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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Is this supposed to be cute?

Because it isn't.

The part I don't get is she kisses him, and does the little "oops, did I just drive over your video game system?" Why can't she just be pissed off? Run over his stuff and then DRIVE AWAY on those firestone tires? Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

The part I don't get is she kisses him, and does the little "oops, did I just drive over your video game system?" Why can't she just be passed off? Run over his stuff and then DRIVE AWAY on those firestone tires?

That was just the icing on the cake wasn't it?  I swear to you, I swear to you I don't condone domestic violence but boy.....oh boy.....you give me some smug kiss on the cheek and hand me back my game controller after you just ran over my shit?  Really?  Throats would be punched!  Yogurts would be poisoned!  Fists would be waved in front of faces!  Curses would be yelled!  Poxes would be put upon houses!


Can you even imagine the outrage had the tables been turned in this commercial.  Maybe husband comes home and finds that after a day of working, his wife has been on facebook all day instead of making his dinner.  So, when she takes a nap, he decides to put her laptop in the street and honks real loud to get her to come out and pulls the "braking game" with it, and finally runs over the laptop.  Oh and then he kisses her on the cheek and hands her the mouse that was attached the laptop.  Can you even imagine????

  • Love 9

Yeah, I'm a guy and I hate that guy because he acts like he's doing her a favor by taking out the trash.

I'm a girl and I hate that guy because he acts like he's doing her a favor by taking out the trash.


And also, if the trash is a "we have to talk" kind of subject, there are serious problems in the relationship.

  • Love 4


Can you even imagine the outrage had the tables been turned in this commercial.  Maybe husband comes home and finds that after a day of working, his wife has been on facebook all day instead of making his dinner.  So, when she takes a nap, he decides to put her laptop in the street and honks real loud to get her to come out and pulls the "braking game" with it, and finally runs over the laptop.  Oh and then he kisses her on the cheek and hands her the mouse that was attached the laptop.  Can you even imagine????

As long as he doesn't touch her yogurt...

  • Love 6

Then there's the flipside to the passive-aggressive woman in the ad for one of those Medicare supplement companies.  Hubby is driving and the wife says something to the effect of "We have to talk", to which hubby replies "But I already took the trash out".  And then wifey says in a saccharin-sweet voice "Yes, and I thaaank youuu for that".   She's so smug and condescending (and annoying, to me) that I never make it through the end of the commercial to find out which company is advertising.

Every time I see that commercial, I wonder if the man has dementia or some kind of head injury.

Can you even imagine the outrage had the tables been turned in this commercial.  Maybe husband comes home and finds that after a day of working, his wife has been on facebook all day instead of making his dinner.  So, when she takes a nap, he decides to put her laptop in the street and honks real loud to get her to come out and pulls the "braking game" with it, and finally runs over the laptop.  Oh and then he kisses her on the cheek and hands her the mouse that was attached the laptop.  Can you even imagine????



I don't get this.  Things are not equal.  Men aren't marginalized in this society.  Men still make more than women.  Most corporations are owned by men.  Yes there would be outrage but there should be outrage.  If a man gets treated badly, oh well, he's treated like a king most of the time in this society.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2
Can you even imagine the outrage had the tables been turned in this commercial.  Maybe husband comes home and finds that after a day of working, his wife has been on facebook all day instead of making his dinner.  So, when she takes a nap, he decides to put her laptop in the street and honks real loud to get her to come out and pulls the "braking game" with it, and finally runs over the laptop.  Oh and then he kisses her on the cheek and hands her the mouse that was attached the laptop.  Can you even imagine????



I don't get this.  Things are not equal.  Men aren't marginalized in this society.  Men still make more than women.  Most corporations are owned by men.  Yes there would be outrage but there should be outrage.  If a man gets treated badly, oh well, he's treated like a king most of the time in this society.  

I think the point of the 1st comment was that if the tables were turned (man destroying woman's things) it would be viewed as an act of aggression, and getting into abusive/violent territory. But when a woman destroyed a man's things, we're supposed to just find it funny because "haha-he's-just-such-a-slob." 

Edited by wovenloaf
  • Love 7

I think the point of the 1st comment was that if the tables were turned (man destroying woman's things) it would be viewed as an act of aggression, and getting into abusive/violent territory. But when a woman destroyed a man's things, we're supposed to just find it funny because "haha-he's-just-such-a-slob." 


Yes, I got that; and I said why I didn't agree.

Well, the tables wouldn't be turned because we wouldn't see a woman in a commercial neglecting to take care of domestic chores.  That's the way advertising used to send its "woman's work" messages, by showing women failing at housework, child-rearing, etc. and telling them if they got their husbands to buy them X product they could excel in their duties like they're supposed to.  That brand of sexism finally got to be too blatant, so Madison Avenue switched to showing men screwing such things up and their wives swooping in to do it right.  Because women are inherently suited for such things, of course, while the male intellect is wasted on such menial tasks so just stop expecting them to be of any use around the house.  The delivery changed, but the message didn't.


Yes, it bothers me that gleefully destroying property is presented as a humorous response to coming home to find one's spouse has spent the day acting like a lazy teenager instead of like a partner.  But not on behalf of the man, or the men in any of these other commercials, because they're not the targets of the disturbing message.  On behalf of the women who are shown as either happy homemakers or demented drama queens in commercial after commercial.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4

I don't get this.  Things are not equal.  Men aren't marginalized in this society.  Men still make more than women.  Most corporations are owned by men.  Yes there would be outrage but there should be outrage.  If a man gets treated badly, oh well, he's treated like a king most of the time in this society.  

Not in the world of commercials.

  • Love 3

I don't get this.  Things are not equal.  Men aren't marginalized in this society.  Men still make more than women.  Most corporations are owned by men.  Yes there would be outrage but there should be outrage.  If a man gets treated badly, oh well, he's treated like a king most of the time in this society.  

I can't subscribe to the theory that just because men aren't marginalized that they should have their stuff destroyed and it should be okay.  Just because men overall make more at work doesn't mean that they should be blatantly disrespected in their personal relationships and that it should be funny or a source of humor.  No one should be treated that way in a relationship. 


Gender inequality doesn't excuse disrespecting your SO.  Especially when that SO isn't the cause of your gender inequality.  

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 14

I think the point of the 1st comment was that if the tables were turned (man destroying woman's things) it would be viewed as an act of aggression, and getting into abusive/violent territory. But when a woman destroyed a man's things, we're supposed to just find it funny because "haha-he's-just-such-a-slob." 

exactly.  There are a variety of messages in play.  First, the emasculation of men.  He is nothing more than a naughty child who should happily accept that his wife is taunting him and running over his shit.  She doesn't need to talk to him, she can just run over his stuff and its okay because he is a child and she is the real adult.  And he just has to sit there with a confused look on his face, no response beyond that.  Second, as someone else mentioned, because she is the adult in the relationship, she is expected to competently do all the woman's work, because you can't expect his sloppy ass to get it together.  This is why you can't even talk to him first, you just have to punish him like a child.  And this is the gag, commercials teach you to expect nothing from men, because they are always fucking up when it comes to domestic chores.


Relationships aren't presented as equal partnerships, but rather as an overgrown man child and a naggy, harpy bitch of a mom.


Men are nothing more than sloppy haphazard simpleton children and women are in charge of the house, which is why they get the power to punish, taunt and be humorless bitches, nags and harpies.


As for the point about the tables being turned, I think its still valid, because I don't think anyone should be subjected to that sort of thing.  If you have an expectation of your significant other, and they fail to meet that expectation, they are still an adult, not some child where you take their shit out to the middle of the street and run it over.  But we are okay with this because she is a woman.  So then are we saying that women should be treated with more respect than men, because if a man had an expectation of his wife (oh, lets say, to have dinner ready) and he got home and found that she had been messing around on facebook instead of making dinner, and decided to run over her laptop there would have been a massive outcry.  But if men and women are equal, then the disrespect in that commercial should be unacceptable for both men, and women.

  • Love 5

I guess I just didn't take that commercial that seriously.


Now the Tostitos commercial on the other hand...that pisses me off.  How can anybody be so stupid as to think someone's apartment is a Mexican restaurant because they're serving Tostitos?

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 4

Yes, it bothers me that gleefully destroying property is presented as a humorous response to coming home to find one's spouse has spent the day acting like a lazy teenager instead of like a partner.  But not on behalf of the man, or the men in any of these other commercials, because they're not the targets of the disturbing message.


Aren't they, though? Because to echo RealityGal, what the commercial's message is is that the guy deserves to have his property destroyed because he's such a disobedient child that his wife "has to" deliver consequences in whatever way she sees fit. Unless she's the one who actually paid for the game console, it isn't hers, and I'm going to do the hapless husband a favor and presume that he also works for a living instead of sitting around the house in his robe all day.  For all we know, that was his Christmas present to himself, and she trashed it because he was napping on the couch when she got home. Real mature, lady.


I don't get this.  Things are not equal.  Men aren't marginalized in this society.  Men still make more than women.  Most corporations are owned by men.  Yes there would be outrage but there should be outrage.  If a man gets treated badly, oh well, he's treated like a king most of the time in this society.  



I guess I just didn't take that commercial that seriously.


The previous quote kind of belies that, Neurochick. Dismissing that sort of behavior because men "get treated like kings" otherwise, meaning that it's okay when something expensive of theirs gets destroyed if they do something to aggravate their wives, seems like a contradiction. I bet he met her on EHarmony.

  • Love 6

Aren't they, though?


When the things at which men are shown as being inept are domestic tasks which are not valued in our society, then, no, I do not think they are the targets of the sexism rampant in commercials.  To me, constantly showing men as bad at them and women as good at them is just today's way of delivering the age old message that such things are women's work. 


Similarly, I think the stereotypes in all these commercials showing women’s reaction to the domestically-incompetent men in their lives being either Stepford-like pleasure in cleaning up their messes or immature sniping – or, worse, destruction – insult women far more than men, and are aimed - although perhaps sometimes subconsciously, as a product of a sexist society - at doing so.


(I wanted to answer the direct question, but will refrain from repeating my central argument any further; I don't want this to become circular.)

  • Love 6

When the things at which men are shown as being inept are domestic tasks which are not valued in our society, then, no, I do not think they are the targets of the sexism rampant in commercials.  To me, constantly showing men as bad at them and women as good at them is just today's way of delivering the age old message that such things are women's work. 


Similarly, I think the stereotypes in all these commercials showing women’s reaction to the domestically-incompetent men in their lives being either Stepford-like pleasure in cleaning up their messes or immature sniping – or, worse, destruction – insult women far more than men, and are aimed - although perhaps sometimes subconsciously, as a product of a sexist society - at doing so.


(I wanted to answer the direct question, but will refrain from repeating my central argument any further; I don't want this to become circular.)


Yes, men are victims and women are naggy bitches.  But I think that part of the sexism aimed at men is that they really just have to sit there and take whatever disrespect is doled out to them.  They have no right to speak up or talk back.  I think its offensive to both men and women in their own ways.  Yes, these commercials let him skate by because you know...he can't be trusted to be an adult and do chores.  But also, he isn't even allowed to protest, or say anything when she has run over his stuff.

  • Love 3

I admit that I haven't seen the commercial, but it is fiction not reality.  Nobody's stuff really got hurt.


I must have been tired last night, because I didn't realize she actually ran over his gaming equipment; I thought she kept driving right up to it and slamming on the brakes to freak him out.  (Both are ridiculous responses, of course, but I think it's even worse to destroy expensive gadgets.)


However, after watching my beloved football team on TV yesterday, coupled with watching Walking Dead and Talking Dead that night, if I have to see another video game commercial, I might be tempted to employ her tactics.  

  • Love 1

I hate the Doritos ad where the mom is carrying in groceries and says "Can I get some help?" and one of the kids responds "I dunno, can you?" Instead of yolking that little shit by the collar and telling him to lose the attitude, mom says "Well I guess you don't want Doritos..." I think I hate her more

Edited by spaceytraci1208
  • Love 8

Mascara commercials in general annoy me lately.  I haven’t worn makeup in about 20 years, so I’m not the target audience, but I’m around plenty of women who do and I haven’t seen anyone looking as if they have a tarantula growing out of their eyelids like the women in these commercials do.  Their eyelashes are a group of clumps.

  • Love 3

ugh, Suzanne Somers has ad out.  No not the funny one about her three way poncho.  But the one about some healthcare website.  The lighting and the soft focus are ridiculous.  So ridiculous that it took three different airings for me to realize that the soft fuzzy smear on my tv?  Is not on my tv.  No it is a splotch on the lens right at her mouth to give that area an over soft sense.  I tried wiping my tv screen three different times.


That ad with the kids and the doritoes is very annoying.  Though it makes me laugh now because only recently did I realize the both kids are boys.  I thought the one with the worse haircut was a girl.  And that still remains the most annoying thing about the ad, among other things.  Whoever cuts those kids hair.


I also just hate the new trend of sullen tweens having their parents do everything possible to drag them from their sulk and usual attention to their phone/pad.    Drive them all over,  Take them to see magical flying reindeer that don't exist.  Here's a clue, instead of shopping at Kohls or buying some new model car, how about you take away the toys and the plans that support them if junior is a total asswipe?  Tell he he now has a few chores since he can't be bothered to be polite to his parent i.e. the one who pays the brat's bills.  If the little fucker can mope, he can mop.

Edited by heebiejeebie
  • Love 15
If the little fucker can mope, he can mop.


I want to like your post a million times for this sentence alone.


Also, apparently they have a new Viagra Lady doing their commercials. This one's American, with brown hair instead of blonde. I don't know what happened to the one with the giant head.


Also squared, this made me laugh. Don't blame me if there is pee when you watch it.



  • Love 6

I want to like your post a million times for this sentence alone.


Also, apparently they have a new Viagra Lady doing their commercials. This one's American, with brown hair instead of blonde. I don't know what happened to the one with the giant head.


Also squared, this made me laugh. Don't blame me if there is pee when you watch it.

Yeah, I saw that. She's less intimidating although still pretty big. The attack of the 32 inch widescreen woman continues...

  • Love 1

Match.com : dudebro is talking about how he was interested in a girl but another guy snatched her up before he could "make the conversion".


Drop dead, Nice Guy. This isn't a first come first serve competition, and a girlfriend is not the extra point after you score.

I feel like the last time someone "snatched something up" before I could get it, I was talking about a pair of shoes I wanted.  Seems so wrong.

  • Love 2

I hate the Doritos ad where the mom is carrying in groceries and says "Can I get some help?" and one of the kids responds "I dunno, can you?" Instead of yolking that little shit by the collar and telling him to lose the attitude, mom says "Well I guess you don't want Doritos..." I think I hate her more

Yes.  And there's the one with the dad doing laundry.  Little brat says, "Can I help?  Just kidding!" and runs off.  I noticed the last time I saw that one they cut off the "just kidding" part so I think they'd gotten a lot of negative reaction to the brattiness.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1

So I can't find the ad on youtube, which probably means its too new, but Creepy Grandpa Guy is at it again. He's at a wedding this time, where the new bride is about to throw the bouquet, and there is legit a bridesmaid scrum while all the women dive for it. The woman who catches it starts gushing about how she's next to get married, and Creepy Grandpa says, "Are you really?" Bouquet Woman says, "I caught the bouquet." He starts spieling about EHarmony, and when he finishes talking, she tosses the flowers aside, and another woman flails her way into the shot to catch it.


Now, I've attended a number of weddings, and on no occasion has catching the bouquet been the equivalent of a contact sport. And I'm from the south. I don't know who's worse, these ladies who are trying to mug each other because getting married is their life's goal, or Creepy Grandpa for making a profit off of getting married being their life's goal.

  • Love 3

So I can't find the ad on youtube, which probably means its too new, but Creepy Grandpa Guy is at it again. He's at a wedding this time, where the new bride is about to throw the bouquet, and there is legit a bridesmaid scrum while all the women dive for it. The woman who catches it starts gushing about how she's next to get married, and Creepy Grandpa says, "Are you really?" Bouquet Woman says, "I caught the bouquet." He starts spieling about EHarmony, and when he finishes talking, she tosses the flowers aside, and another woman flails her way into the shot to catch it.


Now, I've attended a number of weddings, and on no occasion has catching the bouquet been the equivalent of a contact sport. And I'm from the south. I don't know who's worse, these ladies who are trying to mug each other because getting married is their life's goal, or Creepy Grandpa for making a profit off of getting married being their life's goal.

Personally, I avoid the entire bouquet catching scene at every wedding.  It's uncomfortable.

  • Love 4

If you are in the right demographics, does that big headed blonde Brit, make you want to go out spend $106 for a single pill of Viagra. You betcha, how else are you going to get er done. For a good four hours. I find myself smiling by the end of that Viagra commercial every time.


As for the guy who took out the garbage and the wife who thanked him. It sounds like couples therapy conflict resolution talk. Which I would imagine a modern long term married couple would have gone through. All of my 20 plus years of marriage couples have all had some type of couple counseling or couple retreats. I bet if you went to their house you would find those little reminder knick knacks that tell you to respect and honor your partner through love or God.

If you are in the right demographics, does that big headed blonde Brit, make you want to go out spend $106 for a single pill of Viagra. You betcha, how else are you going to get er done. For a good four hours. I find myself smiling by the end of that Viagra commercial every time.


As for the guy who took out the garbage and the wife who thanked him. It sounds like couples therapy conflict resolution talk. Which I would imagine a modern long term married couple would have gone through. All of my 20 plus years of marriage couples have all had some type of couple counseling or couple retreats. I bet if you went to their house you would find those little reminder knick knacks that tell you to respect and honor your partner through love or God.

like those scary little pillows with sayings embroidered on them?  And you just know one day they are going to have all this bottled up rage and smother their partner with it?  Or am I alone here?

  • Love 1

like those scary little pillows with sayings embroidered on them?  And you just know one day they are going to have all this bottled up rage and smother their partner with it?  Or am I alone here?

Yeah! Those are the ones, along with the miniature book plaques touting the virtues of the masculine male and the virtues of the nurturing female. My question, why are the pillows always in the guest bedroom? Is it because that is where the husband sleeps when they don't have guest staying over. LOL

  • Love 4

Yeah! Those are the ones, along with the miniature book plaques touting the virtues of the masculine male and the virtues of the nurturing female. My question, why are the pillows always in the guest bedroom? Is it because that is where the husband sleeps when they don't have guest staying over. LOL

well, how are your guests going to learn these important life lessons if you don't leave the pillows in their room?  And of course, to avoid the smothering ;)

  • Love 2

I haven't seen him as much lately, but has anyone brought up the Trivago guy? He doesn't annoy me so much as he....disquiets me. Something about him is just unnerving and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

About the match.com commercials, they irritate me so much. At least with the eharmony dude, it is set up so that these single people are approaching him in most commercials. Match.com guy is just seeking out the poor lonely singles (heavy sarcasm here people)on the f'ing STREET and badgering them into joining. Maybe they are happy being single for whatever reason. Or (gasp) are weirded out by online dating. I tried it out back in the day, and for me I would find someone who I chatted with and then there would be zero chemistry in real life. It felt so weird to me, like shopping for a person (to me, i don't expect anyone else to feel that way). So I switched to dealing with being single and then met someone at a party who I had chemistry with without the crazy expectations and it worked out. I am not knocking online dating by any means, I know so many people who it worked for, but for me it made the whole dating process 1000 times more awkward and anxiety causing.

Edited by Janet Snakehole
  • Love 2

Or (gasp) are weirded out by online dating. I tried it out back in the day, and for me I would find someone who I chatted with and then there would be zero chemistry in real life. It felt so weird to me, like shopping for a person (to me, i don't expect anyone else to feel that way).


Maybe a new area for Amazon.com - you can find just about anything else there...

  • Love 1

Ellen, I don't care about limp dicks (or non-limp ones, for that matter; ho hum), and I'm a straight woman. This may or may not be part of the reason why I'm single.

Match.com is garbage. Every guy on there is a clone who runs 5Ks on the beach with his dog when not parasailing in the Adirondacks. They are all "laid back" and "down to earth". Well, I'm pretty high-strung, and a lot of other people are, too. After I closed and deleted my account, Match kept emailing me that "someone" emailed me at x day at y time. How'd they do that, exactly, when my account is deleted? I don't play your reindeer games, Match.blargh.

EHarmony is also crap. I've had better success on the free sites, but it's all too exhausting overall. I'd rather eat gourmet cupcakes and watch horror with my cats. And post on the forums at Previously.tv.

  • Love 18

Oh my God, my people! The Trivago guy freaks me the Hell out. He reminds me of that old guy at the bar hitting on college girls hoping that one of them has some serious daddy issues.

And I practically lose my mind every time I see a mascara commercial. Especially the Katy Perry one because I hate Katy Perry, but it drives me nuts that they're allowed to be like LOOK AT WHAT MY MASCARA DOES*

*boosted my a metric ton of fake lashes.

Yeah your lashes look great because a professional did your makeup a you are wearing a lot of fake lashes. I too can make my lashes look impossibly thick if. wear fakes. Rrrrrgh *rage stroke*

Edited by BabyVegas
  • Love 5

Oh my God, my people! The Trivago guy freaks me the Hell out. He reminds me of that old guy at the bar hitting on college girls hoping that one of them has some serious daddy issues.

And I practically lose my mind every time I see a mascara commercial. Especially the Katy Perry one because I hate Katy Perry, but it drives me nuts that they're allowed to be like LOOK AT WHAT MY MASCARA DOES*

*boosted my a metric ton of fake lashes.

Yeah your lashes look great because a professional did your makeup a you are wearing a lot of fake lashes. I too can make my lashes look impossibly thick if. wear fakes. Rrrrrgh *rage stroke*

The best is makeup companies trying to convince people that clumpy lashes are now en vogue.


My conspiracy theory is that Maybelline realized that they had a factory full of mascara that had gone bad or expired, they sold the mascara to Rimmel and Rimmel put new stickers on it, created an ad campaign extolling the virtues of clumpy lashes and now charge $3 more per mascara tube.


Now I'll have to go into hiding so the mascara mafia doesn't find me.  If I'm found dead with clumpy lashes I want a full investigation.

  • Love 6

When I saw my first trivago ad all I could think was "is hiring a homeless man the right way to sell a hotel room search site?"  He so looked like the guy in the Hallmark Holiday movie who starts out down on his luck and ends up helping the hero(ine) of the movie find the true meaning of Christmas by having the hero(ine) help him find his way out of the gutter and back to being a societal asset. 


But at the start of the journey back to having a worthwhile life.  Gutter still over his shoulder, a few empties around his feet and the clothes from the Goodwill bin, not necessarily freshly laundered.


I would have loved to sit in on the casting meeting with this guy.  Who thought "all hope abandoned" was a marketable aspect for a television spokesperson.


For those who live in Raymour & Flannigan's market, add the woman cooing snidely to her sleeping husband to the shrews rulz category.  The man is sleeping on their brand new couch and she condescendingly coos how he bought it to "watch the game".  As if a couch serves one purpose.  As if her husband can't be tired and take a fucking snooze.


Maybe my reaction is a little over the top but Raaymour & Flannigan have a history (of ads that still run) that are so Holly Homemaker it is not funny.  One has the wife be patted on the head by her husband for doing such a good job arranging their new furniture.  It comes off so patriarchal.  Then there is the ad with a woman walking through her newly furnished home that she did for the family she loves.  It all seems like overseeing the furniture picks and placement is wimmin's work. 

Clorox wipes ad where a woman comes home to her father getting a massage butt naked on her kitchen island. While the notion of grandpa's junk squashed onto her food preparation surface is bad enough, they then cut to a money shot of someone wiping up something up. Something that is just yellow enough to make you wonder if Gramps also stars in Depends ads....

  • Love 5

Now, I've attended a number of weddings, and on no occasion has catching the bouquet been the equivalent of a contact sport. And I'm from the south. I don't know who's worse, these ladies who are trying to mug each other because getting married is their life's goal, or Creepy Grandpa for making a profit off of getting married being their life's goal.

When one of my friends got married the bouquet and garter toss was conducted at the head of a staircase and the latter went flying down it while all of us single guys watched motionless. I can't even get legaly married in this state, no way am I swan-diving down marble stairs for a piece of used underwear.


like those scary little pillows with sayings embroidered on them?  And you just know one day they are going to have all this bottled up rage and smother their partner with it?  Or am I alone here?

That's my take on it as well. I believe the method my parents have used to get through 50+ years of marriage is healthier: being able to argue and mock each other affectionately.

  • Love 4

Now I'll have to go into hiding so the mascara mafia doesn't find me.  If I'm found dead with clumpy lashes I want a full investigation.

We will avenge your death!


Oh God I tried Rimmel mascara ONCE.  Yucko!  Clumps on clumps, kinda like mascara gravy.

I tried it once too, then threw it away.  It was so heavy I couldn't keep my eyes open.  Maybe it's for people who want to bulk up their eyelids through mascara laden lash weightlifting.  

  • Love 6

Clorox wipes ad where a woman comes home to her father getting a massage butt naked on her kitchen island. While the notion of grandpa's junk squashed onto her food preparation surface is bad enough, they then cut to a money shot of someone wiping up something up. Something that is just yellow enough to make you wonder if Gramps also stars in Depends ads....


Sounds like a job for an Incontinence Specialist!


All the Alex Guarnaschelli Fisher nuts commercials drive me crazy, I can't stand how she always ends them with how happy the pecans will be.



I love Alex but she is definitely loopy.  She's sort of an acquired taste.

  • Love 4

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