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S18.E09: Nominations 3, Road Kill 3

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Good thing for Frank that this show is nowhere near as scrutinized here as it's been for the UK versions. If it was the headline in a national tabloid tomorrow would scream BB CONTESTANT: I PINCHED MY NANA'S BUTT.

Edited by TimWil
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Surprise, surprise Bridgette is doing what Frank wants. "I had to put Tiff up because she's going after Frank". NOT EVEN YOU, BUT FRANK. PLAY YOUR OWN GAME. 

I laughed really hard at the #I Mean segment with Corey/Tiffany.

Oh, damnit, we're getting a Corey/Nicole showmance edit. I know Hayden and Nicole are broken up, but I can only imagine what he's thinking when he's watching this.  But we are also getting Natalie/James. They're super adorable and the only showmance I'm rooting for.

I was extremely disturbed by Frank's 'kid at heart' jokes/pranks. You're no James. But I am so, so glad the show is starting to show his true colours and they didn't victimize his actions/words. It's more than I thought they'd show. I'm just shocked that they actually showed Frank at his worst. They showed Frank apologizing, but he doesn't seem to understand why it's wrong. He's a grown ass man. Even if he was raised that way, he should have been told at some point that what he does isn't right. Not only that, but he should have figured out himself that calling women sluts and sexually harassing them is not right. He's not a 20 year old kid who's still maturing. He's, what, in his 30s? Should he really be told why his actions are wrong? That's just sad. 

I feel so bad for all the women in the house. I'm glad we saw the full extent of Day's emotions toward Frank and his actions. We needed to see it, and I'm glad we got so much of the episode with that.There's no way he's going to be lasting until the finals. Nobody except maybe Bridgette would want a F2 with him, and most of the women seem to want Frank out sooner rather than later so they can feel comfortable again.

I did laugh that Bridgette, as HOH, is barely a blip in the episode. Frank got at least 20 minutes additional screen time. Bridgette's DRs are so scripted. I don't believe any word that she spouts.

As much as I hated that Frank won RK, I did laugh at the BB editors putting in the time that he won by. Mmmkay, of course we believe that he won because you put in 56 seconds. 

I need for Paul to leave, just so Frank doesn't get his way of Tiffany leaving...or Bronte. 

Um, Nicole? He doesn't win anything. He's won two BB RKs (which might be rigged). Maybe you need math lessons from Bronte. 

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31 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Good thing for Frank that this show is nowhere near as scrutinized here as it's been for the UK versions. If it was the headline in a national tabloid would scream BB STAR: I PINCHED MY NANA'S BUTT.

BB STAR TO NANA: "Damn, Nana, them tit*ies sittin' right!"

So happy to see Frank finally getting the edit he deserves. Thank you, CBS!

Edited by Marie80
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The people have spoken.  

Frank.  You.  Are.  A.  Douche.

Pinching Nana's butt?  Ewww. Has anybody else ever heard of such a thing?

I'm glad Da' sees through his phony apology and is still gunning for him.  Now Bridget needs to find out he put Bronte up, but he'll probably sweet talk his way out of it.

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8 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Pinching Nana's butt?  Ewww. Has anybody else ever heard of such a thing?

Well, the Calafiores are an odd bunch. Maybe them?

Edited by Callaphera
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14 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I feel so bad for all the women in the house. I'm glad we saw the full extent of Day's emotions toward Frank and his actions. We needed to see it, and I'm glad we got so much of the episode with that.


11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I feel for Da'Vonne because it's gotta suck to have to deal with that and try not to rock the boat but still want to teach her daughter that behavior like that isn't cool. And it isn't cool. 

I'm pulling for you, Da'Vonne. I can't wait to see you take that asshole out.

I think that's the first time this show has made me cry.

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22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As much as I hated that Frank won RK, I did laugh at the BB editors putting in the time that he won by. Mmmkay, of course we believe that he won because you put in 56 seconds.

i'd have believed them more if they'd have shown James' 15:32 as the slowest, heh.

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Not sure why they don't show a quick list of times for everyone. #IMean, it could still be rigged as they want, but would be fun for viewers to see and gasp "ooh, ___ came so close!"

I laughed harder than I should have at Nicole's choke-spit. I've done that myself before and felt like a total doofus.

Can't believe - thrillingly - they showed Frank's vile behavior. For a hot second I thought he might actually be thrown out. His eviction will be fucking delicious.

Paul is starting to grow on me.

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God, that Frank/Day stuff was rough. Of course the black woman has to suck up and take whatever the white man wants to dish out, so as not to be seen as the troublemaker. I basically believed his apology, which is why I now think he is douche and not something worse.

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In my opinion the big news of the night was that James actually appears to have a shot at Natalie based on her own admission. Once the remaining cannon fodder (Bronte & Paul) are gone I wouldn't be suprised if  James leads the 8-Pack to splinter to saver her if he gets clued in that he's got and honest to god chance with her.

I feel for Day in that she had grounds for being upset but I thought letting Frank know she was upset was indeed very, very dangerous for the game and that was before he had the Roadkill. It would have been very easy for him to shift his sights on her. I was dissapointed none of the guys said "Yeah, well Frank what you're doing insn't very cool. Maybe tone it down a little?"

LOL at Brigette getting double crossed by her own puppet master. Priceless.;

Nicole thinks Corey is the best looking man she's ever seen? Clearly she's never met SURVIVOR's Woo.

Too bad they didn't cast Brigette's sister. Based on that photo she was way cuter...and who know..might act like a grown woman.;

Interesting the show highlighted some potential showmances and completly ignored Zaulie...especially when there seems to be plenty of evidence of it.


With all the recent tension outside the house between the races showing such a happy paring would be a positive thing.

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I went from neutral on Bridget to not liking her.  Even annoying Tiffany is better than a giggly puppet toolbag.

As I spent the first three episodes hating Paul, I thought to myself, watch me start rooting for him at some point. And so it has happened. At least he's playing his own game, as futile and poorly-played it is.

I think this may be the first time I've heard "I don't want blood on my hands" or variations thereof, a strategy I loathe but which has sadly proven to be successful.

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Bridgette is quite possibly the worst HOH in recent memory.

Yeah, I 'm starting to think the fix is in for Frank. Ugh.

Something feels really fake about the showmances. Before tonight's episode I thought Natalie was into Corey and James was into Nicole. Whatever, I still don't see Corey swinging Nicole's way, except merely for show purposes.



Okay, now I'm starting to change my mind about those two. They're adorable, assuming one or both of them isn't faking it for show purposes. Interesting that the producers are staying away from it except for the little hints they've dropped here and there.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I'm usually very good at separating the show Big Brother from the live feeds Big Brother. Mostly due to all the warnings I got back at TWOP for not completely separating the two. Tonight's show is pretty hard for me, though, because us live feed folks were wondering how much of Frank's shittiness would be shown. I was happy to see that most of it was shown. Not all, Nicole and Michelle have legitimate gripes about him, but I'm really happy they showed all of what made Day break down in the DR. And they showed that it wasn't cool, and wasn't just her over-reacting. 

It seems to Frank like it's just not a big deal, which is the worst part.  Calling a woman a slut, jokingly. Telling a woman to shut her damn mouth, jokingly. Slapping her on the ass, jokingly. It's not taken jokingly. Because it's passive aggressive, and I think even he knows it wasn't done completely jokingly (apologies for all of the jokinglys. The word has lost all meaning). I'm so happy Day got her point of view out there, that she was able to share how it wasn't OK, and she didn't want her daughter watching that. 

Other than that, I've got nothing.  Bridgette is the most useless HOH ever.

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I didn't think a frank was that bad, sure he is a douche but Da is a grown ass woman and should have told him day 1 that she is offended by his behavior. I **think *** it would have stopped.

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This is the thing with Frank (my opinion). What he is saying and doing, in general, is not offensive. Meaning, just because you say things that could be deemed offensive doesn't mean that they are to the person you are talking to. Not all women would have a issue joking that way. The issue is that Frank seems incapable of reading a room or listening to what people say. People tell you to stop, then you stop. Even if they don't, the verbal reactions Day had to Frank should have told him to step the fuck back. He may very well have these types of jokey relationships with women outside the house. But, these women aren't them. You need to learn what peoples boundaries are. I have people I can joke with a certain way that I can't with others. But, I can respect and see that. Frank seems to have a real hard time seeing it. He also seems to only target women with his humor which is just odd. It would be easier to understand his humor if that was just the way he is, period. But, it's not. He picks and chooses.

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Da laughed and laughed and said she was 'only a slut on Tuesdays', I can see Frank's confusion is all I am saying. And I do not like him one bit but would never put up with that crap and laugh.

Edited by mayziemay
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13 minutes ago, mayziemay said:

I didn't think a frank was that bad, sure he is a douche but Da is a grown ass woman and should have told him day 1 that she is offended by his behavior. I **think *** it would have stopped.


No.. You have to be 2016 offended and outraged.  It's easier and gets you a legion of hardcore internet warriors. Since that awful, horrible, racist bullshit went down a few seasons back, if someone acts or says something, that can be turned into an "assault" it will be.  She should have called his ass out, she played right back with him. He's a dick, and he is more in the wrong IMO, but she played right back. And, then decided to play the victim card. He shouldn't have even attempted to apologize if that's all he could come up with. That was pathetic. This season sucks. I'm liking Zakiyah and I guess James. But meh.. 

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I'm calling it now (and I should have done Week One). The Road Kill competition is SO rigged. We don't see every player compete. The finish times aren't posted. We basically have to take production's word for it as to the outcome.

I call shenanigans.

Edited by Rosebud1970
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I thought Bronte was going to win the RK.  The competition montage showed a brief clip of her buzzing in (didn't show any mistakes, if there were any).  Other HGs' mistakes were shown. Nope.  Frank wins.  (Couldn't have TPTB at least had someone else read the directions?  I don't think I've seen much of Michelle at all this season).

Frank's apology was mostly talking about himself.   And then the forced hug.  Ug.

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They really did a great job trying to fix their Frank issues. They showed his bad behavior, because they couldn't NOT show it or else people would freak out. They then tried to spin it as "he is just a big dumb goof, he doesn't know what he's saying" and then they have Frank apologize to Day so that they could edit it into a redemption story (while keeping their options open in case Day DOES get him out, in which case they have fodder for a revenge story). It was pretty gross, but I do have to admire their skills as manipulators.

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I've missed the last few shows but watched tonight. I thought i liked Frank and now he's a jerk. I would not be able to stand being around Bridgette with her baby talking, jumping around shit. I think James and Natalie are cute together. 

Still hate the animal abuser. What a complete loser. 

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5 hours ago, mayziemay said:

Da laughed and laughed and said she was 'only a slut on Tuesdays', I can see Frank's confusion is all I am saying. And I do not like him one bit but would never put up with that crap and laugh.

Yeah, he is completely in charge of the game right now.  They should know better than to try to appease him while he is in power.  How else would a 32 year old man know that its not right to slap women's asses unless blow up their game to tell him.

You would be surprised at what you might put up with if you felt you had to or if the stakes were high enough.  

Somehow trying to shift any part of the blame to Da'vonne because she is in a position to have to appease Frank seems like a very odd stance to me.

I can't understand Frank's confusion at all.  Just because he behaves that way around his weird inbred family doesn't mean that he shouldn't know what he is doing is wrong.

I would venture that most of us realize that we can't do the same things around family that we do in the world.

My parents spanked me as a child.  I don't think that I can spank someone else's badass kid running around a Starbucks.

No one had to sit me down and say "listen RCharter....you can't spank other people's children even though your parents did that."  Grown ass adults can generally pick up that sort of thing.

Edited by RCharter
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2 hours ago, RCharter said:

Yeah, you should really be 1960's happy that a man you don't know is putting his hands all over you.

Legally, what Frank did is battery.  Its an offensive touching.....most reasonable people don't want some ugly ass strange man slapping their ass.

So, her options are to happily take whatever Frank is dishing out, or calling his ass out and ruining her game.

Either way she loses....and the idea that because she didn't want to blow up her game somehow means that she is complicit in his behavior is silly to me.


I didn't say that at all, but I expected that reaction. I don't watch the feeds, so, I'm only going off what I saw on this episode and my opinion stands. Frank was a prick, he should have been called out. I find it silly, well, more a sad statement in how soft bodied we have become as a society. Comments I have read are coming close to implying that Frank pretty much straight up raped her, is a violent racist, and we know what happens when stuff like that even gets started. There is real REAL shit going down right now. Offensive is the new black.

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I think it's possible to think Frank is a total asshole, blind to any and all social rules -- after all this is the guy who thinks it's funny to fart around people who are eating-- and still think Day could have handled it better.  I don't watch the feeds but on the show I saw Day tell Frank to move his big ass and his face lit up like, "Oh boy we get to play the teasing insults game!"  Is "slut," a huge escalation from "big ass?"  Yes, and that just shows Frank's stupidity, but he isn't going to learn any better when Day comes back at him with laughter.  Frank's a jerk and I would hate to have him in my work place, but if I did, I would have shut it down the very first time it reared it's ugly head.  Not in a way to make an enemy out of him but just to let him know I didn't play that.  A serious tone and a, "I don't like that sort of talk, Frank.  My daughter's watching," would have probably stopped him and I don't think it would have hurt her game. 

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Well, two seconds into her reign as HOH and I already wanted to stab Bridgette. And, OF COURSE, she does Frank's bidding and puts up exactly who he tells her to. And it's so hilarious how delusional she is. "I don't want the house to think I don't have a backbone". Then try making your own decisions! And don't try to assuage people with hot Cheetohs. 

I am just so over Frank, it's not even funny. And I went into this season not having a strong opinion about him either way. But he is clearly an ass. He seems to be just as bad as Victor, if not worse - going around commenting on the women's weight and clothing choices. Who the fuck are you??? And then the slapping of Da's ass. Just no. I do think when he realized she didn't like it he was genuinely shocked and remorseful. But the problem lies within the fact that he thought that was okay in the first place. Unless a girl is your significant other, you don't put your hands on her like that. You just don't. I felt so badly for Da'vonne in those moments. You could tell she was really struggling to hold it together and not let this stuff ruin her game. But I wouldn't have blamed her for flipping out. 

But it's more than just his douchebag personal behavior. His gameplay has become so arrogant and assumptive. I cannot stand watching him any more. I'm hoping somehow the Veto can work to backdoor him. Because of course he won the RK. Of course he did. 

I do like that we're seeing lots of camaraderie with the girls this year. We have the girls within the Eight Pack, who (other than when Da was getting suspicious of Tiffany) really seem to have each other's backs. And then you have the Spy Girls. And even between those two groups, we haven't seen any issues. It's been nice. 

WHAT is with Nicole's obsession over Corey? He's not THAT good looking. I mean.....

The Natalie-James montage was interesting. At first, when I saw she let him wax her armpits, I was like - "friend zone for life". But then she said he was the kind of guy she'd date outside the house? Hmmmm, so maybe there's potential there? Normally I loathe showmances with every fiber of my being. But since it's James, I'd like to see him finally get the girl. 

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8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

The problem isn't Day, and I'm surprised that some got this impression.   The problem is Frank.    Multiple women have complained about him.  He's offending them verbally and physically, with a little sexual harassment thrown in. 

Right. I don't watch the feeds, but even I can tell it wasn't just Day. Sure she got the focus last night, but they also showed him commenting on Natalie's weight and what she eats, and commenting on Zakiyah's "slutty" top. Again, who the fuck does this dude think he is???


8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I was very pleased to see James's pissed expression when Frank laughed about Nicole's imagined mustache.   That's the kind of thing that tends to make people laugh in an uncomfortable way, but James wasn't playing that game.  I also heard he was angry about Day's treatment.   It was great to see so many rally around Day.

I agree. And I liked how Paulie rushed right into the HN room to make sure she was okay. He seemed genuinely concerned about her. 

8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

The problem isn't Day, and I'm surprised that some got this impression.   The problem is Frank.    Multiple women have complained about him.  He's offending them verbally and physically, with a little sexual harassment thrown in. 

Right. I don't watch the feeds, but even I can tell it wasn't just Day. Sure she got the focus last night, but they also showed him commenting on Natalie's weight and what she eats, and commenting on Zakiyah's "slutty" top. Again, who the fuck does this dude think he is???


8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I was very pleased to see James's pissed expression when Frank laughed about Nicole's imagined mustache.   That's the kind of thing that tends to make people laugh in an uncomfortable way, but James wasn't playing that game.  I also heard he was angry about Day's treatment.   It was great to see so many rally around Day.

I agree. And I liked how Paulie rushed right into the HN room to make sure she was okay. He seemed genuinely concerned about her. 

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10 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

With so many people wishing Bridgette wasn't so far up Frank's butt, why doesn't any one of the many people who know that he won the road kill comp tell her?  Not to mention that he also put her up?

Yup...right there...that would be some INTERESTING tv!

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52 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I think it's possible to think Frank is a total asshole, blind to any and all social rules -- after all this is the guy who thinks it's funny to fart around people who are eating-- and still think Day could have handled it better.  I don't watch the feeds but on the show I saw Day tell Frank to move his big ass and his face lit up like, "Oh boy we get to play the teasing insults game!"  Is "slut," a huge escalation from "big ass?"  Yes, and that just shows Frank's stupidity, but he isn't going to learn any better when Day comes back at him with laughter.  Frank's a jerk and I would hate to have him in my work place, but if I did, I would have shut it down the very first time it reared it's ugly head.  Not in a way to make an enemy out of him but just to let him know I didn't play that.  A serious tone and a, "I don't like that sort of talk, Frank.  My daughter's watching," would have probably stopped him and I don't think it would have hurt her game. 

The problem is this isn't a workplace, with a boss who can tell Frank to stop or he's fired. Frank is running this game. If Day came to him and told him she was offended, he'd target her.


The main reason Frank is targeting Tiffany is because she won't put up with that shit. He yelled at her over a bottle of wine, she got pissed/upset, and next thing you know, she's Frank's #1 target. Not to mention, after Frank "apologized" to Day, he told one of the other guys that if Day didn't accept his apology, she could go out the door next. 

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I was touched when Day said, I am trying not to be the Da'vonne of last season.  She is doing well with that, for the most part.  

Because they did show some of Frank's underbelly, I have guarded hope that CBS sees the need to light a fire under the HGs to save Tiffany and boot Bronte.  AND maybe not hand Frank the win on future roadkill comps. 

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6 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

The problem is this isn't a workplace, with a boss who can tell Frank to stop or he's fired. Frank is running this game. If Day came to him and told him she was offended, he'd target her.

  Reveal hidden contents

The main reason Frank is targeting Tiffany is because she won't put up with that shit. He yelled at her over a bottle of wine, she got pissed/upset, and next thing you know, she's Frank's #1 target. Not to mention, after Frank "apologized" to Day, he told one of the other guys that if Day didn't accept his apology, she could go out the door next. 

We don't know that he would target her over telling him that.  That's a pretty big stretch, I think. 

My husband is career Air Force.  He taught classes in sexual harassment to his troops.  The first thing he taught the men was that they should not touch the other troops, make sexual comments of any kind to the women, or make sexual jokes.  So Frank would be wrong on all counts.  The first thing he taught the women was that if they felt sexually harassed in any way their first responsibility was to say, in words, that they don't like it.  Without that simple effort they have no case, no matter what the guy does.

I was working in the Pentagon at the time with military customers all day long, mostly Colonels or Generals who were used to getting away with anything.  Many a time I would be in my cubicle with one who would think he could lean forward while he was talking and put his hand on my leg or lean over my back to look at my computer and give my shoulder a squeeze.  I always, in a neutral tone of voice, without hesitation, said, "Don't touch me."  It would sound like this, "With a home equity loan we'll need a -- don't touch me -- tax assessment..."  No one ever got mad, face was saved all around, but my message was clear.  If Day want's to model something for her  daughter she could model that, she doesn't have to scream at him and put on a big show, just tell him. Because laughing at Frank's jokes while crying in the DR is just not fair.  Frank's a stupid jerk who should know better, but Day should know how to handle something like that without blowing up her game.

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16 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Nicole thinks Corey is the best looking man she's ever seen? Clearly she's never met SURVIVOR's Woo.

Or Survivor's Malcolm.  Or Joe.  Or Ozzy, or Yul, or Fabio.  Or James, or Bobby Jon, or Tom.  Nicole, you might want to look around you a little bit.

13 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I found this week to be a fascinating microcosm of workplace harassment.  The fact that these women can not actually tell the harasser they do not welcome the inappropriate touching and derogatory language without fear of retaliation was perfectly shown.  It was obvious that Frank was the "real" HOH.  Anything they did that might offend Frank, could have placed them on the block.  Frank would never have said "Day didn't like being popped on the butt, so she must go."  It would have been something like "Day isn't a team player, she is emotional and unstable and puts the house in turmoil."

I found it very sad that Day had to temper her anger even a little bit for fear that it would put a target on her back with the HOH Bridgette Frank.  I don't watch the live feeds so for me, Frank's behavior was shocking and came out of nowhere.  Apparently it's not new behavior on his part, and I look forward to watching Day's strategies to remove him from the house.

I have always found it interesting how very few BB HG's in general seem to have a fear of public speaking, especially when they win HOH and have to go through that scripted nominee ceremony.  But Bridgette seemed like a nervous wreck.  She could hardly get the words out.  I'd like to think that her giggling and cutesy way of talking and smiling is just strategy and she's really a back-stabbing diva, but then she goes to the DR and whispers revenge on the Roadkill winner.  She's about as threatening as a newborn poodle.

Edited by laurakaye
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14 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

We don't know that he would target her over telling him that.

Oh yes we do!  It does not take much to rile Frank!   He acts like a 4 year old with a sawed off shotgun when looked at sideways.  

Edited by wings707
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19 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

We don't know that he would target her over telling him that.  That's a pretty big stretch, I think. 

It sounds like a big stretch, but surprisingly, I don't think it is. 


Frank also seems to be targeting Day now because she's too 'emotional' and erratic. Sure, she's coming after him, but it feels like, since Day got upset with Frank over all of this, he's started looking at her as a target. 

I do agree that Day needed to say something to Frank's face. Now, whether he would have listened or not, I honestly doubt it. He seems to have problems with women in an authoritative position. He's the one that thinks he's joking around by slapping girls on their asses and calling them sluts, whores, and other demeaning terms. He thinks that commenting on their weight is funny and he's just being a 'kid at heart'. He's thirty two years old, though. That shit isn't even funny when a college kid is doing it. I think laughing along is the wrong thing to do, BUT I also understand how the women would feel uncomfortable in telling Frank that he needs to stop what he's doing. I don't know him personally, but he seems very intimidating. It is classic workplace harassment and someone needs to stop him. Unfortunately, I don't think the houseguests can in fear of blowing up their own game. I mean, the house could easily band together against Frank but if he wins HOH next week, they're screwed. Production needs to step in and find a way to firmly tell him why he can't do his 'jokes and pranks' anymore without getting him to target the women for being 'emotional'. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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Laprin, you have no idea what I have endured but thank you for your insight.


I think Da would have earned a lot of house guest's respect if she calmly told Frank she didn't like his rude comments and that she has a daughter watching so STOP. I think it would have helped her game.

Edited by mayziemay
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