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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I'm a couple of days late on the Draft Kings/Fan Dual hate, but OMG! I'm not going to make it through football season. Seriously. And for some reason, the Draft KIngs commercials annoy me way more!



I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (no comments, please LOL) and he is actually now promoting Fan Duel !!! Even has a 'promo code' RUSH. I may have to boycott him for this reason alone.

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Chicken fries are back at Burger King!  "French fry and I are pregnant and we're having chicken fries!"  AAArrgghhh, just shoot me.

OTOH, I wouldn't mind seeing an ad saying who/what spicy chicken fries is planning to wrestle. Although, if the answer is nobody and the mask is a fetish thing, I don't want to know.

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Just saw a Fan Duel ad for the first time.  It was 8 minutes long!!!  I was only half listening but I kept looking up from my laptop and saw it was still going.  I don't understand fantasy sports nor do I watch/follow footbal, so I'd never play.  I also don't gamble or play the lottery because it seems like throwing hard earned money away is foolish.  I'm even more skeptical of any company that can afford to run info-mercials day & night telling me how "easy" it is to make money.  The old saying "the house always wins" should be part of the fine print legal mumbo-jumbo at the bottom of the screen. 

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I knew she was in the "Heartbreak Kid" w/ Ben Stiller, but has been doing Progressive commercials since 2007??? Wow!

Read more.....


Edited by Flnurse
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Language evolves and new words are added all the time.

Sure, but why must it seemingly always evolve down? I just hate the trend toward infantalizing words.* I'm an adult, and I prefer to be communicated with via adult words. No need to add "-ey" to the end of everything. IMO it's not cute; it's just cloying.

*If the ad is geared toward children, that's a different thing.

  • Love 10

I've been railing about the word "panties" for years but people insist on using it. People suck.


In the movie Raising Arizona (see it if you haven't) Nicolas Cage's character makes this guy give him a lift at gunpoint after robbing a convenience store, and he still had the stocking cap pulled over his face when he stopped him. The guy looks at him and says, "Son, you got a panty on your head."

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In the movie Raising Arizona (see it if you haven't) Nicolas Cage's character makes this guy give him a lift at gunpoint after robbing a convenience store, and he still had the stocking cap pulled over his face when he stopped him. The guy looks at him and says, "Son, you got a panty on your head."

IIRC, it was pantyhose not a stocking cap.

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I input medical records for an animal hospital.  When the pet (usually dog) is having problems with its plumbing, the vets will sometimes recommend flaxseed oil on their food, or adding pumpkin.  We've got one doc, the oldest guy there, who'll write "add veggies" - I always type out "vegetables." Are those additional syllables SO HARD to say?


I recall seeing Stephanie Courtney in an episode or two of "Men of a Certain Age."  She was a PTA mom at the school where Ray Romano's kid attended.  She introduced Ray's character to another mom and then told him he didn't need to know ALL the moms' names, "just the single ones..."

  • Love 5


We've got one doc, the oldest guy there, who'll write "add veggies" - I always type out "vegetables." Are those additional syllables SO HARD to say?

It's often seen as pompous to use a long word when a shorter one will suffice, although it can take a while for a shorter version to gain ground. The word "veggies" hasn't entirely caught on yet. Neither has substituting "TV ad" for "commercial" (partly because the latter directly implies a for-profit aspect that is missing from the former).

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I'm so sick of that Buick "24 hr test drive" commercial! It's on at least 2x ea hour.

The only thing I hate more than the "test washing" of the car is the look he gives her when she says she's going to take it "test shopping".  If I were the car salesperson and someone returned the car freshly washed, I would check for damage.  What did they scrape against that they had to wash off?  


There is a commercial for Purina sensitive stomach cat food.  The commercial shows our precious kitty owner who is concerned because her cat is not immediately enamored with her partner. We get her look of extreme concern. Then, horror of all horrors, she apparently comes upon some cat vomit.  Rather than running off to get some paper towels or tissue to clean it up, she gives us and the cat her super concerned look again.  Her face is so extreme it looks like a forced example of bad over-acting.  


Here are my problems with this ad (about which I have thought too much) .  Cats are pukey animals.  They get hairballs.  They also tend to vomit as a natural reaction to stressors or when they haven't eaten in a long time.  So a cat vomiting is not exactly the greatest shock ever.  If she has had this cat for more than a minute, she has encountered a wet pool on the floor before.  


Her extreme concern when we first see the cat run off when her partner walks up is again OTT.  Big deal.  A person came over and the cat left.  Cats sometimes do that with people they like.  Did the cat hiss, spit, attempt to scratch, lunge for his jugular like a hungry zombie on speed?  No.  The cat ran up the stairs.  Again, the horror. 


If this woman uses this look for expected occurrences, I would hate to see her face is something really concerning happened.  The way she scrunches up her features, her face may suck into itself creating a facial black hole. 

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I don't know if it's the same company but there's a commercial from a windshield place and the guy says "if your windshield needs fixed".


I've seen that too. I would never hire a company that didn't check their own grammar in their ads.


The one that's really bugging me lately is the Nationwide commercial with the giant baby. I get it - people think of their cars as their "babies," but whatever. I can't think of anything more horrifying or nightmare inducing that a ten foot tall baby. It's easily twice the size of whatever car they were driving too.

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I noticed today that the tag under Domino's emoji app ad is "Domino'sAnyWare.com."

WTF. Why are they using "ware" in that instance? It doesn't make sense. The more I look at it, the more it irritates me.

According to the press release, Domino's AnyWare is a "suite of technology" enabling customers to order pizza via text, tweet, TV, smartwatch and more: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dominos-newest-tv-campaign-celebrates-the-convenience-of-ordering-from-anyware-300129296.html

So it's a cheesy pun.

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Dear Cinnamon Toast Crunch Ad Execs:


I apologize for complaining about the cannibalistic cereal in many of your commercials. I will gladly watch them if that means this atrocity goes away forever.


Thank you,


I just want to find the actors in this and ask them, "Was the money really worth this embarrassment?"

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Really? I honestly haven't heard anyone say "vegetables" in a really, really long time. Seriously.

I don't understand that either. I've heard and used the word veggie since I was a kid and I haven't been a kid in decades. Everybody I know uses veggies.

The word caught on and stayed years and years ago.

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If this woman uses this look for expected occurrences, I would hate to see her face is something really concerning happened.  The way she scrunches up her features, her face may suck into itself creating a facial black hole. 



Maybe she wrecked Brad.


Maybe she ran out of Cottonelle and now can't go commando.

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Really? I honestly haven't heard anyone say "vegetables" in a really, really long time. Seriously.

Maybe folks around here are just being pretentious. There are a lot of colleges in the area. I once ran into a web site with a very long list of words and phrases that varied in their use across the country and when you picked one it would highlight a map to show the corresponding regions where that was the norm. I wish I had bookmarked it.

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Jimmy John's: "You can do whatever you want. This is America. . ."


(Small print. Unless you are one of the poor slobs that works for us and has a non-compete clause that prohibits you from working at any sandwich maker for two years after leaving us that we put into your contract simply because we had the power to screw our minimum wage, part time employees.)


Fuck you Jimmy John's!


(ETA. I was mistaken, the non-compete doesn't prohibit former employees from working at any other sandwich shop, just those within three miles of any of their franchises. They're not totally without a heart!)

Edited by xaxat
  • Love 8

Check out this commercial for All Small and Mighty laundry detergent featuring Clint Black. WOW.


Oh, I remember this episode of celeb Apprentice VERY well.   The detergent people hated it, everyone else hated it,  and anyone who saw it can now never look at Clint Black again without wondering if his dingdong has soapsuds on it. 

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They're rerunning the horrific McDonald's ad where the people are cooing over their McDonald's food like it's a baby. They're all annoying, but the guy playing peekaboo and repeatedly saying, "I am here, you are there." makes me want to puke.

I just came to comment on that stupid commercial. I want that guy to come "here" so I can kick his ass all the way back to "there".

They're as bad as the Sonic idiot who is trying to train a friggin hot dog to do tricks.

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Jimmy John's: "You can do whatever you want. This is America. . ."

(Small print. Unless you are one of the poor slobs that works for us and has a non-compete clause that prohibits you from working at any sandwich maker for two years after leaving us that we put into your contract simply because we had the power to screw our minimum wage, part time employees.)

Fuck you Jimmy John's!

Are you kidding me with this?? What trade secret do they have that they are afraid of Subway getting its hands on?

Also, I've been to pretty much every sandwich joint in town BUT JIMMY JOHN'S. No particular reason, but maybe their stranglehold isn't as strong as they think. I know we have them around here, but I don't know where offhand.

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The way she scrunches up her features, her face may suck into itself creating a facial black hole. 

I tried so hard to find a gif of the First Evil (on Buffy) revealing itself to Willow, where its head (and presumably its body, although I wasn't paying attention to that part) does exactly that (turning inside out in the process) and then *poof* disappears. But alas...

Edited by riley702
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Are you kidding me with this?? What trade secret do they have that they are afraid of Subway getting its hands on?

Also, I've been to pretty much every sandwich joint in town BUT JIMMY JOHN'S. No particular reason, but maybe their stranglehold isn't as strong as they think. I know we have them around here, but I don't know where offhand.

Jimmy John's is known for using large quantities of mayonnaise on their sandwiches.  We used to order from them on a project I worked on.  I ended up having to leave a meeting because I had so much mayo on my face, I looked like the money shot from a porno.  Let's just say, I'm not a fan of Jimmy John's and their crappy, mayo-laden sandwiches. 

Edited by Muffyn
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Are you kidding me with this?? What trade secret do they have that they are afraid of Subway getting its hands on?

Also, I've been to pretty much every sandwich joint in town BUT JIMMY JOHN'S. No particular reason, but maybe their stranglehold isn't as strong as they think. I know we have them around here, but I don't know where offhand.

Nope, not kidding. Jimmy John's Makes Low-Wage Workers Sign 'Oppressive' Noncompete Agreements.

Employee covenants and agrees that, during his or her employment with the Employer and for a period of two (2) years after … he or she will not have any direct or indirect interest in or perform services for … any business which derives more than ten percent (10%) of its revenue from selling submarine, hero-type, deli-style, pita and/or wrapped or rolled sandwiches and which is located with three (3) miles of either [the Jimmy John's location in question] or any such other Jimmy John's Sandwich Shop.

Why? Because they can. 

Edited by xaxat
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the poor slobs that works for us and has a non-compete clause that prohibits you from working at any sandwich maker for two years after leaving us that we put into your contract


And unfortunately, the minimum wage teenagers working there can't afford a lawyer to go challenge it so they can go work at Jerry's Subs.    Because that would be soooooo unenforceable if a judge ever got his hands on it.   But it works because people don't know even know they can challenge it.  "But I signed a contract and it said I can't. "   Yeah, go work for Subway kid, see if Jimmy John's bothers to sue your ass.   Because if they did, you could countersue and finally have a judge look at it.

  • Love 7

Are you kidding me with this?? What trade secret do they have that they are afraid of Subway getting its hands on?

Also, I've been to pretty much every sandwich joint in town BUT JIMMY JOHN'S. No particular reason, but maybe their stranglehold isn't as strong as they think. I know we have them around here, but I don't know where offhand.



I too am astounded! I went to a Jimmy John's once, and the employees treated me like I wasn't nearly hip enough to eat their minimum-wage-made sandwiches. I've never gone back, not because of that, but the food wasn't so outstanding that it was worth it. If Jimmy John's think (thinks?) they're so great they need to park their stores in better locations rather than closely guarding some big lunch meat layering secret. All the stores around here are hard to get to.


No, wait. I have been to another one in a different location. They too were assholes made worse by the metal rock blasting out of the speakers at full decibel level. I took my Subway lookalike sandwich and left as quickly as I could. Maybe I'm not hip enough.

Edited by bubbls
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I'm a couple of days late on the Draft Kings/Fan Dual hate, but OMG! I'm not going to make it through football season. Seriously. And for some reason, the Draft Kings commercials annoy me way more!

I see they have their own TV channel now - on DirectTV, it's Ch 558 right between Sundance and IFC. All Draft Kings 24/7 (though the channel is called Dynamic Ad Unit), and recently added. Wonder how much money Draft Kings had to pay for that.

My least favorite commercial right now, that I don't think has been mentioned here (sorry if it has), is the Jimmy Dean (I think?) one with the "sun" and a young girl saying microwave microwave microwave microwave back and forth to each other what seems like eleventy-nine times. Just stop it.

Edited by MaryPatShelby
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I used to order from Jimmy John's. The sandwiches were adequate, the chips great & the cookies pretty good.  The reason I used them so often was their "freaky fast" delivery.  OK, sometimes it wasn't so freaky fast, but I didn't have to interrupt what I was doing to make a sandwich with ingredients I don't even keep on hand.  It was the delivery that was the attraction...  The guys on bicycles were here so often, if my cat wasn't outside when they got here, they'd ask, "Where's Bosco?"


All that stopped when I discovered that "trophy hunting" segment of Mr. JJ.  Buh-bye, asshole.

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