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  1. I'm not a Natalie fan but I'm glad she finally got away from Jame's creepy hovering. She will be much happier in the Jury house. I loathe James and he has pretty much ruined this season for me. His ego is out of control and his constant pandering to 'Americuh' make the feeds unwatchable. I'm so bummed he will most likely be in final 3 because a more underwhelming player and person, there is not.
  2. Z is all kinds of messed up. Complete stalker personality. Seek help, please. Also sad that she's a teacher, she should be teaching young girls to be strong and independent.
  3. Bridgette has said this MANY times not just in a fit of anger. I cancelled my feeds. These are the worst players. Give Paulie the check.
  4. As of now, It looks like Tiffany is going BUT it's still early. Da'vonne is good at screwing things up for herself so time will tell.
  5. I want Nicole and Z gone. They are embarrassing themselves and should not be in the game. Day just sucks, being aligned with the 2 showmances would have been a great position for her, she has NO strategy at all.
  6. Do you think Natalie is tall enough? It seems the Dallas Cheerleaders are pretty tall, also, didn't she say she had lots of loans and bills to pay? You don't make anything being a Cheerleader.
  7. Laprin, you have no idea what I have endured but thank you for your insight. I think Da would have earned a lot of house guest's respect if she calmly told Frank she didn't like his rude comments and that she has a daughter watching so STOP. I think it would have helped her game.
  8. Da laughed and laughed and said she was 'only a slut on Tuesdays', I can see Frank's confusion is all I am saying. And I do not like him one bit but would never put up with that crap and laugh.
  9. I didn't think a frank was that bad, sure he is a douche but Da is a grown ass woman and should have told him day 1 that she is offended by his behavior. I **think *** it would have stopped.
  10. I can't stand Erika, she is just a prostitute to me, marrying an old guy with money and then bragging about planes etc every chance she gets. Complete trash. The only housewife I like at this point is Eileen but I think she is much too good for Vince. She is a smart, savvy, hard working woman and he seems like a total sloth. I can't see them together in 5 years time. The rest bore me to tears.
  11. I think Meg was a disappointment. She was supposed to be a huge personality and she slept all day and couldn't win a comp and was a bit dim about strategy.
  12. I would take Steve to final 2 if I was Vanessa, he was not well liked and was not a comp beast. But then again, i don't think the people in jury like either Liz or Steve except Julia and douche judas.
  13. No, the twin twist was figured out in week 2, there is nothing to credit and it was an advantage going forward
  14. Austin is bitter but no one is in the jury is listening to him. Liz barely shed a year when he left and then coos about Caleb, I think she despises Austin.
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