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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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 Being fully aware that I woke up extra cranky this morning, I did not to be assaulted with the you're-so-happy-you-are-inspired-to-make-up-new-words "phisticated" ad.  That is not a new word.  That is you dropping the first two letters off of sophisticated.  I am however going to create a new word - fisticated.  That is when I shove my fist in your mouth to keep you from smarmily saying your house is "phisticated".  Fisticate: to shove your fist into someone's mouth.  Fisticated: a mouth filled with a rage-filled person's fist.  

  • Love 15
I find it silly to try to sell sensitive care products for a man's underarm.


But why? I'm not a guy but I can identify all too much with this issue. I don't use animal-tested brands but I actually had to use Dove for a long time while I tried and rejected tons of other brands that were absolute murder on my skin. 

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I have a love/hate feeling about the Dove deodorant for men. I find it silly to try to sell sensitive care products for a man's underarm. However, my biggest turn-off is the close-up of his hairy armpit. I've got nothing against hairy armpits as my husband has two that I see on a regular basis. I do not want to see a closeup on my HD big screen TV though!

After being inundated for months by commercials featuring the idiocy of people feeling up their armpits to make sure they're dry, Axe gave us this one:

I laugh my ass off at "why are you touching your armpit? Don't, that's weird." Well played, Axe, well played. (Sorry, @bubbls, it still has hairy pit closeups)

Edited by kariyaki
  • Love 4

After being inundated for months by commercials featuring the idiocy of people feeling up their armpits to make sure they're dry, Axe gave us this one

I laugh my ass off at "why are you touching your armpit? Don't, that's weird." Well played, Axe, well played. (Sorry, @bubbls, it still has hairy pit closeups)


Ha! We need more like this, pits and all!

Edited by bubbls

The current Payless Shoes (Payless Shoe Source) ad, where the lady's singing a rhyming song about how well she apparently did at a current sale, then gets stymied 'cause she doesn't know anything that rhymes with "five dollars", bugs the crap outta me. And it's airing a lot during the stuff I'm normally watching. Thankfully it's for a sale, so it hopefully won't be airing long.

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Haha, that's OK -- I was just wondering! Maybe their crunchy pit hair is supposed to protect them from these things anyway.


I was wondering that actually, lol. You know a waxy deodorant creates a sealed layer. On the other hand, that probably then creates a humid environment underneath it all which then leads to heat rash when then leads to the need for the product. Ha, I've figured it out. I still don't want to see any armpit hair in glorious color HD on my TV though.

  • Love 3

Being fully aware that I woke up extra cranky this morning, I did not to be assaulted with the you're-so-happy-you-are-inspired-to-make-up-new-words "phisticated" ad. That is not a new word. That is you dropping the first two letters off of sophisticated. I am however going to create a new word - fisticated. That is when I shove my fist in your mouth to keep you from smarmily saying your house is "phisticated". Fisticate: to shove your fist into someone's mouth. Fisticated: a mouth filled with a rage-filled person's fist.

I wonder how many people see that commercial and think of the Public Enemy song "Sophisticated Bitch":

The bitch got a problem

Cause she thinks she's so


Probably not what the ad was going for there.

  • Love 3

Are you guys seeing the McDonald's lemonade ads? Are they seriously using the "milk milk lemonade" song to promote this crap? Seriously? I keep waiting for them to go "''round the corner fudge is made." Don't they know what that song is about? And also, ew.


ROFLMAO!!  I haven't seen this gem yet, but McDonald's really need to get their shit together.  Their latest ads seem to be aimed at preppies, maybe.  Too little, too late, guys.  I think your ratings are gonna sink even more, and you will be gone finally.  With your terrible food.

  • Love 4

The KFC commercial with the man impersonating Colonel Sanders. I grew up in the 70s and remember the Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials with the real Colonel Sanders. Accept no substitutes or fakes.

Also the commercial for a drug (don't remember the name) for vaginal dryness during sex when you're in menopause. Do we really need to see this on tv?

  • Love 7

Heard a new commercial today for Xfinity, staring the Minions. I wasn't watching the commercial, but I heard the words. I nearly dropped my skillet because I swear I heard the Mimions say "Suck Ass" and "Tough Shit". So, not seeing the video with the sound, I had no idea what they were supposedly saying. Then the next day, I saw the whole commercial, which is for Xfinity's DVR. Minions were fighting to see which TV show they were going to watch---soccer (suck ass) or Top Chef (tough shit). Because of the weird way the Minions speak, that's the reason why it sounds the way it does.

I've seen the commercial 2-3 times, maybe a little more, in the last couple of hours or so. I definitely agree what sounds like "tough shit" is Top Chef. I didn't hear the "suck ass"/"soccer" line yet, so I can't verify that. At the end, they also sing what's supposed to be part of Staying Alive. I'm positive about that since they use the music (but not the original, of course) in the ad.

  • Love 1

Added to the Top Chef Minion ad, supposedly McDonalds is giving away a talking Minion in Happy Meals. But the problem so many parents are complaining about is that one Minion says things that sounds like the F word.

In addition to hating so many individual commercials, I hate how many commercials there are in programs. Nick and TV Land are the worst. I just counted 12, thirty second commercials shown one after another. It's no wonder why so many of their 30 minute shows now run 40 minutes. Absolutely ridiculous.

Edited by KLovestoShop
  • Love 4

The KFC commercial with the man impersonating Colonel Sanders. I grew up in the 70s and remember the Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials with the real Colonel Sanders. Accept no substitutes or fakes.


I agree.  With all of the 'computer magic' that can be done today, I think a better campaign would have been to place the original Sanders into the commercials.  It's been done with Marilyn Monroe and others, why not the Colonel?  (I usually hate it when that's done, but I would like those kinds of KRC commercials over the 'tayders and big ol' cookie' guy).


I may have just jinxed it by saying this, but I haven't seen the 'color is a beautiful thing' (aka 'cholera's a beautiful thing') commercial lately.  I used to like it (and would sing along), until I saw it multiple times within one hour while watching a movie.  It got old fast.

  • Love 2

I agree. With all of the 'computer magic' that can be done today, I think a better campaign would have been to place the original Sanders into the commercials. It's been done with Marilyn Monroe and others, why not the Colonel? (I usually hate it when that's done, but I would like those kinds of KRC commercials over the 'tayders and big ol' cookie' guy).

I may have just jinxed it by saying this, but I haven't seen the 'color is a beautiful thing' (aka 'cholera's a beautiful thing') commercial lately. I used to like it (and would sing along), until I saw it multiple times within one hour while watching a movie. It got old fast.

I've actually seen the "color" commercial a few times this week, I'm pretty sure including last night. I think most, if not all, airings were on cable channels as opposed to commercial networks. Maybe we're just watching different channels, which would account for me seeing it & you not seeing it.

The funny thing is, I've always heard it correctly. But once someone brought up the "cholera's a beautiful thing" misheard lyric here, that's what comes into my head as soon as I realize the commercial's on.

  • Love 3

I wonder if you'll ever hear anyone say, "I was convinced to switch to DirecTV by that ad with Hannah and her horse." Dear Comcast: if you make even one parody of that ad, I'll forgive you for everything.


Has anyone else developed the ability to figure out you're watching an Axe ad even before Axe is revealed at the end? Just based on the general skeeviness? I call this skill "AxeSP".

  • Love 8

Apparently I have "AxeSP", because I know it's one of their ads as soon as I see the scruffy, stanky, smirking slime molds that they use as male models.

I agree. With all of the 'computer magic' that can be done today, I think a better campaign would have been to place the original Sanders into the commercials. It's been done with Marilyn Monroe and others, why not the Colonel?

I don't see how desecrating his corpse digitally would be any better than hiring an impersonator. What really ticks me off about the KFC ads which run locally is that there are no KFCs in my county or in any of the adjoining counties.The two franchises here, which were owned by the same guy, closed over a year ago and turned into Popeye's. Why are they even running them?
  • Love 5

Apparently I have "AxeSP", because I know it's one of their ads as soon as I see the scruffy, stanky, smirking slime molds that they use as male models.

I don't see how desecrating his corpse digitally would be any better than hiring an impersonator. What really ticks me off about the KFC ads which run locally is that there are no KFCs in my county or in any of the adjoining counties.The two franchises here, which were owned by the same guy, closed over a year ago and turned into Popeye's. Why are they even running them?

They might be national ads (there are national ads & local ads). You'll see them even if the companies don't have a physical presence in your area right now. We haven't had Sonic Drive-Ins here in I don't know how long (they've opened & closed multiple stores here twice already), but we still get the commercials.

  • Love 1

Has anyone else developed the ability to figure out you're watching an Axe ad even before Axe is revealed at the end? Just based on the general skeeviness? I call this skill "AxeSP".



Apparently I have "AxeSP", because I know it's one of their ads as soon as I see the scruffy, stanky, smirking slime molds that they use as male models.


On that note:



  • Love 16

They might be national ads (there are national ads & local ads). You'll see them even if the companies don't have a physical presence in your area right now. We haven't had Sonic Drive-Ins here in I don't know how long (they've opened & closed multiple stores here twice already), but we still get the commercials.

New York State has never had Sonic, and we still get the commercials.

I wonder if you'll ever hear anyone say, "I was convinced to switch to DirecTV by that ad with Hannah and her horse." Dear Comcast: if you make even one parody of that ad, I'll forgive you for everything

Same here. It seems that they show a Direct TV ad with Hannah and her Horse during each commercial break for the Tour de France. I can't stand the voice used for the horse.

This may have started in the "...Scratch Your Head" thread. If so, apologies.

There's a new Xarelto (blood thinner medicine) ad out with the previous spokesmen: pro golfer Arnold Palmer, comedian/former SNLer Kevin Nealon, & NASCAR driver Brian (I forget his last name). Maybe it was filmed at the same time as the previous ad & maybe it wasn't; I don't know.

What I do know is, the 3 men mispronounce the name of the medicine (as Xaralto) just as badly as they did in the original ad, which is annoying & lends itself to the idea that both ads (so far) were filmed at the same time. You'd think, if this ad were filmed separately the ad agency or someone would've advised the men on how to correctly pronounce the medicine's name this time.

  • Love 5

the worst part of the "phisticated" ads are that she is not making up a new word.    The friend is saying her new room is "so-" and the lady cuts her off with "phisticated" meaning finishing the damn word to make it "sophisticated" which is a real word.   BUt then the moron just takes it as "phisticated."   She didn't make up a new word, she was too stupid to recognize a word that already exists.

  • Love 7

Does it make me a really evil person that I am annoyed and creeped out by this commercial?http://www.ispot.tv/ad/7PHw/2016-honda-pilot-buddy-hollyMaybe they are trying to do the heartwarming sentimental stuff that Subaru does so well, not even close.

I hate that commercial, too. What a lame family. Plus, why are they all singing some song I've never heard before (is it even a real song?). Hell, singing Row, row, row your boat would be more appealing.

  • Love 5

I hate that commercial, too. What a lame family. Plus, why are they all singing some song I've never heard before (is it even a real song?). Hell, singing Row, row, row your boat would be more appealing.

It was a fairly big hit single in the 90s. Real song. Weezer.

Probably intended to be endearing in that it's the currently-teen/tween daughter who starts singing the song likely more popular for people her parents' age (or actually, slightly younger than her parents really, I would think). But I think the point is supposed to be she's starting on a 20 year old song and the whole family apparently likes it. Rather than her singing, say, Uptown Funk or something more recent.

Edited by theatremouse
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