ramona did. Jules is using the show to launch a product, a colonic, like may HWs have before her. I don't think Jules is a "twit" but I do think she struggles expressing herself when she get nervous and most HWs are nervous their first season, they are all too aware of the cameras and wanting to make a good impression to the other HWs and too us, the viewers. As for her calling out Bethenny, and to a lesser extent Carole, she was spot on about both of them.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Trooper York said:

I can not describe how much I loathe them after this episode. Of course it is not healthy to be so invested in a reality TV show. So I am off to watch reruns of the Munsters. At least there are some monsters we can enjoy.

I watch the Beverly Hillbillies for perspective.

You know, A bunch of rich idiots, with MORE money than common sense, brains or couth...

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, ichbin said:

All of these women can be miserable wretches in their own ways and each has had the spotlight put upon her at various times.  Most can play the up and down game and hold their own.  Jules, however, does not fit in with this bunch in any way other than the fact she lives in Manhattan, is female,has given birth, and lives an expensive lifestyle.

 I do not understand why someone decided to make her a member of this cast.  She's too young.  She does not appear to have had a career of any note prior to becoming a wife and mother with means.  Supposedly Dorinda played a part in bringing her on the show.  I have to wonder if that was to take attention off herself and John.  I simply can't believe it was because Dorinda legitimately felt she would fit in.  Add to that the eating disorder and marital issues which appear to have been  present prior to joining the show.  I have to ask what motivated Jules to sign on and put herself in the line of fire, by both dealing with the other cast mates along public scrutiny as well.  It seems she was already balancing a full plate.    

I may be standing alone or in in a very small group about this but Jules taking on Bethenny and/or Carole does nothing to make me forget how big a twit she has been up until now.     She sticks out from this bunch of women like a sore thumb.

Agree.  Jules went on the show after 7 seasons, in the middle of an eating disorder and her marriage falling apart, and she thought this would be good for her??  Honestly, the pull of reality TV fame must be too strong for some.  The only thing that I can think of that would be remotely beneficial to Jules in a legitimate way is the income, and maybe she has no skills or experience to have a job/career/source of income any other way.  However, Jules is an idiot if she thought that she was the special snowflake and would be immune to any of the regular trappings of Real Housewives stardom.  This is a show that in addition to the normal throw you down on the ground and rip your hair out fighting, we have divorce, prison stints, relapsing alcoholics, fake cancer, suicide....I mean, what the fuck was Jules thinking?  Let's just take RHOBH for example, you have Kim Richards suffering from alcoholism and Yolanda Foster with a chronic illness.  Remember how caring and considerate the other cast member were to them as they battled their disease?  Remember all the support they received from fans and Bravo and how everyone rallied around them to help them recover and only showed support and lifted them up as they battled their disease??  Remember??

Ummmmm, yeah.  Jules is a fucking idiot.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Hey - I just want to say that I've been very critical of Beth still living in her traumatized childhood.  However, there are things that can (and unfortunately do) affect someone for the rest of their lives.  I don't think I have to do a list because you all know what I'm talking about.... And my heart breaks for all who have been there.

IIRC, Carole made a big deal about having Lee's couch during her first season on the show.  Heck.  I got that.  However, I don't know if it's quite as important to her now as it was then.  

Note to Carole:  There's a difference between talking behind someone's back and just being mean behind someone's back.  I do give Carole credit for saying to Beth in the Berkshires that they 'should' say goodby to Dorinda, their 'host'.  Beth was fine with just leaving.  Tells you all about the special snowflake.

Dorinda is playing a game.  Yep.  She's stirring the pot.  I've never been a fan.  And I don't really get why she's been so popular with people watching the show.

I also think that Kelley was just 'f' ed up and it didn't have to do with Beth.  She's just another special snowflake.

Finally, Beth is just an angry person.  She claims all these things about her mother (and I don't doubt her mother was pretty 'f' ed up) and desperate but the truth is Beth is the one who is truly 'f'ed up.  The truth is that Ro ( and I hate to admit it) was right on the bridge and  her mother was right about her daughter.  And heck, Jason was right as well.  Maybe Beth just doesn't get it because she was bleeding from every part of her body as well as all over her car and house (BTW, doesn't blood turn dark when exposed to the air.  And then to a rust color.  That pillow was pink).  She was lost at sea. She was homeless.  She went through the worst divorce ever.  Her product is about 'skinny' girls but she can't handle a 'skinny' girl.  She's just so freakin the victim and her goal is to be Martha.  She's no Martha.  She'll never be happy and has no empathy for anyone.

What I don't get is how much of a terrible life that befenny had and how she managed to survive it?

Oh how I wish that Mrs. Frankel had another child, that way they could run to the tabloids and tell the real story behind beffy growing up?

Sometimes it's good to have another set of eyes on a story. It makes things MORE plausible?

I can see shit like "My dad took me to the track and let me walk around while he drank and gambled" being debunked.

Truth? She remembers that ONE time she pitched a fit, threw herself on the ground, because her dad wanted to finish his beer and watch the 12th race.

"My mom had an eating disorder"

Truth? She had colitis or some other problem she had no control over.

"I was bleeding from every orifice"

Truth? She had to use a sanitary napkin for a few days - So much for being able to do a handstand while menstruating?

My father didn't like me....

Just like the story about her crashing her parents cars - and being a total a-hole about having to drive a car that wasn't up to her standards?

Then walk, bitch. I bet she drove that car for miles, always thinking about how she could turn the story of her parents giving her a car that he didn't like into a tale of abuse because it wasn't the car SHE wanted.

Mom and Pops raised a fucked up kid - You have seen it, the family with that one evil little fucker that you wonder may turn out to be a mass murderer or the mass producer of lo-cal booze - you just never know what road they are going to take. Either way they are going to end up on TV as the lead story on the CRIMESTOPPERS program or a Housewife of ________.?

  • Love 10

I cringe when I watch Bethany and Carol talk about Jule's eating disorder. Let's face it neither one of them have a normal relationship with food. There seems veto be almost a competitive edge to how this is discussed.." I am naturally thin and don't need to resort to these odd eating behaviors"  the discussions about weight. ... which are odd. Maybe that is why they are so uncomfortable...too close to home.

  • Love 19
10 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

What I don't get is how much of a terrible life that befenny had and how she managed to survive it?

Honestly, even if she had the worst childhood in the world and suffered so much damage, that doesn't mean she has license to be an asshole to other people.  It doesn't even help to make her assholery understandable.  Many, many people have had horrible childhoods AND adulthoods, and yet, they can still function politely in society and don't run around screaming "Whore!  Plastic Fuck Doll!  Get off my jock!"  at people.  They even manage to go to therapy or otherwise work through their issues and develop loving, long-standing relationships with people.

  • Love 22
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I doubt that Dorinda knew that Bethenny would come after her/John's relationship like she did as Bethenny didn't say squat about John last season, only Ramona did. Jules is using the show to launch a product, a colonic, like may HWs have before her. I don't think Jules is a "twit" but I do think she struggles expressing herself when she get nervous and most HWs are nervous their first season, they are all too aware of the cameras and wanting to make a good impression to the other HWs and too us, the viewers. As for her calling out Bethenny, and to a lesser extent Carole, she was spot on about both of them.

I think that Jules awkwardness is just how well she adapts to going from no one caring about what you do during the day, to having a camera/sound person jamming you up as you go about your daily shit? Most of us have to use a selfie stick, we don't have the luxury of a camera crew to help us out?

Every housewife that is added to the cast always have a rough start.

Just how quickly they adapt - some never get out of the starting gates - is a matter of who they are and what kind of attitude they bring to the show. For some there is the likability factor, "I wanna hang out with them", for others? You want to meet them so you punch or slap them?

I usually give a newbie one season to figure out if they belong. It seems like the sane, everyday women get one season and the nutrolls end up as OG figures?

  • Love 7

I believe that no matter how many people are disgusted by B's behavior, at the Reunion she will turn it into the poor B pity party.  She'll say "Oh, I was under so much stress being so sick."  This will be her way to deflect and excuse it all.  Just like Jules' health problem is so difficult for her because of her mother's ED.  It makes me want to scream, but I can see it coming.  

Also, I have to say kadooz to Lu for saying that B has zero empathy for people while discussing her health issues cuz I cringe every time. I just DON'T WANT TO HEAR THOSE DETAILS!!  And every time I see ED referenced for "Eating Disorder," I initially think of another issue for men, treated by Viagra.  

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, izabella said:

Honestly, even if she had the worst childhood in the world and suffered so much damage, that doesn't mean she has license to be an asshole to other people.  It doesn't even help to make her assholery understandable.  Many, many people have had horrible childhoods AND adulthoods, and yet, they can still function politely in society and don't run around screaming "Whore!  Plastic Fuck Doll!  Get off my jock!"  at people.  They even manage to go to therapy or otherwise work through their issues and develop loving, long-standing relationships

Blessed are the Bethenny's of the world for they are always running into light posts because they are too busy looking over their shoulder at their pasts, not forward to their futures?

  • Love 5

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