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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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It sounds like Creepy Horse says, "We nailed him in the ass" at the end of the goat commercial.

I think he really says, "We nailed this ad" but Horsie slurs his words like he's a bit drunk. But who can blame him?

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I'm getting beyond irritated at all the raptors and eggs and sound effects for Jurassic World playing over every promo on On Demand.  If the raptor ate Anne Hathaway it would be one thing, but that never happens.  Let me find something to watch in peace.

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I've been watching TNT today trying to get caught up on Major Crimes. Every single commercial break has had one of those disgusting anti-smoking ads blaming everything from losing your teeth to having your legs chopped off to getting colon cancer on smoking. Makes me want to get a pack of cigs, light them all up at once and blow the smoke into my TV. STFU!

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I can't stand the new commercial for HomeAway (vacation homes). The story itself is ok, but the soundtrack is a woman singing which sounds like she is crying though the whole song. I've never heard a singer quite like that. One time Mr. Maddingcrowd came in and said "what is she crying about?" and it is odd cause it's supposed to be an upbeat commercial.

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I've been watching TNT today trying to get caught up on Major Crimes. Every single commercial break has had one of those disgusting anti-smoking ads blaming everything from losing your teeth to having your legs chopped off to getting colon cancer on smoking. Makes me want to get a pack of cigs, light them all up at once and blow the smoke into my TV. STFU!


I loathe those ads, and they run them All. The. Time. Yes, we all know that smoking is bad, but between the people talking about having bits and pieces amputated and the folks at the convenience stores ripping pieces of their faces off to pay for cigarettes, its just enough already. Way more than enough.

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See when I worked in an office we knew far more about each other than practically our own families, including stomach troubles.

Ucchhh,  I have now seen the ad for Jamieson Digestive Care about a billion times in the last 2 weeks.  I don't know about you, but when I worked in an office, I never talked about my tummy troubles with co-workers, and never said "I feel so Ucchhh!"  with my hands on my midsection.  I saw it once, and thought, I don't need to ever see this or hear that sound again (they say it about 8 times in the commercial), and now it seems it is on every channel at least once an hour.  Make it stop.

The excuse I always hear when presented with people behaving poorly in commercials is that it reflect society.  I always respond, then let's reflect the society we want.  #smh.  


I too know way too much about my fellow coworkers dietary and digestive habits. Not because I ask or care, but because we're now is some hideous open floor plan without even cube walls and there are people who just over share.  Ugh.


How about this? Instead of cramming all of these annoying assholes in a vehicle and sending them off a cliff, why don't we commandeer a cruise ship that's been infected with one of those stomache viruses, drop them on said ship via helicopter, and let them float off the end of the earth?

Let's pipe in music to add to their misery - like that hipster douche Renegade song and Cholera's a Beautiful Thing.

Hell, we could video tape their antics and have a reality show and get rich.

I was going to suggest sling shotting them to Alcatraz and make it into a 'survivor' type of adventure but drifting cruise ship with no crew... sure... I can get behind that too.

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Yes, some will, but the "50% of recent grads arent' working "  needs to be qualified.   Because I think that statistic includes people who JUST graduated.

It's considered normal to have a job lined up by the time you graduate. Colleges are measured by how many do, so they have employment people from companies come to campus rather than rely on student initiative. The more prestigious schools have the contacts to make sure practically all of their graduates are employed, even if they're no better educated than someone at a no-name school.

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The Trivago guy makeover hasn't helped, imo. He looks like he's been chewing on horse manure. 


Everything You Need to Know About the Trivago Guy's Recent Makeover

For months, commenters called [Tim Williams'] look everything from "disheveled" to "creepy," and a surprising number of people dressed up as him for Halloween. 



You're Not the Only One with a Crush on Trivago Guy

When casting Trivago Guy, advertising execs intentionally meant to appeal to a female audience. "Women have a lot of ... purchasing power when it comes to leisure travel," says Jon Eichelberger, regional manager of Trivago North. So while sites like Priceline.com and Booking.com launched commercials geared toward young men, middle-aged men, and men who dig William Shatner, Trivago attempted to gain a competitive foothold by casting someone who might tickle heterosexual women.

Great. Now rather than pointing, I"m picturing Trivago guy tickling.

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Dear Guy in Liberty Mutual Ad,

A couple things:

1) No, your property carrier is NOT on the hook for the value of the loan you took out to "drop $40,000" on a new car.

2) If the minivan truly t-boned you, why are you using your own coverage?

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Thank God, I haven't seen that one.

The ones I hate are for ITT Tech. ITT Tech, ITT Tech, ITT Tech. STFU!


You are SO lucky! ICDC COLL-EDGE ICDC COLL-EDGE.  Unknown rappers and various folks (they may be famous, I dunno) but the rapping part just turns me off so much.  And they show these ads ALL the time!

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You are SO lucky! ICDC COLL-EDGE ICDC COLL-EDGE. Unknown rappers and various folks (they may be famous, I dunno) but the rapping part just turns me off so much. And they show these ads ALL the time!

Which reminds me of this really REALLY terrible commercial that used to air constantly on cable channels a few years back. I'm so very sorry for this:

Education Connection (I can't get the embedding to work.)

Incidentally, the self-brainwashing had worked, as I could no longer remember the name of the commercial but all I had to do was Google "annoying online university commercial" and it was the first hit! Now I'm off to dig out the brain bleach again.

Edited by kariyaki
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I nominate the Belvita Bitch and Bastard to go in cliffmobile.  You can tuck them in the trunk since it is getting crowdy in the car.

LOL GREAT IDEA! They can talksing all the way to the bottom.

Edited by xls
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...men who dig William Shatner, Trivago attempted to gain a competitive foothold by casting someone who might tickle heterosexual women.

Seriously? Because this heterosexual woman would take Shatner over Trivago Guy any day.

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The Trivago guy does nothing for me, and I'd take him over Shatner any day.


I always think of ITT Tech as Aaah Teh Teh Tack, but that's just because of pronunciation issues in one of their ads.  

Whenever a different ITT Tech commercial comes on, my husband and I correct the pronunciation to hers.

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Along with creepy e-harmony grandpa, the commando Brit & the Charmin Bears.  Oh, and those two yogurt bitches who keep shrinking everyone else's TASTY snacks.



When I first saw the yogurt commercial, I thought that shrinking the tempting snacks was only in their heads, like you look at a doughnut, think of yogurt and poof, doughnut gets tiny (I wish I could do that shit in real life though, tasty snacks  put weight on me.)

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If you're going to have somebody pitching fried chicken, better the Colonel than a black woman (how does Popeye's get away with that?).

that never occurred to me.


That dude was fucking creepy.  Like nightmare inducing creepy.  Even as a kid I was bothered by some dude waling around with a big ass hamburger as his head.  McDonald's all but erased their characters from existence years ago due to pressure about marketing to kids.  I don't know why they feel comfortable bringing them back now, but please keep that creep show hamburger head in whatever black hole you dumped him in.  Also:  stop making the characters look like they've spent their corporate PC exile on skid row.

Where were you when Mayor McCheese was assassinated? http://youtu.be/JduR-9sHk8w

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Until now, I kind of assumed that Trivago guy was the CEO. I figured he overruled saner voices in the advertising department and decided to put his own scruffy mug on TV as the face of the company.

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I like him as a rare example of white guy diversity. To me there's nothing wrong with his looks, he just doesn't dress or look like every other American white guy in that age range on TV. I hope the company doesn't give in to pressure to make him just like everyone else.

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2) If the minivan truly t-boned you, why are you using your own coverage?

The guy says that the minivan "came out of nowhere", which is what people say when they didn't see a vehicle they should have before pulling out into an intersection.

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The guy says that the minivan "came out of nowhere", which is what people say when they didn't see a vehicle they should have before pulling out into an intersection.

Because they were texting, screwing with the GPS and/or MP3 player, screaming at their brats who were bitching about the lack of wi-fi and ran a red light. Edited by CarpeDiem54
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I'm feeling like this is heading toward a game of 'fuck, marry, kill' but who would the third player be

While I certainly applaud the suggestion of Captain Obvious, a brilliant choice for third,  my mind immediately went to eHarmony grandpa, a.k.a. the devil incarnate.  I need to watch less TV.  

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While I certainly applaud the suggestion of Captain Obvious, a brilliant choice for third, my mind immediately went to eHarmony grandpa, a.k.a. the devil incarnate. I need to watch less TV.

Depending on which option your mind raced to him for, yes you may need an intervention.

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Do fuck and marry have to be options?

We used to call this game "Death Is Not An Option."

Also I haaaaaaaate the Liberty Mutual commercials. They have drivem me to literally yell at my TV. For the one who doesn't understand why paying on time does not cancel out getting into an accident, can someone please explain to her how insurance works? The one with her creepy obsession with "Brad" needs therapy and the guy who can't grasp that a car that will have to be sold as used is worth less than a car that is new...I have no idea how he made it this far in adulthood.

Also, Little Cesar's and their stupid ads about people who don't want to give out their info to buy a pizza. That's fine, go forth and be happy. But please stop being so dumb as to act surprised that a business that wants to charge you for goods is gonna need a method to, y'know, charge you.

Edited by BabyVegas
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The characters in the Liberty Mutual ads are paragons of intelligence and responsibility compared to those in ads for The General insurance. 


In a new ad for the General, a guy talks about how he got insurance from them even after he let his old coverage lapse two months ago. You just know that guy didn't stop driving when he was uninsured. 

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The level of hate I have for this commercial can not be measured



"Hey mom & dad, Happy Anniversary!" you give a gift card to your parents as an anniversary present? Seriously?????? I can see how close you all are. Or how about the mother of 2 who is at the house of the birthday child & suddenly remembers that you need a gift for a birthday party. Yeah, I can see how that small child is going to be so happy to see that $25.00 gift card pop up on their smartphone. If they have a smartphone, & have the app on it. Maybe they can use your $25.00 gift card to help pay for one.

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