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S11.E03: Lies In The Air, Sand In My Hair

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I don't think we can 'judge' Troy's room.  We saw one corner of it. 

Interesting though.  When I was house hunting a few years ago, I was looking in an area where there are many retired military who are now contractors.  My realtor would always point out when we went into a house when one of the spouses seemed to be ex military (I caught on quickly).  Everything is neat and perfect.  Including the children's toys.  The cars and trucks are aligned perfectly on the shelf and most everything had a storage place.  I'm not saying all military are like this but I certainly noticed a trend.  I wasn't surprised by Troy's room.

Or....everything was packed up already and shipped to Orange County.  Who knows...

  • Love 7

IMO The Vicki denial/it's everyone else's fault conversation with Tamra on the beach suddenly took a turn towards Vicki admiting something without actually admitting anything, and therefore saving face. It's because Tamra said the perfect thing to Vicki: "You're stubborn"....

Vicki agreed. One: because it's true! Two: because that was the 'easier' transgression to 'cop to', allowing her to then nod with teary eyes at Tamra and infer that everyone is right [about her lying re Brooks] but she can't admit to anything because she is stubborn. They then got quiet and seemed to be saying a lot without words.

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Sarcastica said:

My thoughts on this episode:



I'm already tired of Vicki's redemption tour.

I was spellbound by Megan videotaping her overcoming her fear of needles. NOT.

Kelly et al still annoy me. That beach party was kinda lame. I thought I caught her breaking the 4th wall about the parties on this show at one point, so there goes her claim of never watching this show before.

Heather showing off how much she was spending on kitchen appliances they might use didn't impress me.

  • Love 14

Isn't Vicki the one with controlling car sicknesses?  aka I'll just pretend I'm carsick so I can sit in the front where the attention is?   So, Briana never is a passenger?   I don't believe it.   Unless of course she's subliminally mirroring Vicki and using that as a control mechanism.  Fuck it, if someone I knew just had surgery with pain at an "8-10" and insisted on driving and bitching about their pain like a martyr,. I would have gotten out in OK.  Sorry Briana has health issues, but I don't want to hear it.  A season of those two playing control games is looking to be wearing.    As far as I'm concerned, OK is well rid if that sad sack snufalufagus. 

  • Love 13

Meghan and her fear of needles....I get it. My hubby, who is afraid of nothing else,  is deathly afraid. When he was diagnosed with diabetes and had to start sticking himself, it took him a couple of hours to get up the nerve. You know what he doesn't have? Any tattoos, even though he wants one. The fear of needles keeps him from it. Not so for Meghan. 

Oh Brianna. Vicki owns you. She had to get back to the OC pronto, and yes, she said she wanted to have her car there. The car that Vicki bought for her. So that she could move back to the OC to live in the house that Vicki bought for her. Vicki will remind her about the car, and as she did last night in her TH, the house. All the time. 

  • Love 10
36 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Isn't Vicki the one with controlling car sicknesses?  aka I'll just pretend I'm carsick so I can sit in the front where the attention is?   So, Briana never is a passenger?   I don't believe it.   Unless of course she's subliminally mirroring Vicki and using that as a control mechanism.  Fuck it, if someone I knew just had surgery with pain at an "8-10" and insisted on driving and bitching about their pain like a martyr,. I would have gotten out in OK.  Sorry Briana has health issues, but I don't want to hear it.  A season of those two playing control games is looking to be wearing.    As far as I'm concerned, OK is well rid if that sad sack snufalufagus. 

Imagine driving across country with 8 and 10 in the pilot's seat?


  • Love 5

As I posted in the First Look thread, we've seen Vicki drive before, most notably almost killing Tamra and Heather in Hawaii, so I can't blame Briana for taking the wheel, car sickness or pain aside.  I'd have to literally be unconscious to let that woman drive me even down the block, let alone halfway across the country.

Speaking of First Looks, there was some discussion in that thread regarding the makeup worn by Shannon's eldest at the start of this episode, with some speculation that it could have been for a performance of some sort.  Now, maybe this is an esoteric point uninteresting to everyone else, but it bugged me that straight at the top of the scene tonight it was made clear that the daughter was in some show.  I thought perhaps I missed the line in the First Look.  Since the FL was still on my DVR, I ran it back, and found that the edit on the First Look was slightly different.  On the FL, Shannon's first heard line to her younger daughter (while in the dining room) is "How's school?".  In the episode, the first heard Shannon line is to the eldest daughter (but still in the dining room) saying, "What's going on with your face?" to which the daughter replies, "I had my first show today."  Clearly this isn't some huge plot point, but I find it curious that the FL has a different edit than the actual episode.  All this time, I thought FLs were just the first 10 or so minutes of the next episode. 

It's the little things like that and the dueling Vicki talking heads that drive my continuity junkie self crazy.  There are at least 2 separate interview sessions with Vicki in the pink dress with the shoulders cut out, maybe three.  And they're all spliced together sometimes to make it sound like one continuous comment, though they clearly were shot at different times.  It drove me nuts on the last season of NY too, because they did it with Dorinda in the same outfit but her hair length varied back and forth between shots.  

Then again, maybe this is all a testament to how little of interest happened in this episode.  I mean, I usually love house porn and used to watch a hell of a lot of HGTV, but Heather makes OTT appliance shopping boring.  The only bright spot in the episode for me was Tamra making sense when talking to Vicki. Two weeks in a row where I like Tamra....is this the world we live in?

  • Love 9

Ya know I don't know why Vicki didn't just say I believed Brooks had cancer then when I found out he lied, I was too far in to say you guys were right.  You all hated him anyway and I still loved him so I went along.  There was no way I was going to throw him under the bus since I had no intention of leaving him.  It would have opened a whole new can of worms to admit my man was a liar and I was staying with him.  The women would have oohed and ahed and forgiven her.  Oh except for Shannon who would have stared back at her with judgy eyes LOL.

  • Love 24
41 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Meghan and her fear of needles....I get it. My hubby, who is afraid of nothing else,  is deathly afraid. When he was diagnosed with diabetes and had to start sticking himself, it took him a couple of hours to get up the nerve. You know what he doesn't have? Any tattoos, even though he wants one. The fear of needles keeps him from it. Not so for Meghan. 

Oh Brianna. Vicki owns you. She had to get back to the OC pronto, and yes, she said she wanted to have her car there. The car that Vicki bought for her. So that she could move back to the OC to live in the house that Vicki bought for her. Vicki will remind her about the car, and as she did last night in her TH, the house. All the time. 

I used to fear needles, too....Now that I have had more pricks than a 10 dollar whore? It don't phase me as much..

Instead of cutting the apron strings, the warthog holds on to them tighter - I have a visceral dislike of that asshole. Instead of getting to the point of feeling well, she HAD to drive across country right after surgery? My wife was watching and she commented, "she is supposed to be a nurse?"

When you drive with kids in the car, you set up a kiddie toilet - with a plastic bag liner inside. That way you pull off to the side of the road and the kid doesn't have to squat - and who drives 20 hours straight?  Her complaints about stopping and there being 'nothing for the kids to do' was so asinine. Piss poor planning and stupidity - a few hours in a motel room to rest, get some chow and recuperate wasn't possible?

I wasn't surprised that bicki took a powder as soon as the got to the OC. That 20 hours must have been a nightmare.

That also made me laugh.......you plan a drive back with no stops, no planning and without any idea as to what is going to happen when you get home...Seriously?

Give the kids a bowl of cereal and tell them to behave, mom is going to take a nap....don't make any noise!!!!

She could have asked bicki to stay or why not get one of her friends to come over and spend some time with her - oh, that is right, she has no friends. I don't blame bicki for wanting to bail.

  • Love 12

I loved when Icki proclaimed that she wasn't going to allow the others to keep her away from the beach party. <Eyeroll> Here's how that goes, Icki:

Production: "HEY. Trained Circus Animal--your co-circus animals will be at a lame beach party at X o'clock. Be there. Period."

Also, if I spoke to my mom the way Kelly-"I hate my mental patient husband but stay wif him cuz I's a ho"-speaks to her mom, my teeth would be knocked down my throat. Why do morons think it's "funny" to disrespectfully abuse their parents? Hardy har har. You're hilarious. And wearing heels on the beach is far less weird than plumping up your face looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein in training and publicly revealing your husband/wallet's mental health history, you silly ape.

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

They also could have rented a car for Brianna to use, but, I think the above poster had it right with the less camera time.  Heather was just on WWHL and said she didn't understand why Brianna was driving and Vicki tweeted that it was because Brianna get car sick if she's a passenger.

The SUV was packed to the max,  Brianna probably took as much as she could since she won't be going back. I  think that had more to do with them driving.  

That's still a brutal thing to do to your body in her shape.  When they decided not to stop I was like but you need rest,  bad!  


And for the record I wasn't judging the kids room.  I kinda commend people for keeping the room separate from play.  They probably have a play room in that big house.   It was just not what I'm used to seeing for boys so young. But hey,  they have ipads so it can't be that bad for them! 

Edited by ihartcoffee
  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, tinaw said:

Hey Vicki Why would you let your daughter drive cross country with 8-10 pain? Thats insane. For all her I love my kids. Do anything for my kids. Vicks sure wasnt helpful to Briana. 

Briana "I'm in pain

Vicki I'm going to work. I need to make money for all the help im giving you.

Vicki your horrible

But you also have to look at it from the standpoint of who exactly thought this trip would be a good idea and who agreed to it?

  • Love 1

Vicki never HAS to set her feet in OKC again? I'm sure the residents of that city couldn't be happier. 

I just don't really get this move. At least the timing of it. Okay, I get that Breanna is having health problems again and would prefer to be closer to her doctors in CA. I also get that Ryan is on her way out of the military, so there's nothing tying them to OK, and it makes more sense to be around family. But he isn't out yet. The house hasn't even been put up for sale yet. Why does she need to leave RIGHT this minute? To the point that she's driving 21 hours in pain because she JUST had surgery and has an infected incision? Why not wait and recover for a bit? Move together when Ryan is done with work? The whole thing was just weird to me. 

I also don't get why Vicki didn't offer to drive more often if her daughter was in pain. And why she rushed off to work as soon as they got home. Doesn't she work from anywhere? How many scenes do we have of her click-clacking away on the laptop while riding in limos and planes with the girls? I know Breanna is a big girl and has to take responsibility for her own life. But I can't imagine rushing off to work when my ill daughter had just driven 21 hours and looked like she could barely stand up. 

The entire dynamics of this family are odd to me. 


Megan - please, I don't need to see you hovering with a needle over your concave stomach for 10 hours. Please. We get that you're doing IVF. We don't need to see every second of the process. And why did she bring the medication to Kelly's beach party? Did she have to take it while there? Or was she just showing off? I am all for normalizing IVF, but this woman is just screaming, "Look at me!!!"


Heather and her hexagonal ice. I've now seen it all. 


Of course Vicki gives another non-apology. She's "sorry", but she is still 100% denying she had ANY knowledge. She's even still halfway saying that Brooks wasn't lying either. I just can't with her. But I guess since Tamra is a Christian now she just has to benevolently nod her head and forgive. I can't wait to see what other "Christian" things Tamra gets up to this season. Like turning the water into tequila and trying to get women drunk enough to be banged by her creepy son. 

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, StevieRocks said:

It was very strange (and awfully sad) when the two wildebeests drove by a herd of cows and instead of telling the children to look at the cows and how they say, "moo," and how special animals are, and how milk comes from cows, Wildebeest, Sr. just squealed that she's never seen so many cows, and Wildebeest, Jr. just squawked, "PEWWW! PEWWW!" No discussion of animals. Or geography. Or landscapes. Just Wildebeest, Sr. braying that there's no place to go shopping. These are THE most soulless hicks I've ever seen in my life--even when they're around children. Honest to God. Smh.

What I want to know is how much of that trip is on tape and what those morons talked about in front of the kids?



  • Love 4

That beach party was a snooze. Looked so boring.

After Tamra mentioned the casseroles and Vicki said that she assumed that people would bring her casseroles, Vicki continued on to say "Because I loved him/Brooks/my man" I swear I thought that she was going to say casseroles.

Tamra called Vicki narcissistic- first time anyone ever actually said it, on camera.

That pat on the shoulder that Vicki gave to Briana when Bri was having a breakdown in the kitchen was so amazingly detached and cold. What the hell?

Not a fan of Brianna's but I do live life w a toddler and small child so I get it. But, my mom would never let me drive even an hour in that condition and no way in hell would I be left alone in the house to take care of my two small children immediately after a hospital stay. Wtf?

  • Love 13

I'm confused about the car scene with Vicki and Briana. When they got to OC, I could have sworn I saw Briana hop out of the passenger seat which makes me question even more why Vicki didn't offer to drive at the point when Briana was experiencing a great deal of pain. Considering that your leg is an important part of the driving process, I don't think it was necessarily the smartest decision to drive cross country with two small children in the back seat but thankfully they made it without any issues it seems.

It was such a Vicki thing to do when she expressed feeling bad but hurried off to work anyway and left her severely pained daughter behind with two toddlers. Another thing that confused me is that Vicki justified going to work saying that she has to take care of her family and that's how she was able to buy her daughter a home. Didn't she say in another episode that she basically loaned the money to Briana and Ryan?

I never thought I'd see the day but I don't strongly dislike Tamra anymore. I like the 'new Tamra' much better and hope she sticks around. I think Eddie is a good balance to her personality because he has a no nonsense attitude with her when he needs to but he doesn't have that demeaning and abusive vibe about it like Simon did.

Heather, I'm tired of hearing about your home. Do you know how obnoxious it seems when you make an appointment to discuss what kind of shaped ice cubes you want dispensed from your ice dispenser? Do you realize that it's taking two years to put this home together because YOU chose to customize everything to YOUR specifications? I don't doubt for a second that Terry would have been just fine with Heather pulling out some luxury catalogue and literally picking out all of the items from there. She could have completed her home in 2 months but it takes time when you want to customize everything and have it built from scratch. Also, $7000 for a BBQ is probably the most reasonably priced thing I've seen her shop for to date. A $7000 BBQ that neither she or husband will personally use. That says a lot.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, brini said:

I had to switch over and watch Goodfellas (for the 8-10th time probably) on another channel b/c Vicki is just insufferable.  She's worse than ever.  Crap,  I believe the BS and loyalty of mobsters like Paul Cicero, Tony Stacks, Jimmy Conway, and Johnny Roastbeef more than ANYTHING coming out of Vicki's mouth.

I did catch most of the "heart to heart" talk between Tamra and Vicki.  I'm not a big Tamra fan in past seasons, but dayum ... I was sitting here watching that exchange with my jaw dropped just like Tamra.  Un-frinkin-believable that Vicki is not one bit contrite, not willing to admit any wrong doing, and has the balls to continue to try to turn every detail of her and Brooks GIANT LIES back and place the blame on the other women.    

The OG from the OC is well past her expiration date and needs to be off this show. And no,  adding Brianna as a cast regular does not invoke any sympathy for Vicki if that's the angle she's using as her story line this season.  I can't watch the OC franchise anymore - done.  I will follow along the de-lish snark here after episodes.

'I took care of that thing for ya', now THAT'S a friend, lol!

I thought Tams handled that convo with Vickie well, however, she's the first person to cry and be a victim when she's called on her crap too. A narcissistic borderline calling out another one was quite amusing to watch. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Im surprised Shannon let her oldest daughter wear that much makeup...remember last season at the organic make up store when Shannon panic at how grownup her oldest daughter looked in makeup and didnt want her daughter dating till adulthood lol

That poor girl. Her makeup was harsh! But we all go through that phase, don't we? I applaud Shannon for letting her daughter have the freedom to try and express herself and figure out how this whole makeup thing works. Or maybe she came to Shannon for advice and Shannon went all My Girl on her - "The first rule of eye makeup is that you can never wear enough blue eyeshadow."


10 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Also, does anyone else think Kelly and Tamra are like two peas in a pod?

.Absolutely. Which is why it's so funny when Tamra tries clutching her pearls over the crap that comes out of Kelly's mouth. 


8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Shannon's sense of humor is coming back and I like it.

Shannon playing volleyball was the highlight of this episode for me. 


8 hours ago, Giselle said:

Why didn't they just get a family van?

I love you forever and ever. Amen. (What? I've been working out with Tamra's trainer.)

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:


Heather, I'm tired of hearing about your home. Do you know how obnoxious it seems when you make an appointment to discuss what kind of shaped ice cubes you want dispensed from your ice dispenser? Do you realize that it's taking two years to put this home together because YOU chose to customize everything to YOUR specifications? I don't doubt for a second that Terry would have been just fine with Heather pulling out some luxury catalogue and literally picking out all of the items from there. She could have completed her home in 2 months but it takes time when you want to customize everything and have it built from scratch. Also, $7000 for a BBQ is probably the most reasonably priced thing I've seen her shop for to date. A $7000 BBQ that neither she or husband will personally use. That says a lot.

You do know that every glass of ice ever offered to anyone will come with the story about how she picked she shape and how it was a custom feature and terry didn't have anything to do with the design it was all ME, 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 16 minutes and 38 seconds since the groundbreaking ceremonies?

(when she runs out of adults to tell about the ice cubes, the kid's friends will get the spiel and her kids will tell her to STFU about the ice already?

  • Love 15
22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Megan - please, I don't need to see you hovering with a needle over your concave stomach for 10 hours. Please. We get that you're doing IVF. We don't need to see every second of the process. And why did she bring the medication to Kelly's beach party? Did she have to take it while there? Or was she just showing off? I am all for normalizing IVF, but this woman is just screaming, "Look at me!!!"

Injections need to be taken at roughly the same time of days, no missed doses. It's very detailed and scheduled. I once took mine out w me when we had tickets to a show...shot up in a restaurant bathroom (show tickets were purchased months prior and it was before my first time with the IVF process. I had no idea). It's a very grueling and all consuming process, I can't fault Meghan here.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, DeeplyShallow said:

Injections need to be taken at roughly the same time of days, no missed doses. It's very detailed and scheduled. I once took mine out w me when we had tickets to a show...shot up in a restaurant bathroom (show tickets were purchased months prior and it was before my first time with the IVF process. I had no idea). It's a very grueling and all consuming process, I can't fault Meghan here.

I totally understand that. But I'm so cynical and skeptical of everything Megan does. So in my mind, the party wasn't during her scheduled injection time; she just wanted to make sure everyone knew she was doing IVF. With needles! Which she hates. 

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Vicki never HAS to set her feet in OKC again? I'm sure the residents of that city couldn't be happier. 

I just don't really get this move. At least the timing of it. Okay, I get that Breanna is having health problems again and would prefer to be closer to her doctors in CA. I also get that Ryan is on her way out of the military, so there's nothing tying them to OK, and it makes more sense to be around family. But he isn't out yet. The house hasn't even been put up for sale yet. Why does she need to leave RIGHT this minute? To the point that she's driving 21 hours in pain because she JUST had surgery and has an infected incision? Why not wait and recover for a bit? Move together when Ryan is done with work? The whole thing was just weird to me. 

I also don't get why Vicki didn't offer to drive more often if her daughter was in pain. And why she rushed off to work as soon as they got home. Doesn't she work from anywhere? How many scenes do we have of her click-clacking away on the laptop while riding in limos and planes with the girls? I know Breanna is a big girl and has to take responsibility for her own life. But I can't imagine rushing off to work when my ill daughter had just driven 21 hours and looked like she could barely stand up. 

The entire dynamics of this family are odd to me. 


Megan - please, I don't need to see you hovering with a needle over your concave stomach for 10 hours. Please. We get that you're doing IVF. We don't need to see every second of the process. And why did she bring the medication to Kelly's beach party? Did she have to take it while there? Or was she just showing off? I am all for normalizing IVF, but this woman is just screaming, "Look at me!!!"


Heather and her hexagonal ice. I've now seen it all. 


Of course Vicki gives another non-apology. She's "sorry", but she is still 100% denying she had ANY knowledge. She's even still halfway saying that Brooks wasn't lying either. I just can't with her. But I guess since Tamra is a Christian now she just has to benevolently nod her head and forgive. I can't wait to see what other "Christian" things Tamra gets up to this season. Like turning the water into tequila and trying to get women drunk enough to be banged by her creepy son. 

The timing had everything to do with filming.  At the end of last season no one had interest in filming with Vicki and Briana of no friends, needs a job.  For all her talk about working to nursing jobs, and her $1,100. a month house payment, her soon to be medically retired husband and hopefully, unresolved infection Briana need to be in OC for the paycheck.  Absolutely nothing makes sense about the timing other than the film crew has no desire to be in OKC either, filming Briana.  Last year weeks after filming ended and the wonderful Reunion which was the Briana/Vicki extended therapy session, Vicki could not wait to announce Briana had bought a home in OC.  Vicki had a full time job and her reality TV job before Briana moved back, it is unrealistic to count on Vicki to be an integral part of her children's care.  I don't understand why Briana and the kids didn't move in with Vicki and wait for Ryan to retire.  Could it be because they could not qualify for a home loan with neither working (except for Briana's reality TV job)?  The adult children becoming part of the reality TV gravy train is not a good TV.   

Briana's insistence she must drive or she gets car sick, exactly how is it she got through the first half of her life not driving?  Was she sick the entire time?  She has spent her entire adult life sick, according to her, yet she thought it a good idea to pop out two kids?  Vicki is loving life, her Facebook is full of prayers, and casseroles for Briana, who apparently is still undiagnosed and still unwell.  Still uninteresting.

Sometimes producers need to let go of their "stars", Vicki perpetuating fraud with Brooks last year to me is equal to Teresa going to prison.  It is no longer about living large in a specific community it is about their fame based on being on the show.  I can't get giddy over someone's return from prison nor can I get interested in the revisionist history of lying Brooks and Vicki.

I am in the minority, I found Heather shopping for appliances riveting compared to the 22 hour car ride.  I wanted to know how many refrigerators the Dubrows had to buy for the mansion.  I thought I heard her say there were five ice machines.  All I could picture is one in the master bedroom and Terry icing Heather down for some sort of strange necrophilia sex play. 

  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Briana's insistence she must drive or she gets car sick, exactly how is it she got through the first half of her life not driving?  Was she sick the entire time?  She has spent her entire adult life sick, according to her, yet she thought it a good idea to pop out two kids?  Vicki is loving life, her Facebook is full of prayers, and casseroles for Briana, who apparently is still undiagnosed and still unwell.  Still uninteresting.


Well she was younger and she had a better life

Now she's sick, has two kids and is a military wife

Hey, that's the power to turn back tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeee................

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, LakeGal said:


Briana kept complaining she was so tired and needed to go to bed.  Then she proceeded to sit down at the table.  I guess the cameras were not in her bedroom.  Briana did not want to be off camera.  I really wish Vicki and Briana would just go away.  I don't need them on the show any longer.


She couldn't go to bed, though. Vicki was leaving and her two kids were up. 


26 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

She has spent her entire adult life sick, according to her, yet she thought it a good idea to pop out two kids?

You know, after I typed my original post in this thread, and I sat there and thought about it - and it makes total sense. She moved back at this time, despite Ryan not being ready and her being ill, to film. That's the only logical explanation. 

But as for the above comment, I really can't fault her. I believe that Brianna's initial surgery seemed to fix a lot of the problem. I'd guess there were many years there where she felt good. She was even working two nursing jobs up until recently. I'm not going to tell people with chronic illnesses that she should stop living life or not have children. I don't think she has been having lymph nodes removed constantly. I believe this was her second surgery, and there were many years between the two. I don't see any reason for her to think she couldn't have a family. 

  • Love 10
37 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

You do know that every glass of ice ever offered to anyone will come with the story about how she picked she shape and how it was a custom feature and terry didn't have anything to do with the design it was all ME, 2 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 16 minutes and 38 seconds since the groundbreaking ceremonies?

(when she runs out of adults to tell about the ice cubes, the kid's friends will get the spiel and her kids will tell her to STFU about the ice already?

I'm sure some of those 'cute stories' will make it to air when she eventually finishes the house and is hosting parties there because that is very much a Heather thing to speak with pride about something as stupid as selecting the shape of the ice cubes that are dispensed. It all effing melts anyway, I sure as hell don't pay attention to the shape of the ice in my glass. I just need my drink cold.

  • Love 7

Hey Heather, it's frozen water who gives a rats ass what shape it is in, it still works the same.

Sorry, but with Heather I am always thinking "If ALEXIS had said that..."  

Heather is pretentious and braggy.  The things she did not like about Alexis = her actual self.



I don't think we can 'judge' Troy's room.  We saw one corner of it.

I took that as like they were moving out and all the things were gone and packed up.  They were saying to the boys "say goodbye to your room" as if they would never see it again, I imagine they took all their belongings to go with them to their new room.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 14

As I have said previously, Vicki is a piece of shit.  Really?  Calling the other women out for their feelings for Brooks'  fake cancer.  Still harping about the casseroles!  I just don't get how she can keep lying about her involvement.  And obviously she'd take him back in a heartbeat.  That whole ride was ridiculous.  Probably Brianna only drove for screen time so she could complain and then they had a driver in between takes.  I just can't with this whole Vicki/Brianna storyline. I didn't even know you could buy an icemaker with different shaped cubes.  Like the poster above, I have seen trays with different shapes but that's about it.  Tamra had a lot of self control during that conversation with Vicki.  Good for her.  Just keep creepy loser Ryan off my screen.  

  • Love 6

I'm not clicking in with this season yet, and I didn't like the last one either...they need to pick up on new storylines. 

Preferably, just get Heather out of there. She's like an even more grating version of Kyle Richards for me (who I also have no use for whatsoever), all 'Ha! Just look at my crazy life!'. Her narrative is so tightly controlled and laser-focused on personal promotion - that "Dr. and Mrs. Guinea Pig" book synopsis is the exact same thing she parrots non-stop on her podcast - that she never does anything actually interesting, and her personality is so unpleasant and inauthentic. She's bad reality TV. Still, she's far from the only problem. I need the human disaster that is the OG from the OC to stay, and Jesus Jugs 2.0 too - not because I like them, they're terrible, but they're an entertaining terrible - but the others can easily go. 

I think New York entertains me more than the other arms of the franchise because they manage to avoid storyline rut for the most part. They don't tend to have the same fight all throughout one season and dragging into the next. It's fine to have core friendships and enemies, but it's just tiring when everything feels so stale. Also, they tend to hide bombshells until the last couple of episodes or the reunion, if ever. 

Vicki is still profiting, to some degree, from the Brooks bullshit -- she's still tied to Club Detox, and probably some of the other snake oil they peddled at the beginning of last season. That's got to be at least partly why she's refusing to admit that Brooks is a con artist and never had a lick of cancer, and why she was to some degree involved in the dishonesty. The women need to either pin her to the wall in one episode and be done with it, or let it go.

Also, I'm really sick of the tradition of the new girl pretending not to know any of the previous seasons storylines. How refreshing would it be to have someone interrupt the exposition fest with - "oh yeah I know, I know all about the fake cancer" and try to squeeze for more details that haven't yet been on-camera??

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Isn't Vicki the one with controlling car sicknesses?  aka I'll just pretend I'm carsick so I can sit in the front where the attention is?   So, Briana never is a passenger?   I don't believe it.   Unless of course she's subliminally mirroring Vicki and using that as a control mechanism.  Fuck it, if someone I knew just had surgery with pain at an "8-10" and insisted on driving and bitching about their pain like a martyr,. I would have gotten out in OK.  Sorry Briana has health issues, but I don't want to hear it.  A season of those two playing control games is looking to be wearing.    As far as I'm concerned, OK is well rid if that sad sack snufalufagus. 

What bugged me almost as much was their refusal to get a hotel room while complaining about being too tired or in pain to drive. It's nice to know Vicki drove for the last two hours of the trip. (ha)


3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Oh Brianna. Vicki owns you. She had to get back to the OC pronto, and yes, she said she wanted to have her car there. The car that Vicki bought for her. So that she could move back to the OC to live in the house that Vicki bought for her. Vicki will remind her about the car, and as she did last night in her TH, the house. All the time. 

Where is the house Vicki "bought" for her daughter? I thought she bought the one in OKC.


1 hour ago, ihartcoffee said:

She has been on a redemption arc for the last two seasons.  She was crazy awful to Alexa. 

Did you mean Alexis? I don't recall her interacting with Jane Curtain's daughter, unless it was to get her off the stripper pole and selling insurance policies for her.


1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

I loved when Icki proclaimed that she wasn't going to allow the others to keep her away from the beach party. <Eyeroll>

Did it appear to anyone else that Vicki left Briana home alone with her children to goto work, only to arrive at Kelly's lame beach party?


58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I totally understand that. But I'm so cynical and skeptical of everything Megan does. So in my mind, the party wasn't during her scheduled injection time; she just wanted to make sure everyone knew she was doing IVF. With needles! Which she hates. 

Wait, Megan hates needles? I must have missed when she said that.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

The timing had everything to do with filming.  At the end of last season no one had interest in filming with Vicki and Briana of no friends, needs a job.  For all her talk about working to nursing jobs, and her $1,100. a month house payment, her soon to be medically retired husband and hopefully, unresolved infection Briana need to be in OC for the paycheck.  Absolutely nothing makes sense about the timing other than the film crew has no desire to be in OKC either, filming Briana.  Last year weeks after filming ended and the wonderful Reunion which was the Briana/Vicki extended therapy session, Vicki could not wait to announce Briana had bought a home in OC.  Vicki had a full time job and her reality TV job before Briana moved back, it is unrealistic to count on Vicki to be an integral part of her children's care.  I don't understand why Briana and the kids didn't move in with Vicki and wait for Ryan to retire.  Could it be because they could not qualify for a home loan with neither working (except for Briana's reality TV job)?  The adult children becoming part of the reality TV gravy train is not a good TV.   


you know, I think I'm gonna go ahead &  hand it to Vicki for still working her full-time job, in addition to being a recognizable reality "star."  so many others just slap their names on things, make appearances, or go on instagram shilling shit.  This lady is gonna have something left when the ride's over.  Kadooz to you, Ms Gunvalson!!!

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Imagine driving across country with 8 and 10 in the pilot's seat?


I've never found the general pain scale to be adequate in expressing how I feel. The only one it doesn't have is "Get the hell away from me, if you can't help me leave me alone!" which represents in extreme pain but pissy enough to tell people to back off and let me die.




Edited by Giselle
just because
  • Love 23
40 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I took that as like they were moving out and all the things were gone and packed up.  They were saying to the boys "say goodbye to your room" as if they would never see it again, I imagine they took all their belongings to go with them to their new room.

Vicki kept telling them to tell their things/rooms, "See you from the other side". I was confused. Are they dying? Is a poltergeist going to suck them through the TV? Does she fancy OC to be heaven and OKC to be hell? What?


17 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Where is the house Vicki "bought" for her daughter? I thought she bought the one in OKC.

No. She "got" them one in OC. I say "got", because I don't believe she bought them a house. She may have made the down payment, but the mortgage/rent will be theirs. Just like the car she "bought" Brianna many years ago.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 5

I thought it was an odd choice for Briana to decide to drive non stop to OC considering her being a nurse and the issues people have sitting on planes for long flights and the blood clot issue you can have.  Even if she was in good health stopping to rest is important let alone letting the kids out to stretch their legs.  If I hadn't seen her hug and kiss her husband goodbye I'd swear she was running out on him.

Heather gave a really nice compliment to Kelly about the party décor, (which was sparse and had no cake with a bow on it).  What about putting up a little canopy for shade instead of the lanterns for a daytime party. 

I was dozing off when I heard something about ice cube shapes and thought it was a weird dream, no it was a real conversation.  Now I really hate my half moon ice cubes my ice maker spits out. How can I even think about entertaining now?

Vicki just cannot get it even when dumb, dumb Tamra spells it out for her!  Something tells me there will be a ridiculous party hosted by Vicki to stage the tearyest apology ever to all the other housewives.

Kelly's mother must become a cast member!

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