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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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On 6/29/2018 at 6:50 AM, TattleTeeny said:

Commercials have problems with "melt," I think! I can't even count the number of fast food ones in which the touted item features "melty cheese." That sounds stupid!

Is that anything like "chocolaty" ice cream, where there's nothing even vaguely resembling chocolate inside? So you can nuke the cheese as much as you like, it's still just going to resemble overheated plastic?

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11 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I WAS the little sister!

Didn't have to change channels, but my older sister shared bunk beds with me. Not only did I have to wait for the lights to go off when SHE wanted, I had to climb down and turn them off when she started kicking the bottom of my mattress! Meanie.

Edited by riley702
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Party City is using DMX...and not just DMX but “Up In Here”...to advertise for children’s birthday party decorations.

I mean, I suppose “I love my baby mama, I'll never let her go” could fit for this purpose.

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Ahahhahahahhahahaa, I KNOW! It's crazy--those lyrics (plus the part about the closed casket because of the size of the hole in your chest)! I still laugh when I see grandmas and kids dancing to it at wedding receptions. 


Bro, is that you? I was the channel changer in the house. We couldn't let Mother do it, because she carried a strong electrical charge and would screw up the reception whenever she got near the tv. (My father's explanation; don't know how true that is, 

My BF swears I have this too. He went so far as to look up articles about it. All I have to say is it's a good thing that DVD players are super-cheap now. And also, that iPod Classic was indeed dead until I gave it to him and said, "If you can get it to work, it's all yours." And he did--right after I declared I'd had enough of its bullshit and marched off to Best Buy to drop a few hundred on a Touch model...that has been acting up since about one month after that.


Is that anything like "chocolaty" ice cream, where there's nothing even vaguely resembling chocolate inside? So you can nuke the cheese as much as you like, it's still just going to resemble overheated plastic?

When I was little, it made me super-mad that McDonald's offered "chocolaty chip cookies." 



Edited by TattleTeeny
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Is that the woman who brandishes a ballpoint & says the damage was so slight that it could have been fixed "with a pen"?  Liberty Mutual has succeeded in its quest for name recognition -- I'd never heard of the company before it started showing these horrendously stupid/annoying TV ads, but now I can see them coming & know to run away FAST!  I wouldn't buy insurance from these idiots NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

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I always expect her to say that her insurance company can take that pen and shove it up their ass.

There's a commercial that runs frequently on Investigation Discovery for HGTV. It shows people engaging in fixing up homes and footage of HGTV hosts just hanging out. A woman sings, "I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home" over and over. This seems ironic (and a little tone deaf) because the ID channel has a lot of shows about missing and murdered people who will never come home again.

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8 hours ago, mojoween said:

A scratch that could be fixed with a pen is not going to jack up your rates, unless this is your 47th fixed scratch in twelve months.  Shut up, Liberty Mutual.

Who on the planet even reports a scratch to the insurance company???

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That lady waving the pen around really annoys me.  Sure, maybe to you it could be fixed with a pen, but if the owner of the car reported it to his/her insurance company then the damage was more than what a pen could fix.

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The bubbly water companies all seem to have jumped on this ploy where they pretend society feels the same about soda pop as they do about smoking or being an alcoholic.  Nobody is sneaking out to the patio or getting peer-pressured in the school bathroom to have a sip of pepsi.  And I don't know about anyone else, but adding bubbly fizz to water doesn't come close to making me want to drink it instead of a Dr. Pepper.  It ain't just the bubbles...



Also, not specifically related just to commercials - big full screen close-ups of food being pulled apart or having sauce drizzled over it.  It's starting to get to me, lol!  you see it in ads sometimes, but it's seen in food shows like "You Gotta Eat Here" constantly and it's usually pretty gross.  The worst is Carnival Eats!  Watching a full screen close-up of some sugary goop being drooled over a sugary pile of dough is just disgusting.

[...just now I have You Gotta Eat Here on and the host is mixing a huge bowl of pizza sauce with his bare hand - just shoving his hand in there and swirling the sauce around.  Now I understand the stuff is cooked at high temp before it gets eaten, but still...gross! ]

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
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Wait who mixes sauce with their HANDS?

To keep this on topic...uhhh....oh the King. Why is BK a. putting Budweiser inside of hamburgers and b. trying to bring “Wazzuuuuuuup?” back?

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2 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

The bubbly water companies all seem to have jumped on this ploy where they pretend society feels the same about soda pop as they do about smoking or being an alcoholic.  Nobody is sneaking out to the patio or getting peer-pressured in the school bathroom to have a sip of pepsi.  And I don't know about anyone else, but adding bubbly fizz to water doesn't come close to making me want to drink it instead of a Dr. Pepper.  It ain't just the bubbles...

It actually is the bubbles for me (the flavor, sweetness, and even whether it’s cold are all far secondary) but I agree that the commercials are dumb!  

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I went back three full pages and no mention of the arrogant asshole who guzzles his Diet Coke while holding up his finger to indicate we all need to wait patiently until he's available to continue.   I can almost always locate the remote and banish him while he's still glugging away.


[Addition to the Duke's discussion:  it's the only mayo without sugar.  I keep hearing Hellman's has a version without sugar, but I have not yet spotted the elusive jackalope of mayo.]

Edited by candall
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I went back three full pages and no mention of the arrogant asshole who guzzles his Diet Coke while holding up his finger to indicate we all need to wait patiently until he's available to continue.   I can almost always locate the remote and banish him while he's still glugging away.

Reminds me of the MacDonalds Coffee Douche.

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9 minutes ago, candall said:

[Addition to the Duke's discussion:  it's the only mayo without sugar.  I keep hearing Hellman's has a version without sugar, but I have not yet spotted the elusive jackalope of mayo.]

I didn't know that! That might be another reason why my dad won't eat any other mayo. He's diabetic.

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On 6/29/2018 at 10:25 PM, bigskygirl said:


On 6/29/2018 at 3:58 PM, Browncoat said:

I remember when we didn't have to have a TV in every room of the house, and, except weekends, we weren't allowed to watch TV at breakfast (or dinner).  Get off my lawn!  :)

I remembered when you had to get up to change the channel, and only had local stations. I feel so old. Get off my lawn!


I remember when the TV had to “warm up” before you could watch it, and the National Anthem played at midnight. Now get off my lawn or I’ll chase you with a broom!

There is a disgusting product being advertised (can’t remember its name) to flush out your nose. It has tubes and a box and all kinds of paraphernalia. On the bright side, the thought of cleaning the machinery and slimy tubes works as a marvelous appetite suppressant!

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6 minutes ago, Ilovecomputers said:

I remember when the TV had to “warm up” before you could watch it, and the National Anthem played at midnight. Now get off my lawn or I’ll chase you with a broom!

OMG, I'd totally forgotten the national anthem when the channels went off the air for the night!

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21 minutes ago, Ilovecomputers said:

There is a disgusting product being advertised (can’t remember its name) to flush out your nose. It has tubes and a box and all kinds of paraphernalia. On the bright side, the thought of cleaning the machinery and slimy tubes works as a marvelous appetite suppressant!

I've seen a couple of versions for that for a while now - I think it's Navage, or something like that.  One thing I noticed (if you get past the animated display of the thing pumping fluids through your nose) is that the people demonstrating it seem to have unusually large nostrils.  I wonder if that's a requirement to use the product, or a result of using it...

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12 hours ago, cynicat said:

Who on the planet even reports a scratch to the insurance company???

Anyone who does that DESERVES to get their rates jacked up!

Dear lord, I just defended the insurance companies. That's how much that ad annoys me.

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Why do fast food commercials keep showing their drinks in tall glasses? No one gives you a glass! Also, why in some allergy meds commercial does a carpool driver hand her passenger a big old whipped-creamed to-go drink that has no lid on it?

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14 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I know Long John Silver's used to mix their slaw by hand (gloved) in a giant, plastic lined, trash bin. Talk about appetizing!!


13 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

"hmmmmm, it's almost there!  Just needs a dash more dead skin and hair follicles..."


Coincidentally, Sunny Anderson on The Kitchen mixes slaw with her UNgloved hands with those long fake nails. She did that last week or the week before. We posters who hate-watch that show have been grossing out about it.

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16 hours ago, Zevious Zoquis said:

The bubbly water companies all seem to have jumped on this ploy where they pretend society feels the same about soda pop as they do about smoking or being an alcoholic.

Just because some cities have found a new tax revenue source are trying to "improve health by discouraging sodas", doesn't mean that's representing public opinion.

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A little while ago, I saw the Liberty Mutual ad where the guy decides to throw his money into the harbor and then regrets it.  But this time, when their logo came on the screen at the end, a voice came on and sang, "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty!"  They think this somehow will make the commercials less annoying? 

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14 hours ago, Spunkygal said:


Coincidentally, Sunny Anderson on The Kitchen mixes slaw with her UNgloved hands with those long fake nails. She did that last week or the week before. We posters who hate-watch that show have been grossing out about it.

Good lord, that is so disgusting. 

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Just now, peacheslatour said:

Good lord, that is so disgusting. 

That's an understatement. If you don't watch the show, don't start. In the same cole slaw episode, a guest chef had mixed up his BBQ sauce and asked her to taste it. Instead of grabbing a spoon to taste, she swirled her finger in the sauce and then licked it off.  You're on national TV, you idiot! And they serve their food to the small studio audience! I could go on, but now this show is definitely on the hate-watch list. She is always talking and smacking with her mouth full. Klassy with a capital k. 

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10 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

That's an understatement. If you don't watch the show, don't start. In the same cole slaw episode, a guest chef had mixed up his BBQ sauce and asked her to taste it. Instead of grabbing a spoon to taste, she swirled her finger in the sauce and then licked it off.  You're on national TV, you idiot! And they serve their food to the small studio audience! I could go on, but now this show is definitely on the hate-watch list. She is always talking and smacking with her mouth full. Klassy with a capital k. 

Ree Drummond is just as bad.

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 It was really weird to hear a take of on that exact phrase that used the incorrect line when it's known by everyone in the universe.  I really thought it would be very strange if that line was copyrighted but if it is, they were very smart way back then to do that. Geico should have come up with a different commercial. I just don't think "You melted me" or whatever the hells she says, works.

I don't think the exact line "I'm melting" is copyrighted, but the commercial does, in fact, have to be very careful not to get sued if their witch looks/sounds too much like Margaret Hamilton's wicked witch. That's probably why they changed the line. When they made "Oz the Great and Powerful" they had to made sure the wicked witch's face was a different shade of green. Things like that are what might get you sued for copyright infringement. So you make little changes here and there to make sure you're not too close.


What on earth is Gains thinking with their latest commercial? Dad is asleep on the sofa, his two sons (presumably) throw a jock strap on his face, then realize it's not having the desired effect, so the older boy picks it back up and sniffs it. Good grief! Does Gain really thing some kid sniffing a jock strap is going to sell their detergent? I want to know who OK'd this commercial.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


What on earth is Gains thinking with their latest commercial? Dad is asleep on the sofa, his two sons (presumably) throw a jock strap on his face, then realize it's not having the desired effect, so the older boy picks it back up and sniffs it. Good grief! Does Gain really thing some kid sniffing a jock strap is going to sell their detergent? I want to know who OK'd this commercial.

Call me an overreacter, but I saw this commercial recently and could hardly believe it. I don’t even know what the point of sniffing the jockstrap is/was, and it reminded me of a local convicted murderer whose landscaping co-workers called him a panty sniffer. Something is really, really off about that Gains commercial bordering on disturbing. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't think the exact line "I'm melting" is copyrighted, but the commercial does, in fact, have to be very careful not to get sued if their witch looks/sounds too much like Margaret Hamilton's wicked witch. That's probably why they changed the line. When they made "Oz the Great and Powerful" they had to made sure the wicked witch's face was a different shade of green. Things like that are what might get you sued for copyright infringement. So you make little changes here and there to make sure you're not too close.


What on earth is Gains thinking with their latest commercial? Dad is asleep on the sofa, his two sons (presumably) throw a jock strap on his face, then realize it's not having the desired effect, so the older boy picks it back up and sniffs it. Good grief! Does Gain really thing some kid sniffing a jock strap is going to sell their detergent? I want to know who OK'd this commercial.

I occurs to me that Gain is trying to appeal the young, male demographic. You know, single guys who live on their own or with room mates. They do laundry too.

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I have been seeing a commercial (on cable, not network) for some preacher (I think...his name may be Poppin or some such) shilling spring water.  If you order the free vial, wonderful things will happen in your life.  They have very amateur-ish "real pepole" touting that they got jobs, loans, etc. when they...don't know.  I don't think they drink it - maybe pray over it?  It is so horrible that I have to wonder where the FCC is on something like this.  A religious person selling snake oil.  

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9 minutes ago, Kemper said:

I have been seeing a commercial (on cable, not network) for some preacher (I think...his name may be Poppin or some such) shilling spring water.  If you order the free vial, wonderful things will happen in your life.  They have very amateur-ish "real pepole" touting that they got jobs, loans, etc. when they...don't know.  I don't think they drink it - maybe pray over it?  It is so horrible that I have to wonder where the FCC is on something like this.  A religious person selling snake oil.  

Unprecedented, right?

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What on earth is Gains thinking with their latest commercial? Dad is asleep on the sofa, his two sons (presumably) throw a jock strap on his face, then realize it's not having the desired effect, so the older boy picks it back up and sniffs it. Good grief! Does Gain really thing some kid sniffing a jock strap is going to sell their detergent? I want to know who OK'd this commercial.

I thought it was just out of the dryer? Call me gullible.

Edited by riley702
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5 hours ago, Ilovecomputers said:

Call me an overreacter, but I saw this commercial recently and could hardly believe it. I don’t even know what the point of sniffing the jockstrap is/was, and it reminded me of a local convicted murderer whose landscaping co-workers called him a panty sniffer. Something is really, really off about that Gains commercial bordering on disturbing. 

I'm going to need more info about this. You can't just hide it in the middle of a paragraph about laundry detergent and expect me not to be curious!

3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Wow. What a piece of work. He should be in jail. 

Peter Popoff (missed opportunity for a pornstar name) has been doing that for YEARS. He asks for money when he sends the "miracle water", and continues mailing those people asking for "donations", and his followers send him money. In the 1980s, he conducted fake "healing" on people in his televised "congregation". He filed for bankruptcy in 1987 despite making millions per year.

Edited by bilgistic
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26 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I'm going to need more info about this. You can't just hide it in the middle of a paragraph about laundry detergent and expect me not to be curious!

There was a man in a nearby community who worked for his father’s landscaping/sprinkler service. This gave him the opportunity to watch houses and determine when the residents weren’t home. He often broke in and went through women’s undergarments and stole a lot of underwear. As time went on he became more brazen. He started knocking women down at grocery store parking lots, pulling their pants down and stealing their underwear. He was eventually convicted of two rapes/murders. His coworkers called him a panty sniffer. Police later found recordings in his home where he had filmed/recorded women using his bathroom. He was a married man with at least one child. A local newspaper had a photo of a large conference room table loaded with women’s underwear. If you had used the landscaping/sprinkler service, you were invited to come in and reclaim your underwear. 

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There's an ad for Degree antiperspirant. A high school boy uses it, then goes out for basketball practice with his team. The stupid coach has turned up the heat in the gym to make it hotter, and the boys really get a workout. Everyone is sweating, except the boy who used Degree. So asshole coach says nobody drinks until that boy sweats. Really asshole coach?? You're going to deny athletes water? You ever hear of dehydration? Hate hate hate that coach. 

And I'm so glad I've missed that Gain commercial with the jock strap sniffing. Ewwwwww. 

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16 minutes ago, Ilovecomputers said:

If you had used the landscaping/sprinkler service, you were invited to come in and reclaim your underwear. 

I don't think I'd want it back.

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13 minutes ago, Ilovecomputers said:

There was a man in a nearby community who worked for his father’s landscaping/sprinkler service. This gave him the opportunity to watch houses and determine when the residents weren’t home. He often broke in and went through women’s undergarments and stole a lot of underwear. As time went on he became more brazen. He started knocking women down at grocery store parking lots, pulling their pants down and stealing their underwear. He was eventually convicted of two rapes/murders. His coworkers called him a panty sniffer. Police later found recordings in his home where he had filmed/recorded women using his bathroom. He was a married man with at least one child. A local newspaper had a photo of a large conference room table loaded with women’s underwear. If you had used the landscaping/sprinkler service, you were invited to come in and reclaim your underwear. 

"CHUNG CHUNG!" (I'm sorry.)

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1 hour ago, Ilovecomputers said:

There was a man in a nearby community who worked for his father’s landscaping/sprinkler service. This gave him the opportunity to watch houses and determine when the residents weren’t home. He often broke in and went through women’s undergarments and stole a lot of underwear. As time went on he became more brazen. He started knocking women down at grocery store parking lots, pulling their pants down and stealing their underwear. He was eventually convicted of two rapes/murders. His coworkers called him a panty sniffer. Police later found recordings in his home where he had filmed/recorded women using his bathroom. He was a married man with at least one child. A local newspaper had a photo of a large conference room table loaded with women’s underwear. If you had used the landscaping/sprinkler service, you were invited to come in and reclaim your underwear. 

Wow. Just...wow! 

1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

I don't think I'd want it back.

Yeah, you can keep my Fruits of the Loom, officer.

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

"CHUNG CHUNG!" (I'm sorry.)

No, you aren't! ?

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