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S18.E06: Nominations 2, Road Kill 2

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Honestly, if I was participating in that HOH comp, I would either be going slowly, or I'd fall off right away, like Natalie did. Balance is not my forte. The competition was kind of boring to watch. I was hoping James' throwing of the competition would have been more entertaining, but it worked out well. 

LOL at Victor being sad at Jozea's eviction and actually saying "You try to play a fair game...you get screwed over." Boy, you didn't try to play a fair game at all. You had a shitty alliance member who considered himself the Messiah. 

Victor's an idiot when he's talking to Paulie right after the HOH competition. "Oh, let's focus on the fact that there are two more girls than guys. Let's get the girls out". Like....seriously? Him and Bronte did not do well at all at trying to convincing Paulie to not put them up. Paul was smart in keeping his mouth mostly shut. 

Paulie's actually done a decent job at HOH thus far. He took a huge risk in talking to Paul about Victor, and he's lucky it worked out the way that it did. Paulie's really lucky that Paul only has three other allies, and he knows it. That way, he can't do anything about it next week. 

Corey's love for Christmas was endearing.

Yes! The return of James' "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scares. I love those the most out of all his pranks.

Oh my god, the Jodi air freshener! I'm really surprised they didn't have Bronte DRs for the BB Roadkill, though. She's a mathematician, you guys! Perfect opportunity wasted! 

So, Victor won. Alrighty, then. It's not really going to do much, since he doesn't have the numbers anyway. Winning just ensures that the majority loses one vote. But him running off to tell Paulie and Frank right away made me laugh. I mean, I get his logic, but.....he can't read a room at all. He thinks it'll help, but it just won't. Damn, Victor. You're pretty, but that's about it. That long pause at the end though, with Frank and Paulie. But he put up Tiffany. I wish they had more time to show the logic behind him putting her up. There was a lot of talk behind the scenes about Tiffany going up as opposed to James, and they only briefly talked about it here. 

  • Love 4

Wow, Victor cries in completely symmetrical perfect tears that roll down each cheek in unison. As if he was using eyedrops while reading a teleprompter, And yes "That's Big Brother." At it's scripted diary room worst...

Annd... Victor is wearing a shirt that says 'Victol' on the back; what does he not know how to spell his own name?

TimWil I feel the same way about the 'bluetooh picture wall' as opposed to *turns key* "Hamster 1, you are safe" etc.

And as mentioned already I do still miss the "blue-grey" 'this happened previously' look before we go to color. Soem things shouldn't be changed just for the hell of it.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 6

Corey is charming in that Ted Bundy way.

Victor might be more clueless than Jozea, if that's possible. I thought Paul actually played pretty well tonight. I'm embarrassed to admit that the bearded douche is growing on me a little. 

Davonne's demise can't come soon enough. Seems like she was brought back solely to mock other HGs in the DR.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 2

Victor's little tears bring me joy.

I have no idea what game that dude thinks he's playing.


What? No stupid "Who wants to see my HOH room" segment, complete with stupid music? It's like not having cranberry sauce with turkey at Thanksgiving (even though you hate cranberry sauce).

I was surprised there were no gratuitous  pictures and/or letter from Cody shown.

Well, on that note, I keep expecting a side by side comparison shot of Vanessa and Tiffany.

Edited by vb68
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27 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Wow, Victor cries in completely symmetrical perfect tears that roll down each cheek in unison. As if he was using eyedrops while reading a teleprompter, And yes "That's Big Brother." At it's scripted diary room worst...

I so agree. There are just some really bad scripted DRs, but it's at its worst when they have to fake some kind of emotion. It's just always way too obvious. Or, worse yet, they are expressing real emotions and I don't feel for them at all (because I'm either a cold hearted girl or they brought it upon themselves). I haven't seen real, true emotions that I actually felt for since season 16, with Zach's 'kids in Africa' vent. So Victor's 'cry' about Jozea being gone doesn't phase me one bit. Dude, it's only week 2, and Jozea was an idiot. Why are you 'crying'? 

  • Love 4

No Paul its not just everyone in the BIG BROTHER universe that dislikes you...its everyone in the known cosmos.

I don't know....Paulie seems to be on board with the 8-Pack's plan but I still feel it was bad game play on the part of the 8-Pack not to ensure one of them becomes Head of Household instead of having to rely on Paulie....especially how the Roadkill thing worked out with one of them now nominated.

Last week I noted that Roadkill was too easily able to be manipulated to the producers whims...and this week actually added fuel to the fire. You can just see Allison and her cronies sitting around saying "Wouldn't making the house target the winner of Roadkill make the game more interesting? Let's do it!"

Corey Christmas segment thy name is irrelevant, needless Filler.

Bronte was my early favorite but the luster is fading from her because she hitched her wagon to a bunch of shooting stars....well cretins any way.

It's early but I'm getting a vibe that the inoffensive Natalie is going to float her way DEEP into the game. We;ll see,

I don't know what they were trying to imply with the Jodi airfreshener but haven't they done enough to that poor woman...swept out on the first day ...arguably some might say  just for being different.

Anybody know what Bronte was trying to do in the night vision camera while James was "sleeping"? I didn't understand that at all.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2

I hate the whole Roadkill thing.  I wish they'd go back to having two nominees, not three.  Why does BB always have to throw in these twists.  I suppose I should be grateful there's no longer a Battle of the Block.

Did Corey say Justin Beiber has the voice of an angel?  I mean, I could understand him saying he likes Justin's music but this makes me think he has Justin's posters hanging on his wall.

Victor is not the sharpest crayon in the box.

  • Love 3

I felt bad bad for Victor when he was talking about Jozea in the DR, but the way he kept looking to the side made me think he was reading from a script.

Corey is not interesting enough to warrant his own segment.

Maybe it's the accounting major in me, but that Roadkill competition looked kinda easy. 

Dumb move on Victor's part to tell Paulie that he won the Roadkill. He should've just told Paul and possibly the other outsiders.

  • Love 1

Victor.  So pretty, so dumb.  I have no idea what he was thinking.

I hate BB Roadkill because it messes with the flow of the show.  The end should be the two nominees getting their slo-mo pity hugs while cheerful announcer guy wonders "WHO will win the power of veto?  And will it be used to save either Paul or Bronte?"

You're too clever by half, Grodner.

  • Love 4

I kind of hate that James threw the competition.  Throw it for yourself, that's your choice, but I hate sabotaging the rest of his team.  And I don't even like the rest of his team.   I thought he did it convincingly, but points to Paul and Bronte for seeing through it.

I still don't like the new HOH nomination screen.  There's absolutely no suspense.  And I loved how the morons always unintentionally gave up their pecking order.

  • Love 5

I don't have any problem with James throwing the HOH. It's not as if he was technically safe. He and his team are all in the same boat. It's on them for not knowing wtf was going on in the house. 

I'm trying to figure out how I'd do in that roadkill comp. I'm an accountant who deals with numbers all day long. But I think I'd approach it in such a methodical way, eliminating the $1.99 and $9.00, then thinking I'd have to have two of the .50 cent amounts, then trying to calculate from there. Where it seems like the best bet was just to choose three or four numbers and then scramble. I think I'd do poorly, actually. 

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I don't have any problem with James throwing the HOH. It's not as if he was technically safe. He and his team are all in the same boat. It's on them for not knowing wtf was going on in the house. 

I'm trying to figure out how I'd do in that roadkill comp. I'm an accountant who deals with numbers all day long. But I think I'd approach it in such a methodical way, eliminating the $1.99 and $9.00, then thinking I'd have to have two of the .50 cent amounts, then trying to calculate from there. Where it seems like the best bet was just to choose three or four numbers and then scramble. I think I'd do poorly, actually. 

But that was a pretty simple RK comp -- here's 10 numbers, pick six that add up to 18. It's not like it was an algebraic equation or anything involving square roots or something complicated like ln(e) ?  

And the self-tested IQ genius Tiffany had troubles adding numbers up to 18 -- not really surprised by that.  I would have loved to see the times of all these people. And that's the problem with the RK comp -- we (the viewers) have no idea if production is fixing the comp for whoever they want to be the RK winner ? Since it is an isolated individual comp, no one else knows either.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

They can keep Roadkill. It beats fan favourite Battle of the Block any day. But I don't understand why we need to have an extra ceremony to reveal the third nominee. Why can't they do it like in BB15 with the MVP? Before picking players for Veto, they would reveal the third nominee and then they'd pick players. This extra ceremony is pointless. I mean, I don't miss "Who wants to see my HoH room?" and the squealing over pictures and the crying over the letter (unless it's written by on the HGs dogs) but can't we show a little more game talk and house life rather than the Roadkill ceremony?

1 hour ago, Chrissytd said:

Maybe it's the accounting major in me, but that Roadkill competition looked kinda easy. 

I put in many years as a cashier in a retail store and in a grocery store. I wasn't trying to beat a clock when I was calculating change or mentally totaling someone's purchases but that really didn't seem that difficult. Then again, this doesn't seem like the brightest crop of HGs that we've ever had. 

  • Love 3

I'm out. This season is obviously rigged bullshit. The way they've parsed everyone into a team led by a vet is so obviously structured to guarantee Frank wins - I'm calling it. Frank wins this season. All they had to do was make sure they cast at least six people who were dumb as fuck and the vets were guaranteed to go to the end.

Frank, Nicole, Da'Vonne and James aren't so much "fan favorites" as they are producer favorites. They give great diary room but I don't enjoy watching them dancing and high fiving when everything goes their way when the game is so obviously rigged in their favor, no more than I did when Boogie and Will were in the diary room crowing about how stupid everyone else was to let them win. By dividing everyone up in groups of four led each by a returning vet the show has guaranteed that any one of the vets can sabotage any chance the "underdogs" have at winning HOH just by throwing it as James did.

  • Love 6

I'm really surprised they didn't have Bronte DRs for the BB Roadkill, though. She's a mathematician, you guys!

In her pre-BB interview with CBS Jeff, Bronte was asked 9 x 9.  She didn't know and said/guessed 89.


I would have loved to see the times of all these people.

I don't watch the live feeds or read the spoiler threads.  Does BB "After Dark" show the unedited Road Kill competition?


No Paul its not just everyone in the BIG BROTHER universe that dislikes you...its everyone in the known cosmos.

I'm rooting for Paul!

Now I see why Tiffany wore those huge sunglasses last time.  She's got huge bags under her eyes.  This was before she was nominated.

Edited by K-9
5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I hate the whole Roadkill thing.  I wish they'd go back to having two nominees, not three.  Why does BB always have to throw in these twists.  I suppose I should be grateful there's no longer a Battle of the Block.

My issue is the twists aren't any good. I know they're going to give up on it halfway through the season again like they always do (especially because the RV setting offers spectacularly few options in terms of challenge design), but once you know what the twist is it's always pretty easy to plan around, making the entire thing an exercise in futility. And as soon as the producers realise the twists are as broken as they always wind up being, they drop them. I could be wrong but I think the only time they've tried to fix a twist rather than throwing up their hands in defeat was the MVP thing, and even that was only because they were too stupid to realise that of course Rachel's fans would powervote to make Elissa the MVP every week.

If they wanted to get added drama out of having extra nominees, then honestly they should just make the Head of Household nominate three people every week and force the veto to be used, with no replacement nominees so that you still just get two people facing the actual vote. You'd ensure the Head of Household had to spend the next week with two people they'd nominated, and it'd eliminate the inherent unfairness of the backdoor strategy. It's win-win.

  • Love 2

Victor has lost all his luster as eye candy to me. And sadly when I look at Corey all I think of is two words: Down. Low. I'm mystified by the edit they're giving him. Justin Bieber has the voice of an angel? Who says that other than pre-pubescent girls?

Natalie wears so much makeup. It's like she's auditioning for something instead of trying to win. Wonder if she's this season's Victoria (BB16)?

I was over James when the season started. Trying too hard, both him and the show by forcing all the corny practical joke stuff. Right now I guess I'm pulling for Tiffany.

  • Love 2

Wow, that was boring! They seemed to have cut a lot of Natalie's voice overs, and I almost forgot how much she annoys me. Unfortunately she doesn't seem in contention for going home. Victol is pretty clueless, and I have no feeling for him one way or another, so don't mind him being backdoored. I WOULD like a moratorium on "My Boy", however, and I think Paulie has to leave for that to occur.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I don't have any problem with James throwing the HOH. It's not as if he was technically safe. He and his team are all in the same boat. It's on them for not knowing wtf was going on in the house. 

I'm trying to figure out how I'd do in that roadkill comp. I'm an accountant who deals with numbers all day long. But I think I'd approach it in such a methodical way, eliminating the $1.99 and $9.00, then thinking I'd have to have two of the .50 cent amounts, then trying to calculate from there. Where it seems like the best bet was just to choose three or four numbers and then scramble. I think I'd do poorly, actually. 

I was thinking along the lines of Corey -- you have 6 tags, so you're going to need to average $3/tag.  

Take out the $9, and if you pick an item that is $5.50, know that you are also going to have to pick an item that is $2.50 so that there is a $3 difference.  etc, etc

I'm also surprised there wasn't a "well this is going to add up to some fun!" joke from Bronte, because the situation seemed ripe for it.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I'm out. This season is obviously rigged bullshit. The way they've parsed everyone into a team led by a vet is so obviously structured to guarantee Frank wins - I'm calling it. Frank wins this season. All they had to do was make sure they cast at least six people who were dumb as fuck and the vets were guaranteed to go to the end.

Frank, Nicole, Da'Vonne and James aren't so much "fan favorites" as they are producer favorites. They give great diary room but I don't enjoy watching them dancing and high fiving when everything goes their way when the game is so obviously rigged in their favor, no more than I did when Boogie and Will were in the diary room crowing about how stupid everyone else was to let them win. By dividing everyone up in groups of four led each by a returning vet the show has guaranteed that any one of the vets can sabotage any chance the "underdogs" have at winning HOH just by throwing it as James did.

I have a soft spot for Da'vonne, and I think she got unfairly pegged as "angry black girl" in her season for daring to talk back to Clay/Shelley, who, IMO were ridiculous in demanding to know why she was going from room to room.  Her reaction wasn't ideal, but I don't think it was so terrible that she be labelled as the very worst.

I have always thought that Da'vonne was a contemplative game player.  Does she sometimes get overemotional?  Yes, but IMO, I think she course corrects pretty quickly.  She thinks about things that the others don't....such as tempering her goodbye message to Jozea.  I'm sure she wanted to rub the alliance in his face, who wouldn't?  But she kept her mouth shut.  It was Nicole who showed her cards, which is understandable, but if Jozea comes back (and he might, because he is somewhat entertaining) I think he would probably work again with Da'vonne, because he thinks its a personality issue and a matter of respecting her faith.  He probably doesn't think its personal.

And from what I've seen when they are all in the room celebrating, most of the time she is sitting down and not doing whatever ridiculous dance I'm seeing from frank/james.  Which is what she has to do to keep her alliance happy, I don't think you can go into the room where everyone is celebrating and look like a sad sack.

I felt like everyone had an advantage coming in, the newbies had the numbers and the vets led each team.  The newbies were just silly enough to basically hand Nicole HOH, ensuring that two newbies would go up and then lost the RK competition (which may be rigged, but it seems like a way for the majority who isn't HOH to get a nominee on the block, which should have worked in the newbies favor).  If the newbies had really stuck together, or if any of them had ever watched BB, I think it could have worked out for them.

  • Love 8

Wow, Victor is a real piece of work, isn't he? Those tears over Jozea leaving? I think that may have been more fun that Jozea's Messiah complex. "He was such a good guy. We were supposed to go to the end together." He didn't DIE!!!

Then he immediately tells Frank that he won the RK, and won't listen to Paul, who has clearly been loyal to their little group from the start. I can't tell if he's just a total moron or if Frank is that good. So far the latter has done a pretty fair job of making friends with all sides. 

Paulie should be an interesting HOH. He''s not actually in the Eight Pack, but h has the same enemies, so his reign will probably work out really well for him. And, really, alliances don't last forever, especially one that big. If he makes some good friendships, he may go far. 

LOVED Mama Day's "stab me" while James tries to get his flirt on. 

LOVED James immediately turning tail on the Christmas talk. But that was truly an awesome conversation. From Corey's love of Bieber to his enthusiasm for Christmas, he was certainly entertaining this week. 

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Last week I noted that Roadkill was too easily able to be manipulated to the producers whims...and this week actually added fuel to the fire. You can just see Allison and her cronies sitting around saying "Wouldn't making the house target the winner of Roadkill make the game more interesting? Let's do it!"

Mmmmmhmm. I thought it was shady last week and I still think it's shady. Nothing can convince me that this new challenge wasn't designed purely for production to be able to try and steer the game in whatever direction they like.


3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Justin Bieber has the voice of an angel? Who says that other than pre-pubescent girls?

Victor seemed to be in agreement, so there's that.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I was over James when the season started. Trying too hard, both him and the show by forcing all the corny practical joke stuff.

I really enjoyed James's pranks last season, but then part of the fun was Liz's reactions.  While I kind of enjoyed Bronte screaming out James's name, I certainly wouldn't appreciate James dumping my personal products and substituting mayo.  It would be one thing if it was show provided, and show replaced.  But that doesn't seem to be the case.

5 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

Wow, that was boring! They seemed to have cut a lot of Natalie's voice overs, and I almost forgot how much she annoys me.

In general, the DRs are bothering me less because they're sounding more natural.  But the way Natalie jiggles her bosom in rhythm with her speech just bugs.  It's hard enough to get men to look you in the eyes sometimes, why add in the distraction?

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

LOVED James immediately turning tail on the Christmas talk. But that was truly an awesome conversation. From Corey's love of Bieber to his enthusiasm for Christmas, he was certainly entertaining this week. 

Corey's look of rapture while discussing Christmas would have been endearing if I didn't know: 


He and his friends doused a goat in lighter fluid and almost set it on fire, followed by Corey gleefully describing how terrified the poor creature was.  DEAD.TO.ME.

And speaking of Corey - the show's edit is confusing.  They're covering up despicable things (such as the spoiler above), yet they're clearly working to present him as closeted, as if it's just fun and games to attempt to out someone.  For a show that prides itself on casting gay HGs and zero tolerance for homophobia, the glaring hypocrisy is appalling. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

For a show that prides itself on casting gay HGs and zero tolerance for homophobia, the glaring hypocrisy is appalling. 

That is... not the impression I have ever gotten from this show. Notably, Jeff got a second season of this, a season of The Amazing Race, and a web series off the back of the show glossing over his homophobic bullshit.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

That is... not the impression I have ever gotten from this show. Notably, Jeff got a second season of this, a season of The Amazing Race, and a web series off the back of the show glossing over his homophobic bullshit.

I'm talking specifically about the broadcast show.  During Jeff's seasons, I did what I think most viewers do - only watched the show, no feeds, no boards, no spoilers.  I never knew a thing about Jeff's comments until I started here.  So I think the vast majority of BB watchers are casual and have no idea what Jeff has said.  So to them he's just a clean cut nice guy. 

My greater point is the show likes to present itself as LGBT friendly, yet they're hard at work on a Corey in the closet edit. 

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, mojoween said:

I want Paulie to stop wearing that backwards cap and stop talking with his head cocked to the side like an over-anxious Labrador.

On that note, I want Paul to stop shaking his mohawk back and forth like a wet poodle in his DR's.

I must've zoned out during some strategy talk - why did James throw the berry competition?

And the Jodi air-freshener in the Roadkill comp - I don't remember her, can someone refresh my memory?

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

And the Jodi air-freshener in the Roadkill comp - I don't remember her, can someone refresh my memory?

Jodi was a HG on BB 14, the coaches season. She was on Dan's team, who lost a comp on the first night in the house and she was evicted after they had been in the house for something like six hours. In fact, Glenn was damn near Jodi'd this year, except he actually got to spend the night in the house before getting the boot.

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