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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I want to bitch slap all the brats in a car seat commercial.. The point of the commercial is that your child can stay in it til they're big enough to ride without one or a booster. But sitting there kicking their legs like they're running and wildly gyrating and trying to dance in the seat is annoying as hell. SIT STILL YOU FREAKING BRAT!!!!

Edited to clarify it's the older children I'm referring to. Not the youngest one. But he needs to be taught to stop doing that.

Edited by OSM Mom
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You're misquoting the ad, which quotes a historical document with a certain context. It talked about rights which were supposed to be respected for everyone and mostly were. But, people will always take into account how powerful or respected someone is in deciding whether they're likely to get away with screwing them over, so saying that white property owning men had a distinct advantage is true, but it's not like no slave was ever given a fair trial, either.


That's were I think the ad gets into trouble. The don't quote the Declaration of Independence (which they kind of conflate with the preamble of the Constitution), they paraphrase it. And I think the wording of that paraphrase, in combination with contemporary images strips the text of context. 


And white, property owning men is part of that context because, with a few exceptions, they were the only ones that could vote in the newly established democracy.

Edited by xaxat
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Here's one I haven't seen on this thread but CANNOT STAND!

Checkers/Rally's "MR BAG"!!!! UGH! And the racial overtones are just.....sigh Execs have LOST THIER DAMN MINDS.



On the same note, Sonic??? Get rid of the two pals sitting in their care eating your crappy food and making stupid comments!!!!

(although the "ex-girlfriend cause she's NUTS!" Line was pretty funny.....

Here's one example of MR BAGS:

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In general, I like the recent Army recruiting campaign showing Americana (picnics, baseball, fireworks) but this one annoys me.




No, in 1776 "we" did not declare that we are all equal. A group of white, property owning men did. Everyone else was out of luck. To a large extent the history of America is one of the expansion of what the "we" in "We, the people" means.

To be fair, all the folks in that army ad are white as well...it was really glaring

Listen Mr. Snotty French Asshole with the incomprehensible accent, I don't know what wheat and cognac have to do with vodka and I don't care. At the end of your commercial, you pronounce your own product incorrectly. It's Grey Goose, not Ragooze. Now get your pompous, douchey self off my TV. And take your French Yogurt Bitch cousin from the wrong side of the tracks with you.

  • Love 7

i swear, it is as if Liberty Mutual is on a globe-circling mission to find the LEAST likeable people ever.  Now there is a spot that features some woman extolling the virtues of having researched and researched and researched before she settled on her new car purchase.  Then the dumbass runs it into a tree.  Still suffering from terminal smug, she says she maybe should have checked out her insurance company a little more.  Or just maybe been watching where the fuck she was going.

Perhaps the moron should have considered taking driving lessons into her research?

The hair made me think of Reese Witherspoon, and then the voice made me think of Jenny McCarthy, both of whom I'd like to see punched in the face for different reasons, but it isn't either of them. is she famous, or is she just a random annoying person?

I thought the bitch was Chelsea Handler.
  • Love 3

In general, I like the recent Army recruiting campaign showing Americana (picnics, baseball, fireworks) but this one annoys me.




No, in 1776 "we" did not declare that we are all equal. A group of white, property owning men did. Everyone else was out of luck. To a large extent the history of America is one of the expansion of what the "we" in "We, the people" means.

No, they didn't.

I despise every second of this Budweiser commercial:




If Bud beer were actually "brewed the hard way," it would be more expensive than those flavorful, effeminate craft beers.  Bud is implying that it has to put extra effort into ensuring its beer is generic and bland.


I guess it's been airing since the Superbowl, and Bud got backlash over it, because their parent company has been buying microbreweries.

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So Mercedes has a commercial hawking their lane departure warnings and blind spot monitors. While I like these features, I loathe the ad. Because it's the car swerving or near missing and it plays the actual beeps. And I mean, I get that they're showing us how the feature works, so it's an entirely logical thing to do, and yet... I don't generally LOOK at my TV during commercials, which, I know, is on me; nonetheless, every time that ad tricks me. Every time hearing the beeps throws me off. Something about the sound engineering. It sounds like the beeping is coming from somewhere else. I do a sort of mental double-take every time: what's beeping? Oh it's the TV. It's part of the ad. Of course it is. and I know it, but damned if it doesn't get me for 1/3 of a second every.single.time.

It's like the Expedia ad I'm sure I complained about before that starts with a phone buzzing. If an ad makes an alert sound in the ad, but sounds like it's not coming from the ad, it drives me bonkers because it makes me twitchy. See also: songs/ads on radio with police/fire/ambulance sirens in the background so you can't tell if there's a real emergency and you need to pull over or its just the audio.

Edited by theatremouse
  • Love 6

I actually kind of like that Bud commercial. Too bad they can't change the tag line from "Brewed the Hard Way" (WTF is that supposed to mean, anyway?) to "Brewed for People Who Want to Slam Down A Lot of Beer and Get Drunker Than Shit". I think that's the message they're really trying to get across.

I hate ads with "real life" sounds, too. Every time I hear a doorbell on TV, I almost jump outta my skin.

  • Love 4

So Mercedes has a commercial hawking their lane departure warnings and blind spot monitors. While I like these features, I loathe the ad. Because it's the car swerving or near missing and it plays the actual beeps. And I mean, I get that they're showing us how the feature works, so it's an entirely logical thing to do, and yet... I don't generally LOOK at my TV during commercials, which, I know, is on me; nonetheless, every time that ad tricks me. Every time hearing the beeps throws me off. Something about the sound engineering. It sounds like the beeping is coming from somewhere else. I do a sort of mental double-take every time: what's beeping? Oh it's the TV. It's part of the ad. Of course it is. and I know it, but damned if it doesn't get me for 1/3 of a second every.single.time.

It's like the Expedia ad I'm sure I complained about before that starts with a phone buzzing. If an ad makes an alert sound in the ad, but sounds like it's not coming from the ad, it drives me bonkers because it makes me twitchy. See also: songs/ads on radio with police/fire/ambulance sirens in the background so you can't tell if there's a real emergency and you need to pull over or its just the audio.


There's an ad for some local technical school that consists of nothing but a text conversation, and each time a new text shows up on the screen, it produces an annoying buzz.

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There's a Honda ad campaign that's been ticking me off for quite a while now. I don't know whether it's regional or national, but it features Uncle Sam and Thomas Jefferson as a couple of scummy frat-boy types, and they're just oozing over the Honda Whatever-It-Is using trendy and annoying slang. If Jefferson had really been like that, he would have listed party kegs and panty raids as constitutional rights.

I haven't seen the one you're describing, but it reminds me of the Bud Light ad with the founding fathers acting like a bunch of bro-dude douches.

I'm glad they didn't put this one back on the air.

Edited by InDueTime
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I don't like the Go-Daddy commercial where the red-headed woman excitedly says "I finally made a sale to someone who wasn't a relative." and then goes into some weird bone jarring dance.  I really hate that commercial.  But isn't that the point?  If it annoys you, you notice it.


Is that the one where she breaks out a bottle of champagne and starts spraying it all over random people? Or is that a different ad? Because I've been seeing that one a lot, and if drives me nuts because the woman seems like such a nut. I mean, I get it, she succeeded at something and she's really happy about it, but why is she behaving like she's about to make it rain?

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I want to bitch slap all the brats in a car seat commercial.. The point of the commercial is that your child can stay in it til they're big enough to ride without one or a booster. But sitting there kicking their legs like they're running and wildly gyrating and trying to dance in the seat is annoying as hell. SIT STILL YOU FREAKING BRAT!!!!

So.Much.WORD! In future car commercials, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the parents are shown moving a booster seat from the back seat to the front driver side so that their sixteen year old daughter can drive their old Subaru.

  • Love 4

I despise every second of this Budweiser commercial:




If Bud beer were actually "brewed the hard way," it would be more expensive than those flavorful, effeminate craft beers.  Bud is implying that it has to put extra effort into ensuring its beer is generic and bland.

The impression I got is that they want their product to be chugged, not sniffed and examined by hipsters.

Apparently, there's another ad featuring the couple in a panic over their baby spilling grape juice on its stuffed animal. In this one, the husband is looking for his frozen gravy collection and discovers the freezer is now chilling wine. Go away!

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The couple in the washing machine ad is Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. I know it's supposed to be cute that they fly into a panic over the fact that their baby's stuffed animal has a stain on it, but honestly that kid is going to wind up in therapy. And I also don't get what this special washing machine feature is supposed to be. It looks like a little tray that serves as a makeshift sink where you can rinse things. You know - like a sink. I don't get why it's easier or better to have a sink in your washing machine. 

  • Love 5

The couple in the washing machine ad is Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. I know it's supposed to be cute that they fly into a panic over the fact that their baby's stuffed animal has a stain on it, but honestly that kid is going to wind up in therapy. And I also don't get what this special washing machine feature is supposed to be. It looks like a little tray that serves as a makeshift sink where you can rinse things. You know - like a sink. I don't get why it's easier or better to have a sink in your washing machine. 

I covet that washer to an unnatural degree.  Since I have a small apartment with a stacked washer and dryer in the bathroom, I do not have room for a laundry sink.  It does save you from carrying wet clothes from the sink to the washer.  In my case, it would save me from scrubbing down the kitchen sink almost maniacally before using it to hand wash bras.


Of course my desire for this washer in no way curtails my understanding of everyone's aggravation over the Dax and Kristen going batshit over their devil spawn's juice stained toy.  

  • Love 6

This is going to gross everyone out, because it grosses me out, in retrospect, but here goes. (Y'all can thank Bruinsfan for reminding me of it.) My mother used cloth diapers on all three of us girls. I am three and four years older than my sisters. I have a distinct memory of her dunking a poopy diaper in and out of the toilet to get the poop out. She then washed the diapers in the machine and hung them to dry. I couldn't have been more than six or seven at the absolute oldest when this memory took root.

  • Love 3

The Dollar Shave Club commercial: the guy goes up to the cashier to pay for his box of razors and the mush face cashier says "That's not enough." She then proceeds to list off things on his person to make up the cost of the damn razors. 


Cashier: How about the watch?

Customer: It's my grandfather's watch.

Cashier: It's nice. The belt? *checks price on register* And the shirt too. *checks price again*


Shot of the customer in his tightie whities, the cashier knocks an empty cup out of his hand and says "Thank you". Another dude comes in and smacks the customer on the ass while he leaves. All while another female customer looks on in... wonderment? Fascination? A thought of "Is that going to happen to me?" She doesn't even serve a purpose in the whole 30 seconds, why show her at all?


This commercial is so poorly done and horribly executed, I'd swear it was produced by a high school freshman film student. What irritates me most of all though, is that fact that I've seen this crap so many times, that dialogue and direction above was pretty much verbatim. 

  • Love 4

My baby sister was born when I was 12. She was a surprise! Anyhoo, I had diaper duty. After my Mom emptied out the cloth diapers in the toilet she put them in a diaper pail with Lysol. My job was putting them in the washer and then hanging them on the clothes line outside. When it became too cold out or the weather was bad I could use the clothes dryer. Then there was the folding.

These two Samsung asshats don't have a clue about cloth diapers. In reality (if their two crotchfruit are lucky), they probably have a nanny. That gives them time to defrost six month old gravy (ewww!) and pick out an appropriate wine. I don't know why they don't just open a jar of gravy which they more than likely did six months ago. Afterall, if this clown can't figure out his refrigerator/freezer, I'm sure he's not a culinary genius.

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The sink on the washing machine seems pretty useless to me, to the point that it actually annoys me quite a bit.  In the commercial, it appears that the sink dumps out into the washing machine tub.  I can't possibly be the only one who soaks stuff while doing other laundry.  If I used that sink, that would mean that if I wanted to soak something while doing other laundry, I'd have to time the dumping of the sinkwater just right so that I wasn't dumping it on clean and/or post spin-cycle laundry, or so that I wasn't wanting to soak something at the same time I was unloading the washing machine.  I soak stuff in the bathroom sink now, but at my parents' house we had a special little basin that we used to soak stuff in.  That's good enough for me, especially since the sink on that washing machine looks pretty dinky.

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My sister in law insists on having a laundry tub next to the washer & dryer. The last house they lived in was short a bedroom because she commandeered it to make a laundry room upstairs.  MUCH more convenient than schlepping everything to the basement. It's also a great place to wash out the litter boxes.


But, yeah -- that sink that dumps right into the washer looks like it'd be more of a pain with the timing issue than it's worth.

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I saw that yesterday and I don't think I get it. Did he get mad about ordering online, so he put his hand through the laptop screen? Even if that could happen, wouldn't it be the opposite way than it is? (He went through the back of the screen.) Then he was so mad, he did it to a second laptop, the same, also wrong way? He seems like he's stoned, not angry. And do you not have to wait for "hot 'n' ready" pizza? Ever?? I've never gotten it, but I'm just venturing that maybe you need to call ahead. Does he then destroy phones, because calling is hard?

Giant fail, Little Caesar's. Also, that cheese sauce looks revolting.

  • Love 6

This is going to gross everyone out, because it grosses me out, in retrospect, but here goes. (Y'all can thank Bruinsfan for reminding me of it.) My mother used cloth diapers on all three of us girls. I am three and four years older than my sisters. I have a distinct memory of her dunking a poopy diaper in and out of the toilet to get the poop out. She then washed the diapers in the machine and hung them to dry. I couldn't have been more than six or seven at the absolute oldest when this memory took root.

I only used disposables when we were out visiting or overnight.  Otherwise I used cloth with a disposable liner that looked like a very thin handi-wipe!  It was flushable. I soaked the diapers in a diaper pail that had water and some bleach, then washed them (separate from everything else) in the washer and dried them in the dryer.  I saved a lot and had some great cleaning cloths after the kids were grown.  But, pre-liners, I remember my mom doing the dunking thing in the toilet.

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I don't see what's wrong with dunking in the toilet.  Should I be grossed out by the toilet water?  I'm already handling something covered in poop or pee, what's a little toilet water?  Should I be grossed out that the diaper, which will later touch a baby was in the toilet?  Again, covered in poop and pe, and just about to be laundered.  I mean, I'm assuming that the toilet is cleaned regularly and has been flushed since the last use.  I mean, I wouldn't be dunking anything else in there, but the diaper is pretty gross to begin with.  The only thing I find objectionable is the fact that the water isn't running, not that it's toilet water.


My daughter refers to Little Caesar's pizza as "hot 'n nasty."  Perfect description, in my opinion.  I think the cheese they use is disgusting, but it's the only pizza my little Granddaughters will eat.  YUCK! 

Are your grandchildren not the children of your daughter?  Because how did they even discover Little Caesar's if your daughter thinks it's gross?

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. Afterall, if this clown can't figure out his refrigerator/freezer, I'm sure he's not a culinary genius.

To be fair, this appears to be a sectioned fridge with one section that can be either a fridge or a freezer. Quite possibly that section was a freezer yesterday, with frozen stuff in it, but today it's a fridge containing wine. He doesn't appear to know that that switch had been made; I personally don't think it has anything to do with culinary genius-ness.

And I also don't understand the reaction to rinsing out diapers in a toilet. It's a toilet - we adults poop in it, right? But somehow baby poop in it is far grosser?

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